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Introduction to Literature and Its Philosophy 1 Outline

I. Introduction
● Literature is a byproduct of man's imagination and experiences in life
transferred from one generation to another.
II. Module 1 (The Meaning and Importance of Literature)
A. Introduction to Literature
1. Emotions
2. Thoughts
3. Ideas
B. Definition of Literature
1. Literatura - Writing formed with letters.
2. Litera - Letter
C. Importance of Literature
1. Refining writing skills
2. Expand Vocabularies
3. Time Travel
4. Reliving History
5. Enhancing Empathy
6. Helps us grow
7. Reminds our humanity
8. Stimulates imagination and ingenuity
9. Sharpens our moral judgment
10. Emotional
D. Conclusion - This module is all about the introduction, history or
background of literature
III. Module 2 (Frameworks of Literature)
A. Literary Theories
1. Formalism
a) Interpretative Approach
2. Traditional Literary Criticism
a) Tracking influence
b) Establishing writers in the literary periods
c) Clarifying historical context
3. Reader Response Criticism
a) Dynamic Interaction
4. New Criticism
a) Explication du texte - reading of the text itself.
5. Marxism and Critical Theory
a) Representation of class conflicts and,
b) Class distinctions
6. Structuralism
a) Extension of “Formalism”
b) Scientific
c) Objective
7. Psychoanalytical Criticism
a) Focus on Character’s Psychological Behavior
b) Based on the theories of Freud
c) Analyses the character’s actions and behavior
8. New Historicism Criticism
a) Discussing with Historical Context
9. Post-Colonial Criticism
a) Analyze the issues of colonialism
b) Dynamics of racism
c) Third World politics
10. Gender Studies And Queer Theory
a) Feminist Gender Theory - focuses on analyzing gender
(1) Gynocriticism (Elaine Showalter)
(2) Postmodern (Judith Butler)
B. Conclusion - This module is all about the different literary theories that
we can use as our guide when reading different literary works.
IV. Module 3 (Literary Standards)
A. 7 Literary Standards
1. Artistry
a) High Artistic Quality
b) Aesthetic
c) Has a sense of beauty
2. Suggestiveness
a) Implied meanings
b) Define symbols
c) Suggests themes
3. Intellectual Value
a) Critical thinking
b) Enhances mental processes and,
c) Reasoning
4. Spiritual Value
a) Motivational
b) Moral lessons
5. Permanence
a) Timeliness
b) Timelessness
6. Universality
a) Universal theme
(1) Individual struggle towards a personal goal
(2) A person’s struggle with humanity
(3) Falling in love
(4) Life cycles
(5) Karma
(6) Coping with tragedy
(7) Adolescence and,
(8) Discovering the world around us
7. Style
a) Elements of Style
(1) Brevity
(2) Clarity
(3) Flow
(4) Simplicity
(5) Unity
B. Conclusion - This module is all about the 7 literary standards that may
help us to understand when reading or guide us when writing a literary

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