9 June Electricity Test 2015 Memo

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences Memorandum 9 June 2015

Question 1

1.1. C ✓✓
1.2. B ✓✓
1.3. C ✓✓ (6)

Question 2

2.1. - A region in space ✓

- where a magnet or ferromagnetic material ✓

- will experience a force. ✓ (3)

2.2. –Direction ✓

- shape ✓

- lines don’t touch or cross. ✓ (3)

Question 3

3.1. Number of electrons = Number of protons ✓ (1)

3.2. – electrons will transfer ✓

- From B to A ✓

- until the charge is evenly distributed ✓

- B develops a shortage of electrons ✓

- and therefore becomes positively charged. ✓ (5)

3.3. qnew = (q1 + q2)/2

= (9-5) ✓x 10-6✓/2✓

= 2 x 10 -6 C ✓ (4)

3.4. Ne = Δq/qe

= (2-9) ✓x 10-6/-1,6 x 10-19✓

= 4,375 x 1013 ✓electrons gained ✓ (4)

3.5. – Electrons in sphere A are repelled to the right by the negatively charged bar ✓

- when sphere B touches the right side of A, electrons are transferred from A to B. ✓

- When the sphere are separated A will have a shortage of electrons and hence ✓

- a positive charge ✓

- B will have an excess of electrons and hence ✓

- a negative charge. ✓ (6)

Question 4

4.1. ✓ Cells ✓ resistors in parallel ✓ bulb in series ✓✓ Ammeters ✓ voltmeter (6)

4.2. – the energy transferred ✓

- per Coulomb/unit of charge as it moves between two points in a circuit. ✓ (2)

4.3. Rt = R +(1/r + 1/r)-1 ✓

= 15 ✓+ (1/20 + 1/30)-1 ✓

= 27Ω ✓ (4)
4.4. I =V/R ✓

= 9/27 ✓

= 0,33 A ✓ (3)

4.5. V = IR ✓

= (0,33)(12) ✓

= 3,96 V ✓ (3)

4.6. I = v/R ✓

= 3,96/30 ✓

= 0,13 A ✓ (3)

4.7. t = Q/I ✓

= /0,33 ✓

= 150 s ✓

= 2,5 Minutes ✓ (4)

4.8. - the total resistance of the circuit increases. ✓

- the total current decreases (Iα1/R) ✓

- V across the 15Ω increases (V α I) ✓

- V across the 30Ω decreases (emf = ΣVexternal) ✓ (4)

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