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Jayesh Smidari

CEO, XYZ Technologies

123 Main Street

Mumbai, 400011


Loan Officer

ABC Bank

456 Market Street

Mumbai, 400011

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for a share pledging loan from your bank to finance the expansion of our
technology business, XYZ Technologies. We specialize in providing innovative software solutions to
clients in various industries, and we have a strong track record of delivering high-quality products
and services.

As part of our expansion plans, we are seeking a loan of 2,000,000, which we would like to secure
with a pledge of our company's shares. We believe that our financial position is strong, and we are
confident that we will be able to meet all repayment obligations.

Below are the details of our application:

Loan Amount Required: 2,000,000

Type of Business: Corporation

Industry: Technology

Financial Details:

Revenue: 5,000,000

Profit: 1,000,000

Assets: 8,000,000
Liabilities: 2,000,000

Collateral: Pledge of company shares

We are committed to honouring all loan payments on time, and we have taken all necessary steps to
ensure that our financial position remains strong. In addition, we have a solid business plan in place
for our expansion, which we believe will generate strong returns for our investors.

Thank you for considering our application for a share pledging loan. We look forward to hearing from
you soon.


John Smith

CEO, XYZ Technologies

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