English VI U4 Reading

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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe

Topic: Reported Speech

U4_Reading and writing

María Teresa Pérez Velásquez


Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - Cecar

Humanidades y Educación

Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil

Planeta Rica -Córdoba



Corporación Universitaria del Caribe
Topic: Reported Speech


Read the interview

Martina Sergi, 29, is an Italian yogi and author who teaches yoga. Since March 9, Martina has
been living under quarantine in Milan. Here, Martina shares her experience.
Interviewer: What is the situation in your city now?
Martina: I live near the city center of Milan. Italy is one of the epicenters of the pandemic. We
have one of the highest COVID-19 death rates in the world.
I: Why do you think that is?
M: It is not because we have poor healthcare, but because there are too many cases for the
hospitals to handle. Consider that most of the people who die are over 70, and in Italy, we have a
high percentage of elderly citizens.
I: When did the president order a quarantine?
M: On March 9th, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ordered a nationwide quarantine, requiring
people to stay home and avoid nonessential travel.
I: Do you take precautions when you go outside?
M: When I return home from the supermarket, I leave my shoes outside. I wear the same pair of
sneakers every time I go out. After opening the door to my apartment, I clean my hands, keys,
and phone with alcohol, then remove my plastic gloves and face mask.
I: What do you do with the used gloves and face masks?
M: I throw the gloves away, but I use each mask more than once because there’s a shortage.
I: When do you wash your hands?
M: After I take off the gloves, I wash my hands
I: What do you do when you take your dog outside?
M: If my dog, Dobby, and I are returning from a walk, I clean his paws.
I: Are you scared to go outside?
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe
Topic: Reported Speech

M: I’m not scared when I go outside because I know I’m careful. I’m mostly scared of other
things, like when this is going to end. It’s okay to do this for a month, but what if this lasts for
three months? How long is it going to be?


 Write a 150 – word text that includes:

a. A summary of the interview with reported sentences of the interviewer’s questions and the
woman’s answers.

b. Your opinion about the interview or the topic using passive voice.

Martina was asked what was the situation in her city and Martina said the covid had the highest
death rates at the placed she lived, she said there were a lot of cases of covid. She was asked about
what she thought the situation was and Martina said the people who died were over 70 years old in
Italy. The interviewer asked when the president ordered the quarantine and Martina said the
president had ordered the quarantine on march 9th and asked people to stayed at home. Martina
was asked if she had precautions when she was outside and she said she used the same snickers
every day, also, she said she cleaned her hands, keys and pone with alcohol when she was at home.
Martina was asked when she washed her hands she said she did it after she took the glove off. She
was asked what she did when she took the dog outside and she said she had not been scared.

It can be said the interview was good, Martina said she did some things to be safe.

Martina said she cleaned their hands and some others things, so we can say she did good.

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