Feng Shui 2023 The 24 Mountains Stars

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Feng Shui
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Together with the Flying Star chart, the arrangement of the 24

Mountains stars is another important source to look at when
analyzing one’s luck pro�le for the year. The stars that form
this chart change on an annual basis and have a strong bearing
on the luck of the 12 animal signs. They also in�uence the luck
of each home, depending on the orientation, and can affect you
if you spend a lot of time in the affected sectors, which is why
these stars must be considered when creating a conducive
environment for good fortune to manifest.

The chart of 2023 shows all the auspicious stars congregating

on the East side, while the West side plays host to all the

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dangerous ones. One can boost good fortune luck by activating

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placing appropriate remedies in Isectors which

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Big and Small Auspicious Stars bring the luck of windfalls,
abundance, good news, prosperity and success. Tapping into
their energies invites victories into one’s life, and the more of
them you harness, the more good fortune luck you can
actualize for yourself.

In 2023, there are 7 of them; in N1, N3, NE2, SE1, SE2, SE3 and
S1. Place the Three Lions on Drums in these sectors to


Two Heaven Seal Stars bring powerful celestial energies to the

Northeast 1 and Northeast 3. These manifest blessings from
heaven, as well as Mentor (or “Gui Ren”) luck. They ensure help
is never out of reach, they increase the chance of windfall
gains, and overall, they make one’s goals much easier to
achieve. Energize these stars with the Golden Dragon
Holding a Pearl or Ngan Chee Happy Buddha where they


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In 2023, the Tai Sui of the year resides in East 2. Having the
support of the Tai Sui makes a big difference in one’s fortunes,
so it is extremely important to keep him on your side. Pay
homage to him by displaying the Tai Sui Plaque 2023 in the
East of your home and of�ce, and carrying the Tai Sui
Amulet. As one should never challenge the Tai Sui, seating
arrangements in dining and living areas should not face East
this year. Also avoid renovations such as digging, drilling or
hacking in the East this year.


The General Star makes an appearance this year in North 1.

This star’s auspicious energies imbues one with the wisdom to
make wise decisions, the ability to in�uence those under one’s
care, and the resilience to push through and to keep going
during times of challenge. For those in leadership roles, this is
an excellent star to activate for growth and advancement.
Harness it all year round with the Magni�cent Kwan Kung

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The Three Killings is a star we keep an eye on every year, and

in 2023, it �ies into the West. When one is af�icted with the
Three Killings, there can be huge reversals of fortune because
the kind of bad luck it brings is three-pronged, encompassing
loss of wealth, loss of loved ones, and loss of reputation. Place
the Three Celestials Mirror in the West to nullify. Because we
must never have the Three Killings coming from behind us, be
mindful not to sit facing East this year.


South 3 is af�icted by the Yearly Con�ict Star, which causes

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disharmony, misunderstandings and a breakdown in

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relationships. De�ect this you star’s negative
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the Red Prosperity Elephant with I AcceptAnti-Con�ict

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The Wu Duo Star adds stress and brings relationship woes,

especially between husbands and wives whose houses face
South or whose bedrooms are located South. Display the
Marriage Comb to maintain harmony in the home and to
keep your marriage strong.


The Yi Duo Star, like the Expansion Star #9, has the ability to
magnify the energies of the stars around it. Lucky stars become
luckier while unlucky ones become even more so. The 2023

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charts show the Yi Duo Star sharing the Southwest with the
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Yin House and Robbery you Star. These
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silver lining to this is that the SW also plays host to the #1

Victory Star. Display the trusty steed of King Gesar, the Joyous
Windhorse here to increase the likelihood of triumph and
success. Especially suitable for those who foresee a highly
competitive year ahead.


In Southwest 2, we have the potent Yin House Star. This star

drains a space of yang energy, which can lead to spiritual
disturbances and cause mental turmoil. Because the SW
supports the Matriarch, continuously refreshing the Yang
energy in this sector is vital to protecting the luck of the
Mother, and keeping her strong. Display the Yang Energy
Plaque with Phoenix here to remedy.

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Southwest 3 meanwhile plays host to the Robbery Star, which
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brings danger of robberies and theft. Prevent money and asset
loss by placing the Royal Elephant and Cosmic Rhinoceros
in this sector and carrying the portable version when out and


The Natural Disaster Star takes up residence in West 2. This

brings the threat of natural calamities like earthquakes, �oods
and forest �res, and is often associated with loss of assets and
life. Display the Ksitigarbha Plaque in this sector for


The Yearly Killings star channels strong yin energies and

creates con�ict in one’s relationships. In 2023, it makes its way

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toWeNorthwest 1, which does not bode well for the luck of the
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of all family members follow suit. KeepPrivacy

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at bay by harnessing the protective qualities of the Sky

Click here for “The Flying Star Chart of 2023”.

Click here for “Your Luck & Lucky Symbols for the
Year of the Water Rabbit 2023”.

Click here for “Paht Chee Forecast for 2023 – Year of

the Water Rabbit”.

For more insight, get Lillian Too & Jennifer Too’s

Fortune & Feng Shui 2023 book for your animal sign!

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