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A CP tial Pages 4) (20222) Roll No. . LL.B. - V Sem. 12253 (CV-II) LL.B. Examination, Dec.-2021 Law Law of Evidence (K-5003) Time : 1% Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt questions from all Sections as per instructions. ate wthardt } Peter seven cific Section-A/@rs-3t (Very Short Answer Type Questions) (car eng serdar) Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding75 words, 2x10=20 ste + ei al vet ger Brera wer 10 et a 21 ores 75 ere 3 oy Te wife #1 1. Oral Evidence sis eee Iups:/Avww 2. Dying Declaration Agere eso Fact in issue Rafts mea 4. Conclusive proof Pinter wa 5. Relevant fact airs wea Section-B/@vs-a (Short Answer Type Questions) (arg sera Note : Answer any one question out of the following three questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Short Answer is required not exceeding 200 words. 1*20=20 ate: Prefer die wet a @ fait ee oe or SER air) weds wer 20 stat wT tL safterer 200 wratt # org Sere eRe 1 6. Explain ‘Secondary Evidence’. Discuss the circumstances in which it is admissible. ‘fecha tree & Raden Br 35 oR & aren Asa Sri ba sea ehard &) 42253 (CV-111)/2 bnps:/ 7. How is the disputed handwriting of a person proved? Examine admissibility of the evidence of a handwriting expert. oe afte & Raranae eres A WORT a srr fet one)? wees Fase Tee a edeoelen a sere aE 8. Who is an accomplice? Under what circumstances a conviction can be based fon the testimony of an accomplice. seamed fd aed Fra oR A ow seared & anes & snow oe ae fet ot oat? Section-c/ave-# (Detailed Answer Type Questions) (Praga sera 3) Note: Answer any two questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 30 marks. Answer Is required in detail 2x30=60 she: Presta afer weet 8-2 fet @ west & sre Ae eR 90 eh a RT an airs 9. ‘Hearsay Evidence’ is no evidence, Explain and state the exceptions. 42283 (ev-111)/3 P.r.0. Ihitps:/! 10. ul. 12, 13. Srp wear wre agi 81 ga Set BI SAT Sire a sae or sates ARAL Discuss fully the evidentiary value of retracted confession. Illustrate your answrer, hp: cesumay com IRR a art aight & akaw ger Ft pha 3 fatern asad see afk aa Are facts which are the occassions, Cause or effect of facts is issue relevant? What facts are relevant when right or custom is in question? Illustrate your answer. sear & re ah ers sets we, Rg eT sRorm &, gia #1 a aftr aerer 3 wean dl ae ah 8 en ine & sar ia aa a Discussindetailthe provisions of Evidence Act related to privileged communication ‘area ofr fea 7a Rrra ara dee 3 tes sacra Re Rete ‘Who may testify? Is judge or magistrate a competent witness? Illustrate your answer, va aha & we 89 ee 3 gee He sae arg #7 sree tr ee Aa 12253 (cv-I1n)/4 ‘hurps:/ ‘nutps:// D eo) Rolo. LL. B.-V Sem. ” 12253 LL. B. Examination, Dec. 2020 LAW Law of Evidence (K-5003) Time : Trae Howrs} {Maximum Marks: 100 [Notes Attempt questions fiom all Sections as per insertions aft eet & Rage eT wa aE Seetion-A wes (Very Short Answer Type Questions) (eg sate se) Answer all he five questions: Each question cas ‘Tne, Very short answer sequel ot seeding 75 words. aese20 ett er peat care re | HR eT SO capa 75 at fy oer sa Dosine document asunder Indian viens Ac cet afeaea een ee rr TA a 12283 ‘tips: www. ceststudy com, @ Define Relevant Fact andFactin sue. era er er Pres wea oferta i Canadumbpersonbeacompetent witness? ere (Gp) aT HTH EE 7 ‘When‘sthe character ofa personrelevantin ase? et ra aero eta a eit ab ? Whoishosilewitess? ene rae evar? 7 Section wes (Short Auer Type Questions) (eq sata ae) “Answer any vo questions ou ofthe following ce Gpestions Each qoeson caries 10 mark. Short answers required not exceeding 200 words. 105220 Profan de meat AR BAH A eS owe ‘tte er 10 a a 1 se 200-eT A agarstia? nal evidence inal cases most bedret. Explain rulewthilustationsand exceptions. fs ere it et et at ae PT a sereee oe eat ae are EE | his Apmaensoo:aun ‘nutps:// @ Discussrulesregarding burdenof root agra 8 ashe Peat A aren ate Whatar the rules epotdingeading uesions under thelndian Evidence Act? seca aR ore ERS er? & Fe Fae Pra 8? Section-€ wey (Detailed Answer Type Questions) (eqs sat 57) ‘Answer any three questions ou ofthe following five ‘questions. Bch question caries 20 marks. Answer is requiredindetsil 2053-60 Briefs de sed 8 8 Rea da eh & oa “afi 1 ww ne 20 Sia mE Reg ore 9A th + 9, Discuss with llstations the lav regarding estoppel aslniddown inthe Indian Bvidence Act sree are oar ieee ‘ere of faa aect Se arom FT 10, _Explain'examination in chief cross-cxamination and rescxamtnation, In what eitcumstances 2 perty can hisownssitress? —™ 12253 ‘tips: www. ceststudy com, “ Be ote, RT ge er for ofa 8 ces Gee OM A or a o ver oc wer ? What isaaying declaration? Discuss the essen ‘ofa valid dying declortion. Can a dying declrstion {form the sole basis afaconvietion? “gage eer er Be? Ge Re TR the @ afrertnst A aren sir 1 a aaa & ae Segre heen cee Tee APTN aT aT e Distinguith berween ‘Admission’ and \Conesion Discus theese of valid confession, Can the court convict an accused solely onthe basis of his ‘elegit St ‘edi Fame ere hg 1 A sietight & onaeae a A ate Ae | ea aera igre igs HAT STE Te aa chen ae aaT8? ‘What is meant by ‘Expert Opinion’ ? Under what circumstances the opinionsofexpertsare relevant? “fader ae a er cafes B 7 Ror oe # fait ain eh 8 ? rnass-4 taoarApmasnsao-mniy nt A om LLY Sem 12253 LL. B. Examination, Dee. 2019 Law Law of Evidence (-5003) Time: Three Hows} [Masi Marks : 100 Note: Atempt questions fromsll Sections 9s peinstretions: ao meat Fategere se we ATE | Section-A WEF (Very Short Answer Questions) (aft eg Serta eA) ‘Answer all the five questions. Each question carries 44 marks, Very short answer is required not exceeding. 75 words. 45-20 ah dhe weit } sae Str 1 es eT 4 itt a By afr 75: A tg ee A 1 ¢ Whatismeantby Expert Opinion’? atta ae Ba fea B ? Ihitp:/ woo épmisnsao: suns dy o What mheanavenidence? gr area ge hb? Destine "proea“sisprove ad not nove eae, “arnt ire “aia ae) ga"? THT cg 4. Whatguestions can ioasked in eross-exarination ? sta Be 9B on WRB? 5. Whatisseconaryevidence? Rass area en he B 7 Seetion-B wey (Snort answer Questions) (q ante =) | none any) guestions out fhe Fokowing three gar nme Shon aroveris required a exceeding 200 words. 10*2=20 Prtaitea ar set 4 & Ret Qa eet S see ‘Gi mete er 10 iat aor B 1 saftey 200 erat Fagan ater ts Wo is a competent witness testify ? Whether @ dumb person ante considered a competent thse? th meth Bg we are her 87 a Poh er hae eh or ea? iss Ihitp:/ wsasao'snanay dt woop taoarApmasnsao-mniy nt 2 39 Wht do you mean by adn of poo? On bay PF goestnebuenoipooticineslanJcrmins ae 12253 When dct the eines of chaneer teone relevant icv and criminal eases? aftr 8 Wer ger at sree aoe A ee girs et Discuss it itn te as laid doin the aan Esc et carrera a afte & affine ‘Peara’

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