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School ESNCHS Grade GRADE 12

LESSON Teacher Nickle Rey A. Cañete, Learning General Biology
Teaching August 19, 2019 Quarter 1st Quarter
Dates 7:30-8:30AM
and Time

✓ Content The Learners demonstrate an understanding of:
Standards ➢ The learners demonstrate an understanding of
plant and animal organ systems
and their functions.
✓ Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standards ➢ develop a presentation (e.g. role-playing,
dramatization and other forms of
multimedia) to show how an organism maintains
homeostasis through the
interaction of various organ systems in the
✓ Learning The learners:
Competencies ✓ The learners compare and contrast chemical and
/ Objectives nervous control in plants and animals
✓ Specific 1. Explain tropic and nastic movements of
Objectives plants;
2. give the different types of Tropic and
Nastic movement of plants;
3. recognize the importance of plant
movement to us.
I. CONTENT Tropic and Nastic Movements in plants
➢ LEARNING Projector, handouts, laptop, speakers
➢ References General Biology II TG, Internet
➢ Teacher’s 221-225
Guide pages
➢ Learner’s None
➢ Textbook pages None
➢ Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
➢ Other Learning Retrieved from
II. PROCEDURES Collaborative method
➢ Reviewing UP-DOWN-SMASH Game
previous - Learners will play the Up-Down-Smash Game.
lesson or a) Learners will look for a partner, then put
presenting the thier hands together alternately with their
new lesson partner.
(Elicit) b) As the teacher says up, the learner whose
(5 mins) hand is at the bottom will put his/her hands
on top.
c) If the teacher says down, student with hand
on top will put his/her hand at the bottom.
d) And if the teacher says smash the learner
whose hand is at the bottom will smash the
opponent’s hand and the other learner should
not let his/her hand be smashed. Learners
whose hands will be smashed/caught will
answer the following questions:
1. What organ system in animals enable it to
respond to stimuli?
2. What do we call the cell present in our
nervous system?
➢ Establishing a Chillax and Watch
purpose for
the lesson - Before playing the video clip the learners
(Engage) will be prompted with this question.
(3 mins)
Do plants move?

- Learners will watch a 34-sec time lapse HD of

plant movement video clip presentation.
Guide question:
a) What happened to the plants in the
video clip?
b) Do plants really move?

Communicate learning objectives

The learners compare and contrast chemical and
nervous control in plants and animals
(STEM_BIO11/12-IVa-h-1) specifically the lesson is
aimed to:
1. explain tropic and nastic movements of
2. give the different types of Tropic and
Nastic movement of plants;
3. recognize the importance of plant
movement to us.
➢ Activity DORA the Explorer Activity
(5 mins) - Learners will be grouped into five (5)
according to their grades
- Before playing the video clip each group
will answer the map of conceptual change on
the initial part. Learners will answer it on
- (Initial-revised-final concept map)
(15 mins) (Initial- How plants move?)

- Learners will watch a 5:49 seconds video

clip about tropic and nastic movements in
plants and answer the guide questions in
1. What is tropic and nastic movement?
2. What are the types of tropic and nastic
movements in plants? Give concrete
examples of each.
(learners may divide the task to maximize
the time)
- After the video, in five (5)-minute time,
the learners will be asked to look and take
pictures of a plant outside that exhibits
the movement they are assigned to focus on.
A. Group 1- Phototropism
B. Group 2- Gravitropism
C. Group 3- Hydrotropism
D. Group 4- Thigmonastic (touch)
E. Group 5- Photonastic (light) movement
- After five (5) minutes, the learners will
return inside the classroom to present and
discuss the picture that best captured the
movement they are assigned with through
- Group who will arrive earlier will be the
last to present, and the group who arrived
last will be the first to present.
- Learners will be rated according to these

Criteria 3 2 1
Cooperati If all the If there If there
on learners were 1-3 were 4 or
participated learners more
actively who did learners
throughout not who did
the activity participat not
e actively participat
throughout e actively
the on the
activity activity
comprehen If the If the If the
siveness explanation explanatio explanatio
was in-depth n was in- n was not
and depth and in depth
evidences evidences and lacked
were were evidences.
strongly presented
Time- Finished the Finished Finished
boundedne task earlier the task the task
ss than the on the after the
allotted allotted allotted
time time time.

*learners may add criterion to these rubrics.

➢ Analysis - Learners will present their output through

(Explain) and their answer to the guide
(10 mins) questions to the class and rate the other
groups’ performance using the rubrics.
- Group 1 will rate group 2, group 2-group 3,
group 3-group 4, group 4-group 5, and group
5-group 1.
➢ Making - Initial-Revised-Final Concept Map)
generalization (Revised- How plants move?)
s and
abstractions Learners will answer the following questions:
about the - What are the differences of tropic and nastic
lesson movements?
(Elaborate) - Identify what type of movement the pictures
(8 mins) portray.

1. Thigmonasty 4. Photonasty
2. Phototropism 5. Hydrotropism
3. Thigmotropism 6. geotropism
(9 Finding Agriculture and business
Application - Auxin is a plant hormone that promotes growth
(Elaborate) on stem and root tips and the reason behind
(5 mins) why plants bend or grow towards the stimuli.
1. What could be a good innovation to this
natural chemical that will help
i. Answer: One possible innovation to
this is a natural fertilizer.
2. How do plant movement affect us?
i. Answer: One possible answer to
this, since
III. Evaluating - Initial-Revised-Final Concept Map)
learning (Final- How plants move?)
(9 mins) The learners will answer 5-item quiz using
1. Which movement is due to growth of plant?
A. Nastic movements
B. Tropic movement
C. Both
D. None
2. Marlo planned to give Katrina sunflowers so
he planted one hundred (100) flowering plants
of sunflower, he noticed that every day the
young sunflower changes its flower direction
from east to west. What type of plant movement
is this?
A. Nastic movements
B. Tropic movements
C. Both
D. None
3. What type movement is shown by the closing of
Makahiya “Mimosa pudica” leaves when touched?
A. Photonastic
B. Thigmotropism
C. Thigmonastic
D. thermotropism
4. Marvil is a Florist who uses metal scaffolds
for the plants to cling making it a nice
ornamental plant. Which of the following
tropism is exhibited by the plant?
A. Phototropism
B. Thigmotropism
C. Gravitropism
D. Hydrotropism
5. Auxin is added to fertilizers used in
agriculture; what effect does auxin have on
plants stem?
A. Inhibits elongation
B. Inhibits cell division
C. Promotes cell division
D. Promotes elongation
6. Assignment - Plants help us in many ways and can also
(Extend) save us from natural disasters. As a science
student, it is our task to promote
advocacies that lessen the enhanced
greenhouse effects. Planting trees is one of
which. Your task is to plant a fruit bearing
tree on your backyard and make sure that it
will grow. Make a stick fence to protect it.
Take a picture of you while doing the task.
Email your picture at

Prepared by:


Teacher II

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