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Enrollment No.………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VI Sem./ET/April-22/Envt.L.

Time - 03:30 Hours Max-Marks :- 70

April - 2022
Environmental Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 3 (three) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (03X20)
1. From time to time judiciary has emphasized that we must adopt a realistic and practical
approach for the protection and preservation of environment. Discuss in the light of
important cases.
2. The precautionary principle is accepted in India as a fundamental tool to promote
sustainable development and is employed within Indian environmental governance to
promote better health and environmental decisions. Elucidate.
3. Critically analyse the law relating to Hazardous Wastes Management in India.
4. Discuss the scope and novel features of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 in the light
of leading cases and constitutional provisions.
5. Tracing out the evolution of International environmental jurisprudence, discuss its
reflection on Indian judgments in the light of important cases.
6. Explaining the concept of Environment Impact Assessment, discuss the related issues and
challenges mentioning all important notifications in this regard.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Absolute Liability.
8. Taj Trapezium Case.
9. Anthropocentric approach.
10. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.

Enrollment No.………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VI Sem./ET/April-22/Lab.L.
Time - 03:30 Hours Max-Marks :- 70

April - 2022
Labour Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 3 (three) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (03X20)
1. The company runs a rice mill and employs less than fifty workmen on an average per
working day. The management laid off eight workmen for the reasons other than those
specified in the relevant clause of the existing Standing Order of the company. Argue the
case from both the side of the management and the workmen in regard to the liability of
the management to pay lay off compensation in the given situation.
2. During the pendency of the appeal before the Labour Appellate Tribunal the management
did retrench its workmen who had been laid off for more than 45 days. The aggrieved
workmen filed a complaint before the Labour Appellate Tribunal challenging the validity
of the retrenchment order. The Labour Appellate Tribunal at the very outset of its
judgement gave its finding on merits and held the retrenchment invalid. It rejected the
contention of the management that the scope of the application was only to give or
withhold permission. The management filed an appeal by special leave to the Supreme
Court. Discuss the merit of the special leave petition.
3. Discuss that the amount of compensation under the employees' Compensation Act, 1923
is dependent upon the gravity of injury and nature of disablement.
Determine the amount of compensation that the workman is entitled to get in the
following circumstances:
The workman is 32 year old and drawing wages of Rs. 7900 per month. In the course of
employment he suffered permanent partial disablement and the Chief Medical Officer
certified 30% loss of earning capacity under the circumstances. The employer bore the
hospital expenses during the treatment of the workman and paid Rs. 30,000/- towards the
hospital. (Relevant factor for a worker who is at the age of 32 is 203.85 as per the law).
4. The deceased workman had died while he was engaged in painting work in a Post Office
building. The work of painting of the office building was entrusted by the concerned
Department to a contractor who engaged the deceased workman. The contention of the
Postal Department had been that the liability could be fastened on the Department, had
the deceased been employed for some work which was pertaining to the trade and
business of the Department. Under these circumstances, discuss the fate of the
compensation petition which has filed before the Compensation Commissioner by the
heirs of the deceased.
5. A large section of scholars have opined that labour market regulations add to production
cost, restricts flexibility and efficiency, stifle the competition and hinder economic
In view of the above statement, discuss the potential effects of job security regulations on
the demand for employees.
6. Free market economy, where employees can be hired and fired according to the need of
the market and at a price which is determined by supply and demand, is argued to be the
only way out for the economic growth of the country. Critically analyse the statement and
discuss that how this school of thought has surfaced in the approaches of the Indian
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Discuss whether the contractor while employing contract labour does create relationship
of master and servant between the establishment and the labour?
8. Write a note on the constitutional scheme of public employment.
9. Write a note on the 2 National Commission on Labour and Hire & Fire Policy.
10. The scheme of ESI Act vis a vis the triple coverage of the legislation.

Enrollment No.………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VI Sem./ET/April-22/LoP-II
Time - 03:30 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
April - 2022
Law of Property-II
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 3 (three) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (03X20)
1. ‘It is the universal rule in equity that once a mortgage always a mortgage – every attempt,
therefore, to defeat the equity of redemption must fail’. In the light of above statement,
critically examine the Doctrine of Clog on redemption.
2. Distinguish between:
(i) Mortgage by conditional sale and sale with the condition of repurchase.
(ii) Lease and licence
3. What do you understand by lease? Discuss the essential elements of a valid lease and the
circumstance in which a lease may be terminated.
4. Discuss the rights and liabilities of seller & buyer before and after the completion of sale
with the help of relevant provisions of the Transfer of Property Act and the case law.
5. Write a detailed note on the Doctrine of Marshalling and Contribution. Also discuss the
interrelationship between Marshalling and Contribution with reference to the relevant
provisions of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
6. Define ‘Gift’ and explain the essential elements of a valid gift. Under what circumstances
a gift can be revoked or suspended? Explain.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
Write short notes on:
7. Onerous gift and Universal donee.
8. Doctrine of tacking.
9. Tenancy at sufferance and Tenancy at will.
10. Charge and Mortgage.
Enrollment No.………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VI Sem./ET/April-22/B&IL.
Time - 03:30 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
April - 2022
Banking and Insurance Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 3 (three) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (03X20)

1. Discuss the Bank Nationalization case and its impact on the reformation of banking sector
in India. How are the reforms in banking sector in tune with liberalization?
2. Discuss in detail, the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 pertaining to the
conditions and the latest norms regarding the New Bank Licensing Policy under which
the R.B.I. may extend license to Banking Company.
3. Explain the working of Quantitative Methods of Credit Control by Reserve Bank of India.
4. It has been said that “there is no class of document to which the strictest good faith is
more rightly required in court of Law than policies of insurance”. Elaborate the statement
with reference to the duty of disclosure of material facts by the insured to the insurer. Cite
the classical case of Carter v Boehm.(1766 All ER)
5. Discuss the doctrine of subrogation including its general qualifications. Are there any
limitations and defences available to this doctrine? Cite the relevant case laws.
6. How have the Debt Recovery Tribunals expedited the recovery of bad loans by Banks and
Financial Institutions? Amplify the procedure and mode of recovery of debts of the
Tribunal constituted under the Recovery of Debt due to Banks and Financial Institutions
Act 1993.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

7. Comment on the Bankers obligation to maintain secrecy of Customer’s account and

8. “Exclusion of Proximate cause rule” in the contract of Insurance. Illustrate with the help
of a case, if any
9. Distinguish between the Assignment and Nomination in Life Insurance Policies on the
basis of Transferability, Alteration, Object, Consideration, Procedure and cancellation.
10. Explain the Concept of Insurable Interest. Is it a necessary element in every contract of

Enrollment No.………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VI Sem./ET/April-22/Corp.L.
Time - 03:30 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
April - 2022
Corporate Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 3 (three) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (03X20)

1. Mr. Shyam, the petitioner held 62 shares in a company. Mr. Ram, the Chairman of the Board and
Managing Director held 1240 shares. Thereafter the company issued and allotted 750 shares to
Harmer Ltd., 799 shares to Gopi Ltd. and 250 shares to seven other people, each holding a small
number of shares. The petitioner, who was a Director of the company, alleged that Mr. Ram, who
controlled the company, conducted its business in a manner oppressive of the minority
shareholders by disregarding their interests. Harmer Ltd. and Gopi Ltd. had failed to use their
voting power to curtail the actions of Mr. Ram and had permitted and condoned Ram's oppressive
conduct. Some of the alleged acts of oppression by the petitioner related to differences of opinion
between the petitioner and Mr. Ram on matters of policy, some were allegations of inefficiency
by Mr. Ram and some were allegations of general character about difficulty experienced by Mr.
Ram in negotiating on the Company's behalf as regards some Company's matters. Mr. Ram
contended that the petitioner did not have any ground for relief. Decide in the light of applicable
sections under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 and judicial pronouncements.
2. Reconcile the grounds for the doctrine of the lifting the veil of Corporate personality with the
'concealment principle' and 'evasion principle' as advocated by Lord Sumption.
3. Answer of the Following:
a. How are bonus shares regulated by the Companies Act, 2013, Companies (Share Capital and
Debenture) Rules, 2014 and SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018?
(10 marks)
b. The petitioner, transferee purchased 100 equity shares of ITC Ltd. and lodged duly executed
transfer deed along with the original share certificates which were received by the Company
on 10th December 2019. Before the registration of transfer of shares is completed, the
Company declared 60 bonus shares against the above said 100 shares on 20th December
2019. What shall company do as regards bonus shares pertaining to shares which are the
subject matter of transfer and in favor of whom these bonus shares shall be allotted?
(10 marks)
4. The prospectus contained statements that the company would commence operations with six
screw steamships of 20,000 tons and 300 h.p. each and having capacity of 2000 tons of cargo and
that the steamers were guaranteed to steam 10 knots and being full rigged as clipper sailing ships
were calculated to perform the voyage regularly from F to R in 25 days. Actually no steamships
were in possession of the company when the prospectus was issued and it had not even entered
into any contract for obtaining them. Whether the statements are misrepresentation of facts.
Explain in detail in the light of applicable sections of Indian Companies Act, 2013 and case law.
5. Mr. Ravi was a shareholder in a company; article 11 of the Articles of Association of the
company provided: "Every member who intends to transfer shares shall inform the Directors who
will take the said shares equally between them at a fair value…" In accordance with article 11,
Mr. Ravi so notified the Directors, who contended that they need not take and pay for the shares
of Mr. Ravi, on the ground that the Articles imposed no such liability upon them. Decide and
furnish reasons.
6. Answer The following:
a. The Memorandum of ‘Asiatic Insurance Co. Ltd.’ authorized it to make charitable
contributions. The Annual General Meeting of the Company passed a resolution prescribing
an upper cap of 5 million rupees per financial year for the charitable purposes that can be
made by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors passed a resolution in its meeting to
make a charitable contribution of 7.5 million rupees to an NGO working towards the welfare
of tribal communities in Odisha. Discuss the possible consequences that may follow in this
series. Supplement your answer with proper authorities.
(10 marks)
b. Mr. Ramesh, a director of APL Pipes Ltd., died in a car accident. It was decided by the Board
to appoint Mr. Durgesh in his place. Whether the company will be required to call
extraordinary general meeting to approve the latter’s appointment as Director? How long
Durgesh would remain in office?
(10 marks)

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

7. What is the procedure for selling and purchasing dematerialized securities?

8. The rights issue is not necessarily made at the time of requirement of the funds. It can be even
made to create the desired number of shareholders to enable the company to exercise its legal
powers or to comply with legal requirements. Elucidate with judicial pronouncements.
9. Discuss the law and regulations regarding identification of ‘related party’ and compliances
regarding ‘related party transactions’.
10. Is it permissible to incorporate a company with the name ‘Cotton Textile Mills Pvt. Ltd.’? Give
reasons for your answer.

Enrollment No.………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VI Sem./ET/April-22/DP&C
Time - 03:30 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
April - 2022
Drafting of Pleadings and Conveyancing
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 3 (three) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (03X20)
1. Discuss the main objectives of pleadings and explain the fundamental rules of pleadings
in short.
2. What do you mean by amendment of pleadings? Explain the principles followed by the
courts in allowing the amendment application.
3. Examine the defenses available to the defendant in his written statement against the claim
of plaintiff under CPC.
4. Vinayak son of Mr. Surendra Kumar, Age about 50 years, working as CMO in District
Hospital,Lucknow having Indian citizenship, Resident of D-12 Indira Nagar Lucknow
wishes to gift his one immovable property i.e. a house, to a loved one Mr. Umesh, son of
Brajesh aged about 30 years, an Advocate having Indian nationality, resident of H. No. 34
Sector G, LDA Colony Lucknow, the said house is situated at LDA Colony, Lucknow
i.e. house no. 23 Sector G , LDA Colony Lucknow. Draft a gift deed for the same.
5. What do you mean by complaint? Draft a complaint of affray under Section 160 of the
6. What are the competent authorities to grant bail under Code of Civil Procedure? Draft a
bail application for the applicant (accused) who is alleged to have committed an offence
under Section 304-A of IPC for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)

7. The plaintiff has filed a suit for permanent injunction which is pending for disposal and
the defendant is dispossessing the plaintiff from House no. 20-A Indiranagar Lucknow
which is in question in the suit, by interfering in the physical peaceful possession of the
above said house. Draft an application for temporary injunction under Order 39 Rules 1
and 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in favour of plaintiff.
8. An order was passed by Mr. Hitesh Kumar, Civil Judge, Lucknow District, Lucknow
against respondent/appellants in Civil Suit No. 534/2022, Titled as Kamal Singh v.
Dinesh Kumar on 25 day of March 2022, whereby application for amendment under
Order VI Rule 17 of CPC filed by the plaintiff was dismissed. Therefore Civil Misc.
petition may be filed by the Plaintiff (petitioner) in the Honrable High Court without
notice to the caveator or his counsel. Here the caveator (respondent) desires that he may
be given the notice of the filing of the Civil Misc. Petition, draft a Caveat Application for
Dinesh Singh.
9. What are the essential components of a Deed?
10. Draft a notice under section 80 of Civil Procedure Code, 1908.


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