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Shan-e-Nuzool - The Background of Quranic Passages

1. Surah Ikhlas
2. Surah Kauthar
3. Surah Duha
4. Surah Nas
5. Surah Alaq


Q(a) Describe what the following Surahs tell Muslims about the circumstances in which they were
revealed: 112 (Al-Akhlas) and 108 (Al-Kauthar). [10]


- Different people had questioned the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about the essence and nature of God.
- On every occasion Prophet (PBUH), on Allah’s command, recited Surah Al- Ikhlas in response.
- First of all the Quraish asked Prophet (PBUH) about the ancestry of Allah.
- The Jews of Khyber asked the Prophet: “O Abul Qasim, Allah created the angels from light, Adam
from rotten clay, Iblis from the flame of fire, the sky from smoke, and the earth from the foam of
water. Now tell us about your Lord (of what He is made).”
- Then Hazrat Jibrail came and he said: “O Muhammad, say to them: Huwa Allahu ahad.”
- The Christians of Najran asked: “O Muhammad, tell us what is your Lord like and of what substance
He is made.” The Holy Prophet replied, “My Lord is not made from any substance. He is unique and
exalted above everything.” Thereupon Allah sent down this Surah.
- Whenever Mohammad (PBUH) was asked questions about Allah, Allah inspired Prophet (PBUH) to
recite the words of Surah Ikhlas.
- It is a Makki Surah which was revealed when detailed verses of Allah’s attributes were not revealed.
- The Content of the Surah mentions that He is single without any hint of plurality. It
is stated, “He begets not nor is He begotten.”
- It is negating the Christian idea of trinity by stating: “the One and only”.
- The starting phrase ‘Say, He is Allah’ refutes the ideology of atheists who believe God doesn’t exist.
- Polytheists also believe in many gods which is also refuted by this Surah.


- The Surah was revealed when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was going through a period of difficulty.
- The Quraish said: “Mohammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace and blessings) is cut off from his
people as a tree is cut off from its root, which might fall to the ground any moment.” (Ibne Jarir).
- When the second son of Prophet (PBUH) died, Abu Lahab told pagans: “Mohammad has become
childless this night, or he is cut off from the root.”
- The Quraish created mental and emotional distress for Prophet (PBUH) by calling him Abtar i.e. the
one who is cut off from his root.
- Abdullah bin Abbas said: “The eldest son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was Qasim; next to him was
Zainab, next to her Hazrat Abdullah and next to him three daughters, viz. Umm Kulthum, Fatimah
and Ruqayyah. Of them first Hazrat Qasim died and then Hazrat Abdullah. Thereupon A’as bin Wail
said: ‘His line has come to an end: now he is abtar (i. e. cut off from root).’
- The same kind of meanness was shown by Abu Jahal and Uqba by rejoicing at his grievance.
- The Quraish thought as Prophet (PBUH) had no male descendants his message would die with him.
- Allah revealed these verses of Al-Kauthar (108:1-3) to console him.
- Allah gave hope to the Prophet (PBUH) that his enemies will be cut off not him.
- Prophet was assured that his mission will surely remain and the mission of his enemies will fall as
stated: “And He who hates you He will be cut off (from future’s hope).” (108:3)

- Allah promised him the abundant blessings in this life and the next.
- He was promised to be given the river of paradise, Al-Kauthar.
- He was also reminded about the unique blessings like prophethood and revelations granted to him.
- The Quran states: “Verily, We have granted you the Abundance”. (108:1)
- With these blessings, Allah has given him the responsibilities of praying & sacrificing to be grateful.
- The Quran states in Surah Anam: “Say truly my prayer & my service of sacrifice, my life, and my
death are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds”. (6:162).


Q(a) Describe what the following Surahs tell Muslims about the circumstances in which they were
revealed: 99 (Al-Duha) and 114 (Al-Nas). [10]


- It was revealed in the earliest period of Makkah when the revelations were suspended for a long time
- It left Prophet (PBUH) depressed as he felt he had done an error and the suspension of revelation is
due to Allah’s displeasure to him.
- This Surah was revealed to console Mohammad (PBUH) that the break was to restore peace in him.
- If he had received revelations continuously he wouldn’t have been able to endure them.
- So, the break was given to him to restore peace in him & the power to bear the burden of
- It is reported that he perspired, his facial expressions hardened and his body weight increased when
he received revelations.
- Gradually, when he developed enough power to withstand the burden, there were no long gaps.
- The Surah was also revealed to remove Prophet (PBUH)’s anxiety and to console him.
- Allah consoled Mohammad (PBUH) first by taking the oath of Day and Night ensuring him that Allah
never left him. As it stated, “Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is He displeased.”
- To fill his heart with joy, Allah is giving him the glad tiding of becoming the master of Makkah as
stated, “And soon your Lord will give you so that you will be pleased.”
- Allah is also promising better rewards in the life hereafter including the river of heaven. The Quran
states: “ Verily We have granted you the fount of Abundance” (108:1) Al-Kauthar
- Furthermore, Allah consoled him by recalling him the support from the past; when Allah offered him
shelter, financial independence, and guidance through Abu Talib, Hazrat Khadija (RZ), and Jibrail.
- Allah is also providing him the duty of sharing shelter, finance, and guidance to show gratitude for
- It is stated “Therefore do not treat the orphan with harshness; nor drive the beggar away, But tell
about the bounties of Your Lord.”


- Surah Nas is one of Al-Muwadhatain, the other one is Surah Falaq.

- It was revealed first in Makkah after the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) began preaching openly.
- The Quraish opposed and persecuted him and when they couldn’t stop him they offered him bribes.

- Their hostility and persecution increased when Prophet (PBUH) declined their offers and they were
addressed in Surah Kafiroon.
- The Quran states: “I do not worship those who you worship, nor are you worshippers of Him
Whom I worship. For you is your religion for me is mine.” (109:2-6) Al-Kafiroon
- Prophet (PBUH)’s prominence made Abu Jahal and other chiefs envy him.
- The magic charms and spells were being worked to make him fall ill, the plans were made to kill him
in the dark and Satans from among the men and jinn spread to whisper against him.
- Such were the circumstances when Prophet (PBUH) was commanded by Allah to declare the
following: “I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn... From the evil of the envier when he envies.”
- And also to tell people: “I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind. The King of mankind. The God of
mankind. From the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws. Who whispers into the hearts of
mankind. Among jinn and among mankind.” (114:1-6)
- The verses served as a supplication to be recited by him to protect him from internal and external
- Al-Muwadhatain were revealed again in 7 A.H.
- A delegation of Jews of Khyber hired Labid bin Asam, a famous magician, by offering three gold coins
to cast magic spells on Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
- Labid used Prophet (PBUH)’s comb and hair stolen by a Jewish boy, an attendant of Prophet (PBUH).
- Labid placed his spells on the leaf of the date tree and hid it under a stone at the bottom of Dharwan
(the well) of Banu Zuraiq.
- The Prophet (PBUH) thought he had done a thing as he had not done it.
- He (PBUH) dreamt of two angels, Hazrat Jibrail (AS) and Hazrat Mikael (AS), informing him about the
spell and the entire conspiracy.
- He (PBUH) sent Hazrat Ali (RZ), Hazrat Ammar (RZ) and Hazrat Zubair (RZ) to bring the leaf from the
well of Banu Zuraiq.
- They found the leaf along with a cord and a wax doll with needles pricked in it.
- Allah sent Hazrat Jibra’il (AS) to instruct the Prophet (PBUH) to recite Surah Falaq and Surah Nas.
- As Prophet recited verse after verse, a knot loosened and a needle was taken out after which Prophet
(PBUH) regained his health.


Q(a) Give an account of how the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet (PBUH). [10]


Q(a) Describe the circumstances in which the following Surah was revealed 96:1-5 (Al-Alaq). [10]


Q(a) The first revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad in 610. Describe his experience of this
event. [10]

Discuss the events of Cave Hira, Outside cave, and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)’s dialogues
with Hazrat Khadija (RZ) and Waraqa bin Naufal.

Q(b) Was it significant that the Quran was revealed to someone who could not read or write? [4]

- Yes, it was significant to reveal the Quran to Ummi i.e. someone who cannot read or write.
- Firstly, it ensures that the words shared by Prophet (PBUH) were not composed by him as he could
not read or write.
- Secondly, as he was not able to compose verses it proved that the verses were truly from God.
- Thirdly, if he had been able to compose, it would have given an excuse to people to reject the verses.
- Fourthly, it confirms the miracle of the Quran to be committed to memories alone. From Prophet
(PBUH) to companions to every generation till now, it is the only book committed to memories.
- Lastly, it signifies the Prophet (PBUH)’s faith in his companions when he allowed them to write down
verses revealed to him.

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