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Q(a) Outline the Prophet (PBUH)’s relation with Jews between the years 622-632 A.D. [10]
- There were mainly three tribes of Jews in Madinah.
- These tribes included Banu Qainuqa who were goldsmiths and bankers. Their ally was a tribe
Khazraj whose leader was Abdullah Bin Ubai.
- The other two tribes were Banu Nadhir and Banu Quraiza. They were agriculturists and
possessed many agricultural lands. Banu Quraiza was allied with the tribe Aws whose leader was
Hazrat Saad bin Muadh (RZ). However, Banu Nadhir had no allies in Madinah.
- These Jews of Madinah had close relations with the powerful settlement of the Jews in Khyber.
- Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) after reaching Madinah made an early settlement there. He granted
the citizens of Madinah the charter. This was known as the Charter of Madinah in which he made
an agreement with all inhabitants of Madinah including the Jews.
- This charter mentioned rights and responsibilities for the Jews. According to this both Muslims
and Jews were declared as one community. Jews citizens were granted the same rights as Muslim
citizens. They were also granted religious freedom by which they could practice their religion as
freely as Muslims. Moreover, they were given the responsibility of maintaining the law and order of
the state, defending the state together with Muslims, and co-operate in the amount of blood money.
- Despite being granted the provisions of liberty in business, religion, and social values, the Jews
started distancing themselves from Muslims. They persistently mocked the revelations and
doubted Mohammad (PBUH)’s claims of prophethood.
- They ridiculed Mohammad (PBUH), the Quran, and women by their poetry. They mispronounced
the Quran and Prophet (PBUH)’s names, changing their meanings, and committing blasphemy.
- They also taunted Muslims saying Muslims did not have their direction for prayer (Qiblah) and faced
the direction of their Qiblah i.e. Bait-ul-Muqaddas towards Jerusalem.
- In response to their malicious attempts, different steps were taken against the Jews.
- Muslims Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to Makkah. Prophet (PBUH) received the revelation of
Surah Baqarah while he was leading in prayers. “We see the turning of your face (for guidance to
the heavens) now shall We turn you to a Qiblah that shall please you. Turn then your face in the
direction of the sacred Mosque ...” (2:144) Al-Baqarah
- Muslims then turned their faces towards Ka’bah, since then Ka’bah has been made their direction till
the end of this world. The mosque where this switching happened came to be known as Masjid ul
- By revelations, the Jews were also condemned for altering the words of their book Torah and
corrupting their religion.
- Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) expelled three tribes on different occasions in response to their
treachery and dissolving the treaty they made with Muslims.
- Firstly, it was Banu Qainuqa who spoiled the law & order of Madinah after the prohibition of Riba.
- Once when a Muslim woman went to Qainuqite goldsmith’s shop to buy some ornaments; A Jew
pinned her skirt to her dress; when she stood up her back was bared and nearby Jews jeered lewdly.
- On this, a Muslim man killed the laughing Jew and as a result of this, the rest of the Jews killed the
Muslim man.
- When Prophet (PBUH) was informed about this breach by Banu Qainuqa, he laid a siege to their
fortress- houses in 624 A.D. /3 A.H.
The Biography of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) 39 | P a g e
- After a siege of 15 days the Jews surrendered.
- Prophet (PBUH) expelled them from Madinah. These Jews then settled in Syria.
- Muslims received the Jews’ goldsmith tools and household goods.
- Secondly, the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadhir was expelled in 625 A.D. /4 A.H.
- Ka’ab bin Ashraf, who had strong links with Banu Sulaym, was assassinated by Muslims as he used
to compose verses against Islam and circulated them. This made Banu Sulaym hostile to Muslims.
- Abu Bara from Banu Amir requested Prophet (PBUH) for Muslim preachers, Prophet (PBUH) sent
40 preachers to Najd. The hostile Banu Sulaym killed 39 Muslims at Bir Muanah. Banu Sulaym were
provoked by Amr b. Tufail, the new leader of Banu Amir. This is called the tragedy of Bir Muanah.
- The only survivor, Hazrat Amr bin Umayya, killed 02 men of Banu Kilab thinking to avenge his
brothers. Later, he came to know that the Prophet (PBUH) had offered a pledge of protection to those
men. Due to this, Madinah was indebted to pay blood money to Banu Kilab.
- Prophet (PBUH) decided to pay blood money to Banu Kilab. Thus, he (PBUH) with his companions
visited the strongholds of Banu Nadhir. The purpose of this visit was to ask the Jews to co-operate in
the amount of blood money that was binding upon them as per the charter of Madinah.
- The Jews showed a willingness to co-operate but when Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sitting beside the
wall of one of their houses, seeing his vulnerability they planned to murder him by rolling a huge
stone on his head.
- The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was informed about this plan through revelation. He (PBUH) instantly
left the fortress and afterward conveyed Jews a message that he knew what they were plotting.
- He gave them an ultimatum to leave Madinah within 10 days with half of their agricultural produce.
- After a siege of 14 days, the Jews departed with as much as they could carry on their camels.
- These Jews then settled at Khyber and later conspired against Muslims.
- In 626 A.D./5 A.H., the Jewish tribe Banu Quraiza exhibited their open betrayal and hostility
towards Muslims at the time of the Battle of Trench. This was a violation of the charter of Madinah.
- In response to their treachery, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), after the retreat of Quraish (allied army)
from the borders of Madinah, besieged their fortresses for 25 days.
- They were granted the offer of leaving Madinah like the other two tribes who had been exiled. The
Jews of Banu Quraiza rejected it.
- Their allies, Aws, requested Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to be lenient with them. Thus, Prophet
Mohammad (PBUH) offered the Jews a chance to be judged by a person from their allied tribe, Aws.
- The Holy Prophet (PBUH) nominated Hazrat Saad bin Muadh (RZ) for this task.
- Hazrat Saad, according to the Torah, sentenced all the Jewish men to death and declared that the
women and children be sold as slaves.
- Accordingly, 600-700 Jewish men were executed for their treachery.
- Later, in 628 A.D. / 7 A.H. the Jews of Khyber planned an attack on Madinah to invade
Madinah and to crush the separate Islamic state.
- Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) defeated them with 1400 men and 200 cavalries by attacking Jews at
Khyber. He (PBUH) then signed a peace pact with the inhabitants. Thus, it was the last clash of
Mohammad (PBUH) with the Jews in his lifetime.
Q(b) Suggest reasons why Prophet (PBUH)’s relationship with the Jewish tribes changed? [4]
- Various reasons led to the negative change in the relationship between the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and
the Jews.
- The first reason that disappointed him was that he gradually became aware that the Jews did not
respect his position. They refused to acknowledge that he was a Prophet like the one in their
scripture. Another matter of disgrace was that they openly made fun of him and his message.
- The Jews also taunted Muslims of lacking in possessing their direction (Qiblah). Therefore, in
response to their taunts, the change in relation was seen when Muslim Qiblah was switched by the
orders of Allah towards Ka’bah.
The Biography of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) 40 | P a g e
- The duplicity of the Jewish tribes made the relationship of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) with them
the worst. By this, they made breaches in the agreement they made with him.
- An important turning point was when they subjected a Muslim woman to public humiliation.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in return for their vicious attempt exiled them from Madinah.
- One year after another Jewish tribe planned to assassinate him. This was against the clause of the
Charter in which they accepted Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as their leader. They were also exiled.
- After this, one more Jewish tribe broke the Covenant by not defending Madinah; rather they tried
helping the enemies against him. Their treachery in conspiring with Quraish threatened the security
of Madinah and the survival of Islam.
- Thus, based on the unfaithfulness by the Jews and change in their attitude and conduct with Muslims
changed Mohammad (PBUH)’s relation with their major tribes.

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