2023 Business Statistics PDF

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Internal Examination
BBA Semester – (IV)

Date: 13-03-2023 Total Marks: 70

Q1A (1) State properties of normal distribution. 14
(2) In a Normal Distribution 31% of the observations, are less than 45 & 8% are more than
65. Find mean & Standard deviation of the distribution.
Q1B (1) State difference between Population study & Sample study. 05
(2) The Observations of a Population are 6, 8,12,16,20 & 22. How many different samples 09
of size 2, without replacement can be taken from it & preparing a list of the samples.
Also verify the following results.
Q2A (1) Define the following terms. 14
1) Two types of errors in decision making
2) Statistic
3) Null Hypothesis
(2) A Stenographer claims that he can write at on average speed of 120 words per minute.
In 100 trails, he obtained an average speed of 116 words per minute with a standard
deviation of 15 words. Is the claim justified? Use 5 % level of significance.
Q2B (1) Ten individuals are chosen at random from a population & their heights are found to be 07
in inches as 63, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 70, 71,67 and 71. Test the hypothesis that the mean
height of the population is 66.
(2) Give difference between small sample & large sample tests. Also state assumptions of t 07

Q3A (1) The information regarding two groups is given below: 14

Mean Var. Number

Group I 260 900 40
Group II 240 1600 60
Examine whether the variabilities of the two groups differ significantly
Also test that the population means are equal or not

Q3B (1) The marks obtained by 4 students in different tests are given below. 07

P 37 36 37
Q 40 38 39
R 38 34 35
S 35 34 34
1|P a ge
Is the difference in the performance of the students significant?
(2) Set up a two way ANOVA table for the data given below. 07

Field A B C D
P 45 40 38 37
Q 43 41 45 38
R 39 39 41 41

Q4A (1) Define Chi Square & give its uses. Fits a Poisson Distribution & test the goodness of fit. 14
( e-0.42 = 0.657)
xi 0 1 2 3
fi 211 90 19 3
Q4A (1) Complete the following table, determine whether inoculation is effective over the 07
disease or not.
Died Survive Total
Inoculated 2 - 12
Not Inoculated - - -
Total 8 16 24

2|P a ge
(2) A queue of Male (M) & Female (F) is observe at station in the following form. 07
FFM. Is the queue is random? (use 5 % level of significance)
Q5A Answer the followings.(Any TEN)

1 In large sample tests distribution is used for testing.

A )normal B) Binomial C) Poisson D) Hyergeometric
2 In F Ratio, numerator should be than denominator
A) less B) more C) different
3 Standard Error of x bar= .

A) P(1-p) B) Pq/n 𝑝𝑞 D) None of the above

C) ⎷( )
4 In parametric tests distribution is used for testing.
A )normal B) Binomial C) Poisson D) None of the above

5 Sign test is used for …….

A) randomnness B) median C) variance D) mean

6 d.f. for t test is = .

A) 1-p B) Pq/n C) N-1 D) n-1

7 Chi square test is used for…….

A) Mean B) Goodness C) Varianc D) Randomness
of fit e

8 Normal distribution is………

A) Continuous B)symmetric C)with bell D) all of the
shaped cure given
9 Mean, Median, & Mode are in Normal Distribution.

A) equal B)different C) zero E) None of the above

10 G=900 & N=20 then the value of correction factor is .

A)1000 B)500 C)30 D) none
11 ANOVA stands for

A) Analysis of variance B)mean test C) mediantest

D) None of
the above

3|P a ge
12 F test is used for….
A)median B)variance C)mean D) independence

Statistical Values
Area between z= 0 and z= 0.5 is 0.1985
Area between z= 0 and z= 0.8 is 0.3023
Area between z= 0 and z= 1.4 is 0.42
t(9,0.05)= 2.26 t(20,0.05)= 2.089 F(2,9,0.05)= 4.26 F(9,2,0.05)= 19.37
F(2,6,0.05)= 5.14 F(3,6,0.05)= 4.76 F(6,2,0.05)= 19.33 F(6,3,0.05)= 8.94
F(9,11,0.05)= 2.9 χ2(3,0.05)= 7.82 χ2(4,0.05)= 9.49 χ2(1,0.05)= 3.84

4|P a ge
5|P a ge

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