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Stress is often termed as a twentieth century syndrome, born out of man’s race
towards modern progress and its ensuing complexities. - Benjamin Franklin
According to Selyle (1956), - Stress is defined as the pressure experienced by a
person in response to life demands.
According to Selye (1976) - Stress is a process of adjusting to or dealing with
circumstances that disrupt or threaten to disrupt a person’s physical or psychological
Stress is tension, strain, or pressure from a situation that requires us to use, adapt, or
develop new coping skills.
STRESSOR Types of Stressors:
● Stressor is the stimuli proceeding ● Physiological stressors:
or precipitating a change. ○ Chemical Agents
SIGNS OF STRESS ○ Physical Agents
● Insomnia Illness, injuries, hormonal
● Loss of Mental Concentration fluctuations, inadequate sleep or nutrition
● Absenteeism ○ Infectious agent
● Depression ○ Nutrition Imbalances
● Extreme anger and frustration ○ Genetic or Immune
● Family conflict Disorders
● Migraine, Headaches and back ● Psychological Stressors:
problems ○ Accidents can cause stress
CAUSES OF STRESS for the victim, the person
● Job Insecurity who caused the accident
● High Performance Demand and the families of both
● Bad Boss ○ Stressful experiences of
● Workplace Culture family members and friends
● Personal of Family Problems ○ Fear of aggression or
● Technology mutilation from others such
Types of Stress as murder, rape, terrorist
● Distress and attacks.
○ Stress due to an excess of ○ Events that we see on T.V.
adaptive demands placed such as war, earthquake,
upon us. violence
○ Negative Stress Results: ○ Developmental and life
Loss of Motivation, events
Reduces Effectiveness, ○ Rapid changes in our
Physical, Mental, and world, including economic
Behavioral Problems. and political structures and
● Eustress: technology
○ The optimal amount of Sources of Stress
stress, which helps to ● Internal stressors:
promote health and growth. ○ They originate within a
○ Positive stress results: person e.g.: cancer, feeling
Enables Concentration, of depression.
Increases Performance, ● External stressors:
Energizes You Into Motion.
○ it originates outside the ● Cognitive Indicators:
individual e.g.: moving to ○ Problem Solving: The
another city, death in a person assesses the
family. situation or problem
● Development stressors: analyzes, chose
○ It occurs at predictable alternatives, carries out
times throughout an selected alternatives and
individual’s life. E.g.: evaluates.
child-beginning of school. ○ Structuring:
● Situational stressors: Arrangement/manipulation
○ They are unpredictable and of a situation so that
occur at any time during threatening events do not
life. It may be positive or occur.
negative. E.g.: death of ○ Self-Control: assuming a
family members, manner and facial
marriage/divorce. expression that conveys a
INDICATORS OF STRESS sense of being in control or
● Physiological Indicators: in change.
○ The physiological signs and ○ Suppression: Willfully
symptoms of stress result putting a thought or feeling
from activation of out of mind.
sympathetic and neuro - ○ Daydreaming: Unfulfilled
endocrine systems of the wishes and desires are
body. imagined as fulfilled or a
● Psychological Indicators: threatening experience is
○ The manifestations: of reworked or replayed so
stress include anxiety, fear, that it ends differently from
anger, depression and reality.
unconscious ego defense TYPES OF STRESS MANAGEMENT
mechanisms. ● Acute Stress - is usually for a
○ Anxiety: state of mental short time and may be due to work
uneasiness, apprehension, pressure, meeting deadlines
dread or feeling of helpless. pressure or minor accident, over
○ Fear: it is an exertion, increased physical
emotion/feeling of activity, searching for something
apprehension aroused by but you misplaced it, or similar
impending or seeming things.
danger, pain or threat. ● Chronic Stress - This type of
○ Depression: it is an stress is the most serious of all the
extreme feeling of sadness, 3 stress types. Chronic stress is a
despair, lack of worth or prolonged stress that exists for
emptiness. weeks, months, or even years.
○ Unconscious ego: it is a CAUSES OF STRESS MANAGEMENT
psychological adaptive ● Whenever our body feels
mechanism developing as something is not favourable, then it
the personality attempts to tries to defend itself.
defend itself and alley inner ● There are several causes of stress.
tensions. For example, you are under stress
when you are worried about Emotion - focused coping
something, worried about your ● It involves lowering, if not
children, worried about the illness eliminating, negative emotional
of your father, worried about your responses
job security, or worried about your ● Strategies include distraction,
loans or similar things. talking out or verbalizing your
ADVANTAGES OF STRESS problem, prayer and meditation
MANAGEMENT Cognitive coping
Business advantages of stress ● It involves a conscious intellectual
management: activity if managing stressful
● Less absenteeism due to situation
stress-related disorders ● You use your mind to combat
● Less worker’s compensation loss stress - including thoughts
due to stress-related illness or 24 POSITIVE COPING STRATEGIES
accidents FOR STRESS
● Improved job performance Physical and lifestyle strategies
● Less stressful, more efficient 1. Abdominal breathing and
workplace relaxation
● Improved employee attitude 2. Low stress diet
● Improved employee overall health 3. Regular exercise
DISADVANTAGE OF STRESS 4. Balance fun and work
MANAGEMENT 5. Mini-breaks
● Stress is a disadvantage because 6. Time Management
it can potentially raise your heart 7. Sleep Hygiene
rate and weaken your immune 8. Choosing non toxic environment
system. 9. Material security
COPING WITH STRESS Emotional Strategies
Coping refers to the strategies you 1. Social support and relatedness
use with real or imagined problems to 2. Self-nurturing
protect yourself against negative 3. Good communication
emotions. 4. Assertiveness
Types of Coping 5. Recreational Activities
● Problem - focused coping 6. Emotional release
○ It targets on controlling or 7. Sense of Humor
changing the source of Cognitive Strategies
stress 1. Constructive thinking
○ It tackles the source in a 2. Distraction
practical manner 3. Task-oriented approach to
○ Strategies include problems
employing problem-solving 4. Acceptance
techniques, time 5. Tolerance for ambiguity
management, and getting Philosophical / Spiritual Strategies
relevant social support. 1. Consistent goal
2. Positive Philosophy in life
3. Religious/spiritual life commitment
● Always take time for yourself at least ● Manage money well, seek advice and
30 min/day. save at least 10% of what you earn.
● Be aware of your own stress meter; ● No is a word you need to learn to use
know when to step back and cool without feeling guilty.
down. ● Outdoor activities by yourself, or with
● Concentrate on controlling your own friends and families, can be a great
situation, without controlling everybody way to relax.
else. ● Play your favorite music rather than
● Daily exercise will burn off the stress watching TV.
chemicals. ● Quit smoking; it is stressing your body
● Eat lots of fresh fruit, veggies, bread daily, not to mention killing you too.
and water; give your body the best for ● Relationships; nurture and enjoy them,
it to perform at its best. learn to listen more and talk less.
● Forgive others, do not hold grudges ● Sleep well, with firm mattress and
and be tolerant; not everyone is supportive pillow; don't over heat
capable as you. yourself and allow plenty of ventilation.
● Gain perspective on things, how ● Treat yourself once a week with a
important is the issue? massage, dinner out and the movies.
● Hugs, kisses and laughter; have fun ● Understand things from the other
and don't be afraid to share your person point of view.
feelings with others. ● Verify information from the source
● Identify stressors and plan to deal with before exploding.
them better next time. ● Worry less, it really doesn't get things
● Judge your own performance completed better or quicker.
realistically; don't set goals out of your ● Yearly goal setting; plan what you
own reach. want to achieve based on your
● Keep a positive attitude, your outlook priorities in
will influence outcomes and the way your career, relationships etc
others treat you. ● Zest for life; each day is a gift, smile
● Limit alcohol, drugs and other and be thankful that you're the part of
stimulants,they affect your perception the bigger picture.
and behavior.
● The Material Self is a total of all the tangible things you own:
○ Your Body
○ Your Possessions
○ Your home
● Consumption
○ The process in which the substance of a thing is completely destroyed, used
up, or incorporated or transformed into something else.
● Production
○ Production is the method of turning raw materials or inputs into finished goods
or products in a manufacturing process. In other words, it means the creation
of something from basic inputs.
● Consumer Behaviour
○ Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, how and where people do or
do not buy a product.
○ In the study of consumer behaviour the main focus is the customer
satisfaction because customer is the only person with whose presence
businesses actually exists.
● Types of Consumer
○ Buyer
■ Consumer
■ Customer
■ Institutional Buyer
■ Ultimate buyer
○ Consumer - “Consumer is a purchaser of goods and services for immediate
use or consumption”.
○ Buyer - he is the person who purchases goods for resale, use in production,
or for use of somebody else.
○ Customer - the one who purchases goods for own use, for the use of others,
or regular customer of a particular product and is regular customer of
particular shop.
○ Institutional buyer - these are either govt. Institutions or private organizations.
● Characteristics of consumer behaviour
○ “What to buy, when to buy, how to buy, where to buy & how much to buy.”
○ Comprises both mental and physical activities of the consumer.
○ Complex behaviour and dynamic which keeps on changing constantly.
○ Buying behaviour is affected by various internal factors like his needs, wants,
attitudes & motivates and also by environmental factors etc.
○ Consumer behaviour starts before buying and even after buying.
● Ultimate Consumer
○ Whoever consumes or uses something. They don’t buy it to sell it on or give it
to someone.
● Importance/Need of study of consumer behaviour
○ To make better strategies for increasing profits.
○ To take into consideration customer’s health, hygiene & fitness.
○ To know the buying decisions and how consumer make consumption.
○ Consistent change in consumer’s tastes or preferences.
○ To avoid future market failures.
● Buying Motives
○ According to D.J. Ducan, “buying motives are those influences or
considerations which provide the impulse to buy, induce action or determine
choice in the purchase of goods and services”.
● Cultural Factors affecting Consumer Behavior
○ Consumer behavior deals with the study of buying behavior of consumers.
○ There are several factors which influence the buying decision of consumers,
cultural factors being on of the most important factors.
○ Cultural factors comprise of set of values and ideologies of a particular
community or group of individuals .
● The Influence of cultural factors on buying decision of individuals
○ Subcultures - Each culture further comprises of various subcultures such as
religion, age, geographical location, gender (male/female), status etc.
○ Religion (Christianity, HIndu, Muslim, Sikhism, jainism etc.) - A Hindu
bride wears red, maroon or a bright color lehanga or saree whereas a
Christian bride wears a white gown on her wedding day. It is against Hindu
culture to wear white on auspicious occasions. Muslims on the other hand
prefer to wear green on important occasions.
○ Status (Upper Class, Middle class and Lower Class) - An individual from
an upper middle class would spend on luxurious items whereas an individual
from middle to lower income group would buy items required for his/her
○ Gender (Male/Female) - People generally make fun of males buying fairness
creams as in our culture only females are expected to buy and use beauty
products. Males are perceived to be strong and tough who look good just the
way they are.
● Social Factors affecting Consumer Behavior
○ Reference Groups-Reference groups comprise of people that individuals
compare themselves with.
■ Primary Group-consists of individuals one interacts with on a regular
● Friends ● Relatives
● Family ● Co Workers
■ Secondary Groups - Secondary groups share indirect
relationship with the consumer.
○ Immediate Family Members
○ Relatives
○ Role in the Society
○ Status in the society
● Role in the Society-Each individual plays a dual role in the society depending on the
group he belongs to.
● Personal Factors affecting Consumer Behavior
○ Occupation-The occupation of an individual plays a significant role in
influencing his/her buying decision.
○ Age-Age and human lifecycle also influence the buying behavior of
○ Economic Condition-The buying tendency of an individual is directly
proportional to his income/earnings per month.
○ Lifestyle-Lifestyle, a term proposed by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler in
1929, refers to the way an individual stays in the society.
○ Personality-An individual’s personality also affects his buying behavior. Every
individual has his/her own characteristic personality traits which reflect in
his/her buying behavioral fitness freak would always look for fitness
equipment's whereas a music lover would happily spend on musical
instruments, CDs, concerts, musical shows etc.
● Psychological Factors affecting Consumer Behavior
○ Perception-What an individual thinks about a particular product or service is
his/her perception towards the same.
● There are three different processes which lead to difference in perception:
○ Selective Attention - Selective attention refers to the process where
individuals pay attention to information that is of use to them or their
immediate family members.
○ Selective Distortion - Consumers tend to perceive information in a way
which would be in line to their existing thoughts and beliefs.
○ Selective Retention - Consumers remember information which would be
useful to them, rest all they forget in due course of time.
○ Learning-Learning comes only through experience. An individual comes to
know about a product and service only after he/she uses the same.
○ Beliefs and Attitude-Beliefs and attitude play an essential role in influencing
the buying decision of consumers.
● Filipino Consumer Trends
○ BEAUTY-Filipinos like to look good.
○ HEALTH-Filipinos are trying to stay healthy .
○ HYGIENE-Germ protection need arises. Filipinos purchased more hand
sanitizers and baby wipe/wet tissues.
○ CONVENIENCE-Lifestyle on the go. Ready to drink, all in one and multi
benefit products that are “instant” and “quick” continue to stir the market.
Growth of sachet users.
● Guidelines for dressing well to improve your confidence
○ Fit matters-The fit of your clothes make a difference in the way you look and
feel while wearing them.
○ Be comfortable-comfort matters just as much as fit when it comes to how
clothes make you feel.
○ Find styles that work-There are some cuts that look great
○ on everyone.
○ If you don’t love it, don’t buy it.
○ Dress for the occasion.
○ Learning-refers to change in behavior potentiality
○ Performance-refers to the translation of this potentiality into behavior
○ Positive(increase in the rate of change or growth)
○ Negative(decrease in the rate of change or growth)
○ Recency. Most recent impression or association is more likely to be recalled.
○ Frequency. Knowledge encountered most often is more likely to be recalled.
○ Vividness. Learning is proportional to vividness of the process.
○ Exercise. Using what has learned will help its likelihood to be recalled.
○ Readiness. Readiness to learn is proportional to the efficiency of learning.
○ Attend all classes
○ Take good notes.
○ Study your lessons and other reading materials daily.
○ Research to improve your background in the course.
○ develop a list of possible questions,
○ Ask questions in class,
○ Review an previous exams (when available),
○ avoid a last minute cram session, and sleep at least 8 hours the night before
the exams.
○ Eat nutritious food.

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