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Shoulder joint exam:


-front to side to back

-look for asymmetry, erythema, swelling, muscle wasting

-front: any scoliosis, side: any kyphosis


-go from anterior medial to lateral to posterior medial

-important locations: sternoclavicular joint, clavicle, acromioclavicular, coracoid process, anterior

groove, posterior groove of shoulder, trapezius muscle, C-spine and scapula

-feel for temp change in both shoulder joint


-forward flexion: 0 to 180

-extension: 0 to 45-60

-abduction: 0 to 80-90

-adduction: 0 to 45

-external rotation: 0 to 80-90

-internal rotation: put hand towards the back and see thumb should reach T4-T8

-if pt able to achieve active full ROM, no need to do passive

-passive only do for the movements which you think has limited ROM, feel for any crepitus when
helping pt move and assess maximum ROM achievable

Special tests (just pick and learn 1 for each):

-nerve impingement test: Neer's test

-acromioclavicular joint stability: cross-over test

-rotator cuff: supra, infraspinatus and subscapluaris

-supraspinatus: empty-can test

-infraspinatus: resisted external rotation

-subscapularis: lift-off test

-shoulder instability: apprehension test

-bicep tendinitis: yergason's test (resisted supination)

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