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In my opinion, this game show ending; a showdown between two contestants with the

option to either split or steal, is a true moral test. What surprised me most was that the

majority of contestants would pretend to split when their true intentions were to always

steal. Personally, before hearing Nick’s genius ideology which practically forced his

opponent to choose the split option, my ideology would be to split under all

circumstances for a few reasons. The first reason is that I would feel morally obligated to

tell my opponent my true intentions, and secondly, if I did win by stealing, I would feel

guilty for the rest of my life.

B. My main takeaway from this anecdote about a game show’s prisoner dilemma is that you

should never trust any individual’s word at face value. And especially one who has the

incentive to lie. Often times I would take one’s word in a relationship, only to get

betrayed. However, at the same time, if you can never trust, you can never love or act on

any decision with confidence. So that in itself is the true dilemma.

C. I would like to know the statical data on contestants who say they will split but actually

steal. Also, I would like to see how that has changed since Nick’s brilliant idea was

revealed to the world.

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