Eureka PCSoftware

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Eureka PC Software – User Instructions

The Eureka PC software utility enables the transfer of saved files from the Eureka correlator to a PC. It
provides several valuable resources for Eureka correlator users:

• Long term archiving of correlator results

• Audit trail provides records of correlator activity
• Results presented on a PC screen
• Comparison of several results by simultaneous display
• Print correlation results to any printer
• Change Eureka default pipe model and default velocity values

The Eureka PC software is supplied on a disk together with three sample files. A communication cable is
provided to connect between any available serial port on the PC and the direct connection socket (situated
next to the printer port) of the correlator.

PC Software installation
This software will operate on Windows ® 95, 98, ME, 2000 and NT. It will not operate on Windows 3.1 or

CAUTION: Ensure that no other applications are running during the install procedure.

Eureka PC software installs directly from the diskette labelled 'Eureka PC Software'. Insert the diskette, click
on Start, then Run. Type a:\setup.exe and hit Enter. The installation process will start. (Alternatively, when the
Run window opens, click on Browse, then select 3½ Floppy [A:], then select Setup.exe and click on OK.)
Either process loads the Setup Wizard which the installs the software into the selected directory, creates a
sub-directory 'Samples' and places the supplied sample files in that sub-directory. Once installed, the Eureka
PC software is run from the program menu.

PC Software configuration
The serial port must be selected correctly before communication with the Eureka correlator is undertaken.
When the program is running, click on Tools - Options and click on the correct serial port.

The Imperial and Metric buttons control the units of measurement displayed for the transferred data, and
apply regardless of the units of measurement originally used, i.e. the same data file may be displayed in
either units.

Upgrading Eureka Correlator version V1.8 and earlier

Correlators operating firmware versions V1.8 and earlier (i.e. correlators with serial numbers below 6463, or
those supplied earlier than October 1999) require an upgrade to the operating firmware to permit data
transfer. A special upgrade disk is required to carry out the upgrade procedure – please contact Primayer
Limited to obtain a copy of this disk. The upgrade procedure is carried out from the Eureka PC software
using the Tools – Advanced – Upgrade menu.

Correlators with firmware versions V2.0 and later are already capable of data transfer without upgrade.

Transferring saved files from Eureka 2

/ 2R
First connect the communication cable between the
correlator and the PC, as previously described. Start the
Eureka PC software, if not already running. From the File
menu, select Transfer

Switch on the correlator and ensure that the Fast-Track

mode is turned off under the Configure main menu option.
Follow the sequence: Correlate - Mode - Save - File – Upload. This shows the file selection. The correlator
displays Upload: Waiting to establish connection. When the PC recognises that the Eureka is connected the
transfer is controlled by the PC.

On the PC click Next. This causes the files stored in the correlator to be displayed. The desired files are then
selected by clicking on each individually then clicking the Add
button, as shown below, until all the desired files are
displayed in the lower box. Finally, clicking Finish causes the
selected files to be transferred to the PC. A status indicator
shows the progress of the transfer.

The transferred files are displayed in separate windows on

the PC screen, and are each identified by a number in the
format DDMMYY_HHMM. This number was used in the
Eureka correlator to identify each saved file; it is derived from
the date and time when the file was stored (for example, the
FILBERT STREET file shown above would be displayed with
the identification 290999_1735).

When several files have been down-loaded it is possible that overlap of windows may occur, such that some
files are hidden under the later downloaded files. Check this by Tiling or separating files individually.

Where Details (Identity and Operator) have been entered when saving a file in the correlator, these are
displayed on the PC when the file is transferred.

Comments can be added using the Edit - Comments menu or double clicking with the left mouse key on the
report area. Comments entered are displayed each time the file is loaded. Similarly, details of the Red and
Blue locations can also be added using the Edit – Comments menu.
The file should be saved (using File - Save As) using a name which enables it to be identified easily.

PC software facilities

The PC software enables several files to be displayed on-screen at one time, as shown above. A selected
file may be zoomed and un-zoomed, using the Tools - Zoom x2 menu selection. Additionally, the peak cursor
may be moved to any desired position by using the left and right arrow control keys on the PC keyboard, with
the time delay and displayed distances to the leak from the sensors also changing.

Print Setup, Print Preview and Print operations operate in the same manner as in other Windows programs.
A file may be exported to the Windows Clipboard as a bitmap, using Edit - Copy, for incorporation as a graphic
into any other program.

Change Eureka default pipe model and velocity settings

With no files open on the PC software go to Tools – Advanced – Edit Defaults. The Edit Defaults Wizard will
appear and permits the default pipe material settings (distance between sensors, pipe material and pipe
Issue 1.0 January 2000
diameter) to be modified, and also the default velocity values for each pipe material to be modified. Connect
the Eureka to the PC serial port and ensure that the correlator is switched off.

The Edit Defaults Wizard has five steps as follows:

STEP 1. On the PC click Next to start the edit defaults process, then immediately power-up the Eureka
correlator whilst holding down the left and right cursor keys on the correlator. Release the cursor keys
as soon as the communications process starts, i.e. as soon as words appear on the correlator screen
(this process takes a few seconds). When the configuration data has been successfully read, turn off
the correlator.

STEP 2. Edit Default Velocity Tables. Change the velocity table values for the material and diameter
combinations as required. Pressing Use Factory Default will reload the default values supplied by
Primayer; any changes that have been made will be lost. Press Next to continue.

STEP 3. Edit Default Pipe Material. Change the default material, diameter and length from the drop-
down screen as required. These values will be then used in the initial correlation screen. Press NEXT
to continue.

STEP 4. Save new defaults values to the Eureka correlator. Ensure that the correlator is switched off.
Press Next to commence the configuration down-load process then immediately power-up the Eureka
correlator whilst holding down the left and right cursor keys on the correlator. Release the cursor keys
as soon as the communications process starts, i.e. as soon as words appear on the correlator screen
(this process takes a few seconds). When the configuration data has been successfully read, turn off
the correlator

STEP 5. Edit Default Value Completed. The correlation configuration information has been successfully
modified. Turn off the Eureka.

Issue 1.0 January 2000

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