Consolidation-Contemporary Topics 2022 PDF

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Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

Introduction to sociology class [1] ________________________.

Names are a prime example of what we call a [2] _______________________________________________

Main purposes of the topic [1] looking at [3] _____________________ parents choose names

[2] names [4] _______________________ how people respond to us

 4 typical ways parents choose

- first or [5] ____________________ names

+ 1st way: [6] _______________________ = passed from generation to generation

e.g. baby girl born called [7] ______________ = her grandmother’s name

first son [8] __________________ after his father by adding “junior” or

“the second” e.g. Thomas Proctor the second.

+ 2nd way: named after someone they [9] _____________, such as a favorite teacher or a family

friend, a famous athlete or [10] _______________________

+ 3rd way: provide [11] __________________________________________ to their child

- Concerned about gender discrimination: A name works for either gender, like
[12] _________________ or [13] _________________
- Unusual names: Denali or Sky

+ 4th way: names parents [14] ________________, or they are classic

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Classic names never go out of style: For boys: Robert & [15] __________________________
For girls: [16] _____________________ & Anna

 Names influence how people [17] ____________________ & affect their chances for success in life

+ Researchers explored whether it’s better to have a classic name such as Robert or

[18] _______________________ name Darvlin

+ People [19] ____________________________ by the name they have

e.g. Homework assignments given to both people with a classic name Michael and people with

an unusual name Hubert

=> Researchers concluded: A [20] ______________________ that a boy named Michael was smarter

than a boy named Hubert

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Complete the notes below.

English as a global language

Two contrasting points of view on whether or not English is a global language

For Against

1st reason: 1. ______________________________________ 1st reason: 9. ______________________________________

____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
e.g. - airports, hotels, 2.____________________________ e.g. English for work or school each day
- the EU uses English for both 3. - Even English-speaking countries, millions of
________________________________ communication people speak a language other than English, e.g.
- 4. ______________________ in Europe are now Spanish in large cities like NY
teaching their classes in English & even in France 2nd reason: 10. ____________________________________
- English used on 5. ____________________________ ____________________________________________________
2nd reason: 6. _____________________________________ e.g. less than half of the population knows some
____________________________________________________ English
e.g. In England: English is the only 3rd reason: 11. ____________________________________
7. __________________________________ ____________________________________________________
In India: English & 8. _________________ are official e.g. taxi drivers in Rome, 12. ______________ in
languages Korea or China
=> millions of people in the world need a common => David Crystal: language is a part of culture, so
language to facilitate communication. people will want to 13. ___________________ their
own languages and cultures more than ever
=> With English as a global language,
Q1: Do we need an international standard?
Q2: Which standard should we use?

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Complete the notes below

- Definition of a phobia: [1] _______________________________________________________________________

- Main points of the lecture: types of phobias
[2] ___________________________________________________________________

I/ Main kinds of phobias:

1. [3] __________________________________
e.g. Fear of dog
2. [4] __________________________________
e.g. Fear of public speaking
- Characteristics of a phobia:
1. Irrational
2. [5] _____________________________________
3. Uncontrollable
- Types of common phobias: classified by the thing or situation that the person fears
+ Latin & Greek names used to describe the fear
e.g. + Hypnophobia = fear of sleep
+ [6] ____________________________ = fear of dog
+ Claustrophobia = fear of being in closed places

II/ Causes of phobias

- 2 theories on causes of phobias:

1. [7] _________________________________________________________________________________
2. [8] _________________________________________________________________________________
- Treatments:
1st theory: [9] ______________________________________________________________________________________

2nd theory: [10] ____________________________________________________________________________________

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I/ How to succeed in today’s economy

 [1] ___________________________
 what else?

II/ Main parts of the lecture

1. [2] ____________________________________________________
2. [3] ____________________________________________________

 Today’s economy = global system: [4] ______________, resources, [5] ___________


VUCA environment: V = Volatility; U = Uncertainty; C = Complexity; A = Ambiguity

- V = Volatility: [6] _________________________________________________________

e.g. $ barrel oil  20% / 1 day
• energy market [7] ___________________
- U = Uncertainty: don’t have all info, [8] ____________________, [9] ________________
e.g. [10] ____________________________
• mixed reaction
• [11] _________________________________________
• company didn’t know [12] _______________________
- C = Complexity: [13] _______________________________________________________
e.g. [14] __________________ in Germany
• US model: [15] ___________________________________________
• Germans: not trust low prices, [16] _________________, [17] ___________
- A = Ambiguity: [18] ________________________________________
• ppl choose familiar  [19] __________________________
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e.g. open office in NY or Chicago
= “ambiguity effect”

=> VUCA = interrelated factors describe biz changes

 How to succeed?

Bob Johansen (Institute for Future): [20] _________________________

V = Vision; U = Understanding; C = Clarity; A = Agility

=> VUCA Prime

- V = Vision: [21] ________________________________________

 Make decision [22] ______________________________
e.g. Jeff Bezos, [23] ___________________
• Internet growing rapidly
• [24] __________________________________
• created Amazon = [25] _________________________
- U = Understanding: [26] _______________________________
 pay attention to [27] _____________________
e.g. Rashmi Sinha, [28] ___________________
• opportunity  [29] ______________________________
- C = Clarity: [30] ___________________________________
e.g. Laura Fitton, Oneforty ( Hubspot)
• saw that social media = [31] ______________________ / investing tool
• created directory system for ppl to find [32] _________________________
- A = Agility: [33] ___________________________________
e.g. Pierre Omidyar, [34] ________________
• ppl like buy / sell [35] __________________________

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• designed auction website  [36] ___________________________

III/ Conclusion about what is needed to succeed in business

=> Want to succeed?  Biz leader needs [37] ___________________________________


Complete the notes below.

Topic: [1] ______________________________________________

Def. of multiple intelligences: [2] __________________________________________

Main parts of the lecture: 1. [3] ______________________________________________

2. [4] ______________________________________________

Traditional way to measure intelligence: [5] ____________________  measure intelligence

IQ = intelligence quotient: [6] _____________________

130 = [7] ______________________________

100 = [8] ______________________________

Reasons some people don’t like traditional IQ tests  [9] _____________________________

A. Factors affecting score: [10] ______________________________________________

B. Multiple intelligences theory: Gardner (Harvard): [11] _________________________

9 intelligences:

1. Verbal: [12] _________________________________________________

2. Mathematical: [13] ___________________________________________

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3. Musical: [14] ____________________________________
4. Artistic: [15] ____________________________________
5. Spatial: [16] ____________________________________
6. Kinesthetic: [17] ________________________________
7. [18] _________________________________: between people: social
8. Intrapersonal: within self: [19] ___________________________________________
9. [20] _______________________________________________

2 effects of multiple intelligences theory in classroom: [21] ____________________________

1. [22] _________________________________________
Variety of techniques to reach Ss
2. [23] _________________________________________
Give Ss options
Ex. Ms. Sanchez teaches about trees
- Talks about trees
- [24] _______________________________
- [25] _______________________________
- Ss draw pictures
- [26] _______________________________

Ms Sanchez tests/asssesses about trees

- Choices: [27] __________________________________________

- Key: [28] ____________________________________
Issue with standardized tests:  [29] ______________________________________

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Complete the notes below.

Silk Road: [1] __________________________________________

1,500 yrs: [2] ________________________________

3 dynasties: [3] _______________________________

1. Han: [4] __________________________

2. Tang: [5] _________________________
3. Ming: [6] _________________________

The Silk Road

- Network of rules btw [7] ______________________________

- Started in Xi’an (was called “Chang’an”)
West route  [8] _______________________________

South route  [9] ______________________________

North route  [10] ______________________  central Asia

All  trade centers in [11] __________________

- Silk Road = [12] __________________ (8,000 km)

Main reasons for Silk Road?

Europe/China: [13] ________________________

West end: [14] ___________________________

100 BCE: Romans built roads to China: [15] ______________

East end: [16] ____________________________

History: [17] ________________________: 206 BCE – 220 CE

Chang’an capital

North: [18] ____________________________

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138 BCE – Emperor Wudi: [19] _____________________________

leader captured

+ 10 yrs: tells of horses in W. China

get horses  [20] ___________________________

100 BCE: Romans  [21] ________________

West  Chinese

= Silk Road

Traders: Central Asia

- caravans: buying/selling along the way

Europe wanted: [22] ____________________________

China wanted: [23] _____________________________

Traders – exchanged goods & information

alternate route to avoid: [24] _______________________________________

600s – Tang Dynasty = [25] ___________________

Chang’an – [26] __________________ (8,000 foreigners)

Early 900s – Silk Road decline b/c [27] _____________________________

1400 – [28] ________________________________________

1. 1368 – Ming Dynasty: [29] ______________________________

2. Europeans: [30] ______________________________
Today: globalization  [31] ____________________________

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Complete the notes below.

Social psychologists: [1] _____________________ & identifying w/ player or team

 [2] __________________

= belonging to group + self-esteem

= [3] ______________________________________________

• 5 reasons why ppl watch sports

• [4] ___________________________________

Reasons people watch sports

1. [5] __________________________________________
- athletes have talent + dedication
e.g. – Olympic gymnast performance
- [6] _________________________________
- Wimbledon (tennis) ace
- [7] _________________________________
2. [8] __________________________________________

e.g. race, contest

- when watch  [9] ___________________________ (“in” competition)

Blood pressure + hormone levels 

3. [10] _____________________
- sports: [11] ___________________________________, rivalries
how succeed/ meet challenges
[12] _________________________
4. [13] _________________________________________
- problem solving & [14] _____________________________
e.g. soccer: [15] _______________________________
5. [16] _______________________________  bond with others
- fan = [17] ___________________________
- belonging & acceptance
e.g. Olympics: united as nation

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- triumph & glory when team plays
- wear colors, chant, cheer  [18] ____________________________

Belonging & Self-Esteem: Social Identity Theory (SIT)

- 40 yrs ago: [19] ______________________________: Henri Tajfel & John Turner

- SIT = ppl behave to  [20] ____________________
= mental health ~ [21] __________________________________________________
- fan feels part of team & community  [22] _______________________________

team wins? [23] ________________________________

team loses? [24] _________________________ BUT still feel self-esteem b/c loyal group member

Social Media Reinforces SIT  belonging to group & connecting to team

1. Teams & players post  [25] ______________________________


Complete the notes below.

Architect Frank Gehry

Dancing House (Prague)

Architecture: [1] ______________________________

Science  [2] ___________________________

Art  [3] ___________________________ (aesthetics: artistic value)

Vitruvius: Roman architect in 1st c. BCE

Building characteristics

1. [4] _________________________
2. [5] _________________________
3. [6] _________________________

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1. Meet intended use
- [7] ________________________
e.g. [8] ______________  best for students & teachers?
2. Be sound
[9] ___________________________________
3. Be beautiful
- [10] _______________________________
- [11] _______________________________

=> Principles: [12] _________________________________

How Gehry applied intended use + sound + aesthetics

e.g. [13] ____________________________

[14] ____________________________

Distinct style

Architectural pioneer – explore possibilities

Gehry’s style

a. Resourceful  [15] ________________________

b. Playful  [16] ____________________________
c. Innovative  [17] _________________________


a. Resourceful:
1970s  [18] ____________________: sheet metal, plywood, chain-link fence
e.g. [19] __________________________________
b. Playful:

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[20] _____________________
e.g. [21] ______________________
[22] ______________________
c. Innovative:
[23] ____________________________
e.g. [24] _________________________ (Germany)
structurally sound

How did Gehry develop style?

 1970s: [25] __________________

1977-78: [26] _____________________________ (Santa Monica, CA)

Why did he develop style?

To push engineering limits  [27] _________________________

Building must [28] ____________________________________

Gehry noteworthy b/c challenges architects to:

- [29] _____________________________________________

[30] _____________________________________________

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Complete the notes below.

Epidemic: [1] _____________________________________

Non-infectious epidemic: [2] __________________ = global health problem

Obesity = [3] _______________________________

WHO = World Health Organization [4] _________________

BMI: body mass index

BMI = [5] ______________________________

Normal (adult): [6] ______________________________

Obese: [7] __________________________

• Obesity [8] ______________ in 35 yrs.

• ~ 600M adults = [9] __________________
• Big  in [10] _____________________
• US: [11] ____________________ (NIH)
• Obesity  faster: [12] ____________________________ (Brazil, China, India)
• Children: rate  30% > than in [13] ______________________________

Cause: [14] _________________

Past: “disease of affluence”  [15] ___________________________ = overweight

Now: worldwide obesity w/ [16] ______________________________________

 [17] ___________________________

 [18] _____________________
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 [19] _____________________

 [20] _____________________

 [22] ________________________________

Cause: [23] ____________________________

• [24] ___________________________________
• Behavior: food = [25] _____________________________________
• Easy access: [26] ____________________________
• Modern conveniences = [27] _____________________________
e.g. [28] ___________________________
[29] ___________________________
[30] ___________________________

Econ. Develop. = [31] ____________________________  seem good but not

Treating obesity: [32] __________________________

• [33] ______________________
• [34] ______________________
• [35] ______________________
1. nutrition
 [36] ______________________
 [37] ______________________
Family shared meals, [38] ________________________________
e.g. * Finland:  [39] _____________________________ in school vending machines
2. Lifestyle
• Children: [40] _____________________________________
• Adults: [41] __________________________
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e.g. * global companies (Genentech & Zappos): [42] _________________________
* Japan schools: [43] _____________________________
3. Group support
Only way to change habits
e.g. * Nigeria: [44] _________________________________
* US “Keep Moving” & [45] ______________________________


- Obesity  [46] _________________________: rate , esp. children

Factors: [47] ____________________________


Complete the notes below.

Intro: 21st C = [1] _________________________

Since 2008  [2] ___________________________________

e.g. Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Tokyo, Shanghai, Jakarta, Delhi, Istanbul, Lagos

- Mega: pop = [3] _______________

- By 2025  [4] ________________

Trend to city living:

I. Factors: [5] ____________________________  cities?

II. [6] ____________________________ of fast growth?
III. [7] ____________________________ to challenges?
A. Motivation: why?
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Complex: [8] _______________________________________
• Push = [9] _____________
• Pull = [10] _____________

Push factors:

• [11] _______________
e.g. [12] __________________
• [13] _______________
e.g. [14] _______________________ 
• [15] _______________
e.g. violence, religious, [16] _______________________
• [17] _______________
e.g. family member needs [18] ______________________

Pull factors: [19] ______________________________


e.g. [20] ________________, modern housing, quality education, health care, freedom
& [21] ____________________

B. Challenges

e.g. Daniel Ortiz

• [22] ____________________  from rural village in Peru to Lima (capital)

• Goal: [23] ____________________________________
• Affordable housing: [24] ________________  live w/ cousin outside Lima

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• Crowded, [25] _______________________
• City = [26] ____________________________________
• Job: [27] _______________________________

After bus & rent  [28] _________________________________

3 most challenging probs: [29] __________________________________________

How urban planners confront?

Challenge #1: [30] _____________________  not enough units

Housing must be

- [31] __________________________
- [32] __________________________
- [33] __________________________
e.g. Center for Livable Cities (Singapore): “ppl 1st”
- [34] ___________________________________________
- Khoo Teng Chye: [35] __________________________________________

Challenge #2: [36] ______________  ppl protected from violent crime / help in emergencies

2 approaches

• [37] ______________________: Video monitoring alert police if danger

e.g. Rio de Janeiro  [38] _______________________ 
* [39] _____________________: Old buildings, trash,  parks, art, public
e.g. Philadelphia: [40] __________________________

Challenge #3: [41] ________________________  easy, cheap, quick, safe

Too many cars  [42] ___________________________________

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2 solutions:

• [43] _________________________ (buses, bikes, taxis, rail)

e.g. Curitiba, Brazil  [43] _______________________________
 [44] ______________________ 50%
 [45] ______________________
• [46] ____________________ transport systems
e.g. Sydney, AUS: [47] ___________________________
Traffic lights response to # vehicles

 [48] ___________________________ 30%


Complete the notes below.


DNA  [1] _______________  [2] ________________

DNA: [3] _____________________________

e.g. eye/hair color, [4] _______________________________

every cell has [5] ___________________________________

DNA test

DNA profile = [6] ______________________________

1. Take samples: [7] ___________________________________________

2. [8] _____________________________
3. Computer reads DNA  [9] _________________________________

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A. [10] _________________________________________________
e.g. Louis XVI’s son’s body
B. [11] _____________________________________
e.g. [12] _____________________
1. DNA from suspect + [13] _______________________________
2. [14] _____________________________
3. Probes /w samples  [15] ________________

DNA identification

- [16] ______________________
- [17] ______________________
e.g. 1 sample match – [18] ______________________
4 sample matches – [19] ____________________
C. Medical field: [20] __________________________________
Why tests given:
1. [21] ______________________________________
2. [22] ______________________________________

6000 genetic disorders: [23] ______________________________

Gene mutation: [24] ________________  disease

Mutation = [25] ___________________________

e.g. genetic diseases ~ [26] _______________________

DNA Testing in Medicine


• [27] ___________________________

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• [28] ___________________________
• [29] ___________________________


• [30] ______________________________________

Privacy: [31] ________________________________________


[32] ______________________________________ (+ Who has access?)

[33] ______________________________________

[34] ______________________________________


Complete the notes below.

Reduce Risks from Natural Hazards

Natural hazards: [1] ____________________________

Natural events ~ [2] ______________________________________________

Disaster examples:

[3] __________________________________

[4] __________________________________

[5] __________________________________

Reduce risks  [6] ____________________________________________________

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Minimize: [7] ____________________________

A. Factors in [8] _______________________________________

B. Role of education in [9] ________________________________________

Disaster preparedness: [10] _________________________________

Mitigation: [11] ___________________________________________

= prepare for a disaster  [12] ___________________________________

 Return to normal lives

A. Factors in emergency plan
1. [13] __________________________________
e.g. Japan  [14] ________________________________
U.S.  [15] _________________________________
2. Establish channel of comm. btw gov’t + scientists
[16] __________________________________
3. [17] ______________________________
Problems: can’t predict w/ 100% accuracy
Wait too long  [18] _____________________________
Evacuate but ∅ happens  [19] _________________
e.g. [20] ______________________________________ (2005)
[21] __________________________________
37% (of 61%) – [22] ____________________________
4. [23] ________________________________________
e.g. sufficient # of emergency workers?
[24] _______________________________________
[25] _______________________________________
5. [26] ___________________________________
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[27] ___________________________________
V. allocate $ for natural disaster
B. Education
Experts: [28] __________________________________________
UNESCO: [29] _______________________________________
Hope: [30] _______________________ = [31] _______________________
e.g. Turkey – earthquakes  [32] ________________________
Cuba – hurricane program = [33] _____________________


A. 5 factors
Education of children

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