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The Quranic Passages (Allah and His Messengers)

1. Surah Baqarah (2:31-37) 2. Surah Maidah (5:110)
3. Surah Anam (6:75-79) 4. Surah Duha (93:1-11)
5. Surah Kauthar (108:1-3)

11. Surah Baqarah (2:30-37)

Name of Passage: Surah Baqarah
Theme: Allah’s Relation with His Messenger that is Hazrat Adam (A.S).
Specification: Allah is His Lord (Creator and Teacher) and the one who gave him superiority.
Main Teachings:
1. This passage teaches Allah is the Creator of all, heavens, earth, angels, and jinn.
2. It teaches that Allah is the Creator of Hazrat Adam (AS) as Allah created him with the combination of
clay and soul. The Quran states: “And certainly We created man from an extract of clay.” (23:12) Al-

3. It also teaches Allah is Hazrat Adam’s teacher as Allah gave him knowledge of the physical and spiritual
worlds both and gave him the knowledge of emotions.

4. Angels represented worshipping and Adam represented knowledge. It teaches Allah gave him
superiority over jinn and angels due to knowledge.
This means knowledge is superior to worshipping because:
a) worshipping is dependent on knowledge
b) angels bowed due to lack of knowledge and
c) knowledge is the attribute of Allah worshipping isn’t. The Quran states: “Verily from Allah, nothing is
hidden on the earth and in the heavens.” (3:5) Ale Imran

5. Another reason for his superiority was the grant of free will. To examine his will Allah gave him desires
which were tempted by the enemy i.e. Satan. The Quran states: “I seek refuge from the Lord of mankind
… from the mischief of the whisperer who whispers into the heart of mankind.” (114:1 & 4-5)
6. It teaches Satan became his enemy as Satan was envious of him. This is because Satan could not get
leadership on the earth due to him.

7. This passage teaches man is to make mistakes due to emotions and free will. However, making
mistakes is not the end of man. It teaches to seek Allah’s forgiveness and His mercy once a mistake is
committed like Adam and Even sought Allah’s Mercy after eating from the forbidden tree.

8. It teaches Allah is the most Loving and forgiving. He not only forgave Hazrat Adam (A.S) giving him
another chance but also taught him the way to seek His pardon.

1. It reminds us about our superiority based on knowledge and free will gifted to us by Allah.
2. The phrase ‘He taught Adam the name of all things’ enables us to recognize the unique knowledge of
emotions given to us. We realize emotions can take us to the highest or drag us to the lowest levels.
Therefore, we should use our emotions and free will as per Allah’s commandment for His cause to attain
righteousness and success in both worlds.

3. It helps us to recognize the enemy of our faith, Satan and the reason for its enmity i.e. Desperateness
to have leadership on earth. We realize desperateness is always evil because it often makes one arrogant
or rebellious. So, we should not be desperate for worldly gains like power and wealth rather we should
be composed and modest in our faith and be patient and grateful to Allah for the blessings we have and
we don’t

4. It helps us to understand that man is to err due to emotions and free will. This passage gives us hope
due to Allah’s mercy even if we sin. It encourages us to repent before Allah for our sins believing that He
will forgive our sins no matter how many or how evil they are.

5. It convinces us that Allah is the Most forgiving one we should seek His pardon and for this, we should
recite supplication from Quran and Sunnah, especially the one that Allah taught to Hazrat Adam (A.S).

13. Surah Maidah (5:110)

Name of Passage: Surah Maidah
Theme: Allah’s Relation with His Messenger that is Hazrat Isa (A.S).
Specification: Allah is the Creator, Guide, Teacher and Protector of Hazrat Isa (A.S). Also, the one who gave
Him unique powers.
Main Teachings:
1. This passage highlights the scene of the Final Day when Allah will recall His favours to Hazrat Maryam
(A.S) and Hazrat Isa (A.S).

2. By the will of Allah, Hazrat Maryam (A.S) gave birth to Hazrat Isa miraculously without a father. Allah
not only informed her through an angel about this miracle but also preserved her chastity after the birth
of Hazrat Isa (A.S).

3. This passage teaches Allah is Hazrat Isa’s Creator as by the will of Allah, Hazrat Isa was born without a

4. It also teaches that Allah is his Guide as Allah guided him through Angel Jibrail. The Quran states
“Verily He does send down His angels with the inspiration of His command to such of His servants as He

5. It also teaches that Allah is his Teacher as Allah gave him the knowledge of Torah and revealed Injeel
on him. The Quran states: “We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before
him. We sent him Gospel, therein was guidance and light…” (5:46) Al-Maidah

6. This passage also teaches that Allah gave some unique powers (miracles) to Hazrat Isa (A.S) to prove
his apostleship to his people.
7. He spoke to his people eloquently in all ages, he created a bird and breathed a soul into it, he gave life

to the dead, and he cured incurable diseases like blindness and leprosy. The Quran states: “We gave
Jesus the son of Mary the clear signs” (2:87) Al-Baqarah

8. This passage teaches all these miracles performed by Hazrat Isa (A.S) happened by the will and power
of Allah alone as Allah gave him guidance and the ability to perform those miracles.

9. This passage also teaches that Allah is Hazrat Isa (A.S)’s protector as Allah protected him from the Jews
who came to crucify him. Allah protected him by ascending him to the heavens.
10. This teaches as miracles are from Allah alone protection is also from Him alone.


1. It strengthens our belief in the Supreme will and power of Allah.

2. We learn that all the happenings in our life occur by the will of Allah alone.
3. This means only Allah can control circumstances, so we should always seek His assistance and
protection alone to have prosperity in our life.

4. The phrase ‘By My leave’ helps us to understand that humans can do great things only with God’s
permission. We should keep seeking His guidance and keep praying to him to use our skills in the best
possible way.

5. It strengthens our belief in Prophets, Revealed Books, and miracles.

6. It convinces us that prophets performed miracles with the assistance of Allah, therefore we should not
worship the Messengers who performed miracles as the Jews and Christians do rather we should submit
to Allah alone who caused those miracles to occur.

7. This helps us to realize that Allah guided man through His signs which were miracles given to His
prophets. These signs separated those who believed and those who did not.

8. It reminds us of the scene of the Day of Judgment when Allah will inquire us about His blessings upon
us especially time, youth, and wealth.
9. We should utilize His bounties like time, youth and money as per His commandments remembering
that we are answerable for them.

12. Surah Ana’m (6: 75-79)

Name of Passage: Surah Ana’m
Theme: Allah’s Relation with His Messenger that is Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
Specification: Allah is the Guide of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
Main Teachings:
1. This passage highlights the quest of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) to find His true Lord.
2. He was born into an idol worshipper’s family, but he rejected idolatry.
3. He was living among Chaldeans who worshipped Shiny distant objects; Sun, Moon, and Stars.

4. He began observing these objects/celestial bodies to find if any of them was his Lord. The Quran states:
“Among His signs are the Night and the Day, the Sun and the Moon …” (41:37)

5. During this, he was guided by Allah who enlightened his spirit. Allah guided him to see the flaws in
these objects after which he rejected all of them.
6. He rejected them as they weren’t permanent, and they all appeared and disappeared. He rejected the
moon as it was dependent and the Sun as it looked like the Biggest one but wasn’t the biggest.
7. Allah also guided him to see the spiritual world behind the objects of the physical world and to see the
beauty of the Creator of these objects. The Quran states “Adore not the Sun and Moon but Adore Allah
who created them…” (41:37)

8. Due to guidance from Allah, he was also able to realize the flawless administration of these objects by
Allah. Therefore, rather than submitting himself to the creations, he submitted himself to their flawless
Creator and administrator i.e. Allah alone. The Quran states: “Behold! His Lord said to him, bow your will
to Me, he said, I bow my will to the Lord and Cherisher of this universe.” (2:131)

9. He declared to accept the unity of Allah & to worship Allah alone without associating partners to Him.


1. It strengthens our belief that Apostles never worshipped any other deity except Allah even before
apostleship. The repeated phrase ‘This is My Lord’ reflects the rejection of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) to accept
the Sun, Moon, or Star as his Lord. He said ‘This is My Lord’ in a questioning and negative tone to his
community not only to reject the celestial bodies but also to reason his rejection.

2. It strengthens our belief that Allah always guides his men towards His Lordship through His creations.
We learn that Allah cannot be seen but He can be felt by His signs that are His creations. Therefore, we
should observe the creations of Allah especially the nature and celestial bodies to recognize His existence
and Lordship. Recognizing His existence and Lordship we should submit ourselves to Allah alone without
associating partners with Him.

3. This passage also helps us to understand that the creations of Allah are made to serve us. The sun is
made to give us a day for our activities and similarly, the moon is made to give us night for our rest.
Therefore, we should be using them in our services instead of worshipping them like pagans do.

4. The passage enables us to understand that Allah can be seen and felt by the enlightened eye and spirit
that sees and feels the spiritual world behind the beauties of the physical world. Therefore, while
observing the creations we should not get impressed by their beauty as they don’t have power and
beauty of their own rather we should be inspired by the beauty of their Creator i.e. Allah alone.

5. We should recognize the perfection of Allah by the flawlessness of His administration that how
perfectly He controls His creations.
6. We should also keep praying for His guidance as without His help we cannot attain righteousness.

14. Surah Duha (93: 1-11)

Name of Passage: Surah Duha
Theme: Allah’s Relation with His Messenger that is Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W)
Specification: Allah is the supporter and consoler of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Main Teachings:
1. This passage was revealed when Mohammad (PBUH) was upset due to the break in revelation.
2. The break in revelation was given to him for his comfort and peace as revelations were hard to endure.
3. His enemies taunted that Allah had left him and had been displeased with him.
4. The taunts of Jews/enemies made him insecure and created anxiety.
5. So, Allah revealed these verses to console him and to assure him that the break was for his comfort or
else he could have fallen ill.

6. Allah is consoling him:

a) By taking an oath of the Day and Night.
b) By assuring him the bounties of paradise in the afterlife including the river of heaven. The Quran
states: “Verily we have granted you the Abundance.” (108:1) Al-Kauthar
c) By promising him victory over his enemies and the glad tiding of the invasion of Makkah/unification of
d) By recalling him support from the past; when Allah gave him shelter through Abu Talib, fulfilled his
financial needs through Hazrat Khadija (RZ), and guided him through Hazrat Jibrail (A.S).

7. This passage teaches that Allah instructed Mohammad (PBUH) to show gratitude for these blessings by
sharing shelter, wealth, and guidance for the cause of Allah.
a) for shelter by helping orphans and the homeless and being kind to them.
b) for wealth by helping the poor and needy
c) for guidance by preaching and teaching Islam

1. We learn that Allah helped Prophet (PBUH) when he was worried if Allah had been displeased with
2. It strengthens our belief that Allah always supports His believers in times of difficulty.
3. We should look to Allah for help and support during hardships and wait wisely for His help.
4. We should not get hopeless or disheartened upon encountering difficulties like illness, oppression,
failure, betrayal, bankruptcy and lack of supervision, care, and guidance.

5. It helps us to evaluate the reason for lacking and inadequacy in our life i.e. His Hikmah (God’s wisdom).
6. It enables us to understand Allah’s blessings upon us especially the ones concerning shelter, wealth,
and guidance.
7. Realizing His bounties makes us grateful to Allah and motivates us to show gratitude to Allah for these

a) For shelter by sharing it with the poor and orphans. (verses 6-9)
b) For guidance by teaching it. (verses 7-11 and 10)
c) For wealth by contributing/donating it. (Verses 8-10)

15. Surah Kauthar (108: 1-3)

Name of Passage: Surah Kauthar
Theme: Allah’s Relation with His Messenger that is Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W)
Specification: Allah is the consoler of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Main Teachings:
1. The surah was revealed to console Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) after the death of his second son in
2. The Quraish taunted him as ‘Abtar’ that is the man with no male offspring. They also celebrated on the
loss of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
3. The taunts of Quraish especially of Abu Jahal, Uqba and Aa’s bin Wail hurt him more so Allah revealed
these verses to console him.
4. In this passage Allah is consoling Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH):

a) By offering him a unique gift that is the River of the fount of heaven named Kauthar. He will not only
drink from it but he will also offer water from it to his true followers on the Final Day.

b) By assuring him revenge from his enemies. Allah ensured him cut the generation of his enemies who
taunted him by calling him ‘Abtar’ and who opposed him out of jealousy and insecurities.
Bhayya Rawked Uncle Shocked and Behna is like Yayyyyy.

c) By reminding him of the already possessed blessings. The blessings included prophethood, Quran and
Sunnah. The Quran states: “We sent Quran to you before this you were among those who knew it not.”
(12:3) Al-Yousuf. These blessings of Allah also included Allah’s support for him in the past when Allah
gave him shelter through Abu Talib, wealth through Hazrat Khadija (RZ) and guidance through angel
Jibrail (A.S). Al-Quran states: “And He found you wandering, and He gave you guidance.” (93:7) Al-Duha

5. It also teaches that Allah instructed Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to show gratitude to Allah for these
blessings by offering worshipping rituals like praying and sacrificing. The Quran states: “Truly my prayer,
my services of sacrifice, my life and my death are all for the Lord and cherisher of this universe.” (6:162)

6. The passage teaches Allah always protected His prophets at the time of difficulty by consoling them
and by taking revenge on their behalf.

1. We learn that Allah helped Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) when he was worried about the continuation
of his mission and his line.
2. Allah helped him by continuing his mission through his family and companions and his line through his
daughter, Hazrat Fatima (RZ).

3. It convinces us that Allah always helped his men in times of adversity.

4. We should look to Him for help and support during hardships.
5. We should have faith in Allah and should not get hopeless or disheartened upon encountering
difficulties like betrayal, illness, bankruptcy, or oppression.

6. The term ‘Kauthar’ in this passage enables us to recognize His unique blessings upon us through Hazrat
Mohammad (PBUH) in the Physical and Spiritual worlds.
a) Blessings in the Physical world: (His guidance through Quran and Sunnah)
b) Blessings in the Spiritual world: (Paradise and water of the fount of heaven through the blessed palms
of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
7. We should follow Quran and Sunnah to attain paradise and its bounties.

8. The term ‘Nahar’ which means the sacrifice of camel guides us to show gratitude to Allah for His
blessings and to seek His assistance in times of difficulty, we should sacrifice animals to have His Mercy
and distribute its meat to the poor of society.
Individual benefits of sacrifice; Getting closer to Allah by sacrificing of time, wealth, and emotions and
brings one closer to Allah.
Communal Benefits of sacrifice; gaining the blessings of Allah through the blessings of the poor and
- Miracles performed by prophets occurred by the power of Allah.
THE HOLY QURAN IS FULL WITH - As miracles are from Allah alone protection is also from Him alone.
THE DESCRIPTIONS ABOUT - Allah guided men towards His existence by His signs given to prophets.
ALLAH & HIS MESSENGERS - Even apostles will be accountable on the Day of Judgment

• 124,000 Messengers were sent by Allah.
• Quran mentions the names of 26 only. Q (a) From the Quranic passages you have studied, outline the relationship
• Write a few names. between God and two of His Messengers who were sent before Prophet
• Many Quranic chapters mention their stories. Mohammad (PBUH). [10]
• A few Quranic chapters are named after them; Surah Yousuf, Surah
Mohammad, etc. P1: Story of Adam (A.S) P2: Story of H. Isa (A.S) OR Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
Quran teaches that Allah is:
Q (a) Using the Qur’an passages you have studied from the syllabus describe how
a) their Creator (Hazrat Adam (A.S and Hazrat Isa (A.S)
God guided His messengers to increase their belief in Him. Refer to at least two
b) their Teacher (Hazrat Isa (A.S) and Hazrat Adam (A.S)
messengers in your answer. [10]
c) their Guide (Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)
d) their Protector (Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Mohammad
P1: Story of Hazrat Ibrahim P2: Story of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)
e) their Supporter (Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)
f) Consoler (Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) Q (a) From the Quranic passages set for special study in the syllabus describe the
g) the one who gave them unique Powers (Hazrat Isa (A.S) ways in which God gave knowledge of Himself to His Messengers. [10]

b) Lessons from the story of Hazrat Adam (A.S): P1: Story of Hazrat Ibrahim P2: Story of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)
- Knowledge is superior than worshipping
- Man is to err due to emotions and free will. Q (a) Write about the relationship between God and two of the prophets you
- Emotions can take us to the highest or drag us to the lowest levels. have studied in the Qur’an [not including the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)]. [10]
- Desperateness is always evil because it lacks in patience and gratefulness.
P1: Story of Adam (A.S) P2: Story of H. Isa (A.S) OR Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
- Allah likes patience and gratitude and dislikes arrogance and rebellion.
- Allah is the most merciful God. Q (a) From Qur’an passages you have studied write about what lessons can be
learned from God’s conversations with Adam and Jesus
b) Lessons from the story of Hazrat Isa (A.S)
- Nothing is impossible for Allah. P1: Story of H. Adam (A.S) P2: Story of H. Isa (A.S) P3: Lessons
- Man can do amazing things only if Allah wills.


- Allah created angels and jinn followed by the earth.

- He then told angels about man’s leadership on earth where angels questioned man’s ability.
- Allah said to the angels “Surely I know what you do not know.” (2:30) Al-Baqarah
- Allah then created Hazrat Adam (A.S) with the blend of clay (body) and spirit (soul). Allah then taught Hazrat Adam the names: “He taught Adam
the names of all things.”
- Allah inquired angels about the names, angels excused but Hazrat Adam (A.S) mentioned them.
- Turning to angels Allah said: “Did I not tell you I know everything that is in the earth & heavens.”
- On Allah’s order, angels bowed down to Hazrat Adam (A.S) except Iblis, the jinn.
- Iblis became arrogant and announced his hostility with Adam (mankind).
- Allah created Hazrat Hawwa (Eve) and asked Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawwa to live in paradise.
- Allah forbade them to sustain from the forbidden tree.
- Satan (the enemy) tempted them whereupon forgetfully they ate from the forbidden tree.
- Allah expelled them from heaven and sent them on earth.
- Then Allah taught them a prayer for forgiveness.
- Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawwa sought forgiveness by the following prayer: “They (Adam and Eve) said: “Our Lord! We have wronged our own
souls: If you do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers.” (7:23) Al- Aa’raf


- Hazrat Ibrahim lived with idolaters & Chaldeans. The people worshipped idols or celestial bodies.
- His father Azar was an idolater and made and sold idols.
- Hazrat Ibrahim rejected idolatry since his childhood.
- One night he investigated celestial bodies; stars, moon, and sun.
- He was guided by Allah where he found himself astonished that people worshipped those bodies not the Creator of those bodies.
- He argued with his people that the Creator i.e. Allah is praiseworthy not His creations.
- In this connection, Allah Almighty commanded: “And from among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Adore not the
sun and the moon, but Adore Allah who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.” (41:37) Al-Fussilat
- Afterward, he turned to the idolaters.
- One day he went into the temple and broke all the idols except the biggest idol using an axe.
- Idolaters later asked him who broke the idols? he suggested them to ask the biggest idol.
- Furious idolaters who were confident that he broke the idols decided to throw him in the fire.
- A miracle happened to save him. It is stated in the Quran: “When they threw him in the fire, We commanded, ‘O Fire! Be cool and comfortable for
Ibrahim.” (21:69) Al-Anbiyaa



- Hazrat Isa (A.S) was the son of Hazrat Maryam (AS). He was born miraculously from Hazrat Maryam (A.S) without a father.
- As Allah created Hazrat Adam (A.S) without a father so did He created Hazrat Isa (A.S).
- Soon after his birth Hazrat Isa (A.S) spoke and surprised the people. He spoke about the unity of Allah, the chastity of his mother which was
doubted and about his apostleship.
- He started his career as a prophet at the age of 30 and preached Allah’s message for three years.
- Allah bestowed him with various signs of his apostleship (miracles) to prove his prophethood.
- He could give life to the dead, he cured incurable diseases, and he could make birds out of clay.
- The Quran states: “And behold! You make out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird by My leave, and you breathe into it and it becomes a bird
by My leave, and you heal those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! You bring forth the dead by My leave…” (5:110) Al-Maidah
- He was given the knowledge of Torah and Injeel; the Divine Books.
- When he showed these signs to his people and invited them towards Allah few accepted him, few rejected him and few fantasized him as the son
of Allah due to his powers.
- The Quran states: “They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary…” (5:16) Al-Maidah
- After three years of his preaching, the Children of Israel became his enemies out of envy.
- They not only rejected him but also refused to accept his miracles by calling them magic.
- They sent a man named Tutyanus to his home to assassinate Hazrat Isa (A.S).
- Allah sent Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) with a small cloud through which he was ascended to the heavens.
- It is reported that Hazrat Isa (A.S) was 33 when Allah raised him to heaven.
- Allah also made the face of Tutyanus resembling to Hazrat Isa (A.S)’s face.
- When Tutyanus didn’t return after long, the children of Israel went into the house of Hazrat Isa (A.S) and killed Tutyanus considering him to be
Hazrat Isa (A.S).
- The Jews and Christians believe they killed Hazrat Isa (A.S) or crucified him but it is untrue.
- The Quran states: “And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” And they did
not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about
it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.” (4:156) Al-Nisa
- Muslims believe that he will be descended on earth a few decades before the Final Day.
- He will follow the Shari’ah of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) and together with Imam Mohammad Mehdi, he will defeat and kill Dajjal.
- For seven years he will rule on earth establishing peace and justice and will die like any other mortal.

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