Module 3 Paired and Two Sample T Test

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Paired t-Test/ t-Test for Dependent Samples and Two Sample t-Test

General Objectives
The purpose of this module is to familiarize students to Paired t-test and Two
Sample t-Test using Data Analysis ToolPak

Specific Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify the difference between the Paired t-test and Two sample t-test on the
problem and data presented.
2. Perform how to use Data Analysis ToolPak in analyzing data with Paired and Two
Sample t-test
3. Explain and interpret the results of the data analysis.

P Paired t-Test or t-Test for Dependent Samples

In many situations, a researcher may need to examine differences between means

of two data taken from the same group. It is used in pre-post experimental design to
determine whether a certain treatment is effective or not. The subjects are given a pretest,
undergo the treatment, e.g., a new method of teaching, then given the same test as
posttest. In this case, there is only one group involved. Theoretically, the t-test can be
used even if the sample sizes are very small (e.g., as small as 10) and some researchers
claim that even smaller n’s are possible or even n’s are bigger as long as the variables
are normally distributed within each group and the variation of the scores in two groups
is not reliably different different. The assumption is that your data are normally distributed.
For the interpretation of the result, we will be using the table below.

Test Statistics and Critical Value Method P-value and Alpha Method
Reject the null hypothesis. Reject Ho if the Reject the null hypothesis. Reject Ho
test statistic is greater than the critical value if p-value   where  is the significance
Fail to reject the null hypothesis. If the Fail to reject the null hypothesis. Fail
computed test statistic is less than or equal to reject Ho if
to the critical value p-value  .

At the start of the school year, a teacher identified the fifteen (15) students in her
class with the lowest grade in Mathematics in the previous year level. She wanted
to give remedial lessons to these students to improve their performance in
Mathematics. She design a remedial mathematics program and developed a test
composed of 50 items to measure mathematics performance. She administered the
Pre-test to the fifteen (15) students before giving them the remedial lessons. Then,
she conducted a remedial lessons. After three weeks, she again administered the
post-test to the same students.
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test

Let us try to simulate the analysis by encoding the data below.

Name Pretest Posttest

Nikkia Marie 29 45
Jhonwin 30 44
Rachelle 19 42
Rosciel 27 41
Carl Patrick 10 34
Grace 24 38
Mathew 12 29
Aeron 9 20
Lucas 13 25
Shanabin 21 32
Mary Anne 25 36
Eunise 15 24
Karla 12 28
Steven 19 34
Amber 20 28


Encode the data using two columns, first column for the pretest result of students
and second column for the posttest result of students.

Figure 3.1 Data View

Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test

To analyze the data we need to follow these steps.

t-Test Paired Two Sample Means Data Analysis Tool Steps

1. From the Tool bar, click Data\ Data Analysis\. t-Test Paired Two Sample for
2. Click OK
3. Click in the Variable 1 Range Box and drag the Encoded Data in Variable 1
4. Click in the Variable 2 Range Box and drag the Encoded Data in Variable 2

5. Click in the Output Range and put the cursor in any cells you want to view the
result of your data analysis
6. Click OK


From the Tool bar, click Data\ Data Analysis\t-Test Paired Two Sample for Means\ OK.

Figure 3.2 Data, Data Analysis, t-Test Paired Two Sample for Means
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test

Figure 3.3 t-Test Paired Two Sample for Means Dialog Box

Click OK


Figure 3.4 t-Test Paired Two Sample for Means Output

Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test

Summary (Option A using t-value and Critical Value)

Note: Using. If the computed test statistic is greater than the critical value, the decision
would be “reject the null hypothesis” otherwise “Fail to reject”.

Mean sd Mean df t- value t-critical Ho VI

Difference Value
Pretest 19 6.98 14.33 14 12.21 2.14 R S
Posttest 33.33 7.68
Note: sd – standard deviation and computed using the square root of the variance

As shown the computed t-value (12.21) is greater than the critical value (2.14). Thus,
the decision is “reject the null hypothesis”. This shows that the performance in the posttest
is significantly higher than that of the pretest.

Reminder: Same result if you would prefer the probability value. A p-value that is smaller
than 0.05 would suggest that there is indeed a statistically significant difference (at the 5
% level).

Summary (Option B using p-value)

Mean sd Mean df t- value p- Ho VI

Difference value
Pretest 19 6.98 14.33 14 12.21 .000 R S
Posttest 33.33 7.68
Note: sd – standard deviation and computed using the square root of the variance

It can be observe from the table that it was statistically found out that there is
significant difference between the performance in the pretest and posttest result of 15
students in a test in Mathematics Since the obtained P-value of .000 did not exceeds at
0.05 level of significance we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence to show that
there is a significant difference between the performance in the pretest from that of the
posttest., implying that the students performed better in the posttest, considering that the
mean score of 33.33 in the posttest is higher compared to the mean score of 19.00 in
the pretest .
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Is there a significant improvement in the learning process of the students based

from their pre evaluation and post evaluation conducted by their teacher?
Students Pre-Evaluation Post-Evaluation
Anabel 25 28
Belina 23 19
Dexter 30 34
Erlyn 7 10
Flor 3 6
Ginbert 22 26
Harry 12 13
Irvin 30 47
Jonathan 5 16
Kiko 14 9

Summary: Using t-value and Critical Value
Mean Sd Mean df t- t-critical Ho VI
Difference value value
Pre- 17.10 10.20 3.70 9 1.81 2.26 FR NS
Post- 20.80 12.92

Summary: Using p-value

Mean Sd Mean df t- p-value Ho VI
Difference value
Pre- 17.10 10.20 3.70 9 1.81 0.103 FR NS
Post- 20.80 12.92
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


The data below are those obtained for a group of 10 subjects on a choice-
reaction time experiment under stress and no stress condition. The problem
here is to test whether the means under the two conditions are significantly
different.α= 0.05
Students Stress No Stress
Ana 9 15
Carla 10 14
Jessa 4 9
Leah 15 12
Nica 6 8
Ashley 5 9
Mark 9 12
Abel 10 15
Joel 6 7
Josh 12 13
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Is there a significant difference on the performance of Grade1 Learners

before and after exposure to the develop Enhancement
Activities in Statistics? Data are presented below, use α= 0.05

Students Before After

Arlene 17 26
Amabel 9 21
Benny 5 18
Carlo 5 12
Dante 4 14
Dianne 6 13
Ernest 12 23
Flor 15 24
Gina 8 16
Homer 3 15
Ian 3 12
Jenny 9 23
John 11 22
Kent 15 24
Lando 13 20
Maricar 6 19
Marianne 4 15
Nonie 12 21
Oscar 8 14
Philip 7 19
Quenie 19 27
Rosa 10 22
Salve 9 19
Tonton 6 18
Umber 18 25
Violy 17 23
Winnie 19 26
Xyza 8 15
Yolanda 15 23
Zeny 5 17

Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Is there any significant difference on the level of performance

of Grade 10 Learners in the pretest and posttest results with respect
to the different competencies in reading? use α= 0.05

A. Extract information from an argumentative/ persuasive text;

Students Abby Kate Dona Oscar Joel Sam Mitch Jane Jona Joel
Pretest 3 8 12 14 12 8 5 7 9 11
Posttest 8 12 15 16 13 15 9 14 16 18

B. Determine the tone and mood

Students Abby Kate Dona Oscar Joel Sam Mitch Jane Jona Joel
Pretest 5 8 7 12 9 13 6 7 8 10
Posttest 7 10 10 15 14 18 12 10 13 15

C. Identify the author’s purpose

Students Abby Kate Dona Oscar Joel Sam Mitch Jane Jona Joel
Pretest 5 9 8 8 6 10 7 10 9 12
Posttest 8 14 13 11 9 13 12 13 14 15

D. Distinguish the feature of a one-act play;

Students Abby Kate Dona Oscar Joel Sam Mitch Jane Jona Joel
Pretest 9 8 5 7 6 12 13 8 7 6
Posttest 10 8 6 9 6 12 15 9 9 9

E. Explain the literary device used

Students Abby Kate Dona Oscar Joel Sam Mitch Jane Jona Joel
Pretest 9 11 10 8 7 13 10 10 9 8
Posttest 10 12 9 10 7 12 10 11 12 9

For more exercises, you can refer to:

George A. Ferguson, Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education, 5th
Edition McGraw Hill Inc. pages 183-184
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test

t- Test for Independent Samples

In many situations, a researcher may need to examine differences between means of

two independent or uncorrelated samples. it is used to test the significance of the
difference between two groups. Theoretically, the t-test can be used even if the sample
sizes are very small (e.g., as small as 10) and some researchers claim that even smaller
n’s are possible or even n’s are bigger as long as the variables are normally distributed
within each group and the variation of the scores in two groups is not reliably different.
The assumption is that your data are normally distributed.


The following are the scores of 20 male and 20 female students in Mathematics test.
Test the null hypothesis that there is no significant between the scores of male
students and scores of female students in Mathematics test. α=0.05 level of
Let us try to simulate the analysis by encoding the data below.

Scores of Male Students Scores of Female Students

14 12
18 9
17 11
16 5
4 10
14 3
12 7
10 2
9 6
17 13
18 15
15 13
20 18
13 11
16 12
8 10
13 12
7 9
19 15
11 12
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Encode the data using two columns, first column for the Scores of Male students
and second column for the scores of female students.

Figure 3.1a Data View

To analyze the data we need to follow these steps.

t- Test for Independent Samples Data Analysis Tool Steps

1. From the Tool bar, click Data\ Data Analysis\. t-Test Two Sample Assuming
Equal Variances.
2. Click OK
3. Click in the Variable 1 Range Box and drag the Encoded Data in Variable 1
4. Click in the Variable 2 Range Box and drag the Encoded Data in Variable 2

5. Click in the Output Range and put the cursor in any cells you want to view the
result of your data analysis
6. Click OK
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


From the Tool bar, click Data\ Data Analysis\t-Test Two Sample Assuming Equal
Variances\ OK.

Figure 3.2a Data, Data Analysis, t-Test Two Sample Assuming Equal Variances
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test

Figure 3.3a t-Test Two Sample Assuming Equal Variances Dialog Box


Figure 3.4a t-Test for Independent Sample Output

Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test

Summary (Option A using t-value and Critical Value)

Note: Using. If the computed test statistic is greater than the critical value, the decision
would be “reject the null hypothesis” otherwise “Fail to reject”.

Mean Sd Mean df t- t-critical Ho VI

Difference value Value
Scores of Male 13.55 4.33 3.30 38 2.48 2.02 R S
Scores of 10.25 4.06
Female Students
Note: sd – standard deviation and computed using the square root of the variance

As shown the computed t-value (2.48) is greater than the critical value (2.02). Thus,
the decision is “reject the null hypothesis”. This shows that the scores of male students is
significantly higher than that of the scores of female students in Mathematics test.

Reminder: Same result if you would prefer the probability value. A p-value that is smaller
than 0.05 would suggest that there is indeed a statistically significant difference (at the
5 % level).

Summary (Option B using p-value)

Mean Sd Mean df t- value p-value Ho VI

Scores of Male 13.55 4.33 3.30 38 2.48 .018 R S
Scores of Female 10.25 4.06
Note: sd – standard deviation and computed using the square root of the variance

It can be observe from the table that it was statistically found out that there is
significant difference between the scores of male students and scores of female students
in Mathematics test, since the obtained P-value of .018 did not exceeds at 0.05 level of
significance we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence to show that there is a
significant difference between the scores of male students than that of female students.,
implying that the males students performed better than female students , considering
that the mean score male students of 13.55 is higher compared to the score of female
students of 10.25.
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Is there a significant difference on the performance of grade 8 Learners in the

experimental and control groups as revealed by their post test scores in Geometry?
Experimental Group Control Group
18 14
25 24
27 22
29 24
18 23
15 13
10 12
24 20
23 25
22 21
20 23
19 22
15 17
13 15
23 19

Summary: Using t-value and Critical Value
Mean Sd Mean df t- t-critical Ho VI
Difference value value
Experimental 20.07 5.35 0.47 28 0.26 2.05 FR NS
Control 19.60 4.36

Summary: Using p-value

Mean Sd Mean df t- p-value Ho VI
Difference value
Experimental 20.07 5.35 0.47 28 0.26 0.795 FR NS
Control 19.60 4.36
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Statistics test was administered to 14 boys and 15 girls, Test whether the girls differ
in their scores from that of the boys. Use α=0.05.

Boys Girls
22 20
18 18
25 23
26 19
18 17
13 16
8 21
18 23
15 15
13 9
24 20
20 18
18 21
17 23
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Is there a significant difference on the performance of Grade 7 learners

In the experimental and control groups as revealed in the posttest
results in Chemistry? Data are presented below, use α= 0.05

Experimental Group Control Group

21 18
18 16
15 19
10 15
8 12
25 25
36 37
18 19
19 25
25 29
26 29
27 30
32 33
31 28
28 25
18 16
19 21
24 23
23 24
28 27
27 26
18 17
25 23
25 26
29 28
31 24
16 23
20 16
29 26
36 32
Paired t-Test /t-Test for a Dependent Sample and two-sample t-test


Is there any significant difference on the level of performance

of Grade 10 Learners in the experimental and control groups as
revealed in the posttest results with respect to the different
Competencies in reading? use α= 0.05

A. Extract information from an argumentative/ persuasive text;

Experimental 8 12 15 16 13 15 9 14 16 18
Control 7 9 10 13 14 10 8 12 11 16

B. Determine the tone and mood

Experimental 7 10 10 15 14 18 12 10 13 15
Control 6 12 11 13 15 13 14 9 14 12

C. Identify the author’s purpose

Experimental 8 14 13 11 9 13 12 13 14 15
Control 10 9 12 10 7 8 10 9 8 11

D. Distinguish the feature of a one-act play;

Experimental 10 8 6 9 6 12 15 9 9 9
Control 8 9 9 12 13 15 12 14 13 12

E. Explain the literary device used

Experimental 10 12 9 10 7 12 10 11 12 9
Control 10 13 10 9 9 13 12 12 14 10

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