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Reading & Writing| Grade 11

Prepared by Mrs. Karene Ecel C. Zerna

For Submission on May 11, 2021 at 5pm through Edmodo.

Lesson Outcomes:

At the completion of this activity, the students should be able to:

1. Understand the concept of hypertext and intertextuality;

2. Obtain information in a customized way through hypertext; and
3. Make connections between a text and the context in which the text is developed.

A. Hypertext as a Means of obtaining Information in a Customized Way

How is a hypertext accessed? Hypertext are accessed by clicking on the site

What does HTTP stand for? Hypertext Transfer Protocol
What does URL stand for? Uniform Resource Locator

Browsers and other similar technology made it very easy for readers to obtain the information
they want in the sequence they prefer. This is through the use of hypertext in a digital device. A
hypertext-enabled text contains highlighted words or sequence of words that, when clicked or
tapped, takes the reader into another text which is all about the highlighted sequence of words.
When hypertext is accessed through the Internet, it is called Hypertext Transfer protocol or
HTTP. Each page that is accessed has an identifying address called a universal Resource Locator
or URL, more commonly known as the Web address. This is found in the address bar of a

Doing the same

process using
physical pieces of
paper would be very
cumbersome and
A hypertext require a lot of time
for leafing through
pages upon pages
of information.
Hypertext does this
process in a quick and seamless manner.

It allows readers to access information particularly suited to their needs. For example, if a reader
still needs more background on a particular item that a text is discussing, such as when a reader
does not know a term, the reader can choose to highlight that term or click on the highlighted or
underlined term and access a page that defines it.

Activity 1.

1. Access the Internet.

2. In the search bar, type in the course that you want to take in college or the career you wish to
pursue years from now. Example: Hotel manager, Chef, etc.
3. If possible, choose the reference with the most highlighted text or words.
4. Start reading and list down the highlighted text and its corresponding URL after clicking on that

Highlighted Word or Title of the New URL of that Page

Phrase Page that opened
How much does a Average base
Nurse make in salary
Data source
tooltip for
average base
Nursing - Wikipedia Nurse
What can I expect What can I expect
from a nursing from a nursing
career? career?
Ana Enterprise What is Nursing
Roles of a nurse Roles of a
Nurse Nurse.aspx

Write the summary of what you have learned about that course or career from the several pages that
you have read.

Course/ Career choice: Nurse

What I learned about it:

I learned that a being a nurse is very difficult because of the shifts that you are put depending on
what role you are given. Studying so many diseases, illness and what goes on with you body is not
an easy thing to do, that is why we have to work hard for our dreams and goals to be successful. I
am still not sure of being a nurse yet because I have a dream that is very hard and needs a bit of
luck to pull off. While I was researching and reading the websites, I have learned that one good
thing of being a nurse is that you are a part of the group that is saving lives everyday.
B. Intertextuality

What is intertextuality?
Is that it has a relation between text and with literary words
What are the several ways that intertextuality may occur?
1.Allusion 4. Pastiche
2. Retelling 5. Calque
3. Quotation 6. Translation

Intertextuality is the idea that the creation of a text is influenced by other texts. The structure,
content, or purpose of a text are influenced by other texts. When a writer writes a text, he or she
does so in a way that ideas and properties of a text are shaped by ideas and properties of other

Ways how intertextuality may occur:

1. Retelling

This is when an author restates what other texts contain. It could be in the form of retelling a
narrative or a re-expression of an idea or a concept. An example of which is the Bible where
several passages in the new Testament retell stories found in the Old Testament such as in Acts
13;17-22. Another is Jane Smiley’s “A Thousand Acres” is a contemporary retelling of
Shakespeare’s “King Lear” and William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” which is a retelling
of “Pyramus and Thisbe,” a Greek tragedy.
2. Allusion
It is when an author directly or indirectly refers to an idea or passage in another text without
actually quoting the text. It is found in both written and spoken language. For example: “I was
surprised his nose was not growing like Pinocchio’s.” This makes a reference to “The Adventures
of Pinocchio,” written by Carlo Collodi when the little wooden puppet lies.
3. Quotation
Another very common interlinearity relationship is quotation. In this kind of relationship, the
author directly lifts a string of words from another text. This is commonly found in news articles
where the writer quotes the interviewee:
“The consequences of that decision are clear before us, and India must now restructure its
response while the crisis rages,” the editorial said. “The success of that effort will depend on the
government owning up to its mistakes, providing responsible leadership and transparency, and
implementing a public health response that has science at its heart.”
Medical journal slams Indian government for ‘squandering’ early success on Covid-19
By Julia Hollingsworth and Manveena Suri, CNN
Updated 1022 GMT (1822 HKT) May 9, 2021
4. Pastiche (Pa-steesh)

This is a text written in a way that imitates the style or other properties of another text, without
mocking the text, as a parody. Sometimes, a text becomes very significant that its style or other
characteristics is copied by other words. For example, is the Philippine Constitution which
derived a lot of style and other properties from the US Constitution.

Another one is “The Ten Commandments” and “The Ten Commandments of Marriage.”

5. Calque (Kalk)

This is a word-for-word borrowing

from one language to another. The
borrowing may involve translating the
words in the same position as they are,
without regard to whether or not it
disrupts the meaning. More often, it
involves some amount of changing
positions. It may also involve addition
or subtraction of some words to make
the meaning understandable.
6. Translation

Translation from one language to another is considered another example of intertextuality.

Some texts in a language become very popular or significant that they deserve to be translated
into other languages. Because Latin was once the language of church and high society in Europe,
the Latin prayer “Our Father” was well-known and has been translated into many languages.

Activity 2.1. Research the English calques of the following.


par Coeur By heart
meisterstück Masterpiece
ez ozel Scapegoat
pomme d’Adam Adam’s Apple
ballena asesina Killer Whale
supergeleider Superconductor
regenwald Rainforest
Activity 2.2. Create a calque in Tagalog or other Philippine language for the following words.


hard disk Matigas na disko
unidentified flying object Hindi maalam-alam na lumilipad na bagay
air conditioner Tagapagpalamig ng hangin
flat tire Patag na gulong
peanut butter Manina Mantikilya
black hole Maitim na butas
unfriend Di na kakaibiganin

Activity 2.3

Below is an excerpt from the famous “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. a black Baptist
preacher and foremost civil rights leader for the cause of Blacks in America. Read and answer the
questions that follow.
1. What kind of intertextuality do the word, “five score years ago,” show in this short section of the
It is an allusion to president Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.

2. Identify and explain any other kind of intertextuality found in this text.
I have a dream
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
- Martin Luther King Jr. talked about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
that is the “Unalienable Rights”.

 Reading and Writing by Vibal Group Inc. Revised Edition


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