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CLASS-VII (2019-20)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Very Short Answer Questions: (1X5=5)

(a) Why is the colour of blood in humans red?
(b) Name the two upper chambers and two lower chambers of the heart.
(c) Which side of the heart receives oxygen rich blood and which side receives Carbon Dioxide
(CO2) rich blood?
(d) What is the function of kidneys?
(e) Name the excretory product in the following organisms:

(1) Snake (2) Fish (3) Humans

II. Short Answer Questions:

(a) What type of respiration occurs in a yeast cell? Show the end products formed during this
process through a chemical equation.
(b) What is the percentage of O2 and CO2 gases in the inhaled air?
(c) What is the direction of blood flow through a pulmonary artery? What kind of blood does it
(d) What is pulse rate? How is the pulse rate related to the heartbeat?
(e) What is dialysis? How much of urine is passed by a normal adult in a day?

III. Give Reasons: (2X2=4)

(a) We feel hungry after a physical activity.
(b) White patches formed under the arms in clothes during summers.

IV. Differentiate between: (2X2=4)

(a) Arteries and Veins
(b) Xylem and Phloem

V. Name the different cellular components of blood along with their functions. (3)
VI. Draw a well-labelled schematic diagram showing circulation of blood in humans.

CLASS-VII (2018-19)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Very Short Answer Questions: (1X8=8)

(a) How do cockroaches respire?
(b) What will happen if there were no platelets in our body?
(c) What are anaerobes?
(d) What are the excretory products in birds, lizards, snakes etc?
(e) Define breathing rate.
(f) Define sweating.
(g) Name the tiny filtering units of kidneys.
(h) Name the vascular tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals.

II. Short Answer Questions:

(a) Write the chemical equation for complete breakdown of glucose in Anaerobic Respiration.
(b) Write a short note on arteries.

III. Give Reasons: (2X3=6)

(a) We experience muscle cramps.
(b) Haemoglobin is required in our body.
(c) Transpiration is important for plants.

IV. Explain the functions of blood in human body. (4)

V. Label the different parts of the respiratory system. (4)
VI. Draw a well-labelled schematic diagram of human excretory system. (4)

CLASS-VII (2017-18)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Name the following: (1X5=5)

(a) Pigment that carries oxygen in our body.
(b) Fine branches of artery that join to form a vein.
(c) Air tubes for gaseous exchange in insects.
(d) An organism that can survive in the absence of oxygen.
(e) The vascular tissues in plants for transportation of food.

II. Define: (1X3=3)

(a) Cellular respiration
(b) Excretion
(c) Vascular tissues

III. Very Short Answer Questions:

(a) Which type of Blood Vessels have thick walls and why?
(b) How can Lungs be considered as Excretory Organs too?
(c) How does Transpiration help a plant? (Any 2 points).

IV. Short Answer Questions: (2X4=8)

(a) Name an animal without a circulatory fluid. How does circulation take place in this animal?
(b) What are the main constituents of urine? Where is it stored?
(c) After running for a while, what happens to the:

(1) Heart Beat (2) Pulse Rate

How are heartbeat and pulse rate related to each other?

(d) Write the main excretory products in:

(1) Humans (2) Fish (3) Birds (4) Lizard

V. Long Answer Questions:
(a) Give chemical equations for the following:

(1) Glucose breaks down aerobically.

(2) Glucose breaks down anaerobically in muscle cells
(b) Name the three types of blood cells. Write one main function of each.
(c) Give the schematic representation of blood circulation in humans.

VI. Label the diagram of Human Excretory System: (2)

CLASS-VII (2016-17)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Fill in the blanks: (5)

(a) The process of breakdown of food in the cell with the release of energy is called ………….
(b) Cellular respiration takes place in the …………. of all organisms.
(c) In the cell, the food (glucose) is broken down into carbon dioxide and water using ……….
(d) When breakdown of glucose occurs with the use of oxygen it is called ………. respiration.
(e) Food can also be broken down, without using oxygen. This is called ………. respiration.

II. Differentiate between: (2X2=4)

(a) Breathing and Respiration
(b) Aerobic Respiration and Combustion

III. Give reasons: (2X3=6)

(a) An athlete breathes faster and deeper than usual after finishing the race.
(b) We often sneeze when we inhale a lot of dust-laden air.
(c) Mountaineers carry oxygen with them.

IV. Answer the following questions: (3X4=12)

(a) Explain the process of respiration in plants.
(b) List the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Write chemical
equations for both.
(c) How do cockroaches breathe?
(d) Describe the role of ribs and diaphragm in breathing.

V. Complete the following concept map showing the passage of air through the human
respiratory system:
CLASS-VII (2015-16)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Answer in one word: (1X5=5)

(a) Layer of soil rich in minerals.
(b) Vertical section that shows distinct layers of soil.
(c) Projections of skin in fish.
(d) Network of air tubes used for gaseous exchange in insects.
(e) Single-celled organisms that respire anaerobically.

II. Complete the following table: (1X4=4)

Earthworm (a) ……………………
Birds (b) ……………………
Fish (c) ……………………
Cockroach (d) ……………………
III. Define: (1X3=3)
(a) Weathering
(b) Humus
(c) Breathing rate

IV. Give Reasons: (1X3=3)

(a) Breathing rate increases with increased physical activity.
(b) Topsoil is dark in colour.
(c) Air above land shimmers during hot summer day.

V. Differentiate between: (5)

(a) Aerobic Respiration and Anaerobic Respiration (3 points)
(b) Sandy Soil and Clayey Soil (2 points)

VI. Answer the following: (2X4=8)

(a) How does oxygen reach to the cells in a cockroach’s body?
(b) What is the percentage of CO2 and O2 in inhaled and exhaled air?
(c) Why is loamy soil best for growing crops?
(d) Explain why waterlogged plants are unable to breathe and consequently die?

VII. Draw a diagram to show respiration by roots in soil.


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