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t 23 2012 SET,B
t**ire (208Y/120.voit,.4g0y/Z7i-velt)
*ysterrr i.s oftel,! ,se$ !(, uu"o,
qf :X#?"T::yum
possibre unu"irn"uililJ'i. suo
vvv E!'rtlirrEr'
arnrreres, rhe neutralw,uld have to"
rr tB Ireu

350 A '-ilsTO-'-F---
CnOUgh tC Caffv

^ c.410 A D. 700 A


D. one white, one black and one b,lue

Bhase isolared systerr?

C. bleck and red
D. yellow and orange

for wiring jobs?

C. Sotid 3 S sq. nrm TW
D. Stranded 8.0 sq. mm THHN

erei:aen,s w*h a rrroror, the

rrEDrnent .af the proiec{ive device trril iuppu.t
shail not be less rhan
rran u,hiEh ^r,"^ o^;,11.?ti9
wniCn otlno rtrro*i^g,
of rhe totatheating
of the totai;;I;;i";-rP'rrsrr(
iedu .J
9!U% of the rotal jo;d-;ii[; moior and
rhe heaters
D. rhe com btn ed .
oi i ri'.:iii r_iuip m e nt
EEtnal control panel supply concluctor
shall have ampacity of which of the foilowing:
hea,ns ,oads ar:d n6 mo,e
No fess rhan resva-"ilrr"
rrffi#ili1illr rating of arr resisrarlce;,
l n".o,.u.t.o roto,i urJnionhearing roads prr;5 12s;% af
iheir dur,, cycls il,rhey are
_ S"t:[i?:i#:',",i[:Xtr
t$iiii:il"ri^'i':ffJ::#ii:tT,:i'J,",:: :-"r. :?mpcnenrs or a s,isremaiic assembiy
-' -'- -'!l'sv'rv rrlttru IUr all reslsiance
mnreplates heating eguipment anO
size copper circ:-rit wirs isr, ,10 an:p br:anch circrit conductor is which ol the
A E0 sq mm cooDer
t'35 sq mm coip*,. 9, !.! *q mm copper
D, 2.0 sq rnm copper
Drient bed in a hospitatcriticarcare
u must have at.ieast hcw marv or the rorrovring:
vq s unit

iil1gBTffflff'tilr;],. "co
d to
E ; m:f ;flffi ffii ff:!j::,':: ec
nn t e a n emers encl s:r7s:rs31 bra nch ci,:cu it

r. the MAXIMUM
f,6At/yc "ltlr?b]g
"'"'"'for a_s:otid conduqtor instaited rn a raceway?
AWG size
C, r0AWG D. 12 AWG
wire is
fm*crearance i:EJf* 0.4600
Ef has.a servicu i":t?r_gi i.ZS, you
--',rv can safety overtoad the motor by?
^LSo C.7s% n ,Ec.

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