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Nama Yosefhine Ade Laura


In this part, you will experience the learning activity focusing on the knowledge about Personal Letter.

A. Draw lines to connect the words with their suitable meanings

Word Meaning
1. to recall (E) a. the name signing of a person, a mark or stamp
2. to regard (G) representing
3. sincere (B) b. his name, marked by himself or by an authorized deputy.
4. to remind (J) c. to communicate, to make known, to take from one place
5. signature (A) to another.
6. salutation (I) d. the act of coming to a decision, or finalizing or settling a
7. to skip (F) purpose.
8. to convey (C) e. to remember
9. recipient (A) f. to jump from one point to another, omitting or
10. determination (D) disregarding what intervenes.
g. to look at attentively, to look upon or consider in a
particular way.
h. a person who receives genuine, earnest, honest
i. an act, phrase, gesture, etc. that serves as a greeting
j. to cause to remember, to put a person in mind of

B. Match the sentences with their suitable purposes

Expression Purposes
1. Kindest regard (F) a. To express the writer’s gratitude.
2. I’d like to invite you to spend the holiday in my b. To apologize
hometown. (I) c. To change the topic
3. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. d. To compliment
(K) e. To offer help
4. I’d like to thank you for your assistance (D) f. To close the letter
5. It was good to hear from you again (A) g. To share good news
6. I’m very delighted to tell you about (B) h. To confirm something
7. Could you please do me a favor ? (B) i. To invite the recipient
8. I am sorry to inform you that I can’t visit you j. To open the letter
this holiday. (J) k. To expect a reply
9. Anyway, the reason I’m waiting this letter l. To ask for help
is…..changing the topic (C)
10. If you need help, just let me know. Okay ? (E)
C. Read the following letter

Letter 1
Jl. Flamboyan no 89

September 22, 2017

Dear Indah,
Sorry I haven’t written to you for so long. We moved into a new apartment
last month and we’ve been really busy getting settled.
It’s a nice apartment. It is bigger than our old one. It’s big so there are a lot
of rooms to work in. It has a big living room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
Another thing I like is the kitchen.
The apartment is on a quiet street in a good neighbourhood. There’s also a
shopping centre just down the street with a supermarket, some quite good
restaurant and stores.
We really enjoy living here. Do come over and have a look next time you are
in town. I’ll wait.


Letter 2
Jl. Anggrek 28
November 5, 2016

Dear Riana,
Hi How are you ? We have not met each other for a long time. I really miss you.
Though I look forward to the festive season, I feel a tinge of sadness because you
are not with me. Our childhood was the warmest. Remember how we first at the canteen
and then got to know each other ? As buddies, we counted on each other for everything.
We shared lunches, clothes, joy and even grief. Remember how we studied in the fast
food restaurant, spotting questions and sharing answers ?
Of course, we had our share of quarrels. Why did we let matters like boyfriends
come between us ? remember how we both felt head over heels in love with the OSIS
prefect ? However, we soon made up when we realized that neither of us meant anything
to our high and mighty hero.
Well, that’s all nice experience that I will never forget forever.


Letter 3
Dear Andrew,

I have a story to share. Last week I took my five year old son, Willy, to a musical instrument
shop in my hometown. I wanted to buy him a set of junior drums because his drum teacher advised me
to buy him a set. Willy likes listening to music very much. He also likes asking me everything he wants
to know. Even his questions sometimes seem precocious for a boy of his age. He is very inquisitive.
We went there by car. On the way, we saw a policeman standing near a set of traffic lights
regulating the passing cars and other vehicles. He blew his whistle now and then.
Seeing the policeman blowing the whistle, Willy asked me at once.” Dad, why is the policeman
using a whistle, not a drum ?”
Hearing his unexpected question, I answered reluctantly,” Because he is not Phil Collins!”


D. Answer the following questions .

1. What is the social functions of the letters above ? ( letter 1. Letter 2 and letter 3 )
2. What is the difference of the letters above ?
3. What is the similarities of the letters above ?

Learning Activity 2

Now let’s continue to do the next exercises.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box

a. allowed b. bad day c. apologize d. thought

e. attitude f. maintain g. unacceptable h. excusing
i. missed j. honest k. deserve l. homework

September 23, 2017

Dear Farid,
Let me begin with,” I’m sorry for the (1)G. Unacceptable action I have taken against you. I can
see that my behavior and (2) E. Attitude were hurtful and totally unnecessary. You did not (3 K. Deserve
to be on the receiving end of my actions.
I’m not normally like this. While I am not (4 Excusing myself from my immature actions. I believe I
acted the way I did because of my (5 Bad Day Since the morning I had to get through my day with
misfortunes. I (6 Missed the bus so I was late for school, I left my (7 Homework book at home so I
wasn’t (8 Allowed to join the class and I couldn’t do the math test properly.
I hope you forgive me and we can continue to (9 Maintain our friendship. If you have any
(10 Thought on this matter, please feel free to contact me via letter or e-mail.


B.Complete the statements based on the letter above.

1. The purpose of writing the letteri

Is for Apologing for her mistake and tell the reason
2. Tata feels wrong towards Farid because she made a mistake, her action was hurting farid
3. Tata says that he acted immaturely to Farid because of her bad day
4. Tata was late for school because she missed the bus
5. For not being able to produce his homework book, Tata Wasn’t Allow to join the class
6. That day Tata had Math Test but he couldn’t do it properly
7. After something happened to both of them, Tata hopes that Farid will forgive her and they can
continioue to maintain their relationship
8. Tata asks Farid to send him a letter or e-mail him if Farid Had Any Thought on this Matter

B. Read the text and choose the correct answer !

Text 1 for no 1- 3

23 May 2017
Dear friends
As you all know, I’ve been accepted by another company and will be resigning from my position this
week. Let me sy my sincere goodbye to all of you.
For me, it’s been a hard decision. I have been with you for the last four years and always
appreciated the professional teamwork. It was the best period of my career so far. I learned a lot of
things from you all. It was really a good opportunity to be part of this team. I am sure it will be difficult
to forget all the experiences and relationships we have had so for. We will remain friends. My time is
always available for you all. I do hope my new job has the same level of teamwork like I have had here.
Thank you for those wonderful moments. Wishing you a successful career and life today and

Best regard,

Brendan Scott
1. What is the purpose of the text
A. To inform colleagues about Brendan’s new job opportunity.
B. To apologize to friends working in the same company.
C. To say farewell as he is resigning from the office.
D. To announce someone’s promotion.
E. To say thanks for the cooperation.

2. Why will Brendan be resigning from the company ?

A. He has been accepted by another company.
B. He has been dismissed from his latest job
C. He wants to move out of the country.
D. He wants to apply for a new job.
E. He wants to find another job.

3. “….will be resigning from my position this week.” ( paragraph 1 )

What does the underlined word mean ?
A. Postponing
B. Setting off
C. Promoting
D. Designing
E. Leaving

Text 2 for no 4 - 6

10 April 2017

Dear Suprapto,
I would like to apologize for the inconvenience that I caused yesterday. It was really my fault. I didn’t
realize I had moved your books from the shelf.
I just wanted to look for my missing novels. Unintentionally, I moved your books from the shelf
to the boxes. I thought it was the right decision to put the books in the boxes we had prepared for the
temporary container during the installation of the new furniture. I didn’t think that it would cause you
problems in finding books that you needed.
I promise to put the books back on the shelf in alphabetical order, so that it will be easier for
you to find the book you are looking for.
Forgive me because I didn’t consider that you might still need any book from the shelf. I know I
caused you inconvenience and made you upset. Once again, I promise that it won’t happen again.


4. What is the text about ?
A. Apologizing for a mistake
B. Moving to a new apartment
C. Planning to remove the furniture
D. Suggesting changing the furniture
E. Offering help to find a missing book

5. Why was Suprapto upset ? Because……….

A. He didn’t like the boxes
B. Ahmad didn’t want to change shelves
C. The books should not be placed in the boxes
D. The books are too old to be placed on the shelves
E. He could not identify the position on the books he needed

6. “… will be easier for you to find the book you…..” ( paragraph 3 )
What does the underlined pronoun refer to
A. Putting the books in alphabetical order
B. Temporary container
C. Alphabetical order
D. The furniture
E. The shelf

Text 3 for no 7 -9

Dear Andrew

I have a story to share. Last week I took my five year old son, Willy, to a musical instrument
shop in my hometown. I wanted to buy him a set of junior drums because his drum teacher
advised me to buy him a set. Willy likes listening to music very much.
He also likes asking me everything he wants to know. Even his questions sometimes seem
precocious for a boy of his age. He is very inquisitive.
We went there by car. On the way, we saw a policeman standing near a set of traffic lights
regulating the passing cars and other vehicles. He blew his whistle now and then.
Seeing the policeman blowing his whistle, Willy asked me at once,”Dad,why is the policeman
using a whistle, not a drum ?”
Hearing his unexpected question, I answered reluctantly,” Because he is not Phil Collins !”


7. What is the letter about ?
A. Willy and his new drum
B. Phil Collins and his drum
C. The writer’s five year old son
D. Willy’s drum private teacher
E. A policeman and his whistle

8. “Even his questions sometimes seem precocious…..” ( paragraph 1 )

The word “ precocious “ can be best replaced with……
A. Funny
B. Stupid
C. Childish
D. Advanced
E. Annoying

9. What is the purpose of the letter ?

A. To describe about Willy
B. To describe about Phil Collins
C. To amuse the writer’s friend
D. To ensure the writer’s friend that Willy is inquisitive
E. To retell events for the purpose of informing and entertaining

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