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CHAPTER 4: Significance of Drugs in Oral Diagnosis

Adrenocorticosteroids have all of the following side effects except:

A. Interference with fibroblastic activity

B. Reduced inflammatory response

C. Anti-insulin effect

D. Increased immune response

Answer: D

Which of the following is a side effect of mild analgesics?

A. Bronchial constriction

B. Hemorrhage

C. Sedation

D. Increased heart rate

Answer: B

Which of the following is used to correct a reduction in hemoglobin or red blood cell count?

A. Vitamin C

B. Folic acid

C. Vitamin D

D. Vitamin B12

Answer: D

What should dentists be aware of when treating patients with a history of medication for angina pectoris?

A. Use minimum available concentration of vasoconstrictor in local anesthetics

B. Increase the amount of vasoconstrictor in local anesthetics

C. Use local anesthetics without vasoconstrictor

D. Administer general anesthesia

Answer: A
Which drug is the most frequently prescribed for antianxiety?

A. Chlorpromazine

B. Diazepam

C. Propranol

D. Lidocaine

Answer: B

Which of the following is a side effect of Phenytoin?

A. Dry mouth

B. Gingival enlargement

C. Sedation

D. Bronchial constriction

Answer: B

Prolonged antibiotic therapy encourages a change in oral flora which encourages the overgrowth of which organism?

A. Candida albicans

B. Streptococcus mutans

C. Staphylococcus aureus

D. Escherichia coli

Answer: A

Which drugs are used for control of thromboembolic disease such as thrombophlebitis?

A. Anticoagulants

B. Antianemic compounds

C. Analgesics

D. Antianxiety agents

Answer: A

Which drug is widely used for management of partial and generalized seizures?

A. Diazepam

B. Phenobarbital
C. Phenytoin

D. Carbamazepine

Answer: C

What is the side effect of tricyclic antidepressants?

A. Drowsiness

B. Dry mouth

C. Bronchial constriction

D. Increased heart rate

Answer: B

Which drugs are uricosuric agents for management of gout?

A. Antidepressants

B. Antigout medications

C. Anticonvulsants

D. Antihistamines

Answer: B

Which of the following is a side effect of antihistamines?

A. Dry mouth

B. Bronchial constriction

C. Gingival enlargement

D. Sedation

Answer: A

What is a significant side effect of chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of cancer?

A. Dry mouth

B. Depression of bone marrow

C. Gingival enlargement

D. Bronchial constriction

Answer: B
Which of the following drugs are antispasmodics?

A. Adrenocorticosteroids

B. Antihypertensives

C. Antispasmodics

D. Diuretics

Answer: C

What is a side effect of long-term use of barbiturates?

A. Gingival enlargement

B. Dry mouth

C. Sedation

D. Habituation

Answer: D

Which of the following is not included in the general appraisal examination?

A. Blood pressure

B. Pulse rate

C. Temperature

D. Respiratory rate

Answer: D. Respiratory rate

What is the purpose of auscultation during a physical examination?

A. To examine the texture of the skin

B. To assess the condition of the teeth

C. To listen to internal body sounds

D. To evaluate the appearance of the face

Answer: C. To listen to internal body sounds

What should be examined in the eyes during a physical examination?

A. Eyelashes, scleras, and eyebrows

B. Pupils, eyelids, and conjunctival lesions

C. Corneas, irises, and eyelids

D. Eyebrows, irises, and corneas

Answer: B. Pupils, eyelids, and conjunctival lesions

What should be examined in the nose during a physical examination?

A. Airflow, shape, and texture

B. Deformity, obstructions, and mouth breathing

C. Scent, color, and texture

D. Congestion, sinus drainage, and sneezing

Answer: B. Deformity, obstructions, and mouth breathing

What is examined in the neck during a physical examination?

A. Teeth, gums, and tongue

B. Lymph nodes, scars, and lesions

C. Temporomandibular joints and salivary glands

D. Skull, facies, and facial form

Answer: B. Lymph nodes, scars, and lesions

What is examined in the jaws during a physical examination?

A. Teeth, gums, and tongue

B. Lymph nodes, scars, and lesions

C. Temporomandibular joints and salivary glands

D. Symmetry, anterioposterior relationship, and closure pattern

Answer: D. Symmetry, anterioposterior relationship, and closure pattern

What is examined in the soft tissues during an oral examination?

A. The tongue, palate, and oropharynx

B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

C. The lips, labial and buccal mucosae, and floor of the mouth

D. The gingiva, depth of gingival sulcus, and level of epithelial attachment

Answer: C. The lips, labial and buccal mucosae, and floor of the mouth

What is examined in the periodontium during an oral examination?

A. The tongue, palate, and oropharynx

B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

C. The lips, labial and buccal mucosae, and floor of the mouth

D. The gingiva, depth of gingival sulcus, and level of epithelial attachment

Answer: D. The gingiva, depth of gingival sulcus, and level of epithelial attachment

What is examined in the teeth during an oral examination?

A. The tongue, palate, and oropharynx

B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

C. The lips, labial and buccal mucosae, and floor of the mouth

D. The gingiva, depth of gingival sulcus, and level of epithelial attachment

Answer: B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

What is the purpose of charting during an oral examination?

A. To assess the patient's temperature, pulse, and blood pressure

B. To evaluate the patient's oral hygiene and plaque level

C. To record the location and extent of dental caries and other abnormalities in the teeth and gums

D. To check the patient's bite and jaw alignment

Answer: C. To record the location and extent of dental caries and other abnormalities in the teeth and gums

What is examined in the occlusion during an oral examination?

A. The tongue, palate, and oropharynx

B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

C. The lips, labial and buccal mucosae, and floor of the mouth

D. The gingiva, depth of gingival sulcus, and level of epithelial attachment

Answer: B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

What is examined in the edentulous and partially edentulous mouths during an oral examination?

A. The tongue, palate, and oropharynx

B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

C. The lips, labial and buccal mucosae, and floor of the mouth
D. The fit, stability, and function of prosthetic appliances

Answer: D. The fit, stability, and function of prosthetic appliances

What is the purpose of percussion during a physical examination?

A. To assess the texture of the skin

B. To listen to internal body sounds

C. To feel for abnormal growths or masses

D. To evaluate the response of the teeth to stimulation

Answer: C. To feel for abnormal growths or masses

What is examined in the skin during a physical examination?

A. The texture, temperature, and blood pressure

B. The pigmentation, hair, and texture

C. The lymph nodes, scars, and lesions

D. The facies, facial form, and symmetry

Answer: B. The pigmentation, hair, and texture

What is examined in the oropharynx during an oral examination?

A. The tongue, palate, and oropharynx

B. The teeth, occlusion, and periodontium

C. The lips, labial and buccal mucosae, and floor of the mouth

D. The tonsils and throat

Answer: D. The tonsils and throat

What is inspection in dental examination?

a) Listening for sounds within the body

b) Striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument

c) Systematic visual assessment of the patient under examination

d) Feeling or pressing upon structures or portions of the body

Answer: c) Systematic visual assessment of the patient under examination

What is palpation in dental examination?

a) Listening for sounds within the body

b) Striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument

c) Systematic visual assessment of the patient under examination

d) Feeling or pressing upon structures or portions of the body

Answer: d) Feeling or pressing upon structures or portions of the body

What is percussion in dental examination?

a) Listening for sounds within the body

b) Striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument

c) Systematic visual assessment of the patient under examination

d) Feeling or pressing upon structures or portions of the body

Answer: b) Striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument

What is auscultation in dental examination?

a) Listening for sounds within the body

b) Striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument

c) Systematic visual assessment of the patient under examination

d) Feeling or pressing upon structures or portions of the body

Answer: a) Listening for sounds within the body

What is the purpose of general appraisal in dental examination?

a) To evaluate the periodontal ligament

b) To evaluate the physiology and psychologic constitution of the individual

c) To recognize the presence of an abnormality related to oral disease

d) To evaluate the patient’s well-being

Answer: d) To evaluate the patient’s well-being

What should be observed in the examination of the head?

a) The tongue and tonsils

b) The skull including facies, facial form, and symmetry, eyes and nose

c) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

d) The color of the Asian and mucosa

Answer: b) The skull including facies, facial form, and symmetry, eyes and nose

What does the term “facies” refer to?

a) The appearance of the patient’s face as a whole

b) The color of the Asian and mucosa

c) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

d) The proportion of the body and its parts

Answer: a) The appearance of the patient’s face as a whole

Which organ or system is more commonly affected by constitutional disease?

a) The eyes and adnexa

b) The nose

c) The skin

d) The periodontal ligament

Answer: a) The eyes and adnexa

What should be considered in the examination of the nose?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) The relationship of the nasal breathing to mouth breathing

c) The color of the Asian and mucosa

d) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

Answer: b) The relationship of the nasal breathing to mouth breathing

What should be examined in the skin?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

c) Abnormal texture, color, pigmentation, scars, eruptions, lesions, and indications of local and systemic disease

d) The color of the Asian and mucosa

Answer: c) Abnormal texture, color, pigmentation, scars, eruptions, lesions, and indications of local and systemic disease

What should be examined in the neck?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) Lesions, scars, lymph node enlargement, glandular enlargement, deviations of the trachea, and the presence of
developmental defects within the lateral aspects and the midline

c) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

d) Abnormal texture, color, pigmentation, scars, eruptions, lesions, and indications of local and systemic disease

Answer: b) Lesions, scars, lymph node enlargement, glandular enlargement, deviations of the trachea, and the presence
of developmental defects within the lateral aspects and the midline

What is the correct seating position of the patient during the examination procedure?

a) Lying down on a bed

b) Standing upright

c) Sitting in a relaxed unstrained position in the dental chair preferably without head support

d) Sitting in a slouched position

Answer: c) Sitting in a relaxed unstrained position in the dental chair preferably without head support

What should be evaluated in the examination of the jaws?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) The color of the Asian and mucosa

c) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

d) Abnormal texture, color, pigmentation, scars, eruptions, lesions, and indications of local and systemic disease

Answer: c) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

What is the purpose of evaluation of the jaws in dental examination?

a) To recognize the presence of an abnormality related to oral disease

b) To evaluate the periodontal ligament

c) To evaluate the physiology and psychologic constitution of the individual

d) To evaluate the functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

Answer: d) To evaluate the functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

What is bidigital palpation?

a) Procedure whereby the examiner feels or presses upon structures or portions of the body

b) Two hands are used to inspect the same structures on each side of the body

c) Technique of striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument so the examiner can listen for the resulting sounds
d) Palpation with two fingers

Answer: d) Palpation with two fingers

What is bimanual palpation?

a) Palpation with two fingers

b) Two hands are used to inspect the same structures on each side of the body

c) Technique of striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument so the examiner can listen for the resulting sounds

d) Procedure whereby the examiner feels or presses upon structures or portions of the body

Answer: b) Two hands are used to inspect the same structures on each side of the body

What is the primary purpose of examination of the head?

a) To evaluate the periodontal ligament

b) To evaluate the physiology and psychologic constitution of the individual

c) To recognize the presence of an abnormality related to oral disease

d) To evaluate the functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

Answer: c) To recognize the presence of an abnormality related to oral disease

What is the external feature of the cranium that may give some clue as to congenital deformity, growth and
development, asymmetry, general effects of disease, and endocrine disturbances?

a) Eyes and adnexa

b) Skull

c) Nose

d) Skin

Answer: b) Skull

What is the purpose of general survey in dental examination?

a) To recognize the presence of an abnormality related to oral disease

b) To evaluate the periodontal ligament

c) To evaluate the physiology and psychologic constitution of the individual

d) To evaluate the functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

Answer: c) To evaluate the physiology and psychologic constitution of the individual

What should be evaluated through the sounds elicited by percussion in dental examination?

a) The color of the Asian and mucosa

b) The proportion of the body and its parts

c) Changes in the character and density of the supporting tissues and the amount of alveolar bone surrounding tooth

d) The physiology and psychologic constitution of the individual

Answer: c) Changes in the character and density of the supporting tissues and the amount of alveolar bone surrounding

What is the technique of striking the tissues with fingers or an instrument in dental examination called?

a) Inspection

b) Palpation

c) Percussion

d) Auscultation

Answer: c) Percussion

What should be evaluated through auscultation in dental examination?

a) The color of the Asian and mucosa

b) The proportion of the body and its parts

c) The physiological sounds produced within the body

d) The presence of abnormality related to oral disease

Answer: c) The physiological sounds produced within the body

What should be observed in the examination of the eyes and adnexa?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) The appearance of the patient’s face as a whole

c) Gross deformity, growth and development, asymmetry, general effects of disease, and endocrine disturbances

d) Constitutional disease

Answer: a) Gross deformity, growth and development, asymmetry, general effects of disease, and endocrine

What should be observed in the examination of the nose?

a) Gross deformity, growth and development, asymmetry, general effects of disease, and endocrine disturbances
b) The relationship of the nasal breathing to mouth breathing

c) The proportion of the body and its parts

d) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

Answer: a) Gross deformity, growth and development, asymmetry, general effects of disease, and endocrine

What should be observed in the examination of the skin?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) Abnormal texture, color, pigmentation, scars, eruptions, lesions, and indications of local and systemic disease

c) Constitutional disease

d) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

Answer: b) Abnormal texture, color, pigmentation, scars, eruptions, lesions, and indications of local and systemic disease

What should be observed in the examination of the neck?

a) Gross deformity, growth and development, asymmetry, general effects of disease, and endocrine disturbances

b) The relationship of the nasal breathing to mouth breathing

c) Lesions, scars, lymph node enlargement, glandular enlargement, deviations of the trachea, and the presence of
developmental defects within the lateral aspects and the midline

d) Abnormal texture, color, pigmentation, scars, eruptions, lesions, and indications of local and systemic disease

Answer: c) Lesions, scars, lymph node enlargement, glandular enlargement, deviations of the trachea, and the presence
of developmental defects within the lateral aspects and the midline

What is the purpose of bilateral palpation in dental examination?

a) To recognize the presence of an abnormality related to oral disease

b) To evaluate the periodontal ligamentologic constitution of the individual

d) To inspect the same structures on each side of the body

Answer: d) To inspect the same structures on each side of the body

What should be evaluated in the examination of the floor of the mouth?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) The color of the Asian and mucosa

c) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

d) Bimanual palpation

Answer: d) Bimanual palpation

What should be observed in the examination of the lips?

a) The proportion of the body and its parts

b) The color of the Asian and mucosa

c) The functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

d) Bidigital palpation

Answer: d) Bidigital palpation

What is the purpose of the evaluation and localization of inflammation of the periodontal ligament and secondary
pulpitis in dental examination?

a) To evaluate the physiology and psychologic constitution of the individual

b) To recognize the presence of an abnormality related to oral disease

c) To evaluate the functional movement of the mandible and temporomandibular joints

d) To evaluate the supporting tissues and the amount of alveolar bone surrounding tooth

Answer: d) To evaluate the supporting tissues and the amount of alveolar bone surrounding tooth

c) To evaluate the physiology and psych

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