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Arce Bryan M.


11 ABM-Skylon

Reading and Writing


Appearance is the first thing you encounter when you see a reading material, the reader usually read
what caught their eyes. Color, creativity and words in the cover can make the readers be curious and let
them want to read the reading material, it only depends if it is appealing to the eyes and has a very
interesting topic on the book cover. The titles itself is also eye appealing when it comes to readers that
is finding a very interesting topic to read and to spend time on.

Reading Level

The more you relate when reading a book, the more you want to read it. Some books tend to have
confusing reading level, that leads to some readers unsatisfied and disappointed. The author needs to
have a reading level in their books that can relate on todays readers, because when the reading level
reaches to the point that the readers can relate too, and can understand it they will be more willing to
read the material.


Comprehension is very important to the readers, some of them have knowledge that are limited to
others. The more you understand the reading material that more you read it. The authors need to be
more specific and give more of an easier side of writing on their books. Some reading materials was
written with the authors emotions and with the heart so it may be more confusing.


Accuracy refers to how accurate or precise the reading material is. The information should always be
accurate when writing a reading material, the readers will always believe what will be written on a
reading material that is why you have to have information up to date.

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