Question 6

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Question 6

The effects of social media on consumer trust

A Deloitte report highlighted that consumer who are influenced by social media are 4 times more
likely to spend more on purchases. Moreover, the influence can be so high that 29% of
consumers are more likely to make a purchase on the same day of using social media.

How do social media build trust with customers?

Share High-Quality Content.
Nurture Interaction on Your Social Channels.
Encourage User-Generated Content.
Ask Customers to Review Your Company.
Use Trustworthy Links in Your Posts.
Provide an Insider's View.
Make Sure Your Branding Is Consistent.
Stream Events Live.
Also, A recent study found that social media has a direct impact on customer experience, with
78% of respondents saying that their experiences on social media have influenced their purchase
decisions, meanig must focus on providing a positive social media experience for their
This research evaluates the effect of the use of social media on consumer trust, loyalty and
purchase intention in physical stores. We used six constructs in a structural model: a consumer’s
use of social media, company-generated communication in social media, user-generated
communication on social media, trust, loyalty and purchase intention. We considered 406 valid
respondents in the analysis. The results suggest that the use of social media, company and user-
generated communication positively affects trust of the physical store. Trust, in turn, has a direct
positive effect on consumer loyalty to the store, and both trust and loyalty have positive impacts
on a consumer’s purchase intention. We note the impact of the use of social media on purchase
intention in physical stores, through the building of trust and loyalty with the store, as a
fundamental element in the definition and implementation of a successful marketing strategy by
high street retailers.

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