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New Article

María Teresa Pérez Velásquez

Trabajo presentado como requisito para el Curso de Inglés VI

Semestre VI

Andrea Paola Figueroa Ramírez

Corporación Universitaria del Caribe – CECAR

Facultad de Humanides y Educación
Programa: Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil
Curso: inglés VI
Planeta Rica Córdoba
News Article

The new transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo to Manchester this year has brought a lot of

news during the last month. The newspaper the mirror said that cr7 had been on of the

hottest players when he appeared in sporing of Lisbon, besides, the mirror said that

Manchester united had beaten Manchester city and kept Cristiano. But now the mirror said

that his arrival had not been well received because Cristiano affirmed, he wanted to be the

player best paid in that club, that was controversary. The mirror also said that the manager

of the club was coming under increasing pressure in the club due to the bad results also,

the newspaper said the manager was waiting after the international break to find out if he

will keep being the manager or not., finally, the Mirror said that another player had said

he wanted to be better paid than Cristiano. ronaldo-


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