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Teachers adapt to dynamic teaching experience, the curriculum, and the requirements to teach to the
curriculum in any possible ways.

They learn to adapt to a never-ending change in education and to become ready with the rising of new


Teachers are life-long learners.

They stay current and on top of what’s new in the learning process

They continue to absorb knowledge and experiences.

They are open to new literacies that may arise.


Teachers are imaginative and inventing.

They look across the disciplines and through the curricula.

They look for potentials in the emerging tools and web technologies that can serve their needs.


teachers are collaborators.

They facilitate and engage learners to join collaborative learning process.

They share ideas and contribute necessary information among learners.


There is so much to learn that teacherss take risks and sometimes surrender themselves to the students'
knowledge and ideas.

They look for technology that can help them achieve the goals in learning wherein, most of the time,
new generation of learners are more knowledgeable than teachers.

Teachers are fluent in tools and technologies that enable communication.

They know how to stimulate learners, manage good communication and collaboration.


Teachers teach values and they model the behaviors that are expected from the learners.

They also model global awareness and reflective practice with the aid of various forms of media.


Teachers are leaders packed with ample knowledge.

They have clear goals and objectives that are crucial to the success or failure of the learning process.

One of the characteristics of 21st-century education is to learn new technologies. New literacies
are important today, literacies that arise from technology. Learning tools are also new. Teachers and
learners are also asked to be smart and use smartphones. It is to encourage them to view their devices
as a tool that supports knowledge rather than distractions.

The advancement of technology is continual. Education on the other hand is going through
some advancement. From traditional classrooms into modern ones. A 21st-century education is one that
responds to the economical, technological, and societal shifts that are happening at an ever-increasing
pace. Recent technological advances have affected many areas of our lives, including the way we
communicate, collaborate, learn, and teach.

New literacy arises through a wide array of sources. Teachers must not only teach students how to
operate things but instead, they must aim to develop skills and strategies among students that
transform into an expertise that allows them to develop new, innovative, and dynamic solutions for such
problems. This enables them to adapt to the rapidly changing technologies and contexts that
continuously emerge in this world as well as problems that arise alongside. Students are vessels that if
fully equipped can go along with the constant changes that are happening around them.

Children are fascinated with technology and it encourages and motivates them to learn in the
classroom that involves visual and auditorial learning to which they can develop communication skills,
creativity, and efficiency in accordance with the learning materials. Let students go digital. Technology
allows collaboration between teachers and students. Collaborating among students and other teachers
can change an entire learning experience. Be a leader. Facilitate collaborative learning with the use of
emerging technology. Be ready and equip yourself with ample knowledge about your learning materials.
Show the students that you are capable of quality education.

Do not hesitate to learn new. Expand your teaching tools and try new ways for the sake of the
students. Keep learning as a teacher. New tools, new literacies, and new technology keep emerging now
and then. 21st-century education aims for globally competitive products and with the aid of technology,
massive change greatly experiences for the betterment of the learning process.

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