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000210 e 13 5

0-3 shaSy
L ler
hn frahrcs
linox epeahig Aydeuno
inkf a re Qd pen soUre Opeahing syshem fehrs krobn
sfabilihy peutomnahce ad feribiaty. Som
Linux inchode :
)MulE Wsta Spper i n UxpllorswlhplUsens acc
Oud vs e
Alh-taskin Vimux upporb wlhadeicg wuch_meas
i a t Usens an polnwlipa
a)Scorhy: inuxis uLOr or ib Scunty feahue ineltaneausy
Incha use avthukolon acters
nrol ad Drecun isolohOs
4)UpewrSovre: finue ( a n qeh ichig syskem_lsa
mLah tras ts dour oo 6freely
avaialh for auyon
o vie malify Aud dishiwt
5hushmzahin: inux tustomizak Aud vserp Ca
taolly mooley Ad 10uppe peag sysem h su hi
sprcife nuds cud Dreeunu
Loupakabilihy dinuxscoapaibk with a wide rag hardewa
Oud sotaa,fu
clwdiug prep rekay d
pen Soure eppliola
T)ouwniky Snpatdx has A largc aud achve Leunwny E
durdopo ho pova eport Aud awisapc ro ote
Ueesp hrov dule orvm haiüing lso ad IRC
2 coibe in dutil abaut shruehor e/ aox
inUx 16 a freu aud apeuo SOura peraliingsystam a s baoed
Dn inux kennel pucdh Wa fist silanzd
Sept,17 l2/ by pinvs lorvald
Tu lnox knuh is core t pealig
cperalhig syseen
uspeNO k or mauagtn systwn Laud bane aud
iciitoky (ouumwnrhoh oetten T aMousshoan
Drogruun hat rn a linur&yshm
mano Lic ben nel yhuch ao bat t
cnhic opeahng Jystn 1s mplumnkd h a diuyg
lage rogra 7us consnab minobue achuttchre
hn nnel is liieled mto epanat madubar
(ompontnb faat an be fndlepeudeutey updakd aned
04 luy tahe linwx is ?h modoa deohn
nluich allons s ens o Caelly Cwshmiz TopLahug
6yshun by addig avd n o v sottwa Coonponu
An udd.Ths s made pDossil ba se hannd
l1braies iidh cO mde ad
ou parkage Aanajenmea Sqno nhicl
mad i o ho mstola Manage settwale
packageo 0 a linux syshm
JnddGhen ho e biner
kenal a yáal inx syst
Incwdusa_wih ange o 6ofturar louyponuuh 1hlvdicg
A shul for
for tueouchie sit fie ayecn, A seF e Conuaid
Qint vHlhe wr pertormic Lanon tudes a aud

Ireplucase uejaa (yU for ntrathve

dyslem Tndivisurd ecminb suehho d.ows pmas
Cottom Vinwx a l inchdg A wicd paug e hoalo
and appliahoro pr troho duch a welo Crowsia wore

Prouni aud ual

uppprt o r a wie sae
programuug Lauguaje and duveloprimut veb
Mamy 0 hoob and appicahors e durlop cd
and maidaintd by C OpCh uru ommunay aud an
fruly ANalalde anyot Us and modi
h Mpes availald ja iwx Disus
nands in wx
ownado Linwx incbwde:
Kegolan whtch conlein das, text or preyraw
) DrcForte
ich an tontaino fr cta fuw auel dirctorie
Sy mbaic Link ,wuidh a poiuk o oau fileo or drcre
4 Blh specáal h ouich preoe ,

driew foppy le vie

pecal lu uich eprpet

n Linw You an Use Vauioor Courado hore wieh

) s Used o i all flw ad direic
á dirchory
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dhag toren
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ark die cho
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morc sAud direchares
6) Tm Vsed o _ yemor al flu ad dinchorie
C ) foveh &cd nak Or
bpclak t t hmesap
(xishug iu

linvx Ove windas eahing yekm

advaukage b Usig _Unwx tocd opeasig
widow ned opoaig yshm. Ttu au pee
e mos Sigiftahk adauoge
iw Upcn ovr naue a e sourck
Codu s eeky avalas Lon lee
modfeo dis hributedTuis it vey fuab
o K is linnaly morr daloe anel Seare tan
windons. i ls rulwnale virvseo etun pe
0 malwan aud E b u ely nuAh or econe

widle vauehy a
dishibohons or enoons cal
o Anich bao h bwn laetrabe aud Capaleiuke
Tuis muaus a t you n daios Ta vuolor Groy
Ca bes ai o
your hudo

Uwwx 6nvally mo ident aan wiudosnuic mas
A it (a run bn elde Laudubn auol shu prerid a
Hood peueuc

4Kiwr6 dlbo mrt
hordolde. h an no Licen i g t
or Usi uwx biauseib pu doura. s ae
busremo nolivi soakb e
saguupat amant o movuy

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