Practice Questions MCQs - Questions 11 &22

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​ Religion in Australia Post -1945

1.What do ecumenism and interfaith dialogue have in common?

A. They both aspire to achieve a unification of beliefs.
B. They both focus on promoting women into key leadership positions.
C. They both aim at rationalising the use of buildings for shared worship.
D. They both value religious harmony while respecting religious diversity.

2.At a meeting in December 2006, leaders from all religious traditions agreed that their faiths required
Australians to take care of God’s creation and immediately tackle climate change. Which of the
following does this statement reflect?
(A) Ecumenism
(B) Sectarianism
(C) Interfaith dialogue
(D) New Age religions

3. Of the following, which is the most common pattern of denominational switching?

(A) From Catholic to Uniting
(B) From Pentecostal to Anglican
(C) From Anglican to Salvation Army
(D) From Pentecostal to another Pentecostal

4.Which of the following resulted from the formation of the Uniting Church?
A. The Presbyterian and Congregational churches ceased to exist after 1977.
B. It caused the inclusion of the ‘no religion’ option in census data.
C. Methodists became the largest single group in the new church.
D. The decline in Protestant affiliation was reversed.

5.Which statement is true of Australia’s religious landscape since 1945?

A. Interfaith activity did not exist organisationally until the 1970s.
B. Organised religions have become more competitive and less cooperative.
C. Religions have become less concerned with the humanitarian aspects of immigration.
D. The ethnic diversity of Christian denominations has gradually declined since the 1960s.

6.What is the purpose of ecumenical dialogue?

(A) Conversion
(B) Unification
(C) Social justice
(D) Mutual understanding
7.According to Australian census data, which of the following statements on religious affiliation is
correct for the period 2011 to 2016?
(A) The proportion of Anglican adherents increased.
(B) The proportion of Pentecostal adherents decreased.
(C) The proportion of Presbyterian adherents increased.
(D) The proportion of Uniting Church adherents decreased.

8.According to recent census data, what proportion of people in Australia identify as having no
(A) 50% or more
(B) Between 40% and 49%
(C) Between 30% and 39%
(D) Less than 30%

9. Which of the following is an important aspect of the Dreaming?
(A) It arranges events in order of time.
(B) It recognises totems as an ancient form of worship.
(C) It establishes a moral code that informs and unites all life.
(D) It symbolises the secular nature of customs and traditions.

10.Which of the following had the effect of removing Aboriginal children from their families?
A. Assimilation
B. Multiculturalism
C. Self-determination
D. Self-management

11.Which of the following statements is true about Aboriginal dispossession?

A. It ended the policy of assimilation.
B. It reduced the importance of Christian missions.
C. It limited access to land in rural areas by mining companies.
D. It disrupted the inextricable connection between land and kinship.

12.Within Aboriginal spirituality, which of the following was a result of dispossession?

(A) Separation from kinship groups
(B) The declining importance of missions
(C) Racial Discrimination Act, 1975
(D) A redefining of the concept of terra nullius

13.According to recent Australian census data, which of the following is correct?

(A) Anglicanism is the largest Christian denomination.
(B) The number of people reporting ‘No Religion’ has decreased.
(C) The Uniting Church is the third largest Christian denomination.
(D) The number of people reporting a non-Christian faith has decreased
14.Which of the following lists the next three religious traditions in Australia, after Christianity, from
largest to smallest?
(A) Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism
(B) Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam
(C) Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism
(D) Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism

15.In Aboriginal spirituality, responsibility for one’s country is primarily established through which of
the following?
A. The performance of corroboree at sacred sites
B. The system of kinship among Aboriginal peoples
C. The enactment of stories through symbols and paintings
D. The maintenance of the site where an Aboriginal person was born

16.Which of the following best describes the main purpose of ceremonial practices in Aboriginal
A. To complete initiation rites
B. To redefine Dreaming events and obligations to the land
C. To maintain a connection between the physical and spiritual worlds
D. To provide support for the roles and responsibilities of elders

17.According to current census data, which religious affiliation is most common among
recently-arrived migrants in Australia?
(A) Islam
(B) Buddhism
(C) No religion
(D) Christianity

18.According to the most recent Australian census data, which of the following is correct?
(A) Most people born overseas identify with a religion other than Christianity.
(B) The majority of the population does not identify with any particular religion.
(C) The majority of the population identifies with Christianity as their religious tradition.
(D) People aged 34 years and younger are less likely to identify as having no religion than people
aged 35 years and over.

19.Factors that most account for the present Australian religious landscape are
(A) Secularism and immigration
(B) Sectarianism and immigration
(C) New Age religions and sectarianism
(D) Sectarianism and denominational switching
20.What is the main function of the National Council of Churches?
(A) To promote ecumenism
(B) To prevent secularisation
(C) To promote reconciliation
(D) To prevent denominational switching

21.Which of the following is an example of secularisation?

(A) Peace march on Palm Sunday
(B) Shops trading seven days a week
(C) Rise in the number of cults in Australia
(D) Multifaith service for the victims of the Victorian bushfires

22.The main reason why interfaith dialogue is important is that it provides

(A) a forum for the discussion of social justice issues.
(B) a basis for the future merger of religious traditions.
(C) a structural basis for the development of secularism.
(D) funding to support the work of the World Council of Churches.

23.Why is kinship important in Aboriginal spirituality?

A. It allows Indigenous and non-Indigenous spiritualities to forge relationships.
B. It is an alternative to the hierarchical structure of religious traditions.
C. It reinforces relationships that exist outside the natural world.
D. It defines relationships in the community.

24.Which of the following best characterises the importance of totemism in Aboriginal spirituality?
A. It provides links to ancestral beings.
B. It defines the role of Elders in the wider community.
C. It determines the relationship between rituals and ethics.
D. It empowers communities to pursue activist roles in the seeking of reconciliation.

We cultivated our land, but in a way different from the white man. We endeavour to live with the land,
they seemed to live off it.
TOM DYSTRA Aboriginal Elder Courtesy of Time Out Sydney

25.This quotation best expresses which of the following?

A. Stories of the Dreaming
B. Responsibilities to the natural world
C. Social expectations and group norms
D. Changing the mindset among non-Aboriginal people

26.Which of the following names the three major Christian denominations in Australia in decreasing
(A) Anglican, Uniting, Catholi
(B) Catholic, Anglican, Uniting
(C) Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox
(D) Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican
27.According to census data, what proportion of people in Australia identify with a religious
(A) More than 60%
(B) Between 50% and 60%
(C) Between 40% and 50%
(D) Less than 40%

28.What did the Native Title Act 1993 recognise?

A. Terra nullius
B. The use of land by pastoralists
C. The land and water rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
D. The acknowledgement of the Dreaming as vital to Aboriginal spirituality

29.In which of the following do both examples refer to ecumenical developments in Australia?
(A) Support for Aboriginal Reconciliation and the dismantling of the White
Australia policy
(B) The formation of the National Council of Churches in Australia and the sharing
of resources among rural Australian churches
(C) The formation of the Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations and
the formal dialogue between the major world religions
(D) The Seventh Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra and the
Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne

30.Which of the following best represents what land means for Aboriginal peoples?
A. A place of tourism
B. A means of making a living
C. A commodity to be bought and sold
D. A sacred link that embraces identity and belonging

31.What is the most likely reason for the current rise in secularism in Australia?
(A) A perception that the responses of religious traditions to enduring questions are outdated
(B) Increasing sectarian rivalry between Christian denominations
(C) Recent trends in denominational switching
(D) Growing interest in New Age religions

32.Which of the following is correct?

A. In 1992, the High Court of Australia ruled that native title to land did not exist in 1788.
B. The Wik decision determined that pastoral leaseholders and Aboriginal title holders could not
C. The Mabo decision created a law for the return of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artefacts to
their rightful owners.
D. The Native Title Amendment Act 1998 empowered states and territories to legislate their own
native title procedures.

33.Which of the following was an outcome of the Mabo decision?

A. Aboriginal people gained the right to purchase private property.
B. The legal concept of terra nullius was re-examined and overturned.
C. Aboriginal people could gain access to privately-owned land for spiritual purposes.
D. The Commonwealth claim to terra nullius applied unless an ongoing spiritual connection to the
land could be demonstrated.

34.Why is kinship important in Aboriginal spirituality?

A. It allows Indigenous and non-Indigenous spiritualities to forge relationships.
B. It is an alternative to the hierarchical structure of religious traditions.
C. It reinforces relationships that exist outside the natural world.
D. It defines relationships in the community.

35.Which of the following best characterises the importance of totemism in Aboriginal spirituality?
A. It provides links to ancestral beings.
B. It defines the role of Elders in the wider community.
C. It determines the relationship between rituals and ethics.
D. It empowers communities to pursue activist roles in the seeking of reconciliation.

36.Which of the following is an example of secularism?

(A) A search for interfaith cooperation
(B) A separation of religion from government
(C) A commitment to a specific religious identity
(D) An integration of communities that share a common belief system

37.What is the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne an example of?

(A) Secularism
(B) Ecumenism
(C) New Age religions
(D) Interfaith dialogue

38.I would like to pay my respect and acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which this
meeting takes place, and also pay respect to Elders both past and present.
Which aspect of Aboriginal spirituality is being acknowledged in the statement?
A. The worship of traditions
B. The importance of meeting places
C. The ongoing role of custodianship
D. The significance of ceremonial life

39.How was the formation of the Uniting Church in 1977 received by the Christian denominations
(A) Almost all Methodists supported it.
(B) Almost all Methodists opposed it.
(C) Almost all Congregationalists opposed it.
(D) Almost all Presbyterians supported it.

40.Which of the following is a key focus of the NSW Ecumenical Council?

(A) To promote unification among different religious traditions
(B) To express a common Christian voice on issues of concern in society
(C) To encourage more Christian adherents to undertake active roles in Australian political life
(D) To provide a common voice for different religious traditions on refugee and asylum seeker issues

41.Statement 1: Aboriginal kinship creates a bond of understanding between Aboriginal and

non-Aboriginal peoples.
Statement 2: In Aboriginal spiritualities, the Creator Spirit is primarily responsible for caring for the
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

42.What would supporters of ecumenism be likely to reject?

(A) Sectarianism
(B) Reconciliation
(C) Interfaith dialogue
(D) Denominational switching

43.What has been the effect of interfaith dialogue in Australia?

(A) The formation of the Uniting Church in 1977
(B) Joint social welfare work of the Christian churches in Australia
(C) The Reconciliation walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 2000
(D) Joint statements on homelessness by representatives of religious traditions

44.Statement 1: Aboriginal stories allow for change.

Statement 2: Contemporary Aboriginal ceremonies can differ from those in the past.
Which of the following is correct?
(A) Both statements are true.
(B) Both statements are false.
(C) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
(D) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

45.Communication between which of the following is an example of interfaith dialogue?

(A) Anglican and Lutheran
(B) Pentecostal and Baptist
(C) Buddhist and Salvation Army
(D) Russian Orthodox and Presbyterian

46.Which church can be considered to have been formed as a consequence of the ecumenical
movement in Australia?
(A) Congregational
(B) Presbyterian
(C) Anglican
(D) Uniting
47.The table shows the percentage of marriages in Australia conducted by ministers of religion and
civil celebrants in the years 1990 and 2010.

Type of Marriage Celebrant

Year Ministers of Civil Celebrants


1990 57.9% 42.1%

2010 30.7% 69.3%

Which of the following is likely to best explain the trend shown?
(A) Increased denominational switching
(B) Increased interfaith dialogue
(C) Increased secularisation
(D) Increased immigration

Among the Undan Gnoora tribe of the Cooper region in Central Australia they talk of a time when the
dry lake systems were once well watered and fertile … Giant gum trees growing nearby drew their
sustenance from cooling rains. The unending stony desert of today was then an immense garden.
JAMES COWAN Acknowledgement: Courtesy of James Cowan, author of 'Mysteries of the
Dreaming', 'The Aborigine Tradition' and 'A Mapmaker's Dream'

48.What aspect of Aboriginal spirituality best relates to this quotation?

(A) Art
(B) Magic
(C) Kinship
(D) Dreaming

49.What is secularism?
(A) A search for interfaith cooperation in society
(B) A concept that diminishes the influence of religion in society
(C) A school of thought emphasising allegiance to one’s religious group
(D) Communities and individuals who live in isolation and share a common beliefs

50.What role does an initiation ceremony have in Aboriginal spirituality?

(A) It provides a reliable supply of food.
(B) It defines gender during different stages of life.
(C) It prepares young Aboriginal people for political life.
(D) It teaches young Aboriginal people about their responsibilities.

51.Which of the following denominations was founded in Australia?

(A) Baptist
(B) Lutheran
(C) Presbyterian
(D) Uniting
52.Statement 1: The worship of ancestral beings is central to ceremonial life.
Statement 2: Territorial boundaries form the basis of ritual estates.
How do these statements relate to Aboriginal spirituality?
(A) Both statements are true.
(B) Both statements are false.
(C) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
(D) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

53.Which of the following is an important role of interfaith dialogue?

(A) It promotes social justice among denominations.
(B) It promotes tolerance and religious understanding.
(C) It provides a structure for the sharing of resources.
(D) It helps people who are considering switching religions.

54.How is Interfaith Dialogue best described?

A. As dialogue for harmony among Christian denominations
B. As cooperation for harmony between different religious faiths
C. As dialogue for harmony between Aboriginal and other religious traditions
D. As cooperation for harmony between religious and secular groups

55.Use the following sign to answer the following two questions.


Sunday worship 10.00 am Kids’ church 10.00 am Youth fellowship 5.00 pm
The Bible Talks to You 7.00 pm
Wednesdays Interdenominational Praise 7.30 pm
First Tuesday of the month Mission Outreach 6.00 pm
Thursdays Minister: Rev Susan Jones

In which year is it most likely that this sign would have been seen outside a Uniting church?
A. 1955
B. 1965
C. 1975
D. 1985

56.According to the sign, which of the following occurs at this church?

A. Secular praying
B. Multi Faith worship
C. Interfaith dialogue
D. Ecumenical activity

57. Which of the following lists only Christian denominations in Australia?

A. Anglican, Hindu, Presbyterian
B. Baptist, Pentecostal, Salvation Army
C. Buddhist, Church of Christ, Greek Orthodox
D. Catholic, Church of Scientology, Uniting Church
58 What do ecumenism and interfaith dialogue have in common?
A. They both aspire to achieve a unification of beliefs.
B. They both focus on promoting women into key leadership positions.
C. They both aim at rationalising the use of buildings for shared worship.
D. They both value religious harmony while respecting religious diversity.

59. Which of the following reflects a change in Australian Christianity from the 1950s to the present
A. The average age of Christian adherents has decreased.
B. Christian denominations are generally less multicultural.
C. Pentecostal movements have increased significantly in size.
D. The proportion of Catholics attending church regularly has increased.

60. Statement 1: The rise of New Age religions can be mainly attributed to post-war immigration.
Statement 2: Secularism is a concept that increases the influence of religion in society.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

61. What would followers of New Age spirituality reject?

(A) Spirituality focused on deity
(B) Modern materialistic values
(C) Neo-pagan belief systems
(D) Self-awareness

62.Which of the following is an example of denominational switching?

A. Changing from Judaism to Islam
B.Changing from Buddhism to Hinduism
C.Changing from Catholicism to Buddhism
D.Changing from Anglicanism to Catholicism

63.Statement 1: The rise of New Age religions can be mainly attributed to post-war immigration.
Statement 2: Secularism is a concept that increases the influence of religion in society.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

64.Which of the following is a typical feature of New Age religions?

(A) Foundational texts form the basis of all beliefs.
(B) Individual fulfilment is sought.
(C) Divine beings are worshipped.
(D) Cult status is achieved.
65.Jamie has left a Pentecostal church and has joined the Salvation Army. Which statement best
describes Jamie’s action?
(A) Jamie has switched denominations.
(B) Jamie has changed religious traditions.
(C) Jamie has joined a secular organisation.
(D) Jamie has joined an ecumenical organisation

66.Immigration from which country has most increased the number of Christian adherents in
(A) China
(B) Iran
(C) Philippines
(D) Thailand
67.Since 2001, which of the following churches has been the least affected by denominational
(A) Uniting
(B) Catholic
(C) Anglican
(D) Pentecostal

68.Mega-churches are commonly regarded to be churches with more than 2000 people attending
weekly. Which of the following is a characteristic of mega-churches?
(A) They are located predominantly in rural areas.
(B) They have a higher proportion of young people than traditional churches.
(C) They place a stronger focus on female leadership than traditional churches.
(D) They are less likely to have new members who have switched denominations.

69.Alex is a member of a New Age religion and Andy is a practising Christian.

What are Alex and Andy most likely to agree on?
(A) The nature of life after death
(B) The nature of the human soul
(C) The importance of spirituality in their lives
(D) The use of sacred texts as a basis for belief

70.Which of the following is a common characteristic of New Age religions?

​ (A) They value ecumenism.
​ (B) They all reject materialism.
​ (C) They focus on the spiritual needs of their adherents.
​ (D) They integrate all non-Christian religions into a common set of beliefs.
71.Sinead is planning a New Age religion study tour. Which destinations are most likely to be on the
(A) The Kaaba, Mecca and the River Ganges, India
(B) Angkor Wat, Cambodia and St Paul’s Cathedral, London
(C) The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem and Anzac Cove, Gallipoli
(D) Stonehenge, Salisbury and the Festival of Body, Mind and Spirit, Oslo

72. Which of the following best explains the rise of New Age religions?
(A) Post-war immigration
(B) Abolition of the White Australia Policy
(C) Wider visions of enlightenment and fulfilment in society
(D) Changes in the governing structures of traditional, mainstream religions

​ Range of Past 5 Mark Question 11s

HSC 2021
How have religious traditions engaged with the process of Aboriginal reconciliation?

HSC 2020
Without mass migration the Australian religious landscape would look very different today.
How accurate is this statement in relation to Australia’s religious landscape since 1945?

HSC 2019
Why is the land important in Aboriginal spirituality?

HSC 2018
With reference to TWO religious traditions, explain the effects of immigration between 1945 and
2016 on Australia’s religious landscape.

HSC 2017
In what ways has dispossession continued to affect Aboriginal spiritualities?

HSC 2015
Discuss the impact that separation from kinship groups has had on Aboriginal spiritualities.

HSC 2013
Explain the role of the ecumenical movement and/or interfaith dialogue as religious responses to
growing secularism. Include examples in your answer.

HSC 2011
Explain the role of the ecumenical movement and/or interfaith dialogue as religious responses to
growing secularism. Include examples in your answer.
Trial 2018

With reference to the book title in the stimulus above, evaluate the importance of interfaith dialogue
as a response to secularisation in Australia.

Trial 2017
Our commissions and networks continue to commit to ensuring our churches work together and
grow in understanding of each other.
Sr Elizabeth Delaney SGS, General Secretary National Council of Churches of Australia
With reference to the quote above, explain the impact of ecumenical movements in Australia since
Religion and Non-Religion

1.Which of the following best accounts for the rise of new religious expressions and spiritualities?
A. Social media platforms that support scientific progress
B. Disenchantment with scientific progress in society
C. Strengthening of traditional religious practices
D. Searching for a sense of belonging

Use the information to answer Questions 2 and 3

*Sacred Directions * Our accuracy is unnerving *
*Crystals and tarot forecast love money health * Your innermost thoughts and desires revealed *
Spiritual counselling * We also conduct mystical parties and psychic classes Available experts:
palmists numerologists clairvoyants

2.Followers of which spirituality are most likely to respond to this advertisement?

(A) New-agers
(B) Zen Buddhists
(C) Mystic Hindus
(D) Born-again evangelicals

3.What is the most likely reason for an individual to respond to this advertisement?
(A) To seek scientific knowledge
(B) To seek technological fulfilment
(C) To seek personal fulfilment
(D) To seek sociological knowledge

4.Which of the following best accounts for the rise in new religious expression?
A. The desire for increased flexibility in traditional religions
B. The increasing role of women in some religious traditions
C. The search for traditional religious practices that accommodate materialism
D. The belief that sacred texts are no longer relevant in the light of scientific progress

5. Which of the following accounts for religious groups acting on behalf of disadvantaged
A. They value social cohesion
B. They have an individualistic worldview
C. They have a focus on personal achievement
D. They are concerned by the impact of atheism

6. Sandy travelled from a country where, of the five major religious traditions, Buddhism has
the greatest number of religious adherents. She then travelled to a country where Hinduism has the
greatest number of adherents. Where did Sandy travel?
A. From India to Japan
B. From China to Nepal
C. From Cambodia to Pakistan
D. From Sri Lanka to Thailand
Use the information provided to answer Questions 7 and 8.

The grandmother of Pat, Britt, Lee and Sam has just died. They have this conversation after the
Pat: I think that when you die there’s nothing. We can’t see Grandma ever again.
Britt: No. Grandma will go to Heaven and we’ll all be together again when we die.
Lee: You two are trying too hard. No one has any idea what happens when we die.
Sam: No Lee. You’re wrong there. Science will eventually work it out and that knowledge will make
our lives better.

7.In the stimulus, who expresses an agnostic point of view?

(A) Lee
(B) Britt
(C) Pat
(D) Sam

8.In the stimulus, who expresses the humanist point of view?

(A) Lee
(B) Britt
(C) Pat
(D) Sam

9. Maeve believes that natural objects, natural phenomena and the universe itself possess souls. Matt
believes that there is not enough evidence to prove that a god exists. Which of the following describes
Maeve and Matt?
A. Maeve is an animist and Matt is an atheist
B. Maeve is an agnostic and Matt is an animist
C. Maeve is an animist and Matt is an agnostic
D. Maeve is a humanist and Matt is an agnostic
An advertisement is shown.

4th annual event FESTIVAL OF THE SPIRIT OCTOBER 2019

Major attractions include:
Personal meditation Oil-based healing sessions Journal writing workshops
Unleash Your Potential masterclass

10.What is the most likely reason for a person to attend the event in the advertisement?
A. To seek individual fulfilment
B. To gain astrological enlightenment
C. To seek a united spiritual worldview
D. To gain insights into ecological awareness

11.Which of the following best characterises materialism?

A. It associates a person’s sense of self with their possessions.
B. It encourages individuals to explore new religious expressions.
C. It promotes a focus on the needs of society rather than the individual.
D. It prioritises the use of products and services that enhance the environment.
12.On which of the following would religious and non-religious worldviews be most likely to
A. The sustainability of the planet
B. The existence of a grand design of the universe
C. The use of scientific methods to find cures for diseases
D. The impact of globalisation on living standards in developing countries

13.Which statement best characterises Rational Humanism?

A. Human nature drives human intelligence
B. Humans derive their moral codes from ancient texts
C. Human knowledge is revealed through the supernatural dimension
D. Humans rely only on the use of scientific methods for their advancement

14.The religious dimension has been a significant influence for social transformation. Which of the
following is an example of this influence?
(A) The United Nations
(B) The Salvation Army
(C) Amnesty International
(D) The ‘Live Aid’ concerts

15.Which of the following is likely to be a reaction against the rise of materialism?

A. A growth in intolerance towards freedom of religion
B. A decrease in government spending on religious schools
C. An increase in interest in exploring new religious spiritualities
D. A decline in concern by religious traditions towards environmental issues

16.The growth of ecological awareness has gradually led to a rise in which of the following?
(A) Totemism
(B) Materialism
(C) New religious expressions
(D) Traditional religious expressions

An advertisement is shown.
Understand life’s purpose for you Enlighten your mind Rediscover your soul Connect with your
spiritual self Inspirational Heart Journeys Join a Master Soul Teacher on an epic transformational
six-week journey of a lifetime, visiting exotic Indian locations.

17.What is the most likely reason for a person to take this journey?

(A) To seek salvation from evil

(B) To achieve a sense of meaning in life
(C) To detoxify his/her body of earthly impurities
(D) To obtain forgiveness for previous wrongdoings
18.The rise of new religious expressions and spiritualities is best explained by
(A) disenchantment with multiculturalism.
(B) increasing confidence in government institutions.
(C) the search for guidance outside traditional religious practice.
(D) the desire to work with traditional religious practices in caring for the earth.

19.Students from a school raised funds to support the Salvation Army’s work with the homeless.
Many homeless people now benefit from the students’ generosity. The benefit to the homeless is an
example of which of the following?
A. Social cohesion
B. Social rationalism
C. Social engineering
D. Social transformation

20.Statement 1: Scientific and Rational Humanism both aim at building a more humane society
through the use of reasoning and tangible evidence.
Statement 2: Rational Humanism is a philosophy that uses logical processes and critical reasoning to
test beliefs.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

21. Religious belief can provide not only a sense of identity and community for people but also an
experience of stability. Within which of the following is this view most likely to be expressed?
A. Monotheism
B. Social cohesion
C. Rational humanism
D. Social transformation

22.Over the course of human history, which of the following has the religious dimension provided?
(A) A sense of communal responsibility
(B) A separation of faith from the private realm of an individual
(C) A process that accelerates the development of individualism
(D) A means for knowledge and reason to explain the origins of the universe

23.Statement 1: Polytheism rejects the concept of transcendence

Statement 2: Monotheism rejects the concept of immanence

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both statements are true
B. Both statements are false
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
24.Which of the following best states an atheist’s viewpoint?
(A) There is no god, only the realisation of nirvana.
(B) There is no true religion, but we should please a divine being.
(C) There is no evidence for supernatural occurrences or an ‘eternal soul’.
(D) The concept of reason reflects the promise of supernatural assistance and life after

25.Statement 1: Religions always provides social cohesion

Statement 2: The religious dimension always advocates for societal change.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true
B. Both statements are false
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false

26.Which of the following typically claims that reason and logic are the best guide to moral
(A) Materialism
(B) Monotheism
(C) Rational humanism
(D) Scientific humanism

27.For individuals with a non-religious worldview, which of the following best describes the concept
of social responsibility?
A. reading sacred texts and living a good life
B. attending ceremonies and actively caring for the environment
C. living a moral life and caring for your family
D. working for the common good by following established ethical guidelines

28.On which of the following are an atheist and a scientific humanist most likely to have a similar
A. The causes of environmental change
B. The role of science as the key to all human advancement
C. The value of materialism in achieving personal fulfilment
D. The relevance of a transcendent dimension in everyday life

29.Rational humanism is a non-religious worldview that strongly emphasises which of the following?
A. The value of the human soul
B. The fixed nature of humankind
C. The use of human logic to resolve challenges
D. The power of humanity to make the world free from violence

30.Which of the following is most likely to be used by a scientific humanist to gain an understanding
of the origin of the universe?
A. Logical reasoning
B. Sensual experience
C. Revelation and teaching
D. Research and experimentation
31. Charlie: Would you ever accept someone’s theory if it couldn’t be proven logically?
Robin: No. All statements and theories are meaningless, unless they can be verified by experiment or
Charlie: I think that every proposition has meaning, even though it may be unprovable, such as the
existence or non-existence of God.
Robin: I think that truth can be revealed through human reason across all cultures and societies.

How would Charlie and Robin best be described?

A. Charlie is a humanist and Robin is an atheist.
B. Charlie is an atheist and Robin is a humanist.
C. Charlie is a humanist and Robin is an agnostic.
D. Charlie is an agnostic and Robin is a humanist.

32.Alex attends rallies to save the planet and raise awareness about renewable energy.
Jude draws inspiration from crystals, candles, tarot cards and meditation.
Kerry believes that a meaningful life includes being rich, popular and attractive.
Sandy accepts that earthly life is all that exists and considers that the planet is at risk.

Who is most likely to be an atheist?

A. Alex
B. Jude
C. Kerry
D. Sandy

33. Which of the following is correct?

A. Islam is the largest religion in Malaysia.
B. Christianity is the largest religion in Malaysia.
C. Hinduism is the largest religion in Bangladesh.
D. Buddhism is the largest religion in Bangladesh

34.A selection of countries is shown:

Germany India Lebanon Malaysia

In how many of these countries is Islam the dominant religion?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

35.Statement 1: Scientific humanism rejects the notion that the existence of a transcendent or divine
reality can be proven.
Statement 2: Rational humanism accepts that a purposeful life can be achieved by following human
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
36.Which of the following best describes what an agnostic believes?
A. A transcendent reality exists.
B. A range of transcendent realities exists.
C. No proof of a transcendent reality exists.
D. Proof of some transcendent realities exists.

37.Chris lives in a country where NONE of the five major religious traditions is practised by the
majority of the population. Where does Chris live?
A. Brazil
B. China
C. Indonesia
D. Pakistan

38.Which of the following viewpoints is most likely to be the position of an atheist?

A. There is no life after death.
B. Transcendence can be proven scientifically.
C. Tarot card readings provide legitimate guidance for decision making.
D. Human beings need supernatural assistance to improve the quality of their lives.

39.Kim has travelled from a country where Buddhism has the greatest number of adherents to a
country where Hinduism has the greatest number of adherents. Where did Kim travel?

A. From Bangladesh to Indonesia

B. From Nepal to Bangladesh
C. From Indonesia to Japan
D. From Japan to Nepal

40. Sam and Alex agree that animals have souls and an afterlife.
Which belief system is being discussed?
A. Agnosticism
B. Animism
C. Rationalism
D. Secularism

41. Which of the following is correct?

A. Islam is the largest religion in Germany.
B. Buddhism is the largest religion in Nepal.
C. Hinduism is the largest religion in Pakistan.
D. Christianity is the largest religion in South Africa.

42. In which pair of countries is Christianity the dominant religion?

A. India and Ireland
B. Canada and Poland
C. Malaysia and the Philippines
D. Turkey and the United States

43.Which of the following is a key function of social cohesion in a religious community?

A. To attract new members and increase the profile of the religious community
B. To promote the religious community’s influence in wider society
C. To unite adherents in their search for meaning and purpose
D. To endorse the main beliefs of the religious community
44. A selection of countries is shown: Egypt India Poland Thailand
In how many of these countries does the majority of the population adhere to one religious tradition?

45. Which of the following religious traditions has the THIRD largest number of adherents
A. Buddhism
B. Christianity
C. Hinduism
D. Islam

46.Sam and Alex agree that animals have souls and an afterlife.
Which belief system is being discussed?
A. Agnosticism
B. Animism
C. Rationalism
D. Secularism

47. Which of the following best characterises polytheism?

A. A belief that all deities dwell within or beyond the natural world
B. A belief that all deities desire to punish humanity for wrongdoings
C. A belief that all gods played a central role in the creation of the universe
D. A belief that all human beings are gods and are in control of their own destinies

49. Statement 1: Buddhism is the dominant religion of Nepal.

Statement 2: Islam is the dominant religion of Indonesia.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

50. Statement 1: The majority of the world’s Muslims live in the Asia-Pacific region.
Statement 2: The majority of the world’s Buddhists live in the Asia-Pacific region.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

51. Which of the following is an example of monotheism?

A. Atheism
B. Pentecostalism
C. Rationalism
D. Secularism
52.What are the dominant religious traditions on the African continent?
(A) Islam and Buddhism
(B) Islam and Christianity
(C) Judaism and Christianity
(D) Christianity and Hinduism

53. Which of the following is a feature common to both monotheism and polytheism?
A. The use of sacred texts
B. The existence of multiple deities
C. The belief that spirits can inhabit natural objects
D. The acknowledgement of a transcendent dimension in life

54. Which practice is most characteristic of polytheism?

A. Veneration of sacred texts
B. Ritualised worship of animals
C. Appealing to the gods for protection
D. Offering sacrifices to the almighty transcendent being

55. Which of the following best illustrates how the religious dimension can encourage social cohesion
in the wider, multi-faith community?
(A) Passage of life rituals
(B) Worship opportunities
(C) Social welfare outreach initiatives
(D) Moral clarity in religious teaching

56. Throughout history, European Jews have often been marginalised and persecuted. In such
circumstances what has the religious dimension provided for the Jewish community?
(A) Social cohesion within the Jewish community
(B) Social alienation within the Jewish community
(C) Social responsibility within the European community
(D) Social transformation towards a multicultural European community

57. Statement 1: Moon worship is compatible with animism.

Statement 2: The belief that clouds have souls is compatible with animism.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both statements are true
B. Both statements are false
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

58. Which of the following provides the foundation for monotheistic beliefs?
A. The astrological world
B. The human experience
C. The natural environment
D. The transcendent dimension
​ Range of Past 5 Mark Question 22s

HSC 2021
How can the religious dimension provide meaning and purpose for the individual?

HSC 2019
Explain how ONE religious OR non-religious worldview assists individuals in their search for
personal meaning.

HSC 2018
How has increased ecological awareness AND/OR disenchantment with traditional religious
practice and guidance influenced the growth of new religious expressions and spiritualities?

HSC 2017
How has the desire for personal fulfilment OR ethical guidance affected the rise of new
religious expressions and spiritualities?

HSC 2016
Religions can uphold tradition while providing a platform for radical change.
Explain how religions can promote social transformation while maintaining tradition.

HSC 2015
Compare the responses of ONE religious and ONE non-religious belief system to the issue of
social responsibility.

HSC 2014
Listed are four subjects available for study at a university.
1. Atheism: The answer to society’s problems
2. Religion and Ethics
3. Religion in a Materialistic World
4. Rethinking Religion – A guide to social transformation
How might this study of religious and non-religious worldviews assist a person’s search for

HSC 2013
How has EITHER the rise of materialism OR scientific progress influenced the growth of
new religious expressions and spiritualities?

HSC 2012
Compare the response of ONE religious and ONE non-religious belief system to the human

HSC 2011
Inquire into and draw conclusions about the global distribution of TWO religious traditions.
HSC 2009
‘If God does not exist, then everything is permitted.’
With reference to the quotation, explain how atheism OR agnosticism influences the
aspirations and behaviour of individuals.

Past Trials
Outline the development of the religious dimension in human history. Include a range of

Worldwide more than 8 in 10 people identify with a religious group

Pew Research Demographic Study 2012.
Discuss in relation to the geographical distribution of Islam and Christianity.

At times religions are at the forefront of societal change but at times can impede reform.
Evaluate this position, including a range of specific examples.

The religious dimension in human history is dynamic and constantly responding to time and
place. Discuss.

Evaluate how the religious dimension provides social cohesion.

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