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The Story Born of Song

By, Anonymous

Prologue I dont know how long I had been walking... I had wanted to run away, and my legs betrayed me. My fate has carried me to this place. Its different today. I had never been here. I wont say I fell; the ground disappearing beneath my feet, no, not really; I had always loved lying down in sand, I guess I did. Nothing else, not even the ground I walk on, could bear my weight, not anymore, not since long time. This sand could take everything in, and when the sea waves come, every of that disappears, into the vastness, into the endlessness, into... I dont remember when was the last time I was here, that was a different day. Its different day today. I hadnt looked at sky since long, I didnt deserve that. I hadnt deserved to look crudely at the sky, I couldnt look down at sky, I dont have that right; and now I feel guilty, that right I once had. It aint a starry night, the silhouette of moon... It happened, a drop, a wet drop... I can feel it sluggishly rolling down my cheek. I do not cry, I cant. I have lost that right too. And it rains, when my heart cries. If only this rain could wash away the pain, I am selfish to wish that. I have always been selfish, hadnt I? It all started with me being selfishly in love...

1. The Story I can't find her anywhere. I need her right now. I so damn badly needed her. How dare she leave when I needed her? She knew I need her, still that bitch left. Damn bitch. Damn f*****g bitch. I will never forgive her when she comes back, I damn swear I wont. I will, I will never let her disappear out of my sight again. That bitch she didn't even take any money. Where could she have gone? "I am going away. Promise me, u wont try to find Me." reading the msg for like millionth time. F**k that bitch. Hah, she thinks I am dying to find her, hah, asking me to promise, who the hell she thinks she is. She doesnt even know me. People like her aint even imp to me. I destroy ppl like her every day. That bitch, always feeling self important. I would kill her when I find her; I would kill her for, for making me look for her. That girl was supposed to be in my home, waiting for me. Who am I gonna go back home to. That fricking girl didnt even think about how worried I am. I am gonna kill her, I am gonna f*****g kill her, kill that bitch. Damn her. I know, that pimp. That ass, she has left with him. She, got bored of me, hah. Ran away with him, that bitch. Lol that pimp, that jerk, he must have lost his mind to go against me. He is dead. That piece of shit is dead. I am gonna find them both, and cut them to pieces. Small pieces. Am gonna make ma dogs feed on that asss bones. That c**t, what the hell she saw in him. I am so pissed, so damn pissed.

2. The love Whoa... Cool down... I dont have time for this shit. Kannavi is getting married tomorrow. Mhmm... Lol, I guess thats fate. I didnt want to be alone tonight. I dont trust myself tonight. Its a big day tomorrow. And this is longest night. I only wish I can survive it. I was not supposed to be here. I was gonna leave for Venice tonight. I guess, I havent gotten strong enough to fight my destiny yet. But, one day, I will. I will. Be the strongest of all. The one above all. I will write my own destiny. One day I will. When I dont have any other place to be, my feet automatically take me to this one place, I wish I could never leave. This used to be a lonely street. Not today. This is the longest night, for most of the people. This place looks so different today. I remember it as a serene calm place. I have stayed many hours parked in this same place, this very same place, for many years now. And it never looked so different than today. It doesnt look mine today. But then, it never was mine to begin with. The light in her room is on. I guess she cant sleep tonight too. I wonder what might be her reason. But then she wasnt a girl of reasons anyway, I have known her to be impulsive. The thing that made me fall in love with her. Well, one of the many things that made me.

3. The Tears I still have the day etched in my memories, the first time I met her. My family had died that day. Forever. I have been alone since that day, and I guess people never understood that, I hate being left alone. For all my life, the one thing I have ever seeken is a shadow besides me, not mine. To know, that u aint alone, for one day. I had cried that day. A lot. My eyes were swollen red, lol she had said that. I had hated her that time, I hated her the first time I saw her. She didnt belong there. She wasnt one of us. She was smiling. Not of happiness, not of loathe, but I didnt know that, that day. To me, she was the girl making fun of my dead mother. My mother, was a gentle lady. Oh, how much I loved her. But I could never love her, more than she loved me. How much I wished, I hadnt said the things I said to her, the fights I had with her. Even if I could promise god to be a better son, I wasnt gonna see my mother again. I hate that. I remember, one day one day, I wish I could cry right now, remembering my mother, it feels like I have forgotten her, that day, I had yelled at her. We were going on a vacation, me my mother, and my dad. He had an imp meeting come up, suddenly, he looked tensed. I had never seen my dad tense. And I yelled at my mother, cause I so much wanted to go at some stupid place, I care not now, enough to remember even the name. My dad was an awesome dad. Everyone says, every child, that his dad is the best dad in world, but, my dad, were the one bestest dad of all. He was a big man. And he still had time for me, anytime, every time I want him. I miss the stories my dad used to tell me, still now, the only place I can sleep is among his book. He loved to read. He loved to read to me more. We would dive in deep seas, and climb highest mountains together, we would be the protector of humanity, and we would be sea faring pirates. I miss the look in his eyes, when he read to me. Then I had gotten older. Suddenly, my friends were more imp to me. I preferred playing video games with them. I know now, I must have hurt him. I wish I could tell him that. That I loved him. That he will always be the bestest of all dads in the world. He had looked really worried that day. He never worried. He said, he hired people to worry for him, so he can always be the dad who loved me. I should have been worried. Seeing him worried. I didnt. I was too pissed at not going to my vacation. He knew I was pissed, still he had bigger worries. My mother looked scared than worried. I was so pissed; I had ran out of the house that night. I was going to go on the vacation by myself, I had the money. I was going to, the bus station. I had the map. I was just crossing the street for the

station, when I heard the explosion. I couldnt move my feet. I had seen the flames going up the place my house stood. My mom and dad were killed, assassinated. In their own home. I was an orphan, I lost my father; and the city had lost his godfather, I wonder it had cried with me. The funeral. Here I stand today. I wonder if that girl understood my grief. She was smiling. At the end. She came to me, and said,you cry like a girl. I had sweared that day, I wont cry in front of anyone again.

4. The Girl I was 13 then. My fathers friend became my guardian. I was admitted in same school with his son. I liked him the moment I met him, he was amiable. And we shared a lot. He didnt pity me. He didnt sympathize. I guess he felt a lil intimidated by me. I liked that. I accepted him as my friend. His name was Dev. That girl was there too. I felt like hurting her the moment I saw her. She was still smiling. She smiled all day that day. I saw Dev talk to her a lot. I didnt like that. I had decided to steal all of her friends and make her alone. In the free period she came running to me, asked me about a math problem. Said, Dev told him, I was a math genius. I brushed her off. She was still smiling. Next day I made fun of her in front of all the other girls. The day after that, I lied to the teacher, that she was making noise in the class, she got canned, she was still smiling, she looked weirdly at me, like she didnt understand why, but she definitely was smiling. It was PT meetings day. I was sad. I had no parents. For some reason I didnt want to be there around. I was looking at some place to hide, hide even from myself. Outside the back of our chemistry laboratory, I saw her crying. I dont know why, I felt happy. And suddenly she saw me, and she stopped crying, and looked at me smilingly. And it hit me. That smile pierced through me that day. I hadnt seen anyone smile like that, tears flowing out of the eyes. I already knew what the tears meant. I knew that day, what her smile meant. That smile was the tears of her heart; she didnt want anyone to see. I dont know why, I promised myself, I would make her smile for real, one day. I dont know why, I only wanted to see her happy, for even once. And I would have done everything to keep that smile on her face forever. Her name was, Kannavi, the princess with beautiful eyes, and god, if she didnt had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. All I could think about now was her. All the time I was alone, I wished, I could be with her, and all the time I was with her, I wished the time would stop. I had a dream now. A dream in which I was not alone. It is stupid how ur life changes, when u have someone to care for u, and surprisingly more, when u have some to care about. We three were like best friends. Me, Kannavi and Dev. I was so happy. Like previously. Just it wasnt anything like previous. Time went by speedily. I wished the hole in my heart could heal. If it didnt hurt every day, cause of the friends I had. It sure did, every other day.

5. The Heart I was 16 yrs old soon. Our class was going for a field trip. I was so excited. I think I was in love with Kannavi. When she was around I forgot the whole world. Well, I didnt really know the world except for her. She was the world to me. She is the world to me, still. Will always be. I dont know how long I had been in love with her; I guess I always had been. No I wasnt gonna tell her. Not now. I am waiting for us to get in the college. I had planned everything out. I will get the admission in the same college with her. Get away from this disgusting family business. I hate violence. And we will stay together forever. Not now, I cant tell her, I love her. Wow she looks so beautiful today. So beautiful, like never before, black faded jeans and purple tanktop. She looks so gorgeous in purple. Like an angel. My angel. I would love her forever. The sun is setting. We are all scattered. Everyone is in his her own group. I cant find Kiki anywhere. I am thinking of taking her to a nice beach restaurant. I would have to ditch Dev. That idiot doesnt leave her anytime. Tonight I wanna stay alone with her. Its good I cant find Dev anywhere. That girl said, she saw Kiki going to the ruins. Its a deserted old fort, broken down by age. Bricks falling here and there, roofless. She likes stuff like that. She says, she feels not alone in lonely places. I wonder what she means. There she is. She looks beautiful. The darkness of dusk. And beautiful silhouette of hers, its hard not to see how beautiful curves she has. Sometimes I feel guilty, of imagining what she would look like, without cloths. Damn whats am I thinking. Lemme go and ask her for dinner. I know she loves sea food. She disappeared behind that wall. I hate such places. I dont know where I am putting my feet. I hate things that crawl. I can feel something crawling up my feet. Kiki. I love her. I can see her. She aint alone. I think I know who she is with. He is sitting. She looks happy. Like truly happy. She is smiling the way I wished I could make her. I so much so much wish I was sitting there right now. I am the one who loves her more than anyone in this whole world. And she is, she is why am I feeling anger. She took his hand and rubbed on her face. And kissed his hand softly. Pushed herself in his arms. I felt like crying. I had sweared I wont cry again. I could see her holding his face, lifting his head up, and putting her lips on his. I could see her unbuttoning her tubetop. And lift his hand, and put his hand on her chest. The thing crawling on my feet, bit me.

[Crawling in my skin These wounds they will not heal Fear is how I fall Confusing what is real There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface Consuming/confusing This lack of self-control I fear is never ending Controlling/I can't seem To find myself again My walls are closing in (without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take) I've felt this way before So insecure Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me Distracting/reacting Against my will I stand beside my own reflection It's haunting how I can't seem...]

And I had run away.

6. The Blood And tomorrow she is getting married. Parked outside her home. In the same place, exact same place, I have always, the memories keep coming back. The home is well decorated. Lights are shining brightly. But the light cant reach here. It never does. I have always been in the shadows. Long enough, that I made it my choice. I dont know why, I have come here tonight. The house is bustling with the preparations. Everyone is so busy, so damn busy. I was there, when I saw her making a boy feel her. Maybe not for first time. But it changed my life. Every moment of my life, after that, I wished, if only I could forget her. If only, I hadnt loved her. But I couldnt. I had left the school after that. I was 16, but more than 16, I was old enough. I inherited my fathers wealth. And his legacy. I had my men hunt down the people who blew my home. The first of them, I killed him myself. It was easy. He was dead before I pulled the trigger. It was my intent. I wish it could have made me feel any better. But it didnt. Till now, I feel, if I wasnt selfish, my parents werent be dead. I had killed all of them found, with my own hands. When the bullets started to bore me, I used katana. Nah, I never got bored of using them. The first time I had used a katana, it was messy. I couldnt properly cut the hand. It stuck half way, I had to break the arm off with my feet kicking the katana. I took training in using a katana after that. I carry three kinda katanas with me everytime. It doesnt sooth me, the fire burning inside me, the revenge. It made it flare more, cause now I cant do anything more, and I still miss the loss of my parents. At the age of 17, I was ruling the mafia. In my business, there is only one way, you can stay alive, if your enemy doesnt stay alive. I was young, so no one was taking me seriously, shrudding me off. Lol, I had to prove it to them, sadly, the ones I proved, that to, didnt stay alive. I am proud the way I kill, its about elegance, and skill, and swiftness. I could dodge the bullets, people didnt see, my katana could cut the bullets. I had inherited my fathers legacy, I didnt take the mafia in inheritance, and I had taken it over by my raw intent. People used to say, I am ruthless. I say, I am passionate. I love what I do. I take pride in my skills. I am not arrogant; I am just the bloody best. How else do u think, a 17 year old becomes the no. 1 in business. Fear, I love to see the fear in their eyes. These people doesnt deserve the lives of normal people, I will show them my fear and power. I will make them kneel before me.


Lol, this hotel I once remember, didnt allow me to let a waitress sit and eat with me. I bought that bloody damn hotel, and gifted it to her. All I wanted was, not to eat alone on my bday. I ride a deep purple, Porsche GT, two sitter convertible. I dont have body guards follow me; somehow I dont feel depending on anyone for my life. Noone dares to cross me, they know, if they tried to kill me, they better succeed or they are dead. And even if I am dead, I would rise from the dead, to kill them all. On my 20th birthday, Dev called me. Even though I tried, I couldnt hate him for being loved by Kannavi. He was my only best friend, and he was my only friend. He was doing some management course in some place, yes she was still with him, and I guess that surprised me. I thought a girl like her, wouldnt be satisfied by one man. Damn what am I thinking? Lol, its the things I imagine to make me hate her. Deep down inside I know, she really loved him, she always had. Even before I came in. he was the only best friend she had too, her only friend, still. Thats why I hate my inside. It is always right. Devs father was my lawyer. Kept me from law. I was a young entrepreneur, MD of a big software and consultancy MNC. I had asked Dev to come and work with me in my MNC, but I guess he wanted to join my underworld. I couldnt allow that, she loved him. After he finished his college I made him the CEO of my MNC. He was an idiot. Terrible at the job. But I gave him enough money to spend on her. This house, she is living now, she thinks Dev bought it for her. I could see he didnt love her. Did he pity her? Why hadnt he left her? She loved him madly. I guess even more than how much I loved her. I guess thats why he was still alive. I couldnt see her cry over Devs dead body. I loved her too much, to love Dev. If only she knew the truth, as I knew it. He used to sleep around with other women. He had expensive escorts accompany him from time to time. Sometimes I thought, I would go to her and tell her everything. But I dont know why, I couldnt. She has started to hate me now. She thinks, I am destroying Dev. How much I wished, someone cared for me like that, not someone, I wanted her to care for me.


7. The Sea It is my 21st bday today. Dev threw a small party at my home, its lively out here. I have learned to be alone in crowd. Its easy. I wish Kannavi was here. I am not interested in having any other people around. That girl had been looking at me for a long time. I guess I should smile at her. She was gorgeous. Amazingly beautiful. Beautiful black hairs, red blossomed lips, piercing eyes, body of an angel, dressed in deep purple evening dress, low neck, no necklace, only a bracelet. She was the most beautiful girl I saw after Kiki. Hmmm leave it. I got u, and stood in the balcony. I could see the sea roaring from here. I loved sea. Not oceans, they are calm. Sea, it has benevolence. It resembles my heart. I love to lie in sand, the waves touching my feet. Looking in the sky. I could bring the sky down with my look. Make it beneath my feet. That girl followed me. She didnt say anything, just kept staring at the sea. The people were starting to leave now. It was getting late. This girl was in no hurry. I saw Dev getting in my guest room with one girl. That wasnt the first time. I had started to ignore it. I think I am a river, flowing, waiting to fall in sea, she said. And looked in my eyes. I cant forget that vacant look. It was the same like me. She scared me now. I dont like people like her, that make me human, that make me feel. She was talking again. I dont know what she was saying. She had a beautiful voice. I think I loved to hear her talk. I kept listening to her. She was talking about how she came to this city. How she was forced to leave college, after her dad died. She loved to read. She wanted to be a writer. Study literature, travel the world. Her favorite singer is Celine Dion, and her favorite song is nobodys home by Avril. I hadnt heard that song. Listen to the live acoustic version, she has said. It was really late now. She asked me if I wasnt gonna sleep. I said, no. I cant sleep. I havent slept in years. I told her to go sleep in my room; I would sit in the balcony whole night. Its this time of the night I love the most. I know I am the only one awake. Thats when u dont feel lonely, when u are truly alone. Kiki, her memories, I love to remember them. I remember her white and blue school dress. Her short hairs, her ponytail. The way she walked. Once we had sat in the library on the same table. We were given a book to share and read. I loved reading with her. And we noted down the song in our notebooks. I still have that notebook, and that song with me. I had written my first song for her, in 10th grade, I wish I could tell her that. Lol, what I am thinking. This sea, could take all my secrets. I love talking to him. He was my equal. I wish I could cry now, how much I wish, I could cry out all this pain.


I wasnt tired, not sleepy too. I walked back to my room. Opened it. She was lying in my bed. Naked. Covered in white sheet. She looked the most beautiful girl to me right now. I dont know how long I had been standing there. I could just watch her sleep all day. I knew who she was, what she did for living, I knew she was my birthday gift from Dev. From the same shop, he gifted himself that girl in my guestroom.
[I'm standing on a bridge

I'm waiting in the dark I thought that you'd be here by now There's nothing but the rain No footsteps on the ground I'm listening but there's no sound Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Won't you take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you I'm looking for a place I'm searching for a face Is anybody here I know 'Cause nothing's going right And everything's a mess And no one likes to be alone Isn't anyone trying to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Won't you take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you Oh why is everything so confusing Maybe I'm just out of my mind Yea yea yea


It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Won't you take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you Take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you]

I closed the door behind me. And without taking off the cloths, I lie down on the bed. I took her hand in mine, hugged her hand tightly, and I fall asleep. I hadnt slept like this in years. She was gone when I woke up. I could still feel her warmth in my bed, I rolled over to her side, embracing to the sheet she had used to cover her naked self. I could inhale her scent in my cloths. I got up. On the table, was this cd case, best of Avril, and a gift card, saying, happy birthday from Sirree.


8. The Bitch It wasnt hard to find where Sirree lived. When I couldnt sleep, I used to come by here. I had seen many people come and go in here. I never had the courage to go up. It was Kikis engagement party. Things had gone really fast. I dont know how soon it was. Dev had invited me. The only way I could stay there was if I got drunk enough to be anyplace else. I dont know how much I had to pass out. I woke up in middle of night. I was sloping on the couch. Everyone had left I guess. I should leave too. It was hitting me again. The first time I had seen Kiki kiss him, the things I saw that day. She loved him too much. And it was unbearing. She is engaged now. I felt so lonely today. I just wanted to be in Kikis arms, and forget everything. And I couldnt have that. I dont know where is the damn door outside. My head is bursting open. I had drunk too much. I need to get out. This place is suffocating me. I am stumbling across the corridor. This door is slightly ajar. I wish I hadnt seen inside. Dev was naked on bed. Blindfolded. And handcuffed on the back. Kiki was in leather pumps, with whip. My hands gripped harder on my katana. I wasnt drunk anymore. I wished I could slash him up right now. I couldnt stay there any longer. I ran out. I dont know where I was driving to. I banged open the door. Here she was. Sirree. Half naked. This guy, taking his clothes off. I pulled my katana out, kept on his neck. I didnt have to say that he should leave. He didnt wait to put his clothes on. She pulled her lacy bra off. I was so pissed to see her acting like that. She, I so hated her, I hated Kiki. I hated all women. I grabbed Sirree by her throat. Squeezing tightly. She was enjoying this, and it pissed me more. I slapped her hard. She was smiling now. Like she was loathing me, thats all you got, even my pimp does better than that. I was hitting her madly now. I wanted to make her cry. I hated myself for hitting her, oh so much I loved hating myself. I was enjoying this now. I put my lips on hers, and bite hers. Chewing on her. Squeezing her well formed female body under me, squeezing anything I can grab in my hand. I could feel her nipples getting hard and rubbin against my chest, I pinched them hard, she was squirming under me. This was first time, I had been with a woman like this. I was feeling guilty for getting excited. I had never thought about anyone other than Kiki, ever, and yet, I so much wanted this girl, right now. It felt like, if I slept with this girl, I will lose my right to love Kiki, and I so much, couldnt think about anything other than the hardness inside my pants and the wetness I could feel on my fingers between her legs.


You are gonna be my fuckdoll you whore. Only mine. No other men. I would kill you if I see you with any other guy. You are the only one who lets me sleep at night. I love u laying by my side. You are gonna make me sleep everynight. You are never gonna leave me. I got up in the morning, and left. When I was at the door, I could faintly hear her sing She has a lovely voice.
[I didn't hear you leave

I wonder how am I still here And I don't want to move a thing It might change my memory Oh I am what I am I'll do what I want But I can't hide I won't go I won't sleep I can't breathe Until you're resting here with me I won't leave I can't hide I cannot be Until you're resting here with me I don't want to call my friends They might wake me from this dream And I can't leave this bed Risk forgetting all that's been]

I guess she was falling in love with me. Huh, idiot. She knows I love Kannavi. I can never love anyone else. And to love a whore like her. She doesnt deserve to be loved.


9. The Song I couldnt take it anymore. I decide to leave the car. And go inside the house. I was gonna tell Kannavi. That I loved her. I had loved her since ever. She is the only girl I ever loved. I get out. And move towards the house. She sees me coming inside. She looks happy. smiling like always. I was in love with her smile. I so much hated that, the reason for that smile was Dev. How could she love a man like Dev.? She pull me into the library. Tomorrow is her wedding. This is the only quiet room in the house. The mehndi on her hands look lovely. Her face is glowing. And she never looked so beautiful before. I dont know if I could have made her this happy. She takes out a box from under the table. It is a gift for me. I open it up. It is a silverblade katana. Fine blade. I swing it, slashin the air. Wow. Its a nice katana. I love this. I am gonna keep this forever with me. Dev enters the room. Must say, he is looking different today. I guess love changes man. He will keep her happy. Dev is really a lucky guy. I so envy him. He is talking to me now, I dont know what he is blabbering. I am not interested in what he is saying. Kiki is standing at the window lookin so beautiful. I am staring at her. Dev is talking about his bachelor party. Yeah he had invited me in the afternoon. I was busy planning the Venice affair. So how was your party? It was awesome We were around 25-30 friends for the party. A friend of friend had organized and hosted the party. Then there was after party, with only 10 friends. This girl refused to come with us to the hotel room. We had to take her up forcefully. Man, she was awesome, delicious. You must have seen her. I had brought her for ur party too. Sirree. You too had enjoyed her na. Must say, she has nicer body than Kiki, and she knows stuff. She was acting strange today. Said, she had left these things. Lol she said, she was gonna get married. Like, any guy would marry a slut like her. Wow, I fulfilled my rape fantasy today. And then all my friends had her. Only a whore like her could have taken on 10 guys
[I couldn't tell you why she felt that way,

She felt it every day. And I couldn't help her, I just watched her make the same mistakes again. What's wrong, what's wrong now?


Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. It's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes. Broken inside. Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why. You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind. Be strong, be strong now. Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. It's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes. Broken inside. Her feelings she hides. Her dreams she can't find. She's losing her mind. She's fallen behind. She can't find her place. She's losing her faith. She's fallen from grace. She's all over the place. Yeah, oh She wants to go home, but nobody's home. It's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes. Broken inside. She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah]

nobodys home is a nice song. I love that song. I pulled out my katana in a slash, and pushed it through Devs heart. Pack your bags. We are leaving for Venice tonight. You will marry me there. I had told her. Maybe only cause Kiki was gonna get married tomorrow. I couldnt have fallen in love with that girl, right. I had only used her.


I pulled the katana downwards, splitting open his chest, cutting his lungs, I wanna slice open his gut. No, I didnt love her, all my life I had loved Kiki only. Stabbing his intestines with the katana over and over. I could see Kiki, dropped on the floor, by the window, crying. Astounded. She looked terrified. And I got up, and sliced his head off. Rolling on the floor. I wish I could cry.


10. The Story Born of Song I dont know how long I had been walking, there is a long road behind me, and I wish the road never ends I had wanted to run away, I should have run away, a long time ago, before all this started, and my legs betrayed me. My fate has carried me to this place. Its different today. I had never been here. The sand is same, the wave is same. The sea I fared is same, and still, it feels so different today. I wont say I fell; the ground disappearing beneath my feet, no, not really; I had always loved lying down in sand, I guess I did. Nothing else, not even the ground I walk on, could bear my weight, not anymore, not since long time, definitely not today. This sand could take everything in, and when the sea waves come, every of that disappears, into the vastness, into the endlessness, into... I wish the waves could reach deep enough my soul, and take away everything inside I dont remember when was the last time I was here, that was a different day. Its different day today. I had hated to come here. I hadnt looked at sky since long, I didnt deserve that. I hadnt deserved to look crudely at the sky, I couldnt look down at sky, I dont have that right; and now I feel guilty, that right I once had. I dont know, when I lost that right, somewhere along my It aint a starry night, the silhouette of moon... I fear stars It happened, a drop, a wet drop... I can feel it sluggishly rolling down my cheek. I do not cry, I cant. I had decided not to cry a long time ago, and now I cant cry, even if I wished for it. I had lost that right too. And it rains, when my heart cries. If only this rain could wash away the pain, I am selfish to wish that. I have always been selfish, hadnt I? It all started with me being selfishly in love... I wish I had never fallen in love, with Sirree
[There are things I have done There's a place I have gone There's a beast


And I let it run Now it's running . . . My way There are things I regret To can't forgive You can't forget There's a gift That you sent You sent it . . . My way (Chorus) So take this night Wrap it around me like a sheet I know I'm not forgiven But I need a place to sleep So take this night And lay me down on the street I know I'm not forgiven But I hope that I'll be given . . . Some peace There's a game That I play There are rules I had to break There's mistakes That I made But I made them . . . My way (chorus) So take this night Wrap it around me like a sheet I know I'm not forgiven But I need a place to sleep So take this night And lay me down on the street I know I'm not forgiven But I hope that I'll be given . . . Some peace . . . Some peace . . . Some peace]


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