Pillar 3

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Pillar 3: Movement for Life Guide

6 Human Movements

1. Twisting

Lower Body
2. Squatting
3. Lunging
4. Bending

Upper Body
5. Pushing
6. Pulling

The specific exercises performed for each movement.

Rounds are how many reps you will perform each exercise. Some exercises will be one sided and labeled “each”
meaning number of rounds per side.

Reps or Repetition how many times you perform a repetition in one round. The number of reps is a direct reflection
of the tempo of an exercise.

Example: if one is performing squats for 60 sec with a tempo of 2·2·0, the total reps in 60 sec would be 15 reps.
 2 sec ECC + 2 sec ISO + 0 sec CON = 4 seconds per repetition.
 60 sec ➗ 4 sec = 15 repetitions.

The time in seconds in which you will perform the exercise action. You will see three numbers in this format #·#·#
(I.e. 2·2·0). The first number is the Eccentric (ECC) action, the ability to control and LOWER body weight or center
of mass TO the end range of motion. The second number is the Isometric (ISO) action, the ability to HOLD body
weight or center of mass IN the end range of motion. The third number is the Concentric (CON) action, the ability to
return or RAISE body weight or center of mass TO the starting range of motion.

Rest is the time between the next round or exercise. During this time the coach will demo the next exercise.

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