MUET Essay

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From: mia1998@gmail.

Subject: Advice on New Smartphone

Dear Aunt Daphne,

I’m so sorry to hear that you had dropped your phone by accident. Anyways, the phone is
too old and I think it should be changed to a new model. Let’s take it as a blessing in disguise.

In my opinion, you should get a smartphone because there are many applications and soft
wares in a smartphone. The old phone that Aunt Daphne is using right now can only be used for
calling and messaging. It cannot be connected to the Internet. Therefore, the number of applications
and soft wares are limited. With a smartphone, Aunt Daphne can use it for many reasons. For
example, Aunt Daphne always complain that Uncle John keeps fighting to watch television with you.
Therefore, with a smartphone, you can watch movies using it. Not only that but Aunt Daphne always
says that you miss your children. With a smartphone, you can video call which is much more
convenient compared to the old phone Aunt Daphne using.

There are a few models of smartphones with reasonable prices. Apple is more costly
however it can last longer. I suggest Aunt Daphne to go for Samsung as they have reasonable prices
and their phone last long. Recently, they had released Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and they are many
positive feed backs from the users. Aunt Daphne should go for this too as the price is quite reasonable
and the model is good too.

This week I’m having a semester break. I can accompany you to buy the phone with you. It’s
been a really long time since I met you. Let’s take this chance to meet up soon!

Subject: Schools in Malaysia

Dear Aiden,

It’s really great you are coming to Malaysia and spend a year as a student here. I couldn’t
wait to meet you and hopefully we can me schoolmates.

In Malaysia, you will be in a secondary school and be enrolled into Form 3 classes. We have
many types of subjects here for Form 3 classes. First and foremost is the language subjects where we
have Bahasa Melayu, English and you can also take Chinese too if you are interested with it. We have
STEM programme in Malaysia. Mathematics and Science are included in this programme. You will also
need to learn Geography, History and Kemahiran Hidup as Form 3 student here in Malaysia. Next, we
have moral studies and civic education. Last but not least, Physical Education classes is conducted
every week for once.

In Malaysia, students need to be at school by 7am. A short assembly will be conducted

before the lessons start. Students will be in the classrooms at 7.30 am for their lessons. There will be
short break at 9.30 am till 10 am. Students will continue with their lessons till 1.30 pm in the

There are a variety of sports in Malaysian schools. For example, netball, basketball, handball,
volleyball and track and field activites. I’m in the school’s handball team. I think you should join too.
Last tim we played together before and I think you are quite talented in this sport.

That’s all for now. Feel free to contact me if you need any more info. I’m willing to give and
help you anytime. See you soon!

1) C
2) A
3) B
4) D
5) B
6) B

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