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Good morning to examiners and my fellow friends.

I think social skills is one of the benefits in

participating in cocurricular activities. As we know, social skills is one of the most important skills in
this world apart from academic. Cocurricular skills can help to increase social skills as we are
required to mingle with friends and teachers from all walks of life. For example, we need to talk to
our seniors and teachers in order to get some guidance. Not only that but we are being taught to
communicate with society when we are being brought to trips and camping. We learned how to
speak politely and some non-verbal skills. For example, maintaining eye contact is important when
communicating with people to show some respect. Having good social skills also help us to leave a
good impression among others. This is because others will think that we are humble and friendly to

In my opinion, teamwork skills is the best skills inculacted in participating in cocurricular activities.
This is because a lot of cocurricular activities required teamwork. For example, marching. Without
teamwork, the marchers will not work well with the commander and the rest of marchers. As a
result, the march will not be even. Not only that but organising an event is another cocurricular
activities. As we know, one man could not do everything by himself. Therefore, president, secretary
and treasurer are needed to organise an event. It clearly shows that teamwork is inculcated here as
everyone has their own task in order to make the event successful. As the saying goes, united we
stand, divided we fall. Hence, teamwork skills is one of the best skills learned after participating in
cocurricular activities.

After listening to all of your points I would like to change stance to communication skills. I think that
communication skills in one of the best skills inculacted in participating in cocurricular activities. We
are required to mingle with a lot of people and not only our classmates when we participate in
cocurricular activities. For example, a club consists of students from Form 1 till Form 5 and from
different classes. Therefore, these students will learn to communicate with one another to hold
meeting and activities. Apart from that communication skills is inculcated because they are given the
opportunity to participate in competitions that will enhance their communication skills. For example,
debate and drama competitions are some of the competitions that will help in communication skills.
Therefore, I think that communication skills is one of the best skills learned after participating in
cocurricular activities.

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