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Assessment Cover Sheet

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Student ID GI

Unit Code / Unit Name SITHCCC013 Prepare seafood dishes

Assessment No. 1
Date of Submission

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Student Name: Student ID: GI
Unit Code /Name: SITHCCC013 Prepare seafood dishes Assessment No: 2
Trainer/Assessor Signature: Date:

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013

Assessment Task 1 – Questions and answers

Performance objective
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a range of fish and
shellfish dishes following standard recipes. It requires the ability to select, prepare and portion seafood, and to use
relevant equipment, cookery and food storage methods.

Assessment description
In this assessment you need to answer all the questions satisfactorily.

You are required to address each question in this assessment.

Once you have completed all questions, check all responses.

You must submit:

 Answer to all the questions satisfactorily

Your assessor will be looking for:

 culinary terms and trade names for:

oingredients commonly used in the production of different fish and shellfish dishes
ovariety of classical and contemporary seafood dishes
odifferent varieties of seafood and styles of cooking
 contents of stock date codes and rotation labels
 seafood classifications
 characteristics of seafood products and fish and shellfish dishes:
ofreshness and other quality indicators
onutritional value
otaste and texture
 preparation techniques for fish and shellfish specified in the performance evidence
 cookery methods for different varieties and cuts of fish and shellfish specified in the performance evidence
 equipment used to produce seafood dishes:
oknife care and maintenance
oessential features and functions
osafe operating practices
mise en place requirements for seafood dishes
appropriate environmental conditions for storing and thawing fish and shellfish products to:
oensure food safety
ooptimise shelf life
safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to produce seafood dishes.

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
Your task:

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this assignment.

1. You arrive at work to start your shift. List 3 methods you could use to identify the mise en place and
preparation requirements for your shift:

1. Check container and preparing ingredients for menu items

2. Number Of bookings

3. Climate

A. List 3 aspects you need to consider when selecting seafood for a menu
B. and explain how a chef could contribute to sustainability when purchasing seafood:
A 1. Sustainability

2. Enterprise and customer expectations

3. Quality, price and market fluctuations

B The availability of commercially caught seafood is quite variable as it can depend on migration, moon
phases, sea conditions, weather patterns and floods

3. Provide an overview of nutrition contained in seafood and the importance of seafood in a balanced diet:

Seafood is very nutritious as it has high protein content, contains all essential amino acids and is an excellent
source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also low in cholesterol. It is easy to digest as the protein in seafood is
broken down and absorbed by the body more easily than the protein in red meats and poultry. Fish contain
between 17and 25% protein; on average the protein content is about 19%.

Seafood is very low in fat with a variation of 1-5% fat depending on the type. Oily fish such as salmon and trout
contain a higher fat content than whitefish such as cod (which contain oil in their livers). The omega-3 fatty
acids are polyunsaturated and have been shown to have beneficial effects on human blood fat levels, heart
disease and blood pressure.

Seafood is a source of vitamin A, D and the B complex vitamins niacin (B3), B6 and B12. Minerals such as
calcium, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, and selenium make seafood an important food
source. Fresh seafood is also low in sodium, however smoked and processed seafood can have high levels of
salt added during processing. Seafood forms an important part of a balanced diet and many bodies recommend
eating seafood at least twice a week.

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
4. When preparing and serving seafood to customers, what seafood allergies you need to require awareness for?
Approximately 0.5-1% of the population are allergic or sensitive to fish and/or shellfish. This may not sound
like much, but in a busy restaurant that can mean 1 or 2 customers every day. Allergic reactions to seafood are
generally mild, however they can result in extreme reactions and unconsciousness. Extremely sensitive
individuals can even react to the steam given off when cooking seafood!

Some seafood such as oysters and mussels, shark, tuna and swordfish can endanger high risk customers such as
pregnant or nursing women, children and the elderly. These risks are mainly associated with the potential of
excessive amounts of mercury in predatory fish or pollutants contained in filter feeders. Another potential risk
occurs with large tropical reef fish such as snapper. Ciguatera is caused by eating fish that contain toxins
produced by microorganisms. The danger is that the toxins are not destroyed by cooking and that there is no
effective treatment for the disease.

5. List the classifications for finfish and provide 2 examples for each category:
Classification Examples
 Flat Fish  Sole
 Black sole

 Round Fish  Barramundi

 Blue grenadier

 Flat Fish  Tailor

 Trevally

 Round Fish  Atlantic salmon

 Australian salmon

6. List the categories for crustaceans and provide 2 examples for each category:
Categories Examples

 Bugs  Balmain bug

 Moreton bay bug

 Scampi  West Australian scampi

 Rock lobster  Eastern

 Southern

 Freshwater Crayfish  Yabby (Eastern States)

 Marron (WA)

 Crabs  Blue swimmer crab

 Mud crab

7. List the categories for molluscs and provide 2 examples for each cat egory:

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
Categories Examples

 Bivalve  Clams
 Cockles

 Univalve  Abalone
 Black lip

 Soft-bodied (ink fish)  Squid or calamari (calamari refers to cut squid – Italian
origin of word)
 Octopus

 Other  Beche de mer

 Sea urchin

8. What are the requirements for the correct handling, storage and the killing of live seafood in a humane
Live fish are stored in aquatic tanks and live shellfish can be kept covered in the cool room for a limited time.
Live seafood must be checked regularly and any sick or dead animals must be removed immediately. The tanks
must be monitored in regards to temperature, salt content and regular maintenance tasks. Display tanks are
available with various conditions to allow for ideal conditions for cold water, tropical and freshwater species.
Prevent cleaning materials entering the water or any pesticides (fly spray) near tanks. Remove dead or sick
shellfish from the tanks immediately. Do not serve them as you do not know what afflicted them! Monitor the
water temperature, keep cooler than normal to minimise movement and food intake, thus optimising survival
rates. Also monitor the salt content, pH, oxygen level and filtering of wastes. Wash seafood before adding it to
the tank.

Some restaurants utilise natural streams and store freshwater species such as trout in special pens. Dishes such as
truite au bleu (blue trout) require freshly killed fish. The slime layer on the skin of the fish is kept intact and
turns blue when cooked.

Molluscs are available live and should be kept in specialised tanks which require temperature and salt level
controls. Salt levels should replicate the natural environment. Any dead animals must be removed immediately
and water should be filtered constantly to prevent contamination. Molluscs not stored in tanks are best kept
fresh in a container with a weight on top, e.g. lid with a water bucket on top, to imitate water pressure.
Occasionally they can be sprayed with moisture. Yabbies, eel and trout can be stored in specific freshwater
tanks. Similar rules apply. If the temperature range is right, feeding should not be necessary especially if the
seafood is sold regularly.

Humane Killing Procedures

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013

To kill live seafood humanely you need to minimise suffering. Fish from a tank should be stunned with a quick
blow to the head or brain spiked, then the intestine removed. Crustaceans should be placed in the freezer or salt
water/ice slurry until body movements stop, then submerge the head into boiling liquid, brain spike or cut
through the longitudinal mid-line to kill the seafood quickly! Click here for more information on killing
seafood humanely.

9. List 4 quality indicators for fresh fish and explain what this would entail when inspecting fish for freshness:
1. Flesh
2. Gut
3. Gills
4. Eye

10. What are the quality indicators for the following categories of fresh shellfish? Which aspects need to be
considered to prevent food safety hazards, contamination or quality issues?

Crustaceans should have a fresh smell and their eyes should be black and glossy. The body should be intact, i.e., no
broken antennae and the head and tail connection should be tight. Crustaceans have pigments in the shell that
change color when heated and alter the appearance from the normal coppery/green to a bright red. If purchasing
pre-cooked shellfish such as prawns and rock lobster a sign of sufficient cooking is the tail curling tightly.

Note: Fish processors generally will not accept shellfish from fishermen if they are missing more than 1 or 2 limbs.

If green crustaceans are discolored with dark spots, it is known as melanosis. This is due to oxidization of the
crustacean and does not initially affect eating quality. However, once it has started it will progress rapidly and
change the flavor of the meat. Peel the crustacean and cook it to avoid further deterioration. It is advisable to store
fresh green prawns or other crustaceans in ice slurry to prevent oxygen from affecting the seafood.


Molluscs are filter feeders, which mean they filter food particles from the water that surrounds them. If the water is
impure, the mollusc will contain possible poisonous substances. Several oyster scares have been associated with
health risks in the past. For example, an outbreak of gastroenteritis was caused by Georges Rivers oysters which
had become polluted after heavy rain. There are now stringent laws in place which control the purification of
oysters, to avoid this type of public health risk.

Cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles, turban shells and pipis

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles, turban shells and pipis are popular in ethnic dishes. They often contain sand
and must be purged in clean water to remove sand. Remember that they may still need to be rinsed after purging
and also be aware that when making a sauce or stock any leftover sand will settle to the bottom of the pot.

Soft-bodied molluscs (ink fish)

It can be judged by smell in regard to their quality. If they start to smell ‘milky’ or of ammonia they are possible off,
in which case you must discard them. The flesh of squid should be firm to touch and untenderized octopus flesh
should be springy.

11. List 5 aspects of hygienic handling and storage of seafood including the correct procedures for thawing to
prevent contamination. What does this require in terms of labelling?

1. Establish overall SOPs and HACCP systems including cleaning schedules

2. Minimize handling of seafood

3. Wash your hands prior to any handling of seafood

4. Handle seafood carefully and separate according to species to prevent cross-contamination

5. Never mix cooked and un-cooked, fish and shellfish

Labelling: Labelling and Other Information Requirements

Application of Labelling and Other Information Requirements Sets out labelling requirements for food,
including seafood, for retail sale and not for retail sale.

Food Identification Requirements: Requires name of food, lot identification, and name and address of supplier
to be included on a food label.

Mandatory Warning and Advisory Statements and Declarations Sets out mandatory advisory statements and
declarations that must be made in relation to certain substances.

Clause 4 requires fish and fish products to be declared on food labels when present in the food.

Labelling of Ingredients Specifies requirements for naming of ingredients, compound ingredients and additives
on food labels.

12. Calculating portion weights and yield

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
a. You have 0.800kg fresh cuttlefish. Waste and bones are 57%. What is the net yield expressed in kg?

0.344 Kg

b. When filleting a Dover sole weighing 750g you obtain 405g cleaned fillets. What is the wastage of skin and bones
expressed in %? 46%Trimmings

c. The net yield for a cleaned Octopus is 0.560kg. The waste accounts for 30%. What was the original purchase
weight of the octopus? 0.8 Kg AP

13. In brief, explain the steps for the following preparation methods. Which tools are used?
Preparation Preparation procedure /Steps Tools used

Hold the fish by the tail and move the scaler against the scales To scale a fish, use a
towards the head so the scales pop out, ensuring that you have a fish scaler or a
good grip to prevent injury. Take care with scales close to the breadknife.
fins, belly and head as they can be overlooked. To prevent a
mess the fish can be scaled under still or running water

To gut a fish hold it firmly with one hand then cut along the appropriate knife to
stomach with an appropriate knife to reveal the guts. The guts reveal the guts
may or may not be encased in a lining, depending on the
species. Remove the guts (in one action if possible) to leave a
clean cavity. The kidney area must be removed by scraping
with a knife. Remove the heart. All fish must have their gut
washed clean to remove any off odors.

Note: Take care not to pierce the gall bladder with the knife as it
will affect the flavor of the fish when cooked

Check for any remaining scales and gut residue and remove if Scissors
Preparing whole
necessary. Use scissors to remove any fins and trim the tail. For
fish for pan-
larger or thicker fish, you can score the fillets to make the heat
frying or
penetrate quicker. Depending on the establishment you may
also cut off the head. If you serve the head then ensure that the
gills are removed

Fillet the fish by cutting towards the spine starting at the head knife
Filleting round
just behind the gills. Point the knife towards the backbone and
slide it along the spine in a long, even cutting action. This helps
to remove the flesh and minimize wastage. It is best to cut

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013

around the rib bones, leaving them on the carcass. The wings
can be removed and used as a menu item. Once the fillets have
been taken off, remove any remaining bones by slicing them
away from the fillet or using tweezers to remove any pin bones.
The skin can also be removed if desired.

The fillet is laid skin side down on a chopping board and the tail knife
Skinning round
is held firm. Ease the knife between the flesh and the skin at the
end of the tail. Angle the knife towards the skin with your wrist
firm. Gently ease the knife back and forth towards the head end
until the skin is completely removed

Cut through the skin across the tail then turn over and repeat. Lift knife
Skinning flat fish
the skin then insert a finger underneath and slide along the fin
and repeat on the other side. A little bit of salt on your fingers
or a cloth will help you maintain a grip. Carefully pull the skin
back ensuring that the flesh does not come with it. Turn the fish
over and repeat the steps

Make an incision at the tail end and ease the skin off slightly. Towel
Filleting flat fish
Use salt or a cloth to hold the end of the skin and carefully pull
it off. Support the flesh with your other hand to prevent the
flesh from tearing. Once the skin has been removed, run your
finger along the outer edge of the fillet. This helps separate the
flesh from the bone. If the roe is evident, ease it out in the same
manner. Cut along the spine from the head to the tail and ease
your knife along the bones to lift the fillet off. Repeat this
process on the remaining side.

14. Provide a description for the following cuts of fish:

French Explanation

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
Filet Flesh of the fish completely removed from the bone and most often skinned; it is generally
accepted that there will be no bones, so remove pin bones

Délice Folded fillet. Can have fillings or farces.

Rolled fillet. Can have a farce on the skin side


Strips cut diagonally across the fillet approximately 50x10x10mm


Literally translated as “the best”. A larger fillet is cut on a slant to make it look bigger

Cut through the bone of a whole round fish. Usually referred to as a cutlet.

15. Explain the preparation requirements for the following types of shellfish:

Seafood Preparation requirements

Prawns To shell prawns, twist the head off the body. Peel away the shell and legs in segments until you
get to the tail. Pinch the tail and gently pull the body out. Take the tip of a sharp knife and
make an incision to expose the vein, which will either be down the back or running along the
belly of the prawn

Lobster Preparing a lobster for dishes such as lobster Mornay is easy as you simply split it in half,
remove the vein and intestine, wash then process according to the recipe. Lobster tails are
also cut in half lengthways or peeled and the meat can be cut into segments.

Bugs Bugs are prepared by washing the bug to remove any grit, then removing the head by twisting
it or first cutting in the neck area. It helps if you use a cloth to protect your hands as there are
sharp ends on the shell. Cut the tail in half or use scissors to cut through the sides of the tail
and then peel off the shell to reveal the meat. The vein is then removed. The shells can be
utilised in bisques and stocks.

Crabs Crabs are always a bit fiddly. Remove the top shell, remove the gills, cut in half and remove
the intestines and wash off. The meat can be pulled out using a lobster fork. The cleaned meat
can be prepared and presented in the crab shell or in a traditional British dressed crab it is
presented elaborately with the leg meat separated.

Mussels Mussels should have the beard and any barnacles attached to them removed prior to cooking.
Scrub the mussels with steel wool or preferably a stiff brush to remove any barnacles and grit.

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013

Pull the beard to remove it and the mussels are ready for cooking. Some suppliers have pre-
cleaned mussels which are vacuum packed and only require rinsing

Cockles, clams, Cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles, turban shells and pipis are popular in ethnic dishes. They
vongole, often contain sand and must be purged in clean water to remove sand. Remember that they
periwinkles, may still need to be rinsed after purging and also be aware that when making a sauce or stock
turban shells any leftover sand will settle to the bottom of the pot.
and pipis

Oysters Oysters can be purchased in the shell or pre-shucked. Oysters can be shucked by opening them
with an oyster knife from either the pointed end or the rounded front. Whichever way you do
it, you insert the oyster knife and lever the lid off. Try to maintain as much natural sea water
as possible as this provides flavour. Opening oysters from the front will result in more shell
fragments as the shell is softer in this region. Always check for any shell fragments or grit
and rinse if necessary. If you need to rinse the oyster you should use filtered water as this has
the least impact on taste. If you want to serve the oyster in its natural juices it MUST be
opened from the hinge end to prevent shell fragments.

Scallops Scallops come either roe on or roe off. If attached to a shell, slide your knife underneath the
scallop, cutting through the muscle that attaches the flesh to the shell. Remove any remaining
muscle and intestine from the side of the scallop as this becomes tough when cooked. This
can be done by simply pinching it between your fingers.

Soft bodied Soft bodied molluscs (Ink fish) such as calamari, cuttlefish or octopus require separation of the
molluscs (Ink body or tube from the head. Cut off the tentacles and slice up the tube or body part. Always
fish) clean and wash whole ink fish thoroughly. You may want to keep the ink for pasta or risotto.
Large octopus needs tenderising and, in the Mediterranean, this is traditionally done by
beating it on the rocks in the harbour. Nowadays suppliers will put it into a cement mixer to
tenderise it and stretch the fibres. In general ink fish are cut prior to cooking, an exception
being grilled baby octopus or stuffed squid tubes. Cutting the ink fish will break the
individual muscle rings (membranes) thus helping to tenderise the product. The tentacles can
also be eaten but with octopus you need to remove the membranes in the suckers. In Western
cooking the chef tends to cut squid tubes into rings, whereas in Asian cookery chefs will cut a
diamond pattern on the inside of the cleaned, skinned and flattened squid flesh. This makes it
curl once heated and tenderises it, helping with the presentation and taste. Watch the video
for details on this technique

16. Describe how each of the following methods of cookery can be used for seafood; list the suitable species and
provide at least 2 menu examples including accompaniments for each method of cookery:
Process and suitable species Menu examples & accompaniment

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
Poaching submerging food in a liquid, normally other Deep poaching menu examples: whole
(Deep and than fat, between 80°C and 95°C.This is a rock lobster for a buffet; whole salmon
shallow) gentle form of cooking for buffet display; bourride.

Shallow poaching menu examples:

poached bug tails with asparagus tips,
white truffles and lemon vinaigrette;
coconut and lime poached coral trout
with fragrant jasmine rice; sole paupiettes
in beurre blanc

Steaming Put the suitable liquid into a pot place in the Whole fish e, g steam whiting on bok choy
seafood in the steamer basket and add the with soy glaze; steam Chinese fish
other flavor such as lemon slices and herbs dumpling, fish fillet e, g golden trout
cover and cook through ,this can be also be fillet with vegetable
done in a convection oven the steam

Roasting Definition: seafood is exposed to direct heat Menu examples: roasted whiting with
in the oven or turned over an open fire. Fat rosemary
is used to aid in the cooking process.
Temperatures vary between 80-240°C.

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
Grilling Definition: seafood is cooked by exposing it Menu examples: grilled diver scallops with
to radiated heat. It can be cooked above or corn purée, lime and Thai basil salad;
below the heat source, or between 2 heat grilled snapper with saffron potato and
sources carrot foam; grilled prawns with herb
butter; lobster Mornay; oysters
Kilpatrick; oysters Florentine; char-
grilled prawns with jicama salsa.

Shallow-frying Definition: seafood is cooked in a pan using a Menu examples: whiting meunière; trout in
small amount of fat almond butter; prawn tails in garlic butter
and herbs; jewfish darne with capers and

Deep-frying Definition: Seafood is cooked by submerging Menu examples: silverfish and wasabi
it fully in hot fat. Temperatures vary from tobiko; tempura prawns; chilli squid;
140°C to 190°C. fritto misto; snapper in beer batter

17. Provide 5 examples for the use of seafood offcuts, trimmings and by-products to provide for cost-effectiveness
in a kitchen operation:
1. Bones and trimmings can be used for fish stocks and fumets
2. Fish sauce can be made from air-dried fish
3. Bones, stocks and offcuts can be used in making sauces
4. Offcuts can be turned into goujons, goujonettes, farces, quenelles or soufflé
5. Shells can be used in making stocks and soups such as bisques as well as butters used for specialty

18. Which essential factors need to be considered when presenting seafood dishes? How does this impact on
modern trends compared to traditional seafood preparations?
Presentation must consider palatability, visual appearance, harmony of ingredients, comparative sizes of dish
and garnish, quality and taste. This includes all of the food on the plate, accompaniments and sauces that
combine to provide contrast or a smooth flavor combination. Using a variety of cookery methods within the
dish also adds interest and shows off the skill of the chef.

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
19. List the typical preparation methods, garnishes and/or acco mpaniments for the following preparation
À la meunière Describes the seasoning of seafood with salt, pepper, lemon juice and a dusting of flour.
The seafood is then shallow-fried in butter. The finished dish is covered with butter,
lemon juice and chopped parsley

À l’Anglaise Crumbed and pan-fried or deep-fried

À l’Orly Drawn through batter accompanied by fresh tomato sauce

Bercy Seafood poached and served with white wine sauce

À la Colbert Whole sole crumbed and fried, the bone is then removed and maitre d'hôtel butter is

Doria Pan-fried fish with turned cucumbers

Fritto misto di mare Floured, crumbed or battered selection of seafood, deep-fried and served with a suitable
sauce on the side

Mornay Seafood cooked with mornay sauce (cheese flavored Béchamel)

Tempura Seafood drawn through a light, corn flour-based batter, deep-fried and accompanied by
an Asian dipping sauce

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Assessment Task 1 SITHCCC013
20. How can you overcome shortfalls in mise en place or if a menu item sells out during service?

You may run out of stock unexpectedly, especially perishable commodities which go off quickly, particularly if
not stored correctly. If stocks of fresh fish run out, substitute with a frozen variety or a similar fish.

Any whitefish can be substituted with other whitefish for the same cookery methods, but you must consider the
texture and flavour differences and whether they fit with the other components of the dish. Oily fish can be
substituted with other oily fish, e.g., ocean trout for salmon. It is important to consider price however, as using
more expensive fish without adjusting the selling price can ruin your food cost percentages.

Whenever any substitutions have been made you must inform the customer! It is false advertising to not serve
the species that is written on the menu.

Systems and processes will always assist in minimising stress and potential problems and it requires self-
discipline and leadership to work through the daily tasks to make sure that the team reaches its goals.

21. Which aspects must be considered when storing cooked seafood or displaying cooked seafood for sale (for example on
a buffet)?

When displaying and storing food for sale it is essential to store it under the correct conditions that keep the
food safe and prevent contamination. Food must be stored outside the danger zone - either refrigerated below
4°C or heated above 65°C to be safe.

Keep food types separate to avoid cross-contamination and consider your work processes during preparation
and plating. The use of appropriate containers during the preparation and service stages will assist in this
purpose. Small takeaway containers, vacuum packaging and plastic wrap all assist in keeping product in
optimum condition and minimising waste through spoilage or drying out. Individual items or particular food
groups may need to be segregated in order to prevent them absorbing the odours of other food.

Labelling is a very important step as it will ensure that FIFO principles are followed and it also helps to monitor
the lifespan of your products. Using labels is an ideal way to be organised and to remember what was done
and when. This applies to everything from simple labels, such as a cartouche stating: Mayonnaise, 18/06/14,
J.Peterson, up to full nutritional labels required for bulk cooking and distribution.

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