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From: Shanice

Subject: Foods in Malaysia

Hi Amy,

Hope that you are in the pink. I am glad that you would like to know more about the foods in

As we know, Malaysia is a multiracial country. It consists of 3 big races that is Malay,

Chinese and Indian. Every races have their own food and these foods are eaten by the
whole Malaysians. For Malays, we have nasi lemak and rendang chicken. Nasi lemak is a
type of fragrant rice paired with chicken while rendang chicken is a type of chicken cooked
with lots of spices. For Chinese, we have bak kut teh and zong zi. Bak kut teh is a type of
meat soup cooked with a specific combination of herbs and spices while zong zi is glutinous
rice wrapped with meat. For Indians, we have banana leaf rice and roti canai. Banana leaf
rice is white rice that is served on banana leaf with curry chicken while roti canai is a type of

I can send to you some of the pictures that I had taken while I am out enjoying the foods in
Malaysia. This will let you know more about the foods in Malaysia.

If you would like to something easy, I would suggest you to cook nasi lemak. It is easy
because it just need to be cooked with pandan leaf and coconut milk. You can replace the
coconut milk with coconut oil for healthier version.

That’s all for now! Hope that we can keep in touch!

Thanks in advance,


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