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Different kinds of approaches for numerical simulation:

1. Continuum approach
The continuum approach is a method used in numerical simulations to model
the behaviour of continuous systems, such as fluids or solids or electromagnetic fields.
It is based on the idea that the properties of a system can be described by a set of
continuous variables, such as density, pressure, velocity, etc., that vary smoothly
across the system. These variables are typically defined at each point in space and
time, and are used to describe the behaviour of the system over a range of scales.
The continuum approach is used in a wide range of fields, including fluid
dynamics, solid mechanics, heat transfer, and electromagnetism. It is particularly
useful for simulating systems that involve a large number of particles or that have
complex boundary conditions, as it allows for a relatively simple mathematical
description of the system. Some of the most well-known continuum models include the
Navier-Stokes equations for fluid dynamics and the elasticity equations for solid

It is also used in engineering and physics to model the behaviour of materials,

such as in computational solid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics.

The conventional continuum methods can be categorized as follows:

• Finite element method,
– Element erosion method,
– Extended finite element method,
– Other finite element-based methods.
• Finite difference method,
• Boundary element method,
• Meshfree methods,
• Peridynamics,
• Phase Field method

2. The meso scale approach

The meso-scale approach in numerical simulation is a method used to model
systems that have a characteristic length scale that is intermediate between the
macroscopic and microscopic scales. This characteristic length scale is referred to as
the "mesoscale."

In mesoscale simulations, the system is not treated as a continuous medium

like in continuum approach, but rather as a collection of discrete entities, such as
particles or discrete elements, that interact with each other. The properties of the
system are then determined by the behaviour of these discrete entities, rather than
by continuous variables.

Mesoscale simulations are particularly useful for modelling systems that exhibit
a high degree of heterogeneity or that involve complex interactions between different
types of particles. Examples of systems that can be modelled using mesoscale
simulations include granular materials, biomolecules, colloids, and polymers. That
means, this approach is particularly suitable for material modelling and simulation.

Mesoscale simulations are often performed using molecular dynamics, discrete

element method (DEM) or lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM). These methods can
provide detailed information about the behaviour of individual particles or elements, as
well as the interactions between them, which can be difficult to obtain using continuum-
based simulations

3. The micro scale approach

The micro-scale approach in numerical simulation is a method used to model
systems at the microscopic level, where the behaviour of individual atoms and
molecules is important. This approach is often used to study the properties and
behaviour of materials at a very small scale, such as in the field of computational

In micro scale simulations, the system is represented by a large number of

atoms or molecules, which are treated as discrete entities. The interactions between
these entities, such as chemical reactions and bond formation, are modelled using
quantum mechanics or classical mechanics.

Micro-scale simulations are particularly useful for studying systems that involve
a high degree of chemical specificity, such as the behaviour of individual molecules in
a chemical reaction, or the properties of materials at the atomic or molecular level.
Examples of systems that can be modelled using micro scale simulations include
biomolecules, catalysts, and materials for electronic and optical applications.

Micro scale simulations are often performed using methods such as density
functional theory (DFT), molecular dynamics (MD), and Monte Carlo (MC) methods.
These methods can provide detailed information about the electronic structure,
chemical bonding, and thermodynamic properties of the system.


Scientific Method

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