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ISSN 1062-3590, Biology Bulletin, 2023. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2023.


Efficacy of Some Nano-Organic Formulations and Their Normal

Formulations against the Black Cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel)
Al-Kazafy Hassan Sabrya (ORCID: 0000-0002-1301-0588)
and Mona Ahmed Husseina, * (ORCID: 0000-0002-1727-0491)
a Pests and Plant Protection Department, Agricultural and Biological Institute, National Research Centre,
Dokki, Cairo, 12622 Egypt
Received September 24, 2022; revised October 3, 2022; accepted October 11, 2022

Abstract—Normal formulations of some organic chemicals were developed to nano-organic chemicals and
tested against the fifth instar larvae of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon. These organic chemicals include
etofenprox, imidacloprid and indoxacarb. The nanosizes of these formulations ranged between 246 to
390 nm. The loading capacities were 60.7 ± 5.7, 60.7 ± 5 and 52.0 ± 6.3% for etofenprox, indoxacarb, and
imidacloprid, respectively. The results found that etofenprox was the most potent insecticide followed by
indoxacarb and imidacloprid in both formulations (normal and nano). The LC50s were 1.7, 2.5, and 13.6 ppm
for nanoetofenprox, nanoindoxacarb, and nanoimidacloprid, respectively. The corresponding results with
normal formulations were 9.1, 17.5, and 51.1 ppm, respectively. The results found that also the nanoformula-
tions with all tested compounds were more potent than the normal formulation with all tested insecticides.
Nanoetofenprox, nanoimidacloprid, and nanoindoxacarb were five, four, and seven times more effective
than normal formulations. The results confirmed that the nanoformulations can be used instead of the nor-
mal formulations against the larvae of A. ipsilon to reduce the hazards of insecticides to nontarget organisms,
the cost of insecticides application, insecticide residues in food and quantities of insecticides used.

Keywords: organic compounds, Agrotis ipsilon, normal formulations, nanoformulations, nontarget organisms
DOI: 10.1134/S1062359022700030

INTRODUCTION used silica nanoparticles in control of the 4th instar

The black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon is considered larvae of A. ipsilon.
one of the most dangerous pests for crops and vegeta- Etofenprox is a new insecticide used against wide
bles (Binning et al., 2105). This pest can eat over range of harmful insects. This insecticide belongs to
400 cm2 of foliage during its developmental stages the pyrethroid ether group while other the pyrethroids
(Amin, 2019). This means that one larva can damage belong to pyrethroid ester. The main target of this
up to five plants during the larval duration. The crop insecticide is the nerve cell membranes. This insecti-
damage by A. ipsilon reached 80% of the yield. cide is blocking of ion gates of the sodium channel
Using synthetic chemical compounds is still one of during the re-polarization process. Abd-El-Aziz et al.
the most potent tools to suppress the population den- (2020) used some pyrethroid insecticides against the
sity of A. ipsilon in the fields. Due to the hazards of the black cut worm.
conventional insecticide formulations used it’s a dire
Imidacloprid is related to the neonicotinoids pesti-
need to find a new strategy to overcome this pest dam-
cides group that the nervous system is the main target
age without any side effects. Nanopesticide formula-
for this group. The specific target in the nervous sys-
tions may be achieving this purpose (Yan et al., 2021).
tem is the post-synaptic nicotinic acetylcholine recep-
Sabry et al. (2021) used some nanopesticide formula-
tors which cause paralysis and death to treated insects.
tions against the cotton leafworm. Awad et al. (2022)
Rimpy and Verma (2018) used imidacloprid against
used some insecticide nanoformulations against the
the larvae of A. ipsilon.
larvae of A. ipsilon. The authors found that the
nanoparticles of these insecticides were more potent Indoxacarb is an organic insecticide related to a
than the normal formulations. Yan et al. (2021) tested methyl ester that belongs to the oxadiazine insecticide
nanoformulation of thiamethoxam against the green group. This insecticide acts by blocking neuronal
peach aphid, Myzus persicae. Mesbah et al. (2020) sodium channels. Shakur et al. (2007) used indoxacarb


Table 1. The concentrations of tested compounds against the fourth instar larvae of Agrotis ipsilon
Normal formulations concentrations, ppm Nanoformulations concentrations, ppm
Compounds the first the second the third the first the second the third
concentration* concentration** concentration*** concentration concentration concentration
Etofenprox 25 12.5 6.3 5 2.5 1.25
Imidacloprid 180 90 45 36 18 9
Indoxacarb 75 37.5 18.7 15 7.5 3.7
* The first concentration: the recommended field rate, ** the second; half of the recommended field rate, *** the third, the one–fourth
recommended field rate.

against A. ipsilon. Sabry et al. (2021) used nanoindox- (26 ± 2°C and 65 ± 5 RH). The adults were fed on
acarb against the cotton leafworm larvae. sugar solution until eggs put. After eggs hatching the
This work aims to use a new strategy for pest con- first instar larvae were fed on lettuce leaves until
trol by developing nanopesticide formulations instead reached the fourth instar. The fourth instar larvae were
of the normal formulations to reduce the side effect of tested against the selected compounds.
the normal formulations and increase the efficacy of
the new formulations against the fourth instar larvae of Preparation of Nanoformulations
A. ipsilon.
The normal formulations of the tested compounds
(etofenprox, indoxacarb and imidacloprid) were
MATERIALS AND METHODS developed to nanoformulations by method described
The Organic Compounds by Vaezifar et al. (2013). This method depends on con-
verting of the carrier to nanoscales. In this method,
1. Etofenprox is the common name; the chemical
chitosan (a high molecular weight produced by Sigma
name is (2-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-2-methylpropyl 3-phe-
Aldrich Co., USA) was used as a polymer to the nano-
noxybenzyl ether); the trade name is Primo 10% SC).
formulation produced. It was known that chitosan
Produced by Beta Chem., China. The recommended
doesn’t dissolve in the water, so acetic acid (2% v/v)
concentration used in field is 200 mL/feddan (4200 m2). was used to dissolve the particles of chitosan. The
2. Imidacloprid is the common name; the chemical solution consists of 120 mL distilled water and 0.8 g
name is (1-(6-chloro-3-pyridylmethyl)-N-nitroimid- chitosan. The solution (acetic acid and chitosan) was
azolidin-2-ylideneamine); the trade name is Sunclo- put on a magnetic stirrer for 25–30 min or until con-
prid 35% SC) produced by Imprimerie and Routage, verted to a transparent solution. On the other hand,
France. The recommended concentration used in 0.8 g of tripolyphosphate dissolved in 120 mL of con-
field is 250 mL/feddan. ductive water. One mL of tested insecticide was mixed
3. Indoxacarb is the common name; the chemical with tripolyphosphate in conductive water. The solu-
name is ((methyl(4aR)-7-chloro-2-[methoxycar- tion was dropwise by dropwise to the chitosan mixture
bonyl-[4-(trif luoromethoxy)phenyl]carbamoyl]-3,5- with continuous stirring for 20–30 min. After that, the
dihydroinde-no[1,2-e][1,3,4]oxadiazine-4a-carbox- suspension obtained was centrifuged at 10000 rpm for
ylate); the tarade name is Avaunt 15% EC), the pro- 30 min. The obtained pellet was harvested and lyo-
duction company is Du Pont De Nemours. This philized to gain nanoparticle formulation. This work
insecticide belongs to a new group of insecticides was done with all tested compounds. The obtained
named oxadiazine. The main target of this insecticide nanoparticles were photographed under a scan elec-
is sodium and potassium channel. The recommended tronic microscope (SEM) (HRTEM, JEM2100, Jeol,
concentration used in field is 200 mL/feddan. Japan) (Fig. 1).
Each compound used has three concentrations, the The nanosize of these compounds under scan elec-
recommended field concentration and other two tronic microscope was not enough to sure these com-
lower concentrations (the half and one–fourth of rec- pounds were converted to nanoformulations. So,
ommended field rate) (Table 1). another test must be carried out. This test is the load-
ing capacity of these compounds on a carrier (chi-
tosan). This test was carried out according to He et al.
The Tested Insect (2017). Thirty mL of the obtained nanoformulation
Laboratory culture of the black cutworm, Agrotis was dissolved in 50 mL of acetonitrile. This obtained
ipsilon was developed under laboratory conditions solution was put in a shaking tank for 12 h in a tem-



270 nm 450 nm
371 nm
241 nm

621 nm
870 nm

(а) (b) (c)

HV mag spot WD det HFM 9/1/2021 50 Pm
20.00 kV 2000 × 4.0 11.1 mm BSED 207 Pm 2:13:06 PM NRC (QUANTA FEG250)

Fig. 1. The nanoformulations of etofenprox (a), imidacloprid (b) and indoxacarb (c) under SEM.

perature room to dissolve the chitosan particles com- Statistical Analysis

pletely. The obtained mixture was filtered, the mass of
the active ingredient of all tested pesticides in acetoni- Data were subjected to the analysis of variance test
trile was determined by HPLC (The HPLC system was (ANOVA) (F test) and analysis of variance (one-way
equipped with an XTerra RP18 column, 5 μm particle classification ANOVA) followed by a least significant
size, 4.6 mm internal diameter × 250 mm length difference (LSD) at 5% (Costat, 1990).
(Waters®, USA) with the wavelength of 278 nm (Fig. 2).
The loading capacity was determined by dividing the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mass of loading pesticide (etofenprox) on the mass of
etofenprox The toxicity of both nanoformulations and normal
formulations is determined by using of the 4th instar
Loading Capacity (LC)
larvae of Agrotis ipsilon.
Mass of loaded pesticide
= × 100
Mass of pesticide nanoparticles
Toxicity of the Normal Formulations of Tested
nanoparticles ×100. Compounds against A. ipsilon Larvae
According to this formula, the loading capacities
were 60.7 ± 5.7, 52.0 ± 6.3, and 60.7 ± 5.7% for The normal formulations of etofenprox, imidaclo-
etofenprox, imidacloprid, and indoxacarb, respec- prid and indoxacarb are evaluated by using of the 4th
tively. instar larvae of A. ipsilon (Table 2). The obtained
results show that the percent of mortalities with the
first concentration (recommended field concentra-
The Bioassay tion) are 80, 93.3 and 90% for etofenprox, indoxacarb
Two formulations were tested against the 4th instar and imidacloprid, respectively. This result clears that
larvae of A. ipsilon, normal formulation and nanofor- indoxacarb is the most toxic compound followed by
mulation for each tested organic compound. Three imidacloprid and etofenprox. The statistical analysis
concentrations were used for each tested compound as shows that there is no significant difference between
cleared in Table 1. Three replicates for each concen- indoxacarb and imidacloprid but there is a significant
tration were used each replicate has 10 healthy starved difference between indoxacarb and etofenprox. The
larvae. The larvae in control replicates were treated by LSD value is 7.7 (Table 2). The same results have
water only. Lettuce leaves were used as natural food. existed with the second and third concentrations.
Dipping technique was used by dipping of the lettuce Indoxacarb is the most effective followed by imidaclo-
leaves in each concentration and the tested larvae were prid and etofenprox. In spite of etofenprox causing less
fed in. All replicated were inspected after 24 h, 2, 5, percent mortality, the mean efficacy of all tested
and 9 days. The dead larvae were counted and compounds and the LC50 values found that etofen-
excluded. The percent of mortalities in all replicates prox is the most potent compound followed by
was calculated and the lethal concentration for 50% of indoxacarb and imidacloprid. This is due to the dif-
the treated population calculated by Proban Program ference in the percent of the active ingredients in all
Software. tested compounds. The LC50s are 9.1, 17.5, and



mAU (a)

Etofenprox st

5 10 15 20


150 p r id
le I
100 Sa


20 40 60 80

40 b
le I
30 mp



20 40 60
Fig. 2. The loading capacities of etofenprox (a), imidacloprid (b) and indoxacarb (c).

51.1 ppm for etofenprox, indoxacarb, and imidaclo- concentration are 86.7, 83.3, and 76.7%, respectively.
prid, respectively. The statistical result shows that there are no significant
Ismail (2021) used indoxacarb against the first, differences among all tested compounds with the first
third, and fifth instar larvae of A. ipsilon. The author concentration. The results show also there is a signifi-
found that the LC50s of indoxacarb 0.259, 0.809, and cant difference between all tested compounds and
1.23 mg/L, respectively. control.
The obtained results with the second concentration
(the half of recommended field rate) the percentages
Toxicity of the Nanoformulations of Tested Compounds of mortalities are 73, 60 and 66.7%, respectively. This
against A. ipsilon Larvae means that imidacloprid is more effective than etofen-
Table 3 shows that indoxacarb is the most toxic prox with the second concentration. The statistical
compound against the 4th instar larvae followed by result shows that there is a significant difference
etofenprox and imidacloprid with all tested concentra- between etofenprox and other tested compounds.
tions. The percentages of mortalities with the first With the third concentration the percentages of mor-



Table 2. Toxicity of the normal formulations to the 4th instar larvae of A. ipsilon
The mortality percentages LC50 and fiducial
Tested insecticides Slope ± SE
C1 ± SE C2 ± SE C3 ± SE limits

Etofenprox 80.0 ± 0.0b 56.7 ± 5.8b 40.0 ± 0.0b 1.8 ± 0.3
Imidacloprid 90.0 ± 0.0a 66.7 ± 5.8ab 46.7 ± 5.8ab 2.2 ± 0.3
Indoxacarb 93.3 ± 5.8a 76.7 ± 5.8a 53.3 ± 5.8a 2.3 ± 0.4
Control 6.7 ± 5.8c 5.0 ± 5.0c 0.0c
F-values 301.8*** 96.3*** 103.3***
LSD 7.7 10.9 7.7
Means under each treatment sharing the same letter in a column are not significantly different at P = 0.05.

Table 3. Toxicity of the nanoformulations to the 4th instar larvae of A. ipsilon

The mortality percentages LC50 and fiducial
Tested insecticides Slope ± SE
C1 ± SE C2 ± SE C3 ± SE limits

Etofenprox 83.3 ± 5.8a 60.0 ± 0.0b 40.0 ± 0.0b 1.9 ± 0.3
Imidacloprid 76.7 ± 5.8a 66.7 ± 5.8ab 33.3 ± 5.8b 1.9 ± 0.3
Indoxacarb 86.7 ± 5.8a 73.3 ± 5.8a 60.0 ± 0.0a 1.4 ± 0.3
Control 3.3 ± 5.8b 3.3 ± 5.8c 6.7 ± 5.8c
F-values 141.6*** 123.9*** 87.3***
LSD 10.9 9.4 7.7
Means under each treatment sharing the same letter in a column are not significantly different at P = 0.05.

talities are 60, 40 and 33.3%, respectively. Although showed that the indoxacarb nanoformulation was
the percent of mortality of etofenprox against the 4th more potent than imidacloprid nanoformulation. The
instar larvae is less than another tested compound, the LC50s were 2.9 and 15.9 ppm for indoxacarb and imi-
lethal concentration of 50% of the treated population dacloprid, respectively. Huang et al. (2022) used
(LC50) more than other tested compounds. This is due nanoindoxacarb against the larvae of Spodoptera
to the percent of the active ingredient of etofenprox litura. The results showed that the nanoindoxacarb
(10%) being less than other compounds (imidacloprid was effective against the larvae of S. litura. Bilal et al.
35% and indoxacarb 15%). The LC50s are 1.7, 2.5, and (2020) used the indoxacarb nanoformulation against
13.6 ppm for etofenprox, indoxacarb, and imidaclo- the larvae of Plutella xylostella. The results found that
prid, respectively. The most treated larvae are dying the indoxacarb nanoformulation was very potent to
after 24 h of treatment by all tested nanoformulations the tested pest. Sabry and Hussein (2022) evaluated
(Fig. 3). that the nanoetofenprox to the adults of chocolate
banded snail, Eobania vermiculata. The LC50 of nano-
The same results were obtained by Sabry et al.
(2021). The results showed that imidacloprid and etofenprox was 20.3 ppm.
indoxacarb nanoformulations were used with the 2nd
instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis. The results also



(а) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 3. The efficacy of etofenprox (a), imidacloprid (b) and indoxacarb (c) nanoformulation compared to untreated (d) against
the 4th instar larvae of A. ipsilon.

The nanoformulations of all tested compounds All authors declared that there was no funding.
have the same efficacy as the normal formulations.
Although the concentration of normal formulations COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL STANDARDS
was five times more than the nanoformulations, the
efficacy of both formulations was the same. The Conflict of interest. All authors declared that there is no
obtained results demonstrated that the recommended conflicts of interest.
field rate of etofenprox in normal formulation caused Statement on the welfare of animals. All applicable inter-
80% mortality compared with 83.3% in nanoformula- national, national, and/or institutional guidelines for the
tion. The LC50 of nanoetofenprox and its normal for- care and use of animals were followed.
mulation were 1.7 and 9.1 ppm, respectively. This
result clears that the nanoetofenprox was 5-times AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
more potent than the normal formulation. The statis-
All authors designed the research, conducted the exper-
tical analysis showed that there is no significant differ-
iments, analysed the data, wrote, revised, and approved the
ence between nanoetofenprox and normal etofenprox manuscript.
with all tested concentrations (Table 4). The first con-
centration of imidacloprid in normal formulation
(90%) was more effective than the nanoformulation REFERENCES
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