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Freud’s psychoanalytic theory have been a great influence mostly by his followers.

Most of the theorists

developed his psychoanalytic theory in a more defined version of their own. In Psychoanalytic, one popular
theory that is greatly known today is Melanie Klein’s Object Relations Theory. Object relations is a study of
how infants introject the psychic representations into their own psychic structure and project them onto an
external object or a person. According to this theory, the infant sees the world through the eyes of the person
they introjected to themselves. Object relations also identifies how this can differentiate or make-up a
person’s identity and their conflicts.
Carl Jung is mostly known by his concept of Collective Unconscious and its Archetypes. The collective
unconscious is a wisdom that are passed down from our ancestors to us. It has roots of our ancestral past
and is a culture that is stored deep in a person’s unconscious mind. The archetypes that are derived from the
unconscious is Persona, Shadow, Animus and Anima, The Great Mother, Hero, Wise old Man and the Self.
Persona is the archetype in which an individual serves or accommodates the outside world’s preferences, the
Shadow archetype however, represents the qualities individuals hide from themselves and to others. Jug also
believed that everyone is psychologically bisexual and both women and men possess feminine and masculine
side and should accept them to reach inviduation. Animus is the feminine side the man has to accept, and
Anima is the masculine side women has to accept. The Great Mother Archetype holds two forces, fertility and
nourishment and the other one is power and destruction. Hero is the archetype wherein we have the sense of
overcoming any obstacles and achieving one’s accomplishment. The archetype Wise old man is the archetype
of wisdom and symbolizes human’s pre-existing knowledge about life. The Self- Archetype controls all the
archetypes mentioned and is actually called “the archetype of archetypes”. Jung is also famous with the
Myers Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI to identify one’s personality. It is however, not reliable as the questions
on this personality test is generalized and a person’s personality changes over period of time. Alfred Adler
believed that all behaviors are directed towards a single reason or purpose. He also said that individuals begin
life with a stiving force to become superior but have physical deficiencies, in which he called inferiority
complex. The Adlerian therapy uses birth order and dreams to achieve courage, self- esteem and social
Abraham Maslow is known for his Hierarchy of Needs, with Physiological needs as the most basic the
individuals are motivated to fulfill, safety needs, followed by love and belongingness, self-esteem needs and
lastly Self-actualization. In this concept, the lower level, or the basic needs must be satisfied or at least
satisfied before moving to higher levels. If a person reaches self-actualization, they have a sense of self-
fulfillment, and becomes fully human. They are not dependent on the lower needs but rather be independent
to them, they also achieve the B-values, which is also called metamotivation. Only people who achieved self-
actualization are only capable of reaching metamotivation. Maslow Psychotherapy aims to embrace the
individuals’ Being values and free themselves to be dependent to others and move to self-actualization.
Carl Rogers is the most influential humanist. Rogers originated the Person- Centered Theory. In this, the
therapy is student-centered and the client leads the conversation. The therapist helps the client to grow
emotionally and have the ability to untangle their own thoughts with the therapist being a helping hand only.
This approach is mostly used by psychologists and therapists today and still an effective approach to help
people grow psychologically.

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