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it into the crystalline sodium bisulphite compound, which

him the hand of his niece Marcella (28). We must suppose

islands, the Ottoman government undertaking to pay compensation

Acts xxi. 37, f., Jos. Jewish War, ii. 13. 5, Antt. xx.

University of St. Andrews.

business is conducted), transparencies and similar devices.

grass, affording pasture for cattle. The well-known term

into the employment of women, young persons and children in

the greatest, and the oldest now existing, is that at

near Fort Wrangell in Alaska. The coarse varieties of almandine

(usually avoided, as it is a word with heathen associations);

bestowed by William III., without any shadow of hereditary claim,

the direction of the Post Office. The aeronauts employed were

most important being The Principles and Practice of Surgery

of the most famous lay gentlemen of England, and either living

Blass. Ever since 1894 he held that both the ``Western''

in Great Britain and in the United States are necessarily

against all laymen suspected of sympathy with the heretics

Alabama, and in 1739 Oglethorpe himself visited the Creek

transverse ridges, or cross-crests (lophodont type); and

mark, shall be deemed to be open sea within the territorial

a building containing the bake house and brewhouse (M), and

ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907), American author, was

up the valleys which join the Kabul from the north--through

life-cycle. Of the thousands of species which have been

or of trespass. Thus control can be exercised over such

change: sulphate will not be formed in situ for want of

Thysdrus (El-Jem); and at Pola, in Dalmatia. The builders

focal sultan in March 1870 by an Italian company, which,

the day all sorts of free associations pursuing all possible

send letters twice a year to the kings of Abyssinia and Nubia,

army to secure his release. Alexander's conduct caused renewed

Scatta Minoja (Devero to the Val Formazza), bridle path. . . . . . . . . .8,521

compounds in food, on the other hand, only a small proportion

by the Simme; on flowing out of the lake it passes Thun, and

milk. Hence, milk from Dutch cows compares very unfavourably

vein) on wall of hepatic caecum; aa, space of atrial or

ALTOONA, a city of Blair county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,

is the typical form, O. capensis, or Cape ant-bear from

extended to little more than taking astute advantage of the

was an essential part of church furniture; but during the

Christian and eventually a bishop--like Hellodorus, whom he

peoples from Babel.'' Another legend, also to be found in Arabic

no high mountains, but its surface being very hilly -- four

them. They were quite sure they had attained a certain

butter dealers, and an enormous amount of adulteration is known

between coffee, chicory and other adulterants of coffee;

at those places. For this purpose the members met every

the little-known Antarctic regions, roughly presents the


large villages or small towns almost in the plains. But in

permissive character purely, under which a local authority is

that the time was not ripe for the transfer. Concessionaire

Tennessee, extending from a point 10 m. below Decatur to

region and lies dorsal to it. Probably, in the primitive

Gas tubes 6.40 1/5 ,, 0.850 1/2 ,, 2.750

Katha ``On the Abhidhamma books of the Sarvastivadins,'' by

Figs. 1-9 from Lunge's Handbuch der Soda-Industrie,

was used in 1181 by the chronicler Geoffroy de Vigeois. The

Africa. The civil territory was considerably enlarged at

of the Senegal and separated on the north-west from Adrar

for the hard metal in armour, while Theophrastus applies it

Alompra, with his usual promptitude, at once quelled the

Republicans, hostile to the Jay Treaty, were on the point

railways. Steamers have been conveyed overland in sections and

keeps its coinage up to a standard value no agio is required.

gas from the Deacon apparatus travels precisely the opposite

specific name, ethyl alcohol, seldom occurs in the vegetable

hints, his pregnant metaphors drawn from common speech, at

plane I, at right angles to the axis, and two other co-ordinates

the second lumbar vertebra, after which it bends sharply

the bazaars and khans are unusually large. The climate is

of a cottage in wicker-work, 8 ft. in height by 13 ft. in

Columbia. Work was begun on this scheme in 1865 and continued

procuring the temple-fire by friction--symbolic of Agni's daily

spirant and not a stop), ultimately obtains an order-- a b

brilliant success at Turin. The most important section of

written in the language and handed down to us by the accident

to the judge were the registrar (an office which always points

the hour,'' false Bu-Mazas, rose. Abd-el-Kader reappeared in

Brielle. Thus Alva by his cruelty became the unwitting

while the coins of Mesembria in Thrace show regularly @ and

attempts at the conquest of Kabul were unsuccessful, though

The success of the Comneni roused the jealousy of Botaniates

Of the small family of the Tilopteridaceae our knowledge is

fixed which the state was to collect for the benefit of his
Methods of production.

ADDER, a name for the common viper ( Vipera cevus), ranging

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