LM - Module 3 Topic 1 - Markprin

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Learning Outcome:
The learners:
Define strategic Marketing Management (DLSLABM11MarkPrin-IIIb-7)


Process of planning, implementing and evaluating the performance of marketing activities and strategies
both effectively and efficiently. Effectiveness – degree to which a long-tern customer relationships help
achieve an organization’s objectives. Efficiency – minimizing the resources an organization uses to achieve
a specific level of desired customer relationships.


Process of establishing an organizational mission and formulating goals, corporate strategy, marketing
objectives and marketing strategy.
1. Establishing organizational mission statements and goals
2. Developing corporate and business-unit strategies
3. Assessing organizational resources and opportunities
4. Developing marketing objectives and marketing strategies

Levels of Strategic Planning:

(This image is lifted from: https://en.ppt-online.org/137208)

 Mission Statements - “What is our business
 Vision Statements – “What do we want to become”
 Corporate strategy – determines the means for utilizing resources in the various functional areas
to reach the organization’s goals.
 Business-unit strategy - Strategic Business Unit (SBU) is a division, product line or other profit
center within the parent company
 Core competency – Things a company does extremely well which sometimes give it an advantage
over its competition.
 Competitive advantage - The result of a company matching a core competency to opportunities it
has discovered in the marketplace.
 Marketing objective – A statement of what is to be accomplished through the marketing activities.
 Marketing strategy – A plan of action for identifying and analyzing a target market and developing
a market mix to meet the needs of the market.

Boston Consulting Group Matrix

Developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970’sAccording to this
technique, business or products are classified as low or high performance depending upon their market
growth rate & relative market share.

(This image is lifted from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/marketing-principles-v1.0/s05-05-


Market Share - The percentage of a market that actually buys a specific product from a particular
Product-Market Growth - It pertains to the increase in the demand for a particular product/service
over time
Stars has a large market share and a rapidly growing industry. Cash cow exist in a mature, slow growth
industry but is a dominant business in the industry with a large market share. Question mark exist in a
new, rapidly growing industry but has only a small market share. Dog is a poor performer. It has only a
small share of a slow growing market.


Process of putting marketing strategies into action.
1. Organizing the marketing unit – centralized or decentralized organization
2. Motivating marketing personnel
3. Communicating within the marketing unit
4. Coordinating marketing activities
5. Establishing timetable for implementation


1. Establishing performance standard - An expected level of performance against which actual
performance can be compared.
2. Analyzing actual performance
3. Comparing actual performance with performance standards, making changes if needed
4. Creating the Marketing plan

Marketing Plan
It is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the marketing effort. It operates at a strategic
and tactical level.

Levels of Marketing Plan:

(This image is lifted from https://www.slideshare.net/tongmd/developing-marketing-strategies-plans-

Licensing & Attributions / References
 Levels of Strategic Planning image. (n.d.) Retrieved from https://en.ppt-online.org/137208
 Boston Consulting Group image. (n.d.) Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/marketing-principles-
 Untalan, F (2010, May 7) Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans. Retrieved from

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