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21127457 – Vũ Minh Triết

21127695 – Hoàng Trần Thông

Class 21CLC – Term II/2022-2023

Course: CSC14003 – Artificial Intelligence

Homework 01

Submission Notices:
 Conduct your homework by filling answers into the placeholders given in this file (in Microsoft Word format).
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Problem 1. (1pt) Briefly describe the concepts of the following research fields: Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science. For each concept, the description should be
expressive enough to discriminate the corresponding research field from other fields.

Please write your answer in the table

Concept Description

Artificial Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very young field of science and engineering.
Intelligence The goal of AI research is creating a machine (robots, software…) which is able
to perform tasks of high complexity, requiring human intelligence to achieve.

Machine Learning Machine learning is a subfield of AI, which focused on teaching machine to be
capable of doing what humans can do. This knowledge, which comes from
experience gained through learning, is the main factor of optimality moves,
prediction in future.

Deep Learning In machine learning, deep learning is a concept of artificial neural network
which have usually more than 3 layers.
Being capable of learning with large dataset, artificial neural network also can
make predictions precisely.

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This neural network relates to answer the question: “Can machine think and act
rationally like humans?”

Data Science The combination of mathematics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and
data analytics create data science, which uncover actionable insights.
The valuable information can be used to guide decision making and prediction
precision, lead to tangible business value.

Problem 2. (1pt) Discuss that, to what extent, the following systems are instances of AI. That is, you first
decide its level of intelligence, low, fair/medium, or high, and then give your reasons.
 Product 01: Streetlights turn on automatically at night.

 Product 02: The hotel card helps turning on the electricity in

a hotel room when being put into a wall slot.

 Product 03: Deep Nostalgia uses video reenactment

technology to animate the faces in still photos and create
high-quality, realistic video footage.

 Product 04: Autonomous drone delivers packages to

customers in a variate of operating environments.

Please write your answer in the following table.

Product Level of intelligence Reason
Product 01 Low/Medium/High The AI will turn on the streetlight when the amount
of light falls below a certain threshold. So it just
needs information of the light so it’s low
Product 02 Low/Medium/High The AI needs to know if the card is the card of its
room. If yes, it base on the electricity and signal to
turn on lights. It just need permanent information to
work so it is low intelligence.

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Product 03 Low/Medium/High The AI uses a lot of information base on all pixels of

the image using neural network to detect parts of the
face like eyes,lips…, analyze them and upgrade
it.Moreover, it has to make movement from the only
given picture. And the input that it gets is not
permanent and can be changed. So it has to adapt to
every situation => so it is high intelligence.
Product 03 Low/Medium/High The drone have to acknowledge all the type of
environments to find all the suitable ways to deliver.
Moreover, they must know how to travel trough all
environments including some skills such as reading
map, find exact address..So it is a high intelligence.

Problem 3. (1pt) Consider the following scenario. The agent is a human soldier. He is marching with his
comrades in a parade for National Day. The performance takes place in a large square with lots of
audiences. Give the PEAS description for this activity.
Please write your answer in the table
Factor Specification

Performance measure The parade goes well, nothing acts abnormally. All audiences are happy
and the environment is solemn.

Environment Audiences as participants, comrades as allies, large square (ground, stage,

trees,…), weather

Actuators Hands (to hold gun, to make movement), legs (to parade and to move)

Sensors Eyes (to see), ear (to hear commands)

Problem 4. (1.5pts) Describe the task environment properties for the online video game Dota 2, where
OpenAI Five agent plays the five-on-five game against the professional players.
Refer to the following link for more information about the game: https://www.dota2.com/home

Please write your answer in the table

Property Description

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21127695 – Hoàng Trần Thông

Fully observable vs. Partially Partially observe – can only see the map around hero, the rest will
observable be covered in heavy fog.
Single-agent vs. Multi-agents Multi-agents – the performance measure (gold, kills, sight,
turrets…), which is affected by pro players moves, is OpenAI aims.
Stochastic vs. Deterministic Stochastic – evironment change not only depend on OpenAI current
Episodic vs. Sequential Sequential – each move and decision of heroes could affect the
future. Example: Moving into the turret range, getting stuns by
Static vs. Dynamic Dynamic – The agent must decide what should be done next
continously, not only after every opponents’s moves.
Discrete vs. Continous Continous – there is the infinity in states of environment in Dota 2,
for instance the position of every hero and statistic.

Problem 5. (2.5pts) Consider a delivery robot world with mail

and coffee to deliver.
Assume a simplified domain with four locations as shown aside.
This domain is quite simple, yet it is rich enough to demonstrate
many of the problems in representing actions and in planning.

The robot, called Rob, can pick up coffee at the coffee shop, pick up mail in the mail room, move, and
deliver coffee and/or mail. Delivering the coffee to Sam's office will stop Sam from wanting coffee. There
can be mail waiting at the mail room to be delivered to Sam's office.
Rob can move clockwise (mc) or move counterclockwise (mcc). Rob can pick up coffee (puc) if Rob is at
the coffee shop and it is not already holding coffee. Rob can deliver coffee (dc) if Rob is carrying coffee
and is at Sam's office. Rob can pick up mail (pum) if Rob is at the mail room and there is mail waiting
there. Rob can deliver mail (dm) if Rob is carrying mail and at Sam's office. Assume that it is only possible
for Rob to do one action at a time.
Formulate the task above as a search problem by determining the primary concepts.

Please write your answer in the table

Search concepts Descriptions

(0.5pt) Representation for a state Let the state be the action of Rob at an exact
For ex: Rob is at mail room and picking mail.
(0.5pt) State-space graph: how many states there There are 4 places: coffee shop, mail room, lab,
are and how they connect together. Sam’s office

21127457 – Vũ Minh Triết
21127695 – Hoàng Trần Thông

And there are 4 main actions: pick up coffee (puc),

pick up mail (pum), deliver coffee (dc), deliver
mail (dm).
 There are 4 * 4 = 16 states
They connect with the rule of clockwise, Rob can
move clockwise (for example from Lab to Mail
Room to Coffee Shop to Sam’s Office) or move
counterclockwise (from Coffee Shop to Mail
Room to Lab to Sam’s Office)
(0.5pt) Set of actions Pick up mail at mail room
Pick up coffee at coffee shop
Deliver coffee
Deliver mail
Move clockwise/counterclockwise
(0.5pt) Transition model Pick up coffee if Rob is at the coffee shop and it is
not ready holding coffee.
Pick up mail if Rob is at the mail room and it is not
ready holding mail.
Deliver coffee if Rob is carrying coffee and is at
Sam's office.
Deliver mail if Rob is carrying mail and is at Sam's
(0.5pt) Path cost If each move has unit cost, so path cost is the sum
of all the actions that are needed to reach the goal.

Problem 6. (3pts) You are given a graph as shown below.

 The start and goal states are a and z, respectively.
 Numbers in orange are the heuristic values.
 For each of the following graph search strategies,
work out the order in which states are expanded,
as well as the path returned.
In all cases, assume ties resolve in such a way that states
with earlier alphabetical order are expanded first.

For each of the following search strategies, work out order in which states are expanded, as well as the
path returned. In all cases, assume ties resolve in such a way that states with earlier alphabetical order are
expanded first.
a) Tree-search depth-first search (DFS)
b) Breadth-first search (BFS)
c) Uniform cost search (UCS)
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21127695 – Hoàng Trần Thông

d) Iterative deepening search (IDS)

e) Graph-search greedy best first search (GBFS) with the heuristic h shown on the graph
f) Graph-search A* with the same heuristic.
Note that!
 A state is expanded at most once in graph search, while it may be expanded more than once in tree
 Tree-search DFS avoids repeated states by checking new states against those on the path from the
root to the current node.
 For DFS, BFS, and GBFS, the goal test is applied to each node when it is generated rather than
when it is selected for expansion.

Please write your answer in the table

Algorithms List of expanded states (in exact order) Path Returned
DFS abe abez
BFS abcefd abez
UCS acdfdez acdez
IDS Level 0: a abez
Level 1: a b c
Level 2: a b e f c d
Level 3: a b e
GBFS ace acez
A* acdez acdez

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