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Museum (museum)

Ms. Wendy: Welcome to the museum, Andi and Haley.

Andi: Hello, Ms. Wendy.
Haley: What are you doing here, Ms. Wendy?
Ms. Wendy: I'm going to be your guide here at the museum.
Haley: So, where do we go first?
Ms. Wendy: First, we are going to the pre-historic era room.
Andi: Is that where we could see dinosaur fossils?
Haley: I think so, Andi.
Andi: I like dinosaurs!
Haley: Me too. But I would like to visit Leonardo da Vinci’s Collections.
Andi: So where is the room, Ms. Wendy?
Ms. Wendy: It's just up ahead.
Andi: Wow, look at all those fossils!
Haley: Amazing!
Ms. Wendy: Now, let's move on to the next room.

Ticket Counter Sculpture

(Loket Tiket)
(Ms Wendy buys a ticket in the
ticket counter) (it is the biggest sculpture)

Dinosaur fossil Painting

(fosil dinosaurus) (Lukisan)
(Could you please tell me where I (There are many famous paintings
can find the dinosaurs fossil?) painted by Raden Saleh.)
The souvenir shop Map
(toko suvenir) (Peta)
(Many people buy gifts in the (We can see the ancient map at the
souvenir shop) museum)

Information Board Musical instrument

(Papan informasi) (Alat musik)
(Andi reads the Information Board) (Sasando is the famous musical instrument)

Historical Pictures Artefact

(Foto bersejarah) (artefak)
(There is historical picture in my house) (We can’t buy old artefact in the museum)

Artefak* : Peninggalan benda-benda bersejara

Let's guess the right word.
My family will go to the M_s_um at the weekend.

My dad buys tickets for us at the t_c_et c_unt_r.

My little brother wants to see d_no_aur f_ss_ls in the museum.

My mom wants to buy a gift at the s_uv_nir sh_p.

There are many famous P_inti_gs in the art room.

We can read the In_orm_tion b_ard behind the souvenir shop.

My friends like to come the museum and see the h_sto_ical pi_tur_s.
Let’s go to the museum

Saturday Morning, my schoolmates and I go to National Museum

of Indonesia. The museum is the biggest and oldest museum in Indonesia
that Placed in Jakarta. The museum has many artifact collections.
The one of collections is The Pinisi Boat from Makassar. The next
Collection is ancient globe from Europe. The next room, we find that
there are many fossils and sculptures.
We can take a picture in the museum, but you are not allowed to
use flash to take pictures. We are also not allowed to bring food and
drink inside the museum.
My teacher goes to the art room to see the famous paintings.
Others go to the musical instrument room to see music instrument. I buy
gifts for my family in the souvenir shop. We love to go to the museum.

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