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Global Digital Prison Germ -v- Terrain Are we heading to an Earth is cooling not
Is Coming Theory? economic extinction? warming



ISSUE 1 The Uncensored Truth FREE

Beware the future

Digital weapons for a silent war
24/7 Surveillance • • Digital ID From Birth

Sustainable Development • • Personal Carbon Allowance

Social Impact Bonds • • Social Credit Scoring

• Personal Mobile Devices

ESG Investing •
• Facial Recognition
Frankenlab Meat •
• AI/Automation
Insects As Food •
• Data Capitalism
Digital Currencies •
• Smart Cities
Lifelong Learning •
• Automated Vehicles
Georestriction • • Smart Street Lights
Drones & Robots • • Online Censorship Laws

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The Internet of Everything

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“He who would trade liberty for a little temporary

security deserves neither liberty nor security”
Benjamin Franklin


Images above courtesy of Michael Leunig –
Figures collated on the 18th September 2022

Total Debt
Will reach $1,000,000,000,000.00 on February 5, 2023

Federal State
$691,237,629,856.78 $255,627,559,904.02

Debt per Person

Will reach $40,000.00 of GDP on May 11, 2023

Federal State
$26,692.59 $9,871.23

Source – The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance – Debt Clock


As a percentage of GDP
Will reach 50% of GDP on December 4, 2023
Will reach 100% of GDP on December 20, 2031

Federal State
31% 11%

Above image courtesy of Bob Moran –

The Light Australia - the only paper fighting for freedom for all NEWS

The global digital prison is

coming sooner than you think
by SENATOR MALCOLM ROBERTS hope it will keep them safe from
Covid, make them richer, or portray
them as ‘good’ global citizens. Far
The rise of from being ‘safe’, the centralisation
of a person’s digital life creates a
Digital Identity Crown Jewels scenario for hackers,
while the potential for economic
heralds the death disruption remains severe if a server

of privacy. error leads to identity check failures.

What happens if a belligerent
foreign agent hacks, steals, corrupts,
Without privacy from nosy or deletes the database? Hacking is a
governments, unscrupulous regular occurrence.
The real danger lies with
banking systems, and ruthless
the lack of government ethics.
corporations, there is no Ministers want a Digital Identity
civil liberty. Every liberty- system to expand political control
minded politician must over citizens’ lives rapidly. It is a
stand up to resist this push dictator’s dream – Xi Jinping has a
to turn human beings into beta version running with China’s
‘products’ and our nations Social Credit System. The Chinese
public has been told that it would be
into limp parasites hanging
a way for the government to ‘reward
off unelected international them for good behaviour’. It’s the
bureaucracies. same promise we have repeatedly
heard about carbon credit scores.
Which begs the obvious question, China’s digital nirvana quickly
where are they? Conservative deteriorated into a mechanism
governments have been instrumental of punishment to lock citizens
in consigning Digital Identity into out of their jobs, homes, schools,
law through ignorance or smug and travel, rendering them state
superiority that ‘this is for the best’. prisoners.
Meanwhile, those who oppose this Global Digital Identity
swamp of technocracy are accused
harbours the same evils. The
of being against progress.
health pass, linked to the Digital
How often does anyone stop and
Identity program, is a tool to force
ask to what are we progressing?
compliance to Big Pharma’s product
The West is headed toward
whims. Considering it connects
a collectivist technocracy ruled
to a person’s social media profile,
by billionaires and unelected
how long before banks deny loans
bureaucrats. For ‘progress’ to work,
and accounts to those who dissent
technocrats construct a digital
from the ‘accepted’ narrative? Bank
prison to constrain opposition. The
Australia has already announced
Global Digital Identity Project
it won’t issue car loans for petrol-
was conceived during the 2015
based cars by 2025. In Australia,
World Economic Forum conference
in partnership with digital giant they are already talking about
Accenture. It has been imported using Digital Identity to create a
into Australian politics by the told that ‘the digital economy not encourage it. If politicians want in 2021 – the same company that ‘rich’ view of their customers to
former Liberal Party as Australia’s is key to securing our economic to help ordinary people recover came up with the idea at the Davos ‘streamline services’. It is a recipe
Trusted Digital Identity and sold future and recovery from Covid’. from Covid, they would have the forum. to make a global underclass out of
to the public to make dealing with Despite no evidence, suffocating shears out, removing unnecessary Australia’s government directly those who challenge the unelected
the government more ‘efficient’. the free market or digitally stalking red tape. While Australia’s economy credits the WEF with the reasoning bureaucracies of the United Nations
It received almost no attention, citizens is beneficial. Australia’s is primarily capitalistic, the behind Digital Identity, as they have and World Economic Forum.
slipping itself into the Parliamentary related plan to force all businesses government is stifling capitalism by no evidence of their own. From “Human-centric” data is
plan as a fait accompli. into electronic transactions by 2030 merging with the goals of the WEF. the Digital Identity Consultation the most valuable resource for
Instead of fixing old databases, with the Payment System Review and Regulation Impact Statement predatory governments, and lawless
Australia has followed other effectively ending cash––giving the (quoting the WEF): ‘Further, corporations are looking to expand
Western nations down the path of government the power to intervene. research conducted by the WEF their power. Privacy, mainly digital
creating a global citizen database. The legislative base with a carbon- suggests that Digital Identity is privacy, is humanity’s only line of
Largely clueless MPs made this credit system can be used to Digital Identity is essential for the growth of the defence against the rising tide of
decision to commercialise biometric restrict purchases or digital vaccine digital economy more broadly authoritarianism in the West.
and social data. When questioned, passports weaponised to stop not ‘progress’ – encouraging digital, as well as Remember, the architects of
physical engagement with public Digital Identity are socialists. They
they had no idea where their Digital
Identity policy came from or what it
individuals from participating in the
‘vaccine economy’.
it is a prison. and private sector services, it has a want a future where the masses no
represented. Few acknowledge the There is no organic demand for pivotal role to play in rebooting the longer control policy direction. The
WEF as a problematic entity. They Digital Identity in the Australian global economy in the aftermath of World Economic Forum promises
do not mind that they supported economy. Historical evidence the Covid pandemic and beyond.’ a future where businesses and
lifting documentation directly from shows that the fewer restrictions Instead, the tech lobbyists It amounts to a lot of nonsense governments can micro-manage
its archives. It means a clear-cut there are on a free-market partially- salivate at the government’s door, that never answers the most basic humanity into a profit matrix. This,
case of foreign interference. capitalist economy, the faster it begging for contracts to implement question; why? Australians are instead of allowing the natural
In the accompanying Digital grows. Restrictions and taxes are authoritarian technology. Accenture scared into accepting a permanent evolution of competing sovereign
Economic Strategy 2030, we are complications added to stem growth, was given the first $341 million bite surveillance state. It’s under the false nations to build the best world.

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Covid-19 diagnosis
is medical fraud
by Dr. Judy Wilyman

An infectious
disease cannot
be diagnosed by
simply testing to
identify a virus.
This is because having the virus
does not always lead to disease
or even serious disease. Tests
are supportive tools used by
doctors to assist with diagnosis
only after specific symptoms
Infections without symptoms
(asymptomatic) have never been
considered ‘cases’ of disease
before 2020. These asymptomatic
infections produce immunity, and
this is how herd immunity was
established after public health
infrastructure was implemented
in many countries by 1950. Frank
McFarlane Burnet won the Nobel Did you know that the this test in December 2021 with the up all the adverse events from new coronavirus in 2020 by the
Prize for his research on acquired Australian government (and other Rapid Antigen Test and all positive the ‘vaccine’ that have resulted WHO and US CDC was false and
immunity in 1960. governments) stopped monitoring results from this new test are called in increased hospitalisations and this has now been proven as the
In 2020, a new infectious disease for flu and pneumonia in 2020? “COVID-19 disease” – but what is deaths in 2021-22. In other words, unvaccinated did not get this ‘flu-
appeared called ‘COVID-19’, yet They only monitored deaths/cases it identifying? adverse events from the mRNA like illness’ any more seriously
it is only being diagnosed with a of alleged COVID-19 disease. The definition of a case of an injections – the strokes, heart than the vaccinated. In fact, the
test. If you don’t take the test the Therefore, it appeared flu and infectious disease prior to 2020 disease and blood clots etc - are ‘vaccinated’ have been admitted to
symptoms are the same as many pneumonia had disappeared in 2020 was: being mislabelled. This is possible hospitals in much higher numbers
other ‘flu-like illness’ caused by but the Australian statistics for “a set of standard criteria for because the only thing required to than the unvaccinated. It is a
hundreds of different viruses, deaths to COVID-19 in 2020 were classifying whether a person has diagnose COVID-19 disease is a pandemic of the vaccinated.
bacteria, medications, and vaccines. similar to the annual deaths to flu a particular disease, syndrome, or positive test – not specific disease If we stop testing for
and pneumonia that occur every other health condition”. symptoms. Coronavirus 2019 in asymptomatic
Causality is undetermined if you
year. These tests are being misused This lack of transparency people, then the pandemic stops.
look only for one virus.
Despite the knowledge that there as screening tools instead of in the diagnosis of this disease It is false science to have tested
A test and not symptoms is
are multiple causes of ‘flu-like supportive diagnostic tools. is resulting in the deception of for one virus out of hundreds that
allowing governments to claim
illness’, governments were only This medical fraud has allowed global populations that is leading
that healthy people are now a risk can produce ‘flu-like symptoms.’
monitoring for one virus in 2020, governments to create the illusion to increased death and illness
to society. Hence, by increasing The changes to surveillance and
without specific symptoms being of a pandemic based on ‘cases of worldwide. This is iatrogenic
the testing of the asymptomatic diagnosis of ‘flu-like illness’ in
required. This was being done with healthy people’ instead of enormous (medical) harm from a drug, that is
population in 2020, the government 2020 with financial incentives have
a new PCR test that was developed numbers of the deaths – the criteria falsely labelled a ‘vaccine’, and the
was able to create the appearance led doctors to violate their ethical
by the US CDC itself and given required prior to May 2009. harm is being attributed to a new
of a pandemic by finding ‘cases’ guidelines that state “they must
emergency use only approval In June 2020 the World Health virus.
of disease, with a test and not not use their medical knowledge to
(EUO). Organisation admitted that it did The Therapeutic Goods
symptoms, and it can control this remove human rights”.
The Australian Health Minister, not have any evidence to claim Administration (TGA) states a drug/
pandemic by stopping the testing of
Greg Hunt, claimed in 2021 that that people without symptoms biologic is not a vaccine until it has
healthy people. Judy Wilyman PhD
cases of flu had plummeted due to were a serious risk for COVID-19 had 10 years of data to establish that
the public health measures for the transmission. The only evidence of the benefits outweigh the risks. So Bachelor of Science, University
pandemic – ignoring the fact that a ‘pandemic’ in Australia in 2020 why are doctors and governments of NSW. Diploma of Education
As of the 11 August the government stopped monitoring was the huge number of cases being promoting this mRNA injection as a (Science), University of
for flu and pneumonia viruses/ identified in asymptomatic (healthy) ‘vaccine’ without this data? Wollongong. Master of Science
2022 the CDC bacteria in 2020. people. All humans have billions of (Population Health), Faculty of
has removed the All ‘flu-like illness’ in 2020 This was a pandemic of testing microorganisms in us all the time Health Sciences, School of Public
became COVID-19 disease based on – not disease. However, since the so identifying them when we don’t Health, University of Wollongong.
requirement to test a PCR test that claimed to identify roll out of the ‘vaccine’ in 2021 all have symptoms is not an accurate PhD in: A critical analysis of the
only Coronavirus 2019. These tests countries have a significant increase definition of a disease. It is also not Australian government’s rationale
asymptomatic people.
were not accurately identifying in cases, deaths, and hospitalisations accurate in predicting the risk from for its vaccination policy’ (the
So, governments can this virus because their use was not allegedly from ‘COVID-19 an infectious agent. An infection science, politics and ethics of
standardised. They can produce disease’. This ‘COVID-19’ has many different outcomes in Australia’s vaccination policies),
now choose when to many false positives when used at diagnosis is being given to any individuals, including no disease UOW School of Humanities and
end this pandemic high amplifications. patient who gets a positive test on at all, and these asymptomatic Social Inquiry.
The US CDC admitted in 2021 admission to hospital – regardless infections induce natural acquired
by adopting these that its PCR test did not allow for of the symptoms – and governments immunity that assists in building
Website: www.
directives the identification of influenza and have made the test mandatory for herd immunity in the community.
other viruses known to cause “flu- hospital admission. The claim that humans had a Author: Vaccination: Australia’s
like illness”. Hence, they replaced This mandatory test is covering lack of natural immunity to this Loss of Health Freedom

PAGE 4 Sundays 10–11am Stand In The Park near you


Looking behind the curtain of virology

Pandemics will Fan Wu, et al https://
be declared with
no evidence 2008-3
IN the 1800s, the emerging Published: 03 February 2020 -
medical industry proposed
A New Coronavirus Associated
that diseases were caused by
invisible, infectious particles With Human Respiratory
attacking the body. Disease In China
Some of these diseases turned
out to be vitamin deficiencies such Dissolving Illusions by
as scurvy, beriberi and pellagra.
Others turned out to be caused by Humphries and Bystrianyk
poor sanitation and toxins. For
example, by the time the vaccine to
fight the so-called measles particles Small pox vaccine
was introduced, improvements in https://viroliegy.
hygiene had already lowered the com/2022/01/05/was-
death rate to nearly zero. smallpox-really-eradicated/
The vaccine for smallpox was
also useless and many were killed
by it. The method until 1895 was to Alfred Wallace
take scabs and pus (expelled dead
cells, bacteria and toxins), add them
to water and rub the mixture into charles.smith/wallace/S536.
cuts made in the arms of babies and htm
children. Alfred Wallace wrote in observed? in any other patients. Nor was there or being a Black African or a gay
1898, how incredulous it was that A patient who lived and worked any evidence provided to show that male - seeing positive results only
so many educated specialists could in Wuhan, one of the most heavily the sequence could cause the exact where one expects to see them. The Perth Group
be deceived into accepting that polluted cities in the world, same symptoms in others. This is so far beyond the scientific http://www.
vaccines were effective, when there presented with symptoms of fever, It was simply declared to be method as to beggar belief. Many
was no proof. The same could be chest tightness, unproductive cough, the genome of a virus that was the who tested positive took their own
said today. pain and weakness. This collection cause of common symptoms, and TPGVirusLikeNoOther.pdf
lives, and many more were killed by
The electron microscope was of symptoms, commonly used which was able to replicate and the toxic drug, AZT.
not in use until the 1930s so no one by the body to expel toxins, was infect others, with no proof. What about bacteria and fungi?
had actually seen any microscopic inexplicably declared to be a new Researchers failed to prove Spanish Flu Experiments
These proliferate in disease states,
‘viral’ particles. However, even and distinct disease. contagion in the case of the the though they seem to help by 1918 Experiments Upon
today, SARS-CoV-2 has not been Fan Wu, et al, analysed an so-called ‘Spanish flu’ epidemic in breaking down and clearing toxins Volunteers to Determine the
observed in a sample, as there is unpurified lung sample from 1918. This disease-state occurred
and dead cells. We cannot survive Cause and Mode of Spread of
apparently never enough. the patient, which contained his after millions were bombed,
without the microbiome which
Has SARS-CoV-2 been observed stressed, dead and dying cells shot at, separated from families, Influenza, Boston, November
protects the lining of our skin,
by the indirect method of isolation? (we know that stressing cells can malnourished and terrified. and December, 1918.
gut, kidneys and brain and which
If isolation means separation, then produce novel genetic sequences 62 healthy volunteers were M. J. Rosenau.’
nourishes cells, among many other
no, it hasn’t. and novel proteins), as well as placed in close proximity to very
things. (see page 11)
Virologists merely take crude mucus and bacteria, and detected sick patients, who repeatedly
samples of genetic material from 56,565,928 short fragments of coughed in the healthy subjects’ What really makes us sick?
sick patients, add these to petri RNA. faces. Much to the surprise of Malnutrition, poor sanitation,
poverty, junk food, toxins and Seroconversion
dishes containing abnormal monkey These nucleotides were fed into the researchers, not one of the
kidney cells. Antibiotics are then a computer which made 384,096 healthy test subjects developed an medications; emptying the oceans Frequency Receptive
added, and the cells are then overlapping sequences, from influenza-like illness. of fish, cutting down forests, Anal Sex:
starved. which one was agreed upon. This Many lessons could have been depleting soils, factory farming,
suppressing our emotions, poor
Toxic effects seen in the cells was further rearranged to make learned from AIDS; a collection
are called ‘isolation’ and the effects 30,474 nucleotides that resembled of symptoms caused by oxidation, sleep, EMFs, stress, fear, trauma, gov/2880160/
of adding proteases (enzymes), are a previously guessed-at sequence poppers, drugs, malnutrition and negative thinking, isolation and Risk factors for
called ‘viral activity’. from bat droppings. poverty, and not by ‘HIV’. AIDS loneliness are all high contributory seroconversion to human
However, as control studies There was no evidence that cannot be sexually transmitted by factors.
‘HIV’, as it is only correlated with
immunodeficiency virus
using cultures prepared in the the computer nucleotide sequence The Global Pandemic
same way are never undertaken by represented a genome coding for frequency of receptive anal sex; Preparedness Treaty is on track among male homosexuals.
virologists, these claims must be an actual external entity, a ‘virus’, semen is highly oxidising and the for May 2024, when pandemics Results from the Multicenter
totally disregarded. and not merely part of the genetic anus is very thin. will be declared without any real AIDS Cohort Study
How can the genome of a ‘virus’ material taken from the patient. The AIDS test detects proteins evidence, and even more draconian
be mapped out, if the ‘virus’ has No attempt was made to show present in many conditions, lockdowns will be imposed by laws
never been separated from other a correlation between the presence including pregnancy and good Virus Mania
to allegedly protect our health.
genetic material, i.e., properly of this nucleotide sequence and the health, so a diagnosis is given on by Engelbrecht, Bailey
isolated, and thus never actually presentation of the same symptoms patient history: blood transfusions,

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Are Australian state

governments misleading
with statistics?
Data obfuscation and threat inflation
by Rebekah Barnett

Astute readers are likely aware that increasingly, the

Covid data do not support the message that more vaccine
doses lead to reduced hospitalisations and deaths.
Australia’s most populous boosted Australians in hospital and death, we would expect to see been labelling all Unknown cases percentage of unvaccinated West
state, NSW, is the only state with Covid. In the months of July the boosted under represented in as Not Vaccinated for the entire Australians, which at the time
to publish hospitalisations and August this year, the boosted hospitalisations and deaths. What pandemic. The fine print disclaimer was 11.4%. Australian media and
and deaths with Covid consistently made up the majority we are seeing in Australia is the “includes unknown vaccination state officials regularly frame all
of hospitalisations (50-70%) and opposite. And this is why our status” was added to WA Covid population hospitalisations and
by vaccine dosage from 0
deaths (65-77%) with Covid, while politicians are compelled to lie update reports in brackets after deaths (including those ineligible
through to 4+ in separate 52-54% of the NSW population with statistics. the Not Vaccinated category label for Covid vaccines) with eligible
categories, and the data show was boosted during this time. First trick, muddy the data. from 10 June 2022 onwards. population vaccination rates,
the anti-narrative. More doses High rates of hospitalisation for This is best achieved by mixing WA Health confirms that the creating a picture that is fairly
correlate with higher rates of the boosted have been similarly Unknown vaccination status with Unknown category includes people divorced from reality.
hospitalisations and deaths observed in Canada, the USA, the 0 dosed, then labelling them vaccinated overseas, those with And then there’s the fact that
with Covid. Portugal, West Germany, and the all Not Vaccinated, a trick used by an overseas or interstate address, in Covid surveillance reports,
The real story here is the Netherlands all states except NSW and TAS. anyone who has not updated their key information is simply left
incredibly high numbers of Given the claims that Covid In the state of WA, the health Medicare details, and/or people out. It’s nigh impossible to make
vaccines prevent severe illness department confirms that they have who have no vaccination record at meaningful analysis of a data set
all. that is missing chunks of data. WA
This tactic artificially inflates reports list vaccination status for
the rate of Not Vaccinated cases in hospitalisations but not deaths or
Covid hospitalisations and deaths. ICU. Tasmanian reports break out
It’s a big lie, with big implications. 0 and 1 dose hospitalisations but
Because NSW separates out mix the data for 2+ doses. NSW
unvaccinated hospitalisations Health blended Unknowns and 0
from Unknown hospitalisations, dosed for a period of time until
they make a handy comparison. reverting to separating them out,
During the months of July and thereby obfuscating attempts to
August, only 0.2 % of NSW Covid track patterns over time. No state
hospitalisations were verified as publishes age stratified cases,
unvaccinated, while 22.5% were hospitalisations or deaths by
Unknown. Combine them together dosage rate.
in a category titled Not Vaccinated The question is, why the
and you get the headline: obfuscation in government record
1 in 4 hospitalisations not keeping and sharing of data, and
vaccinated! in news media reporting? Why
Despite there being only don’t states keep better records
0.2% confirmed unvaccinated and make the raw data freely
hospitalisations. available so that the public and
And that’s exactly the kind of relevant experts can assess their
headline we’re seeing all over governments’ performance? And
the country, week in, week out. why don’t news media use their
The oligarchic nature of media considerable resources to put
ownership in Australia means pressure on governments to be
that such headlines in our major more transparent? If government
broadsheets and tabloids filter officials are the public servants
down, often word for word, into they purport to be, then they
our regional publications. It is will make no bones about being
of concern that when sources accountable to the people who
thought to be trustworthy report voted them into their nice offices
misleading statistics, the general and handsome salaries.
reader is inclined to take the It is perhaps an encouraging
misrepresentation as fact. sign that Australian state
Another well-used tactic is governments are resorting to
framing Covid hospitalisation such underhanded tactics in their
rates with eligible population handling and presentation of Covid
vaccination rates instead of data. It signals that the house
all population vaccination of cards may well be about to
rates. When WA Premier Mark collapse. The sooner we get to the
McGowan stated in a post on his truth of things, the sooner we can
Facebook page (16th July 2022) forge a path out of the pandemania.
that the less than 2% of eligible
West Australians who remained Rebekah Barnett writes Dystopian
unvaccinated accounted for 1/3 Down Under. Find her work at
Covid hospitalisations, it looked https://rebekahbarnett.substack.
pretty bad for the unvaccinated. com/
However, as well as using the
trick of mixing Unknowns with NSW and vaccination data
compiled by Twitter user @
Not Vaccinated hospitalisations
LCHF_Matt and available at bit.
(totalling 27% combined),
McGowan misrepresented the true

PAGE 6 The Light Australia is a people’s funded newspaper


Are we heading to an
economic extinction event?

In the movie Dr
Strangelove, the
final scene has
Major Kong (Slim
Pickens), riding a
nuclear weapon
to what would be
the last extinction
event - nuclear
as depicted by
the photo.
It’s a great film, a black
comedy, but at the time of the
Cold War, it portended an
ending for humanity. with it, inflation. Remember, Biden like the false pronouncements that have spent about $3.8 trillion, Janet Yellen, Biden’s Treasury
Today, we aren’t too fearful of told us his goal was eliminating the Covid injections are ‘safe and including passing legislation with Secretary. Economists warned
nuclear destruction, though the the fossil fuel industry. We feel effective’. the preposterous name of ‘The them about impending inflation.
tension has increased since the the effects worldwide because the The West’s obsession with Inflation Reduction Act’, itself
Yet they have shown themselves to
Russian invasion of Ukraine and West, including the EU, Australia Russia as evil, has made this whole inflationary. Who is suffering?
the response of the West. What The average American is copping be utterly incompetent, and now,
and New Zealand, are intentionally energy situation worse. Since the
is at significant risk, is a total fall of the Soviet Union, they have almost 9% ‘official’ inflation, in a panic, they are raising interest
trying to destroy the oil industry.
economic collapse that could see a It’s entirely irrational, and we all pushed against Russia. Rather though the actual rate is double rates dramatically. The same holds
kind of economic extinction. feel the effects; however, it could than diminishing the rhetoric and that. Australia is similarly going true in Australia. Mortgage rates
So what is driving this be dire this coming winter for engaging with Russia - except for through an explosion in prices with are almost double what they were
economic crisis of inflation, a Europe. The wholesale price of Donald Trump - the animus has rising interest rates. a year ago. All we’ve had are
period of increasing volatility European energy in some countries continued unabated. Now Russia Consumer sentiment has turned
and rising interest rates? There excuses with zero accountability.
is skyrocketing. Breitbart News is in a stronger position with high negative in the U.S., for small
are two significant factors: the energy prices and is cutting off businesses feeling inflation’s No one has resigned; the hubris of
reported on the 27th of August, a
obsession with climate change and some gas to European nations. wrath. USSA News reported on the these people is phenomenal. Screw
1000% increase in one year of the
the reckless spending and printing The Russian strategy promoted 25th of August, that 40% of small up in the government and you
wholesale price of electricity in
of money. The primary offender is by Biden and his European allies business owners couldn’t pay their continue having a job.
France and Germany.
America. When the U.S. sneezes, has collapsed, and the people of August rent. We have a global conspiracy
Goldman Sachs predicts that
the rest of the world catches a cold. Europe are suffering as a result. As if that is not enough, the
inflation in the U.K. could top headed by the World Economic
Think back to before 2020. Making matters worse, was Fed is pouring gas on the fire by
22% by 2023. These economic Forum (WEF) that has western
Trump had the U.S. economy Biden and his Democratic-led raising rates and planning more
catastrophes could see people governments in its grasp, pushing
humming, the energy sector was Congress, who went on a wasteful interest rate hikes in 2022, and tax
freezing to death and unable the climate change agenda. These
booming and people felt confident spending spree. However, this increases are coming.
to heat their homes without
about the future. However, there was not all Biden. The Trump Speaking of the Fed, how people are going for population
were warning signs as the Federal government subsidies. So many
administration also spent an did they get it so wrong? They reduction - which is already
Reserve (Fed) kept interest countries have bought into
inordinate amount - under the kept rates artificially low for so happening - and the implosion of
rates artificially low, using the climate change and the net zero
banner of Covid. The chart shows long rather than tamping down capitalism. People like Bill Gates
Keynesian economic theory of diatribes of their exponents. People
that the result has been an increase some demand and borrowing, by
increasing government spending. like Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, would be happy if the world’s
of 50% in the U.S. national debt, in gradually increasing interest rates.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Harrison population declined to one billion.
five years. Instead, for the past year we got,
Ford are ignorant about climate. However, they or their offspring
In 18 months, Biden and “inflation is ‘transitory’” from
Scientists like climatologists and
It’s like someone congressional Democrats Jerome Powell, the Fed Head, and won’t be affected.
atmospheric physicists know
So we hear Klaus Schwab, head
turned a switch, and there is no emergency; hence
1200 of them signed the ‘World of the WEF, tell us, “You vill eat
the economy started Climate Declaration’, which firmly de bugs” or “You vill own nothing
deteriorating. contends that there is no climate and be happy”; no, we won’t be
crisis or emergency. happy! The globalists will have
There are many similarities “saved” the planet, but there will
Then came Biden and his between the Covid narrative and be no one left to enjoy it. If they
clan. It’s like someone turned a the climate change propaganda
have their way, we’ll ride that
switch, and the economy started machine. ‘Climate change’ has
become part of the vernacular bomb, like Slim Pickens in Dr
deteriorating. The button was
Biden constraining fossil fuel without question. Yet, all the Strangelove, right on target. Let’s
production. Almost immediately, predictions made by the climate hope we have not reached the point
the price of oil began to rise and hustlers have not panned out. It’s of no return.

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NEWS The Light Australia – The people funded newspaper

Digital Weapons
The only way t
Social Credit Scoring control the entir
Rolling out in China and Italy, and companies are already having to deal with this of nature to be d
coercion in the form of ‘ESG investing’ (The Light UK issue 21, page 18) - if they don’t
play along, they go bankrupt. Now take it to a personal level - if you don’t want to clap
at 8pm every Thursday for example, you will be docked points and lose privileges.
products and ser
RESIST: All attempts at collectivisation. Be an individual.
available via ele

24/7 Surveillance
There are already more cameras everywhere than ever before, but biometrics such
as facial recognition will turn the world into a panopticon prison with nowhere to
hide, and georestriction becomes entirely possible with armed drones.

RESIST: Organise to stop councils erecting 5G towers and cameras.

Those who don’t value privacy because they ‘have nothing to hide’ are missing
the point: no human will be watching. Computer code will monitor everything
you do, and restrict you according to the live data from your digital ID.

RESIST: Refuse to use and allow automation wherever possible.

Digital Currency
If we have a completely cashless society, then everything will be enforceable
by simply tying your digital wallet to your ID, allowances and scores. If you’ve
run out of credits for what you want, you will not be allowed to purchase it.

RESIST: Use cash all the time to keep the infrastructure in place.

Personal Carbon Allowance

As in ancient times, today people are expected to make sacrifices to
appease the weather gods. Now, as then, it is based on a myth in order to
control the people and keep the priesthood in increasing power and luxury. Online Censorship
From Britain and Europe to Canada, Australia a
RESIST: Research the faulty ‘settled science’ that CO2 causes either passed or are trying to pass laws which w
climate change - ‘the great global warming swindle’. government and big corporate views. Here is th

RESIST: Lobby your representatives to

Smart technology is not for our benefit - a dig


s For A Silent War

to monitor and
re world is for all Digital ID From Birth
digitised, and all The government has announced legislation to make digital identities as trusted and

rvices to only be
secure as official documents such as passports and driving licences. Your ID will
tell the world exactly who you are and how compliant a community member.

ectronic means RESIST: Lobby against all moves for a digital ID.

Automated Vehicles
The UK government have announed plans for ‘realising the benefits of self-
driving vehicles’ in a policy paper, Connected and automated mobility 2025. You
will only be allowed to go where they say, and no further.

RESIST: Don’t drive electric cars and avoid automation.

Social Impact Investing

Here’s where data capitalism gets really sinister: a market where AI would
farm billions of people as livestock data commodities, using 5G and the
Internet of Everything along with 360 biometric surveillance and your entire
digital twin data from your ID, in real time.

RESIST: Stop giving your data freely to giant internet companies.

The Internet of Everything

The internet is a great tool, but if everything is online, including us, then there
will be literally no escape. Smart streetlights, smart motorways, smart tv’s,
smartphones - replace ‘smart’ with ‘spy’ to see the truth of a nightmare dystopian
world being put in place to fully track and control us.

RESIST: Stop using devices that can watch and listen to you.

Smart Cities
Imagine everything in your city is automated, from supermarkets to car parks to

Laws venues. Your Digital ID is the only way to get in, and AI scans your face to access your
ID file and see if you have enough carbon and social credits. If you don’t, you will
simply be refused, and there is no arguing with a computer programme that says no.
and New Zealand, governments everywhere have
will restrict any speech which goes against official RESIST: This is Agenda 2030 - lobby councils in numbers now.
he one Orwell specifically warned us about.

maintain freedom of speech.

gital prison from which there will be no escape

Please pass The Light Australia on when you’ve read it. PAGE 9
ECONOMICS Help to distribute “The Uncensored Truth” and volunteer at

Is government stealing
our financial future?
If so, what do we do about it?

“All societies are born desperately

poor, fated to live off foraging and just
getting by. Prosperity is built through
the construction of capital, which is
the institution that embodies forward
thinking.” Jeffery Tucker
The Australian Budget they don’t have to table it; it just is.
projected that the
Who are our creditors?
Commonwealth government’s
gross debt would be around Non-resident investors hold
$963 billion on 30 June 2022. the majority – two-thirds – of our
The figure is about 45.1% of government debt. According to
GDP. The projection is for an the Australian Bureau of Statistics
increase to $1,199 billion – about (ABS), the United States and the
United Kingdom are the most
50% of GDP – by 30 June 2025
prominent investors, followed by
(Budget Strategy and Outlook:
Belgium, Japan and Hong Kong –
Budget Paper No.1: 2021–2022,
the Special Administrative Region
Table 11.5,p. 366–7).
of China. China is our ninth-largest
There is approximately another
foreign investor.
$350 billion owed by the States and
Investors lend the government
Territories, giving us a gross debt of
money; in return, the government
around $1.3 Trillion. Unfortunately,
pays the investor interest over a set
we don’t have enough assets to
period, and the original loan amount
offset this by more than $250
is paid back. These are known as
billion, so the expectation is that
treasuries and are issued – sold –
our net debt will rise.
and then resold in the “secondary
So, who pays for
the government’s fiscal
mismanagement? Future Is there any way out?
generations, that’s who. Frydenberg
said he had only budgeted for future Other than politicians being
growth to service the debt. Only fiscally responsible – good luck
Western Australia intends to run a with that; there needs to be a long-
surplus at some point in the future. term plan that is difficult to override
You wouldn’t let a loved one plan for short-term gain.
to live off a credit card without ever Norway is the second wealthiest
intending to reduce the debt. So nation on Earth. How? It re-invested
why would a government plan such its North Sea oil wealth in a fund
a policy? estimated to own 1.4% of every
Economists describe inflation as public company. Technically each
a hidden tax. Politicians know they Norwegian is worth 250,000 USD
will get pushback if they try to pass as soon as they are born as the fund
an outright tax increase – although is valued at over 1.1 trillion dollars,
that doesn’t always stop them from so why can’t that be the same for
trying. Inflation works along the the lucky Australian? Strangely, the
same lines as a tax increase. It Norwegian parliament believed that
reduces the burden of government the nation’s resources should belong
debt. The nominal amount of the to the people, limiting foreign
debt is unchanged by inflation, but ownership and enacting restrictions
the real debt burden shrinks because on monopolies. and a competent workforce. It spending profits and clearly defined Creating capital requires the
the dollar value is lower. At the So, in Australia, if companies also means limiting the amount of investment rules that are difficult deferral of consumption: you must
same time, citizens have to pay help explore, drill and extract the production so as not to overpower to change. A strong democracy and give up something today to create
more for everything because prices mineral wealth, a portion of the the rest of the economy but become parliamentary code are required tools that enable more consumption
are going up. When citizens pay profits should be funnelled to the
the high-octane fuel to power the to ensure the funds do not fall tomorrow. It means discipline and
more and the government reduces fund whilst local public companies
study, replicate and eventually entire engine of the economy. into the hands of a despot or an future orientation of the policy
debt – in real terms – that’s the
same as a tax increase to reduce the surpass their expertise to become Diversification of the oligarchy seeking short terms gains. leaders. Above all, we can invest
deficit. And that’s what inflation world experts. It means creating our investments/risk would include I’m not confident we can trust the savings in productive projects; only
does. Governments like inflation own processing/refining industry, a portion invested overseas. current bunch to be morally above then can societies grow rich both
more than tax increases because which in turn requires infrastructure Strict spending limits, e.g. only reproach. financially and socially.

PAGE 10 Once you’ve read this newspaper, pass it on

Please donate to keep this people’s paper funded at OPINION

Our malevolent mass media

if our reporters had got off their
by JERRY ROBERTS bums and reported, we would not be
in this disaster.
It is inconceivable that anybody But we are in a disaster, under the
thumb of the latest bunch of Hitlers
in my trade of journalism could at the World Economic Forum or
wherever these creeps hang out.
believe the official Covid 19 story, They are ploughing ahead with their

also known as the narrative. agenda. Even in Canada and France

where truck drivers and workers
The lies, cover-ups and censorship jumped off the page from have set the gold standard for protest,
the outset but it is a delightful yarn and credit must go to the we see androgenous politicians like
scriptwriters. Justin Trudeau and Macron paying
no attention and doubling down with
The CIA handbook states that from its origins to the vaccine 21st century fascism.
cover stories work best if they campaign. The petition was taken We know for a certain fact that all
hold an element of truth. We all to the Court in the Hague in our institutions are corrupt, gutless,
know how much the Chinese and person, by eight survivors of the useless and dangerous. So what do
their bats love their whisky and Holocaust who were among the we do? In the case of the media,
it is a well-known fact that the first to recognise the profound the answer is simple. Turn off our
Chinese eat some weird stuff. evil of the Covid project, not just television sets. Get onto the internet
So we loved the story of bats genocide but democide. Lenin’s management of Pravda is a and support the independent media,
winging it down to the bottle Every man, woman, child, dog, including this new newspaper, The
shop, struggling home with crates cat and pet rabbit in Australia has “The corporate media is reasonable comparison.
He did not take the bait. The Light Australia, brought to us by my
of Scotch and bourbon, inviting better computer skills than mine, not our friend. Its coverage friends in the Australian Resistance.
discipline and military precision of
randy pangolins up for a weekend but it did not take me long after of the pandemic is not the Covid saga is truly impressive.
of cave parties ending in orgies first contact with Montagnier to Jerry Roberts is a West Australian
there to promote the The job of journalists can be journalist who has reported on
of unprotected sex. Then Chinese find the work of Bret Weinstein,
epicureans ate the pangolins and Heather Heying, Geert Vanden public good. It is there to summarised in two verbs – to inquire politics, manufacturing and
and to inform. In the going-on Aboriginal Affairs. As a sports
we all got sick. Who could resist Bossche, Peter McCullough, Pierre feed our anxieties, keep us
such a tale of licentious gluttony? Kory and a host of doctors, nurses, three years of the Covid project writer he covered the first Test
coming back for more and our mainstream media have not Match held in Perth when the
One of the first names to appear scientists, funeral directors,
in my diary in April 2020 when I patients and bereaved parents and monetise that distress.” interviewed a single person who Australian attack could not get
started following the Covid story, partners at the Covid coal face. knows what he is talking about. That past the broad bat of English
is that of French scientist Luc Nor did it take me long to Last summer I sent a couple must be some kind of a record. opener John Edrich and the
Montagnier when he blew the question why the mainstream of emails to Paul Murray who All our institutions have failed to result was a draw.
whistle on the zoonotic rhubarb media were censoring the Covid was a popular editor of The West do their jobs. All of them – medical, Since returning from the
explanation and pointed to the story. How were our journalists Australian newspaper and still has legal, political, media and religious. north, Jerry has stood with
laboratory origins of Covid 19. turned into presstitutes, to borrow a column in the Saturday edition, If our doctors had cared for their the Umbrella people in their
The last petition I signed was a word coined by American where he appears to be free to write patients, if our lawyers had cared daily vigil outside Government
addressed by Montagnier to the economist Paul Craig Roberts? anything he likes. I was hoping to for our liberties, if our politicians House in St. George’s Terrace
International Criminal Court, British journalist Jonathon inveigle Paul into revealing how the had represented us instead of their and eight of his 11 speeches on
asking the court to do its job and Cook summarised the mainstream establishment acquired such total corporations and bankers, if the Covid matters can be watched on
investigate the Covid 19 story neatly: centralised control of the media, that Churches had stood with Christ and umbrellagroupwa-rumble.

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Artificial intelligence to
bring about dystopia

Build unconnected
devices to avoid
losing our free will
THE term AI, being the
short form for Artificial
Intelligence, was first coined
in 1956 by John McCarthy, a
computer scientist at Stanford
University. The concept has
been widely popularised
by many movies ever since,
including The Matrix and
Steven Spielberg’s AI.
Artificial intelligence represents
the vision that machines will one
day become intelligent and be
capable of thinking for themselves.
Moreover, it is the foundation
on which the latest craze for
technological utopia is to rest.
I was about twelve years old
when I became enthralled by the
idea of a ‘thinking machine’, and
it was a fascination which drew me
into computers and programming.
You see, the portrayal of AI in
the science fiction of my youth Photo: Pavel Danilyuk
was generally a positive one.
As the years went by, however, For one, the AI with which example, it has no uniqueness or of nowhere. Likewise, computers change, things will simply fall
my enthusiasm for it waned. In we are familiar today is nothing anything which can be described transform information from one apart, as entropy increases in what
its place, despite some apparent of the sort - it does not represent as personality. It doesn’t even form to another, but they do not is essentially a closed system of
technological advances, there grew intelligence or any meaningful process what you say to it. It is generate it. They merely reflect strict determinism.
a feeling of vague disappointment form of artificial thinking or nothing more than a dumb terminal back information they get from In short, I do not believe that
- as if my heart could sense there consciousness. It is merely clever which transmits your words to a elsewhere in a different form. either surveillance capitalism or
was something wrong, but my mind programming, or let’s call it centralised mainframe (or more Minds are things which possess the technological utopia of the
could not quite put a finger on what algorithmic engineering. In itself, precisely a corporate ‘cloud’ of free will, whereas deterministic, World Economic Forum have any
it was. there is nothing wrong with clever computers) controlled by Amazon. rules-based machines do not. sustainable future, but will collapse
Today, I think I know what it is programming. In fact, it could be The same goes for Apple’s Siri. Human minds, like others in in an implosion of nothingness.
- the modern realisation of AI bears a fascinating area, provided we are Above all else, however, I find the animal kingdom, are not This gives cause for hope, at least
no resemblance to the dreams I clear on what we are dealing with that I can no longer endorse or fundamentally deterministic or in the long-term, as new shoots will
once held for it on so many levels. and its limitations. condone how AI is being applied algorithmic in nature, but tap into then be able to emerge.
For another, the fictional against people. This is not even uncertainty at the nano level. I believe that we should build
depictions of AI which so AI after all! It is merely the In an entirely digital world, a free-market business case for
captivated me in childhood automation and leveraging of however, you lose something which independent and unconnected
generally had one thing in common information for purposes of wealth hardly seems to matter at first, but devices, along with private
AI merely the that is absent today — virtually
every sci-fi robot (such as R2D2
extraction, centralisation and
it really does - the ability to bring
into existence new information.
computer networks with well-
defined boundaries to the outside
automation from Star Wars) or spaceship
computer (such as HAL 9000 from
The reason I claim that AI does
not represent any kind of true
Living things, among which I
would include human societies, as

and leveraging the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey) intelligence is rather profound, and they form out of our interactions
was a unique, independent and involves such things as uncertainty, with each other, cannot grow in
of information autonomous agent which made information and free will. These isolation, but must interact with behind-amazon-assistant/
its own decisions. In other words, were not things I understood years and exchange information with
for purposes these were depictions of machines back, at least beyond the everyday other autonomous members in
Andy Thomas is a
programmer, software author
which arguably had minds of usage of the words. However, I order to thrive. If you place human
of wealth their own. Indeed, that was what now feel they are important, as they beings in solitary confinement,
and writer, living in the north
of England. He is interested in
I once understood to be the very represent the seeds of destruction for example, they degenerate
extraction, point of artificial intelligence, but for the dreams of technological both mentally and physically over
the philosophical implications
of science, the nature of
time. Likewise, without the ability
now regard the terms ‘mind’ and utopia, or, more accurately, a
nature, and the things in life
‘machine’ to be mutually exclusive. dystopia. to generate new information, a
which hold value.
and control Today’s so-called AI, however, The very definition of a so-called utopian society will not
appears to be overwhelmingly machine is that which transforms be able to sustain itself, but will https://kuiperzone.substack.
centralised in its implementation. energy from one form to another become hollowed out and brittle. com and you can email him
When you speak to Alexa, for - but it does not generate it out Unable to innovate and adapt to here:

PAGE 12 Make an ongoing donation from $10/month


Worldwide farmers protest

while mass media remain silent
Thousands of by PAUL BENNETT over a town hall and dumped a
truckload of manure in front of

farmers across targets as ‘simply unfeasible’ and a

‘knee-jerk’ reaction to EU policy.
the home of Dutch Minister of
Nature and Nitrogen Policy. Some

Europe now The large union group says the

government are fixated on buying
Dutch farmers have brilliantly
replaced road signs with signs of

rising up against up land and reducing livestock,

and should instead be focusing on
‘boerenlanden’ (farmer land) in
some rural villages. Even cows

government innovation and sustainable farming

have been seen protesting outside
the Dutch parliament.

overreach Farmers argue that they are being

used as scapegoats and unjustly
Dutch fisherman also showed
solidarity with the farmers by

and the green accused as polluters. Marcel Crok,

a Dutch science writer and co-
blocking the port of Harlingen
with trawlers. Fishing crews were

agenda founder of the Climate intelligence

Foundation, told Fox News Digital:
seen holding placards that read,
‘Eenracht maakt Kracht’: Unity
FARMERS in the Netherlands “I really understand their anger. The Creates Strength.
farmers are also angry because they The Dutch freedom-loving
are leading the resistance
say, ‘we are the only sector who get farmers have inspired thousands of
against The Great Reset
all the blame. What about industry? farmers across Europe and beyond
by strongly opposing Image from BrandNewTube
What about all the traffic? Maybe to revolt against rising ‘agflation’.
draconian plans by the Dutch Farmers worldwide rightfully feel
we should just ban all the cars in the rising inflation, interest rates, and protests by saying: “You can
government to destroy the threatened that their agricultural
Netherlands because they also emit accusing the political classes of demonstrate, but in a civilised way.
agricultural sector under the way of life has been slowly eroded destabilising production.
[nitrogen]’.” So don’t block highways, don’t set
guise of reducing nitrogen to suit the narrative of ‘the greater In South America, thousands
Radical environmentalists in off fireworks outside a minister’s
emissions. the Netherlands have offered an good’. The farmers have a very of Argentine farmers and farming house and spread manure and…
On June 10, the Dutch expected compliant view to the clear message: “No farmers, no associations protested in Buenos
government announced a €25 scare two children and endanger
plans. Andy Palman, director of food.” Aires against government policies,
billion national and region-specific families.” Some feel that Mr.
Greenpeace Netherlands coldly high tax rates, currency controls,
environmental programme for Rutte is guilty of double standards
said: “You rip a plaster off a wound and shortage of diesel.
here, as he made these comments
a 50% reduction of nitrogen
emissions by 2030.
in one go. Painful choices are now ‘ aware that According to the Epoch Times,
while attending a NATO summit in
necessary.” Canadian farmers organised convoy
The Netherlands House of The Dutch government appear this is something protests across the country on July Madrid.
Representatives released a stark 23 in solidarity with Dutch farmers. Dutch farmers have responded
statement in relation to the plans:
motivated to acquire high-priced
and high-quality farmland cheaply
that is not just Protests also took place in several to Mr Rutte by reminding him
“The honest message is that not all
farmers will continue in business.
and many believe the real goal about the Dutch provinces across the country. In they will continue the protests and
have the support of millions in
may be a landgrab. Dutch social British Columbia, activists held
Those who do will have to farm and political commentator Eva government, this a rally outside the Netherlands the country and across the world.
differently.” Vlaardingerbroek didn’t mince her consulate in Vancouver. National pride in the farmers is
The origins of the severe words when talking about the crisis is part of Agenda The Dutch farmers are naturally evident across the country as the
climate measures go back to horrified by the extreme green
2019, when a court order from the
with Tucker Carlson.
She said: “This is literally
2030; this is part of agenda regulations proposed, and
Dutch national flag is seen hanging
on bridges and alongside roads in
highest administrative court in the
Netherlands pledged to reduce the
communism. If the state says, the great reset.’ feel that they will be forced out of support for the farmers.
‘we are going to take your private farming. The Netherlands is a world There are many similarities
number of livestock in the country property away for the sake of a agricultural powerhouse with a
between the farmers protests and
as the only way to considerably greater good,’ then the state has the lucrative agriculture sector.
cut greenhouse gas emissions. The Since the beginning of the the Canadian trucker’s freedom
prerogative to create crises to strip The Netherlands, despite its
ruling was in response to a lawsuit protests, German farmers have convoy in Ottawa back in February.
you of your rights. That’s what’s small geographical size, is one of
from environmental organisations. staged huge blockades with the world’s top ten food exporters, Both have become vanguards for
happening here. This will definitely
In some regions mapped out in affect ordinarily citizens; it’s part their Dutch counterparts on the Europe’s biggest meat exporter, freedom. The mainstream media
the plans, farmers are facing 70% of a global agenda, so everyone Netherlands-Germany border in and one of the top three countries have blatantly ignored them and
reduction targets. To add insult across the world, especially Western solidarity. On July 6, farmers from in the world for fruit and vegetable in both cases, protesters have been
to injury, 500 million Euros have countries, should be aware that this both countries held a blockade near exports. It has the highest density subjected to the brute force of the
been set aside to buy out farmers is something that is not just about the border city of Heerenburg. of livestock in Europe, with more police.
by regional government. The Dutch the Dutch government, this is part In Italy, farmers copied the than four times the food and animal Rowan Dean from Sky News
government have shamefully of Agenda 2030; this is part of the Dutch by driving tractors through population of the UK. Farming Australia observed by saying: “The
called the environmental plans an great reset.” towns and cities in the country. The union LTO estimated in 2019, that similarities between Canada and
‘unavoidable situation’. Since the Dutch government farmers chanted “We are not slaves, nearly 54,000 Dutch agricultural Holland are as startling as they are
The emissions targets align announced their ambitious targets we are farmers,” as they drove businesses’ exports totalled 94.5 disturbing.” Dean called Canadian
with the 2015 Paris Agreement, in June, thousands of farmers across through the northern powerhouse billion Euros. Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and
the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable the Netherlands have mobilised city of Milan. EuroWeekly News It comes as no surprise that the
Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte,
Development Goals and the EU’s together to protest. Farmers have reported: “In Spain, farmers in Dutch government have pursued
the ‘golden pin-up-boys’ for Klaus
Natura 2000 network of vulnerable protested by blockading food Bdajoz, Granada and Albacete climate change and Agenda 2030
paraded their tractors down the Schwab and the globalist fantasists
and endangered plant and animal distribution centres, roads, and principles over food and job
habitats. streets in solidarity with the foreign security. Prime Minister of the of the WEF.
politicians’ driveways. They
The Dutch farming union, LTO, have taken their protests to busy farmers, as well as staging national Netherlands, Mark Rutte, is one Dutch farmers clearly didn’t
which represents over 30,000 motorways, some have dumped hay protests at home over a lack of of the World Economic Forum’s get the Great Reset memo: ‘You
farms, estimates that the proposed bales on roads and large gatherings food and gasoline.” Polish farmers (WEF) ‘Young Global Leaders’, will own nothing, and you will be
measures could force 30% of have been seen all over villages, also got in the solidarity spirit by and a regular speaker at WEF happy’.
farms out of business by 2030, and towns and cities in the country. driving their tractors through the meetings. Fighting back is the new normal
described the nitrogen reduction Farmers also sprayed manure capital, Warsaw, to protest against Rutte reacted to the farmers now!

Please pass The Light Australia on when you’ve read it PAGE 13


Earth is cooling, not warming

We need to understand the nature of the corruption – the
As most of you will have heard,
97% of scientists believe global abuse of power in institutions, the suppression of dissent,
warming is real and that
humans have played a part. and the influence of vested interests and funding streams
Furthermore, the UN’s special
panel of scientists believes
most of the warming since 1950
is man-made. All the world’s
science institutions have gone
along with this UN opinion.
And nearly all governments
worldwide have made significant
investments in carbon emission
reductions and renewable energy
supplies - so contrary to Greta
Thunberg’s uninformed opinion,
much has been done.
In fact, vast sums of money are
moving around in carbon credits,
offsets, wind turbines, hydro-
schemes, biofuel plantations,
solar farms and the scary carbon
story has rejuvenated the nuclear
Here are some facts:
1. Global warming of Earth’s
surface effectively stopped twenty
years ago. Two big El Niño
(ENSO) events, where warmth
is released from the ocean,
bumped up the surface figures
for 2016 and 2020 – by as much
as 0.6° C of the ‘record’ 1.2° C –
otherwise, the 21st century saw
no increasing surface trend.
The satellite-era atmospheric temperature record compiled at the University of Alabama.
2. It is argued that internally,
the oceans continued to warm Note the recent cooling, the three largest peaks, and all ‘super El Ninos’.
as excess heat was drawn down,
hence global warming did not 1° C, up since pre-industrial times age) is not the relevant metric, are dozens of conscientious However, it is not temperature
stop – but this is exactly what (the 2016 ENSO event caused a as the power to heat diminishes climate scientists working to that is the most concerning
natural cycles do – they bury heat brief excursion to 1.2° C, and this above 300 parts per million (the reform the system against great change – rather it is wind
at depth and release it later. figure is often quoted despite its level in 1900) and tails off above odds, and whose voices are
3. The globe has cooled since direction, and with that, rainfall
mostly natural causation). 400 (the level now). This power shut out; and second, we need patterns. All major empires
2016 peak – see the graphic 7. The current magnitude is measured in watts per square to understand the nature of the
derived from atmospheric crashed in the low parts of the
and rate of warming is not metre of the Earth’s surface. corruption – in particular, the
measurements by satellite - the cycle – the ‘dark ages’ marked
unprecedented (as often claimed The whole of global warming abuse of power in institutions, the
only data set I trust not to have by famine and mass migrations.
by the MSM) – it is normal has added about two watts to the suppression of dissent, and the
been ‘adjusted’. During such low periods, human
territory for the interplay of the natural surface flux of 240 watts – influence of vested interests and
4. Prior to 1950, even the society deteriorated in all its
two cycles of 60 years and 1,000 that is about 1% and not as scary funding streams.
Intergovernmental Panel on
years, and the latter has been as a 50% figure, and so small it But a little more on future cultural aspects, with invasive
Climate Change’s models show
consistent for the past 6,000 can hardly be measured above cooling. The 1,000-year cycle vandalism often destroying the
insignificant contributions to
years. Around 8,000 years ago, natural variability. is at its peak and will turn previous glories of an empire.
warming from carbon dioxide –
the northern hemisphere was So – what is happening with downward – indeed, there are I estimate CO2 may be
the main increase of which was
post-1950. 2° C warmer than present, the scientists? They have been misled indications it has already begun responsible for, at most, 25% of
5. If one compares a major Arctic Ocean was ice-free in by a few fanatical ‘warmists’ to do so. This is not a quick observed warming. Ironically,
warming from 1920-1945 with summer, and pelicans nested who furthered their careers with nor easily predictable process. if carbon dioxide has the
1975-2000, there is no difference on the Somerset Levels. The flawed models with unproven Many scientists think that solar
heating role ascribed to it by
in the rate and magnitude of the last high point in the cycle saw feedbacks that predicted two to magnetics and UV radiation are
the politically constructed false
warming during both periods (and white storks nest on Edinburgh three degrees of warming. They the key variables that drive the
cathedral, and the Vikings consensus, it could not only save
there was no warming from 1945- were abetted by the mainstream long cycle.
farming in Greenland. media and the funding influence The sun’s energy is now us from a Little Ice Age – we are
1975 – in fact a slight cooling to
1962, despite the rise in carbon Lay people and even some of organisations (headed by Bill declining, with each 11-year likely facing descent into a full
dioxide). scientists with their limited Gates and Al Gore) driving a sunspot peak being lower than the ice age (which would take 3,000
6. If we look at proxies for specialism will argue: “but surely well-oiled media propaganda preceding one. This may indicate years) – CO2 could prevent that.
temperature in the heat content CO2 is a greenhouse gas – it must machine. cooling, but normally the system
of the oceans or the retreat of be the main cause?” Of course, However, it does not help drops in steps, and the next low Peter Taylor’s book Chill
glaciers, then global warming CO2 is a greenhouse gas – but matters, in my opinion, to call point will take about 300 years, is out now: https://www.
started in 1850, and the current increasing concentration (by 50 this a hoax or a ‘scam’. For two when a new ‘Little Ice Age’ will
magnitude lies between 0.8° and per cent since the end of the ice- reasons: first and foremost, there prevail. php?isbn_in=9781905570195


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If you want to get the full Fremantle experience,

what better place to stay than the historic West End.
The Rialto Apartments are situated on a corner displaying brick quoined
edges in the stonework and elaborate plasterwork around the ancient wooden
windows. You can choose from spacious new Studio apartments or one and
two bedroom apartments; some with a balcony overlooking High Street. The
beautiful architecture takes you back to a different era but the rooms have all
the modern amenities like WiFi and air conditioning, and a laundry is available.
There is even a boutique on the ground floor of the building! You will be right
in the thick of the action here with an array of restaurants and cafes to choose
from without having to worry about driving or parking.
To make a booking call Steve on 0403 180206.

RIALTO Phone 0403 180206

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Moore & Moore Café

46 Henry Street, Fremantle. Ph 9335 8825

Fr e o !
So very
You can tell the food is good when an eatery The menu is littered with phrases like
has been around for years and is still a ‘open range’, ‘non-GMO’, ‘GF’, to give you
regular haunt for locals and visitors alike. an idea of their philosophy towards fresh
The iconic Moore & Moore Café is snuggled and healthy food. We enjoyed our leisurely
amongst the historic buildings in Henry breakfast and lingered long enough in the
Street in the West End of Fremantle, which is serene atmosphere to justify sharing a piece
why many couples have chosen to have their of Moore & Moore’s delicious home-made
wedding here. It is also available for other carrot cake, along with an enjoyable almond
events. The coffee ‘n cake crowd gather at the turmeric latte. The best I have ever had! I
front of the building where there is ample was informed that they make their own
seating for a bit of ‘people watching’. For a almond milk so perhaps that is the secret.
more intimate dining experience, patrons Moore & Moore have daily ‘specials’ to
move through the huge old warehouse doors entice you to try something different
to the rear of the building, where you will each time you visit, and in case you are
find a sheltered and leafy stone-walled wondering, the venue is family friendly with
courtyard with umbrellas for shade, or a section on the menu just ‘For the Little
blankets if the weather is cool. I went for Ones’. We finished our visit to Moore &
breakfast and chose the bircher with lemon Moore Café with a wander through the vast
myrtle, apple and turmeric topped with stone walled rooms, to take up roles as art
granola, coconut cream and fruit. What a critiques of the latest art exhibition being
delightful taste sensation! Such unexpected held there. Moore & Moore is open from
flavours that worked so well together. My
vegan dining companion found plenty of
7.30am through to 3pm daily
options. (kitchen closes at 2.30pm)

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