AT2 HSC SOR II 2023 Notification

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Assessment Task Notification

Subject: Studies of Religion II Unit: Christianity and Peace

Task Number: 2 Task Title: Research and in-class essay

Year: 12 Weighting: 25%

Outcomes to be assessed:
H1 explains aspects of religion and belief systems
H4 describes and analyses how aspects of religious traditions are expressed by their
H5 evaluates the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents
H6 organises, analyses and synthesises relevant information about religion from a variety
of sources, considering usefulness, validity and bias
H7 conducts effective research about religion and evaluates the findings from the
H8 uses appropriate terminology and concepts related to religion and belief systems
H9 coherently and effectively communicates complex information, ideas and issues
using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms

Notification Date: Monday 13 February, 2023

Date of Task: Wednesday 1 March, Period 6

Special Instructions:

● You will need to answer ONE extended response on Christianity and Peace in a
time of 45 minutes. (20 marks)
● Provided are a number of organisations and significant world figures. You are to
research these and be able to incorporate them as examples in your extended
response. You may not use all depending on the given question.
● You will be asked to respond to a stimulus.
● You also need to incorporate a range of scripture in your response
● This will be a handwritten task and not an open-book style.

Exam conditions apply as per college guidelines:

- You need to bring a BLACK PEN.
SOR II HSC Assessment Task 2, 2023: Religion and Peace (Christianity)

Research Christian rituals, organisations and significant people advocating for peace, both
inner and world

The Sacraments
Charismatic groups
Fasting and abstinence
Marian devotion
Lectio Divina
Iconography and symbolism


Inner peace
● Taize
● The World Community for Christian Meditation: WCCM

World peace
● Pax Christi and Just Peace
● Uniting Justice Australia
● Quakers
● World Vision
● Peace Wise
● Anglican Pacifist Fellowship

● NCCA (ecumenism)
● JCMA (interfaith dialogue)

Significant people

● Archbishop Desmond Tutu

● Martin Luther King Jr
● Pope Francis
● Dorothy Day
● Reverend Bill Crews
● Father Chris Riley
➢ You will use your research notes, to add to your class notes, to answer a holistic
essay on Christianity and Peace.
➢ You also need to include a range of quotes from scripture.
➢ Try to include specific contemporary peace initiatives from Christian leaders in
Sydney today.
➢ There is a research component to this task and so you must not confine your
examples to the class notes shared with you or examples given by your teacher.
➢ You will not be given the essay in advance

Sample Essays:

Inner peace
‘I do not want the peace which passes understanding,
I want the understanding which brings peace’ Helen Keller

With reference to the statement above, discuss the effectiveness of ONE religious tradition
in providing an understanding that leads an adherent to inner peace.

World peace

I call on religious communities, religious leaders and people of faith to confront

hostility … to reaffirm our common humanity, and to pave the way for greater
tolerance and solidarity among all groups … Together, we can realise the enormous
potential of religions to foster true peace.
BAN KI-MOON United Nations Secretary-General Religions for Peace World Assembly, 20 November
With reference to the above statement, discuss how the principal teachings of ONE religious
tradition contribute to the achievement of world peace.

Sacred texts

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no
one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14

Explain how an understanding of peace is expressed through sacred texts in ONE

religious tradition. In your answer, make specific reference to the quotation provided.
Inner peace leads to World peace

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

                                                                SY MILLER and JILL JACKSON (1955)

To what extent do the teachings of ONE religious tradition view the achievement of
inner peace as an important step towards achieving world peace?

Inner and/ or World peace

It is inner stillness that will save and transform the world.

ECKHART TOLLE Extract reprinted with permission from Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle Hachette
Australia, 2011

With reference to the stimulus, analyse how ONE religious traditions encourages
adherents to seek peace in order to transform the world.

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