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State the difference between transfers and transformations Name and describe three environmental value systems What

What is a definition of “biosphere?


Draw a systems diagram for environmental value systems

Outline the structure of the pollution management model Outline the main strengths and limitations of the use of

Name three examples of historic events that have

What are the three types of systems? contributed to the environmental movement

Topic 1:
foundations of
Distinguish the differences between positive and negative
feedback loops ESS Outline the main debate surrounding the issue of use of
DDT in society

★Define sustainability★
Sustainability is the use and management of resources
Describe an example of a possible “tipping point” you have that allows full natural replacement of the resources
studied in ESS exploited and full recovery of the ecosystems affected by
their extraction and use State some of the factors needed to calculate the ecological
footprint of a country

Outline the main steps involved in performing an

environmental impact assessment (EIA)
How do the first two laws of thermodynamics pertain to
environmental systems?
Explain the difference between natural capital and natural
Define the term species and give a named example Write down the word equation for photosynthesis and Define the term gross secondary productivity

Explain the relationship between the maximum sustainable

yield and the net primary or net secondary productivity of a
Draw a typical food chain with 4 species system.
Distinguish between the terms fundamental and realised
niche using named examples

How do humans impact on both the carbon and nitrogen

Explain what is meant by the term carrying capacity? cycles?

Topic 2:
Ecosystems &
Distinguish between the terms mutualism and parasitism
using named examples Ecology Sketch out the tricellular model of atmospheric circulation

★why is energy lost as it moves through a

Sketch and annotate a typical s shaped population curve
with the 4 stages
Explain the difference between primary and secondary

Outline the main advantage of pyramid of productivity over

the other two
Explain using 2 contrasting biomes, why one is more
productive than the other
What units are used for the pyramid of productivity?
Outline how you would measure the population of mice of a
certain area
What three terms are covered by the umbrella term - Give an example of a species whose conservation status Name an area of biological significance that is threatened by
biodiversity? has recently improved human activities

What are the general arguments for preserving biodiversity

What is the difference between species richness and Outline the reasons for conflict between conservation and
species diversity? development tropical biomes

Compare and contrast between the work of an IGO and a

Outline in 4 steps the process of evolution by natural NGO in the conservation of biodiversity

Topic 3: Biodiversity
Outline the role of isolation in the process of natural
and conservation In our opinion ,which is better, in situ or ex situ
selection using the well known example of the Galapagos conservation?

What factors are used to determine the

conservation status of a species of the red list.
State a reason why the 6th mass extinction we may be in
now differs from the other 5
What are the main considerations when designing a
conservation area

Explain what the Red list is and state 4 categories of this list

State the general reasons species may be prone to

Summarise the main arguments for and against the use of
Outline the management strategies for eutrophication What 3 human impacts have a significant impact on the Name a species that is controversially harvested
water cycle?

How does urbanisation have an impact on the water cycle

Why is plastic pollution an issue of great concern? Name 5 storages and 5 flows in the water cycle

Distinguish between water scarcity and water stress

Outline the steps of eutrophication

Topic 4: water &

aquatic food
State two examples of aquatic species that are used as
biological indicator species and evaluate the use of such production Outline a case study of that describes where conflict has
arisen from shared water sources
species in water pollution monitoring

What is the energy driver for the water cycle?

Define Biochemical oxygen demand and explain how this

can be used to assess water quality
Where are the highest rates of productivity found in the

Draw a sketch of the water cycle, annotating your sketch

with as many transfers and transformations as possible
Draw a systems diagram for an intensive aquaculture
What is the definition of the maximum sustainable yield
Outline the relative productivity of three types of soil, sandy, What happens to the amount of land per capita available for Explain the differences between subsistence and
clay and loam food production as the human population grows commercial farming?

Describe a case study which is an example of sustainable

terrestrial farming
Soil texture refers to the proportion of which three different Draw a systems diagram of an intensive food terrestrial food
sized particles? production system

Explain in terms of the laws of thermodynamics the reasons

Is soil a renewable or non renewable form of natural capital for eating lower down the food chain
- explain your answer

Topic 5: soil and

terrestrial food
Name two transfers and 3 transformations of material which
occurs in soil production Outline a case study of that describes where conflict has
arisen from shared water sources

How does food waste differ in MEDC’s and

List the 6 components of soil

List as many types of soil conservation techniques as you


Name some of the factors that influence the sustainability of

terrestrial food production systems
Sketch and label a typical soil profile

Explain the main reasons for degradation of soil

Define the term albedo What role does deforestation and burning have on smog? How successful has the montreal protocol been in reducing
ODS in the atmosphere?

Sketch a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere showing

clearly the boundary between the troposphere and the
Describe some of the possible economic losses that can stratosphere
Identify conditions necessary for formation of tropospheric
ozone occur due to urban air pollution

What are the main human activities that contribute to the

What do Ozone depleting substances affect the production increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
of ozone in the stratosphere?

Topic 6: Atmospheric
systems and
Outline the consequences of ozone depletion on
ecosystems and societies societies What are the differences between tropospheric and
stratospheric ozone?

Distinguish between direct and indirect effects

of acid precipitation
Suggest 3 management strategies to reduce ozone
depleting substances
Should acid precipitation be considered a global, regional or
local issue? Explain your reasoning

Outline 3 ways of pollution management of acid

Describe what is meant by a temperature invesrion

What is the difference between the greenhouse effect and

the enhanced greenhouse effect
Is the use of fossil fuels expected to increase or decrease in State the difference between climate and weather Define the terms mitigation and adaptation as it pertains to
the future? Explain your reasoning climate change

Outline 2 contrasting perceptions of global warming

Evaluate the use of fossil fuels in society Describe the effect of ocean circulatory systems on the
weather and climate

Describe the main mitigation strategies to reduce the use of

State 7 factors that influence the energy choices adopted by greenhouse gases
a society

Topic 7: climate
change and energy
Outline the general advantages and disadvantages of
renewable energy production Describe 2 examples of adaptation strategies used by

Describe an example of positive feedback

associated with climate change
Compare and contrast the energy choices of 2 countries

Outline what is involved in the content of a NAPA

Describe an example of negative feedback associated with

climate change
Outline the main consequences of anthropogenic climate
change on the planet
Describe one example of technocentric and ecocentric
responses to climate change and justify which may be more
If a country has a total population of 2,000,000 and there Outline one example of an anti natal population policy State the 4 different options for the disposal of solid
were 20,000 deaths in 2019, what is the crude death rate? domestic waste

Use the pollution management model to outline strategies

for the management of SDW.
If the same country as above has a total population of Sketch a population pyramid which is indicative of a country
in the early stages of development Alter
2,000,000 and there were 10,000 births in 2019, what is the
crude birth rate?
Control release

Clean up and restoration

Define the term carrying capacity and explain the difference

Using the calculations above, calculate the NIR and the between S and J shaped curves
doubling time of this population

Topic 8: Human
systems and
Explain the factors that influence the TFR (total fertility rate)
of a population resource use. Ecological footprint

EF can be increase by:

What is the difference between economic EF can be decreased by:

value and ecological value of natural capital
Explain the factors that affect death rates of a population

What is the relationship between EF and development?

State and explain an example of when a resource has

varied with time
Sketch the DTM model, including axes labels, birth rate,
death rate and total population
What is the difference between renewable and non
renewable natural capital

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