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To Conduct an Analysis in Ansys of a Venturimeter

Steps Performed in this activity:

1. Open Ansys Workbench 2021R1

2. Drag and Drop Fluid Flow (Fluent) as the Analysis System.
3. Open the geometry section in a design modeller
4. Create a cylinder and set its radius as 10cm, followed by the
length as 55cm.
5. Create a cone with base radius as 10cm followed by its length
as 30cm. Top radius should be 4cm.
6. Create a cylinder of radius 4cm and the length of 10cm after
the cone.
7. Create another cone primitive with the base radius and top
radius of 4cm and 10cm respectively.
8. Create a thin surface of the cylinder of about 1cm.
9. Fill the Cylinder using the fill function and rename the outside
cavity as the “Wall” and the inner cavity as “Water”.
10. Generate the final geometry.
11. Right Click on the mesh option and open the Meshing
(Advanced Meshing).
12. Generate the mesh.
13. Click on the inlet face and rename it as “Inlet”, then select
the outlet face and rename it as “Outlet” followed by the
outside cylinder as “Wall”. Update the Mesh.
14. Right click on setup and open Parallel Fluid.
15. Choose the material as Water for the experiment.
16. Open Boundary Conditions and double click on inlet. Set
the Velocity Magnitude as 1m/s.
17. Go to reference values and compute from inlet followed
by the reference zone as water.
18. Go to Standard Initialization and again compute it from
19. Go to Run Calculation and set the number of iterations as
20. Click on solve and wait for the system to solve.
21. Right click on Result and select CFD Post.
22. Select all the components of the pipe and set their
transparency as 0.9
23. Create a streamline animation and start it from the inlet.
24. Click on animation and select Streamline 1 as the
animation to be displayed.
25. The final animation would be displayed on the screen.
26. Render the animation in 1080p at 60fps and save it in the
desired folder.

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