LLB 6 Sem Law Legal Language and Legal Writing Including Proficiency in General English 14230 Aug 2019 PDF

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http://www cesustudy.com A (20019) rou normed Foes: LLB. = VI Sem. 14230 LLB. (Spl.) Examination, August-2019 LAW Legal Language and Legal Writing Including Proficiency in General English (K-6002) Time : Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Note: Attempt all. the Sections as per instructions. We: wit wd } Reagan ar att Section-A. wer (Very Short Answer Questions) ‘ (ai arg aarti se) * Note : Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 4 marks, Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words. 5x4=20 ate: wh ofa weit & oar ART mas eT 4 sist aor 81 afte 75 meat A sit ay TAT AR a diy 14230 [P.T.O. bup://www.cesustudy.com too:spmsnsoo-aay any soo:aay sd http://www cesustudy.com @ 1. Convert the following into passive voicg, @ ©) © ® Someone has stolen my books, ‘ ‘The stars brightened the sky. M.C. Mehta filed a PIL in the Suprem, ‘The Judge delivers the judgement, Sm 2. Convert the following into Indirect speech, @) ) © «@ 5 4 “The mother said, "The stn FSS inthe, ‘You must do as you are told. He said, "Success of democracy depend, freedom of press”. He said tome, "wait until I come 3. Correct the following sentences only in English. @ ) © @ ‘Whats the last news? He is my oldest son. Thave no any friend. He works hardly. 4, Use legal term (one word) forthe following: 4 (a) 0) (©) @ 14230 Anact punishable by law. An offence punishable by death penalty. 7 ‘Marriage with many husband, An accused tried twice of the same offence. bup://www.cesustudy.com too: spmsnsoo-aay ad http://www cesustudy.com betptf ww pegptdy-com @ Write the full expansion of the following Giv) Discharge abbreviations: * (tsar @) TR () a CRS. (a) Vol. Prefer & Perl ater ot ord RE ay wom area 3 seer sR (Short Answer Questions) G) ayahr (ag sede a7) Gi) rect Note: Attempt any two questions out ofthe following ily Preset three questions. Each question carries 10 marks Gv) ater Short answer is required not excceding 200 (Pier words. 2x 10=20 z oy wo ate: Pratetter aa wet AR Ar teeta | L “see iting 2 e85¢- comm : 2 8 — What is the method of writing. nny Shes ets eT 10 sist at sae 200 = oe ; : svat ay Tar oar er 2 are feet frat ar gar aaet BP AS aha, 2 6 Write a letter to the collector of your district & Section-C & complaining against the use of microphones/Dlor © © ret 2 loudspeakers during your examination days. 19 5 2 tions) 5 owt fi 8 oar a one tad & Ro A etal Anew) (Preset we) a she & sae 38 Rear Note: Attempt ae questions out of the following ea GF GH BT rey dae aA * five questions. Each question carries 20 marks, 7. Frame sentences to bring out the meaning of any five Answer is required in detail. 3x20=60 oft lowing: 10 ate: Praftfaa da ovat 3 8 Peel oie oat 3 i Vodatie ar Gre sets eT 20 sist aT EPG (iii) Ejectment oat afer Bh 14230 PTO. 14230 bup://www.cesustudy.com bup://www.cesustudy.com soo maven http://www cesustudy.com_ o) write any one ess0y from the following: a Uniform Civil Code Right to Information ) Child labour in Indio ial Activism 8 ee ee oe Pree Fat’: gy Bart are ator Gi GT SARTETT Gi) TOA ivy Fas APT ‘ Gv) Susie 10. Eglin (@) _Ubijusibi remedium i) Audialteram pastem (ii) Damnum sine injuria (iv) Ignorantia facti excusat Prefer afr’: (oe aft 8 adi sare 81 Gi) WW TA TH Gil) Pt aft & cr Gv) Tat @ oriaar w E 14230 bup://www.cesustudy.com 20 i the following maxims cither in Hindi or in 20 ert a oath a Red F aren PTO. too: spmsnsoo-aay ad soo:aay sd http://www cesustudy.com_ (6) What are precedent in Law? How legal rules ay. eT ee erccedent? What is the difference between Ratio-Decidendi and obiter dictum Discuss. 2 faite 3 fete at Recaet aT-B? Roy aro Pay Prt at gat Set BY Peay hy aprier 3 rr afere 87 Rae APA 12, Whatis ing? What isthe use of marginal aaaesereecresptanaions? Describe. 20 SB RT ear BP aa tart AEE FT Se ote erect dar 87 ais BCH 13. Comprehensis ‘On ofthe major problems India has to face is that of unemployment. It is serious problem and cannot be ignored, It has to. be remembered that merely giving some kind of occupation to a large number of people does not ultimately increase employment or lessen unemployment{Employment comes from newer and more effective means of ‘wealth production. The whole experience and history of past two hundred years show that itcomes through the growth of technological methods, Every country which boasts of full employment today is country Which is technological advanced. Every country which is not technologically advanced has ‘unemployment or under employment. Therefore, if India is to advance, she must advance in science and 14230 20 bup://www.cesustudy.com too: Spmsnsoo-a aya oa dpmisnsao' asaya http://www cesustudy.com, a) technology. The fact is that our poveny is due 10 ‘our backwardness in science and technology. Ifwe remedy that back wardness wecreatenat only wealth bbutalso employment. Give a suitable title to the above passage. How can employment be increased? ‘What does technological advanced means? ‘What is the reason of our backwardness? ‘Summarise the above passage. uepy ww .cesustady.com Whatsapp @ 9300930012 Send your old paper & get 10 med gu ee a ate 10 ee, Past or Goode Par 14230 bup://www.cesustudy.cor soma ady uoo'spms

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