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Technology has greatly influenced communication by providing new and innovative ways for
people to connect and exchange information. This includes instant messaging, social media
platforms, video conferencing, online forums and blogs, and many other forms of digital
communication. Technology has made communication faster, more convenient, and accessible to
people around the world, breaking down geographical barriers and allowing for the rapid spread
of information and ideas.
Technology has also raised concerns about privacy, security, and the impact of digital
communication on personal relationships and human interactions. The rise of the internet, social
media, instant messaging, and other forms of online communication have greatly reduced the
barriers to connecting with people worldwide. Technology has also made it easier to instantly
share information and media, such as text, images, and videos, with large audiences.
However, the increasing use of technology for communication has also raised concerns about
privacy and security, as well as the impact on face-to-face interaction and the quality of personal
relationships. The rapid pace of technological change in communication also means that new
tools and platforms are constantly emerging, requiring people to adapt and learn new skills.
Overall, technology has greatly impacted communication and continues to shape how people
connect and exchange information.
Technology can be useful for communication in a variety of situations, including;
a) Long-distance communication: When people are physically far apart, technology allows them
to stay in touch and exchange information through instant messaging, video calls, and other
forms of digital communication.
b) Emergencies: Technology can be critical for communication during emergencies, allowing
people to quickly share information and coordinate responses.
c) Group communication: Technology enables groups of people to collaborate on projects, share
information, and hold virtual meetings through tools such as online forums, chat rooms, and
There are situations in which it may be wise to avoid using technology for communication such
a) Personal or sensitive conversations: Personal or sensitive conversations may be best held in
person, on the phone, or through other forms of direct communication, rather than through
technology, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations.
b) Building relationships: Building relationships often requires face-to-face interaction and
nonverbal communication, which can be difficult to achieve through technology.
c) Technical issues: Technology can sometimes experience technical issues, such as slow or
unreliable internet connections, which can affect the quality of communication.
In conclusion, Technology has influenced communication and improved quality. There are
various ways of communication. It has positively influenced communication

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