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The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called

Latent heat *

2. What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system?

To avoid running inert gas when oxygen content increased to 8% volume *

A centrifugal pump requires priming…………

Due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye of the impeller *

3. Segregated or dedicated blast

It is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tanks *

4. ISGOTT stands for

International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals *

6. One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system be
fitted. According to regulations supply of an inert gas system can have portable connection to
which spaces other than cargo tank?
Every cargo tank and slop tank *

7. During cargo operations, wind blowing may ___________

Form eddies containing petroleum vapour *

8. Is slop tanks included in total cargo capacity?

Yes it is *

9. During gas dispersion, if chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase is needed, then
the preferred choice is
Agitated vessel *

10. It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided for
Securing and locking in a closed position *

11. Cause of uncontrolled liquid or vapour release can occur through

All of the above *

12. What is the best method for extinguishing fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas?
Stopping the flow of gas *

13. A bigger spell of LPG will be eligible as a______ which is condensed water vapour from
the atmosphere
White cloud *
14. A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partially open valve in
order to _____load
Minimise *

15. in IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends
on the ____ of the gas
temperature *

16. that part of the ship which contains the cargo containment system, cargo pumps,
compressor room containment system, excluding where fitted, cofferdams, ballast tanks and
void spaces at the after end of forward most hold space are known as
cargo area *

17. The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

Provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres *

18. What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

All of the above *

19. Why the carriage and usage of hand gas lighters are provided on board oil and chemical
tankers? What is used for igniting a fire?
Safety matches are available to use in the designated smoking area *

20. An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room or any
space in normal use by personnel is called
Void space *

21. What are consequences of high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?
The alarm in CCR will sound loud and plant will auto stop *

23.The static suction head of a pump is the____

Distance the suction liquid level is below the centre line of the pump *

24.. How can you determine which grades of cargo tank vessel is permitted to carry?
Refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection *

25.When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo heater runs
in ___ with the cargo pump
Series *

26. Life boat should have

2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30m buoyant line *
27. A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inert by introducing inert gas through a
process known as
Displacement *

28. What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?
Dry powder *

29.The build up of wet solids on the IG blower impeller blade tips indicates____ problems
Demister *

30. Third degree of burn is destruction of skin and possible under laying fat, muscle
True *

31. In a scrubber, ______ is readily observed by water


32. The IBC code defines ____ types of chemical tankers.

3 *

34. All VLCC normally has cargo tank heating arrangements as

Heating steam arrangement in the individuals tanks by steam circulation *

35. Tankers will have additional fireman outfits other than the normal requirement
2 *

36. Chemical tankers are required to comply with the various safety aspects of
SOLAS Chapter VII *

37. If a cargo is of low Flash point it is said to be

Flammable *

38. What is the pump capacity depending on

Total pressure head *

39. As per definition of MARPOL Annex I, a crude oil means a tanker designed to carry _____
Crude oil only *

40. What does code R stands in ship-shore safety checklist

Rechecked *
41. Clean ballast is normally
Ballast water loaded into cargo tanks which have been crude oil and water washed *

42. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tanker vessel is permitted to carry?
Refer to the vessels certificate of inspection. *

43. A fire extinguishing product produced by first mixing a foam concentrate with water to
produce a foam solution is termed as
Light water *

44. High IG temperature trip is about

75C *

45. In the event of a pneumatic remote control failure in the inert gas plant I/P and E/P control
The discharge may be immediately halted *

46. Which of the following describes a liquefied gas?

A substance that at normal temperature and pressure would be a gas *

47. Black oils are generally

Static Non-Accumulators *

48. Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the cargo record book for an oil and chemical
All cargo operations involving NLS and ballast

49. Inorganic and Organic compounds

Hydrocarbons *

50. Mast riser fire doesn’t normally occur during

Discharging *

51. When should employees be informed of the fire hazards to which they are exposed at
Upon the initial assignment *

52. While discharging cargo, if the oxygen content within the inert gas main is above the
SOLAS 1974 recommendations that they cannot reduce it, what would your actions be?
Stop all cargo operations *
53. Dry certificate is a document issued at the discharge port by a representative of the
consignee in charge
True *

54. Inert gas system- A mechanical method of introducing inert gas into a vessel’s tanks on a
True *

55. Responsibility for the provision of SOPEP locker at an oil tanker rests with the
Chief officer *

56. When loading by gravity the last valve to be opened should be

The ship’s drop line value *

57. IG blowers are to be fitted with inlet and outlet valves in gas line with ______ seal
Aluminium *

58. The material remaining in vessel tanks, void spaces, and/or pipelines prior to loading. On
board quantity includes water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water emulsions, sludge, and sediment
Onboard quantity (OBQ) *

59. After extinguishing a paint locker fire using the fixed CO system, the next step should be
Left closed with vents off until all boundaries are cool *

60. _________ is considered as best material for IG blower impeller

Steel *

61. When starting a positive displacement pump, the discharge valve must be ______
Fully open *

62.The bursting pressure of new cargo hoses is required to be

5 times working pressure *

63. It is a rule that the inert gas supply to the cargo tanks must be provided for
Securing and locking in a closed position *

64. Which of the following methods is widely used method for trace gas analysis?
Conductometric method *
65. Duties of technical team or engineers team
Both B and C *

66. Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

Yes it is *

67.A bigger spell of LPG will be visible as a ——- which is condensed water vapour from the
White cloud *

68. What is the abbreviation of IAPH ?

International association of ports and harbours *

69. The gas passing after scrubbed of particular matters and sulphurous gases still contains
——- which must be removed.
Water drops *

70. A centrifugal bilge pump requires priming———–

Due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction (eye) of the impeller

71. In IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends
on the ——— of the gas
Temperature *

72. What are the additional requirements on tankers for safety?

Emergency towing arrangement *

73. A scrubber tower which is normally acts as a.

Cooler *

74. The fire control draft on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted on board in part
and copy of this plan shall in addition be available somewhere else. Where must this copy be
At the gang way *

75. Heat released from fire 80% of heat is conducted through conduction.
True *

76. Permit to work on a tanker berth should not be carried out until permission is obtained from
Terminal representative *
77.The master is the incharge of the technical team.
False *

78=What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

All of the above *

79. An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room, or any
space in normal use by personnel is called
Void space *

80. While taking part in fire on board, act if the fire is real.
True *

81. At what point do you sound the fire alarm?

As soon as you see it *

82. Inert gas blowers are——-

Turbine type centrifugal blower fans *

83. What is cofferdam?

White or empty space separating two tanks *

84. Bull works are generally not permitted in the cargo tanks areas because
They tend to contain heavy vapour in board during cargo operations *

85. When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo heater runs
in_____ with the cargo pump
Series *

86. What is the type of gas carrier based on hazardous nature of the cargo which has
maximum cargo?
Type 3G *

87. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?
Refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection *

88. What is dead weight scale?

The maximum dead weight the vessel can achieve *
89. BA table it is the part of the vessel plans and indicates the draught the vessel will be down
Lifeboats should have
2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line *

90. Who completes the declaration of inspection before loading a tank vessel?
Designated person in charge *

91. What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?
Dry powder *

92. What is critical pressure (bars, absolute) of methane?

44.7 *

93.) In refrence to accidental oil pollution the most critical time?

Ans: final topping off is occuring

94.) The total capacity of all slop tanks

Ans: 3% of the total oil carrying capacity of the ship

95. Vapor pressure in cargo tank is effected by

Ans: temperature of cargo

96.) During cargo operations, a wind blowing may

Ans: Decrease air pressure in cargo tank

97) Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

Ans: Only on segregated blast tankers

98) inert gas system must be capable of maintaining inert gas with an oxygen content by
volume in the cargo tanks of not more than
Ans: 8%

99) During transit of vessel if chemical fire occurs the vessel should ?
Ans: steer clear off other ships

100)what is crude oil contains?

Ans) Organic and inorganic compound

101. Submersible pumps found in

chemical tankers are normally made of
Ans: stainless Steel

102.The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

Ans: provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres

103. The static suction head of a pump is the

Ans: Distance the suction liquid level is below the centreline of the pump

104) what should cargo sample

lockers be constructed of?
Ans: Fully resistant material

105)A self contained breathing apparatus is used to ?

Ans: enter areas that may contain
dangerous fumes or lack oxygen

106)Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the cargo record book of an chemical tanker?
Ans:All cargo operations involving NLS or ballast if taken in cargo tank

107) where we should check gases present in cargo tank with gas meter?
Ans:bottom of tank and middle of tank at different level

108) Inert gas blowers are

Ans: turbine type centrifugal blowers fan

109) Tankers will have additional firemens outfit other than normal requirement ?
Ans: 2

110) As per definition of marpol annex 1, a crude oil tanker means a tanker designed to carry
Ans: crude oil only

111) when should employees be informed of the fire hazards to which they are exposed at
Ans: upon the initial assignment

112) Responsibility for the provision of SOPEP locker at an oil tanker rests with the
Ans: Chief Officer

113) when loading by gravity, the last valve to be opened should be

Ans: Shore tank valve

114) lg blowers are to be fitted with inlet and outlet valves in gas line fitted
Ans: Aluminium
115. Vapour pressure in cargo tank is affected by
Ans: temperature of cargo

116. In which of the following condition... the IG blower fans should shut down automatically?
Ans: High scrubber water level

117.) When you notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel, what should your
first action be?
Ans:stop loding

118. what is flash point?

Ans:The lowest temp at which liquid gives off sufficient gas(vapour) to
form a inflammable gas mixture

119. What is an inert condition

Ans: C. a condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been
reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas.

120) The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be
Ans: kept permanently rigged for
hoisting an injured person

121) As per solas for tanker ships how many additional numbers of SCBA set should be kept
onboard ?
Ans: 2

122) the portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker
shall be deployed at
Ans: the aft end of each side of main deck

123. An Inert Gas System should be used to ?

To keep the tank free space inerted.

124) What should cargo Sample lockers be constructed of ?

Fully Resistant Material
125. What is the other name for paraffin?

126. A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to

enter areas that may contain dangerous
fumes or lack oxygen

127.) Each inert gas system gas main must have an automatic shut down valve at the outlet of
the gas production plant. Lau
This valve must close automatically upon ?
blower failure

128) Deficient oxygen content inside a confined space

an oxygen detector

129) The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

130.) Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Pump room on an oil tanker

131.Calorific value is the quantity of heat...... when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely

132) What is runaway polymerization

Exothermic self reaction

133. Whose permission to be obtained prior deballasting of Ballast at load / Discharge port
Terminal Representative
134.) Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Smothering or oxygen exclusion

135. Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the Cargo Record Book of an Chemical
All cargo Operations involving NLS or
Ballast if taken in Cargo tanks

136.) In a centrifugal pump:

The fluid moves in the same direction as the

137. Ballast water exchange should be done at least NM from the nearest land & in waters at
least meter in depth
200 NM & 200 Meter

138) The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the
bottom of a tank is a

139. You are planning to use a crude oil washing system. What precaution must be taken with
the source tank for the washing machines?
At least one meter must be decanted from the source tank

140) An oil record book Part-I shall be retained onboard for a period of
3 years since the last entry has been made

141. The Average Explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is
1% to 10%

142. Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
over an electrically heated platinum filament
143) The fresh air intake of the inert gas system
allows the inert gas piping to be used for gas freeing the tank piping to

144) While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere
exceeds the U.E.L., the needle of the indicator will
move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero

145. In case of failure or erratic reading of fixed oxygen content meter the following operational
condition may be followed :
Use Portable oxygen content analyzer and discharge at slow rate

146.The chemicals used for cleanup of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when a
ship is in port
Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities

147. What is the flammable range ?

A) Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

148. Cargo pump rooms are fitted with:

Fixed fire extinguishing system

149) Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is:


150. What is putrifaction?

Most animal and veg oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
151.) Steam Heating coils are provided in some tanks to water
Heat cargo which have high Pour Point

152) An Oil with an electrical conductivity greater than 50 Pico Siemens/meter pS/m so renders
it incapable of retaining a significant electrostatic charge is called
✔ A static non accumulator oil

153)It is a rule that the inert gas supply to the cargo tanks must be provided for
securing and locking in a closed position

154)Which of the following methods is the widely used method for trace gas analysis?
conductometric method

155)Duties of technical team or engineers team

both B and C

156)Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

yes it is

157)A bigger spell of LPG will be visible as a ......... which is condensed water vapour
from the atmosphere.
white cloud

158)What is is the abbreviation of IAPH?

international association of ports and harbours
159)The gas passing after scrubbed of particular matters and sulfphurous gases still contains
which must be removed.
water drops

160)A centrifugal bilge pump requires priming.

due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover
the suction (eye) of the impeller

161)In IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated
gas depends on the ....... of the gas.

162)What are the additional requirements on tankers for safety?

emergency towing arrangement

163)A scrubber tower which is normally acts as a.

164)The fire control draft on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted
on board in port and copy of this plan shall in addition be
available somewhere else. Where must this copy be available
at the gang way

165)Heat released from fire 80% of heat is conducted through conduction.


166)Permit to work on a tanker berth should not be carried out until permission is obtained from
Terminal representative

167)The master is the incharge of the technical team.


168)What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

all of the above

169) An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room or any
space in normal use by personnel is called
void space
170)While taking part in fire on board, act if the fire is real.

171)At what point do you sound the fire alarm?

as soon as you see it

172)Inert gas blowers are...........

turbine type centrifugal blower fans

173)What is cofferdam?
white or empty space separating two tanks

174)Bull works are generally not permitted in the cargo tanks areas because
they tend to contain heavy vapours in board during cargo operations

175)When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and
cargo heater runs in ........ with the cargo pump
176)What is the type of gas carrier based on hazardous nature of the cargo which
has maximum cargo?
Type 3G

177)How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry? refer to
the vessel's certificate of inspection

178)Lifeboats should have

2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

179)Who completes the declaration of inspection before loading a tank vessel ?

designated person in charge

180)What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?
dry powder

181)What is critical pressure (bars, absolute) of methane?


182. The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called
Latent heat
183. What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system
To avoid running inert gas when oxygen content increased to 8% by volume

184. A centrifugal pump requires priming----

due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye of the impeller

185. Segregated or dedicated blast

it is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tank

186. ISGOTT stands for

International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals

187. One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system be
fitted, according to regulations supply of an inert gas system can have portable connection to
which spaces other than cargo tank?
every cargo tank and slope tank

188. During cargo operations, a wind blowing may

form eddies containing petroleum vapour

189. Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

Yes it is

190. During gas dispersion, if a chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase is needed, then
the preferred choice is
Agitated vessel

191. It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided for
Securing and locking in a closed position

192. Cause of uncomfortable liquid or vapour release can occur through

all of the above
193. What is the best method for extinguishing fire of escaping
stopping the flow of gas

194. A bigger spell of lng will he eligible as a….. Which is condensed water vapour from the
White cloud

195.. A centrifugal pump should always he started against a closed or partially open valve in

196. In IG, th3 mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends
on the….of the gas

197. That part of the ship which contains the cargo containment system, cargo pumps,
compressor room containment system, excluding where fitted, cofferdam, ballast tanks and
void space at the after end of the forward most hold space are known as
Cargo area

198. The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres (ans)

199. What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

all of the above

200). Why the carriage and usage of hand gas lighters are provided on board oil and chemical
Tankers? What is used for igniting a fire?
safety matches are available to use in the designated smoking area

201. A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been
stopped and fire-control personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to
wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water.

You are operating a non-ocean going vessel how much of the accumulated oily waste must you
be able to retain on board?


203.your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose you order the pumping
stopped. Before you resume pumping, you should

replace the hose the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas

enters from the top of the tank

205.A gasventing system on a tanker that has qus lines in each tank connected to a common
gas main running the full length of the ship is called:

A common-main system

206.Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?

Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store.

207.Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of

stainless steel

208.What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oll washing
209.Category 2 noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard;
find the correct statement

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment

210.The ring main pipeline system is extensively used on:

Product carriers

211.An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas?

Gas oil

212.The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be

kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person

213.Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tanicors

when sulphur compounds in oli cargoes react with water

214.What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which
needs heating during its carriage?

2% of the Tank capacity

215.Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty If It exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at

37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)

216.The product coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between layers
flowing liquid is:
Force of friction between liquid layers

217.Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons, which
can be free or dissolved 7

Natural gas

218.What is the effect intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?

Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure

219.Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is

Heavier than air

220.Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons, which
can be free or dissolved 7

Natural gas

221.What is the effect intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?

Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure

222.Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is

Heavier than air

223.What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?


224.Higher viscosity means

Poor atomization of fuel

225.Paraffinic, Paraffinic Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three classification of

Crude oil

226.Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement that
identifies an effective safety culture

A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous Improvement, with a
goal of zero accidents

227.Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to:

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.

228.The main elements of peak safety performance are:

no operational incidents, no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

229.Organisational safety value aims at:

Zero incident programme

230.What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?

Weather conditions

231.How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?

Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

232.How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?

Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

233.How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?

Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded

234.Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic Inhibited cargoes often reeds
oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks

235.What is Cargo inhibition?

For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical
properties change to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

236.Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to:

to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion

237.How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?

Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where
vapours may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.

238.Electrons have:

negative charge.

239. .H25 gas is:

toxic corrosive and flammable.

240.What is a hot work permit?

A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a
particular time interval in a defined space.

241.The permit to work should not last for more than

24 hours.

242.What is non-volatile petroleum?

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above

243.What is non-volatile petroleum ?

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above

244.What is lower flammable limit ?

The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to
support combustion.

245.What is cold work?

Work that cannot create a source of ignition

246.The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is:

bonding and grounding

247.TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of

15 minutes

248.What is pour point?

The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid.

249.Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading

Sour crude oils

250.What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Complete an endlosed space checklist

251.How should steam pipes be protected in machinery spaces?

They should be lagged

252.The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleum
gases is about

3000 Kilovolts/meter

253.A crew member is unconscious and the face as flushed. You should

Tay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised

254.A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should

lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised

255.What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment

256.What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?

International Safety Management.

257.What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?


258.During transit of ovessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should

Steer clear off other vessels.

259.What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?

Flush the system complete with sea water.

260.Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in:

chemical tankers

261.Foam extinguishes a fire by

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

262.Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:

chain reaction

263.Water extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling

264.After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep:

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.

265.Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage control

Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill

266.The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as

Emission control area (ECA)

267.With reference to Marpol Annex 1, the southern south african area is

Special area

268.Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as

B1 and b2

269.The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker
shall be deployed at

The aft end of each side of main deck

270.Lung inflammation will cause

Breathlessness and a dry cough

271.When doing an enclosed space rescue. the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue

From outside the space

272.The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the

Intervention Convention

273.The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors, which one will
have the largest impact?

Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo (a vessel could be old, or specialized like a
combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc).

274.The MFAG is published by the

World Health Organisation

275.Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:

ISM procedures
276.A shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan is required of

an oil tanker 150 gross tons and above, or other ship of 400 gross tons and above.

277.Inert gas systems must be capable of maintaining inert gas with an oxygen content by
volume in the cargo tanks of not more than


278. An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room or any
space in normal use by personnel is called
void space

279. What are consequences of high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?
(c) The deck demand valve will automatically close, the atmosphere purge valve will open
and furnace press pressure control valve will close

280. The static suction head of a pump is the ………

(a) Distance the suction liquid level is below the centre line of the pump

281. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?
Refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection

282. When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and
Cargo heater runs in ……. With the cargo pump
(a) Series
283. Lifeboats should have
(a) 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

284. A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inerted by introducing inert gas through a
process known as
© displacement

285. What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?
(b) Dry powder

286. The buildup of wet solids on the IG blower impeller blade tips indicates. Problems.
© Demister

286. Third degree of burn is destruction of skin and possible under laying fat, muscle.
(a) True

287.Tank coating requirements developed by IMO are applicable to

New crude oil tankers of 5000 dwt and abov

What does “VECS” stand for ?
Vapour emission control system

289.Major danger occurs from a vapour cloud if it is:


290.. The average explosive range of petroleum vapours mixed with air is
1% to 10%
291. Electrons have:
negative charge

292. An inert gas system should be used to ?

to keep the tank free space inerted

293. What is the other name for paraffin?


294. In a scrubber, is readily observed by water


295. Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of

electric discharge accompanied by a spark

296.ISGOTT stands for

International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals

297.The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may very

upto 60%

298. IN IG, the mass of water vapour contained in a given Volume of saturated gas depends on
__of the gas

299.Which category of NLS chemical in bulk poses maximum threat?


300. The purpose of cofferdam between two compartments is to

Prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of leak
301. Flash point is the __ temperature at which fuel oil catches fire

302. An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is not
satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two or more
covalent bonds

303. In the chemical composition of typical pertroleum

The crude oil consist of 82-87% carbon.

304. Thefitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the
bottom of a tank is a
Bell mouth

305. An inert gas system should be used to?

To blow through the cargo lines

306. Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of

Electric discharge accompanied by a spark

307. The main elements of peak safety performance are:

C) No operational incidents, no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

308. IN IG, the mass of water vapour contained in a given saturated gas depends on the__ of

309. Which pump must always be primed?

Centrifugal pump

310.What is cold work?

work that cannot create a source of ignition
311.A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__
Treatment of shock

312.Calorific value is the quantity of heat when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely

313. In the chemical composition of typical petroleum

B) the crude oil consist of 82-87 carbon,

314.Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :

fixed fire extinguishing system

316. The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the
bottom of a tank is a

317. Which of the following is a cofferdam?

pump room on a oil tanker

318. What should cargo sample lockers be constructed of?

fully resistant material

319. In cleaning up an oil spill, straw is an example of a

C) sorbent

21 Which of the following is a cofferdam pump room on an oil tanker

22 What does "VECS" stands for? Vapor emission control system
23 What is runaway polymerization Exothermic self reaction
24 The average explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is% to 10%
25 The change in resistance of hot filament in tankscope is displayed as% volume of
26 The ISM code requires work procedures Which ensure - performance safe
27 The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is bonding and
28 Deficient oxygen content inside a confined space can be detected with an oxygen detector
29 Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specifically for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmosphere pressure at 100 ° F
30 Elections have a negative charge
31 The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary up to 60%
32 What should cargo sample lockers be constructed of? fully resistant material
33 Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of electric discharge accompanied
by a spark

34 vapor pressure in Cargo tank is affected by temperature of Cargo

35 Which of the following is a cofferdam? pump room on an oil tanker
36 Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by smothering or oxygen exclusion
37 Whose permission to be obtained prior deballasting terminal representative
38 Ballast water exchange should be done at least NM from the nearest land & in waters at
least meter in depth 200 NM & 200 meter
39 The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the
bottom of a tank is a Bell - Mouth
40 How to reduce hydrogen sulfide hazard in residual fuel oils? Vantilation to lower the
concentration of vapor in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapors may accumulate
should be carried out as soon as practicable

41 What is cargo inhibition? For some chemical cargo, under heat and presence of oxygen
change their physical and chemical properties to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the
42 What is runaway polymerization? Exothermic self reaction
43 Inert gas is introduced to cargo tanks to: To exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire ont
44 Why are inhibitors added in the cargo? Inhibitors are added by the terminal before loading
are toxic. Inhibited cargoes often need oxygen hence should not be carried in injected
45 The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between
layers of flowing liquid is: Force of friction between liquid layers
46 The important series of hydrocarbons are found in almost every petrolium mixture from any
part of the world is Aromatic
47 The contents of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary Up to 60%
48 Vapor pressure in cargo tanks is affected by: Temperature of cargo
49 Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at 37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
50 Paraffins are fully saturated no double bond). They remain unchanged over a long period of
geological time and they are Stable
51 chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC code for an independent tank is 1
52 Which of the following is a cofferdam pump room on an oil tanker
53 Which category of NLS chemical in bulk poses maximum threat? -X
54 Deficient oxygen content inside a confined space can be detected with oxygen detector
55 Cargo pump rooms are fitted with fixed fire extinguishing system

1)The IBC Code defines types of chemical tankers.

Ans: 3

2) All VLCC normally has cargo tank heating arrangements as :

Ans) Heating steam arrangernent in the indvidual tanks by Steam Circulation

3) Tankers will have additional fireman outfits other than normal requirement
Ans) 2
4) Chemical tankers are required to comply with the various safety aspects of:
Ans) SOLAS Chapter VII

5) If a cargo is of low Flash point it is said to be:

Ans) Flammable

6)What is the pump capacity depending on?

Ans) Total pressure head
7)As per definition of MARPOL Annex I, a crude oil means a tanker designed to carry.
Ans) crude oil only

8)What does code R stands in ship-shore safety checklist:

Ans) Re-checked

9) Clean ballast is normally

Ans) Ballast water loaded into cargo tanks which have been crude oil and water washed

10)How can you determine which grades of cargo a tanker vessel is permitted to carry?
Ans) refer to the vessel's Certificate of Inspection

11) A fire extinguishing product produced by first mixing a foam concentrate with water to
produce a foam solution is termed as:
Ans) Light water
12) High IG temperature trip is about
Ans) 75°C

13) In the event of a Pneumatic remote control failure in the inert gas plant I/P and E/P control:
Ans) the discharge must be immediately halted.
14) Which of the following describes a liquefied gas?
Ans)A substance that at normal temperature and pressure would be a gas
15) Black oils are generally
Ans) Static Non-Accumulators

16) Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the Cargo Record Book for an Oil & Chemical
Ans) All Cargo operations involving NLS

17) Crude oil of ship consists different types of :

Ans) Hydrocarbons

18) Mast riser fire doesn't normally occur during

Ans) Discharging
19) When should employees be informed of the fire hazards to which they are exposed at work?
Ans) Upon the initial assignment
20)While discharging cargo, if the oxygen content within the inert gas main is above the SOLAS
1974 recommendations that they cannot reduce it, what would your actions be?
Ans) Stop all cargo operations

21)Dry certificate is a document issued at the discharge port by a representative of the

consignee incharge.
Ans) True
22) Inert gas system - A mechanical method of introducing inert gas into a vessel's tanks on a
Ans) True
23) Responsiblity for the provision of SOPEP Locker at an oil tanker
rests with the :
Ans) Chief Officer
24) When loading by gravity, the last valve to be opened should be: a) For the cargo tank to be
loaded into
Ans) The ship's drop line valve

25) IG blowers are to be fitted with inlet and outlet valves in gas line with ______ seal.
Ans) Aluminium
26) The material remaining in vessel tanks, void spaces, and/or pipelines prior to loading.
On-board quantity includes water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water emulsions, sludge, and
Ans) OBQ (On Board Quantity)

27) After extinguishing a paint locker fire using the fixed CO2 system, the next step should be:
Ans) left closed with vents off until all boundaries are cool

28) is considered as best material for IG blower impeller.

Ans) Aluminium

29) When starting a positive displacement pump, the discharge valve must be
Ans) Fully open

30) The bursting pressure of new cargo hoses is required to be :

Ans)5 times Working Pressure


1.. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?
• refer to the vessel's Certificate of Inspection

2. Cling age is The residue that adheres to the inside surface of a container, such as a ship's
tank or shore tank, after it has been emptied

3. What kind of fixed extinguishing system is installed to use on main deck on an oil tanker
-foam plant

4. To discharge the last amount of cargo ashore, if the stripping vacuum system fails to carry out
a arrangement in a CRUDE/ PRODUCT Oil Tanker having cargo pump room?
-use portable pump through the tank lids to the surface of cargo

5. What is the pumping capacity depending on?

-Total pressure head
6. Type 3 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 of the IBC Code products
with sufficiently severe environmental and sality and which require a moderate degree of
containment to increase survival capability in a damaged condition

7. what are handy size tankers

-tankers of about 12,000 to 25000 dwt

8. Foxed foam monitors having a nozzle rotation angle of


9. Nonvolatile petroleum is
-Petroleum having a flash point of 60°C or above

10. Responsibility for the provision of hoses to a ship's manifold at an oil terminal rests with the

11. The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with one or two
-Pressure/vaccum breaker

12. The internal space can be the lower part of a ships hold or the engine room and serves as a
drainage area where acco be pumped from is called a.

13. If at sea the inert gas low pressure alarm is activated, it may be necessary to conduct
-inert gas topping up operations

14. Protection for Acetylene & Oxygen line Flame arresters & N/R flow back valves are for
-preventing sparks from entering a tank or vent opening

15. The proportion of nitrogen in inert gas is approximately

16. What are these type of tankers LR2 (arge Rarge 2)
-80000 to 159999

17. The distinction between a lighter and a barge is more in the manner of use than in
equipment. The term Tighter" refers to a short haud, paly connection with loading and unloading
operations of vessels in harbor while the term "barge" is more often used when the cargo is
being carried to destination or over a long distance

18. Chemical tankers are required to comply with the various safety aspects detailed in Part B
-solas chapter VII

19. A device designed to sample the ships cargo when its tanks are closed to the atmosphere.
It is used in conjunction with a vapor control valve
-Portable Sampling Unit (PSU)

20. Tankers of similar size to parcel tankers but with fewer cargo tanks, mostly of coated steel
rather than stainless and less s gements. Such ships carry the less difficult chemicals, and also
trade extensively with dean oil products.
-general product tanker

21. Practice:Load on top is the act of commingling on-board quantity with cargo being loaded.

22. Onboard we use 5-8% as safety margin of Oxygen volume


23. Ballast water may be loaded into tanks previously containing NLS that have been
-properly cleaned

24. When approaching a fire from windward, you should shield firefighters from the fire by using
-low velocity fog
25. The depth of the space in a tank not occupied by oil. Same as ullage. It is measured from
the flange of the ullage hole to the surface of the oil. Also the space left in a petroleum product
container to allow for expansion as a result of temperature changes during shipment and use.


1. How is sea water supplied to the deck seal?

Ans: Through the deck seal pump fitted in the engine room.

2- Before Entry into cargo tank which has contained a petroleum product? -Ans: The tank must
be tested for sufficient Oxygen.

3- It's a rule that the inert gas supply valves to the cargo tanks must have provision for?
-Ans: Securing in a closed position.

4- Which of the following is compulsory on ships fitted with inert gas?

Ans: Notice is to be placed at entrance as required "NO ENTRANCE WITHOUT PERMISSION

5- The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with a....?
Ans: Pressure/vacuum breaker.

6- What is the name of the ine which is used to strip the last amounts of cargo ashore?
Ans: Small diameter line.

7- Which inert gas system use only gases from the ships main or auxiliary boilers?
Ans: The flue gas plant.

8- The small diameter line" on a crude oil carrier goes from pump room to?
Ans: The shore-side of the cargo manifold valves, port &starboard side.

9- What the pumping capacity depending on?

Ans: Total pressure head.
10- If we reduce the head to appr. 75% of normal, what will the power consumption of the pump
Ans: 60%

11-On a flue gas plant, the flue gas enters a washing tower where the gas is washed to remove
soot, ashes & separate undesired gases. What is name of this?
Ans: Scrubber.

12- What are consequences of a high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?
- Ans: The pressure control valve will automatically close, the ventilation valve will open.

13- What is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast water to be pumped over
Ans: Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment (ODME).

14-When there are two slop tanks on board, what are the correct names of these slop tanks?
Ans: Primary & secondary slop tank.

15-On the bottom lines there are cross over valves which make it possible to flow cargo from
onebottom line to another. When loading more than one grade of cargo, what is the requirement
regarding these cross?
Ans: Two valves segregation.

16- What kind of fixed extinguished plant is installed to use on an oil tanker? Ans: CO2 plant.

17-What is the main quencher for an oil tanker?

Ans: Foam.

18-To discharge the last amount of cargo ashore, the stripping pump through the small diameter
line is used. Where does this small diameter line come from in the pump room and where is the
line ending at the manifold?
Ans: From stripping pump.
19- How can we maintain necessary NPSH?
Ans: By control of liquid flow.

20-What types of deck seal units are there?

Ans: The dry & the wet type.

21- If a vessel is fitted with?

Ans: A vessel without ordinary bottom lines where the cargo flows from tank to tank

22-Is slop tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

bulkhead valves.

23- One of the following is NOT an alarm on an inert gas plant, which one? Ans: Low Oxygen
Ans: Yes it is.

24- The most common valves used on an oil tanker?

Ans: Gate valves, globe valves & butterfly valves.

25-What is the required diameter of the crude oil washing lines, according to the ship?
Ans: To maintain the required pressure & flow to the machine in use. 26-Which of these pumps
is NOT a positive displacement pump?
Ans: Centrifugal.

27- What is the purpose of the deck water seal?

Ans: To prevent combustion gases to flow back & enter the burner.
28- To supervise the pressure conditions in the cargo tanks, a special devise is fitted for this
purpose. What is it called?
Ans: Pressure/ vacuum valve.

29- According to the regulations in force, one of the following stripping devices is a demand on
anoil tanker. Which one? Stripping pump.

30-What is the purpose with an expansion coupling?

Ans: Make the pipes capable to move back & forth inside the coupling.

31-How is cooling/cleaning water supplied to the inert gas scrubber tower?

Ans: By the scrubber sea water pump.

32- Which group of basic protection devises are fitted on the scrubber tower's sea cooling water
Supply system?
Ans: Alarm for high water level, low flow, low water pressure & pump failure.

33- What ensures that no seawater droplets are carried with the inert gas is washed & cooled in
the scrubber tower?
Ans: The demister units.

34-Inert gas is.......?

Ans: Lighter than hydrocarbon gases.

35- What are duty officers provided with to check the quality of inert gas?
Ans: A portable Oxygen analyzer.
36- The master onboard a VLCC of 280.000dwt has received a telex from the cargo terminal
asking if the SBM-mooring are according to the OCIMF standard. What fitting must you have in
order to comply?
Ans: Two tongues type/hinged bow stoppers with separate closed fairleads. Capacity 200 tons.

37-In an inert gas system audible & visible alarms shall be provided to indicate faulty conditions
in the installation. Which of the following conditions do not activate the alarm? (SOLAS
Ans: High pressure in water seal.

38-Which of the following requirement to inert gas system for oil cargo tanks do not correspond
to present regulations? (SOLAS II-2/62.2)
Ans: Keep a low pressure in the tanks at all times at sea & in port (periods of gas freeing

39- Which of the following requirements to fixed foam system for cargo deck area on tankers do
not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS II-2/61)
Ans: Sufficient foam concentrate shall be supplied to ensure at least one hour of foam

40-What does ODME mean?

Ans: Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment.

41-How is the inert gas pressure controlled in the inert gas distribution line & relevant cargo
during discharge?
By an automatic pressure control system.
42-On oil tanker, the crude oil washing check list states (among other things) that during crude
oil washing operation.. ?
The quality of the inert gas must be frequently checked & recorded.

43-How is the quality & supply of inert gas checked & recorded?
Using the Oxygen content & IG pressure recorder located in the cargo control room.

44- There is a requirement to maintain an oil record Book in orders that.......?

An inspection can be made by shore authorities in the event of oil spills or other pollution

45-Oil tanker design rules require that petroleum cargo tanks are separated from
accommodation by?
- A cofferdam.

46-In the Inert Gas system-what types of Deck Seal units are there?
The dry & the wet type.

47- What is the advantage of having a steam turbine driven inert gas fan on tanker fitted with an
auxiliary steam plant?
A steam turbine driven fan creates initial load on the boiler facilities inert gas production.

48-Inert gas blowers are.........?

Turbine type centrifugal blower fans.

49- What is the principle behind producing inert gas on board ship?
By the combustion of fuel oil to produce exhaust gases with an oxygen content of lessthan 5%.
50- What is the condition of the inert gas as it is produced by the boilers or inert gas generator?
Hot & containing soot particles.

51- the correct position for taking a 'bottom" sample is...........?

From the surface of the tank floor.

52-Inert gas- how can you tell if the demister units in the scrubber tower need to be cleaned?
By the differential pressure measured by U-tube.

53-Your vessel is loading liquid oil cargo &oil begins to flow out of a tank vent. Your first action
should be...?
Carry out emergency stop procedures.

54-Which of the groups contain the three isolating devices fitted between the inert gasvalve &
the cargo tank valves?
The non-return valve, the deck seal & the manual discharge valve.

55-How can you be assures that the inert gas analyzer will give the correct reading of the
oxygen Content of the inert gas?
The instrument is calibrated with nitrogen holding 3% oxygen (gray color test bottle)

56- Where is the inert gas tapped which is led to the oxygen analyzer?
At the inert gas discharge line bulkhead valve.

57-Which type of valves are fitted on the discharge side of the inert gas fan blowers?
Automatic butterfly valves.

58-Which type of valves are fitted as suction valves on the inert gas blower fans?
Manually controlled butterfly valves.
59-How is fresh air supply ensured in cargo tanks via the inert gas supply line? By removing the
fresh air intake blank on the inert gas fan suction line, ensuring that the boileruptake valve is

60-For the purposes of tank cleaning, oily water deposits are discharged into a.........?
- Slop tank.

61- What is most important for the personnel on duty to supervise during a discharging
operation including crude oil washing?
Ans: Act according to the chick list.

62-A CBT-Tanker arrives at loading port in ballast condition. What is today?

Ans: Deballasting & Loading simultaneously.

63- What is the definition of sludge control?

Ans: The cargo tanks are to be washed that often so residues do not accumulate in large

64-After you have washed the arrival ballast tanks. What is extremely important to do properly
before arrival ballast is pumped into the arrival ballast tanks?
Ans: To Wash all lines & pumps properly.

65- What is the denomination for API?

Ans: An abbreviation of American Petroleum Institute.

66-Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very do with
these analyzers first?
Ans: To do full calibration.

67- What will happen if a centrifugal pump is fitted without a non-return valve on the delivery
Ans: it will give full back flow at the time the pump stops.

68- From TOV you withdraw free water, what do you get then?
Ans: GOV (gross observed volume).

69- What is the correct procedure when transferring of oil cargo is necessary?
Ans: Obtain permission from charters & note procedures in oil record book & deck log.

70-Which of these steps (in shut-down procedure) shall be last executed?

Ans: Shut down of inert gas blower.

71-What is the safest way to complete loading (topping off)?

Ans: Have one slack tank as last tank.

72-Why is it important to check ullages frequently during loaded passage?

Ans: Check if any internal or hull leakages.

73- Transportation of oil at sea can be divided in two groups, which?

Ans: Crude oil & refined product.

74-Why is it important to perform line displacement prior to commence discharge?

Ans: push shore line content to shore tank or compare the ship's /shore flow measurements.

75-What does it mean if the capacity to a centrifugal pump is given from the manufacturer to be
for example 4000M3/hrs at 120mlc?
Ans: 4000m3/hrs at 120 meter liquid column.(delivery head).

76- What is the advantage by using Vacuum-strip-system during COW?

Ans: Enables sludge to be discharged directly to shore tanks.

77-During a ship to ship transfer operation, if an electrical storm enters the area, it is
recommended to...?
Ans: Suspend all cargo transfer operation & close vents valves from the cargo system.

78- Why is it necessary to drain all cargo lines to shore after discharge?
Ans: To comply with MARPOL requirements.

79- When is it necessary to run two pumps or more in serial?

Ans: if the back pressure when discharging is so high that one pump is not able to deliver

80-What is meant by settling in slop handling?

Ans: Separation of Water & Oil.

81- When using ejector for stripping, in what order will you open the valves?
Ans: All valves on the delivery side & adjust the propellant pressure.

82- What is the purpose of introducing inert gas onto each cargo tank?
Ans: To control the tank atmosphere by introducing the required inert gas.
83- To connect the loading/discharging, hoses/arms it is usually necessary to connect a reducer
on board to fit the shore connection. What is the common name to where the reducer is
connected on board?
Ans: presentation flange.


1. Tank cleaning will require the vessel's officers to consult....

The P&A Manual

2.Where is the correct discharge for residues and washings containing NLS situated?
Below the waterline

3.Cargo samples in general are analysed in order to....

control quality

4.Ballast water may be loaded into tanks previously containing NLS that have been....
properly cleaned

5.When loading toxic cargo, measurement should always be....


6.Who is responsible on board for cargo operations?

The Master or responsible officer appointed by the Master

7.Who has the responsibility for issuing certificates following survey?

The Flag State

8.A cargo tank should not be entered unless....

an Enclosed Space Entry Permit has been issued

9.The category of cargo requiring the most efficient stripping arrangement is Category....

10.Temperature control of cargoes means....

applying heat in a controlled manner
11.What does the term pH value of a chemical cargo refer to?
The acidity or alkalinity of a product

12.Cargoes with high melting points that may solidify require....


13.Care should be taken when disconnecting cargo pipes and lines because....
residues may remain

14.Methanol is a common....

15.Who should tank cleaning operations be supervised by?

A responsible officer

16.Submerged pumps are commonly driven....


17.The category of chemical posing the greatest threat of harm to the marine environment is

What is the MARPOL 73/78 Convention about?

Pollution prevention

19.Procedures in the event of an emergency should be understood by....

all crewmembers

20.What should cargo sample lockers be constructed of?

Fully resistant material

21.The bursting pressure of new cargo hoses is required to be the designed working pressure
multiplied by....

22.Open cargo venting should only be used for cargoes that do not present a hazard when
inhaled and have a flash point of above....

23.If information concerning a cargo is not available it should be....

not loaded
24.The term solubility refers to the ability to mix with....
other liquids

25.Personal escape sets are to be provided for....

all cabin berths and additional sets for working spaces

26.Category A substances will often require cleaning before sailing from the discharge port. This
procedure is called a....
hot wash

27.In the event of cargo spillage, which of the following would be informed first?
The Port Authority

28.As well as chemical cargoes, what may chemical tankers also be used to transport?
Other liquid products

29.Ullage is the distance from the underside of the deck to....

the liquid surface

The physical data of a liquid chemical can be found on....

all of these

31.Before cargo operations begin, the responsible person on board and the terminal
representative will complete a....
ship/shore safety check list

32.Ingestion means poisoning by....


33.The flammable range of different chemicals may be....

often different

34.The list of cargoes capable of being carried on board a particular chemical tanker is called....
The Certificate of Fitness

35.If a cargo is of low flash point it is said to be....


36.What is the minimum distance from the forward division of the accommodation for accesses
to the accommodation?
3 metres

37.Permanent or Portable ventilation systems may be fitted to....

cargo tanks

38.In addition to fireman's outfits, how many BA sets should be carried in a chemical tanker?

39.Inhibitors are used to stop the product from....

self reacting

40.Cargo hoses should be tested....

every year

41.Nitrogen is used instead of inert gas in order to....

prevent contamination of the cargo

42.Before cargo operations start the Master should establish proper liaison between the ship
the terminal

43.An important publication required to be approved by the Flag State and carried on board
every chemical tanker is called?....
The Procedures and Arrangements Manual

44.On chemical tankers, the term REACTIVITY refers to complications concerning....

the cargo

45.Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the Cargo Record Book?

All cargo operations involving NLS

46.Prior to unloading, all pumps, valves and associated instrumentation should be....
function tested

47.Bulk Chemical Codes apply to....

all chemical tankers

48.What are generally the main cargo pumps fitted on board chemical tankers?
Centrifugal pumps

49.Inhibited or polymerizable cargoes should not be carried adjacent to....

heated cargoes

50.How far from land must the vessel be before residues of NLS Category B C & D may be
discharged into the sea?
12 miles
51.The frequency of pressure testing ashore of BA sets should as a minimum be every....
5 Years

52.What is the material used most commonly for cargo piping, valves and pumps?
Stainless steel

53.The term PADDING means protecting cargo with a blanket of inert gas, such as....

54.What is the term for filling tanks and lines with nitrogen, or similar liquid or gas, to prevent
cargo contact with the atmosphere?

55.Which of the following would NOT normally be used for heating chemical cargoes?

56.In the event of cargo spillage cargo operations should be....


57.To help establish safe levels of toxicity, which equipment is often used?
Draeger tubes


1.. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?
• refer to the vessel's Certificate of Inspection

2. Cling age is The residue that adheres to the inside surface of a container, such as a ship's
tank or shore tank, after it has been emptied

3. What kind of fixed extinguishing system is installed to use on main deck on an oil tanker
-foam plant

4. To discharge the last amount of cargo ashore, if the stripping vacuum system fails to carry out
a arrangement in a CRUDE/ PRODUCT Oil Tanker having cargo pump room?
-use portable pump through the tank lids to the surface of cargo
5. What is the pumping capacity depending on?
-Total pressure head

6. Type 3 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 of the IBC Code products
with sufficiently severe environmental and sality and which require a moderate degree of
containment to increase survival capability in a damaged condition

7. what are handy size tankers

-tankers of about 12,000 to 25000 dwt

8. Foxed foam monitors having a nozzle rotation angle of


9. Nonvolatile petroleum is
-Petroleum having a flash point of 60°C or above

10. Responsibility for the provision of hoses to a ship's manifold at an oil terminal rests with the

11. The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with one or two
-Pressure/vaccum breaker

12. The internal space can be the lower part of a ships hold or the engine room and serves as a
drainage area where acco be pumped from is called a.

13. If at sea the inert gas low pressure alarm is activated, it may be necessary to conduct
-inert gas topping up operations
14. Protection for Acetylene & Oxygen line Flame arresters & N/R flow back valves are for
-preventing sparks from entering a tank or vent opening

15. The proportion of nitrogen in inert gas is approximately


16. What are these type of tankers LR2 (arge Rarge 2)

-80000 to 159999

17. The distinction between a lighter and a barge is more in the manner of use than in
equipment. The term Tighter" refers to a short haud, paly connection with loading and unloading
operations of vessels in harbor while the term "barge" is more often used when the cargo is
being carried to destination or over a long distance

18. Chemical tankers are required to comply with the various safety aspects detailed in Part B
-solas chapter VII

19. A device designed to sample the ships cargo when its tanks are closed to the atmosphere.
It is used in conjunction with a vapor control valve
-Portable Sampling Unit (PSU)

20. Tankers of similar size to parcel tankers but with fewer cargo tanks, mostly of coated steel
rather than stainless and less s gements. Such ships carry the less difficult chemicals, and also
trade extensively with dean oil products.
-general product tanker

21. Practice:Load on top is the act of commingling on-board quantity with cargo being loaded.

22. Onboard we use 5-8% as safety margin of Oxygen volume

23. Ballast water may be loaded into tanks previously containing NLS that have been
-properly cleaned

24. When approaching a fire from windward, you should shield firefighters from the fire by using
-low velocity fog

25. The depth of the space in a tank not occupied by oil. Same as ullage. It is measured from
the flange of the ullage hole to the surface of the oil. Also the space left in a petroleum product
container to allow for expansion as a result of temperature changes during shipment and use.


1. How is sea water supplied to the deck seal?

Ans: Through the deck seal pump fitted in the engine room.

2- Before Entry into cargo tank which has contained a petroleum product? -Ans: The tank must
be tested for sufficient Oxygen.

3- It's a rule that the inert gas supply valves to the cargo tanks must have provision for?
-Ans: Securing in a closed position.

4- Which of the following is compulsory on ships fitted with inert gas?

Ans: Notice is to be placed at entrance as required "NO ENTRANCE WITHOUT PERMISSION

5- The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with a....?
Ans: Pressure/vacuum breaker.

6- What is the name of the ine which is used to strip the last amounts of cargo ashore?
Ans: Small diameter line.

7- Which inert gas system use only gases from the ships main or auxiliary boilers?
Ans: The flue gas plant.

8- The small diameter line" on a crude oil carrier goes from pump room to?
Ans: The shore-side of the cargo manifold valves, port &starboard side.
9- What the pumping capacity depending on?
Ans: Total pressure head.

10- If we reduce the head to appr. 75% of normal, what will the power consumption of the pump
Ans: 60%

11-On a flue gas plant, the flue gas enters a washing tower where the gas is washed to remove
soot, ashes & separate undesired gases. What is name of this?
Ans: Scrubber.

12- What are consequences of a high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?
- Ans: The pressure control valve will automatically close, the ventilation valve will open.

13- What is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast water to be pumped over
Ans: Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment (ODME).

14-When there are two slop tanks on board, what are the correct names of these slop tanks?
Ans: Primary & secondary slop tank.

15-On the bottom lines there are cross over valves which make it possible to flow cargo from
onebottom line to another. When loading more than one grade of cargo, what is the requirement
regarding these cross?
Ans: Two valves segregation.

16- What kind of fixed extinguished plant is installed to use on an oil tanker? Ans: CO2 plant.

17-What is the main quencher for an oil tanker?

Ans: Foam.
18-To discharge the last amount of cargo ashore, the stripping pump through the small diameter
line is used. Where does this small diameter line come from in the pump room and where is the
line ending at the manifold?
Ans: From stripping pump.

19- How can we maintain necessary NPSH?

Ans: By control of liquid flow.

20-What types of deck seal units are there?

Ans: The dry & the wet type.

21- If a vessel is fitted with?

Ans: A vessel without ordinary bottom lines where the cargo flows from tank to tank

22-Is slop tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

bulkhead valves.

23- One of the following is NOT an alarm on an inert gas plant, which one? Ans: Low Oxygen
Ans: Yes it is.

24- The most common valves used on an oil tanker?

Ans: Gate valves, globe valves & butterfly valves.

25-What is the required diameter of the crude oil washing lines, according to the ship?
Ans: To maintain the required pressure & flow to the machine in use. 26-Which of these pumps
is NOT a positive displacement pump?
Ans: Centrifugal.

27- What is the purpose of the deck water seal?

Ans: To prevent combustion gases to flow back & enter the burner.

28- To supervise the pressure conditions in the cargo tanks, a special devise is fitted for this
purpose. What is it called?
Ans: Pressure/ vacuum valve.

29- According to the regulations in force, one of the following stripping devices is a demand on
anoil tanker. Which one? Stripping pump.

30-What is the purpose with an expansion coupling?

Ans: Make the pipes capable to move back & forth inside the coupling.

31-How is cooling/cleaning water supplied to the inert gas scrubber tower?

Ans: By the scrubber sea water pump.

32- Which group of basic protection devises are fitted on the scrubber tower's sea cooling water
Supply system?
Ans: Alarm for high water level, low flow, low water pressure & pump failure.

33- What ensures that no seawater droplets are carried with the inert gas is washed & cooled in
the scrubber tower?
Ans: The demister units.

34-Inert gas is.......?

Ans: Lighter than hydrocarbon gases.
35- What are duty officers provided with to check the quality of inert gas?
Ans: A portable Oxygen analyzer.

36- The master onboard a VLCC of 280.000dwt has received a telex from the cargo terminal
asking if the SBM-mooring are according to the OCIMF standard. What fitting must you have in
order to comply?
Ans: Two tongues type/hinged bow stoppers with separate closed fairleads. Capacity 200 tons.

37-In an inert gas system audible & visible alarms shall be provided to indicate faulty conditions
in the installation. Which of the following conditions do not activate the alarm? (SOLAS
Ans: High pressure in water seal.

38-Which of the following requirement to inert gas system for oil cargo tanks do not correspond
to present regulations? (SOLAS II-2/62.2)
Ans: Keep a low pressure in the tanks at all times at sea & in port (periods of gas freeing

39- Which of the following requirements to fixed foam system for cargo deck area on tankers do
not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS II-2/61)
Ans: Sufficient foam concentrate shall be supplied to ensure at least one hour of foam

40-What does ODME mean?

Ans: Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment.

41-How is the inert gas pressure controlled in the inert gas distribution line & relevant cargo
during discharge?
By an automatic pressure control system.

42-On oil tanker, the crude oil washing check list states (among other things) that during crude
oil washing operation.. ?
The quality of the inert gas must be frequently checked & recorded.

43-How is the quality & supply of inert gas checked & recorded?
Using the Oxygen content & IG pressure recorder located in the cargo control room.

44- There is a requirement to maintain an oil record Book in orders that.......?

An inspection can be made by shore authorities in the event of oil spills or other pollution

45-Oil tanker design rules require that petroleum cargo tanks are separated from
accommodation by?
- A cofferdam.

46-In the Inert Gas system-what types of Deck Seal units are there?
The dry & the wet type.

47- What is the advantage of having a steam turbine driven inert gas fan on tanker fitted with an
auxiliary steam plant?
A steam turbine driven fan creates initial load on the boiler facilities inert gas production.

48-Inert gas blowers are.........?

Turbine type centrifugal blower fans.
49- What is the principle behind producing inert gas on board ship?
By the combustion of fuel oil to produce exhaust gases with an oxygen content of lessthan 5%.

50- What is the condition of the inert gas as it is produced by the boilers or inert gas generator?
Hot & containing soot particles.

51- the correct position for taking a 'bottom" sample is...........?

From the surface of the tank floor.

52-Inert gas- how can you tell if the demister units in the scrubber tower need to be cleaned?
By the differential pressure measured by U-tube.

53-Your vessel is loading liquid oil cargo &oil begins to flow out of a tank vent. Your first action
should be...?
Carry out emergency stop procedures.

54-Which of the groups contain the three isolating devices fitted between the inert gasvalve &
the cargo tank valves?
The non-return valve, the deck seal & the manual discharge valve.

55-How can you be assures that the inert gas analyzer will give the correct reading of the
oxygen Content of the inert gas?
The instrument is calibrated with nitrogen holding 3% oxygen (gray color test bottle)

56- Where is the inert gas tapped which is led to the oxygen analyzer?
At the inert gas discharge line bulkhead valve.

57-Which type of valves are fitted on the discharge side of the inert gas fan blowers?
Automatic butterfly valves.
58-Which type of valves are fitted as suction valves on the inert gas blower fans?
Manually controlled butterfly valves.

59-How is fresh air supply ensured in cargo tanks via the inert gas supply line? By removing the
fresh air intake blank on the inert gas fan suction line, ensuring that the boileruptake valve is

60-For the purposes of tank cleaning, oily water deposits are discharged into a.........?
- Slop tank.

61- What is most important for the personnel on duty to supervise during a discharging
operation including crude oil washing?
Ans: Act according to the chick list.

62-A CBT-Tanker arrives at loading port in ballast condition. What is today?

Ans: Deballasting & Loading simultaneously.

63- What is the definition of sludge control?

Ans: The cargo tanks are to be washed that often so residues do not accumulate in large

64-After you have washed the arrival ballast tanks. What is extremely important to do properly
before arrival ballast is pumped into the arrival ballast tanks?
Ans: To Wash all lines & pumps properly.

65- What is the denomination for API?

Ans: An abbreviation of American Petroleum Institute.

66-Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very do with
these analyzers first?
Ans: To do full calibration.
67- What will happen if a centrifugal pump is fitted without a non-return valve on the delivery
Ans: it will give full back flow at the time the pump stops.

68- From TOV you withdraw free water, what do you get then?
Ans: GOV (gross observed volume).

69- What is the correct procedure when transferring of oil cargo is necessary?
Ans: Obtain permission from charters & note procedures in oil record book & deck log.

70-Which of these steps (in shut-down procedure) shall be last executed?

Ans: Shut down of inert gas blower.

71-What is the safest way to complete loading (topping off)?

Ans: Have one slack tank as last tank.

72-Why is it important to check ullages frequently during loaded passage?

Ans: Check if any internal or hull leakages.

73- Transportation of oil at sea can be divided in two groups, which?

Ans: Crude oil & refined product.

74-Why is it important to perform line displacement prior to commence discharge?

Ans: push shore line content to shore tank or compare the ship's /shore flow measurements.
75-What does it mean if the capacity to a centrifugal pump is given from the manufacturer to be
for example 4000M3/hrs at 120mlc?
Ans: 4000m3/hrs at 120 meter liquid column.(delivery head).

76- What is the advantage by using Vacuum-strip-system during COW?

Ans: Enables sludge to be discharged directly to shore tanks.

77-During a ship to ship transfer operation, if an electrical storm enters the area, it is
recommended to...?
Ans: Suspend all cargo transfer operation & close vents valves from the cargo system.

78- Why is it necessary to drain all cargo lines to shore after discharge?
Ans: To comply with MARPOL requirements.

79- When is it necessary to run two pumps or more in serial?

Ans: if the back pressure when discharging is so high that one pump is not able to deliver

80-What is meant by settling in slop handling?

Ans: Separation of Water & Oil.

81- When using ejector for stripping, in what order will you open the valves?
Ans: All valves on the delivery side & adjust the propellant pressure.
82- What is the purpose of introducing inert gas onto each cargo tank?
Ans: To control the tank atmosphere by introducing the required inert gas.

83- To connect the loading/discharging, hoses/arms it is usually necessary to connect a reducer

on board to fit the shore connection. What is the common name to where the reducer is
connected on board?
Ans: presentation flange.


1. Tank cleaning will require the vessel's officers to consult....

The P&A Manual

2.Where is the correct discharge for residues and washings containing NLS situated?
Below the waterline

3.Cargo samples in general are analysed in order to....

control quality

4.Ballast water may be loaded into tanks previously containing NLS that have been....
properly cleaned

5.When loading toxic cargo, measurement should always be....


6.Who is responsible on board for cargo operations?

The Master or responsible officer appointed by the Master

7.Who has the responsibility for issuing certificates following survey?

The Flag State

8.A cargo tank should not be entered unless....

an Enclosed Space Entry Permit has been issued
9.The category of cargo requiring the most efficient stripping arrangement is Category....

10.Temperature control of cargoes means....

applying heat in a controlled manner

11.What does the term pH value of a chemical cargo refer to?

The acidity or alkalinity of a product

12.Cargoes with high melting points that may solidify require....


13.Care should be taken when disconnecting cargo pipes and lines because....
residues may remain

14.Methanol is a common....

15.Who should tank cleaning operations be supervised by?

A responsible officer

16.Submerged pumps are commonly driven....


17.The category of chemical posing the greatest threat of harm to the marine environment is

What is the MARPOL 73/78 Convention about?

Pollution prevention

19.Procedures in the event of an emergency should be understood by....

all crewmembers

20.What should cargo sample lockers be constructed of?

Fully resistant material

21.The bursting pressure of new cargo hoses is required to be the designed working pressure
multiplied by....
22.Open cargo venting should only be used for cargoes that do not present a hazard when
inhaled and have a flash point of above....

23.If information concerning a cargo is not available it should be....

not loaded

24.The term solubility refers to the ability to mix with....

other liquids

25.Personal escape sets are to be provided for....

all cabin berths and additional sets for working spaces

26.Category A substances will often require cleaning before sailing from the discharge port. This
procedure is called a....
hot wash

27.In the event of cargo spillage, which of the following would be informed first?
The Port Authority

28.As well as chemical cargoes, what may chemical tankers also be used to transport?
Other liquid products

29.Ullage is the distance from the underside of the deck to....

the liquid surface

The physical data of a liquid chemical can be found on....

all of these

31.Before cargo operations begin, the responsible person on board and the terminal
representative will complete a....
ship/shore safety check list

32.Ingestion means poisoning by....


33.The flammable range of different chemicals may be....

often different

34.The list of cargoes capable of being carried on board a particular chemical tanker is called....
The Certificate of Fitness

35.If a cargo is of low flash point it is said to be....


36.What is the minimum distance from the forward division of the accommodation for accesses
to the accommodation?
3 metres

37.Permanent or Portable ventilation systems may be fitted to....

cargo tanks

38.In addition to fireman's outfits, how many BA sets should be carried in a chemical tanker?

39.Inhibitors are used to stop the product from....

self reacting

40.Cargo hoses should be tested....

every year

41.Nitrogen is used instead of inert gas in order to....

prevent contamination of the cargo

42.Before cargo operations start the Master should establish proper liaison between the ship
the terminal

43.An important publication required to be approved by the Flag State and carried on board
every chemical tanker is called?....
The Procedures and Arrangements Manual

44.On chemical tankers, the term REACTIVITY refers to complications concerning....

the cargo

45.Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the Cargo Record Book?

All cargo operations involving NLS

46.Prior to unloading, all pumps, valves and associated instrumentation should be....
function tested

47.Bulk Chemical Codes apply to....

all chemical tankers

48.What are generally the main cargo pumps fitted on board chemical tankers?
Centrifugal pumps
49.Inhibited or polymerizable cargoes should not be carried adjacent to....
heated cargoes

50.How far from land must the vessel be before residues of NLS Category B C & D may be
discharged into the sea?
12 miles

51.The frequency of pressure testing ashore of BA sets should as a minimum be every....

5 Years

52.What is the material used most commonly for cargo piping, valves and pumps?
Stainless steel

53.The term PADDING means protecting cargo with a blanket of inert gas, such as....

54.What is the term for filling tanks and lines with nitrogen, or similar liquid or gas, to prevent
cargo contact with the atmosphere?

55.Which of the following would NOT normally be used for heating chemical cargoes?

56.In the event of cargo spillage cargo operations should be....


57.To help establish safe levels of toxicity, which equipment is often used?
Draeger tubes


1.. if cargo tanks are not ………… with IG before gas freeing then the concentration of
atmosphere will pass through F
Ans. purged

2. Category Z: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank deaning
or de ballasting operations, are deemed to presentar h to either marine resources or human
health and therefore Justify less stringent restrictions on the quality and quantity of the
discharge the mart environment,
3.What is the Maximum Validity for onboard Enclosed space permit
-8/12 doubt

4. General Arrangement Plan-A drawing of a ship which lists all necessary statistics and
operating information such as
Ans LOA, SDWT, cargo, water, fuel capacity, etc

5. Inert gas - How is sea water supplied to the deck seal?

Ans: Through the deck seal pump fitted in the engine room.

6. A Cargo educator casing normally made of which of the following material?

Stainless steel

7. On tankers, Steam is a/an form of smothering

Ans. In efficient

8. The tank washing machines for crude oil washing shall be

mounted and shall be of a design acceptable to the administration.
Ans. Permanently

9. If a vessel is fitted with a sample locker or spill containment locker in the Amidships. What is
the general arrangement for firefighting of that companies

10. When would you enter a space using a BA escape set (EEBD)
Ans.Never, as escape sets are only to be used to leave a space

11. 17. The category of cargo requiring the most efficient stripping arrangement is Category
12. Vessels in clean service normally do not have or need heater colls as the viscosity of the
clean products is low enough to permit easy pumping at atmospheric temperature
Ans.with the exception of some lube oils

13. A mathematical means to approximate small quantities of liquid and solid cargo and free
water on board prior to loading and the Sourg seat org mpartment dimensions and vessel trim.
This formula is to be used only when the liquid does not touch all bulk heads of the
Ans. Wedge formula

14. The amount of lay time that was taken by the vessel for loading and discharging on a
Used laytime

15. The foam monitor of the expansion foam, is laid across the
Ans. Cargo deck

16. Which pair of devices are fitted on deck to prevent inert gas or cargo vapors from flowing
back into the engine room?
Deck seal,non return

17. Prior to starting the cargo pumps for discharge of a tanker cargo. It must be ensured that
The inert gas plant is running on stand-by

1. How is sea water supplied to the deck seal?

Ans: Through the deck seal pump fitted in the engine room.

2- Before Entry into cargo tank which has contained a petroleum product? -Ans: The tank must
be tested for sufficient Oxygen.

3- It's a rule that the inert gas supply valves to the cargo tanks must have provision for?
-Ans: Securing in a closed position.
4- Which of the following is compulsory on ships fitted with inert gas?
Ans: Notice is to be placed at entrance as required "NO ENTRANCE WITHOUT PERMISSION

5- The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with a....?
Ans: Pressure/vacuum breaker.

6- What is the name of the ine which is used to strip the last amounts of cargo ashore?
Ans: Small diameter line.

7- Which inert gas system use only gases from the ships main or auxiliary boilers?
Ans: The flue gas plant.

8- The small diameter line" on a crude oil carrier goes from pump room to?
Ans: The shore-side of the cargo manifold valves, port &starboard side.

9- What the pumping capacity depending on?

Ans: Total pressure head.

10- If we reduce the head to appr. 75% of normal, what will the power consumption of the pump
Ans: 60%

11-On a flue gas plant, the flue gas enters a washing tower where the gas is washed to remove
soot, ashes & separate undesired gases. What is name of this?
Ans: Scrubber.

12- What are consequences of a high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?
- Ans: The pressure control valve will automatically close, the ventilation valve will open.

13- What is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast water to be pumped over
Ans: Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment (ODME).
14-When there are two slop tanks on board, what are the correct names of these slop tanks?
Ans: Primary & secondary slop tank.

15-On the bottom lines there are cross over valves which make it possible to flow cargo from
onebottom line to another. When loading more than one grade of cargo, what is the requirement
regarding these cross?
Ans: Two valves segregation.

16- What kind of fixed extinguished plant is installed to use on an oil tanker? Ans: CO2 plant.

17-What is the main quencher for an oil tanker?

Ans: Foam.

18-To discharge the last amount of cargo ashore, the stripping pump through the small diameter
line is used. Where does this small diameter line come from in the pump room and where is the
line ending at the manifold?
Ans: From stripping pump.

19- How can we maintain necessary NPSH?

Ans: By control of liquid flow.

20-What types of deck seal units are there?

Ans: The dry & the wet type.

21- If a vessel is fitted with?

Ans: A vessel without ordinary bottom lines where the cargo flows from tank to tank

22-Is slop tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

bulkhead valves.
23- One of the following is NOT an alarm on an inert gas plant, which one? Ans: Low Oxygen
Ans: Yes it is.

24- The most common valves used on an oil tanker?

Ans: Gate valves, globe valves & butterfly valves.

25-What is the required diameter of the crude oil washing lines, according to the ship?
Ans: To maintain the required pressure & flow to the machine in use. 26-Which of these pumps
is NOT a positive displacement pump?
Ans: Centrifugal.

27- What is the purpose of the deck water seal?

Ans: To prevent combustion gases to flow back & enter the burner.

28- To supervise the pressure conditions in the cargo tanks, a special devise is fitted for this
purpose. What is it called?
Ans: Pressure/ vacuum valve.

29- According to the regulations in force, one of the following stripping devices is a demand on
anoil tanker. Which one? Stripping pump.

30-What is the purpose with an expansion coupling?

Ans: Make the pipes capable to move back & forth inside the coupling.
31-How is cooling/cleaning water supplied to the inert gas scrubber tower?
Ans: By the scrubber sea water pump.

32- Which group of basic protection devises are fitted on the scrubber tower's sea cooling water
Supply system?
Ans: Alarm for high water level, low flow, low water pressure & pump failure.

33- What ensures that no seawater droplets are carried with the inert gas is washed & cooled in
the scrubber tower?
Ans: The demister units.

34-Inert gas is.......?

Ans: Lighter than hydrocarbon gases.

35- What are duty officers provided with to check the quality of inert gas?
Ans: A portable Oxygen analyzer.

36- The master onboard a VLCC of 280.000dwt has received a telex from the cargo terminal
asking if the SBM-mooring are according to the OCIMF standard. What fitting must you have in
order to comply?
Ans: Two tongues type/hinged bow stoppers with separate closed fairleads. Capacity 200 tons.

37-In an inert gas system audible & visible alarms shall be provided to indicate faulty conditions
in the installation. Which of the following conditions do not activate the alarm? (SOLAS
Ans: High pressure in water seal.

38-Which of the following requirement to inert gas system for oil cargo tanks do not correspond
to present regulations? (SOLAS II-2/62.2)
Ans: Keep a low pressure in the tanks at all times at sea & in port (periods of gas freeing

39- Which of the following requirements to fixed foam system for cargo deck area on tankers do
not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS II-2/61)
Ans: Sufficient foam concentrate shall be supplied to ensure at least one hour of foam

40-What does ODME mean?

Ans: Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment.

41-How is the inert gas pressure controlled in the inert gas distribution line & relevant cargo
during discharge?
By an automatic pressure control system.

42-On oil tanker, the crude oil washing check list states (among other things) that during crude
oil washing operation.. ?
The quality of the inert gas must be frequently checked & recorded.

43-How is the quality & supply of inert gas checked & recorded?
Using the Oxygen content & IG pressure recorder located in the cargo control room.

44- There is a requirement to maintain an oil record Book in orders that.......?

An inspection can be made by shore authorities in the event of oil spills or other pollution
45-Oil tanker design rules require that petroleum cargo tanks are separated from
accommodation by?
- A cofferdam.

46-In the Inert Gas system-what types of Deck Seal units are there?
The dry & the wet type.

47- What is the advantage of having a steam turbine driven inert gas fan on tanker fitted with an
auxiliary steam plant?
A steam turbine driven fan creates initial load on the boiler facilities inert gas production.

48-Inert gas blowers are.........?

Turbine type centrifugal blower fans.

49- What is the principle behind producing inert gas on board ship?
By the combustion of fuel oil to produce exhaust gases with an oxygen content of lessthan 5%.

50- What is the condition of the inert gas as it is produced by the boilers or inert gas generator?
Hot & containing soot particles.

51- the correct position for taking a 'bottom" sample is...........?

From the surface of the tank floor.

52-Inert gas- how can you tell if the demister units in the scrubber tower need to be cleaned?
By the differential pressure measured by U-tube.

53-Your vessel is loading liquid oil cargo &oil begins to flow out of a tank vent. Your first action
should be...?
Carry out emergency stop procedures.
54-Which of the groups contain the three isolating devices fitted between the inert gasvalve &
the cargo tank valves?
The non-return valve, the deck seal & the manual discharge valve.

55-How can you be assures that the inert gas analyzer will give the correct reading of the
oxygen Content of the inert gas?
The instrument is calibrated with nitrogen holding 3% oxygen (gray color test bottle)

56- Where is the inert gas tapped which is led to the oxygen analyzer?
At the inert gas discharge line bulkhead valve.

57-Which type of valves are fitted on the discharge side of the inert gas fan blowers?
Automatic butterfly valves.

58-Which type of valves are fitted as suction valves on the inert gas blower fans?
Manually controlled butterfly valves.

59-How is fresh air supply ensured in cargo tanks via the inert gas supply line? By removing the
fresh air intake blank on the inert gas fan suction line, ensuring that the boileruptake valve is

60-For the purposes of tank cleaning, oily water deposits are discharged into a.........?
- Slop tank.

61- What is most important for the personnel on duty to supervise during a discharging
operation including crude oil washing?
Ans: Act according to the chick list.

62-A CBT-Tanker arrives at loading port in ballast condition. What is today?

Ans: Deballasting & Loading simultaneously.
63- What is the definition of sludge control?
Ans: The cargo tanks are to be washed that often so residues do not accumulate in large

64-After you have washed the arrival ballast tanks. What is extremely important to do properly
before arrival ballast is pumped into the arrival ballast tanks?
Ans: To Wash all lines & pumps properly.

65- What is the denomination for API?

Ans: An abbreviation of American Petroleum Institute.

66-Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very do with
these analyzers first?
Ans: To do full calibration.

67- What will happen if a centrifugal pump is fitted without a non-return valve on the delivery
Ans: it will give full back flow at the time the pump stops.

68- From TOV you withdraw free water, what do you get then?
Ans: GOV (gross observed volume).

69- What is the correct procedure when transferring of oil cargo is necessary?
Ans: Obtain permission from charters & note procedures in oil record book & deck log.

70-Which of these steps (in shut-down procedure) shall be last executed?

Ans: Shut down of inert gas blower.
71-What is the safest way to complete loading (topping off)?
Ans: Have one slack tank as last tank.

72-Why is it important to check ullages frequently during loaded passage?

Ans: Check if any internal or hull leakages.

73- Transportation of oil at sea can be divided in two groups, which?

Ans: Crude oil & refined product.

74-Why is it important to perform line displacement prior to commence discharge?

Ans: push shore line content to shore tank or compare the ship's /shore flow measurements.

75-What does it mean if the capacity to a centrifugal pump is given from the manufacturer to be
for example 4000M3/hrs at 120mlc?
Ans: 4000m3/hrs at 120 meter liquid column.(delivery head).

76- What is the advantage by using Vacuum-strip-system during COW?

Ans: Enables sludge to be discharged directly to shore tanks.

77-During a ship to ship transfer operation, if an electrical storm enters the area, it is
recommended to...?
Ans: Suspend all cargo transfer operation & close vents valves from the cargo system.

78- Why is it necessary to drain all cargo lines to shore after discharge?
Ans: To comply with MARPOL requirements.
79- When is it necessary to run two pumps or more in serial?
Ans: if the back pressure when discharging is so high that one pump is not able to deliver

80-What is meant by settling in slop handling?

Ans: Separation of Water & Oil.

81- When using ejector for stripping, in what order will you open the valves?
Ans: All valves on the delivery side & adjust the propellant pressure.

82- What is the purpose of introducing inert gas onto each cargo tank?
Ans: To control the tank atmosphere by introducing the required inert gas.

83- To connect the loading/discharging, hoses/arms it is usually necessary to connect a reducer

on board to fit the shore connection. What is the common name to where the reducer is
connected on board?
Ans: presentation flange.


1.. Cryogenic burns can result in frostbite, what is the proper immediate treatment?
Ans.Warm the area quickly by placing it in water at 108F until it has thawed.
2. Any hawser by which a vessel is secured to a dock or mooring. It may be made of natural
materials (manila), synthetics, (polypropylene), or wire. Under certain circumstances the anchor
chain is detached from the anchor and a section of that is used to secure the vessel.
Ans. Mooring line

3. What is Cubic Limitation: This is usually caused by loading a light crude (crude with a high
APT) or clean products
Ans.Reaching cargo tank capacity before vessel sinks to its load-line.

4. Category X: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning
or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a major hazard to either marine resources or
human health and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the discharge into the marine environment

5. In IG, some of the gas may be released to atmosphere in order to

Ans. All the above

6. In tankers, general positioning combustible and toxic gas detectors include

Ans all of the above

7. Dirty ballast
Ans. Applies to the s w used for ballast when it is contaminated with the remains…

8.What are these type of tankers- LR2 (Large Range 2)

Ans 80000-159999

9. What is Innage
Ans the amount of space within a tank that is occupied by oil

10. The term solubility refers to the ability to mix with

Ans . Water
11. Procedure:- Load on top is the shipboard procedure of collecting and settling water and oil
mixtures, resulting from ballasting and tank cleaning operations (usually in a special slop tank or
tanks), and subsequently loading cargo on top of and pumping the mixture ashore at the
discharge port.

12. The Handle of Butterfly valve must be

Ans.Parallel to the flow when in the fully open position

13. Which of these statements is correct concerning the starting of a

Ans.They should always be started with the discharge valve closed.

14. 30. In flue gas line, it would be advantageous to fit

Ans.Both a and b


On many modern VLCC tankers, which of the following devices is used to top up IG pressure on
loaded condition in case slight reduction in tank temperature
Ans a separate igg plant

2. Examples of inorganic chemicals as

Ans. All the above

3. in theory, a cargo pump moving parts should be constructed by material as mentioned

Ans doubt

4. What is the purpose of expansion coupling

Ans. to connect two pieces of pipe together
5. What is meant by Aframax
Ans. Atype of tanker trades with the advantage to average fright rate convection

In IG, the mass of the water vapor contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends on the
Ans doubt temperature

During loading, firefighting equipment should be laid out ready for use in the vicinity of the

Stern manifold doubt

8. In a Type 2 chemical tanker the tank's capacity is limited to


9. What would likely happen if you were exposed to a 100% methane atmosphere for more
than 15 minutes?


which safety device is fitted on the inert gas Scrubber Tower to monitor the efficient operation of
the Plant?
Ans. The scrubber tower high level alarm

in scrubber,
is not readily absorbed by water

14. What is the expansion ratio for low expansion foam?
3:1 to 20:1

13. The longer an oil fire is permitted to burn, the

Ans.harder it is to extinguish

Examples of vegetable and animal oils and fats as:
Ans all the above

15. in KG system, ideally the blower casing should be split with split bearings
Ans vertically

16. Cargo Hoses should be capable of holding pressure up to 5 times working pressure
Ans. True

17. Fixed foam monitors having a locking angle position for every
Ans doubt 7

18. The simplest method to use for determining if a centrifugal pump is suitable for operation to
Ans. close off the discharge valve, and watch for a rise in pressure

19. Which Party is responsible for arranging the reducers or enlarger short pieces to the
manifold before ca
Ans doubt

What should be done if localized scoring is discovered on a pump shaft sleeve during routine
maintenance inspection?
a) Reassemble the pump and provide more water leak off for lubrication.
b) Check for parallel alignment of the sleeve radial face to the sleeve bore.
c) Reassemble the pump and set the governor to obtain a slower speed.
d) Correct the cause of scoring and install a new shaft sleeve

Which of the following actions should be taken if during a routine maintenance inspection of a
centrifugal pump, localized scoring on a pump shaft sleeve is detected?
a) Correct the cause of the scoring and repair the sleeve or replace with a new one.
b) Reassemble the unit and provide more water leak off for proper lubrication.
c) Check for parallel alignment of the sleeve radial faces to the sleeve bores.
d) Reassemble the unit and adjust the governor to obtain a slower speed.

The pump packing gland has been repeatedly tightened by small increments until the gland has
bottomed. Which of the actions listed should be carried out next if the leakage continues to be
a) Replace all of the packing.
b) Replace with larger cross-sectional turns of packing.
c) Replace the soft packing with packing turns that are covered with lead wrap.
d) Continue to add more turns of packing.

To prevent overheating and scoring of the shaft after repacking the stuffing box, which of the
following procedures should be carried out?
a) Tighten the packing in small increments while the pump is operating.
b) Lubricate the lantern ring with cylinder oil before installing new turns of packing.
c) Tightening the gland in all the way and then backing it off slightly.
d) Operating the pump slowly and applying oil freely to the shaft until the packing is properly

If a centrifugal pump develops insufficient discharge pressure as a result of worn wearing rings,
which of the following corrective actions is required?
a) Replace the rings.
b) Throttle in on the discharge valve.
c) Always replace the wearing rings and the impeller as a set.
d) Throttle in on the suction valve.

A centrifugal pump gradually develops insufficient discharge pressure. What corrective action is
a) Replace the wearing rings.
b) Throttle in on the discharge valve.
c) Replace the lantern rings.
d) Throttle in on the suction valve.

After the installation of new impeller wearing rings by pressing them onto the pump impeller
hub, it is advisable to ______.
a) dynamically balance the shaft and impeller
b) check the shaft and impeller assembly on centers to see if the ring surfaces are true
c) visually inspect the rings after about an hour of service
d) all of the above

When renewing the shaft packing on a centrifugal pump equipped with an external liquid sealing
supply, you should ______.
a) always turn down the shaft in a lathe to ensure a snug fit
b) ensure that the lantern ring is aligned with the sealing supply opening
c) check the stuffing box for irregularities with a dial indicator
d) make sure the seal cage is always positioned at the base of the stuffing box

When renewing spiral packing in a centrifugal pump stuffing box, after the packing is firmly
seated, the packing gland nuts should be ______.
a) left in that position
b) loosened until the gland clears the stuffing box
c) tightened an additional 10% to compress the packing
d) loosened, and then retightened until they are only finger tight

During the inspection of a low pressure pump, the wearing ring is determined to have a
clearance of 0.011" - 0.013", you should ______.
a) replace the worn wearing ring
b) install a new oversized casing ring
c) machine the worn wearing ring and refit
d) leave the existing wearing rings in place

A pump shaft that is bent or distorted should normally be ______.

a) repaired by a suitable welding process
b) straightened by applying heat and torsion
c) reconditioned by metallizing and machining
d) replaced with a satisfactory spare

What would be the probable cause if a pump were unable to maintain necessary discharge
pressure to a system?
I. failure of the coupling used on a close-coupled pump
II. fracture of one packing gland bolt
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II
What would be the probable cause if a pump were unable to maintain necessary discharge
pressure to a system?
I. failure of the internal parts of the pump
II. failure of the pump relief valve spring
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II

Which of the listed conditions can lead to cavitations in a centrifugal pump?

a) Vapor pockets formed in the suction flow stream.
b) Rough casing volute surfaces.
c) Worn wearing rings.
d) Partial restriction in the discharge valve.

Reduced capacity, accompanied by vibration and noise at the suction of a centrifugal pump is a
result of ______.
a) cavitation
b) water hammer
c) fluid friction
d) steam knock

Which of the following conditions will prevent a shipboard pump from achieving its maximum
suction lift?
a) Leaks developed in the suction piping.
b) Friction losses as a result of improperly sized pipe.
c) Gases or vapors released in the liquid as a result of greater than normal pressure drops.
d) All of the above.

Which of the following conditions will indicate a need for a finishing cut to be taken on the pump
a) Roughness
b) Deep ridges
c) Corrugations
d) All of the above

The shaft sleeves have recently been replaced on a centrifugal salt water service pump. The
packing gland is now drawn tightly up against the casing. Despite the use of standard
procedures to tighten the packing gland, water continues to pour out along the shaft. The
probable cause for this situation is that ______.
a) the shaft sleeve "O" ring seals were not installed
b) suction head pressure has become excessive
c) the sealing water flow to the stuffing box is blocked
d) only two sections of the lantern ring were installed

While on watch, you notice that a significant amount of water is flowing out of the packing box
from a centrifugal salt water pump which had been recently overhauled. You tighten the packing
gland evenly by nearly a half inch, yet the amount of water output from the packing box does not
diminish. You should ______.
a) make no further adjustments and continue to make a round of the engine room
b) take up evenly on the packing gland nuts another 2 or 3 full turns
c) back off on the nuts by the same amount to prevent scoring of the shaft sleeve and notify the
next watch of the condition
d) shut off the sealing line valves to diminish the outflow of water from the packing box

While on watch, you notice that a significant amount of water is flowing out of the packing box
from a centrifugal salt water pump which had been recently overhauled. You tighten the packing
gland evenly by nearly a half inch, yet the amount of water output from the packing box does not
diminish. You should ______.
a) make no further adjustments and continue to make a round of the engine room
b) take up evenly on the packing gland nuts another 2 or 3 full turns
c) shut off the seal line valves to diminish the outflow of water from the packing box
d) change over to the stand-by pump and inform the next watch

A centrifugal pump vibrates excessively during operation. Upon disassembling the pump it is
found that the impeller is out of balance. Without an available spare, you should ______.
a) drill holes through the heavy side of the impeller until it balances
b) weld counterweights to the light side of the impeller
c) remove metal from the heavy side by machining in a lathe
d) acid wash and scrape the heavy side until it balances

If the capacity of a centrifugal pump decreases gradually over a long period of time, you should
replace the ______.
a) packing gland
b) mechanical seals
c) lantern rings
d) wearing rings
If a centrifugal pump is driven by a constant speed electric motor and produces a discharge
pressure less than designed, the cause is probably ______.
a) excessive pump speed
b) excessive suction head
c) worn wearing rings
d) gross pump misalignment

If a centrifugal pump is driven by a constant speed prime mover and produces a flow rate less
than the designed specifications, the cause could be ______.
a) suction absolute pressure greatly exceeds corresponding vapor pressure of liquid being
b) excessive suction head pressure
c) pump packing gland misalignment
d) worn wearing rings

If a centrifugal pump vibrates and is noisy when operating, the cause could be ______.
a) worn gland sealing shaft
b) worn wearing rings
c) a bent shaft
d) reversed pump coupling

A centrifugal pump may fail to deliver water when first started if the ______.
a) water seal pipe is plugged
b) pump is not primed
c) seal ring is improperly located
d) impeller is flooded

A double suction centrifugal pump impeller has been installed in the reverse direction, and will
a) have a greater head capacity
b) operate with increased impeller efficiency
c) discharge through the suction side of the pump casing
d) require more power to turn the shaft

If the shaft packing for a centrifugal pump requires replacement more frequently than normal, a
possible cause may be ______.
a) worn bearings
b) worn mechanical seals
c) a flooded pump suction
d) wrong direction of pump rotation

Frequent bearing replacement in a centrifugal pump, due to rapid bearing wear, can be a result
of ______.
a) leakage through the pump stuffing box gland
b) high net positive suction head
c) long periods of cavitation
d) misalignment

If it were necessary for you to frequently replace the bearings of the condensate pump, the
trouble could be the result of ______.
a) misalignment
b) a plugged water seal line
c) salt water contamination of the condensate
d) worn wearing rings

What would be the result of throttling the suction valve to the point where the flow was less than
that recommended by a centrifugal pump manufacturer?
I. The designed discharge head would be reduced.
II. The packing life would be greatly reduced.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II

Which of the following problems will occur when the suction valve is throttled on a centrifugal
pump not designed to operate in this manner?
a) The pump will immediately overheat and seize.
b) Pump efficiency is reduced and cavitation will be induced.
c) The pump packing will fail causing irrepairable damage to the pump shaft.
d) Pump capacity is reduced and overall efficiency will be increased.

A crackling noise coming from a centrifugal pump casing is an indication of ______.

a) insufficient packing
b) an oversized lantern ring
c) excessive suction lift
d) reversed pump rotation
If you heard a 'crackling' noise in a centrifugal pump, the most probable cause of the problem
would be ______.
a) insufficient speed
b) cavitation
c) excess discharge pressure
d) excessive net positive suction head

The usual symptoms of cavitation in a centrifugal pump is ______.

a) crackling noise and vibration
b) an increase in discharge pressure
c) an increase in suction pressure
d) lifting of the relief valve

Reduced capacity, accompanied by vibration and noise at the suction of a centrifugal pump,
results from cavitation in the fluid being pumped. Cavitation describes the formation of ______.
a) vapor pockets
b) water hammer action
c) fluid friction
d) steam knock

If you heard a 'crackling' sound occuring within a centrifugal pump, the most probable source of
the noise would be the ______.
a) shaft sleeves
b) discharge volutes
c) wearing rings
d) pump suction

Pitting in the suction areas of a centrifugal pump bronze impeller is usually caused by ______.
a) cavitation
b) electrolysis
c) abrasion
d) corrosion

Excessive wear on a centrifugal pump shaft sleeve will ______.

a) cause severe vibration when the pump is operating
b) cause excessive leakage past the packing gland
c) cause damage in the stuffing box
d) allow interstage leakage in the pump casing glands

Excessive wear on a centrifugal pump shaft sleeve will ______.

a) cause new packing to be torn and scored
b) cause severe pump vibration at operating speed
c) damage the packing gland stuffing box
d) damage the pump casing interstage seals

If it were necessary for you to frequently replace the packing on the main condensate pump, the
trouble could be the result of ______.
a) running at low speed for a long time
b) excessive condensate recirculation
c) defective casing gasket
d) worn bearings

The simplest method to use for determining if a centrifugal pump is operating as designed, is to
a) closely observe the pump discharge temperature
b) close off the discharge valve, and watch for a rise in pressure
c) momentarily close off the suction valve, and watch for a rise in pressure
d) use a clamp on ammeter and compare the readings to past records

One of three available centrifugal salt water service pumps is in operation with a sea water
temperature of 50°F. The cooling temperature of all systems supplied by this pump appear to be
high. Therefore, you should ______.
a) only need to start a second pump and operate it in parallel
b) start a second pump and place it on line, close the discharge valve on the original pump and
watch for a rise in the discharge pressure
c) after starting the second pump open the casing vent valve of the first pump, then secure the
first pump
d) after starting the second pump secure the first pump and do nothing else with the salt water
service system

If the flow of water from a centrifugal pump is allowed to be stopped by closing the discharge
valve while the pump continues to run for an indefinite period, the ______.
a) relief valve will open
b) water pressure will lower continually to shut off head
c) water pressure will tend to rise continuously
d) liquid may overheat and vaporize
You suspect a problem with the centrifugal fire pump on your ship, and begin to slowly close the
discharge valve. Your suspicion is confirmed when the ______.
a) discharge valve is closed off and there is no change in the discharge pressure
b) discharge valve is 80% closed and the relief valve lifts
c) suction valve is closed off, and the discharge pressure begins to decrease
d) suction valve is closed off, yet the relief valve does not lift

Excessive air leakage into the suction side of a centrifugal pump would be indicated by which of
the following operational problems?
a) The pump delivers full capacity when started, but gradually slackens off to an abnormally low
b) The pump packing gland overheats after short operating periods.
c) The motor overcurrent protective device continually shuts the pump down.
d) Pounding noises can be heard at the pump suction chest.

One of the main functions of wearing rings, as used in a centrifugal pumps, is to ______.
a) maintain radial alignment between the pump impeller and casing
b) absorb all impeller shaft end thrust
c) prevent water leakage to the atmosphere
d) allow for economical replacement of worn internal pump components during regular overhaul

On modern tankers with separate pumprooms, which of the following is used to minimize cargo
pump shaft leakage?
a) Slinger rings
b) Mechanical seals
c) Shaft sleeves
d) Stuffing box glands

The purpose of wearing rings as found in large centrifugal pumps is to ______.

a) prevent an internal explosion in the pump when it is overheated
b) enable a visual inspection of the pump while it is running
c) insure the proper alignment of the pump coupling to the driver
d) permit internal components that are subjected to high erosion conditions, to be replaceable
thereby extending the service life of the pump
Two individual centrifugal pump impellers of the same diameter, width, and rotating speed are to
be compared, one is cast with straight vanes, the other with curved vanes. Which of the
following statements is correct?
a) The straight vane impeller always developes a higher discharge pressure
b) The straight vane impeller always has a greater capacity
c) The curved vane impeller is less likely to develop cavitation.
d) The curved vane impeller will be easier to balance

Increasing the speed of a centrifugal pump will result in an increase in the pump capacity.
Another means of increasing the total head pressure of a centrifugal pump is to increase the
a) diameter of the discharge piping, with all other factors remaining the same
b) diameter of the suction piping, with all other factors remaining the same
c) width of the impeller
d) diameter of the impeller

Which of the following statements is true concerning centrifugal pumps?

a) They are particularly well suited for pumping high viscosity fluids.
b) They operate best under negative suction pressure conditions.
c) A flow is developed by imparting kinetic energy to the fluid by the rotation of an impeller.
d) They operate more efficiently when mounted in a horizontal position.

Which units of measurement are commonly used to express pump suction head values when
calculating pump capacities and hydraulic horsepower?
a) Inches of mercury for positive head and feet of water for negative head
b) Feet of water for positive head and inches of mercury for negative head
c) Inches of mercury for both positive and negative heads
d) Feet of water for both positive and negative heads

In a centrifugal pump, the purpose of the sealing line is to provide liquid from the discharge side
of the pump directly to the ______.
a) slinger ring
b) wearing ring
c) pump coupling ring
d) lantern ring

The result of mounting an impeller of a double suction centrifugal pump impeller with the vanes
facing the wrong direction, would cause the pumps ______.
a) head capacity to improve
b) discharge to be reversed
c) efficiency to decrease
d) slippage to decrease

Which of the listed metals offers the best resistance to sea water corrosion?
a) nickel
b) steel
c) aluminum
d) zinc

The distillate pump for a 12000 GPD evaporator, should be rated at a minimum of ______.
a) 8.3 gpm
b) 200 gpm
c) 300 gpm
d) 500 gpm

In the illustration shown, an efficient seal is maintained between the suction cover and the volute
by ______. See illustration GS-0012.
a) good metal-to-metal contact
b) sealant between the two parts
c) an asbestos gasket
d) compressing the packing rings

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Which of the following statements correctly describes the construction of the close coupled
sanitary pump shown in the illustration? See illustration GS-0070.
a) The pump suction and discharge connections are made with screwed pipe fittings.
b) The pump and motor have a common shaft.
c) The pump impeller is classified as double suction.
d) The pump housing and motor frame provide for radial adjustment of the shaft coupling.

Which of the following terms is used to identify the pressure of a liquid entering a centrifugal
a) Suction head
b) Pump head
c) Discharge head
d) Total head

If the existing vapor pressure is subtracted from the indicated pressure at the pump suction, the
remainder is the ______.
a) pump head
b) total suction head
c) discharge head
d) apparent net positive suction head

The pressure of a liquid leaving the pump can be referred to as the ______.
a) total head
b) discharge head
c) net positive suction head
d) suction head

The total static head of a system resisting the operation of a centrifugal pump is the difference in
elevation between the ______.
a) discharge liquid level and the suction liquid level
b) discharge liquid level and the pump centerline
c) suction liquid level and the pump centerline
d) suction submergence level and the pump discharge

Centrifugal pumps, used to handle hot liquids, must have a minimum flow through them under
all operating conditions. This flow serves to ______.
a) prevent overheating and vapor bound conditions
b) maintain the net positive suction head of the pump
c) maintain hydraulic differential in the pump impeller passages
d) keep the shaft glands cool

A centrifugal pump operating against a closed discharge valve has a/an ______.
a) capacity of 100%
b) efficiency of 0%
c) internal slippage of 0%
d) shut off horsepower rating of 100%

The static positive suction head of a pump is the ______.

a) distance of the suction liquid level above the center line of the pump
b) distance the suction liquid level is below the center line of the pump
c) force necessary to overcome frictional losses in the pump and piping
d) amount in inches of mercury the total suction head is below atmospheric pressure

The static suction lift of a pump is the difference in elevation between the ______.
a) centerline of the pump and the level of the liquid in the suction well when the source of liquid
is below the pump
b) centerline of the pump and the suction liquid level when the source of liquid is above the
c) centerline of the pump and the level of the discharge liquid
d) liquid levels of the suction and discharge

The static suction head of a horizontal centrifugal pump, is the difference in elevation between
the ______.
a) discharge liquid level and the suction liquid level
b) discharge liquid level and the pump centerline
c) suction liquid level and the pump centerline
d) suction submergence level and the pump discharge

A pump is defined as a device that ______.

a) produces pressure
b) imparts energy to a fluid to move it from point "A" to point "B"
c) creates a vacuum to move a liquid in all installations
d) is to develop a pressure differential

A centrifugal pump produces flow with a resulting discharge head by energy conversion. It is
typical for the energy conversion to follow the order of ______.
a) mechanical energy to kinetic energy to potential energy
b) mechanical energy to potential energy to kinetic energy
c) potential energy to mechanical energy to kinetic energy
d) kinetic energy to mechanical energy to potential energy

A liquid is being transferred by a centrifugal pump. As the liquid passes through the volute, its
velocity decreases and ______.
a) its pressure increases
b) its pressure decreases
c) the potential energy decreases
d) the kinetic energy increases

The discharge rate or capacity of a centrifugal pump will vary directly as the ______.
a) change in the impeller diameter
b) square of the impeller radius
c) cube of the impeller diameter
d) impeller efficiency for large changes in its size

The brake horsepower of a centrifugal pump will vary directly as the ______.
a) diameter of the impeller
b) square of the diameter of the impeller
c) cube of the diameter of the impeller
d) impeller efficiency for large changes in the size of the impeller

The discharge head of a centrifugal pump will vary directly with the ______.
a) change in impeller diameter
b) square of the impeller diameter
c) cube of the impeller diameter
d) impeller efficiency for large changes in the size of the impeller

Increasing the speed of a centrifugal pump will result in an increase in its capacity. Another
means of increasing the capacity of a centrifugal pump is to increase the ______.
a) diameter of the discharge piping, with all other factors remaining the same
b) diameter of the suction piping, with all other factors remaining the same
c) width of the impeller only
d) diameter of the impeller

The capacity of a centrifugal pump can be increased by the installation of a larger diameter
impeller. Another means of increasing the pump capacity is to ______.
a) increase speed
b) increase the size of the cardent assembly
c) reduce wearing ring clearances
d) change the pump to a 'close coupled' arrangement

Assume identical impeller diameter, width and speed. Which of the following impellers will
produce the greatest liquid velocity?
a) A single stage straight vane impeller
b) A single stage curved vane impeller
c) A dual integeral impeller unit operating at 10% lower speed
d) A dual impeller with multiple stepped curved vanes
The basic function of the centrifugal pump impeller is to ______.
a) directly increase the pressure of the liquid being pumped
b) directly increase the velocity of the liquid being pumped
c) convert the potential energy of the liquid to kinetic energy
d) separate air from the liquid being pumped

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Closed impellers differ from open impellers in that closed impellers ______.
a) allow liquid to enter the eye from one direction only
b) have side walls which extend from the eye to the outer edge of the vane tips
c) have small impeller eyes
d) are not vented above the impeller eye

The centrifugal pump component responsible for converting the mechanical energy of the liquid
being pumped, to that of kinetic energy is the ______.
a) electric motor
b) volute
c) impeller
d) diffusion nozzle

Theoretically, a double suction impeller is in hydraulic axial balance. In actuality this balance is
rarely achieved due to ______.
a) an unbalanced force exerted from the direction of the impeller nearest the driving motor
b) unequal or nonuniform flow to the suction eyes of the impeller housing
c) excessive sealing water flow to the stuffing box
d) flexible shaft design which causes rapid wear of the outboard shaft bearing

To absorb the wear resulting from impeller rotation and abrasives in the liquid, a centrifugal
pump is usually fitted with ______.
a) lantern rings
b) bearings
c) casing volutes
d) wearing rings

The purpose of the wearing ring used in the illustrated pump is to ______. See illustration
a) support the suction end of the impeller
b) provide an interference fit for the impeller
c) provide a replaceable wear surface for the shaft
d) provide a replaceable wear surface for the pump housing

What is a function of the wearing rings used in most centrifugal pumps?

a) Absorb erosion of high velocity discharge stream.
b) Seal pump shaft against entry of air.
c) Isolate the discharge side from the suction side.
d) Dampen the turbulent discharge flow.

Which features of a centrifugal pump reduce the need for renewing worn impellers and pump
a) Close radial clearance between impeller hub and casing
b) Low rotational speed of impeller
c) Removable end plate
d) Replaceable impeller and casing wearing rings

In most horizontally split centrifugal pump casings, wearing rings are prevented from rotating by
a) swelling the wearing rings into the casing
b) using wear rings with a larger than normal outside diameter and having the casing 'crush'
them in place
c) using one dowel pin pressed into the side of the ring, then fitting the pin into a hole drilled into
the side of the casing ring grove
d) using an extended lip formed on one half of the ring and using the upper casing half to trap
the lip when the casing is reassembled

To maintain the design discharge pressure of a centrifugal pump, the clearance between the
a) impeller and lantern ring is critical
b) impeller and casing wearing rings is critical
c) packing box and packing gland is critical
d) gland seal and packing gland is critical

On many modern tankers, which of the following devices is used to reduce cargo pump leakage
to the pump room bilge?
a) Flinger rings
b) Mechanical seals
c) Shaft sleeves
d) Clipper seals

Lantern rings are provided on centrifugal pumps to ______.

a) allow illuminated inspection of shaft and packing
b) provide a passage for the stuffing box sealing liquid
c) adjust leakage at the shaft gland
d) allow for distortion of the wearing rings

A lantern ring is ______.

a) the bottom ring in a set of piston rings
b) the oil slinger on a spring bearing
c) used to distribute seal water throughout the pump stuffing box
d) the lifting ring on each running light

Which pump installation would require an external source of sealing water?

a) Main jacket water cooling pump
b) Salt water service pump
c) Auxiliary fire pump
d) Centrifugal bilge pump

The function of seal cages, or lantern rings installed in the centrifugal pump stuffing boxes, is to
a) cool the shaft
b) lubricate the packing
c) seal air from entering along the shaft
d) distribute the sealing liquid within the stuffing box

Sealing lines provide sealing liquid flow to the stuffing box of a centrifugal pump ______.
a) to prevent seawater from passing out the stuffing box when a high suction head is present
b) to cool the shaft
c) in place of mechanical seals
d) in place of lantern rings

Air leakage between the shaft and stuffing box packing in a centrifugal pump is prevented by
a) a compressed packing gland
b) lantern rings between the packing rings
c) a liquid seal
d) the stuffing box gland

Centrifugal pumps are designed with sealing lines ______.

a) to prevent the fluid being pumped from pouring out of the stuffing box when a high suction
head is available
b) in place of mechanical seals
c) in place of slinger rings
d) to prevent air from entering the pump casing along the shaft

Terms in this set (37)

What would be the result of throttling the suction valve to the point where the flow was less than
that recommended by a centrifugal pump?
I. The designed total net head would be reduced.
II. The pump would begin to cavitate.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II

If a centrifugal boiler feed pump operating with a positive suction head vibrates, or becomes
noisy, the cause could be ______.
a) excessive suction pressure
b) worn wearing rings
c) air leakage into suction line
d) insufficient flow

Which of the following changes in pump operating parameters will lead to pump cavitation in a
centrifugal pump that is operating in an open system?
a) Steadily decreasing pump speed
b) Steadily increasing pump suction pressure
c) Steadily increasing pump discharge pressure
d) Steadily increasing pump inlet temperature
Some centrifugal pumps have water lines connected to the stuffing box glands to ______.
a) prevent seawater from passing out the stuffing box when a high suction head is present
b) assist the pump in maintaining a vacuum and cool the packing
c) provide a decrease in impeller thrust
d) prevent the pump from overspeeding

If the flow of water from a centrifugal pump is allowed to be stopped by closing the discharge
valve while the pump continues to run for an extended period, which of the following will occur?
a) The wearing rings will become excessively worn.
b) The water pressure will decrease to shut off head
c) The water pressure will rise above shut off head
d) liquid in the pump will overheat

What would probably occur if excessive misalignment existed between a centrifugal pump and
its power source?
a) pump cavitation will increase
b) power consumption will be reduced
c) flashing may occur at the impeller eye
d) shaft bearings will overheat

If a centrifugal pump sealing line becomes restricted while operating under a negative suction
head (suction lift), which of the following may occur?
a) The pump may lose suction.
b) The pump gland may overheat.
c) Pump may tend to cavitate.
d) All of the above

Operating a water service centrifugal pump with an excessive amount of wearing ring clearance
would result in ______.
a) noisy pump operation
b) excessive pump vibration
c) a decrease in discharge head
d) excessive stuffing box leakage

While standing watch in the engine room, you hear a 'crackling' sound coming from within a salt
water service system centrifugal pump. The most probable cause for this occurrence would be
from an abnormal condition at the ______.
a) shaft sleeves
b) discharge volutes
c) wearing rings
d) pump suction

If you hear a 'crackling' sound coming from a salt water centrifugal pump casing, the most
probable cause of the noise would be ______.
a) insufficient packing
b) an oversized lantern ring
c) excessive suction lift
d) reversed pump rotation

If you hear a 'crackling' sound coming from a salt water centrifugal pump casing, the most
probable cause of the noise would be ______.
a) insufficient speed
b) cavitation
c) excessive discharge pressure
d) excessive net positive suction head

The usual symptoms of cavitation in a centrifugal pump would be ______.

a) noise and vibration
b) an increase in discharge pressure
c) an increase in suction pressure
d) lifting of the relief valve

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On watch aboard ship, which of the following conditions will prevent a general service shipboard
pump from achieving its maximum suction lift?
a) Leaks developed in the suction piping.
b) Restriction in the suction line.
c) Gases or vapors released in the liquid as a result of greater than normal pressure drops.
d) All of the above.

If you hear a 'crackling' sound while standing watch in the engine room occuring within a general
service system centrifugal pump, the most probable location of the noise would be the ______.
a) shaft sleeves
b) shaft packing gland
c) wearing rings
d) pump suction

What condition listed below would specifically indicate that a pump overhaul was necessary for
a centrifugal saltwater service pump.
a) Indicated head pressure does not change when discharge valve is closed.
b) Observed operational speed has decreased
c) Excessive noise coming from drive motor
d) Excessive noise coming from pump coupling

What condition listed below would indicate that a pump overhaul was necessary for a centrifugal
saltwater service pump.
a) Indicated head pressure does not change when the discharge valve is closed
b) Pump vibration has increased
c) Shaft packing gland requires constant repacking due to an excessively worn sleeve
d) All of the above

What condition listed below would specifically indicate that a pump overhaul was necessary for
a centrifugal saltwater service pump.
a) Pump coupling requires constant maintenance.
b) Observed operational speed has decreased.
c) Indicated head pressure does not change when discharge valve is closed.
d) Salt water heat exchangers running hot.

If you hear a 'crackling' sound while standing watch in the engine room occuring within a general
service system centrifugal pump, the most probable location of the noise would be the ______.
a) shaft sleeves
b) discharge volutes
c) wearing rings
d) pump suction

If you hear a 'crackling' sound while standing watch in the engine room coming from a centrifical
pump casing within a general service system, the most probable cause of the noise would be
a) insufficient packing
b) an oversized lantern ring
c) excessive suction lift
d) reversed pump rotation
If you hear a 'crackling' noise while standing watch in the engine room coming from a centrifical
pump within a general service system, the most probable cause of the problem would be
a) insufficient speed
b) cavitation
c) excess discharge pressure
d) excessive net positive suction head

You are standing watch in the engine room on your vessel. The usual symptoms of cavitation in
a centrifugal pump are ______.
a) noise and vibration
b) an increase in discharge pressure
c) an increase in suction pressure
d) lifting of the relief valve

You are standing watch in the engine room of your vessel. Reduced capacity, accompanied by
vibration and noise at the suction of a centrifugal pump, results from cavitation in the fluid being
pumped. Cavitation describes the formation of ______.
a) vapor pockets
b) water hammer action
c) fluid friction
d) steam knock

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One of the consequences in continuing to operate a centrifugal bilge pump with the discharge
valve closed, is that the ______.
a) motor overload will open
b) relief valve will open
c) pump will overheat
d) motor will overheat

If an operating bilge pump is developing good vacuum, but is unable to discharge any water,
which of the following problems is the most probable cause?
a) The wearing rings are excessively worn.
b) The suction strainer is clogged.
c) The discharge valve is clogged.
d) The shaft is worn.
When shifting suction from one fresh water tank to another, if the fresh water pump loses
suction you should______.
a) loosen the mechanical seal
b) vent the pump casing
c) check the discharge strainers
d) all of the above

To maintain design discharge pressure from a centrifugal pump, the design clearance must be
maintained between the ______.
a) shaft and impeller
b) motor and pump shaft
c) casing and impeller wearing rings
d) lantern ring and impeller

When a centrifugal pump is operating with a positive suction head, the inner end of the stuffing
box is ______.
a) under a vacuum and air tends to leak into the pump through the shaft stuffing box
b) under a pressure and fluid may tend to leak out from the pump along the shaft through the
stuffing box
c) sealed by a vacuum and no leakage will occur
d) sealed by the seal cage or pump lantern ring

If a centrifugal pump operating with a positive suction head becomes air bound, your FIRST
response should be to ______.
a) vent the casing
b) close the discharge
c) tighten the packing
d) reprime the pump

If a horizontal centrifugal pump becomes air bound, the pump should be vented at the ______.
a) suction line
b) discharge flange
c) top of the volute
d) bottom of the casing

If a centrifugal bilge pump were continually operated with the discharge valve closed the
a) motor overload would open
b) relief valve would open
c) pump would overheat
d) motor would overheat

If a centrifugal pump were continually operated with the discharge valve closed, the ______.
a) motor controller overload would open
b) pump would eventually overheat
c) relief valve would continuously cycle open
d) motor would overheat

A centrifugal bilge pump requires priming ______.

a) primarily to lubricate the shaft seals
b) due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction (eye) of the impeller
c) to initially unload the pump by having its head pressure equal to discharge pressure
d) in order to overcome the potential energy of water in the discharge line

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To operate a centrifugal fire pump at reduced capacity, you should ______.
a) readjust the relief valve
b) throttle the suction line
c) throttle the discharge valve
d) open the priming line

Which of the following conditions would be hazardous if you were using two centrifugal pumps
to discharge a flammable liquid?
a) Both pumps operating at the same speed and discharging into a common line.
b) Each pump operating at a different speed and discharging into a common line.
c) Both pumps operating at the same speed taking suction from a common line.
d) Each pump operating at a different speed and taking suction from a common line.

If two centrifugal pumps, driven by two independent electric motors, operating at unequal
speeds are discharging an inflammable liquid through a common discharge line, the higher
speed pump may cause the slower pump to ______.
a) stop
b) turn backward
c) overheat
d) overspeed the driving end

If the valve "A" on the pump illustrated is closed, the ______. See illustration GS-0070.
a) packing will tend to wear rapidly
b) pump may loose suction if the suction is from below the pump
c) shaft sleeve may become excessively worn
d) All of the above.

What would occur if "A" shown on the illustrated pump is closed? See illustration GS-0070.
a) Recirculation will not be available at low flow.
b) Satisfactory venting of the pump casing would not be possible.
c) The interval of replacing the packing will become more frequent.
d) All of the above.

If a centrifugal pump is being driven by a steam turbine and the discharge valve is closed off,
the pump will ______.
a) slow down
b) run cooler
c) speed up by 5% until the discharge valve is reopened
d) no longer continue to internally convert the resultant energy imparted to the pump

When securing a distillate pump on a low pressure fresh water evaporator, which of the listed
steps should be carried out FIRST?
a) Stop the pump.
b) Close the pressure gage valves.
c) Trip the three-way solenoid dump valve.
d) Close the sealing line valves to the pump.

When securing a centrifugal type distillate pump, which of the listed steps should be carried out
a) Close the pressure gage isolation valves.
b) Secure the casing vapor vent line.
c) Secure the stuffing box sealing water line.
d) Trip the three way dump valve.
When a horizontal type centrifugal pump is used for dewatering the engine room bilges, you
would ______.
I. use a rotary, liquid piston type pump to obtain a prime
II. partially open the sea suction valve, then gradually switch over to the required engine room
bilge suction valve
a) I only
b) II only
c) Either I or II
d) Neither I nor II

Which of the conditions listed could prevent a centrifugal condensate pump from developing its
rated capacity?
a) Venting the pump to the vacuum side of the condenser.
b) Closing the water seal line to the packing gland.
c) Flooding of the main condenser hotwell.
d) Operating the pump with a positive suction head.

1… What is the maximum capacity of cargo tanks in a TYPE-1 Chemical Tanker?

Ans. 1250

2. Which topic is NOT required to be discussed at the pre-transfer conference?

Ans.Estimated time of finishing cargo

3. The IG blower should be capable of maintaining a positive pressure of_mm WG minimum in

the cargo tanks regardless of the tank combination for discharging
Ans. 200

4. At what percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is it possible to have a fire?

Ans. 11

5. Volatile petroleum oil has a flash point

Below 60

Clean ballast may be discharged
Ans doubt all the 3

Whilst discharging cargo, if the oxygen content within the inert gas main is above the SOLAS
1974 recommendations and the Engin
that they cannot reduce it, what would your actions be?
Stop all cargo operations

U seals and siphon breakers are fitted to the scrubber tower
Ans. Effluent

9. The flammable range of different chemicals may

Ans doubt always different

10. A per-calculated vessel table based on the wedge formula and displayed much like the
vessels usual innage/ullage tables. These for small quantities (on-board quantities, remaining
on board) when the cargo or free water does not touch all bulldheads of the
Ans. Wedge

11. To accommodate expansion of piping on the deck of a chemical tanker the following are
Ans. Natural bends at intervals

Which of the listed pumping arrangements will be hazardous when two similar centrifugal
pumps are used to discharge a cargo of flammable liquid?
a) Both pumps operating at the same speed and discharging into a common line.
b) Both pumps operating at the same speed and taking suction from a common line.
c) Each pump operating at a different speed and taking suction from a common line.
d) Each pump operating at a different pressure and discharging into a common line.
1.. The draft read at the middle of the ship markings. This draft can, and often does, differ from
the Mean Draft due to hogging
Ans. Midship draft

2. The should be fitted with suitable inspection and drainage

Ans doubt all

3.What you understand by the term Lighterage

Ans none

4.Displacement Tonnage-Expressed in tons it is the weight the water displaced by the vessel
which in turn is the weight of the s

In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is when…
Final topping is occurring


11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner



The IBC code defines ____ types of chemical tankers.

1. 2

2. 3       *

3. 4

4. None of the above

All VLCC normally has cargo tank heating arrangements as

1. Heating steam arrangement in the individuals tanks by steam

circulation             *

2. Deck heaters electrically heated for circulation through heaters

3. Deck steam heater heated by steam circulation

4. None of the above

Tankers will have additional fireman outfits other than the normal requirement 1/8
11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner

1. 1

2. 2        *

3. 4

4. No excess is required

Chemical tankers are required to comply with the various safety aspects of

1. SOLAS chapter VI

2. SOLAS Chapter VII                *

3. SOLAS Chapter VIII

4. SOLAS Chapter V

If a cargo is of low Flash point it is said to be

1. Flammable    *

2. Poisonous

3. Toxic

4. Non-Flammable

What is the pump capacity depending on

1. Liquid velocity

2. Total pressure head            *

3. Liquid temperature

4. Suction pressure

As per definition of MARPOL Annex I, a crude oil means a tanker designed to carry _____

1. Crude oil and other dirty oil

2. Crude oil along with some refined products

3. Crude oil only              *

4. Crude oil bur alternately may carry at times dirty and clean oil products also.

What does code R stands in ship-shore safety checklist

1. Remarks

2. Request

3. Require

4. Rechecked          *

Clean ballast is normally 2/8
11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner

1. Ballast water loaded directly into a cargo tank after discharge

2. Ballast water loaded into cargo tanks which have been crude oil washed

3. Ballast water loaded into cargo tanks which have been crude oil and water
washed               *

4. Ballast water loaded in designated tanks used only for that purpose

How can you determine which grades of cargo a tanker vessel is permitted to carry?

1. Check the loading order

2. Ask the terminal supervisor or his representative

3. Examine the cargo tanks and fittings

4. Refer to the vessels certificate of inspection.              *

A fire extinguishing product produced by first mixing a foam concentrate with water to
produce a foam solution is termed as

1. Light water           *

2. Halon 1301

3. Chemical form

4. DCP

High IG temperature trip is about

1. 55oC

2. 65oC

3. 75oC                 *

4. 85oC

In the event of a pneumatic remote control failure in the inert gas plant I/P and E/P

1. The inert gas plant must be operational within one hour of failure and the discharge
may continue

2. The discharge may be immediately halted   *

3. The discharge rate may be reduced until the plant is repaired

4. The venting of IG can be set to maintain a predetermined pressure and the discharge

Which of the following describes a liquefied gas? 3/8
11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner

1. A liquid that needs to be store at absolute zero to prevent from becoming gases

2. A gas that is mixed with another substance that causes it to liquefy

3. A substance that at normal temperature and pressure would be a gas        *

4. A liquid that requires to be heated above normal ambient temperature to make it


Black oils are generally

1. Static accumulators

2. Static Non-Accumulators      *

3. Both

4. None of the above

Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the cargo record book for an oil and
chemical tanker?

1. All cargo operations involving NLS or ballast if taken in cargo tanks

2. All cargo operations involving NLS       *

3. All liquid cargo and bunker operations

4. All petroleum cargo loading operations

Crude oil of ship consists different types of

1. Inorganic and Organic compounds

2. Oxygen and carbon

3. Nitrogen and phosphorus

4. Hydrocarbons             *

Mast riser fire doesn’t normally occur during

1. Purging

2. Discharging               *

3. Loading

4. Venting inert gas pressure during normal pressure

When should employees be informed of the fire hazards to which they are exposed at

1. Upon the initial assignment        *

2. Within two days of the initial assignment

3. Within 30 days of the initial assignment

4. Within 90 days of the initial assignment 4/8
11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner

While discharging cargo, if the oxygen content within the inert gas main is above the
SOLAS 1974 recommendations that they cannot reduce it, what would your actions be?

1. Continue with cargo operations

2. Call the chief engineer and continue with cargo operations

3. Stop all cargo operations    *

4. Call the master and continue with cargo operations

Dry certificate is a document issued at the discharge port by a representative of the

consignee in charge


True       *

Inert gas system- A mechanical method of introducing inert gas into a vessel’s tanks on
a tanker

True       *


Responsibility for the provision of SOPEP locker at an oil tanker rests with the

1. Chief engineer

2. Tanker cargo trading company

3. Pumpman of the vessel

4. Chief officer         *

When loading by gravity the last valve to be opened should be

1. For the cargo tank to be loaded into

2. The shore tank value

3. The Ship’s manifold value

4. The ship’s drop line value                     *

IG blowers are to be fitted with inlet and outlet valves in gas line with ______ seal

1. Copper

2. Aluminium             *

3. Leather

4. Rubber

The material remaining in vessel tanks, void spaces, and/or pipelines prior to loading. On
board quantity includes water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water emulsions, sludge, and 5/8
11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner


1. Remaining un Pumpable (RUP)

2. Slop quantity (SMQ)

3. Sludge quantity (SLQ)

4. Onboard quantity (OBQ)            *

After extinguishing a paint locker fire using the fixed CO2 system, the next step should

1. Opened and burned material removed

2. Left closed with vents off until all boundaries are cool      *

3. Checked for the proper oxygen level

4. Opened and doused with water to prevent re-flash

_________ is considered as best material for IG blower impeller

1. Chromium

2. Steel                *

3. Titanium

4. Aluminium

When starting a positive displacement pump, the discharge valve must be ______

1. Cracked open

2. Half open

3. Fully open      *

4. Fully  close

The bursting pressure of new cargo hoses is required to be

1. 5 times working pressure                 *

2. 3 times working pressure

3. 4 times working pressure

4. 2 times working pressure




11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner



confused between the Merchant Navy and the Indian Navy

7:42 am

Which are the top colleges for Merchant Navy in India

5:39 pm

Cruise Ship Salary For Officers And Ratings

6:31 pm


Gold Loan
5:55 pm 7/8
11/28/21, 7:44 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.0 - Moin Mariner

Land Loan
2:10 pm

Credit Card Loan

3:08 pm



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11/28/21, 7:43 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.0 - Moin Mariner

The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called

a. Conduction

b. Fusion

c. Latent heat      *

d. Solidification

What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system?

a. To avoid running inert gas when oxygen content increased to 8% volume    *

b. For using inert gas in gas free mode

c. If the tank pressure in IGS system drops to 100 mm of water gauge cargo oil pump
will trip

d. Atmosphere valve will get fully open if oxygen content increase to 8% by volume

A centrifugal pump requires priming………… 1/8
11/28/21, 7:43 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.0 - Moin Mariner

a. To initially unload the pump by having its head pressure equal to discharge pressure

b. Due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye
of the impeller        *

c. In order to overcome the potential energy of water in the discharge line

d. Primary to lubricate the shaft seal

Segregated or dedicated blast

a. It is meant by segregation of dirty and clean blast

b. It is meant by individual tank blast water in tanks which has been exchanged and
which are yet exchanged

c. It is the standard quantity of ballast maintained by any ship in a repeated voyage in

the same trade

d. It is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tanks     *

ISGOTT stands for

International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals     *

International safety guide for oil tankers and terminal

International safety guide for gas and oil tankers

International safety guide for oil terminals

One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system
be fitted. According to regulations supply of an inert gas system can have portable
connection to which spaces other than cargo tank?

1. Every cargo tank

2. Every cargo tank, Slop tank and cofferdam

3. Every  cargo tank and slop tank   *

4. Every cargo tank, slop tank, cofferdam and ramp spaces

During cargo operations, wind blowing may ___________

1. Lower the temperature of oil cargo

2. Form eddies containing petroleum vapour  *

3. Decrease air pressure in cargo tank

4. Increase air pressure in cargo tank

Is slop tanks included in total cargo capacity? 2/8
11/28/21, 7:43 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.0 - Moin Mariner

1. Only on cleaning blast tankers

2. Yes it is *

3. Only segregated blast tankers

4. No it is not

During gas dispersion, if  chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase is needed,
then the preferred choice is

a. Agitated vessel  *

b. Sparked vessel

c. Tray tower

d. Wetted wall column

It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided for

1. Drainage of the inert gas

2. Fitting blind or spectacle flange

3. Securing and locking in a closed position *

4. Easy removal and inspection.

Cause of uncontrolled liquid or vapour release can occur through

a. Overfilling of tanks

b. Unforeseen opening of safety release valves, bursting hose or cargo piping fracture

c. Tank or pipe leakage

d. All of the above *

What is the best method for extinguishing fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas?

a. Cooling the gas below the ignition point

b. Stopping the flow of gas        *

c. Interrupting the chain reaction

d. Cutting of the supply of oxygen

A bigger spell of LPG will be eligible as a______ which is condensed water vapour
from the atmosphere

a. White cloud      *

b. Blue cloud

c. Black cloud

d. None of these 3/8
11/28/21, 7:43 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.0 - Moin Mariner

A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partially open valve in
order to _____load

a. Minimise     *

b. Maximise

c. Increase

d. none

in IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas
depends on the ____ of the gas

a. temperature                           *

b. pressure

c. volume

d. velocity

that part of the ship which contains the cargo containment system, cargo pumps,
compressor room containment system, excluding where fitted, cofferdams, ballast
tanks and void spaces at the after end of forward most hold space are known as

a. cargo containment

b. cargo area   *

c. motor room

d. none of the above

The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

a. Major pressure or suction levels in cargo tanks

b. Enable load or discharge of oil without opening sighting ports

c. Provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres          *

d. Provide an audible alarm in the event of pressure build up

What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

a. The rescue and treatment of casualties and safeguarding others

b. Minimising damage to ship, property and environment

c. Containing and bringing the incident under control

d. All of the above            *

Why the carriage and usage of hand gas lighters are provided on board oil and
chemical tankers? What is used for igniting a fire? 4/8
11/28/21, 7:43 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.0 - Moin Mariner

a. Intrinsically safe lighters are used to test the heat and flame detectors

b. Safety igniters are used for lighting out gas torches before heat work

c. Safety matches are available to use in the designated smoking area            *

d. Both A and C

An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room or
any space in normal use by personnel is called

a. Accommodation

b. Gas free area

c. Void space          *

d. None of the above

What are consequences of high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?

a. The plant s shutdown

b. The pressure control valve and the fire isolating valves will automatically close

c. The alarm in CCR will sound loud and plant will auto stop       *

d. The deck demand valve will automatically close, the atmosphere purge valve will open
and furnace press pressure control valve will close

The static suction head of a pump is the____

a. Distance the suction liquid level is below the centre line of the pump    *

b. Amount in inches of mercury the total section head is below atmospheric pressure

c. Force necessary to overcame frictional losses in the pump and piping

d. Distance of the suction liquid level above the centreline of the pump

How can you determine which grades of cargo tank vessel is permitted to carry?

a. Check the loading order

b. Ask the terminal supervisor or his representative

c. Examine the cargo tanks and fittings

d. Refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection            *

When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo heater
runs in ___ with the cargo pump

a. Series                  *

b. Parallel

c. Equally

d. None 5/8
11/28/21, 7:43 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.0 - Moin Mariner

Life boat should have

a. 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30m buoyant line                 *

b. 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15m buoyant line

c. 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30m buoyant line

d. 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15m buoyant line

A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inert by introducing inert gas through a
process known as

a. Evaporation

b. Dilution

c. Displacement              *

d. Precipitation

What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?

a. Water

b. Dry powder          *

c. Foam

d. Combination of water mist and CO2

The build up of wet solids on the IG blower impeller blade tips indicates____ problems

a. Baffles

b. Deck seal

c. Demister     *

d. None of the above

Third degree of burn is destruction of skin and possible under laying fat, muscle

a. True         *

b. False

In a scrubber, ______ is readily observed by water

a. SO2                      *

b. SO3

c. SO4

d. SOx


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11/28/21, 7:43 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.0 - Moin Mariner



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7:42 am

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5:39 pm

Cruise Ship Salary For Officers And Ratings

6:31 pm


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11/28/21, 7:40 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.0 - Moin Mariner



It is a rule that the inert gas supply to the cargo tanks must be provided for

a. Drainage of inert gas

b. Fitting blind or spectacle flanges

c. Securing and locking in a closed position                  *

d. Easy removal and inspection

Which of the following methods is widely used method for trace gas analysis?

a. Galvanic methods

b. Conductometric method            *

c. Polarography sales

d. Thermal conductivity method

Duties of technical team or engineers team 1/8
11/28/21, 7:40 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.0 - Moin Mariner

a. Inform office about fire

b. Start fire pump and emergency generator

c. Maintain communication with bridge team

d. Both  B and  C        *

Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

a. Only on clean blast tankers

b. Yes it is        *

c. Only  on segregated blast tankers

d. No it is not

A bigger spell of LPG will be visible as a ——- which is condensed water vapour from
the atmosphere.

a. White cloud     *

b. Blue cloud

c. Black cloud

d. None of these

What is the abbreviation of IAPH ?

a. International association of ports and harbours         *

b. International association of principal and Hull

c. International association of pump pressure head

d. None of the above

The gas passing after scrubbed of particular matters and sulphurous gases still
contains ——- which must be removed.

a. Ash

b. Water drops    *

c. Acid

d. none

A centrifugal bilge pump requires priming———–

a. To initially unload the pump by having its head pressure equal to discharge pressure

b. Due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction
(eye) of the impeller       *

c. In order to overcome the potential energy of water in the discharge line

d. Primary to lubricate the shaft seals 2/8
11/28/21, 7:40 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.0 - Moin Mariner

In IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas
depends on the ——— of the gas

a. Temperature     *

b. Pressure

c. Volume

d. Velocity

What are the additional requirements on tankers for safety?

a. Fixed fire fighting system

b. Deluge system

c. Sprinkler system on lifeboat

d. Emergency towing arrangement       *

A scrubber tower which is normally acts as a.

a. Heater

b. Cooler    *

c. Humidifier

d. Dehumidifier

The fire control draft on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted on board in
part and copy of this plan shall in addition be available somewhere else. Where must
this copy be available

a. In the engine control room

b. On the terminal

c. At the gang way      *

d. Handed over to the surveyor

Heat released from fire 80% of heat is conducted through conduction.

a. True      *

b. False

Permit to work on a tanker berth should not be carried out until permission is
obtained from

a. Master

b. Chief officer

c. Company safety officer

d. Terminal representative        * 3/8
11/28/21, 7:40 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.0 - Moin Mariner

The master is the incharge of the technical team.

a. True

b. False       *

What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

a. The rescue and treatment of casualties and safeguarding others

b. Minimising damage to ship, property and environment

c. Containing and bringing the incident under control

d. All of the above        *

An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room, or
any space in normal use by personnel is called

a. Accommodation

b. Gas free area

c. Void space      *

d. None of the above

While taking part in fire on board, act if the fire is real.

a. True      *

b. False

At what point do you sound the fire alarm?

a. After you try to extinguish it

b. As soon as you see it       *

c. After talking with officer-in-charge

d. After you grab all tools from the site

Inert gas blowers are——-

a. Paddle type low speed blowers

b. Low speed type centrifugal fans

c. Turbine type centrifugal blower fans     *

d. Reciprocating type bower units

What is cofferdam? 4/8
11/28/21, 7:40 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.0 - Moin Mariner

a. Tube fitted to an a ullage hole

b. White or empty space separating two tanks                           *

c. Opening in the deck used for cleaning tank

d. Area the product is loaded into

Bull works are generally not permitted in the cargo tanks areas because

a. They tend to contain heavy vapour in board during cargo

operations                  *

b. They restrict the outflow of water during heavy weather

c. They are unnecessary extra weight structure wise

d. They stiffen the tank deck too much and do not allow flexibility

When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo heater
runs in_____ with the cargo pump

a. Series               *

b. Parallel

c. Equally

d. None

What is the type of gas carrier based on hazardous nature of the cargo which has
maximum cargo?

a. Type 1G

b. Type 2G

c. Type 2PG

d. Type 3G                  *

How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?

a. Check the loading order

b. Ask the terminal supervisor or his representative

c. Examine the cargo tanks and fittings

d. Refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection                  *

What is dead weight scale?

a. The maximum dead weight the vessel can achieve                             *

b. The ratio of dead weight and reserve buoyancy

c. The maximum reserve buoyancy the vessel can have

d. BA table it is the part of the vessel plans and indicates the draught the vessel will be
down 5/8
11/28/21, 7:40 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.0 - Moin Mariner

Lifeboats should have

a. 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant

line                       *

b. 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15 m buoyant line

c. 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

d. 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15 m buoyant line

 Who completes the declaration of inspection before loading a tank vessel?

a. The manager of the shore facility

b. The US coast guard

c. Designated person in charge                 *

d. American bureau of shipping

What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?

a. Water

b. Dry powder                *

c. Foam

d. Combination of water mist and Co2

What is critical pressure (bars, absolute) of methane?

a. 44.7                   *

b. 48.9

c. 42.6

d. 38.1

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11/28/21, 7:40 AM OCTCO EXIT EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.0 - Moin Mariner



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Which are the top colleges for Merchant Navy in India

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Land Loan
2:10 pm

Credit Card Loan

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1a)sult : 9/10 (23/08/2020)


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank


Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room

Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room

The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms

Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store


The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are
centrifugal pumps

deep well pumps

vane pumps

gear pumps


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an ndependent tank is


Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank

gravity tank

Suspended tank

Integral tank


A restricted tank gauging system

Allows limited amounts of vapour to escape

Does not allow vapour to escape

Uses a float gauge

Does not use an ullage tape


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of

Aluminium alloy


stainless steel

nickel alloy

2a) : 9/10 (11/08/2020)


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:

An isolating valve

The deck water seal

A valve provided in the scrubber

The deck mechanical non-return valve


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an integral tank is


An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil

Diesel oil

Gas oil


Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent on a chemical tanker?

Integral gravity type

Integral pressure type

Independent pressure type

Independent gravity type


Cargo tanks entrances on tankers are:



Could be weathertight or watertight

Neither watertight or weathertight


Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:

to 15% or less by volume

to 10% or less by volume

to 8% or less by volume

to 2% or less by volume


A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker

is fitted on the tank dome

is fitted on the main deck a tanker

is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker

is fitted in the pump room



A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room

Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room

The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms

Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store


Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight


Crude oil washing:

is done with portable tank washing machines

is done with pressurised crude oil

has 5 stages

is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


Tanks of tankers do not exceed:

0.1 of ship’s length

0.15 of ship’s length

0.2 of ship’s length

0.25 of ship’s length


What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?

Centrifugal pump


Rotary pump

Reciprocating pump


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use



Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


What does “VECS” stand for ?

vector control system

vapour emission control system

very economical control system

an arrangement for release of cargo vapour.


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention


Pump room bilge high level alarm should activate in :



ECR , CCR and navigation bridge

Chief officer's cabin


Chemical tankers carry :

Crude petroleum

Products like kerosene

Noxious liquid substaces

Clean products


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the sh
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


When coating a patch as part of maintenance, the film thickness should be

200 to 300 microns

300 to 400 microns

not less than 400 microns

not more than 200 microns


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


The lowest temperature at which the liquid remains a fluid is called the:
The flow point

The pour point

The melting point

The Liquefaction point

5a) 10 (11/08/2020)


The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are
centrifugal pumps

deep well pumps

vane pumps

gear pumps

A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.

screw pump

centrifugal pump


gear pump


Tank bulkheads on a tanker are strengthened using:

Web frames, transverse webs and stringers.

Longitudinals, transverse webs and stringers.

Web frames, transverse webs and gusset plates.

Gusset plates, transverse webs and longitudinals


A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


Crude oil washing:

is done with portable tank washing machines

is done with pressurised crude oil

has 5 stages

is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle


Tanks of tankers do not exceed:

0.1 of ship’s length

0.15 of ship’s length

0.2 of ship’s length

0.25 of ship’s length


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Which of the following is not a commonly used coating inside chemical carrier cargo tanks?
Zinc silicate





The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was

to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution

to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required

to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution

to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions

6a) 10/10 (11/08/2020)

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the
full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system
A common-main system
A vent-main system
An independent system
Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as
Reciprocating pumps
Gravity pumps
Positive discplacement pumps
Hydro-dynamic pumps
The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:
a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement
a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation
A starting interlock in the ODME ensures
the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea
prevents malfunctioning of the system
that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions
stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank

Integral tank
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible

The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was
to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution
to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required
to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution
to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions



A starting interlock in the ODME ensures

the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea

prevents malfunctioning of the system

that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions

stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million


Which of the following is not true about eductors?

The discharge from eductor leads to pump room bilge

It has no moving parts and is virtually maintenance free

It is very efficient in striping crude oil of high vapour pressure

The drive liquid has to be same as the stripped cargo


Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank

gravity tank

Suspended tank

Integral tank

Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?

It is a positive displacement pump.

It must have a positive suction.

Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.


What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?

only to cool the flue gas

only to clean the flue gas

To cool and also to clean the flue gas

for easy flow of flue gas


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight


An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil

Diesel oil

Gas oil


A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


Tank bulkheads on a tanker are strengthened using:

Web frames, transverse webs and stringers.

Longitudinals, transverse webs and stringers.

Web frames, transverse webs and gusset plates.

Gusset plates, transverse webs and longitudinals


Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:

An isolating valve

The deck water seal

A valve provided in the scrubber

The deck mechanical non-return valve



In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the sh
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank


The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity of the vessel ?





What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed

Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has b

Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed

The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank


The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to

minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel

increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary

collect pump room and engine room bilges

make crude oil washing possible


Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo

will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom

is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products

cannot be done with chemical solvents


Class B fires are caused by

combustible solids

flammable gases

flammable liquids



Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment



The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to

store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments

give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with liquid

keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased

prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?

only to cool the flue gas

only to clean the flue gas

To cool and also to clean the flue gas

for easy flow of flue gas


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention


The ring main pipeline system is extensively used on:


Crude oil tankers

Medium range tankers

Product carriers


A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.

screw pump

centrifugal pump


gear pump


The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:

a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation

a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement

a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation


Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?

The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing

The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing

10a)/10 (11/08/2020)


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.

What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed

Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has

Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed

The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight


The lowest temperature at which the liquid remains a fluid is called the:
The flow point

The pour point

The melting point

The Liquefaction point


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:

70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.

80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.

90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.

95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.


The ring main pipeline system is extensively used on:


Crude oil tankers

Medium range tankers

Product carriers


Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo

will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom

is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products

cannot be done with chemical solvents


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention

11a) /10 (11/08/2020)


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


What is ALARP ?

As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of

Aluminium alloy


stainless steel

nickel alloy


What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?

Centrifugal pump


Rotary pump

Reciprocating pump


Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room

Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room

The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms

Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store


What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?

only to cool the flue gas

only to clean the flue gas

To cool and also to clean the flue gas

for easy flow of flue gas


The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge and in a few m
a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start

ship's pump speeding up

booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is


Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals



An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil

Diesel oil

Gas oil

Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room

are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck


A starting interlock in the ODME ensures

the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea

prevents malfunctioning of the system

that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions

stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.


What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?

The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing

The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed

Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has b

Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed

The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank


Chemical tankers carry :

Crude petroleum

Products like kerosene

Noxious liquid substaces

Clean products


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight



Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as

Reciprocating pumps

Gravity pumps

Positive discplacement pumps

Hydro-dynamic pumps


The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity of the vessel ?





Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be

available close to the pump room

kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person

kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked


A thermoelectric detector:
Uses a heat sensor

converts heat to electrical energy

detects a rise in tempetrature

uses a fixed temperature stop


Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:

to 15% or less by volume

to 10% or less by volume

to 8% or less by volume

to 2% or less by volume


Crude oil washing:

is done with portable tank washing machines

is done with pressurised crude oil

has 5 stages

is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle


Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?

It is a positive displacement pump.

It must have a positive suction.

Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank



What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?

Centrifugal pump


Rotary pump

Reciprocating pump


Pump room bilge high level alarm should activate in :



ECR , CCR and navigation bridge

Chief officer's cabin


Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:

An isolating valve

The deck water seal

A valve provided in the scrubber

The deck mechanical non-return valve


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the sh
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker

is fitted on the tank dome

is fitted on the main deck a tanker

is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker

is fitted in the pump room


Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:

to 15% or less by volume

to 10% or less by volume

to 8% or less by volume

to 2% or less by volume



Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank

gravity tank

Suspended tank

Integral tank


The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge
sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging

booster pump failing to start

ship's pump speeding up

booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction


What does "VECS" stand for ?

vector control system

vapour emission control system

very economical control system

an arrangement for release of cargo vapour.


A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


An inert gas system is required to be fitted:

On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight

On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight

On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight

On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight


Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room

are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck


A thermoelectric detector:
Uses a heat sensor

converts heat to electrical energy

detects a rise in tempetrature

uses a fixed temperature stop


Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Tank coating requirements developed by IMO are applicable to

new crude oil tankers of 5000 GRT and above

new crude oil tankers of 5000 DWT and above

new crude oil tankers of 500 GRT and above

new crude oil tankers of 500 DWT and above


Tank bulkheads on a tanker are strengthened using:

Web frames, transverse webs and stringers.

Longitudinals, transverse webs and stringers.

Web frames, transverse webs and gusset plates.

Gusset plates, transverse webs and longitudinals

The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are

centrifugal pumps
deep well pumps
vane pumps
gear pumps
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible
Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :
steam turbines
electric motor
hydraulic motor
direct drive with diesel engine
The pipeline system that has valves fitted on bulkheads is called:
The direct line system
The free flow system
The ring main system
The free line system
A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards

is an optical characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a motion characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a refractive characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?
They are self-priming.
Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.
Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.
Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as
Reciprocating pumps
Gravity pumps
Positive discplacement pumps
Hydro-dynamic pumps
What is the purpose of tank coating?
to add strength to cargo tanks
to carry heated cargo
to prevent corrosion in cargo tanks

Which one of the following is not a piping system found on an oil tanker?
Ring main system
Integrated system
Direct line system
Free flow system
Tank coating requirements developed by IMO are applicable to
new crude oil tankers of 5000 GRT and above
new crude oil tankers of 5000 DWT and above
new crude oil tankers of 500 GRT and above
new crude oil tankers of 500 DWT and above
Tanks of tankers do not exceed:
0.1 of ship’s length
0.15 of ship’s length
0.2 of ship’s length
0.25 of ship’s length
Which of the following is true about eductors?
They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped
Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks
They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage
A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use
The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You
start the discharge and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start
ship's pump speeding up
booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:
a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement
a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation
A restricted tank gauging system
Allows limited amounts of vapour to escape
Does not allow vapour to escape
Uses a float gauge
Does not use an ullage tape
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate

Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker
is fitted on the tank dome
is fitted on the main deck a tanker
is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker
is fitted in the pump room
During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.
The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be
available close to the pump room
kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas
Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?
It is a positive displacement pump.
It must have a positive suction.
Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.
Which of the following is not a commonly used coating inside chemical carrier cargo
Zinc silicate
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You
start the discharge and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
Booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start
ship’s pump speeding up
booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
Which pump must always be primed?
Centrifugal pump
Reciprocating pump
Rotary pump
Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry
nothing at all
additional ballast in bad weather
extra bunkers for long international voyages
more cargo for increasing freight
A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.
Screw pump
centrifugal pump
gear pump
Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes
can be collected into the same slop tank and discharged to shore
should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumped out separately to shore
can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later
should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore
During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment

20a) /10 (12/08/2020)

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an ndependent tank is
Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room
are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck

Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes
can be collected into the same slop tank and discharged to shore
should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumped out separately to shore
can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later
should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore
Which one of the following is not a piping system found on an oil tanker?
Ring main system
Integrated system
Direct line system
Free flow system
is an optical characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a motion characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a refractive characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
An inert gas system is required to be fitted:
On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
Which of the following is not true about eductors?
The discharge from eductor leads to pump room bilge
It has no moving parts and is virtually maintenance free
It is very efficient in striping crude oil of high vapour pressure
The drive liquid has to be same as the stripped cargo

Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room
are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck

During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.
The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
The lowest temperature at which the liquid remains a fluid is called the:
The flow point
The pour point
The melting point
The Liquefaction point
Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?
It is a positive displacement pump.
It must have a positive suction.
Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.
The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to
store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased
prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible
A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.
screw pump
centrifugal pump
gear pump
Cargo tanks entrances on tankers are:
Could be weathertight or watertight

Neither watertight or weathertight

What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?
Centrifugal pump
Rotary pump
Reciprocating pump
Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to
store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased
prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak
Which of the following is a cofferdam?
Chain locker
Pump room on an oil tanker
Deep tank
Slop tank on an oil tanker
The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are
centrifugal pumps
deep well pumps
vane pumps
gear pumps
Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent on a chemical tanker?
Integral gravity type
Integral pressure type
Independent pressure type
Independent gravity type
When coating a patch as part of maintenance, the film thickness should be
200 to 300 microns
300 to 400 microns
not less than 400 microns
not more than 200 microns
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank
Integral tank
Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the
full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system
A common-main system
A vent-main system
An independent system
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
Which pump must always be primed?
Centrifugal pump
Reciprocating pump
Rotary pump
Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room
Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room
The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms
Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store
Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo
will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom
is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products
cannot be done with chemical solvents
In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:
enters from the top of the tank
enters from the bottom of the tank
mixes with the original tank atmosphere
could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas
Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry
nothing at all
additional ballast in bad weather
extra bunkers for long international voyages
more cargo for increasing freight
A restricted tank gauging system
Allows limited amounts of vapour to escape
Does not allow vapour to escape
Uses a float gauge
Does not use an ullage tape
24a) (23/08/2020)
A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas
main running the full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system
A common-main system
A vent-main system
An independent system
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:
a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement
a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation
A starting interlock in the ODME ensures
the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the
oil effluent at sea
prevents malfunctioning of the system
that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions
stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is
Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo
will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom
is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products
cannot be done with chemical solvent
Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
When coating a patch as part of maintenance, the film thickness should
200 to 300 microns
300 to 400 microns
not less than 400 microns
not more than 200 microns
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a pressure tank is

Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of
Aluminium alloy
stainless steel
nickel alloy
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank
Integral tank
Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent on a chemical tanker?
Integral gravity type
Integral pressure type
Independent pressure
Independent gravity
What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?
Centrifugal pump
Rotary pump
Reciprocating pump
Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room
are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck
A type 2 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :
steam turbines
electric motor
hydraulic motor
direct drive with diesel engine
During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an integral tank is
What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed
Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the
bulk of the oil has been removed
Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil
has been removed
The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals
A starting interlock in the ODME ensures
the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea
prevents malfunctioning of the system
that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions
stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million
Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of
Aluminium alloy
stainless steel

nickel alloy
Tanks of tankers do not exceed:
0.1 of ship’s length
0.15 of ship’s length
0.2 of ship’s length
0.25 of ship’s length
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is
What is the purpose of tank coating?
to add strength to cargo tanks
to carry heated cargo
to prevent corrosion in cargo tanks

Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment

The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be
available close to the pump room
kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked

Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of
Aluminium alloy
stainless steel
nickel alloy
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate
Which category of NLS chemical in bulk poses maximum threat?
Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank
Integral tank
An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?
Crude oil
Heavy oil
Diesel oil
Gas oil

Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
A thermoelectric detector:
Uses a heat sensor
converts heat to electrical energy
detects a rise in tempetrature
uses a fixed temperature stop
The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You
start the discharge and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start
ship's pump speeding up
booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction
Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:
to 15% or less by volume
to 10% or less by volume
to 8% or less by volume
to 2% or less by volume

An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?
Crude oil
Heavy oil
Diesel oil
Gas oil

Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to
store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased
prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak
Chemical tankers carry :
Crude petroleum
Products like kerosene
Noxious liquid substaces
Clean products
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an integral tank is
The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was
to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution
to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required
to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution
to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions
Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :
steam turbines
electric motor
hydraulic motor
direct drive with diesel engine


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is


Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used

to lock liquid or vapour between the valves

so that second valve can be opened if one does not

so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected

to prevent contamination problems due to leaks


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be

available close to the pump room

kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person

kept in ship’s hospital and clearly marked


A starting interlock in the ODME ensures

the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea

prevents malfunctioning of the system

that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions

stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million


Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as

Reciprocating pumps

Gravity pumps

Positive discplacement pumps

Hydro-dynamic pumps


Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes

can be collected into the same slop tank and discharged to shore

should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumped out separately to shore

can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later

should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge
This could be a result of the ___________.
Booster pump coming on the line and discharging

booster pump failing to start

ship’s pump speeding up

booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction


Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room

are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck

A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a pressure tank is
An inert gas system is required to be fitted:
On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
is an optical characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a motion characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a refractive characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
Chemical tankers carry :
Crude petroleum
Products like kerosene
Noxious liquid substaces
Clean products
The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was
to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution
to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required
to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution
to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions
What is Cold Work?
Work that involves working at lower temperatures
Work that involves using hand tools only
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Work that is carried out at lower than ambient temperatures
Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo
will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom
is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products
cannot be done with chemical solvents
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
What does "VECS" stand for ?
vector control system
vapour emission control system
very economical control system
an arrangement for release of cargo vapour.

Which of the following is a cofferdam?
Chain locker
Pump room on an oil tanker
Deep tank
Slop tank on an oil tanker
A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker
is fitted on the tank dome
is fitted on the main deck a tanker
is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker
is fitted in the pump room
What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?
The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard
The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate
The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing
The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing
Which of the following is true about eductors?
They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped
Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks
They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage
A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use
In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:
enters from the top of the tank
enters from the bottom of the tank
mixes with the original tank atmosphere
could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank
What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?
They are self-priming.
Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.
Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.
An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?
Crude oil
Heavy oil
Diesel oil
Gas oil

Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?
It is a positive displacement pump.
It must have a positive suction.
Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.
What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed
Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the
bulk of the oil has been removed
Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil
has been removed
The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas
1a) (04/09/2020)
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
Electrons have :
no charge
positive charge
negative charge
What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours
may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature
Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.
What is runaway polymerization?
Exothermic self reaction
Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions
What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,
brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by a spark

What is the flammable range ?
Vapor concentration below LEL
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard
A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

Result : 7/10 (04/09/2020)

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:

The use of high capacity tank washing machines

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after
dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and
lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated
above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment)
despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.

H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?
Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen
hence should be carried in inerted tanks.
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen
hence should not be carried in inerted tanks.
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need
oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.
Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges

Electrons have :
no charge
positive charge
negative charge

What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.

Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration
Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges
H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard
A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
What is Cargo inhibition?
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this,
certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical
properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence
of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.
What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide?
What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:
One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence
of high levels of static electricity.
Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.
Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge.
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.



How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?

Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded

Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded

Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment

Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization


Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,


brush discharge

propagating brush discharge

electric discharge accompanied by a spark


Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?

Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs
oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs
oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need
oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage


Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :

lower the LEL of cargo vapor.

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons

to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.


What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition

Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated

Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers


What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?

Quantity of Spill

Weather conditions

Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud


Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard

A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard


What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide?





What is Brush Discarge ?

Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge
to ignite gases and vapours.

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge t
o ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge
to ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is

A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.


Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :

dissipated in atmosphere

reduced in vapor concentration



Result : 10/10 (04/09/2020)

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,
brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by a spark

What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours
may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature
Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization
H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

What is the flammable range ?
Vapor concentration below LEL
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.

6a)10 (04/09/2020)
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
What is a spark ?
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the
electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a flammable atmosphere.
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the
electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a non flammable atmosphere.
Sparks can occur during cargo movement and sloshing in an inerted tank
Occasional Sparks from the main engine exhaust can cause a fire in the drydocks.
How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization
H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
one fan for ventilation
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
fixed fire extinguishing system

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges

How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
one fan for ventilation
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
fixed fire extinguishing system
What is runaway polymerization?
Exothermic self reaction
Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions
What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours
may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature
Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
What is Cargo inhibition?
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this,
certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical
properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence
of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges

Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:

The use of high capacity tank washing machines

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after
dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and
lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated
above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment)
despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide?


Result : 9/10 (05/09/2020)

H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
one fan for ventilation
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
fixed fire extinguishing system

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,
brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by a spark

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:

One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence
of high levels of static electricity.
Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.
Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge.
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
What is the flammable range ?
Vapor concentration below LEL
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:

The use of high capacity tank washing machines

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after
dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and
lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated
above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment)
despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
What is Cargo inhibition?
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this,
certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical
properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence
of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Result : 3/5 (04/09/2020)
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE
Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.
The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement
that identifies an effective safety culture
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following
unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to
provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture
results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous
improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the
company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost
Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to
measure personnel injuries
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the
date or shift when it occurred.
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the
company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost
Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to
measure personnel injuries
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the
date or shift when it occurred.
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement
that identifies an effective safety culture
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following
unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to
provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture
results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous
improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE
The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture;
identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture

Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe
actions or a failure to follow established procedures

Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it

Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a
more effective Safety Management System

A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous

improvement, with a goal of zero accidents

Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement

For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s
current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be improved.

The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism

A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time
Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many
industries to measure personnel injuries

A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence

from work beyond the date or shift when it occurred.
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE

The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement
that identifies an effective safety culture
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following
unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to
provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture
results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous
improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the
company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost
Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to
measure personnel injuries
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the
date or shift when it occurred.
Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.


How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important quantities?




Presence of ‚________________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.



Alumino silicates



What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?

Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure

Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure

Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure

Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure


Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :

type of cargo

density of cargo

temperature of cargo

inert gas

Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a solution is
directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law

Laws of Motion

Fick's Laws of Diffusion

Henry's Law


Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long periods
of geological time and they are





Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :

reducing density

increase viscosity

preventing sludge formation


Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than

5 picoSiemens per metre

25 picoSiemens per metre

50 picoSiemens per metre

100 picoSiemens per metre

Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel

Poor atomization of fuel


Tank clingage depends on:

surface tension only

cohesive and adhesive forces

cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension

cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point


Behavioural 3ssessment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company’s safety culture.

A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 Deg F
80 Deg F
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas

Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point

Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of
gas dissolved in a solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion
Fick's Laws of Diffusion
Henry's Law
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen

In the chemical composition of typical petroleum

The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon

The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena

What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating
filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating during its carriage?
5% of the Tank capacity
10% of the Cargo capacity
2% of the Tank capacity
1% of the Tank capacity

Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Presence of ‚_____________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates

Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%

Up to 50%
Specific gravity is used by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to classify various
Viscosities of oil
Vapor densities of oil
Weights of oil
Volumes of oil
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
Presence of ‚____________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates
Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel

An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.


Paraffinic, Paraffinic-Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three
classification of
Natural gas
Crude oil
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.

Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel

Flash point is the ……………..temperature at which fuel oil catches fire.


Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
Paraffins from C1 to C40 usually appear in crude oil and represent in crude oil up to
30% by volume
20% by volume
50% by volume
40% by volume
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%
Up to 50%

An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between
layers of flowing liquid is:
Viscosity of Liquid
Force of friction between liquid layers
Velocity of the fluid
Vapor pressure of liquid
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Percentage of hydrocarbons present in the raw fuel will NOT affect
The coloration of the fuel
Viscosity of the fuel
Water content
The hydrocarbons give the combustible nature.of the petroleum
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%
Up to 50%
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 DegF
80 Deg F

7a) (04/09/2020)
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.

Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long
periods of geological time and they are
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?

Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor

Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel

The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%
Up to 50%
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from
Liquid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the Liquid phase & Vice versa
Gas to the super heated gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the gas phase & Vice versa



Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,

which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil


Refined oil

Natural gas
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.





Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than

5 picoSiemens per metre

25 picoSiemens per metre

50 picoSiemens per metre

100 picoSiemens per metre


Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long periods of geological





The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary

Up to 60%

Up to 70%

Up to 35%

Up to 50%

Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.



Alumino silicates


In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single bond. Each carb
carbon atom by a single covalent bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon

Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Saturated hydrocarbon

Linear hydrocarbon


Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:

only hydrogen

only carbon

carbon and hydrogen


Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel

Poor atomization of fuel


How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important quantities?




What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.

Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a
solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion
Fick's Laws of Diffusion
Henry's Law
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 Deg F
80° F
7. (1)
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas

8. (1)
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%

9. (1)
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is

10. (1)
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
12a) (04/09/2020)
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
Paraffins from C1 to C40 usually appear in crude oil and represent in crude oil up to
30% by volume
20% by volume
50% by volume

40% by volume
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a
solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal’s Law
Laws of Motion
Fick’s Laws of Diffusion
Henry’s Law
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.

Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with
Seven and Eight carbon atoms
Two and four carbon atoms
five and six carbon atoms
Four and seven carbon atoms
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from
Liquid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the Liquid phase & Vice versa
Gas to the super heated gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.



What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point

Melting point

Pour point

Saturation point

Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:

From the liquid to the solid phase

From the solid to the liquid phase

From to the gas phase to the solid phase

From the solid to the gas phase


What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating
5% of the Tank capacity

10% of the Cargo capacity

2% of the Tank capacity

1% of the Tank capacity


Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :

type of cargo

density of cargo

temperature of cargo

inert gas


The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and

the velocity difference between layers of flowing liquid is:
Viscosity of Liquid

Force of friction between liquid layers

Velocity of the fluid

Vapor pressure of liquid


Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :

reducing density

increase viscosity

preventing sludge formation


What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?

2 - 8%

1 - 15%

0 - 2%

3 -5%


What is the other name for paraffin?


cyclo paraffin




In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single bond. Each carb
carbon atom by a single covalent bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon

Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Saturated hydrocarbon

Linear hydrocarbon


Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is

Lighter than air

Heavier than air

Same as air density

The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with
Seven and Eight carbon atoms
Two and four carbon atoms
five and six carbon atoms
Four and seven carbon atoms
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
Percentage of hydrocarbons present in the raw fuel will NOT affect
The coloration of the fuel
Viscosity of the fuel
Water content
The hydrocarbons give the combustible nature.of the petroleum
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Presence of ‚________________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates

Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long
periods of geological time and they are
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as

Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.

Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50° F
60° F
70° F
80° F

In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important

10 (04/09/2020)
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50° F
60° F
70° F
80° F

How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Paraffinic, Paraffinic-Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three
classification of
Natural gas
Crude oil

Specific gravity is used by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to classify various
Viscosities of oil
Vapor densities of oil
Weights of oil
Volumes of oil
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a
solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion
Fick's Laws of Diffusion
Henry's Law
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from
Liquid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the Liquid phase & Vice versa
Gas to the super heated gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 Deg F
80 Deg F

Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)

The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension

cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point

What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which
needs heating during its carriage?
5% of the Tank capacity
10% of the Cargo capacity
2% of the Tank capacity
1% of the Tank capacity
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Paraffinic, Paraffinic-Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three
classification of
Natural gas
Crude oil
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important
Paraffins from C1 to C40 usually appear in crude oil and represent in crude oil up to
30% by volume
20% by volume
50% by volume
40% by volume
The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between
layers of flowing liquid is:
Viscosity of Liquid
Force of friction between liquid layers
Velocity of the fluid
Vapor pressure of liquid
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.
The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with
Seven and Eight carbon atoms
Two and four carbon atoms
five and six carbon atoms
Four and seven carbon atoms

What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
Specific gravity of a fuel is the ratio of its density to density of

Sea water
Fresh Water
Diesel oil
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Flash point is the ……………..temperature at which fuel oil catches fire.


Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
The vapor pressure of a substance __________
decreases as temperature increases
increases with the temperature
is not affected by temperature
may increase or decrease as the temperature rises
To allow for the rise or fall in tide and for change in draft of a tankship during cargo transfer, cargo hoses must
be suspended with ____.
slings or saddles placed at 25-foot (8 meter) intervals
enough slack in their bight
topping lifts and runners tied off to winches
In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is when
you first start to receive fuel
hoses are being blown down
final topping off is occurring
hoses are being disconnected
During loading and discharging operation in addition o when the cargo tanks have been properly filled each
inert gas system must be capable of maintaining a minimum gas pressure of
50 millimeters of water pressure
25 millimeters of water pressure
100 millimeters of water pressure
5 millimeters of water pressure
Which statement is TRUE concerning cargo hose on tank barges?
Cargo hose must be able to withstand the shut-off head plus the static head of the cargo pump.
Cargo hose must be able to withstand the static head of the cargo pump but no less than 100 psi.
Cargo hose must be able to withstand the shut-off head less the static head of the cargo pump but no less
than 100 psi.
Cargo hose must be able to withstand at least 150 psi.

Ballast water exchange should be done:
at least 100 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 100 metres in depth.
at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 100 metres in depth.
at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 200 metres in depth.
at least 100 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 200 metres in depth.
What is the most important purpose of loadicator?
Makes easier and faster discharge.
Easier to check cargo ROB.
To plan the ship's stresses within permissible limits.
Which of the listed functions is the purpose of a gas scrubber in an inert gas generation system?
Cools the inert gas.
Maintains the oxygen content at 5% by volume.
Bleeds off static electricity in the inert gas.
Maintains flow to the water seal on the gas main.
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables

What type of liquid is used in the liquid P/V breaker?
Hydraulic oil
Water-antifreeze mixture
Distilled water
Oil from the cargo
Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to
aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
increase the rate of discharge of cargo
force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphere
lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly impossible

In special areas any discharge of oil and oil mixtures from machinery spaces is
Enroute and min 12NM
En route and min 50NM
En route with oil filtering equipment
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductivity of:
less than 50 picoSiemens/metre
greater than 50 picoSiemens/metre
less than 100 picoSiemens/metre
greater than 100 picoSiemens/metre
The fresh air intake of the inert gas system
prevents the flue gas from falling below an oxygen content of 3%
allows the inert gas piping to be used for gas freeing the tanks
opens when there is excessive vacuum on the deck water seal
enables outside air to mix with and to cool the hot flue gasses
What kind of pumps can move extremely thick fluids like sludge without clogging ?
Rotary vane pumps
Reciprocating pumps
Deep well pumps
Screw pumps

Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated from boiler flue gas, at the scrubber outlet is

The reciprocating pump creates a suction effect when there is a
decrease in pressure
increase in pressure
no change in pressure
decrease or an increase in pressure
Working instructions specifying the manner in which the ship is to be loaded and ballasted to avoid
unacceptable stresses in the vessel’s structure is required for tankers:
Greater than 50 metres in length
Greater than 75 meters in length
Greater than 100 meters in length
Greater than 150 meters in length

Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL convention?
IOPP certificate
Oil Record Book
Safety Management Certificate

3a)/10 (05/09/2020)
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil
The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry, as well as the tanker industry, is a
Cargo pump relief valves are piped to the _________.
cargo pump pressure gauges
crossover lines interconnecting two pumps
suction side of pumps
atmosphere through pump vents
High level and overfill tank alarms are set:
as per the ships cargo system
to values as recommended by the manufacturer
to values depending on cargo type
to values as recommended by the ISGOTT guide
An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to
aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
increase the rate of discharge of cargo
force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphere
lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly impossible

The purpose of the deck seal in an inert gas system is to prevent
flammable vapors from entering machinery space
flue gas escaping to atmosphere
inert gas escaping to atmosphere
air entering inert gas system
The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank is a
suction end
vacuum valve
Spread loading is a process where:
One ship tank is loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using a single shore line
One ship tank is loaded using one shore line
What is the purpose of pressure-vacuum relief valves?
Regulation of discharge pressure from cargo pumps
Maintaining constant velocity in cargo lines
Regulation of suction head on cargo pumps
To maintain a tank or void at atmospheric pressure

Each inert gas system gas main must have an automatic shut down valve at the outlet of the gas production
plant. This valve must close automatically upon
cargo pump failure
blower failure
deck seal low water level
low inert gas temperature

4a)10 (05/09/2020)
Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
over an electrically heated platinum filament
where it is mixed with nitrogen
where it is ignited by a sparking device
where its specific gravity is measured
Which tanker discharge pattern would be the safest and most efficient?
Empty the forward tanks and start working aft, emptying each tank in sequence
Start discharging with most of the discharge coming from forward, but include some from midships and
after tanks
Start pumping from forward, midships, and aft with the discharge distributed equally among the tanks
Start pumping from midships and then work forward and aft simultaneously as the midships tank is
The below is more effective in removal of internal tank deposits of oil tankers.:
hot water wash.
Cold water wash.
" COW "

The explosive range of a fuel lies between the lower explosive limit and the ______.
flash point
ignition temperature
upper explosive limit
fire point
Sour crude oil ___________.
contains high quantities of hydrogen sulfide
is diluted with other products for carriage
is lighter than other crudes
is less hazardous to load than other crudes
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is
known as the _________.
fire point
flash point
lower explosive limit
threshold limit value
You are testing a tank that contained gasoline by using a combustible gas indicator. Under testing, the tank
sample caused the needle to move rapidly to 100 on the dial then fall to zero. What is the concentration of
flammable gas?
Less than the flammable range
Within the flammable range
Over the flammable range
The explosimeter is defective and giving a false reading.
The use of sinking and dispersing chemical agents for removal of surface oil is
the most common method used
too expensive for common use
generally safe to sea life
authorized only with prior approval

Working instructions specifying the manner in which the ship is to be loaded and ballasted to avoid
unacceptable stresses in the vessel’s structure is required for tankers:
Greater than 50 metres in length
Greater than 75 meters in length
Greater than 100 meters in length
Greater than 150 meters in length

What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
Bends in the piping
Slowing the pumping rate
Pipeline valves
Backing rings for pipe welds

5a) (05/09/2020)
Back flow towards machinery spaces of cargo vapours in an Inert gas system is prevented by
Pressure vacuum breaker
High velocity vents
Deck water seal
Pressure vacuum valves
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil
After each reading of an oxygen indicator, the instrument should be purged with
fresh air
the tested compartment's air
High level and overfill tank alarms are set:
as per the ships cargo system
to values as recommended by the manufacturer
to values depending on cargo type
to values as recommended by the ISGOTT guide
What is the purpose of pressure-vacuum relief valves?
Regulation of discharge pressure from cargo pumps
Maintaining constant velocity in cargo lines
Regulation of suction head on cargo pumps
To maintain a tank or void at atmospheric pressure

After the initial cleaning of flue gas in an inert gas system the gas is passed through what device for final
Deck water seal
Final filter
The pipe used to connect two separate piping systems on a tank vessel is known as a __________.
Spread loading is a process where:
One ship tank is loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using a single shore line
One ship tank is loaded using one shore line
Hydrocarbon gas normally encounted in petroleum tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere containing oxygen
less than
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage

One of the requirements of a vessel’s intact stability criteria is that:
The GZ should be at least 0.15 metres at an angle of 25 degrees or more
The GZ should be at least 0.15 metres at an angle of 30 degrees or more
The GZ should be at least 0.20 metres at an angle of 25 degrees or more
The GZ should be at least 0.20 metres at an angle of 30 degrees or more

During gas freeing operations,man entry in to cargo tanks can be :
Carried out.
Carried out after risk assessment.
Avoided as it is most hazardous.

A shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan is required of
all vessels, regardless of size and commercial application
any barge or ship constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboard
an oil tanker of 150 gross tons and above, or other ship of 400 gross tons and above
an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above
The deck water seal of the inert gas system
cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanks
acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the safe working pressure inthe
hazardous zone
prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areas
relieves sudden large overpressures in the system
Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Precise control over cargo flow
Quick operation
No resistance to cargo flow when open
Less maintenance required
Pollution regulations require that each scupper in an enclosed deck area have a
wooden plug
soft rubber plug
two-piece soft patch
mechanical means of closing
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil
After allowing for pressure losses, the pressure-volume capacity of an inert gas blower must be able to
maintain a pressure, in any cargo tank, at a minimum of
50 millimeters of water pressure
100 millimeters of water pressure
150 millimeters of water pressure
200 millimeters of water pressure
An on-board monitoring system, using level sensors permanently installed in each vessel compartment, will
have a high level alarm set at not more than
90% of compartment capacity
95% of compartment capacity
97% of compartment capacity
99% of compartment capacity
The purpose of the deck seal in an inert gas system is to prevent
flammable vapors from entering machinery space
flue gas escaping to atmosphere
inert gas escaping to atmosphere
air entering inert gas system

7a)/10 (05/09/2020)
The atmosphere in a tank is too lean if it is
incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is below the LFL
(LowerFlammable Limit)
capable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is above the UFL (UpperFlammable
capable of supporting a fire once started
not safe for ballasting
In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should
start to load at maximum pressure
start to load slowly
increase the air flow into the tank
use the overall method of loading only
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage

A combustible gas indicator meter is calibrated to read the percentage of
vapor to oxygen
the flammable limit concentration
the autoignition concentration
the lower explosive limit concentration

A relief valve for a cargo pump is generally installed __________.
after the discharge valve
between the pump and discharge valve
after the suction valve
between the pump and suction valve
Water in crude oil increases:
Duration for total discharge.
Discharge pressure at cargo manifold.
Build up of electrostatic charges during COW operation.

The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry, as well as the tanker industry, is a
What is the major function of the deck water seal in an inert gas system?
Relieves excessive pressures from the system.
Isolates hazardous areas from nonhazardous areas.
Prevents the flow of inert gas into closed or isolated tanks.
Removes any leftover water or soot after the gas has been scrubbed.
For the purposes of cargo oil containment, the fixed container under the manifold of an eight-inch loading line
must hold a minimum of
three barrels
four barrels
six barrels
eight barrels
Introducing inert gas into a tank already inert with the object of further reducing the oxygen or hydrocarbon
content to prevent combustion if air enters the tank is called
gas freeing
gas dispersion

8a)10 (05/09/2020)


When loading high vapour pressure cargoes:

One must load and top off with load or top off with very high loading rates

Use close loading procedures

Wind speeds can exceed 5 knots

If the oil cargo is hot they can be loaded in tanks close to the accommodation


While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the U.E.L.,
the needle of the indicator will
remain at zero without moving

move to the maximum reading and stay there

move halfway up the scale

move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero


Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by

driving wooden plugs into the vents

closing the lids on the vents

plugging the scuppers

plugging the sounding pipes


The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel, including the operating sequences and procedures,
design characteristics, a description of the system, and required personnel will be found in the
Oil Transfer Procedures Manual

Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual

Code of Federal Regulations

Crude Oil Washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection


What is the maximum percent of oxygen, by volume, allowed to be maintained in the cargo tanks prior to the
commencement of crude oil tank washing?





When cleaning up an oil spill you must obtain the approval of the Authorities before using


chemical agents



As per requirements of Marpol Annex -1, all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above:
Can carry fuel oil in fore peak, aft peak tanks and deep tanks

Cannot carry fuel oil in fore peak tank

Can carry fuel oil forward of collision bulkhead or aft of machinery space forward bulkhead, but not in the cargo
area in case of tankers

Cannot carry more than 600 m3 of oil fuel in any single fuel tank


Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?

Precise control over cargo flow

Quick operation

No resistance to cargo flow when open

Less maintenance required


Introducing inert gas into a tank already inert with the object of further reducing
the oxygen or hydrocarbon content to prevent combustion if air enters the tank is called

gas freeing

gas dispersion



Each ship having an inert gas system must have a portable instrument to measure
concentrations of hydrocarbon vapor in inert atmospheres and also to measure


carbon dioxide

water vapor

On a hydrocarbon flammability chart the line which extends from 0% to 21.8% oxygen, lying tangent to the
flammability range, is called the
minimum oxygen content line
critical displacement line
critical dilution line
upper threshold limit
Which is the most accurate instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of a confined
Combustible gas indicator
Oxygen indicator
Flame safety lamp
Spanning a gas detecting equipment would mean:
Testing the equipment in air
Testing the equipment in an inert atmosphere
Testing the equipment with special gas mixtures
Testing the equipment with cargo vapour
The "flammable limits" of an atmosphere are the
two temperatures between which an atmosphere will self ignite
upper and lower percentage of vapor concentrations in an atmosphere which will burn if an ignition
source is present
upper and lower pressures between which an atmosphere will not burn
two temperatures between which an atmosphere will burn if an ignition source is present
Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by
driving wooden plugs into the vents
closing the lids on the vents
plugging the scuppers
plugging the sounding pipes
The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry, as well as the tanker industry, is a
Normally, the percentage of oxygen in air is
High level and overfill tank alarms are set:
as per the ships cargo system
to values as recommended by the manufacturer
to values depending on cargo type
to values as recommended by the ISGOTT guide
The purpose of the deck seal in an inert gas system is to prevent
flammable vapors from entering machinery space
flue gas escaping to atmosphere
inert gas escaping to atmosphere
air entering inert gas system
A relief valve for a cargo pump is generally installed __________.
after the discharge valve
between the pump and discharge valve
after the suction valve
between the pump and suction valve
10a) (05/09/2020)
Which operation may cause the pressure in an inert tank to fall below the prescribed limits?
Crude oil washing
Steaming tanks
The use of sinking and dispersing chemical agents for removal of surface oil is
the most common method used
too expensive for common use
generally safe to sea life
authorized only with prior approval

When cleaning up an oil spill you must obtain the approval of the Authorities before using
chemical agents
As per requirements of Marpol, Annex 1, all ships delivered on or after 1st Aug. 2010 with an aggregate oil
fuel capacity 600 m3 and above, the oil fuel can be carried in
Any of the tanks without any restriction
Deep tanks and Double bottom tanks
Deep tanks in protective locations
Double bottom tanks not extending upto the ship's side
After the initial cleaning of flue gas in an inert gas system the gas is passed through what device for final
Deck water seal
Final filter
What is the purpose of the relief valve of a cargo pump?
Provides for the removal of vapors
Allows two or more tanks to be filled at the same time
Provides for the emergency shutdown of the pump
Permits the return of cargo to the suction side of the pump
The deck water seal of the inert gas system
cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanks
acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the safe working pressure inthe
hazardous zone
prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areas
relieves sudden large overpressures in the system
Which part of the inert gas system is designed to relieve sudden large overpressures that exceed the capacity of
the mechanical P/V valves?
Pressure control valve
Deck water seal
Liquid filled P/V breaker
Isolation valve
What best describes for how long a gas-free test is good?
For as long as is indicated on the gas-free certificate
For the instant that it is made
Until valves in line with the tank or compartment are reopened
Until changes in temperature or pressure affect the vapor content in the space
Which factor must be considered when determining the order of loading of dissimilar products through the
same piping system aboard a tanker?
Contamination of the cargo
Flash points
Reid vapor pressures
Specific gravities

11a)10/10 (05/09/2020)
What kind of pumps can move extremely thick fluids like sludge without clogging ?
Rotary vane pumps
Reciprocating pumps
Deep well pumps
Screw pumps

Part A of the the ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety Check-List provides operational procedures for:
Transfer of bulk liquids, physical checks
Transfer of bulk liquids – elements to be verified verbally
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquid Chemicals
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquefied Gases
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is
known as the _________.
fire point
flash point
lower explosive limit
threshold limit value
Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL convention?
IOPP certificate
Oil Record Book
Safety Management Certificate

What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
Bends in the piping
Slowing the pumping rate
Pipeline valves
Backing rings for pipe welds
Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Precise control over cargo flow
Quick operation
No resistance to cargo flow when open
Less maintenance required
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage

To prevent oil from escaping into the sea when ballasting through the cargo piping system, you should FIRST
open sea suction valves, then start the cargo pump
start the cargo pump, then open sea suction valves
open block valves, then start the cargo pump
open sluice valves, then start the cargo pump
Annex I collection of residue tank washing and also oily mixture to be
Bilge tank
Sludge tank
Oily bilge tank
Slop tank

The vapor pressure of a substance
increases with the temperature
decreases as temperature increases
is not affected by temperature
may increase or decrease as the temperature rises
What kind of pumps can move extremely thick fluids like sludge without clogging ?
Rotary vane pumps
Reciprocating pumps
Deep well pumps
Screw pumps

Part A of the the ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety Check-List provides operational procedures for:
Transfer of bulk liquids, physical checks
Transfer of bulk liquids – elements to be verified verbally
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquid Chemicals
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquefied Gases
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is
known as the _________.
fire point
flash point
lower explosive limit
threshold limit value
Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL convention?
IOPP certificate
Oil Record Book
Safety Management Certificate

What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
Bends in the piping
Slowing the pumping rate
Pipeline valves
Backing rings for pipe welds
Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Precise control over cargo flow
Quick operation
No resistance to cargo flow when open
Less maintenance required
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage
To prevent oil from escaping into the sea when ballasting through the cargo piping system, you should FIRST
open sea suction valves, then start the cargo pump
start the cargo pump, then open sea suction valves
open block valves, then start the cargo pump
open sluice valves, then start the cargo pump
Annex I collection of residue tank washing and also oily mixture to be
Bilge tank
Sludge tank
Oily bilge tank
Slop tank

The vapor pressure of a substance
increases with the temperature
decreases as temperature increases
is not affected by temperature
may increase or decrease as the temperature rises

13a) (05/09/2020)
Each ship having an inert gas system must have a portable instrument to measure concentrations of
hydrocarbon vapor in inert atmospheres and also to measure
carbon dioxide
water vapor
The lowest temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion of a substance independent of any outside
source of ignition is called
explosive range
flash point
ignition temperature
combustion temperature
Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
over an electrically heated platinum filament
where it is mixed with nitrogen
where it is ignited by a sparking device
where its specific gravity is measured
What is the minimum percentage of oxygen required before making an entry into an enclosed space?

Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated from boiler flue gas, at the scrubber outlet is

The wedge formula is used to calculate:
Cargo quantity in an almost full tank
Cargo quantity in an empty or a full tank
Cargo quantity in an almost empty tank
The amount of fresh water in oil
Which is the most accurate instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of a confined
Combustible gas indicator
Oxygen indicator
Flame safety lamp
Normally, the percentage of oxygen in air is
The COW manual has to be approved by :
Coast guard.
Shipping company
Flag state

Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
14a)10 (05/09/2020)
Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated from boiler flue gas, at the scrubber outlet is

While testing a cargo tank, your oxygen indicator reads 25% oxygen in the tank. You would then
enter the tank safely
suspect the accuracy of the reading
ventilate the tank
test for nitrogen
Cargo pump relief valves are piped to the _________.
cargo pump pressure gauges
crossover lines interconnecting two pumps
suction side of pumps
atmosphere through pump vents
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables

For the purposes of cargo oil containment, the fixed container under the manifold of an eight-inch loading line
must hold a minimum of
three barrels
four barrels
six barrels
eight barrels
The volatility of a flammable liquid is indicated by its
ignition temperature
flash point
flammable range
conversion index
Which tanker discharge pattern would be the safest and most efficient?
Empty the forward tanks and start working aft, emptying each tank in sequence
Start discharging with most of the discharge coming from forward, but include some from midships and
after tanks
Start pumping from forward, midships, and aft with the discharge distributed equally among the tanks
Start pumping from midships and then work forward and aft simultaneously as the midships tank is
After the initial cleaning of flue gas in an inert gas system the gas is passed through what device for final
Deck water seal
Final filter
Which is a mandatory section of the shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan?
Reporting requirements
Removal equipment list
Planned exercises
List of individuals required to respond
What is the purpose of the relief valve of a cargo pump?
Provides for the removal of vapors
Allows two or more tanks to be filled at the same time
Provides for the emergency shutdown of the pump
Permits the return of cargo to the suction side of the pump

15a)10 (05/09/2020)
An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is
sufficient oxygen in a compartment to support life
combustible gases present
hydrogen gas present
While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the U.E.L., the
needle of the indicator will
remain at zero without moving
move to the maximum reading and stay there
move halfway up the scale
move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero

In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should
start to load at maximum pressure
start to load slowly
increase the air flow into the tank
use the overall method of loading only
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables
Which alarm is NOT found on an inert gas system?
Low oxygen alarm
Low pressure alarm
Scrubber high water level alarm
Deck seal low water alarm
When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?
Trip the pump relief valve.
Order the dock man to shut down.
Call the owner, operator, or terminal supervisor.
Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose.
The approval period for a shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan expires after
two years
three years
four years
five years

When authorized to use chemical agents on an oil spill they would
absorb the oil for easy removal
dissolve the oil in the water
facilitate the removal of the pollutant from the water
sink the oil
Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by
driving wooden plugs into the vents
closing the lids on the vents
plugging the scuppers
plugging the sounding pipes

16a)9/10 (05/09/2020)
An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is
sufficient oxygen in a compartment to support life
combustible gases present
hydrogen gas present
While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the U.E.L., the
needle of the indicator will
remain at zero without moving
move to the maximum reading and stay there
move halfway up the scale
move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero

In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should
start to load at maximum pressure
start to load slowly
increase the air flow into the tank
use the overall method of loading only
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables

Which alarm is NOT found on an inert gas system?
Low oxygen alarm
Low pressure alarm
Scrubber high water level alarm
Deck seal low water alarm
When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?
Trip the pump relief valve.
Order the dock man to shut down.
Call the owner, operator, or terminal supervisor.
Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose.
The approval period for a shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan expires after
two years
three years
four years
five years

When authorized to use chemical agents on an oil spill they would
absorb the oil for easy removal
dissolve the oil in the water
facilitate the removal of the pollutant from the water
sink the oil
Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by
driving wooden plugs into the vents
closing the lids on the vents
plugging the scuppers
plugging the sounding pipes
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge

3a)8 (05/09/2020)
Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
4a)8 (05/09/2020)
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.

When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the
meter needle in the red zone and
a whistle sounding off
a slight difficulty in breathing
the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller
his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?
5:1 to 15:1
1250 litres/min
1000 liters/min
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed

Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
chain reaction
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition

What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :
oil tankers.
Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
Nitrogen gas
Halon Gas
CO2 gas
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.



Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.

chemical tankers.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?

Nitrogen gas

Halon Gas

CO2 gas


What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all valves in the system.

Flush the system complete with sea water.


After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.

Ready for re use.

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.


Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder


carbon dioxide



Class C fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels.


What does "CRS" stand for?

Certified radio station.

Control room section.

Coast radio station.


What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?

20 : 1

40 : 1




A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly

if applied in connection with foam

to prevent rekindling

if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed

4a)10 (05/09/2020)


Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.

chemical tankers.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?

Nitrogen gas

Halon Gas

CO2 gas


What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all valves in the system.

Flush the system complete with sea water.


After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.

Ready for re use.

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.


Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder


carbon dioxide



Class C fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels.


What does "CRS" stand for?

Certified radio station.

Control room section.

Coast radio station.


What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?

20 : 1

40 : 1




A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly

if applied in connection with foam

to prevent rekindling

if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed



Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

Flame inhibition

Class B fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly

if applied in connection with foam

to prevent rekindling

if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed


Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?

Navigation bridge.

Monkey island.

Bridge wing


Class C fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the meter needle in the
a whistle sounding off

a slight difficulty in breathing

the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller

his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying


Class A fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?

Nitrogen gas

Halon Gas

CO2 gas


The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:





During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels.

6a)10 (05/09/2020)
During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
What is the minimum requirement for CO2 gas to be released to fight a fire in the
engine room?

60% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes

85% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
75% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the
meter needle in the red zone and
a whistle sounding off
a slight difficulty in breathing
the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller
his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :
oil tankers.
Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.

7a) (05/09/2020)
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.
Ready for re use.
The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.

8a)10/10 (05/09/2020)
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
Nitrogen gas
Halon Gas
CO2 gas
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

9a)10 (05/09/2020)
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Cargo stowage plan shall be kept in :
Master's safe.
Under safe upkeep of chief officer.
An accessible place on board.

Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :
oil tankers.
Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.

Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
chain reaction
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

10a)10 (05/09/2020)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

11a)10 (05/09/2020)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
What is the minimum requirement for CO2 gas to be released to fight a fire in the
engine room?
60% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
85% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
75% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
Which principle is used in foam eductor ?
Principle of floatation.
Charles law.
venturi effect
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.
Ready for re use.
The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.

Cargo stowage plan shall be kept in :
Master's safe.
Under safe upkeep of chief officer.
An accessible place on board.

What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
Nitrogen gas
Halon Gas
CO2 gas
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the
meter needle in the red zone and
a whistle sounding off
a slight difficulty in breathing
the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller
his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying

12a)/10 (05/09/2020)
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
8. (1)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

13a)10 (05/09/2020)
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
8. (1)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition

Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

14a)/10 (05/09/2020)
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
8. (1)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition

Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

15a)/10 (05/09/2020)
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.
Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser

What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
What is pressure surge ?
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero
A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in a pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in flow
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours

A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks

What is pressure surge ?
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero
A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in a pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in flow
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser
What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is the most important purpose of P/V valve ?
used for gas free operations.
prevents entry of sea water in to the cargo tank.
To release excess pressure in cargo tank and also avoid vacuum beyond design parameter.

What is cathodic protection ?
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship
Protection of the hull of a ship
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques

Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator oils is avoided by:
Increasing the flow rate
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge

In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
What is volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C

Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Light crude oils
Sour crude oils
Refined products
Chemical cargoes
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser

5a)10 (05/09/2020)
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
What is Upper flammable limit ?
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient oxygen to support
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Light crude oils
Sour crude oils
Refined products
Chemical cargoes

6a)9/10 (05/09/2020)
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is cold work ?
Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Carrying out work on reefer containers
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C

7a) (05/09/2020)
Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator oils is avoided by:
Increasing the flow rate
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Light crude oils
Sour crude oils
Refined products
Chemical cargoes
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours

8a)10 (05/09/2020)
What is bonding ?
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity
Making a ship to shore cable connection
Connecting together flexible couplings on deck
In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning

9a) (05/09/2020)
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
What is cold work ?
Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Carrying out work on reefer containers
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is cathodic protection ?
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship
Protection of the hull of a ship
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
What is Upper flammable limit ?
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient oxygen to support
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge

10a) (05/09/2020)
What is flash point ?
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near
the surface of the liquid.
The temperature at which the gas is not flammable
The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas
The temperature at which an explosion is not possible
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What is Upper flammable limit ?
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient oxygen to support
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.

11a)/10 (05/09/2020)
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is cold work ?
Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Carrying out work on reefer containers
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures
What are closed operations ?
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Remote control of tank delivery valves
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank
What is bonding ?
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity
Making a ship to shore cable connection
Connecting together flexible couplings on deck
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.

12a)10/10 (05/09/2020)
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What are closed operations ?
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Remote control of tank delivery valves
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator oils is avoided by:
Increasing the flow rate
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
What is bonding ?
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity
Making a ship to shore cable connection
Connecting together flexible couplings on deck
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency

13a)/10 (05/09/2020)
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
What are closed operations ?
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Remote control of tank delivery valves
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is pressure surge ?
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero
A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in a pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in flow
What is the most important purpose of P/V valve ?
used for gas free operations.
prevents entry of sea water in to the cargo tank.
To release excess pressure in cargo tank and also avoid vacuum beyond design parameter.

A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank

14a)/10 (05/09/2020)
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is cathodic protection ?
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship
Protection of the hull of a ship
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques

Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water

15a)10 (05/09/2020)
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser

Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
What is the most important purpose of P/V valve ?
used for gas free operations.
prevents entry of sea water in to the cargo tank.
To release excess pressure in cargo tank and also avoid vacuum beyond design parameter.

Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ
1a)Result : 5/10 (05/09/2020)
What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization

OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew
Part of th Company's policies & procedures for first aid
Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures to ensure safe/good
Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should __________.
lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised
administer a liquid stimulant
lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet
attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?
International Security Mandate
Internal Safety Management
International Safety Management
Internal Security Management
What is the type of gas detection system fitted for spaces with air?
Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces
Infrared type using sequential measurement
Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method
Catalytic combustion type
Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.

A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?



Result : 7/10 (05/09/2020)


What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?

International Security Mandate

Internal Safety Management

International Safety Management

Internal Security Management


Coverall is protective clothing which is popularly known as :




Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not occur
if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s

Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s

Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s

Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s


What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment

Inform the bridge

Inform his superiors


The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures ________ performance




What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?




What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted

All personnel should operate the controls


What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?

Wire rope

PVC rope

Manila rope


What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins

6 Mins

10 Mins


What are all the three basic stages which leads to a potential static hazard and
necessary for an electrostatic ignition?
Viscosity, charge seperation and temperature

Charge accumulation, velocity and density

Charge separation, charge accumulation and electrostatic discharge

Flammable gas, air and heat source

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

What happens in draeger tube during measurement?
The glass vial temperature increases
Becomes opaque due to moistre.
Color changes

What is the typical measuring range for an oxygen analyzer?
10 ppm volume oxygen in air
0 ~ 5% volume oxygen in air
0 ~ 25% volume oxygen in air
0 ~ 100% volume oxygen in air
While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank

What are all the three basic stages which leads to a potential static hazard and
necessary for an electrostatic ignition?
Viscosity, charge seperation and temperature
Charge accumulation, velocity and density
Charge separation, charge accumulation and electrostatic discharge
Flammable gas, air and heat source
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or
petroleum gases is about
5000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Volts/meter
5000 Volts/meter
Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures ________ performance
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
Draeger tube system is used for :
Ammonia gasdetection
Nitrogen gas detection
Multi gas detection

4a) (05/09/2020)
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn
What is the first task to complete before commencing hot work?

To inform the Chief engineer

Work can be started without the need to carry out any other task
To complete a hot work permit

While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank

What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization
OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?

Should be clear of rubbish

Should be covered with muck and debris
Should be allowed to corrode
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope

During the course of a voyage, a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle.
The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident, Injury or Death if the __________.
injured needs first aid
injured, is unable to perform routine duties
injury results in loss of life only
injury is the result of misconduct
Coverall is protective clothing which is popularly known as :

The change in resistance of hot filament in tankscope is displayed as :
% volume of oxygen
% volume of inert gas
% volume of hydrocarbon

5a) (05/09/2020)
A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew
Part of th Company's policies & procedures for first aid
Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures to ensure safe/good
Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope
What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted
All personnel should operate the controls
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes?
Crude oil
Vegetable oil
Highly refined petroleum products
Animal oil
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the key principle upon which the analyzer is working,
A Wheatstone bridge circuit is formed using the two wires. It is used to measure a
resistance by balancing two legs of the circuit.
The sample of atmosphere is filtered and passed through a diffuser before
reaching the two chambers.
One chamber is with a magnetic field and the other without a magnetic field.
A difference in the thermal conductivity of the oxygen with respect to air is
developed and this causes an imbalance in the resistance.

6a) (05/09/2020)
A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew
Part of th Company's policies & procedures for first aid
Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures to ensure safe/good
Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope

What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted
All personnel should operate the controls
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes?
Crude oil
Vegetable oil
Highly refined petroleum products
Animal oil
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the key principle upon which the analyzer is working,
A Wheatstone bridge circuit is formed using the two wires. It is used to measure a
resistance by balancing two legs of the circuit.
The sample of atmosphere is filtered and passed through a diffuser before
reaching the two chambers.
One chamber is with a magnetic field and the other without a magnetic field.
A difference in the thermal conductivity of the oxygen with respect to air is
developed and this causes an imbalance in the resistance.
7a) (05/09/2020)
What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization
OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed?
Near the cargo manifold
At the forward end of the ship
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
At the aft part of the ship
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.

For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
A static electrical charge can be built up within a liquid as it is being pumped and the
charge will increase as pumping:
velocity reduces
velocity rises
pressure decreases
flow reduces
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.Using
standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a
Minor burn
Superficial burn
Extremity burn
First-degree burn
What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
Inform the bridge
Inform his superiors

8a)/10 (05/09/2020)
What bare minimum should be done before working on electrical equipment?

Switch off the mains and start working

Open the equipment and commence work.
Complete electrical isolation checklist

What is the maximum interval of time between sampling and analysing for each
sampling head location sequentially?
Not exceeding 50 minutes interval
Not exceeding 40 minutes interval
Not exceeding 30 minutes interval
Not exceeding 60 minutes interval
How should steam pipes be protected in machinery spaces?

They should be painted in different colours

They should have placards to warn personnel
They should be lagged
While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.Using
standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a
Minor burn
Superficial burn
Extremity burn
First-degree burn

What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins
6 Mins
10 Mins

What is the type of gas detection system fitted for spaces with air?
Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces
Infrared type using sequential measurement
Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method
Catalytic combustion type
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
A static electrical charge can be built up within a liquid as it is being pumped and the
charge will increase as pumping:
velocity reduces
velocity rises
pressure decreases
flow reduces
9a)0/10 (05/09/2020)
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

What is the limitation of a combustible gas detector of catalytic combustion type?
It cannot be used for measurement in air
It cannot be used for measurement in nitrogen
It cannot be used for measurement in methane
It cannot be used for measurement in oxygen
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or
petroleum gases is about
5000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Volts/meter
5000 Volts/meter
Safety harness should be worn while working aloft at any height more than:
1 meter
5 meters%
2 meters
Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted
All personnel should operate the controls

10a)/10 (05/09/2020)
While carrying out checks on SCBA, the cylinder valve is closed to check the drop in pressure. The drop in
pressure should not be more than:
5 bar/min
8 bar/min
10 bar/min

What is the first step in preparing a casualty who is breathing with proper heartbeat but unconscious?
Insert guidel airway
Establish airway is clear
Place casuality in recovery position.
Draeger tube system is used for :
Ammonia gasdetection
Nitrogen gas detection
Multi gas detection

What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?

Should be clear of rubbish

Should be covered with muck and debris
Should be allowed to corrode
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.Using
standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a
Minor burn
Superficial burn
Extremity burn
First-degree burn

Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization
OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins
6 Mins
10 Mins

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn

11a) (05/09/2020)
While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank
What is the limitation of a combustible gas detector of catalytic combustion type?
It cannot be used for measurement in air
It cannot be used for measurement in nitrogen
It cannot be used for measurement in methane
It cannot be used for measurement in oxygen
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is :
Stop bleeding before further treatment
Apply pressure on the wound.
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?
International Security Mandate
Internal Safety Management
International Safety Management
Internal Security Management
Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist
Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation
What is the first step in preparing a casualty who is breathing with proper heartbeat but unconscious?
Insert guidel airway
Establish airway is clear
Place casuality in recovery position.

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn

12a)/10 (05/09/2020)
The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures ________ performance
What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?

Should be clear of rubbish

Should be covered with muck and debris
Should be allowed to corrode
A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist
Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation
Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed?
Near the cargo manifold
At the forward end of the ship
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
At the aft part of the ship
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes?
Crude oil
Vegetable oil
Highly refined petroleum products
Animal oil
What is the type of gas detection system fitted for spaces with air?
Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces
Infrared type using sequential measurement
Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method
Catalytic combustion type

13a)/10 (05/09/2020)
During the course of a voyage, a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle.
The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident, Injury or Death if the __________.
injured needs first aid
injured, is unable to perform routine duties
injury results in loss of life only
injury is the result of misconduct
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or
petroleum gases is about
5000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Volts/meter
5000 Volts/meter
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is :
Stop bleeding before further treatment
Apply pressure on the wound.
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.

What is the first step in preparing a casualty who is breathing with proper heartbeat but unconscious?
Insert guidel airway
Establish airway is clear
Place casuality in recovery position.

Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed?
Near the cargo manifold
At the forward end of the ship
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
At the aft part of the ship
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?


Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins
6 Mins
10 Mins
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn

14a)10 (05/09/2020)
What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?

International Security Mandate

Internal Safety Management
International Safety Management
Internal Security Management
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?

Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
What bare minimum should be done before working on electrical equipment?

Switch off the mains and start working

Open the equipment and commence work.
Complete electrical isolation checklist
Safety harness should be worn while working aloft at any height more than:
1 meter
5 meters%
2 meters

Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.
Draeger tube system is used for :
Ammonia gasdetection
Nitrogen gas detection
Multi gas detection

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should __________.
lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised
administer a liquid stimulant
lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet
attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is :
Stop bleeding before further treatment
Apply pressure on the wound.
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.
Deck General Tankers

1 1226 Ref: Tankers, Barrel A

The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry, as well as the tanker industry, is a ___.
A. barrel C. gallon
B. drum D. liter

2 980 Ref: Tankers, Cargo Piping, Bell Mouth C

The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank
is a __________.
A. suction end C. bell-mouth
B. strainer D. vacuum valve

3 1075 Ref: Tankers, Cargo Piping, Branch Lines D

The main underdeck pipeline on a tankship is connected to individual tanks by __________.
A. tank drops C. crossovers
B. line drops D. branch lines

4 1152 Ref: Tankers, Cargo Piping, Crossover A

The pipe used to connect two separate piping systems on a tank vessel is known as a __________.
A. crossover C. connection
B. transfer D. junction

5 1244 Ref: Tankers, Cargo Piping, Crossover A

The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tank vessel that connects one
section of cargo tanks to another section is called a __________.
A. crossover C. come-along
B. runaround D. manifold

6 1618 Ref: Tankers, Cargo Piping, Friction B

What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
A. Bends in the piping C. Pipeline valves
B. Slowing the pumping rate D. Backing rings for pipe welds

7 1154 Ref: Tankers, Cargo Piping, Line Drop B

The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold to underdeck pipelines is known as a __________.
A. cargo fill C. transfer
B. line drop D. branch line

8 1153 Ref: Tankers, Cargo Piping, Tank Drop C

The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold directly to a cargo tank and serves only one tank is
known as a __________.
A. cargo fill C. tank drop
B. filler line D. branch line

9 425 Ref: Tankers, COW D

Before a tank is to be crude oil washed, the oxygen content in the tank must be measured at a position
A. immediately above the level of the oil C. in the vent riser
B. at the top of the tank D. one meter from the deck

10 937 Ref: Tankers, COW B

The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel, including the operating
sequences and procedures, design characteristics, a description of the system, and required personnel
will be found in the __________.
A. Oil Transfer Procedures Manual
B. Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual
C. Code of Federal Regulations
D. Crude Oil Washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection

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11 1475 Ref: Tankers, COW C

What is NOT a requirement for the safe and effective use of a crude oil washing system?
A. Strip all tanks and remove the bottom residue.
B. Use an inert gas system while washing tanks.
C. Use portable washing machines to reach areas obscured by structural members in the tanks.
D. Decant one meter from the source tank for the tank cleaning machines.

12 2350 Ref: Tankers, COW A

You are planning to use a crude oil washing system. What precaution must be taken with the source tank
for the washing machines?
A. At least one meter must be decanted from the source tank.
B. The oil in the source tank must be sampled for compatibility.
C. The source tank must have been crude oil washed at least once in the past 150 days.
D. The inert gas system must lower the oxygen content in the source tank to a maximum of 12%.

13 2351 Ref: Tankers, COW B

You are planning to use the crude oil washing system on your tankship. What is required to prevent
electrostatic buildup in the tanks?
A. The portable machines must be set at the proper drop for the first wash before the fixed machines are
B. The source tank for the tank cleaning machines must have least one meter decanted from it.
C. The inert gas system must reduce the oxygen content in the tanks to a maximum of 18%.
D. The fixed machines must be operated simultaneously with the portable machines to equalize the
electrostatic potential.

14 2442 Ref: Tankers, COW A

You have completed a crude oil wash. What action should be taken with the oil in the lines running to the
washing machines?
A. Open a COW nozzle forward and one aft and drain the line into the after tank by gravity
B. Blow the line out using compressed air
C. Pull a suction using the supply line pump
D. Close off all valves in the system and leave the oil in the line primed for the next crude oil wash

15 506 Ref: Tankers, Flame Screens C

Flame screens are used to __________.
A. contain flammable fumes
B. protect firefighters from flames
C. prevent flames from entering tanks
D. keep flames and sparks from getting out of an engine's exhaust system

16 1667 Ref: Tankers, Hazardous Cargo A

When carrying a cargo of asphalt or molten sulfur, which are carried at temperatures of over 300°F, one
of the biggest dangers is __________.
A. water in the tanks or pipelines C. explosion of vapors after discharge
B. having the cargo too cool D. inadequate ullage space

17 1987 Ref: Tankers, Measurement, Innage D

Which refers to the depth of a petroleum product in a tank?
A. Outage C. Thievage
B. Ullage D. Innage

18 718 Ref: Tankers, Measurement, Thieving B

Litmus paste is used in order to determine __________.
A. innage C. ullage
B. thievage D. the tank's datum point

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19 1460 Ref: Tankers, Measurement, Thieving B

What is meant by "thieving" a petroleum cargo?
A. Siphoning off a few barrels of petroleum for shipboard use
B. Determining the amount of water (if any) in each cargo tank
C. Adjusting the cargo figures to coincide with the draft
D. Reducing the gross cargo calculations to net amounts

20 960 Ref: Tankers, Measurement, Ullages C

The distance between the surface of the liquid and the tank top in a cargo tank is called __________.
A. thievage C. ullage
B. innage D. tankage

21 1356 Ref: Tankers, Measurement, Ullages D

Ullage measurements are taken from the top of the liquid to __________.
A. the base of the expansion trunk
B. the base of the ullage port
C. a line scribed within the ullage port
D. an above-deck datum, usually the top of the ullage hole

22 749 Ref: Tankers, Oil, Samples D

Oil product samples should be taken from the __________.
A. dock riser C. shore tank discharge
B. ship's cargo tanks D. All of the above

23 849 Ref: Tankers, Oil, Sour Crude A

Sour crude oil __________.
A. contains high quantities of hydrogen sulfide C. is lighter than other crudes
B. is diluted with other products for carriage D. is less hazardous to load than other crudes

24 639 Ref: Tankers, Oily Water Separator B

In controlling pollution, which action should be taken after all dirty ballast has been transferred to the slop
tank and prior to discharge through the oily water separator?
A. The clean tanks should be ballasted.
B. The slops should be allowed time to settle.
C. Chemicals should be added to emulsify the oil.
D. The dirty ballast tank is crude oil washed.

25 1269 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Booster A

The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging
operation. You start the discharge, and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a
result of the __________.
A. booster pump coming on the line and discharging properly
B. booster pump failing to start
C. booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction
D. ship's pump speeding up

26 366 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal A

All of the following steps are taken in starting a centrifugal pump, EXCEPT to __________.
A. set the relief valve C. vent the pump casing
B. check the lubrication system D. open the pump suction and discharge valves

27 452 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal D

Centrifugal pumps have what advantage(s) over reciprocating pumps?
A. They are less expensive. C. They pump more cargo in less time.
B. They are smaller for equivalent pumping ability. D. All of the above

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28 1437 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal B

What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?
A. They are self-priming.
B. Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.
C. Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.
D. All of the above

29 1457 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal A

What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?
A. Centrifugal pump C. Rotary pump
B. Eductor D. Reciprocating pump

30 1479 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal D

What is NOT an advantage of centrifugal pumps over reciprocating pumps?
A. They pump more cargo in less time. C. They are less expensive.
B. They are smaller for equivalent pumping ability. D. They require priming for stripping.

31 1986 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal A

Which pump must always be primed?
A. Centrifugal pump C. Rotary pump
B. Reciprocating pump D. All of the above

32 2006 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal B

Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?
A. It is a positive displacement pump.
B. It must have a positive suction.
C. Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.
D. All of the above

33 2072 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal B

Which statement is TRUE of centrifugal pumps aboard tank vessels?
A. They are positive displacement pumps.
B. They are gravity-fed.
C. They produce a pulsating flow.
D. They require more maintenance than a reciprocating pump.

34 2479 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal B

You start a centrifugal cargo pump to discharge cargo. The pump works for a while and then loses
suction. This could be caused by __________.
A. the pump running backwards C. the discharge head being too high
B. incomplete priming D. All of the above

35 2480 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Centrifugal C

You start a centrifugal cargo pump to discharge cargo. The pump works for a while and then loses
suction. This could NOT be caused by __________.
A. leaking shaft seals C. high cargo level in the tanks
B. air pockets in the liquid D. a leaking suction line

36 84 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Deep well B

A deepwell pump is a type of __________.
A. screw pump
B. centrifugal pump
C. eductor
D. gear pump

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37 2060 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Self-priming B

Which statement is TRUE concerning deep well self-priming pumps?
A. When loading oil cargo, it is always loaded via the discharge line through to the pump until the tank is
topped off.
B. Stripping systems are generally eliminated for the purposes of cargo handling.
C. In recent years deep well pumps have become increasingly unpopular in product tankers and medium
size crude ships.
D. There is no danger of damaging the pump from overheating.

38 1072 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Stripping D

The main function of a stripping system is to __________.
A. maintain the temperature of the cargo throughout the vessel
B. dispose of dangerous vapors within the cargo tanks
C. increase the loading rate of the shoreside pumps
D. discharge liquid left in the cargo tanks after the main pumps have discharged the bulk

39 1754 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Stripping C

When stripping a tank, excessive air in the suction line may cause __________.
A. an over pressurized line C. loss of suction
B. back pressure D. increase of suction

40 2155 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Stripping B

While discharging a cargo, the stripping of the tanks falls behind schedule. This would indicate the
A. main pumps are working at a high discharge pressure
B. main pumps are leaving too much oil in the tanks
C. stripping pump is not primed
D. stripping line is cross-connected to the main line

41 2325 Ref: Tankers, Pump , Stripping B

You are on a tankship discharging oil. When all of the oil that the main cargo pumps can handle is
pumped out of a tank the remainder is __________.
A. stripped out and pumped directly ashore into the mainline as the remaining cargo tanks are pumped
out with the main pumps
B. stripped to one tank and then pumped out with the main pumps
C. stripped out and pumped directly ashore after all the tanks have been emptied by the main pumps
D. gravitated to the centers from the wings and pumped out with the main pumps

42 1912 Ref: Tankers, Pump D

Which method should be used to warm up the pump turbines prior to discharge?
A. Lock the turbine rotor and slowly bleed in steam until operating temperature is reached
B. Run the pump at high speed with the discharge valves closed
C. Run the turbine at slow speed with the pump disconnected
D. Shut the discharge valve and run the pump at slow speed

43 2463 Ref: Tankers, Pump D

You may be able to avoid loss of suction in a pump by __________.
A. using a full tank to keep the pump primed C. closing down on the tank valve
B. opening the vent cock on the pump D. All of the above

44 204 Ref: Tankers, Spectacle Flange D

A single fitting installed in a pipeline that either blanks off the pipe or allows a full flow passage of a liquid
through the pipe is referred to as a __________.
A. blind flange C. quick-release coupling
B. pivot coupling D. spectacle flange

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45 2156 Ref: Tankers, Stability, List C

While discharging a tanker, list can be controlled by __________.
A. shoreside personnel
B. using a center tank near the bow, discharging as necessary
C. using wing tanks near the longitudinal center, discharging as necessary
D. using the after peak tank, loading as necessary

46 302 Ref: Tankers, Stability, Trim D

A vessel loads edible oil in a deep tank through a manhole at the mid-length of the tank. In order to fill the
tank to maximum capacity, what trim should the vessel have?
A. Down by the bow C. Down by either the bow or stern
B. Down by the stern D. In level trim

47 2516 Ref: Tankers, Stability, Trim C

Your tank vessel is fully loaded, and you find that she is down slightly by the head. To adjust the trim,
you may __________.
A. add ballast aft C. shift cargo aft
B. load more cargo aft D. All of the above

48 2517 Ref: Tankers, Stability, Trim C

Your tank vessel is loaded down to her marks, and you find that she has too much trim by the stern. To
adjust the trim you may __________.
A. add ballast forward C. shift bunkers forward
B. load more cargo forward D. All of the above

49 660 Ref: Tankers, Static Electricity B

In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should
A. start to load at maximum pressure C. increase the air flow into the tank
B. start to load slowly D. use the overall method of loading only

50 852 Ref: Tankers, Static Electricity D

Static electricity may be built up by the __________.
A. spraying or splashing of petroleum C. flow of petroleum through pipes
B. settling of solids or water in petroleum D. All of the above

51 1982 Ref: Tankers, Static Electricity C

Which product is most likely to accumulate static electricity?
A. Crude oil C. Lubricating oil
B. Hard asphalt D. Residual fuel oil

52 2084 Ref: Tankers, Tank Cleaning, Gas Freeing B

Which step is NOT generally taken when gas-freeing a tank?
A. Washing the tank interior with sea water
B. Application of degreasing solvents
C. Removal of corrosion products and sludge
D. Fresh air ventilation

53 1672 Ref: Tankers, Tank Cleaning, Portable B

When cleaning a tank by the Butterworth process, you should begin to pump out the slops __________.
A. at the end of the drop schedule
B. when the process is started
C. when the process is finished
D. when the tank is clean

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54 1673 Ref: Tankers, Tank Cleaning, Portable C

When cleaning cargo tanks with portable machines, how is the machine grounded?
A. Bonding wires are secured from the machine to a convenient location on deck.
B. The machines must maintain physical contact with the deck at the Butterworth opening.
C. The water supply hoses contain internal wires that act as conductors
D. The water jets impinging on the vessel's structure form a pathway to ground.

55 1759 Ref: Tankers, Tank Cleaning, Portable B

When tank cleaning with a portable machine, the weight of the machine is suspended from __________.
A. solid iron bars clamped to the Butterworth opening
B. the supply hose
C. the suspension line, usually manila or natural fiber line
D. a wire rope suspension line

56 2460 Ref: Tankers, Tank Cleaning, Portable A

You have water washed your cargo tanks using the fixed machines. What should you do before using
portable machines to clean areas screened from the wash of the fixed machine by structural members?
A. Ventilate the tank to eliminate any electrostatically charged mist.
B. Attach the water supply hose to the portable machine after the cleaning head is positioned inside the
C. Insure that the tanks are not stripped until the final wash is started.
D. Ground the fixed machines to eliminate any electrostatic buildup on the cleaning head.

57 2233 Ref: Tankers, Tank Cleaning, Static Electricity D

You are cleaning the tanks after carrying a cargo of crude oil. Which statement is TRUE?
A. Washing water should be recirculated if possible because it has the same electric potential as the
cargo tank being cleaned.
B. The hoses to portable cleaning machines should be disconnected before the machines are removed
from the tank.
C. The principal hazard with steaming cargo tanks is raising the ambient temperature above the flame
point of the cargo residue.
D. Steam cleaning and water washing are both capable of generating electrostatic charges within a tank.

58 1729 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Bending Moments B

When planning the loading or discharging of a VLCC (100,000 DWT+) what is the most important
A. Draft and trim
B. Limits of the bending moments
C. Rate of discharging
D. Rate of loading

59 812 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Cargo Hose A

Pinching of the cargo hose between the vessel and the dock should be prevented by __________.
A. adjusting the hose supports
B. laying out an excess length of hose on deck
C. tying off the topping lifts and runners to winch heads
D. All of the above

60 1319 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Cargo Hose B

To allow for the rise or fall in tide and for change in draft of a tankship during cargo transfer, cargo hoses
must be suspended with __________.
A. slings or saddles placed at 25-foot (8 meter) intervals
B. enough slack in their bight
C. topping lifts and runners tied off to winches
D. All of the above

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61 1692 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Cargo Hose B

When hooking up a cargo hose to your vessel's manifold, you should use a(n) __________.
A. international shore connection
B. insulating flange or single length of non-conducting hose
C. self-contained breathing apparatus
D. oxygen analyzer

62 2561 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Cargo Hose D

Your vessel is taking on cargo oil when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping
stopped. Before you resume pumping, you should __________.
A. notify the terminal superintendent
B. place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers
C. repair the hose with a patch
D. replace the hose

63 811 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Coefficient of Expansion A

Petroleum cargo tanks should not be topped off at deck level when loading on a cold day because
A. a subsequent temperature rise will cause the cargo to overflow
B. air pockets may cause the cargo to bubble out of the ullage hole
C. the increased viscosity of the product requires higher loading pressure which increases the chances
of a spill
D. the tank valve may be stiff and a spill will occur before the valve can be closed

64 2202 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Coefficient of Expansion A

With an increase in temperature the volume of flammable and combustible liquids __________.
A. expands C. remains constant
B. contracts D. remains constant if pressure remains constant

65 748 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Containment C

Oil may NOT be transferred unless __________.
A. there are two certificated tankermen on each vessel
B. the vessel is equipped with constant-tension winches
C. discharge containment equipment (i.e. drip pans) are in place
D. All of the above

66 1844 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Contamination A

Which factor must be considered when determining the order of loading of dissimilar products through the
same piping system aboard a tanker?
A. Contamination of the cargo C. Reid vapor pressures
B. Flash points D. Specific gravities

67 698 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Flanges C

Insulating flanges minimize the dangers arising from __________.
A. smoking on deck C. accumulations of electrostatic charges
B. loading asphalt D. tank over-pressurization

68 2062 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Flanges A

Which statement is TRUE concerning insulating flanges?
A. They should be inspected and tested periodically to ensure that the insulation is clean and in good
B. Switching off a cathodic protection system may be substituted for using an insulating flange
C. The measured resistance value after installation should be less than 1,000 ohms.
D. After the insulating flange is installed, hot work may be performed on deck.

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Deck General Tankers

69 529 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, PIC D

Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting, disconnecting, and topping off must be
supervised by __________.
A. any certificated tankerman C. the officer of the watch
B. the Master of the vessel D. the person designated as "person in charge"

70 449 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Shutdown A

Cargo transfer operations on a tank vessel need NOT be stopped when __________.
A. a tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading grade D and E cargoes
B. a large, fresh oil spill is discovered immediately adjacent to the side of the tanker
C. there is an electrical storm in the vicinity
D. there is a fire on the dock or on a nearby vessel

71 1701 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Shutdown B

When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?
A. Trip the pump relief valve.
B. Order the dock man to shut down.
C. Call the owner, operator, or terminal supervisor.
D. Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose.

72 1470 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Topping Off B

What is NOT a precaution to be taken when topping off?
A. Reduce the loading rate.
B. Notify the engine room of the procedure.
C. Maintain communications with the dock man.
D. Give the operation your undivided attention.

73 1682 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Trim A

When discharging an oil cargo, the first consideration is to __________.
A. get the bow up C. discharge from the centerline tanks first
B. discharge from the wings first D. discharge from amidships first

74 2088 Ref: Tankers, Transfer, Trim B

Which tanker discharge pattern would be the safest and most efficient?
A. Empty the forward tanks and start working aft, emptying each tank in sequence
B. Start discharging with most of the discharge coming from forward, but include some from amidships
and after tanks
C. Start pumping from forward, amidships, and aft with the discharge distributed equally among the
D. Start pumping from amidships and then work forward and aft simultaneously as the amidships tank is

75 1447 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Butterfly vs. Gate A

What is an advantage of a gate valve over a butterfly valve?
A. Less frequent maintenance
B. Faster operation
C. Cheaper
D. More compact

76 1826 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Butterfly vs. Gate B

Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
A. Precise control over cargo flow
B. Quick operation
C. No resistance to cargo flow when open
D. Less maintenance required

© 2014 GPSmith. 9

All rights reserved
Deck General Tankers

77 1296 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Check D

The valve on the discharge side of a cargo pump on a tank vessel will usually be a __________.
A. gate valve
B. butterfly valve
C. globe valve
D. check valve

78 1329 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Check B

To insure proper seating when closing a valve on a tank, the valve should be __________.
A. closed against the stop and the locking pin inserted
B. closed, opened a half turn, and then closed again
C. set up as tight as possible by hand
D. set up tight using a valve wrench

79 1700 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Closing D

When loading a tanker, you should __________.
A. load only one tank at a time
B. keep the seamen on watch on standby in the mess room
C. keep a strain on the loading hoses
D. close valves by closing them down, reopening one or two turns, and re-closing

80 1558 Ref: Tankers, Valve, PV D

What is the purpose of pressure-vacuum relief valves?
A. Regulation of discharge pressure from cargo pumps
B. Maintaining constant velocity in cargo lines
C. Regulation of suction head on cargo pumps
D. Automatic regulation of pressure or vacuum in enclosed spaces

81 1565 Ref: Tankers, Valve, PV D

What is TRUE of pressure/vacuum valves?
A. They are designed to provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres caused by thermal
variations in a cargo tank.
B. They should operate in advance of the pressure/vacuum breakers.
C. They should be kept in good working order by regular inspection and cleaning.
D. All of the above

82 175 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Relief B

A relief valve for a cargo pump is generally installed __________.
A. after the discharge valve
B. between the pump and discharge valve
C. after the suction valve
D. between the pump and suction valve

83 444 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Relief C

Cargo pump relief valves are piped to the __________.
A. cargo pump pressure gauges
B. crossover lines interconnecting two pumps
C. suction side of pumps
D. atmosphere through pump vents

84 1561 Ref: Tankers, Valve, Relief D

What is the purpose of the relief valve of a cargo pump?
A. Provides for the removal of vapors
B. Allows two or more tanks to be filled at the same time
C. Provides for the emergency shutdown of the pump
D. Permits the return of cargo to the suction side of the pump

© 2014 GPSmith. 10

All rights reserved
1a)sult : 9/10 (23/08/2020)


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank


Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room

Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room

The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms

Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store


The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are
centrifugal pumps

deep well pumps

vane pumps

gear pumps


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an 1ndependent tank is


Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank

gravity tank

Suspended tank

Integral tank


A restricted tank gauging system

Allows limited amounts of vapour to escape

Does not allow vapour to escape

Uses a float gauge

Does not use an ullage tape


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of

Aluminium alloy


stainless steel

nickel alloy

2a) : 9/10 (11/08/2020)


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:

An isolating valve

The deck water seal

A valve provided in the scrubber

The deck mechanical non-return valve


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an integral tank is


An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil

Diesel oil

Gas oil


Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent on a chemical tanker?

Integral gravity type

Integral pressure type

Independent pressure type

Independent gravity type


Cargo tanks entrances on tankers are:



Could be weathertight or watertight

Neither watertight or weathertight


Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:

to 15% or less by volume

to 10% or less by volume

to 8% or less by volume

to 2% or less by volume


A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker

is fitted on the tank dome

is fitted on the main deck a tanker

is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker

is fitted in the pump room



A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room

Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room

The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms

Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store


Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight


Crude oil washing:

is done with portable tank washing machines

is done with pressurised crude oil

has 5 stages

is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


Tanks of tankers do not exceed:

0.1 of ship’s length

0.15 of ship’s length

0.2 of ship’s length

0.25 of ship’s length


What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?

Centrifugal pump


Rotary pump

Reciprocating pump


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use



Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


What does “VECS” stand for ?

vector control system

vapour emission control system

very economical control system

an arrangement for release of cargo vapour.


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention


Pump room bilge high level alarm should activate in :



ECR , CCR and navigation bridge

Chief officer's cabin


Chemical tankers carry :

Crude petroleum

Products like kerosene

Noxious liquid substaces

Clean products


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the sh
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


When coating a patch as part of maintenance, the film thickness should be

200 to 300 microns

300 to 400 microns

not less than 400 microns

not more than 200 microns


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


The lowest temperature at which the liquid remains a fluid is called the:
The flow point

The pour point

The melting point

The Liquefaction point

5a) 10 (11/08/2020)


The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are
centrifugal pumps

deep well pumps

vane pumps

gear pumps

A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.

screw pump

centrifugal pump


gear pump


Tank bulkheads on a tanker are strengthened using:

Web frames, transverse webs and stringers.

Longitudinals, transverse webs and stringers.

Web frames, transverse webs and gusset plates.

Gusset plates, transverse webs and longitudinals


A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


Crude oil washing:

is done with portable tank washing machines

is done with pressurised crude oil

has 5 stages

is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle


Tanks of tankers do not exceed:

0.1 of ship’s length

0.15 of ship’s length

0.2 of ship’s length

0.25 of ship’s length


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Which of the following is not a commonly used coating inside chemical carrier cargo tanks?
Zinc silicate





The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was

to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution

to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required

to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution

to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions

6a) 10/10 (11/08/2020)

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the
full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system
A common-main system
A vent-main system
An independent system
Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as
Reciprocating pumps
Gravity pumps
Positive discplacement pumps
Hydro-dynamic pumps
The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:
a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement
a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation
A starting interlock in the ODME ensures
the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea
prevents malfunctioning of the system
that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions
stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank

Integral tank
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible

The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was
to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution
to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required
to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution
to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions



A starting interlock in the ODME ensures

the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea

prevents malfunctioning of the system

that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions

stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million


Which of the following is not true about eductors?

The discharge from eductor leads to pump room bilge

It has no moving parts and is virtually maintenance free

It is very efficient in striping crude oil of high vapour pressure

The drive liquid has to be same as the stripped cargo


Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank

gravity tank

Suspended tank

Integral tank

Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?

It is a positive displacement pump.

It must have a positive suction.

Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.


What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?

only to cool the flue gas

only to clean the flue gas

To cool and also to clean the flue gas

for easy flow of flue gas


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight


An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil

Diesel oil

Gas oil


A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


Tank bulkheads on a tanker are strengthened using:

Web frames, transverse webs and stringers.

Longitudinals, transverse webs and stringers.

Web frames, transverse webs and gusset plates.

Gusset plates, transverse webs and longitudinals


Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:

An isolating valve

The deck water seal

A valve provided in the scrubber

The deck mechanical non-return valve



In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the sh
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank


The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity of the vessel ?





What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed

Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has b

Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed

The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank


The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to

minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel

increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary

collect pump room and engine room bilges

make crude oil washing possible


Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo

will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom

is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products

cannot be done with chemical solvents


Class B fires are caused by

combustible solids

flammable gases

flammable liquids



Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment



The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to

store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments

give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with liquid

keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased

prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?

only to cool the flue gas

only to clean the flue gas

To cool and also to clean the flue gas

for easy flow of flue gas


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention


The ring main pipeline system is extensively used on:


Crude oil tankers

Medium range tankers

Product carriers


A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.

screw pump

centrifugal pump


gear pump


The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:

a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation

a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement

a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation


Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?

The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing

The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing

10a)/10 (11/08/2020)


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.

What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed

Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has b

Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed

The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight


The lowest temperature at which the liquid remains a fluid is called the:
The flow point

The pour point

The melting point

The Liquefaction point


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:

70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.

80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.

90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.

95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.


The ring main pipeline system is extensively used on:


Crude oil tankers

Medium range tankers

Product carriers


Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo

will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom

is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products

cannot be done with chemical solvents


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention

11a) /10 (11/08/2020)


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


What is ALARP ?

As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of

Aluminium alloy


stainless steel

nickel alloy


What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?

Centrifugal pump


Rotary pump

Reciprocating pump


Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room

Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room

The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms

Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store


What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?

only to cool the flue gas

only to clean the flue gas

To cool and also to clean the flue gas

for easy flow of flue gas


The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge and in a few m
a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start

ship's pump speeding up

booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is


Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals



An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil

Diesel oil

Gas oil

Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room

are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck


A starting interlock in the ODME ensures

the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea

prevents malfunctioning of the system

that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions

stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million


What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?

They are self-priming.

Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.

Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.


What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?

The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing

The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing


What is ALARP ?
As low as reasonably practicable

As large as represented particles

As low as reading practice

As little as represented portion


Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed

Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has

Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed

The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank


Chemical tankers carry :

Crude petroleum

Products like kerosene

Noxious liquid substaces

Clean products


Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry

nothing at all

additional ballast in bad weather

extra bunkers for long international voyages

more cargo for increasing freight



Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as

Reciprocating pumps

Gravity pumps

Positive discplacement pumps

Hydro-dynamic pumps


The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity of the vessel ?





Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be

available close to the pump room

kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person

kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked


A thermoelectric detector:
Uses a heat sensor

converts heat to electrical energy

detects a rise in tempetrature

uses a fixed temperature stop


Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:

to 15% or less by volume

to 10% or less by volume

to 8% or less by volume

to 2% or less by volume


Crude oil washing:

is done with portable tank washing machines

is done with pressurised crude oil

has 5 stages

is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle


Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?

It is a positive displacement pump.

It must have a positive suction.

Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank



What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?

Centrifugal pump


Rotary pump

Reciprocating pump


Pump room bilge high level alarm should activate in :



ECR , CCR and navigation bridge

Chief officer's cabin


Which of the following is a cofferdam?

Chain locker

Pump room on an oil tanker

Deep tank

Slop tank on an oil tanker


Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:

An isolating valve

The deck water seal

A valve provided in the scrubber

The deck mechanical non-return valve


The vacuum strip system was developed on oil tankers to

remove all hydrocarbon gases from the tanks after discharging

prevent cavitation in centrifugal cargo pumps

quickly remove rain water collecting on deck

discharge cargo without any human intervention


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the sh
A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker

is fitted on the tank dome

is fitted on the main deck a tanker

is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker

is fitted in the pump room


Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:

to 15% or less by volume

to 10% or less by volume

to 8% or less by volume

to 2% or less by volume



Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank

gravity tank

Suspended tank

Integral tank


The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge
sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging

booster pump failing to start

ship's pump speeding up

booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction


What does "VECS" stand for ?

vector control system

vapour emission control system

very economical control system

an arrangement for release of cargo vapour.


A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have

Severe environmental and safety hazards

Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards

Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards


An inert gas system is required to be fitted:

On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight

On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight

On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight

On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight


Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room

are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck


A thermoelectric detector:
Uses a heat sensor

converts heat to electrical energy

detects a rise in tempetrature

uses a fixed temperature stop


Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment


Tank coating requirements developed by IMO are applicable to

new crude oil tankers of 5000 GRT and above

new crude oil tankers of 5000 DWT and above

new crude oil tankers of 500 GRT and above

new crude oil tankers of 500 DWT and above


Tank bulkheads on a tanker are strengthened using:

Web frames, transverse webs and stringers.

Longitudinals, transverse webs and stringers.

Web frames, transverse webs and gusset plates.

Gusset plates, transverse webs and longitudinals

The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are

centrifugal pumps
deep well pumps
vane pumps
gear pumps
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible
Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :
steam turbines
electric motor
hydraulic motor
direct drive with diesel engine
The pipeline system that has valves fitted on bulkheads is called:
The direct line system
The free flow system
The ring main system
The free line system
A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards

is an optical characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a motion characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a refractive characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?
They are self-priming.
Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.
Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.
Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as
Reciprocating pumps
Gravity pumps
Positive discplacement pumps
Hydro-dynamic pumps
What is the purpose of tank coating?
to add strength to cargo tanks
to carry heated cargo
to prevent corrosion in cargo tanks

Which one of the following is not a piping system found on an oil tanker?
Ring main system
Integrated system
Direct line system
Free flow system
Tank coating requirements developed by IMO are applicable to
new crude oil tankers of 5000 GRT and above
new crude oil tankers of 5000 DWT and above
new crude oil tankers of 500 GRT and above
new crude oil tankers of 500 DWT and above
Tanks of tankers do not exceed:
0.1 of ship’s length
0.15 of ship’s length
0.2 of ship’s length
0.25 of ship’s length
Which of the following is true about eductors?
They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped
Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks
They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage
A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use
The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You
start the discharge and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start
ship's pump speeding up
booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:
a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement
a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation
A restricted tank gauging system
Allows limited amounts of vapour to escape
Does not allow vapour to escape
Uses a float gauge
Does not use an ullage tape
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate

Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker
is fitted on the tank dome
is fitted on the main deck a tanker
is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker
is fitted in the pump room
During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.
The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be
available close to the pump room
kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas
Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?
It is a positive displacement pump.
It must have a positive suction.
Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.
Which of the following is not a commonly used coating inside chemical carrier cargo
Zinc silicate
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You
start the discharge and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
Booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start
ship’s pump speeding up
booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
Which pump must always be primed?
Centrifugal pump
Reciprocating pump
Rotary pump
Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry
nothing at all
additional ballast in bad weather
extra bunkers for long international voyages
more cargo for increasing freight
A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.
Screw pump
centrifugal pump
gear pump
Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes
can be collected into the same slop tank and discharged to shore
should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumped out separately to shore
can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later
should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore
During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment

20a) /10 (12/08/2020)

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an 38ndependent tank
Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room
are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck

Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes
can be collected into the same slop tank and discharged to shore
should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumped out separately to shore
can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later
should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore
Which one of the following is not a piping system found on an oil tanker?
Ring main system
Integrated system
Direct line system
Free flow system
is an optical characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a motion characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a refractive characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
An inert gas system is required to be fitted:
On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
Which of the following is not true about eductors?
The discharge from eductor leads to pump room bilge
It has no moving parts and is virtually maintenance free
It is very efficient in striping crude oil of high vapour pressure
The drive liquid has to be same as the stripped cargo

Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room
are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck

During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.
The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
The lowest temperature at which the liquid remains a fluid is called the:
The flow point
The pour point
The melting point
The Liquefaction point
Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?
It is a positive displacement pump.
It must have a positive suction.
Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.
The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to
store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased
prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
minimize pollution by retaining all slops generated by operation of the vessel
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever necessary
collect pump room and engine room bilges
make crude oil washing possible
A deepwell pump is a type of ___________.
screw pump
centrifugal pump
gear pump
Cargo tanks entrances on tankers are:
Could be weathertight or watertight

Neither watertight or weathertight

What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?
Centrifugal pump
Rotary pump
Reciprocating pump
Category Y noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to
store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased
prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak
Which of the following is a cofferdam?
Chain locker
Pump room on an oil tanker
Deep tank
Slop tank on an oil tanker
The most common type of cargo pumps found on chemical tankers are
centrifugal pumps
deep well pumps
vane pumps
gear pumps
Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent on a chemical tanker?
Integral gravity type
Integral pressure type
Independent pressure type
Independent gravity type
When coating a patch as part of maintenance, the film thickness should be
200 to 300 microns
300 to 400 microns
not less than 400 microns
not more than 200 microns
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank
Integral tank
Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the
full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system
A common-main system
A vent-main system
An independent system
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
Which pump must always be primed?
Centrifugal pump
Reciprocating pump
Rotary pump
Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump
Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room
Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room
The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms
Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store
Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo
will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom
is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products
cannot be done with chemical solvents
In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:
enters from the top of the tank
enters from the bottom of the tank
mixes with the original tank atmosphere
could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is
Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas
Deep tanks on oil tankers are used normally to carry
nothing at all
additional ballast in bad weather
extra bunkers for long international voyages
more cargo for increasing freight
A restricted tank gauging system
Allows limited amounts of vapour to escape
Does not allow vapour to escape
Uses a float gauge
Does not use an ullage tape
24a) (23/08/2020)
A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas
main running the full length of the ship is called:
A gas-main system
A common-main system
A vent-main system
An independent system
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:
a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation
a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement
a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation
A starting interlock in the ODME ensures
the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the
oil effluent at sea
prevents malfunctioning of the system
that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions
stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is
Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo
will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom
is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products
cannot be done with chemical solvent
Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
When coating a patch as part of maintenance, the film thickness should
200 to 300 microns
300 to 400 microns
not less than 400 microns
not more than 200 microns
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a pressure tank is

Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of
Aluminium alloy
stainless steel
nickel alloy
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank
Integral tank
Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent on a chemical tanker?
Integral gravity type
Integral pressure type
Independent pressure
Independent gravity
What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?
Centrifugal pump
Rotary pump
Reciprocating pump
Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck
are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room
are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck

A type 2 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :
steam turbines
electric motor
hydraulic motor
direct drive with diesel engine
During loading/unloading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.
80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.
90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere.
95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an integral tank is
What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed
Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the
bulk of the oil has been removed
Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil
has been removed
The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil
The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity
of the vessel ?
Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals
A starting interlock in the ODME ensures
the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea
prevents malfunctioning of the system
that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions
stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million
Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of
Aluminium alloy
stainless steel
nickel alloy
Tanks of tankers do not exceed:
0.1 of ship’s length
0.15 of ship’s length
0.2 of ship’s length
0.25 of ship’s length
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is
What is the purpose of tank coating?
to add strength to cargo tanks
to carry heated cargo
to prevent corrosion in cargo tanks

Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment

The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be
available close to the pump room
kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked
Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of
Aluminium alloy
stainless steel
nickel alloy

A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate
Which category of NLS chemical in bulk poses maximum threat?
Crude oil washing:
is done with portable tank washing machines
is done with pressurised crude oil
has 5 stages
is done at the halfway stage of the discharging cycle
Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?
Independent tank
gravity tank
Suspended tank
Integral tank
An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?
Crude oil
Heavy oil
Diesel oil
Gas oil

Category X noxious liquid substances are deemed to present a major hazard and therefore
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment
A thermoelectric detector:
Uses a heat sensor
converts heat to electrical energy
detects a rise in tempetrature
uses a fixed temperature stop

The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You
start the discharge and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
booster pump coming on the line and discharging
booster pump failing to start
ship's pump speeding up
booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction
Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:
to 15% or less by volume
to 10% or less by volume
to 8% or less by volume
to 2% or less by volume

An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?
Crude oil
Heavy oil
Diesel oil
Gas oil

Class B fires are caused by
combustible solids
flammable gases
flammable liquids
The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to
store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased
prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak
Chemical tankers carry :
Crude petroleum
Products like kerosene
Noxious liquid substaces
Clean products
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an integral tank is
The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was
to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution
to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required
to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution
to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions
Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :
steam turbines
electric motor
hydraulic motor
direct drive with diesel engine


In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a gravity tank is


Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used

to lock liquid or vapour between the valves

so that second valve can be opened if one does not

so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected

to prevent contamination problems due to leaks


Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :

steam turbines

electric motor

hydraulic motor

direct drive with diesel engine


The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be

available close to the pump room

kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person

kept in ship’s hospital and clearly marked


A starting interlock in the ODME ensures

the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea

prevents malfunctioning of the system

that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions

stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million

Centrifugal pumps are otherwise known as

Reciprocating pumps

Gravity pumps

Positive discplacement pumps

Hydro-dynamic pumps


Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes

can be collected into the same slop tank and discharged to shore

should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumped out separately to shore

can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later

should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore


Which of the following is true about eductors?

They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped out

Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks

They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage

A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use


The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge
This could be a result of the ___________.
Booster pump coming on the line and discharging

booster pump failing to start

ship’s pump speeding up

booster pump being lined up in the wrong direction


Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room

are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck

A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for a pressure tank is

An inert gas system is required to be fitted:
On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
is an optical characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a motion characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a refractive characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
is a characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
Chemical tankers carry :
Crude petroleum
Products like kerosene
Noxious liquid substaces
Clean products
The main purpose of introducing double hull design in tankers was
to offer an extra layer of protection against environmental pollution
to increase the light weight of ship and reduce ballast required
to allow ships to navigate with reduced UKC without worrying about pollution
to increase the cargo carrying capacity of the ship with same dimensions
What is Cold Work?
Work that involves working at lower temperatures
Work that involves using hand tools only
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Work that is carried out at lower than ambient temperatures
Bottom washing:
is done to remove traces of the previous cargo
will remove heavy wax sediments at the tank bottom
is not effective when carrying a small quantity of refined products
cannot be done with chemical solvents
Two valve separation on chemical tankers is used
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
so that second valve can be opened if one does not
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected
to prevent contamination problems due to leaks
What does "VECS" stand for ?
vector control system
vapour emission control system
very economical control system
an arrangement for release of cargo vapour.

Which of the following is a cofferdam?
Chain locker
Pump room on an oil tanker
Deep tank
Slop tank on an oil tanker
A liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker
is fitted on the tank dome
is fitted on the main deck a tanker
is fitted on the inert gas main line of a tanker
is fitted in the pump room
What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?
The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard
The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate
The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing
The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing
Which of the following is true about eductors?
They can be used only when there is a good level of liquid in the tank to be pumped
Sea water can be used as drive and crude oil pumped out from the tanks
They sometimes make high vibrations and even lead to pipeline and gauge damage
A long preparation is required before eductor can be put to use
In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:
enters from the top of the tank
enters from the bottom of the tank
mixes with the original tank atmosphere
could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank
What is a characteristic of all centrifugal cargo pumps?
They are self-priming.
Decreasing the speed of rotation will decrease the discharge pressure.
Opening the discharge valve wider will increase the discharge pressure.
An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?
Crude oil
Heavy oil
Diesel oil
Gas oil

Which statement about a centrifugal cargo pump is TRUE?
It is a positive displacement pump.
It must have a positive suction.
Increasing rotation speed will decrease discharge pressure.
What is Clingage?
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed
Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the
bulk of the oil has been removed
Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil
has been removed
The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ?
only to cool the flue gas
only to clean the flue gas
To cool and also to clean the flue gas
for easy flow of flue gas


How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important quantities?




Presence of ‚________________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.



Alumino silicates



What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?

Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure

Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure

Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure

Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure


Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :

type of cargo

density of cargo

temperature of cargo

inert gas

Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a solution is
directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law

Laws of Motion

Fick's Laws of Diffusion

Henry's Law


Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long periods
of geological time and they are





Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :

reducing density

increase viscosity

preventing sludge formation


Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than

5 picoSiemens per metre

25 picoSiemens per metre

50 picoSiemens per metre

100 picoSiemens per metre

Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel

Poor atomization of fuel


Tank clingage depends on:

surface tension only

cohesive and adhesive forces

cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension

cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point


Behavioural 59ssessment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company’s safety culture.

A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 Deg F
80 Deg F
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas

Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point

Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of
gas dissolved in a solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion
Fick's Laws of Diffusion
Henry's Law
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen

In the chemical composition of typical petroleum

The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon

The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena

What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating
filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating during its carriage?
5% of the Tank capacity
10% of the Cargo capacity
2% of the Tank capacity
1% of the Tank capacity

Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Presence of ‚_____________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates

Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%

Up to 50%
Specific gravity is used by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to classify various
Viscosities of oil
Vapor densities of oil
Weights of oil
Volumes of oil
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
Presence of ‚____________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates
Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel

An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.


Paraffinic, Paraffinic-Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three
classification of
Natural gas
Crude oil
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.

Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel

Flash point is the ……………..temperature at which fuel oil catches fire.


Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
Paraffins from C1 to C40 usually appear in crude oil and represent in crude oil up to
30% by volume
20% by volume
50% by volume
40% by volume
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%
Up to 50%

An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between
layers of flowing liquid is:
Viscosity of Liquid
Force of friction between liquid layers
Velocity of the fluid
Vapor pressure of liquid
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Percentage of hydrocarbons present in the raw fuel will NOT affect
The coloration of the fuel
Viscosity of the fuel
Water content
The hydrocarbons give the combustible nature.of the petroleum
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%
Up to 50%
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 DegF
80 Deg F

7a) (04/09/2020)
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.

Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long
periods of geological time and they are
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?

Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor

Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel
Poor atomization of fuel

The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Up to 70%
Up to 35%
Up to 50%
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from
Liquid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the Liquid phase & Vice versa
Gas to the super heated gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the gas phase & Vice versa



Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,

which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil


Refined oil

Natural gas
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.





Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than

5 picoSiemens per metre

25 picoSiemens per metre

50 picoSiemens per metre

100 picoSiemens per metre


Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long periods of geological





The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary

Up to 60%

Up to 70%

Up to 35%

Up to 50%

Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.



Alumino silicates


In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single bond. Each carb
carbon atom by a single covalent bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon

Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Saturated hydrocarbon

Linear hydrocarbon


Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:

only hydrogen

only carbon

carbon and hydrogen


Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel

Poor atomization of fuel


How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important quantities?




What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.

Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a
solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion
Fick's Laws of Diffusion
Henry's Law
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 Deg F
80° F
7. (1)
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas

8. (1)
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%

9. (1)
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is

10. (1)
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
12a) (04/09/2020)
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
Paraffins from C1 to C40 usually appear in crude oil and represent in crude oil up to
30% by volume
20% by volume
50% by volume

40% by volume
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a
solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal’s Law
Laws of Motion
Fick’s Laws of Diffusion
Henry’s Law
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.

Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with
Seven and Eight carbon atoms
Two and four carbon atoms
five and six carbon atoms
Four and seven carbon atoms
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from
Liquid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the Liquid phase & Vice versa
Gas to the super heated gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely.



What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point

Melting point

Pour point

Saturation point


Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:

From the liquid to the solid phase

From the solid to the liquid phase

From to the gas phase to the solid phase

From the solid to the gas phase


What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating
5% of the Tank capacity

10% of the Cargo capacity

2% of the Tank capacity

1% of the Tank capacity


Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :

type of cargo

density of cargo

temperature of cargo

inert gas


The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and

the velocity difference between layers of flowing liquid is:
Viscosity of Liquid

Force of friction between liquid layers

Velocity of the fluid

Vapor pressure of liquid


Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :

reducing density

increase viscosity

preventing sludge formation


What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?

2 - 8%

1 - 15%

0 - 2%

3 -5%


What is the other name for paraffin?


cyclo paraffin




In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single bond. Each carb
carbon atom by a single covalent bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon

Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Saturated hydrocarbon

Linear hydrocarbon

Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is

Lighter than air

Heavier than air

Same as air density

The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with
Seven and Eight carbon atoms
Two and four carbon atoms
five and six carbon atoms
Four and seven carbon atoms
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
Percentage of hydrocarbons present in the raw fuel will NOT affect
The coloration of the fuel
Viscosity of the fuel
Water content
The hydrocarbons give the combustible nature.of the petroleum
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point
The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific
gravity)—131.5) is known as
API Density
Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (ºAPI)
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
What is the other name for paraffin?
cyclo paraffin
Presence of ‚________________.. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates

Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long
periods of geological time and they are
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc.
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50° F
60° F
70° F
80° F

In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Melting point
Pour point
Saturation point
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single
bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent
bond. This hydrocarbon is
Branched hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbon
Linear hydrocarbon
How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important

10 (04/09/2020)
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
only hydrogen
only carbon
carbon and hydrogen
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50° F
60° F
70° F
80° F

How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.

Alumino silicates

Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Paraffinic, Paraffinic-Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three
classification of
Natural gas
Crude oil
Specific gravity is used by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to classify various
Viscosities of oil
Vapor densities of oil
Weights of oil
Volumes of oil
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than
5 picoSiemens per metre
25 picoSiemens per metre
50 picoSiemens per metre
100 picoSiemens per metre
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a
solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion
Fick's Laws of Diffusion
Henry's Law
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from
Liquid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the Liquid phase & Vice versa
Gas to the super heated gas phase & Vice versa
Solid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than
50 Deg F
60 Deg F
70 Deg F
80 Deg F

Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)

The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :
type of cargo
density of cargo
temperature of cargo
inert gas
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension

cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point

What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which
needs heating during its carriage?
5% of the Tank capacity
10% of the Cargo capacity
2% of the Tank capacity
1% of the Tank capacity
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons,
which can be free or dissolved ?
Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Paraffinic, Paraffinic-Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three
classification of
Natural gas
Crude oil
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
reducing density
increase viscosity
preventing sludge formation

Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries
high vapor pressure cargo?
Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important
Paraffins from C1 to C40 usually appear in crude oil and represent in crude oil up to
30% by volume
20% by volume
50% by volume
40% by volume
The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between
layers of flowing liquid is:
Viscosity of Liquid
Force of friction between liquid layers
Velocity of the fluid
Vapor pressure of liquid
In the chemical composition of typical petroleum
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon,
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is
not satisfied by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another with two
or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Behavioural assesment programmes help in :
creating additional stress to employees
bringing down the morale of employees
help in making changes to company's safety culture.

The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with
Seven and Eight carbon atoms
Two and four carbon atoms
five and six carbon atoms
Four and seven carbon atoms

What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
2 - 8%
1 - 15%
0 - 2%
3 -5%
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds
normal atmospheric pressure at
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
Specific gravity of a fuel is the ratio of its density to density of

Sea water
Fresh Water
Diesel oil
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?
0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
Tank clingage depends on:
surface tension only
cohesive and adhesive forces
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension
cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point
The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from
any part of the world is
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading
area will need to be
Flash point is the ……………..temperature at which fuel oil catches fire.


Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Lighter than air
Heavier than air
Same as air density
Result : 3/5 (04/09/2020)
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE
Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.
The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement
that identifies an effective safety culture
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following
unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to
provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture
results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous
improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the
company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost
Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to
measure personnel injuries
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the
date or shift when it occurred.
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the
company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost
Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to
measure personnel injuries
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the
date or shift when it occurred.
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement
that identifies an effective safety culture
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following
unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to
provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture
results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous
improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE
The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture;
identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture

Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe
actions or a failure to follow established procedures

Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it

Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a
more effective Safety Management System

A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous

improvement, with a goal of zero accidents

Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement

For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s
current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be improved.

The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism

A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time
Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many
industries to measure personnel injuries

A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence

from work beyond the date or shift when it occurred.
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE

The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
continuous working on deck.
working in the pump room
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
improper use of proper PPE
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement
that identifies an effective safety culture
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following
unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to
provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture
results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous
improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the
company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost
Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to
measure personnel injuries
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the
date or shift when it occurred.
Organisational safety value aims at :
< 2 incidents in a year
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.
1a) (04/09/2020)
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
Electrons have :
no charge
positive charge
negative charge
What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours
may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature
Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.
What is runaway polymerization?
Exothermic self reaction
Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions
What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,
brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by a spark

What is the flammable range ?
Vapor concentration below LEL
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard
A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

Result : 7/10 (04/09/2020)

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:

The use of high capacity tank washing machines

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after
dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and
lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated
above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment)
despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.

H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?
Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen
hence should be carried in inerted tanks.
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen
hence should not be carried in inerted tanks.
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need
oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.
Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges

Electrons have :
no charge
positive charge
negative charge

What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.

Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration
Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges
H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard
A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
What is Cargo inhibition?
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this,
certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical
properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence
of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.
What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide?
What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:
One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence
of high levels of static electricity.
Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.
Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge.
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.



How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?

Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded

Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded

Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment

Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization


Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,


brush discharge

propagating brush discharge

electric discharge accompanied by a spark


Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?

Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs
oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs
oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need
oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage


Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :

lower the LEL of cargo vapor.

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons

to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.


What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition

Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated

Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers


What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?

Quantity of Spill

Weather conditions

Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud


Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard

A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard


What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide?





What is Brush Discarge ?

Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge
to ignite gases and vapours.

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge t
o ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge
to ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is

A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.


Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :

dissipated in atmosphere

reduced in vapor concentration



Result : 10/10 (04/09/2020)

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,
brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by a spark

What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours
may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature
Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization
H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

What is the flammable range ?
Vapor concentration below LEL
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.

6a)10 (04/09/2020)
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
What is a spark ?
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the
electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a flammable atmosphere.
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the
electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a non flammable atmosphere.
Sparks can occur during cargo movement and sloshing in an inerted tank
Occasional Sparks from the main engine exhaust can cause a fire in the drydocks.
How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization
H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
one fan for ventilation
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
fixed fire extinguishing system

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges

How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank
due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
one fan for ventilation
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
fixed fire extinguishing system
What is runaway polymerization?
Exothermic self reaction
Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions
What is Brush Discarge ?
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush
discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt
conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to
ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high
but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours
may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature
Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
What is Cargo inhibition?
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this,
certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical
properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence
of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges

Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:

The use of high capacity tank washing machines

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after
dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and
lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated
above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment)
despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide?


Result : 9/10 (05/09/2020)

H2S gas is :
less toxic
toxic, corrosive and flammable

Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
one fan for ventilation
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
fixed fire extinguishing system

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,
brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by a spark

Which is a non-accumulator of charges ?
Toluene is a Non-accumulator of charges
Cyclohexane is a Non-accumulator of charges
Alcohols is a non- Accumulator of charges
Keytone in oil is a Non-accumulator of charges
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:

One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence
of high levels of static electricity.
Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.
Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge.
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers
What is the flammable range ?
Vapor concentration below LEL
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-
identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:

The use of high capacity tank washing machines

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and
rupture on the main deck.
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after
dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and
lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated
above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment)
despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
What is Cargo inhibition?
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this,
certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical
properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence
of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser

What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
What is pressure surge ?
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero
A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in a pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in flow
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours

A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks

What is pressure surge ?
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero
A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in a pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in flow
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser
What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is the most important purpose of P/V valve ?
used for gas free operations.
prevents entry of sea water in to the cargo tank.
To release excess pressure in cargo tank and also avoid vacuum beyond design parameter.

What is cathodic protection ?
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship
Protection of the hull of a ship
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques

Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator oils is avoided by:
Increasing the flow rate
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge

In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
What is volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C

Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Light crude oils
Sour crude oils
Refined products
Chemical cargoes
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser

5a)10 (05/09/2020)
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
What is Upper flammable limit ?
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient oxygen to support
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Light crude oils
Sour crude oils
Refined products
Chemical cargoes

6a)9/10 (05/09/2020)
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is cold work ?
Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Carrying out work on reefer containers
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C

7a) (05/09/2020)
Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator oils is avoided by:
Increasing the flow rate
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Light crude oils
Sour crude oils
Refined products
Chemical cargoes
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours

8a)10 (05/09/2020)
What is bonding ?
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity
Making a ship to shore cable connection
Connecting together flexible couplings on deck
In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning

9a) (05/09/2020)
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
What is cold work ?
Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Carrying out work on reefer containers
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
What is cathodic protection ?
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship
Protection of the hull of a ship
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
What is Upper flammable limit ?
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient oxygen to support
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge

10a) (05/09/2020)
What is flash point ?
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near
the surface of the liquid.
The temperature at which the gas is not flammable
The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas
The temperature at which an explosion is not possible
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ?
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of
igniting a gas mixture
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What is Upper flammable limit ?
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient oxygen to support
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.

11a)/10 (05/09/2020)
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
What is pour point ?
The temperature at which oil gets frozen
The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
What is cold work ?
Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Carrying out work on reefer containers
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures
What are closed operations ?
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Remote control of tank delivery valves
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank
What is bonding ?
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity
Making a ship to shore cable connection
Connecting together flexible couplings on deck
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.

12a)10/10 (05/09/2020)
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging
use of only approved PPE on deck
bonding and grounding
having continuous pipe lengths.
What are closed operations ?
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Remote control of tank delivery valves
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator oils is avoided by:
Increasing the flow rate
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
What is bonding ?
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity
Making a ship to shore cable connection
Connecting together flexible couplings on deck
What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water
What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular
time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
What is a resuscitator ?
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
To supply air to a person in a tank
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency

13a)/10 (05/09/2020)
What is hot work ?
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable
gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material
When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
What are closed operations ?
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Remote control of tank delivery valves
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank
What is non-volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is pressure surge ?
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero
A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in a pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in flow
What is the most important purpose of P/V valve ?
used for gas free operations.
prevents entry of sea water in to the cargo tank.
To release excess pressure in cargo tank and also avoid vacuum beyond design parameter.

A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge
A Propagating brush discharge
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank

14a)/10 (05/09/2020)
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ

What is cathodic protection ?
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship
Protection of the hull of a ship
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques

Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or
less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits.
Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
What is lower flammable limit ?
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react with oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water
To produce hydrogen and water
To produce carbon dioxide and water
To produce carbon monoxide and water

15a)10 (05/09/2020)
What is a material safety data sheet (MSDS) ?
It is used for finding out the dangers of contract
It is used for finding out the effects of inhalation
A document identifying a substance and all its constituents
A document giving the chemical name of the product
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser

Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
What is purging ?
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in the inert condition to further reduce the existing
oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
What is volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :
a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.
MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage

What is Auto-ignition ?
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been
raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
What is the most important purpose of P/V valve ?
used for gas free operations.
prevents entry of sea water in to the cargo tank.
To release excess pressure in cargo tank and also avoid vacuum beyond design parameter.

Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only
on a specific organ
1a)Result : 5/10 (05/09/2020)
What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization

OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew
Part of th Company's policies & procedures for first aid
Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures to ensure safe/good
Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should __________.
lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised
administer a liquid stimulant
lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet
attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?
International Security Mandate
Internal Safety Management
International Safety Management
Internal Security Management
What is the type of gas detection system fitted for spaces with air?
Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces
Infrared type using sequential measurement
Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method
Catalytic combustion type
Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.

A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?



Result : 7/10 (05/09/2020)


What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?

International Security Mandate

Internal Safety Management

International Safety Management

Internal Security Management


Coverall is protective clothing which is popularly known as :




Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not occur
if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s

Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s

Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s

Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s


What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment

Inform the bridge

Inform his superiors


The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures ________ performance




What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?




What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted

All personnel should operate the controls


What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?

Wire rope

PVC rope

Manila rope


What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins

6 Mins

10 Mins


What are all the three basic stages which leads to a potential static hazard and
necessary for an electrostatic ignition?
Viscosity, charge seperation and temperature

Charge accumulation, velocity and density

Charge separation, charge accumulation and electrostatic discharge

Flammable gas, air and heat source

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

What happens in draeger tube during measurement?
The glass vial temperature increases
Becomes opaque due to moistre.
Color changes

What is the typical measuring range for an oxygen analyzer?
10 ppm volume oxygen in air
0 ~ 5% volume oxygen in air
0 ~ 25% volume oxygen in air
0 ~ 100% volume oxygen in air
While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank

What are all the three basic stages which leads to a potential static hazard and
necessary for an electrostatic ignition?
Viscosity, charge seperation and temperature
Charge accumulation, velocity and density
Charge separation, charge accumulation and electrostatic discharge
Flammable gas, air and heat source
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or
petroleum gases is about
5000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Volts/meter
5000 Volts/meter
Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures ________ performance
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
Draeger tube system is used for :
Ammonia gasdetection
Nitrogen gas detection
Multi gas detection

4a) (05/09/2020)
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn
What is the first task to complete before commencing hot work?

To inform the Chief engineer

Work can be started without the need to carry out any other task
To complete a hot work permit

While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank

What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization
OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?

Should be clear of rubbish

Should be covered with muck and debris
Should be allowed to corrode
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope

During the course of a voyage, a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle.
The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident, Injury or Death if the __________.
injured needs first aid
injured, is unable to perform routine duties
injury results in loss of life only
injury is the result of misconduct
Coverall is protective clothing which is popularly known as :

The change in resistance of hot filament in tankscope is displayed as :
% volume of oxygen
% volume of inert gas
% volume of hydrocarbon

5a) (05/09/2020)
A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew
Part of th Company's policies & procedures for first aid
Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures to ensure safe/good
Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope
What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted
All personnel should operate the controls
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes?
Crude oil
Vegetable oil
Highly refined petroleum products
Animal oil
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the key principle upon which the analyzer is working,
A Wheatstone bridge circuit is formed using the two wires. It is used to measure a
resistance by balancing two legs of the circuit.
The sample of atmosphere is filtered and passed through a diffuser before
reaching the two chambers.
One chamber is with a magnetic field and the other without a magnetic field.
A difference in the thermal conductivity of the oxygen with respect to air is
developed and this causes an imbalance in the resistance.

6a) (05/09/2020)
A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew
Part of th Company's policies & procedures for first aid
Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures to ensure safe/good
Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope

What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted
All personnel should operate the controls
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes?
Crude oil
Vegetable oil
Highly refined petroleum products
Animal oil
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the key principle upon which the analyzer is working,
A Wheatstone bridge circuit is formed using the two wires. It is used to measure a
resistance by balancing two legs of the circuit.
The sample of atmosphere is filtered and passed through a diffuser before
reaching the two chambers.
One chamber is with a magnetic field and the other without a magnetic field.
A difference in the thermal conductivity of the oxygen with respect to air is
developed and this causes an imbalance in the resistance.
7a) (05/09/2020)
What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization
OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed?
Near the cargo manifold
At the forward end of the ship
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
At the aft part of the ship
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.

For Oxygen analyzer, identify the statement that explains the working principle
Electrochemical Sensors: Analyzers of this type determine the oxygen content of a
gas mixture by measuring the output of an electrochemical cell.
Oxygen diffuses through a membrane into the cell and current flows between two
special electrodes separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte.
The current flow is related to the oxygen concentration in the sample and the scale
is arranged to give a direct indication of oxygen content.
The analyzer readings are directly proportional to the pressure in the measuring
cell, and only small errors are caused by normal variations in atmospheric
A static electrical charge can be built up within a liquid as it is being pumped and the
charge will increase as pumping:
velocity reduces
velocity rises
pressure decreases
flow reduces
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.Using
standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a
Minor burn
Superficial burn
Extremity burn
First-degree burn
What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
Inform the bridge
Inform his superiors

8a)/10 (05/09/2020)
What bare minimum should be done before working on electrical equipment?

Switch off the mains and start working

Open the equipment and commence work.
Complete electrical isolation checklist

What is the maximum interval of time between sampling and analysing for each
sampling head location sequentially?
Not exceeding 50 minutes interval
Not exceeding 40 minutes interval
Not exceeding 30 minutes interval
Not exceeding 60 minutes interval
How should steam pipes be protected in machinery spaces?

They should be painted in different colours

They should have placards to warn personnel
They should be lagged
While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.Using
standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a
Minor burn
Superficial burn
Extremity burn
First-degree burn

What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins
6 Mins
10 Mins

What is the type of gas detection system fitted for spaces with air?
Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces
Infrared type using sequential measurement
Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method
Catalytic combustion type
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
A static electrical charge can be built up within a liquid as it is being pumped and the
charge will increase as pumping:
velocity reduces
velocity rises
pressure decreases
flow reduces
9a)0/10 (05/09/2020)
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
Wire rope
PVC rope
Manila rope

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

What is the limitation of a combustible gas detector of catalytic combustion type?
It cannot be used for measurement in air
It cannot be used for measurement in nitrogen
It cannot be used for measurement in methane
It cannot be used for measurement in oxygen
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or
petroleum gases is about
5000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Volts/meter
5000 Volts/meter
Safety harness should be worn while working aloft at any height more than:
1 meter
5 meters%
2 meters
Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

What precaution should be taken while lifting heavy loads in the engine room?

All personnel should stand under the load

All personnel should stand clear of the load being lifted
All personnel should operate the controls

10a)/10 (05/09/2020)
While carrying out checks on SCBA, the cylinder valve is closed to check the drop in pressure. The drop in
pressure should not be more than:
5 bar/min
8 bar/min
10 bar/min

What is the first step in preparing a casualty who is breathing with proper heartbeat but unconscious?
Insert guidel airway
Establish airway is clear
Place casuality in recovery position.
Draeger tube system is used for :
Ammonia gasdetection
Nitrogen gas detection
Multi gas detection

What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?

Should be clear of rubbish

Should be covered with muck and debris
Should be allowed to corrode
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.Using
standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a
Minor burn
Superficial burn
Extremity burn
First-degree burn

Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization
OPA 90
STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO
What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins
6 Mins
10 Mins

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn

11a) (05/09/2020)
While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Bottom of the tank
What is the limitation of a combustible gas detector of catalytic combustion type?
It cannot be used for measurement in air
It cannot be used for measurement in nitrogen
It cannot be used for measurement in methane
It cannot be used for measurement in oxygen
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is :
Stop bleeding before further treatment
Apply pressure on the wound.
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?
International Security Mandate
Internal Safety Management
International Safety Management
Internal Security Management
Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist
Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation
What is the first step in preparing a casualty who is breathing with proper heartbeat but unconscious?
Insert guidel airway
Establish airway is clear
Place casuality in recovery position.

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn

12a)/10 (05/09/2020)
The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures ________ performance
What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?

Should be clear of rubbish

Should be covered with muck and debris
Should be allowed to corrode
A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given__________.
a small dose of alcohol
treatment for shock
a large meal
a brisk rub down
What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist
Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation
Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)

Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed?
Near the cargo manifold
At the forward end of the ship
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
At the aft part of the ship
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?
Cotton with out coating.
PVC coated fabric.

Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes?
Crude oil
Vegetable oil
Highly refined petroleum products
Animal oil
What is the type of gas detection system fitted for spaces with air?
Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces
Infrared type using sequential measurement
Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method
Catalytic combustion type

13a)/10 (05/09/2020)
During the course of a voyage, a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle.
The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident, Injury or Death if the __________.
injured needs first aid
injured, is unable to perform routine duties
injury results in loss of life only
injury is the result of misconduct
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or
petroleum gases is about
5000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Volts/meter
5000 Volts/meter
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is :
Stop bleeding before further treatment
Apply pressure on the wound.
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.

What is the first step in preparing a casualty who is breathing with proper heartbeat but unconscious?
Insert guidel airway
Establish airway is clear
Place casuality in recovery position.

Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect of static electricity do not
occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s
Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed?
Near the cargo manifold
At the forward end of the ship
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
At the aft part of the ship
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?


Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?
5 Mins
6 Mins
10 Mins
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.How is this
injury classified using standard medical terminology?
Dermal burn
Third-degree burn
Major burn
Lethal burn

14a)10 (05/09/2020)
What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?

International Security Mandate

Internal Safety Management
International Safety Management
Internal Security Management
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?

Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides
during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
What bare minimum should be done before working on electrical equipment?

Switch off the mains and start working

Open the equipment and commence work.
Complete electrical isolation checklist
Safety harness should be worn while working aloft at any height more than:
1 meter
5 meters%
2 meters

Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
PVC gloves.
Rubber gloves.
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.
Draeger tube system is used for :
Ammonia gasdetection
Nitrogen gas detection
Multi gas detection

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Thermal burns
Chemical wounds
Chemical burns.

A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should __________.
lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised
administer a liquid stimulant
lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet
attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is :
Stop bleeding before further treatment
Apply pressure on the wound.
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.
Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the
meter needle in the red zone and
a whistle sounding off
a slight difficulty in breathing
the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller
his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?
5:1 to 15:1
1250 litres/min
1000 liters/min
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed

Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
chain reaction
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition

What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :
oil tankers.
Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
Nitrogen gas
Halon Gas
CO2 gas
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.



Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.

chemical tankers.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?

Nitrogen gas

Halon Gas

CO2 gas


What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all valves in the system.

Flush the system complete with sea water.


After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.

Ready for re use.

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.


Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder


carbon dioxide



Class C fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels.


What does "CRS" stand for?

Certified radio station.

Control room section.

Coast radio station.


What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?

20 : 1

40 : 1




A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly

if applied in connection with foam

to prevent rekindling

if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed

4a)10 (05/09/2020)


Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.

chemical tankers.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?

Nitrogen gas

Halon Gas

CO2 gas


What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all valves in the system.

Flush the system complete with sea water.


After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.

Ready for re use.

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.


Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder


carbon dioxide



Class C fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels.


What does "CRS" stand for?

Certified radio station.

Control room section.

Coast radio station.


What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?

20 : 1

40 : 1




A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly

if applied in connection with foam

to prevent rekindling

if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed



Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

Flame inhibition

Class B fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly

if applied in connection with foam

to prevent rekindling

if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed


Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?

Navigation bridge.

Monkey island.

Bridge wing


Class C fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the meter needle in the
a whistle sounding off

a slight difficulty in breathing

the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller

his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying


Class A fires involve

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.


Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?

Nitrogen gas

Halon Gas

CO2 gas


The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:





During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels.

6a)10 (05/09/2020)
During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
What is the minimum requirement for CO2 gas to be released to fight a fire in the
engine room?

60% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes

85% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
75% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the
meter needle in the red zone and
a whistle sounding off
a slight difficulty in breathing
the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller
his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :
oil tankers.
Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.

7a) (05/09/2020)
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.
Ready for re use.
The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.

8a)10/10 (05/09/2020)
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
Nitrogen gas
Halon Gas
CO2 gas
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

9a)10 (05/09/2020)
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Cargo stowage plan shall be kept in :
Master's safe.
Under safe upkeep of chief officer.
An accessible place on board.

Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :
oil tankers.
Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.

Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
chain reaction
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

10a)10 (05/09/2020)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors that can be used for
effective fire fighting?
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
What does "NLS" mean?
Normal liquid substance
Not listed items in store.
Noxious liquid substance

11a)10 (05/09/2020)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
What is the minimum requirement for CO2 gas to be released to fight a fire in the
engine room?
60% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
85% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
75% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
Which principle is used in foam eductor ?
Principle of floatation.
Charles law.
venturi effect
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
dry powder
carbon dioxide
After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
The system clean.
Ready for re use.
The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.

Cargo stowage plan shall be kept in :
Master's safe.
Under safe upkeep of chief officer.
An accessible place on board.

What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
Nitrogen gas
Halon Gas
CO2 gas
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the
meter needle in the red zone and
a whistle sounding off
a slight difficulty in breathing
the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller
his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying

12a)/10 (05/09/2020)
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
8. (1)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

13a)10 (05/09/2020)
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
8. (1)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition

Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

14a)/10 (05/09/2020)
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
8. (1)
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition

Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island.
Bridge wing

15a)/10 (05/09/2020)
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.
Foam extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
The best portable fire extinguisher to be used to fight tank top fire in the engine-room is the:
foam type
water type
dry powder type
Water extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Stop all pumps for deck foam system.
Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water.
Class D fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

What does "CRS" stand for?
Certified radio station.
Control room section.
Coast radio station.

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
if applied in connection with foam
to prevent rekindling
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?
20 : 1
40 : 1
Class A fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
The vapor pressure of a substance __________
decreases as temperature increases
increases with the temperature
is not affected by temperature
may increase or decrease as the temperature rises
To allow for the rise or fall in tide and for change in draft of a tankship during cargo transfer, cargo hoses must
be suspended with ____.
slings or saddles placed at 25-foot (8 meter) intervals
enough slack in their bight
topping lifts and runners tied off to winches
In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is when
you first start to receive fuel
hoses are being blown down
final topping off is occurring
hoses are being disconnected
During loading and discharging operation in addition o when the cargo tanks have been properly filled each
inert gas system must be capable of maintaining a minimum gas pressure of
50 millimeters of water pressure
25 millimeters of water pressure
100 millimeters of water pressure
5 millimeters of water pressure
Which statement is TRUE concerning cargo hose on tank barges?
Cargo hose must be able to withstand the shut-off head plus the static head of the cargo pump.
Cargo hose must be able to withstand the static head of the cargo pump but no less than 100 psi.
Cargo hose must be able to withstand the shut-off head less the static head of the cargo pump but no less
than 100 psi.
Cargo hose must be able to withstand at least 150 psi.

Ballast water exchange should be done:
at least 100 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 100 metres in depth.
at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 100 metres in depth.
at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 200 metres in depth.
at least 100 nautical miles from the nearest land and in waters at least 200 metres in depth.
What is the most important purpose of loadicator?
Makes easier and faster discharge.
Easier to check cargo ROB.
To plan the ship's stresses within permissible limits.
Which of the listed functions is the purpose of a gas scrubber in an inert gas generation system?
Cools the inert gas.
Maintains the oxygen content at 5% by volume.
Bleeds off static electricity in the inert gas.
Maintains flow to the water seal on the gas main.
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables

What type of liquid is used in the liquid P/V breaker?
Hydraulic oil
Water-antifreeze mixture
Distilled water
Oil from the cargo
Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to
aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
increase the rate of discharge of cargo
force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphere
lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly impossible

In special areas any discharge of oil and oil mixtures from machinery spaces is
Enroute and min 12NM
En route and min 50NM
En route with oil filtering equipment
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductivity of:
less than 50 picoSiemens/metre
greater than 50 picoSiemens/metre
less than 100 picoSiemens/metre
greater than 100 picoSiemens/metre
The fresh air intake of the inert gas system
prevents the flue gas from falling below an oxygen content of 3%
allows the inert gas piping to be used for gas freeing the tanks
opens when there is excessive vacuum on the deck water seal
enables outside air to mix with and to cool the hot flue gasses
What kind of pumps can move extremely thick fluids like sludge without clogging ?
Rotary vane pumps
Reciprocating pumps
Deep well pumps
Screw pumps

Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated from boiler flue gas, at the scrubber outlet is

The reciprocating pump creates a suction effect when there is a
decrease in pressure
increase in pressure
no change in pressure
decrease or an increase in pressure
Working instructions specifying the manner in which the ship is to be loaded and ballasted to avoid
unacceptable stresses in the vessel’s structure is required for tankers:
Greater than 50 metres in length
Greater than 75 meters in length
Greater than 100 meters in length
Greater than 150 meters in length

Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL convention?
IOPP certificate
Oil Record Book
Safety Management Certificate

3a)/10 (05/09/2020)
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil
The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry, as well as the tanker industry, is a
Cargo pump relief valves are piped to the _________.
cargo pump pressure gauges
crossover lines interconnecting two pumps
suction side of pumps
atmosphere through pump vents
High level and overfill tank alarms are set:
as per the ships cargo system
to values as recommended by the manufacturer
to values depending on cargo type
to values as recommended by the ISGOTT guide
An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to
aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
increase the rate of discharge of cargo
force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphere
lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly impossible

The purpose of the deck seal in an inert gas system is to prevent
flammable vapors from entering machinery space
flue gas escaping to atmosphere
inert gas escaping to atmosphere
air entering inert gas system
The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank is a
suction end
vacuum valve
Spread loading is a process where:
One ship tank is loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using a single shore line
One ship tank is loaded using one shore line
What is the purpose of pressure-vacuum relief valves?
Regulation of discharge pressure from cargo pumps
Maintaining constant velocity in cargo lines
Regulation of suction head on cargo pumps
To maintain a tank or void at atmospheric pressure

Each inert gas system gas main must have an automatic shut down valve at the outlet of the gas production
plant. This valve must close automatically upon
cargo pump failure
blower failure
deck seal low water level
low inert gas temperature

4a)10 (05/09/2020)
Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
over an electrically heated platinum filament
where it is mixed with nitrogen
where it is ignited by a sparking device
where its specific gravity is measured
Which tanker discharge pattern would be the safest and most efficient?
Empty the forward tanks and start working aft, emptying each tank in sequence
Start discharging with most of the discharge coming from forward, but include some from midships and
after tanks
Start pumping from forward, midships, and aft with the discharge distributed equally among the tanks
Start pumping from midships and then work forward and aft simultaneously as the midships tank is
The below is more effective in removal of internal tank deposits of oil tankers.:
hot water wash.
Cold water wash.
" COW "

The explosive range of a fuel lies between the lower explosive limit and the ______.
flash point
ignition temperature
upper explosive limit
fire point
Sour crude oil ___________.
contains high quantities of hydrogen sulfide
is diluted with other products for carriage
is lighter than other crudes
is less hazardous to load than other crudes
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is
known as the _________.
fire point
flash point
lower explosive limit
threshold limit value
You are testing a tank that contained gasoline by using a combustible gas indicator. Under testing, the tank
sample caused the needle to move rapidly to 100 on the dial then fall to zero. What is the concentration of
flammable gas?
Less than the flammable range
Within the flammable range
Over the flammable range
The explosimeter is defective and giving a false reading.
The use of sinking and dispersing chemical agents for removal of surface oil is
the most common method used
too expensive for common use
generally safe to sea life
authorized only with prior approval

Working instructions specifying the manner in which the ship is to be loaded and ballasted to avoid
unacceptable stresses in the vessel’s structure is required for tankers:
Greater than 50 metres in length
Greater than 75 meters in length
Greater than 100 meters in length
Greater than 150 meters in length

What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
Bends in the piping
Slowing the pumping rate
Pipeline valves
Backing rings for pipe welds

5a) (05/09/2020)
Back flow towards machinery spaces of cargo vapours in an Inert gas system is prevented by
Pressure vacuum breaker
High velocity vents
Deck water seal
Pressure vacuum valves
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil
After each reading of an oxygen indicator, the instrument should be purged with
fresh air
the tested compartment's air
High level and overfill tank alarms are set:
as per the ships cargo system
to values as recommended by the manufacturer
to values depending on cargo type
to values as recommended by the ISGOTT guide
What is the purpose of pressure-vacuum relief valves?
Regulation of discharge pressure from cargo pumps
Maintaining constant velocity in cargo lines
Regulation of suction head on cargo pumps
To maintain a tank or void at atmospheric pressure

After the initial cleaning of flue gas in an inert gas system the gas is passed through what device for final
Deck water seal
Final filter
The pipe used to connect two separate piping systems on a tank vessel is known as a __________.
Spread loading is a process where:
One ship tank is loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using several shore lines
Several ship tanks are loaded using a single shore line
One ship tank is loaded using one shore line
Hydrocarbon gas normally encounted in petroleum tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere containing oxygen
less than
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage

One of the requirements of a vessel’s intact stability criteria is that:
The GZ should be at least 0.15 metres at an angle of 25 degrees or more
The GZ should be at least 0.15 metres at an angle of 30 degrees or more
The GZ should be at least 0.20 metres at an angle of 25 degrees or more
The GZ should be at least 0.20 metres at an angle of 30 degrees or more

During gas freeing operations,man entry in to cargo tanks can be :
Carried out.
Carried out after risk assessment.
Avoided as it is most hazardous.

A shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan is required of
all vessels, regardless of size and commercial application
any barge or ship constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboard
an oil tanker of 150 gross tons and above, or other ship of 400 gross tons and above
an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above
The deck water seal of the inert gas system
cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanks
acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the safe working pressure inthe
hazardous zone
prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areas
relieves sudden large overpressures in the system
Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Precise control over cargo flow
Quick operation
No resistance to cargo flow when open
Less maintenance required
Pollution regulations require that each scupper in an enclosed deck area have a
wooden plug
soft rubber plug
two-piece soft patch
mechanical means of closing
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil
After allowing for pressure losses, the pressure-volume capacity of an inert gas blower must be able to
maintain a pressure, in any cargo tank, at a minimum of
50 millimeters of water pressure
100 millimeters of water pressure
150 millimeters of water pressure
200 millimeters of water pressure
An on-board monitoring system, using level sensors permanently installed in each vessel compartment, will
have a high level alarm set at not more than
90% of compartment capacity
95% of compartment capacity
97% of compartment capacity
99% of compartment capacity
The purpose of the deck seal in an inert gas system is to prevent
flammable vapors from entering machinery space
flue gas escaping to atmosphere
inert gas escaping to atmosphere
air entering inert gas system

7a)/10 (05/09/2020)
The atmosphere in a tank is too lean if it is
incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is below the LFL
(LowerFlammable Limit)
capable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is above the UFL (UpperFlammable
capable of supporting a fire once started
not safe for ballasting
In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should
start to load at maximum pressure
start to load slowly
increase the air flow into the tank
use the overall method of loading only
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage

A combustible gas indicator meter is calibrated to read the percentage of
vapor to oxygen
the flammable limit concentration
the autoignition concentration
the lower explosive limit concentration

A relief valve for a cargo pump is generally installed __________.
after the discharge valve
between the pump and discharge valve
after the suction valve
between the pump and suction valve
Water in crude oil increases:
Duration for total discharge.
Discharge pressure at cargo manifold.
Build up of electrostatic charges during COW operation.

The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry, as well as the tanker industry, is a
What is the major function of the deck water seal in an inert gas system?
Relieves excessive pressures from the system.
Isolates hazardous areas from nonhazardous areas.
Prevents the flow of inert gas into closed or isolated tanks.
Removes any leftover water or soot after the gas has been scrubbed.
For the purposes of cargo oil containment, the fixed container under the manifold of an eight-inch loading line
must hold a minimum of
three barrels
four barrels
six barrels
eight barrels
Introducing inert gas into a tank already inert with the object of further reducing the oxygen or hydrocarbon
content to prevent combustion if air enters the tank is called
gas freeing
gas dispersion

8a)10 (05/09/2020)


When loading high vapour pressure cargoes:

One must load and top off with load or top off with very high loading rates

Use close loading procedures

Wind speeds can exceed 5 knots

If the oil cargo is hot they can be loaded in tanks close to the accommodation


While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the U.E.L.,
the needle of the indicator will
remain at zero without moving

move to the maximum reading and stay there

move halfway up the scale

move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero


Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by

driving wooden plugs into the vents

closing the lids on the vents

plugging the scuppers

plugging the sounding pipes


The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel, including the operating sequences and procedures,
design characteristics, a description of the system, and required personnel will be found in the
Oil Transfer Procedures Manual

Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual

Code of Federal Regulations

Crude Oil Washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection


What is the maximum percent of oxygen, by volume, allowed to be maintained in the cargo tanks prior to the
commencement of crude oil tank washing?





When cleaning up an oil spill you must obtain the approval of the Authorities before using


chemical agents



As per requirements of Marpol Annex -1, all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above:
Can carry fuel oil in fore peak, aft peak tanks and deep tanks

Cannot carry fuel oil in fore peak tank

Can carry fuel oil forward of collision bulkhead or aft of machinery space forward bulkhead, but not in the cargo
area in case of tankers

Cannot carry more than 600 m3 of oil fuel in any single fuel tank


Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?

Precise control over cargo flow

Quick operation

No resistance to cargo flow when open

Less maintenance required


Introducing inert gas into a tank already inert with the object of further reducing
the oxygen or hydrocarbon content to prevent combustion if air enters the tank is called

gas freeing

gas dispersion



Each ship having an inert gas system must have a portable instrument to measure
concentrations of hydrocarbon vapor in inert atmospheres and also to measure


carbon dioxide

water vapor

On a hydrocarbon flammability chart the line which extends from 0% to 21.8% oxygen, lying tangent to the
flammability range, is called the
minimum oxygen content line
critical displacement line
critical dilution line
upper threshold limit
Which is the most accurate instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of a confined
Combustible gas indicator
Oxygen indicator
Flame safety lamp
Spanning a gas detecting equipment would mean:
Testing the equipment in air
Testing the equipment in an inert atmosphere
Testing the equipment with special gas mixtures
Testing the equipment with cargo vapour
The "flammable limits" of an atmosphere are the
two temperatures between which an atmosphere will self ignite
upper and lower percentage of vapor concentrations in an atmosphere which will burn if an ignition
source is present
upper and lower pressures between which an atmosphere will not burn
two temperatures between which an atmosphere will burn if an ignition source is present
Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by
driving wooden plugs into the vents
closing the lids on the vents
plugging the scuppers
plugging the sounding pipes
The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry, as well as the tanker industry, is a
Normally, the percentage of oxygen in air is
High level and overfill tank alarms are set:
as per the ships cargo system
to values as recommended by the manufacturer
to values depending on cargo type
to values as recommended by the ISGOTT guide
The purpose of the deck seal in an inert gas system is to prevent
flammable vapors from entering machinery space
flue gas escaping to atmosphere
inert gas escaping to atmosphere
air entering inert gas system
A relief valve for a cargo pump is generally installed __________.
after the discharge valve
between the pump and discharge valve
after the suction valve
between the pump and suction valve
10a) (05/09/2020)
Which operation may cause the pressure in an inert tank to fall below the prescribed limits?
Crude oil washing
Steaming tanks
The use of sinking and dispersing chemical agents for removal of surface oil is
the most common method used
too expensive for common use
generally safe to sea life
authorized only with prior approval

When cleaning up an oil spill you must obtain the approval of the Authorities before using
chemical agents
As per requirements of Marpol, Annex 1, all ships delivered on or after 1st Aug. 2010 with an aggregate oil
fuel capacity 600 m3 and above, the oil fuel can be carried in
Any of the tanks without any restriction
Deep tanks and Double bottom tanks
Deep tanks in protective locations
Double bottom tanks not extending upto the ship's side
After the initial cleaning of flue gas in an inert gas system the gas is passed through what device for final
Deck water seal
Final filter
What is the purpose of the relief valve of a cargo pump?
Provides for the removal of vapors
Allows two or more tanks to be filled at the same time
Provides for the emergency shutdown of the pump
Permits the return of cargo to the suction side of the pump
The deck water seal of the inert gas system
cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanks
acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the safe working pressure inthe
hazardous zone
prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areas
relieves sudden large overpressures in the system
Which part of the inert gas system is designed to relieve sudden large overpressures that exceed the capacity of
the mechanical P/V valves?
Pressure control valve
Deck water seal
Liquid filled P/V breaker
Isolation valve
What best describes for how long a gas-free test is good?
For as long as is indicated on the gas-free certificate
For the instant that it is made
Until valves in line with the tank or compartment are reopened
Until changes in temperature or pressure affect the vapor content in the space
Which factor must be considered when determining the order of loading of dissimilar products through the
same piping system aboard a tanker?
Contamination of the cargo
Flash points
Reid vapor pressures
Specific gravities

11a)10/10 (05/09/2020)
What kind of pumps can move extremely thick fluids like sludge without clogging ?
Rotary vane pumps
Reciprocating pumps
Deep well pumps
Screw pumps

Part A of the the ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety Check-List provides operational procedures for:
Transfer of bulk liquids, physical checks
Transfer of bulk liquids – elements to be verified verbally
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquid Chemicals
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquefied Gases
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is
known as the _________.
fire point
flash point
lower explosive limit
threshold limit value
Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL convention?
IOPP certificate
Oil Record Book
Safety Management Certificate

What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
Bends in the piping
Slowing the pumping rate
Pipeline valves
Backing rings for pipe welds
Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Precise control over cargo flow
Quick operation
No resistance to cargo flow when open
Less maintenance required
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage

To prevent oil from escaping into the sea when ballasting through the cargo piping system, you should FIRST
open sea suction valves, then start the cargo pump
start the cargo pump, then open sea suction valves
open block valves, then start the cargo pump
open sluice valves, then start the cargo pump
Annex I collection of residue tank washing and also oily mixture to be
Bilge tank
Sludge tank
Oily bilge tank
Slop tank

The vapor pressure of a substance
increases with the temperature
decreases as temperature increases
is not affected by temperature
may increase or decrease as the temperature rises
What kind of pumps can move extremely thick fluids like sludge without clogging ?
Rotary vane pumps
Reciprocating pumps
Deep well pumps
Screw pumps

Part A of the the ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety Check-List provides operational procedures for:
Transfer of bulk liquids, physical checks
Transfer of bulk liquids – elements to be verified verbally
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquid Chemicals
Additional considerations for Bulk Liquefied Gases
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is
known as the _________.
fire point
flash point
lower explosive limit
threshold limit value
Which of the following documents carried by a ship is not issued under the MARPOL convention?
IOPP certificate
Oil Record Book
Safety Management Certificate

What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
Bends in the piping
Slowing the pumping rate
Pipeline valves
Backing rings for pipe welds
Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Precise control over cargo flow
Quick operation
No resistance to cargo flow when open
Less maintenance required
As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
150 tonnes deadweight
150 gross tonnage
400 tonnes deadweight
400 gross tonnage
To prevent oil from escaping into the sea when ballasting through the cargo piping system, you should FIRST
open sea suction valves, then start the cargo pump
start the cargo pump, then open sea suction valves
open block valves, then start the cargo pump
open sluice valves, then start the cargo pump
Annex I collection of residue tank washing and also oily mixture to be
Bilge tank
Sludge tank
Oily bilge tank
Slop tank

The vapor pressure of a substance
increases with the temperature
decreases as temperature increases
is not affected by temperature
may increase or decrease as the temperature rises

13a) (05/09/2020)
Each ship having an inert gas system must have a portable instrument to measure concentrations of
hydrocarbon vapor in inert atmospheres and also to measure
carbon dioxide
water vapor
The lowest temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion of a substance independent of any outside
source of ignition is called
explosive range
flash point
ignition temperature
combustion temperature
Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
over an electrically heated platinum filament
where it is mixed with nitrogen
where it is ignited by a sparking device
where its specific gravity is measured
What is the minimum percentage of oxygen required before making an entry into an enclosed space?

Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated from boiler flue gas, at the scrubber outlet is

The wedge formula is used to calculate:
Cargo quantity in an almost full tank
Cargo quantity in an empty or a full tank
Cargo quantity in an almost empty tank
The amount of fresh water in oil
Which is the most accurate instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of a confined
Combustible gas indicator
Oxygen indicator
Flame safety lamp
Normally, the percentage of oxygen in air is
The COW manual has to be approved by :
Coast guard.
Shipping company
Flag state

Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
14a)10 (05/09/2020)
Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated from boiler flue gas, at the scrubber outlet is

While testing a cargo tank, your oxygen indicator reads 25% oxygen in the tank. You would then
enter the tank safely
suspect the accuracy of the reading
ventilate the tank
test for nitrogen
Cargo pump relief valves are piped to the _________.
cargo pump pressure gauges
crossover lines interconnecting two pumps
suction side of pumps
atmosphere through pump vents
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables

For the purposes of cargo oil containment, the fixed container under the manifold of an eight-inch loading line
must hold a minimum of
three barrels
four barrels
six barrels
eight barrels
The volatility of a flammable liquid is indicated by its
ignition temperature
flash point
flammable range
conversion index
Which tanker discharge pattern would be the safest and most efficient?
Empty the forward tanks and start working aft, emptying each tank in sequence
Start discharging with most of the discharge coming from forward, but include some from midships and
after tanks
Start pumping from forward, midships, and aft with the discharge distributed equally among the tanks
Start pumping from midships and then work forward and aft simultaneously as the midships tank is
After the initial cleaning of flue gas in an inert gas system the gas is passed through what device for final
Deck water seal
Final filter
Which is a mandatory section of the shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan?
Reporting requirements
Removal equipment list
Planned exercises
List of individuals required to respond
What is the purpose of the relief valve of a cargo pump?
Provides for the removal of vapors
Allows two or more tanks to be filled at the same time
Provides for the emergency shutdown of the pump
Permits the return of cargo to the suction side of the pump

15a)10 (05/09/2020)
An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is
sufficient oxygen in a compartment to support life
combustible gases present
hydrogen gas present
While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the U.E.L., the
needle of the indicator will
remain at zero without moving
move to the maximum reading and stay there
move halfway up the scale
move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero

In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should
start to load at maximum pressure
start to load slowly
increase the air flow into the tank
use the overall method of loading only
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables
Which alarm is NOT found on an inert gas system?
Low oxygen alarm
Low pressure alarm
Scrubber high water level alarm
Deck seal low water alarm
When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?
Trip the pump relief valve.
Order the dock man to shut down.
Call the owner, operator, or terminal supervisor.
Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose.
The approval period for a shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan expires after
two years
three years
four years
five years

When authorized to use chemical agents on an oil spill they would
absorb the oil for easy removal
dissolve the oil in the water
facilitate the removal of the pollutant from the water
sink the oil
Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by
driving wooden plugs into the vents
closing the lids on the vents
plugging the scuppers
plugging the sounding pipes

16a)9/10 (05/09/2020)
An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is
sufficient oxygen in a compartment to support life
combustible gases present
hydrogen gas present
While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the U.E.L., the
needle of the indicator will
remain at zero without moving
move to the maximum reading and stay there
move halfway up the scale
move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero

In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should
start to load at maximum pressure
start to load slowly
increase the air flow into the tank
use the overall method of loading only
Total observed volume is corresponding to ullage/sounding is calculated from :
CCR computer.
Tank capacity tables

Which alarm is NOT found on an inert gas system?
Low oxygen alarm
Low pressure alarm
Scrubber high water level alarm
Deck seal low water alarm
When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?
Trip the pump relief valve.
Order the dock man to shut down.
Call the owner, operator, or terminal supervisor.
Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose.
The approval period for a shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan expires after
two years
three years
four years
five years

When authorized to use chemical agents on an oil spill they would
absorb the oil for easy removal
dissolve the oil in the water
facilitate the removal of the pollutant from the water
sink the oil
Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?
Exhaust gas pressure from the stack
High capacity fan
Inert gas compressor
Natural aspiration
Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by
driving wooden plugs into the vents
closing the lids on the vents
plugging the scuppers
plugging the sounding pipes
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge

3a)8 (05/09/2020)
Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
4a)8 (05/09/2020)
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention

The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.

When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space
From the Bridge
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The MFAG is published by the:
International Maritime Organisation
World Health Organisation
United Nations
International Labour Organisation
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention
CLC Convention
Intervention Convention
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will
have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized
like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of
these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is
at the terminal.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing
clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment,
dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by
the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency
which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at
terminals regularly visited.
The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is_________.
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations
Spill Reporting Information- All spills shall be reported as required, amongst others, with
the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for organizing
appropriate spill response?
Personnel in vicinity of spill.
Volume of spill.
Anticipated movement of spill (i.e. leakage to lower deck passage from amidships
toward galley).
Labeling or placarding information.
Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as
D1 and D2
C1 and C2
B1 and B2
A1 and A2
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into the sea, must be able to pass through a screen
with a mesh size no larger than ____________.
25 millimeters
50 millimeters
75 millimeters
100 millimeters
The first and foremost consideration in procedure for reporting "NLS" pollution is :
Cargo stowage plan.
MSDS for all cargo.
List of authorities & personnel to be contacted.

The chemicals used for clean up of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when a
ship is in port
Unless authorised by master of the ship
Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities
Unless approved chemicals are used for clean up operation
Unless authorised by the ship manager
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.

Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
A substance other than oil which if introduced in to marine environment is likely to
create hazard to human health, to harm living resources and marine life etc. is called as
Noxious substances
Toxic substances
Hazardous and dangerous substances
Hazardous and noxious substances
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil.
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil.
What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large
scale threats for the oceanic plants and creatures?
Chemical Pollution
Oil Pollution
Grey Water Pollution
Solid Waste Pollution
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
SMPEP is applicable to :
All ships.
All tanker vessels.
Ships carrying noxious liquid substance in bulk.
All passenger vessels.
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.
A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been stopped and fire-control
personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to __________.
proceed with fueling operation
have helicopter move to a safer location
wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water
clean spilled fuel with rags
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
A method NOT usually allowed for cleaning up oil spills would be the use of _________.

3a)/10 (06/09/2020)
The tankers are supplied with an approved outfit of clean up material for spillage in
compliance with the regulations of
Solas and IMDG code
Marpol and OPA 90
BIMCO and ISM Code
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)
Special area (SA)
Special emission control area (SECA)
Pollution control area (PCA)
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
With reference to Marpol Annex I, the southern south african area is
Protected area
Special control area
Special area
Restricted area
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations
A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been
stopped and fire-control personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to
proceed with fueling operation
have helicopter move to a safer location
wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water
clean spilled fuel with rags
Which statement is TRUE of a gasoline spill?
It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill.
It is not covered by the pollution laws.
It does little harm to marine life.
It will sink more rapidly than crude oil.
Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind flanges. Before removal of this flange it is
necessary to :
Slacken one bolt at a time.
Keep OSD for clean up.
Release pressure in the pipe.
The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker
shall be deployed at
The aft end of each side of poop deck
The forward end of each side of main deck
The midship on each side of main deck
The aft end of each side of main deck
You are preparing to contain an oil spill. You must first receive approval from the coastal
authorities prior to __________.
employing a boom
using suction equipment
applying chemical agents
deploying skimmers

4a)/10 (06/09/2020)
regulation for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships is controlled by
Marpol Annex V
Marpol Annex VI
Marpol Annex I
Marpol Annex III
The chemicals used for clean up of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when a
ship is in port
Unless authorised by master of the ship
Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities
Unless approved chemicals are used for clean up operation
Unless authorised by the ship manager
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into the sea, must be able to pass through a screen
with a mesh size no larger than ____________.
25 millimeters
50 millimeters
75 millimeters
100 millimeters
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)
Special area (SA)
Special emission control area (SECA)
Pollution control area (PCA)
Complying with the pollution regulations of a ship at all times is the responsibility of
Every ship owner only
Every individual onboard ships
Ship owner and ship manager
Master of the ship only
The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
Spill Response stages: identify the most important statement for the ship’s crew:
Prevent spills from entering other compartments by any means that do not involve
personnel exposure to the spill, such as closing/covering drains, ventilation, ducts,
doors and hatches.
Disperse gases or vapors using forced exhaust ventilation.
If atmosphere is suspected to be flammable or explosive, appropriate means shall
be initiated by Damage Control to minimize and/or eliminate this hazard during
ventilation operations.
Eliminate any fire or explosion hazards such as electrical equipment, incompatible
materials, and open flames.
Spill Reporting Information-All spills shall be reported as required, amongst others, with
the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for timely
spill response?
Time of spill discovery.
Location of spill.
Identification of spilled material.
Behavior of material (i.e. reactions observed).
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is_________.
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations

5a) (06/09/2020)


Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as

D1 and D2

C1 and C2

B1 and B2

A1 and A2


Most minor spills of oil products are caused by

equipment failure

human error

major casualties

unforeseeable circumstances


The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)

Special area (SA)

Special emission control area (SECA)

Pollution control area (PCA)


Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into the sea, must be able to pass through a screen with a mesh size no l
25 millimeters

50 millimeters

75 millimeters

100 millimeters


The chemicals used for clean up of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when a ship is in port
Unless authorised by master of the ship

Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities

Unless approved chemicals are used for clean up operation

Unless authorised by the ship manager


Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before you resume pumpin
notify the terminal superintendent

place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers

repair the hose with a patch

replace the hose


What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from cargo space of
20 Litres per nautical mile

50 Litres per nautical mile

15 Litres per nautical mile

30 Litres per nautical mile


When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil.

Throw sand on the water to sink the oil.


What is OSD ( oil spill dispersant) used for ?

Fire fighting.

General cleaning in engine room.

Contrl of oil spill.


What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large scale threats fo
Chemical Pollution

Oil Pollution

Grey Water Pollution

Solid Waste Pollution

The approved SOPEP & SMPEP have to be :
Periodically checked and amended by Master.
Clearly uderstood and signed for by terminal representative.
Has to be regularly updated and shall be in a language understood by master and ship's crew.

Complying with the pollution regulations of a ship at all times is the responsibility of
Every ship owner only
Every individual onboard ships
Ship owner and ship manager
Master of the ship only
regulation for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships is controlled by
Marpol Annex V
Marpol Annex VI
Marpol Annex I
Marpol Annex III
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.
All marpol annex II cargoes' tank wash water discharge is prohibited in
Baltic sea
North sea
Mediterranean sea
Antarctic area
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
The first and foremost consideration in procedure for reporting "NLS" pollution is :
Cargo stowage plan.
MSDS for all cargo.
List of authorities & personnel to be contacted.

The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transferring oil must either be carried on
board or_________.
on a tug standing by
available by contract with the shore facility
kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer
kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible
The amount of garbage disposed must be entered into the records maintained by each ship and stated in
__________ .
cubic meters
barrels, measured in 55 gallon drums
weight in either kilogram or pounds
cubic yards convertible to long tons
7a)10 (06/09/2020)
The tankers are supplied with an approved outfit of clean up material for spillage in
compliance with the regulations of
Solas and IMDG code
Marpol and OPA 90
BIMCO and ISM Code
Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind flanges. Before removal of this flange it is necessary to :
Slacken one bolt at a time.
Keep OSD for clean up.
Release pressure in the pipe.
How many miles out to sea must a vessel be located before it can pump overboard an untreated sewage holding
3 nautical miles
6 nautical miles
12 nautical miles
25 nautical miles
The first and foremost consideration in procedure for reporting "NLS" pollution is :
Cargo stowage plan.
MSDS for all cargo.
List of authorities & personnel to be contacted.

Complying with the pollution regulations of a ship at all times is the responsibility of
Every ship owner only
Every individual onboard ships
Ship owner and ship manager
Master of the ship only
Spill Response stages: identify the most important statement for the ship’s crew:
Prevent spills from entering other compartments by any means that do not involve
personnel exposure to the spill, such as closing/covering drains, ventilation, ducts,
doors and hatches.
Disperse gases or vapors using forced exhaust ventilation.
If atmosphere is suspected to be flammable or explosive, appropriate means shall
be initiated by Damage Control to minimize and/or eliminate this hazard during
ventilation operations.
Eliminate any fire or explosion hazards such as electrical equipment, incompatible
materials, and open flames.
Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as
D1 and D2
C1 and C2
B1 and B2
A1 and A2
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)
Special area (SA)
Special emission control area (SECA)
Pollution control area (PCA)
SMPEP is applicable to :
All ships.
All tanker vessels.
Ships carrying noxious liquid substance in bulk.
All passenger vessels.

8a) (06/09/2020)
A substance other than oil which if introduced in to marine environment is likely to
create hazard to human health, to harm living resources and marine life etc. is called as
Noxious substances
Toxic substances
Hazardous and dangerous substances
Hazardous and noxious substances
What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from
cargo space of an oil tanker?
20 Litres per nautical mile
50 Litres per nautical mile
15 Litres per nautical mile
30 Litres per nautical mile
When you have completed bunkering operations, the hoses should be _________.
blown down with inert gas
drained into drip pans or tanks
stowed with their ends open for venting
steam cleaned and flushed with hot water
A method NOT usually allowed for cleaning up oil spills would be the use of _________.
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
What are all the major metals found in Antifouling paint particles (APP)?
Nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb)
Chromium (Cr) and Tin (Sn)
Barium (Ba) and Cadmium (Cd)
Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn)
The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker
shall be deployed at
The aft end of each side of poop deck
The forward end of each side of main deck
The midship on each side of main deck
The aft end of each side of main deck
Spill Reporting Information- All spills shall be reported as required, amongst others, with
the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for organizing
appropriate spill response?

Personnel in vicinity of spill.

Volume of spill.
Anticipated movement of spill (i.e. leakage to lower deck passage from amidships
toward galley).
Labeling or placarding information.
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how much of the accumulated oily waste must you be able to
retain on board?

9a)8/10 (06/09/2020)
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large
scale threats for the oceanic plants and creatures?
Chemical Pollution
Oil Pollution
Grey Water Pollution
Solid Waste Pollution
It is generally NOT allowed to clean up an oil spill by using __________.
a boom
suction equipment
chemical agents
Disposal of Contaminated Materials. Find the one that is most important for segregation
All non-reusable cleanup materials are to be placed in impermeable containers,
properly labeled, stored and disposed of as used hazardous material (HM).
These materials include unrecoverable protective clothing, sorbents, rags, brooms
and containers.
If different HM is involved, ensure the materials are segregated and labeled
The spaces affected by the spill shall be certified safe by the MASTER before
normal shipboard operations are resumed in that space.
The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transferring oil must either be carried on
board or_________.
on a tug standing by
available by contract with the shore facility
kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer
kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible
Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind flanges. Before removal of this flange it is necessary to :
Slacken one bolt at a time.
Keep OSD for clean up.
Release pressure in the pipe.

Spill Response stages: identify the most important statement for the ship’s crew:
Prevent spills from entering other compartments by any means that do not involve
personnel exposure to the spill, such as closing/covering drains, ventilation, ducts,
doors and hatches.
Disperse gases or vapors using forced exhaust ventilation.
If atmosphere is suspected to be flammable or explosive, appropriate means shall
be initiated by Damage Control to minimize and/or eliminate this hazard during
ventilation operations.
Eliminate any fire or explosion hazards such as electrical equipment, incompatible
materials, and open flames.
You are preparing to contain an oil spill. You must first receive approval from the coastal authorities prior to
employing a boom
using suction equipment
applying chemical agents
deploying skimmers
Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before
you resume pumping, you should
notify the terminal superintendent
place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers
repair the hose with a patch
replace the hose

Heavy fuel oils when spilled are __________.
more harmful to sea life than lighter oils
easier to clean up than lighter refined oils
less harmful to sea life than lighter oils
not a real threat to marine life

10a)/10 (06/09/2020)
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
regulation for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships is controlled by
Marpol Annex V
Marpol Annex VI
Marpol Annex I
Marpol Annex III
Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before
you resume pumping, you should
notify the terminal superintendent
place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers
repair the hose with a patch
replace the hose

The approved SOPEP & SMPEP have to be :
Periodically checked and amended by Master.
Clearly uderstood and signed for by terminal representative.
Has to be regularly updated and shall be in a language understood by master and ship's crew.

What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large
scale threats for the oceanic plants and creatures?
Chemical Pollution
Oil Pollution
Grey Water Pollution
Solid Waste Pollution
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is_________.
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations

The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transferring oil must either be carried on
board or_________.
on a tug standing by
available by contract with the shore facility
kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer
kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible
Marpol Annex I came in to force on
6th April 1987
2nd October 1983
1st July 2010
1st July 1992
A method NOT usually allowed for cleaning up oil spills would be the use of _________.
How many miles out to sea must a vessel be located before it can pump overboard an untreated sewage holding
3 nautical miles
6 nautical miles
12 nautical miles
25 nautical miles

11a)/10 (06/09/2020)
What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from
cargo space of an oil tanker?
20 Litres per nautical mile
50 Litres per nautical mile
15 Litres per nautical mile
30 Litres per nautical mile
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.
With reference to Marpol Annex I, the southern south african area is
Protected area
Special control area
Special area
Restricted area
The approved SOPEP & SMPEP have to be :
Periodically checked and amended by Master.
Clearly uderstood and signed for by terminal representative.
Has to be regularly updated and shall be in a language understood by master and ship's crew.

The amount of garbage disposed must be entered into the records maintained by each ship and stated in
__________ .
cubic meters
barrels, measured in 55 gallon drums
weight in either kilogram or pounds
cubic yards convertible to long tons
What is OSD ( oil spill dispersant) used for ?
Fire fighting.
General cleaning in engine room.
Contrl of oil spill.

When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil.
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil.
The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
When you have completed bunkering operations, the hoses should be _________.
blown down with inert gas
drained into drip pans or tanks
stowed with their ends open for venting
steam cleaned and flushed with hot water
The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is_________.
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations
Spill Reporting Information- All spills shall be reported as required, amongst others, with
the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for organizing
appropriate spill response?
Personnel in vicinity of spill.
Volume of spill.
Anticipated movement of spill (i.e. leakage to lower deck passage from amidships
toward galley).
Labeling or placarding information.
Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as
D1 and D2
C1 and C2
B1 and B2
A1 and A2
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into the sea, must be able to pass through a screen
with a mesh size no larger than ____________.
25 millimeters
50 millimeters
75 millimeters
100 millimeters
The first and foremost consideration in procedure for reporting "NLS" pollution is :
Cargo stowage plan.
MSDS for all cargo.
List of authorities & personnel to be contacted.

The chemicals used for clean up of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when a
ship is in port
Unless authorised by master of the ship
Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities
Unless approved chemicals are used for clean up operation
Unless authorised by the ship manager
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.

Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
A substance other than oil which if introduced in to marine environment is likely to
create hazard to human health, to harm living resources and marine life etc. is called as
Noxious substances
Toxic substances
Hazardous and dangerous substances
Hazardous and noxious substances
When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil.
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil.
What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large
scale threats for the oceanic plants and creatures?
Chemical Pollution
Oil Pollution
Grey Water Pollution
Solid Waste Pollution
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
SMPEP is applicable to :
All ships.
All tanker vessels.
Ships carrying noxious liquid substance in bulk.
All passenger vessels.
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.
A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been stopped and fire-control
personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to __________.
proceed with fueling operation
have helicopter move to a safer location
wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water
clean spilled fuel with rags
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
A method NOT usually allowed for cleaning up oil spills would be the use of _________.

3a)/10 (06/09/2020)
The tankers are supplied with an approved outfit of clean up material for spillage in
compliance with the regulations of
Solas and IMDG code
Marpol and OPA 90
BIMCO and ISM Code
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)
Special area (SA)
Special emission control area (SECA)
Pollution control area (PCA)
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
With reference to Marpol Annex I, the southern south african area is
Protected area
Special control area
Special area
Restricted area
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations
A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been
stopped and fire-control personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to
proceed with fueling operation
have helicopter move to a safer location
wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water
clean spilled fuel with rags
Which statement is TRUE of a gasoline spill?
It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill.
It is not covered by the pollution laws.
It does little harm to marine life.
It will sink more rapidly than crude oil.
Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind flanges. Before removal of this flange it is
necessary to :
Slacken one bolt at a time.
Keep OSD for clean up.
Release pressure in the pipe.
The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker
shall be deployed at
The aft end of each side of poop deck
The forward end of each side of main deck
The midship on each side of main deck
The aft end of each side of main deck
You are preparing to contain an oil spill. You must first receive approval from the coastal
authorities prior to __________.
employing a boom
using suction equipment
applying chemical agents
deploying skimmers

4a)/10 (06/09/2020)
regulation for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships is controlled by
Marpol Annex V
Marpol Annex VI
Marpol Annex I
Marpol Annex III
The chemicals used for clean up of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when a
ship is in port
Unless authorised by master of the ship
Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities
Unless approved chemicals are used for clean up operation
Unless authorised by the ship manager
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into the sea, must be able to pass through a screen
with a mesh size no larger than ____________.
25 millimeters
50 millimeters
75 millimeters
100 millimeters
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)
Special area (SA)
Special emission control area (SECA)
Pollution control area (PCA)
Complying with the pollution regulations of a ship at all times is the responsibility of
Every ship owner only
Every individual onboard ships
Ship owner and ship manager
Master of the ship only
The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
Spill Response stages: identify the most important statement for the ship’s crew:
Prevent spills from entering other compartments by any means that do not involve
personnel exposure to the spill, such as closing/covering drains, ventilation, ducts,
doors and hatches.
Disperse gases or vapors using forced exhaust ventilation.
If atmosphere is suspected to be flammable or explosive, appropriate means shall
be initiated by Damage Control to minimize and/or eliminate this hazard during
ventilation operations.
Eliminate any fire or explosion hazards such as electrical equipment, incompatible
materials, and open flames.
Spill Reporting Information-All spills shall be reported as required, amongst others, with
the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for timely
spill response?
Time of spill discovery.
Location of spill.
Identification of spilled material.
Behavior of material (i.e. reactions observed).
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is_________.
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations

5a) (06/09/2020)


Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as

D1 and D2

C1 and C2

B1 and B2

A1 and A2


Most minor spills of oil products are caused by

equipment failure

human error

major casualties

unforeseeable circumstances


The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)

Special area (SA)

Special emission control area (SECA)

Pollution control area (PCA)


Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into the sea, must be able to pass through a screen with a mesh size no l
25 millimeters

50 millimeters

75 millimeters

100 millimeters


The chemicals used for clean up of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when a ship is in port
Unless authorised by master of the ship

Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities

Unless approved chemicals are used for clean up operation

Unless authorised by the ship manager


Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before you resume pumpin
notify the terminal superintendent

place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers

repair the hose with a patch

replace the hose


What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from cargo space of
20 Litres per nautical mile

50 Litres per nautical mile

15 Litres per nautical mile

30 Litres per nautical mile


When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil.

Throw sand on the water to sink the oil.


What is OSD ( oil spill dispersant) used for ?

Fire fighting.

General cleaning in engine room.

Contrl of oil spill.


What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large scale threats fo
Chemical Pollution

Oil Pollution

Grey Water Pollution

Solid Waste Pollution

The approved SOPEP & SMPEP have to be :
Periodically checked and amended by Master.
Clearly uderstood and signed for by terminal representative.
Has to be regularly updated and shall be in a language understood by master and ship's crew.

Complying with the pollution regulations of a ship at all times is the responsibility of
Every ship owner only
Every individual onboard ships
Ship owner and ship manager
Master of the ship only
regulation for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships is controlled by
Marpol Annex V
Marpol Annex VI
Marpol Annex I
Marpol Annex III
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.
All marpol annex II cargoes' tank wash water discharge is prohibited in
Baltic sea
North sea
Mediterranean sea
Antarctic area
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
The first and foremost consideration in procedure for reporting "NLS" pollution is :
Cargo stowage plan.
MSDS for all cargo.
List of authorities & personnel to be contacted.

The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transferring oil must either be carried on
board or_________.
on a tug standing by
available by contract with the shore facility
kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer
kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible
The amount of garbage disposed must be entered into the records maintained by each ship and stated in
__________ .
cubic meters
barrels, measured in 55 gallon drums
weight in either kilogram or pounds
cubic yards convertible to long tons
7a)10 (06/09/2020)
The tankers are supplied with an approved outfit of clean up material for spillage in
compliance with the regulations of
Solas and IMDG code
Marpol and OPA 90
BIMCO and ISM Code
Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind flanges. Before removal of this flange it is necessary to :
Slacken one bolt at a time.
Keep OSD for clean up.
Release pressure in the pipe.
How many miles out to sea must a vessel be located before it can pump overboard an untreated sewage holding
3 nautical miles
6 nautical miles
12 nautical miles
25 nautical miles
The first and foremost consideration in procedure for reporting "NLS" pollution is :
Cargo stowage plan.
MSDS for all cargo.
List of authorities & personnel to be contacted.

Complying with the pollution regulations of a ship at all times is the responsibility of
Every ship owner only
Every individual onboard ships
Ship owner and ship manager
Master of the ship only
Spill Response stages: identify the most important statement for the ship’s crew:
Prevent spills from entering other compartments by any means that do not involve
personnel exposure to the spill, such as closing/covering drains, ventilation, ducts,
doors and hatches.
Disperse gases or vapors using forced exhaust ventilation.
If atmosphere is suspected to be flammable or explosive, appropriate means shall
be initiated by Damage Control to minimize and/or eliminate this hazard during
ventilation operations.
Eliminate any fire or explosion hazards such as electrical equipment, incompatible
materials, and open flames.
Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as
D1 and D2
C1 and C2
B1 and B2
A1 and A2
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Emission control area (ECA)
Special area (SA)
Special emission control area (SECA)
Pollution control area (PCA)
SMPEP is applicable to :
All ships.
All tanker vessels.
Ships carrying noxious liquid substance in bulk.
All passenger vessels.

8a) (06/09/2020)
A substance other than oil which if introduced in to marine environment is likely to
create hazard to human health, to harm living resources and marine life etc. is called as
Noxious substances
Toxic substances
Hazardous and dangerous substances
Hazardous and noxious substances
What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from
cargo space of an oil tanker?
20 Litres per nautical mile
50 Litres per nautical mile
15 Litres per nautical mile
30 Litres per nautical mile
When you have completed bunkering operations, the hoses should be _________.
blown down with inert gas
drained into drip pans or tanks
stowed with their ends open for venting
steam cleaned and flushed with hot water
A method NOT usually allowed for cleaning up oil spills would be the use of _________.
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
What are all the major metals found in Antifouling paint particles (APP)?
Nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb)
Chromium (Cr) and Tin (Sn)
Barium (Ba) and Cadmium (Cd)
Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn)
The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker
shall be deployed at
The aft end of each side of poop deck
The forward end of each side of main deck
The midship on each side of main deck
The aft end of each side of main deck
Spill Reporting Information- All spills shall be reported as required, amongst others, with
the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for organizing
appropriate spill response?

Personnel in vicinity of spill.

Volume of spill.
Anticipated movement of spill (i.e. leakage to lower deck passage from amidships
toward galley).
Labeling or placarding information.
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how much of the accumulated oily waste must you be able to
retain on board?

9a)8/10 (06/09/2020)
What is Marpol Annex II?
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea
in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large
scale threats for the oceanic plants and creatures?
Chemical Pollution
Oil Pollution
Grey Water Pollution
Solid Waste Pollution
It is generally NOT allowed to clean up an oil spill by using __________.
a boom
suction equipment
chemical agents
Disposal of Contaminated Materials. Find the one that is most important for segregation
All non-reusable cleanup materials are to be placed in impermeable containers,
properly labeled, stored and disposed of as used hazardous material (HM).
These materials include unrecoverable protective clothing, sorbents, rags, brooms
and containers.
If different HM is involved, ensure the materials are segregated and labeled
The spaces affected by the spill shall be certified safe by the MASTER before
normal shipboard operations are resumed in that space.
The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transferring oil must either be carried on
board or_________.
on a tug standing by
available by contract with the shore facility
kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer
kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible
Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind flanges. Before removal of this flange it is necessary to :
Slacken one bolt at a time.
Keep OSD for clean up.
Release pressure in the pipe.

Spill Response stages: identify the most important statement for the ship’s crew:
Prevent spills from entering other compartments by any means that do not involve
personnel exposure to the spill, such as closing/covering drains, ventilation, ducts,
doors and hatches.
Disperse gases or vapors using forced exhaust ventilation.
If atmosphere is suspected to be flammable or explosive, appropriate means shall
be initiated by Damage Control to minimize and/or eliminate this hazard during
ventilation operations.
Eliminate any fire or explosion hazards such as electrical equipment, incompatible
materials, and open flames.
You are preparing to contain an oil spill. You must first receive approval from the coastal authorities prior to
employing a boom
using suction equipment
applying chemical agents
deploying skimmers
Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before
you resume pumping, you should
notify the terminal superintendent
place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers
repair the hose with a patch
replace the hose

Heavy fuel oils when spilled are __________.
more harmful to sea life than lighter oils
easier to clean up than lighter refined oils
less harmful to sea life than lighter oils
not a real threat to marine life

10a)/10 (06/09/2020)
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?
They usually disappear quickly.
They usually stay in a small area.
They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
regulation for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships is controlled by
Marpol Annex V
Marpol Annex VI
Marpol Annex I
Marpol Annex III
Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before
you resume pumping, you should
notify the terminal superintendent
place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers
repair the hose with a patch
replace the hose

The approved SOPEP & SMPEP have to be :
Periodically checked and amended by Master.
Clearly uderstood and signed for by terminal representative.
Has to be regularly updated and shall be in a language understood by master and ship's crew.

What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large
scale threats for the oceanic plants and creatures?
Chemical Pollution
Oil Pollution
Grey Water Pollution
Solid Waste Pollution
You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is_________.
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping
shut down operations

The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transferring oil must either be carried on
board or_________.
on a tug standing by
available by contract with the shore facility
kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer
kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible
Marpol Annex I came in to force on
6th April 1987
2nd October 1983
1st July 2010
1st July 1992
A method NOT usually allowed for cleaning up oil spills would be the use of _________.
How many miles out to sea must a vessel be located before it can pump overboard an untreated sewage holding
3 nautical miles
6 nautical miles
12 nautical miles
25 nautical miles

11a)/10 (06/09/2020)
What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from
cargo space of an oil tanker?
20 Litres per nautical mile
50 Litres per nautical mile
15 Litres per nautical mile
30 Litres per nautical mile
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
3 Annexes
6 Annexes
5 Annexes
8 Annexes
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage
All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be
on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.
With reference to Marpol Annex I, the southern south african area is
Protected area
Special control area
Special area
Restricted area
The approved SOPEP & SMPEP have to be :
Periodically checked and amended by Master.
Clearly uderstood and signed for by terminal representative.
Has to be regularly updated and shall be in a language understood by master and ship's crew.

The amount of garbage disposed must be entered into the records maintained by each ship and stated in
__________ .
cubic meters
barrels, measured in 55 gallon drums
weight in either kilogram or pounds
cubic yards convertible to long tons
What is OSD ( oil spill dispersant) used for ?
Fire fighting.
General cleaning in engine room.
Contrl of oil spill.

When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil.
Throw sand on the water to sink the oil.
The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
When you have completed bunkering operations, the hoses should be _________.
blown down with inert gas
drained into drip pans or tanks
stowed with their ends open for venting
steam cleaned and flushed with hot water

1) It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided
C. securing and locking in a closed position

2) Which of following methods is the widely used method for trace gas
B. conductometric method

3) Duties of technical team or engineers team

D. both B and C

4) Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

B. yes, it is

5) A bigger spell of LPG will be eligible as a…. which is condensed water

vapour from the atmosphere.
A. white cloud

6) What is the abbreviation of IAPH?

A. international association of ports and harbours

7) The gas passing after scrubbed of particular matters and sulphurous gases
still contains…..which must be removed.
B. water drops
8) A centrifugal bilge pump requires priming……….
B. due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover

9) In IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated
gas depends on the ……. Of the gas.
A. temperature

10) What are the additional requirements on tankers for safety?

D. emergency towing arrangement

11) A scrubber tower which is normally acts as a…

B. cooler

12) The fire control draught on board is called the safety plan and shall be
posted on board in port and copy of this plant sale in addition be
C. at the gangway

13) Heat released from fire 80% of heat is conducted through conduction.
A. true

14) Permit to work on a tank birth should not be carried out until permission is
obtained from
D. terminal representative

15) The master is the incharge of the technical team.

B. false
16) What should an emergency plan should be directed to?
D. all of above

17) An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system
room or any space in normal use by personnel is called
C. void space

18) While taking part in fire on board, act if the fire is real.
A. true

19) At what point do you sound the fire alarm?

B. as soon as you see it

20) Inert gas blowers are……

C. turbine type centrifugal blower fans

21) What is cofferdam?

B. white or empty space separating two tanks

22) Bull works are generally not permitted in the cargo tanks areas because
A. they tend to contain heavy vapours in board during cargo operations

23) when cargo discharge inti pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo
heater runs in…...with the cargo pump
A. series
24) What is the type of gas carrier based on hazardous nature of the cargo which
has maximum cargo?
D. type 3G

25) How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to
D. refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection

26) What is a dead weight scale?

A. maximum dead weight the vessel can achieve

27) Who completes the declaration of inspection before loading a tank vessel?
C. designated person in charge

28) What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical
B. dry powder

29) What is critical pressure (bars, absolute) of methane?

A. 44.7

30) The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called
C. condensation

31) What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system?
A. for using inert gas in gas free mode
32) A centrifugal pump requires priming…...
B. due to inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye of
the impeller

33) Segregated or dedicated blast

D. it is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tanks

34) One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas
system be fitted. According to regulations supply of an inert gas system can
have portable connection to which spaces other than cargo tank?
C. every cargo tank and slope tank

35) During cargo operations, a wind blowing may……

B. form eddies containing petroleum vapour

36) During gas dispersion, if a chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase
is needed, then the preferred choice is
A. agitated vessel

37) It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided
C. Securing and locking in a closed position

38) Cause of uncontrolled liquid or vapour release can occur through

D. All of the above

39) What is the best method for extinguishing fire of escaping liquefied
flammable gas?
B. stopping the flow of gas
40) A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partially
open valve in order to…… load.
A. minimises

41) That part of the ship which contains the cargo containment system, cargo
pumps, compressor room containment system, excluding where fitted,
cofferdams, ballast tanks and void spaces at the after end of forward most hold
space are known as
B. cargo area

42) The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

C. provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres

43) What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

D. all of the above

44) Why the carriage and usage of hand gas lighters are provided on board oil
and chemical tankers? What is used for igniting a fire?
C. safety matches are available to use in the designated smoking area

45) What are consequences of high oxygen content alarm sound during normal
C. the deck demand valve will automatically close, the atmosphere purge valve
will open and furnace press pressure control valve will close

46) The static suction head of a pump is the ……….

A. distance the suction liquid level is below the centre line of the pump
47) how can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to
D. refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection

48) A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inerted by introducing inert
gas through a process known as
C. displacement

49) The buildup of wet solids on the IG blower impeller blade tips
indicates……. problems.
C. Demister

50) Third degree of burn is destruction of skin and possible under laying fat,
A. true

51) In a scrubber, ……... is readily observed by water.

A. SO2

52) Cargo hoses should be tested…….

A. every year

53) IG blowers are to be fitted with inlet and outlet valves in gas line with….
D. rubber

54) Deficient oxygen content inside a confined space can be detected with
A. a combustible gas indicator
55) The flammable range of different chemicals may be
D. always different

56) during normal loading operation venting of cargo tanks to be carried out using
C. master riser

57) MARPOL Annex 1 and IOPP certificate is mandatory for

A. all types of ship

58) Start the blower at…… minutes before it is required by the deck operators
A. 30

59) In type-1 chemical tanker, cargo tank is

D. coating required for mild steel tanks; SS tanks do not need coating.

60) What is meaning of volatile cargo

D. flash point below 60 degree centigrade
1. Whose permission to be obtained prior deballasting of Ballast at load / Discharge port
• Terminal Representative

2. An Inert Gas System should be used to

• To keep the tank free space inerted.

3. What should cargo Sample lockers be constructed of

• Fully Resistant Material

4. What is the other name for paraffin?

• Alkane

5. A self-contained breathing apparatus is

• enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygen

6. Each inert gas system gas main must have an automatic shut down valve at the outlet
of the gas production plant. This valve must close automatically upon
• blower failure

7. Deficient oxygen content inside a confined space can be detected with

• an oxygen detector

8. The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be
• 3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

9. Which of the following is a cofferdam?

• Pump room on an oil tanker

10.Calorific value is the quantity of heat.......when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt

• Released

11.What is runaway polymerization

• Exothermic self reaction

12.Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by

• Smothering or oxygen exclusion

13.Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the Cargo Record Book of an Chemical
tanker ?
• All cargo Operations involving NLS or Ballast if taken in Cargo tanks
14.In a centrifugal pump:
• The fluid moves in the same direction as the impeller

15.Ballast water exchange should be done at least_______ NM from the nearest land &
in waters at least_______ meter in depth
• 200 NM & 200 Meter

16.The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to
the bottom of a tank is a
• Bell-mouth

17.You are planning to use a crude oil washing system. What precaution must be taken
with the source tank for the washing machines?
• At least one meter must be decanted from the source tank

18.An oil record book Part-I shall be retained onboard for a period of
• 3 years since the last entry has been made

19.The Average Explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is

• 1% to 10%

20.Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
• over an electrically heated platinum filament

21.The fresh air intake of the inert gas system

• allows the inert gas piping to be used for gas freeing the tanks

22.While using a combustible gas indicator, if the hydrocarbon content of the

atmosphere exceeds the U.E.L., the needle of the indicator will
• move to the maximum reading and immediately return to zero

23.In case of failure or erratic reading of fixed oxygen content meter the following
operational condition may be followed :
• Use Portable oxygen content analyzer and discharge at slow rate

24.The chemicals used for cleanup of deck spill must not be allowed to enter water when
a ship is in port
• Unless permission has been obtained from harbour authorities

25.What is the flammable range ?

• Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL
26.Cargo pump rooms are fitted with:
• Fixed fire extinguishing system

27.Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is:

• Ignited

28.What is putrifaction?
• Most animal and veg oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition

29.Steam Heating coils are provided in some tanks

• Heat cargo which have high Pour Point

30.An oil with an electrical conductivity greater than 50 Pico Siemens/meter pS/m so
renders it incapable of retaining a significant electrostatic charge is called
• A static non accumulator oil

31.It is a rule that the inert gas supply to the cargo tanks must be provided for
• Securing and locking in a closed position

32.Which of the following methods is the widely used method for trace gas analysis?
• Galvanic methods
1. The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called
(c) latent heat

2. What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system?

(a) to avoid running inert gas when oxygen content increased to to 8% volume

3. A centrifugal pump requires priming............

(b) due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye of the impeller

4. Segregated or dedicated blast_________

(d) it is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tanks

5. ISGOTT stands for____________

(a) international safety guide for oil tankers and terminals

6. One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system be
fitted. according to regulations supply of an inert gas system can have portable connection
to which spaces other than cargo tank?
(c) every cargo tank and slope tank

7. During cargo operations, a wind blowing may

(b) form eddies containing petroleum vapour

8. Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

(b) yes it is

9. During gas dispersion, if a chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase is needed, then
the preferred choice is
(a) agitated vessel

10. It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided for
(c) securing and locking in a closed position
11. Cause of uncontrolled liquid or vapour release can occur through
(d) all of the above

12. What is the best method for extinguishing fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas?
(b) stopping the flow of gas

13. A bigger spell of LPG will be eligible as a………….. which is condensed water vapour
from the atmosphere.
(a) white cloud

14. A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partially open valve in in
order to ……… load.
(a) minimise

15. In IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends on
the…….. of the gas.
(a) temperature

16. That part of the ship which contains the cargo containment system, cargo pumps,
compressor room containment system, excluding where fitted, cofferdams, ballast tanks and
void spaces at the after end of forward most hold space are known a
(b) cargo area

17. The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

(c) provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres

18. What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

(a) the rescue and treatment of casualties and safeguarding others
(b) minimising damage to ship, property and environment
(c) containing and bringing the incident under control
(d) all of the above
19. Why the carriage and usage of hand gas lighters are provided on board oil and chemical
tankers? what is used for igniting a fire?
(c) safety matches are available to use in the designated smoking area

20. An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room or any
space in normal use by personnel is called
(c) void space

21. What are consequences of high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?
(c) the alarm in ccr will sound loud and plant will auto stop

22. The static suction head of a pump is the...

(a) distance the suction liquid level is below the centre line of the pump

23. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?
(d) refer to the vessel's certificate of inspection

24. When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo heater runs in
........ with the cargo pump
(a) series

25. Lifeboats should have

(a) 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

26. A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inserted by introducing inert gas through a
process known as
(c) displacement

27. What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?
(b) dry powder

28. The buildup of wet solids on the IG blower impeller blade tips indicates.. problems.
(c) Demister
29. Third degree of burn is destruction of skin and possible under laying fat, muscle.
(a) True

30. In a scrubber, is readily observed by water.

(a) SO2
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to:

continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing, @
improper use of proper PPE
Organisational safety value aims at :

< 2 incidents in a year

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year

Zero incident programme
allow only one incident per year.
The main elements of peak safety performance are :
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.

no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment. =

Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?

Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. @
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,


brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by aspark @
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
dissipated in atmosphere

reduced in vapor concentration

ignited =
What is Cargo inhibition?
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo @

Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to:

lower the LEL of cargo vapor.

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion. -
What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction

Self reaction

Endothermic self reaction

Both exothermic and endothermic reactions

What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction

Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions
Electrons have :
no charge

positive charge

negative charge @
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable. .

Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,

Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature

Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
What is flash point ?

The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid. @
The temperature at which the gas is not flammable

The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas

The temperature at which an explosion is not possible

The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :
closed ullaging

use of only approved PPE on deck

bonding and grounding ®

having continuous pipe lengths.

Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect

To the whole body

To several organs of the human body

To the skin only

ona specific organ e

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide:

a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.

MSDS for added inhibitor.

inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage @

In chemical tankers with common pipe line, cargo segregation is done by :

isolating tanks after completion of loading

close all valves for tank after completion of loading

inserting blind flanges in pipes concerned. e

What is flammable range ?

The range in which nothing will burn

The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion

The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits. Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning. @
What is cold work ?

Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere

Work that cannot create a source of ignition =

Carrying out work on reefer containers

Work that can be done only in cold temperatures

What is an inert condition ?

When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank

When the oxygen is 1096 by volume in a tank

A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas. @

When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank

The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as

Emission control area (ECA) e@

Special area (SA)

Special emission control area (SECA)
Pollution control area (PCA)
With reference to Marpol Annex I, the southern south african area is

Protected area

Special control area

Special area
Restricted area
Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as

Di and D2
C1 and C2
B1 and B2

Al and A2
The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker shall be deployed at

The aft end of each side of poop deck

The forward end of each side of main deck
The midship on each side of main deck
The aft end of each side of main deck @
Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness

Breathlessness and confusion

Breathlessness and a dry cough

Breathlessness and slurred speech

When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:

From inside the space

From the Bridge

From outside the space

From the Engine Control Room

The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the

MARPOL Convention

SOLAS Convention

CLC Convention

Intervention Convention
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will have the largest impact?

Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels

Experience and expertise of vessel master

Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
The MFAG is published by the:

International Maritime Organisation

World Health Organisation e

United Nations

International Labour Organisation

Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:

P&A Manual.

IG and COW manuals.

ISM procedures.
A shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan is required of

all vessels, regardless of size and commercial application

any barge or ship constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboard

an oil tanker of 150 gross tons and above, or other ship of 400 gross tons and above e
an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above
Inert gas systems must be capable of maintaining inert gas with an oxygen content by volume in the cargo tanks of not more than




The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :

closed ullaging

use of only approved PPE on deck

bonding and grounding

having continuous pipe lengths.

TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of.

5 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

60 minutes
What is pour point ?

The temperature at which oil gets frozen

The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid @

The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged

The temperature at which oil needs to be heated

Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:

Light crude oils

Sour crude oils

Refined products

Chemical cargoes
What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist e

Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation
How should steam pipes be protected in machinery spaces?

They should be painted in different colours

They should have placards to warn personnel

They should be lagged e

The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleum gases is about

5000 Kilovoits/meter
3000 Kilovoits/meter
3000 Volts/meter
5000 Volts/meter
A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should

lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised @
administer a liquid stimulant

lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet

attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness

What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment @

Inform the bridge
Inform his superiors
What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?

International Security Mandate

Internal Safety Management
International Safety Management @
Internal Security Management
What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?

5:1 to 15:1
1250 litres/min
1000 liters/min
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels. @

What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?

Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all vaives in the system.

Flush the system complete with sea water. @

Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.
Foam extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

Flame inhibition
Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.
Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:


chain reaction


Water extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

Flame inhibition
After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :

The system clean.

Ready for re use.

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging. @
Containment and Damage Control: which step is of highest importance for damage control?

All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill @
Action steps minimizing the impact to the ship and crew.
Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel

Poor atomization of fuel

Paraffinic, Paraffinic-Nephthenic and Aromatic intermediate are the three classification of

Natural gas
Crude oil

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture

Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it

Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :

continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. @

improper use of proper PPE

The main elements of peak safety performance are :

reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment. e
Organisational safety value aims at :

< 2 incidents in a year

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year

Zero incident programme

allow only one incident per year.

What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?

Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions

Therma! inversion

diameter of the vapour cloud

How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?

Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours

Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction e
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature

How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?

Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded

Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded e@

Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization
Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?
Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
What is Cargo inhibition?

All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :

lower the LEL of cargo vapor.

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons

to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion. e

How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?

Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.

Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,

Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature

Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
Electrons have :

no charge

positive charge

negative charge
H2S gas is :

less toxic


toxic, corrosive and flammable

What is a hot work permit ?

Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision

A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock

Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning

The permit to work should not last for more than

12 hours

24 hours

36 hours

48 hours
What is non-voiatile petroleum ?

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above @

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below

What is lower flammable limit ?

The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support combustion @
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion

The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion

The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks

What is cold work ?

Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere

Work that cannot create a source of ignition e
Carrying out work on reefer containers
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures
A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been stopped and fire-contro! personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to

proceed with fueling operation

have helicopter move to a safer location

wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water @

clean spilled fuel with rags
You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how much of the accumulated oily waste must you be able to retain on board?




Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before you resume pumping, you should

notify the terminal superintendent

place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers

repair the hose with a patch

replace the hose e

In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:
enters from the top of the tank @
enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank

A gas venting system on a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the ship is called:

A gas-main system

A common-main system

A vent-main system

An independent system
Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?

Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room
Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room
The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms
Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store @
Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of

Aluminium alloy
stainless steel
nickel alloy
What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" +

The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate
The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing @
The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing
Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,

Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment e

The ring main pipeline system is extensively used on:


Crude oil tankers

Medium range tankers

Product carriers
An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil
Diesel oil

Gas oil
The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be

available close to the pump room

kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person @
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked
Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals

What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating during its carriage?

5% of the Tank capacity

10% of the Cargo capacity
2% of the Tank capacity
1% of the Tank capacity
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric pressure at

60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)

15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F)
The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between layers of flowing liquid is:

Viscosity of Liquid
Force of friction between liquid layers @

Velocity of the fluid

Vapor pressure of liquid
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons, which can be free or dissolved ?

Crude oil

Refined oil
Natural gas
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?

Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure

Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is

Lighter than air

Heavier than air
Same as air density
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?

0.1 - 6%
2 - 8%
1. Prior to loading cargo, all valves, ballast pumps, hydraulic power packs and associated
instrumentation should be

Ans. Function testing

2. What is a fire wire

Ans. Wire for pulling burning ships off the pier

3. Which of the valves listed should be used either in the fully opened or the fully closed

Ans. a gate valve

4. The fixed CO2 system for pump room can be used _______ types

Ans. two

5. What is the purpose of the decanting line between two slopes tanks when you are
water washing a cargo tank

Ans. Make it possible to retain most of the recovered oil in the primary slope tank while
cleaner part of the water will can be discharge through ODME.

6. If at sea inert gas low pressure alarm is activated , it may be necessary to


Ans. inert gas topping up operation

7. In flue gas line , it would be advantageous to fitted _______ door downstream from
the flue gas valve

Ans. access

8. ________ such as asphalt and bitumen tend to be solid under normal atmospheric

Ans. very heavy molecules

9. What is meaning petrochemicals

Ans. product derived from seed of plants and from the fat of animals including fish

10.The static suction head of a pump is the _____

Ans. distance of the suction liquid level above the centre line of the pump

11.What is the cubic limitation :- this is usually caused by loading a light crude ( crude
with a high API ) or clean products

Ans. Reaching cargo tank capacity before vessel sinks to its load-line
12.A raised bridge running fore and AFT from the mid ship house and also called “
walkway” , if it affords save passage over the pipe line obstruction.

Ans. catwalk

13.To insure proper seating when closing a valve on a tank , what position should the
valve be in

Ans. closed, opened a half turn, and then closed again

14.If the temperature of the gas is relatively high at the scrubber outlet, considerable
______ will take place in the colder deck lines

Ans.. Liquefaction

15.What is the term for filling tanks and line with nitrogen , or similar liquid or gas , to
prevent cargo contact with the atmosphere

Ans inerting

16.Prior to starting hydraulically operated cargo pump for discharge of cargo it must be
ensure that ______

Ans. The IGG or IGS plant is running on stand by

17.On board tankers in one areas sources of ignition are fully controlled

Ans. all of the above (engine room/accommodation, cargo tanks and main deck, bridge)

18.The distinction between a lighter and a barge is more in the manner of use than in
equipment. The term lighter refer to a short hand generally a connection with loading
and unloading operations of vessels in harbour while the term “barge” is more often
used when the cargo is being carried to its direction of over a long distance

Ans. true

19. Which of the following describe heavy fuel oils when they have been spilled.

Ans. they are less harmful to sea life than lighter oils

20. Tankers wiil have additional fireman outfit other normal requirement

Ans. 2 fireman outfit

21.Seprate co2 system comprises of 4 cylinders that are manually operated is therefore

Ans. all the above (IG fan room, emergency generator room, incinerator room )

22.What is purpose of expansion coupling

Ans . To avoid the pipe expansion problems.

23.Very light gaseous molecules such as_________ are extracted at the well head

Ans. methane

24.Which pair of devices are fitted on deck to prevent inert gas or cargo vapors from
flowing back into the engine room

Ans. the non-return valve and the block and bleed valve

25.Responsibility for the provision of SOPEP locker at an oil tanker rests with the.

Ans. chief officer

26.In the event of an electric control failure in inert gas plant during discharge.

Ans. the discharge must be immediately halted

27.What does ODME means.

Ans. oil discharge monitoring equipment

28.What is full form of AUS in an oil tanker.

Ans. automatic unloading system

29.Clean ballast may be discharged______

Ans. only by gravity

30.The IG blowers _____ introduce pressure fluctuation in inert gas demand.

Ans. should

31. Flame screen ( or arrester )- a device comprised of a fine wire gauze that is fitted into
the discharge and of a vent line. It prevents the passage of flame but will allow vapor
to pass through. Flame screens are also fitted to removable ullage plugs used to cover
ullage holes on a cargo tank tops

Ans. true

32. Whilst discharging cargo, if the oxygen content within the inert gas main is above the
SOLAS 1974 recommendation and the engine action you they can not reduce it,
what would your action be.

Ans. stop all cargo operation

33. In event of a pneumatic remote control failure in the inert gas plant I/P and E/P
controllers during discharge______.

Ans. discharge must be immediately stop

34.Onboard tankers on the pump room venting system is fitted with high level suction
above bottom grating. These are called
Ans. Pump room fan

35.The most common cooling agent used for fighting fires on tank vessel is
Ans. Water
36.Ullage is the distance from the underside of the deck to
Ans. The bottom of the tank

37.Personal escape sets and breathing apparatus have some difference as below
Ans. Personal escape sets can also be used for tank entry.

38.HC gas with a concentration of __________ by volume can be discharge from the
deck level
Ans. Less than 5%

39.Ullage is measurement of air gap above the liquid surface up to the gauging cap
Ans. True

40.What should be done for emergency method of cargo discharging in the event of
hydraulic deep well pump in single or two tanks
Ans. Release igg pressure connect hyd. Pipes of portable hyd. Pump through tank lid.

41.Out turn certificate

Ans. A document issued by the receivers of cargo indicating the amount of cargo
1. It is a rule that the inert gas supply to the cargo tanks must be provided for

(c) securing and locking in a closed position

2. Which of the following methods is the widely used method for trace gas analysis?

(b) conductometric method

3. Duties of technical team or engineers team

(b) start fire pump and emergency generator

(C) maintain communication with bridge team

(d) both B and C

4. Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

(b) yes it is

5. A bigger spell of LPG will be visible as a . which is condensed water vapour from the

(a) white cloud

6. What is is the abbreviation of IAPH?

(a) international association of ports and harbours

7. The gas passing after scrubbed of particular matters and sulphurous gases still contains
......... which must be removed.

(b) water drops

8. A centrifugal bilge pump requires priming ……..

(b) due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction (eye) of the impeller
9. In IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends on
the……… of the gas.

(a) temperature

10. What are the additional requirements on tankers for safety?

(d) emergency towing arrangement

11. A scrubber tower which is normally acts as a…..

(b) cooler

12. The fire control draft on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted on board in port
and copy of this plan shall in addition be available somewhere else. Where must this copy be

(c) at the gang way

13. Heat released from fire 80% of heat is conducted through conduction.

(a) True

14. Permit to work on a tanker berth should not be carried out until permission is obtained from

(d) terminal representative

15. The master is the incharge of the technical team.

(b) False

16. What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

(a) the rescue and treatment of casualties and safeguarding others

(b) minimising damage to ship, property and environment

(c) containing and bringing the incident under control

(d) all of the above

17. An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room or any
space in normal use by personnel is called

(c) void space

18. While taking part in fire on board, act if the fire is real.

(a) True

19. At what point do you sound the fire alarm?

(b) as soon as you see it

20. Inert gas blowers are..........

(c) turbine type centrifugal blower fans

21. What is cofferdam?

(b) white or empty space separating two tanks

22. Bull works are generally not permitted in the cargo tanks areas because

(a) they tend to contain heavy vapours in board during cargo operations

23. When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo heater runs in
........ With the cargo pump

(a) series

24. What is the type of gas carrier based on hazardous nature of the cargo which has maximum

(d) Type 3G

25. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?

(d) refer to the vessel's certificate of inspection

26. What is a dead weight scale?

(a) the maximum dead weight the vessel can achieve

27. Lifeboats should have

(a) 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

28. Who completes the declaration of inspection before loading a tank vessel ?

(c) designated person in charge

29. What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?

(b) dry powder

30. What is critical pressure (bars, absolute) of methane?

(a) 44.7
1. Which kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed in an tanker engine room and
pump room.
• CO2 Plant

2. Chapter______ addresses aspects, which are the responsibility of the operator.

• 16
3. During Cargo operation fire hose to be kept rigged at________

4. Water Extinguishes the fire by.

• cooling

5. Fire fighting systems for cargo fire

• Both a & b

6. Care should be taken when disconnecting cargo pipelines and lines because____
• Residues may spill out

7. Which of the following terms is used identify the pressure of the liquid entering a
• Net positive suction head

8. Crude oil wash (COW) is

• A method of cleaning tanks using oil from the ships cargo. COW is normally used
when a tankers is discharging.

9. Carbon mono oxide gas is poisonous

• true

10.All Noxious liquid substances are listed in the IBC code Chapter______
• 17

11.What is the pumping capacity depending on?

• Total pressure head

12.The minimum oxygen required for combustion.

• 16
13.LOT is defined as both a procedure and a practice.
• Load on top
14.The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to_____
• Provide for the flow & ingress of gas/air in small volume of the tank atmosphere
caused by variation in temperature
1. In a type 2 chemical tanker the tank’s capacity is limited to _______

Ans 3000 cubic meter

2. Fixed foam monitors having a maximum capacity of _______ L/min

Ans 7700

3. When discharging a double hulled tanker, the discharge plan must into the account

Ans inerting is adequate with respect to discharge

4. The main inert gas distribution fans can be run on air mode with the following

Ans as per the demand of gas freeing time availability

5. Who should tank cleaning is supervised by.

Ans responsible person

6. The type of remote controlled valves most commonly used on product oil/ crude oil tanker

Ans gate valve, globe valve and butterfly valve

7. The proportion of nitrogen in inert gas is approximately

Ans 77% by volume or 78% by volume

8. Chapter 4 of marpol annex VI was adopted on

Ans 15 july 2011

9. As per definition of marpol annex-1 , a crude oil tanker means

Ans crude oil along with some refined product

10. the IBC code lists, in its _________ chapter the requirements that must be satisfied by ship
prior to being certified specific cargoes it is intended to carry

Ans 14

11. if at sea the inert gas control panel failure alarm is activated, it may necessary to conduct

Ans put off control panel and restart by the make procedure

12. the low velocity fog applicator used in conjunction with the purpose fire fighting

Ans left in place in the all purpose nozzle

13. if a cargo is of low flash point it is said to be ______

Ans flammable

14. blacks oils are generally

Ans static accumulator

15. cargo educator nozzle is made of which of the following material

Ans phosphor bronze cast

16. cargo samples in general are analyzed in order to _________

Ans control quality

17. oxygen deficiency will begin to (question not completed )

Ans 21% by volume

18. when would you enter a space using a BA escape set (EEBD)

Ans If you could see there was a gas leak but only a smell

19. which of these following tankers do not normally have cargo handling arrangement?

Ans a chemical / product tanker

20. what is full form of AUS in an oil tanker

Ans automatic unloading system

21. clean ballast may discharge _________

Ans only by gravity

22. what is cubic limitation: - this is usually caused by loading a light crude ( crude with a high
API) or clean produce

Ans reaching cargo tank capacity before vessel sinks to its load link

23. the petroleum remaining after the removal of product such as methane is termed ________

Ans crude oil

24. what is the purpose for the boom

Ans none of the above

25. what do you meant by aframax

Ans both B & C ( a tanker of such size as to take commercial advantage under world scale, a type
of tanker trades within advantage to average fright rate convention)

26. an inert gas system should be used to ______

Ans reduce the oxygen content in tanks

27. as well as chemical cargoes, what may chemical tankers also be used to transport _____

Ans other liquid products

28. in tankers the central equipment is available either for installation in __________ location

Ans hazardous

29. prior starting cargo operation ______ checklist has to be completed and signed

Ans ship shore safety

30. fixed foam monitors having operating capacity of throwing ______ m

Ans 70m

31. one of the following is not an alarm on an inert gas plant in general, which one.

Ans low oxygen alarm

32. In IG the mass of the water vapor contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends on
the ______ of the gas

Ans temperature

33. Often on dedicated trades and usually carrying in a single cargo such as an acid, molten
Sulphur, molten phosphorus , methanol , fruit juice , palm oil, ands wine . cargo tanks are
coated or stainless steel according to the trade

Ans small tankers to medium sized ships.

34. When should employees be informed of the fire hazards to which they are exposed at work

Ans upon the initial assignment

35. What is fire wire

Ans wire for pulling burning ships off the pier

36. Procedures and equipment for the collection of hydrocarbon vapors from vessel tanks and
the transfer to shore side recovery equipment

Ans vapor recover system (VRS)

37. What is harbor dues

Ans various entering charges against all seagoing vessels entering of channel depth buoys and
light etc

38. The minimum oxygen required for combustion

Ans 16%

39. Why is a warning sign displayed at the gangway or access point of a barge cargo transfer

Ans to keep visitor away form the barge

Which of the following is not a standard type of cargo tank on chemical tankers?

@ Independent tank

gravity tank

Suspendedtank @
Integral tank

The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks should be not less than what percentage of the oil-carrying capacity of the vessel ?
3% ©



Chemical tankers carry :

@ Crude petroleum

Products like kerosene

Noxious liquid substaces @

Clean products

What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?

Centrifugalpump ©@

@ Eductor

Rotary pump

Reciprocating pump

Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent on a chemical tanker?

Integral gravity type e@

@ Integral pressure type

Independent pressure type

Independent gravity type

During loading/unioading operations on a tanker the accommodation ventilation is set to:
70% recirculation and 30% intake from atmosphere.

® 80% recirculation and 20% intake from atmosphere.

90% recirculation and 10% intake from atmosphere. @

95% recirculation and 5% intake from atmosphere.

Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:

An isolating valve

The deck water seal @

A valve provided in the scrubber
@ The deck mechanical non-return valve
What is Cold Work?

@ Work that involves working at lower temperatures

Work that involves using hand tools only

Work that cannot create a source of ignition @

Work that is carried out at lower than ambient temperatures

What is Clingage?

Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed

® Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has been removed

Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed

The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank

Which pump must always be primed?

Centrifugal pump @
Reciprocating pump
e Rotary pump
The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with

Seven and Eight carbon atoms

Two and four carbon atoms

five and six carbon atoms

Four and seven carbon atoms

What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?

2 - 8%

0-2% @
3 -5%

The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from any part of the world is


Aromatic @


Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :

reducing density
increase viscosity

preventing sludge formation @

Specific gravity is used by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to classify various

Viscosities of oil

Vapor densities of oil

Weights of oil @
Volumes of oil

Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric pressure at

60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)

15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)

25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)

37.8 DegC (100 DegF) @

How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important quantities?





In the chemical composition of typical petroleum

The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon

The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon, e@

The asphalt consist of 12 - 115% Hydrohen

The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena

AA liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than

50° F

60° F

70° F

80° F

10. E93

Percentage of hydrocarbons present in the raw fuel will NOT affect

The coloration of the fuel

Viscosity of the fuel

Water content

The hydrocarbons give the combustible nature.of the petroleum

1. 0
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture

Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it

Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents e@

2. (1)

Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :

continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. @
improper use of proper PPE

3. (1)

The main elements of peak safety performance are :

reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment. @

4. 0)
Organisational safety value aims at :

< 2 incidents in a year

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year

Zero incident programme @

allow only one incident per year.

5. (1)

Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement

For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can
be improved.
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism

A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many
industries to measure personnel injuries

A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the date or shift when it occurred.
Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond


A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard: D- Specific Hazard @

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard

A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:

The use of high capacity tank washing machines @

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.

Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition the vapour from flammable liquids (including oi! fuel and lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated
above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment) despite the absence of external flame or sparks.

3 (1)

What is Brush Discarge ?

Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and
releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours.

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and
releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and
releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high but not sufficient for a spark or arc. e@

4 (1)

How ts Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?

Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours

Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction @
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature

5. (1)

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oi! tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:

One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence of high levels of static electricity.

Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.

Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge. e
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.
6. (1)

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of.


brush discharge

propagating brush discharge

electric discharge accompanied by aspark @

7. (1)

What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?

Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions e
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud

8. (1)

Electrons have :

no charge

positive charge

negative charge @

9. (1)

H2S gas is:

less toxic

toxic, corrosive and flammable @

10 0)
What is Cargo inhibition?

All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are
added to the cargo e
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors
are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
What is hot work ?

Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures

Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of a flammable gas mixture. @
The temperature is very high where the work is done
Work carried out using hot material

The permit to work should not last for more than

12 hours

24hourss @
36 hours

48 hours

What are closed operations ?

Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports @
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks

Remote control of tank delivery valves

Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank

What is meant by “intrinsically safe” ?

Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere

An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of igniting a
gas mixture @
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere

Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere

What is volatile petroleum ?

Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C

Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C

Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C

Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 DegreesC @

What is cathodic protection ?

Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship

Anodes placed in the stern of a ship

Protection of the hull of a ship

The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques @

What is the other name for flammable gas detector?

Oxygen analyser

Explosimeter @
7. (
What is the other name for flammable gas detector?

Oxygen analyser

Explosimeter @

8. (
What is flash point ?

The lowest temperature at which aaliquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid. @
The temperature at which the gas is not flammable

The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas

The temperature at which an explosion is not possibile

9 (
What is an inert condition ?

When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank

When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank

A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas. @
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank

10. (
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :

closed ullaging

use of only approved PPE on deck

bonding and grounding @

having continuous pipe lengths.
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?


Smoking @

While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :

Midle of the tank

Top of the tank

Bottom of the tank @

What is the maximum time duration for which EEBD is designed for ?

5 Mins

6 Mins

10Mins @


What marking must be clearly visible on a crane?

Manufacturer's logo

Safe workingload @
Make of the crane

Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wide range of chemicals?

Cotton with out coating.

PVC coated fabric. e

What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code?

International Security Mandate

Internal Safety Management

International Safety Management

Internal Security Management

Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?

Safety spectacles.

Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet) @

What international regulatory requirements govern management & organization onboard?

OPA 90

STCW & the ISM Code of the IMO @

What is the first step in preparing a casualty who is breathing with proper heartbeat but unconscious?

Insert guidel airway

Establish airway is clear

Place casuality in recovery position. @

What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?

Part of SOLAS for safety of crew

Part of th Company's policies & procedures for first aid

Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures to ensure safe/good performance

Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems

Water extinguishes aa fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

Flame inhibition

Cargo stowage plan shall be kept in:
Master's safe.

Under safe upkeep of chief officer.

An accessible place on board. @

What does "NLS" mean?

Normal liquid substance

Not listed items in store.

Noxious liquid substance @

Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:


chainreaction @


Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in:

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.
chemical tankers.

Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Class DD fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?


A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only
if applied promptly

if applied in connection with foam

to prevent rekindling

if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed

What does "CRS" stand for?

Certified radio station.

Control room section.

Coast radio station.

Tanks of tankers do not exceed:
0.1 of ship’s length

0.15 of ship’s length

0.2 of ship's length

0.25 of ship's length

What is ALARP ?

As low as reasonably practicable @

As large as represented particles
As low as reading practice
As little as represented portion

Which one of the following is not a piping system found on an oil tanker?

Ring main system

Integrated system @
Direct line system

Free flow system

The pipeline system that has valves fitted on bulkheads is called:

The direct line system

The free flow system @

The ring main system
The free line system

The cargo space is separated from the accommodation on tankers by:

a thermal and structural boundary, a SOLAS Convention regulation

a thermal and structural boundary, a MARPOL Convention regulation

a thermal and structural boundary, a class requirement

a thermal and structural boundary, a Loadline Convention regulation
Tank coating requirements developed by IMO are applicable to

new crude oil tankers of 5000 GRT and above

new crude oil tankers of 5000 DWT and above

new crude oil tankers of 500 GRT and above

new crude oil tankers of 500 DWT and above

Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers
when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals

The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to

store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments

give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with liquid

keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased

prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming in contact in case of a leak

What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?

The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing

The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing

A deepwell pump is a type of

screw pump

centrifugal pump

gear pump
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric pressure at

60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)

15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)

25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)

37.8 DegC (100 DegF) @

The density of a crude or refined product measured, which is equal to (141.5/specific gravity)—131.5) is known as

API Density

Specific Gravity
Density (Kg/M3)
API gravity (°API)

What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating during its carriage?

5% of the Tank capacity

10% of the Cargo capacity

2% ofthe Tank capacity ©@

1% of the Tank capacity

How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important quantities?




Four @

What is the other name used for liquids’ freezing or solidification point?

Boiling point

Melting point @
Pour point

Saturation point

Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas

Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion

Fick's Laws of Diffusion

Henry's Law @

Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as

Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuet oil etc.

Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc. @

Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc.

Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is

Lighter than air

Heavier than air @
Same as air density

What is the other name for paraffin?


cyclo paraffin

4. 0
An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one in which the valence of some of the carbon atom is not satisfted by single bond, so that these atoms are connected to one another
with two or more covalent bonds. Find the correct example for Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Benzene @


Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to:

continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. @
improper use of proper PPE

2. (1)

Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement

For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can
be improved. e
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism

A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many
industries to measure personnel injuries

A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the date or shift when it occurred.

3. (1)

Organisational safety value aims at :

< 2 incidents in a year

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year

Zero incident programme e

allow only one incident per year.

4. (1)

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture

Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it

Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents e

5 (1)

The main elements of peak safety performance are :

reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :

dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration


H2S gas is:

less toxic

toxic, corrosive and flammable

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:

One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence of high levels of static electricity.

Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.

Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge.

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.

What is putrifaction?

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition

Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated

Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers

Electrons have :

no charge

positive charge

negative charge

What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction

Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction

Both exothermic and endothermic reactions

1. (1)

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oi! tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:

One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence of high levels of static electricity.

Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.

Vapours from lifting or teaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge. e
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.

2. (1)

H2S gas is:

less toxic

toxic, corrosive and flammable @

3 (1)

What is Cargo inhibition?

All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are
added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors
are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color

4 (1)

Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :

dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

ignited r

5 (1)

How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?

Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded

Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded e

Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization

6. (1)

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of,


brush discharge

propagating brush discharge

electric discharge accompanied by aspark @
7 (1)

What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction e

Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction

Both exothermic and endothermic reactions

8 (1)

How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?

Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours

Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction e
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature

What is the flammable range ?

Vapor concentration below LEL

Vapor concentration above UEL

Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL @

10 a
What is a spark ?

Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat
that is available to ignite a flammable atmosphere. e
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat
that is available to ignite a non flammable atmosphere.

Sparks can occur during cargo movement and sloshing in an inerted tank
Occasional Sparks from the main engine exhaust can cause a fire in the drydocks.
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :

dissipated in atmosphere
reduced in vapor concentration

ignited e

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,

brush discharge

propagating brush discharge

electric discharge accompanied byay aspark @

What is putrifaction?

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition @

Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition when heated

Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers

Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?
Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. @
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage

How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?

Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded

Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded e

Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization

What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?

Quantity of Spill
Weather conditions @
Thermal inversion

diameter of the vapour cloud

What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction Cd

Self reaction
Endothermic self reaction

Both exothermic and endothermic reactions

Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond


A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard @

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard

A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard

How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?

Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours

Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction e
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature

What is Cargo inhibition?

All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are
added to the cargo

Some chemical cargoes some physica! and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors
are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
What is Upper flammable limit ?

The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks

The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion

Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
To the whole body
To several organs of the human body
To the skin only

ona a specific organ @

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :

a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.

MSDS for added inhibitor.

Inhibitor certificate valid forthe voyage @

What is pour point ?

The temperature at which oil gets frozen

The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid @
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated

What is bonding ?

Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges

The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity

Making a ship to shore cable connection

Connecting together flexible couplings on deck

6. (1)

What is an inert condition ?

When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank

When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank

A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or Jess by volume by the addition of inert gas. @

When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank

7. (1)

The permit to work should not last for more than

12 hours

24hourss @
36 hours

48 hours

8. (1)

Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:

Light crude oils

Sour crude oils @
Refined products

Chemical cargoes

9. (1)

What is a hot work permit ?

Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision

A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular time interval in a defined space @

Document used fpr work in a drydock

Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning

10. (1)

What is flash point ?

The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid. @

The temperature at which the gas is not flammable

The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas

The temperature at which an explosion is not possible

Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :

Thermal burns

Chemical wounds

Chemical burns. @

The change in resistance of hot filament in tankscope is displayed as :

% volume of oxygen

% volume of inert gas

% volume of hydrocarbon @

For Oxygen analyzer, identify the key principle upon which the analyzer is working,

A Wheatstone bridge circuit is formed using the two wires. It is used to measure a resistance by balancing two legs of the circuit.

The sample of atmosphere is filtered and passed through a diffuser before reaching the two chambers.

One chamber is with a magnetic field and the other without a magnetic field.

A difference in the thermal conductivity of the oxygen with respect to air is developed and this causes an imbalance in the resistance. ©


What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist @

Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation


What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?

Should be clear of rubbish r

Should be covered with muck and debris

Should be allowed to corrode

While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :

Midle of the tank

Top of the tank

Bottom of the tank @

What is the type of gas detection system fitted or spaces with air?

Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces

Infrared type using sequential measurement

Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method

Catalytic combustion type @

Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?

Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles.
Face shield (usually combined with helmet) @

Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.

Copious quantity of fresh air

Pressurized oxygen pumped

Space to be ventilated for 24 hours

Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life @

The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures performance


Safe r
Foam extinguishes aa fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion @

Flame inhibition

Class C fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment @

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

What does "NLS" mean?

Normal liquid substance

Not listed items in store.

Noxious liquid substance @

When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the meter needle in the red zon

a whistle sounding off e

a slight difficulty in breathing

the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller

his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying

What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?

Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all valves in the system.
Flush the system complete with sea water. @

What is the minimum requirement for CO? gas to be released to fight a fire in the engine room?

60% of CO? to be discharged within two minutes

85% of CO> to be discharged within two minutes @

75% of CO to be discharged within two minutes
What is the minimum requirement for CO2 gas to be released to fight a fire in the engine room?

60% of CO to be discharged within two minutes

85% of CO2
to be discharged within two minutes

75% of COz to be discharged within two minutes

Cargo stowage plan shall be kept in:
Master's safe.

Under safe upkeep of chief officer.

An accessible place on board. @

8. E3
What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?

1000:1 @
5:1 to 15:1

1250 litres/min

1000 liters/min

Carbon dioxide extinguishes aa fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion @

Flame inhibition

Class BB fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.

Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
You are discharging cargo and the inert gas system is in operation to inert the tanks. The pressure in a tank being discharged starts to drop below the
allowable limit. What action should you take?

Cut in another IG fan to increase gas flow.

Open the pressure control valve until the pressure increases.

Open the tank isolation valve to the fully open position.

Reduce the pumping rate. e

If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, what action should you take FIRST?
Close the valves at the transfer manifold

Notify the person in charge of the shore facility

Shut down the transfer operation e
Sound the fire alarm

Pollution regulations require that each scupper in an enclosed deck area have a

wooden plug

soft rubber plug

two-piece soft patch

mechanical means of closing @

Insulating flanges minimize the dangers arising from

A, smoking on deck

loading asphalt
accumulations of electrostatic charges @

tank over-pressurization

Which instrument is suitable for determining the presence of explosive concentrations of fuel oil vapors in tanks?

A flame safety lamp

A combustible gas indicator @
Alliquid cargo
A meter

Inert gas systems must be capable of maintaining inert gas with an oxygen content by volume in the cargo tanks of not more than



8% ©@

Inert gas systems must be capable of maintaining inert gas with an oxygen content by volume in the cargo tanks of not more than



8% ©@


The lowest temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion of a substance independent of any outside source of ignition is called

explosive range
flash point

ignition temperature @
combustion temperature

As per Marpol requirements, Every crude oil tanker of tonnes deadweight and above delivered after 1st June 1982, shall be fitted with a cargo tank
cleaning system using

5000, Sea Water Washing

10000, Fresh Water Washing

20000, Crude Oil Washing e@

30000, Bilge Water Washing

In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should

start to load at maximum pressure

start to load slowly @

increase the air flow into the tank
use the overall method of loading only

Petroleum cargo tanks should not be topped off at deck level when loading on a cold day because

a subsequent temperature rise will cause the cargo to overflow e

air pockets may cause the cargo to bubble out of the ullage hole

the increased viscosity of the product requires higher loading pressure which increases the chances of aa spill

the tank valve may be stiff and a spill will occur before the valve can be closed
1. Chapter 4 of marpol Annexe vi deals with regulations on - all the above (nox, sox,
energy efficiency)
2. in the event of pneumatic remote control failure in the inert gas plant the I/P and E/P
controllers during discharge -
3. When approaching a fire from windward, you should shield firefighters from the fire by
using an applicator and - low velocity fog
4. A raised bridge running fore and aft from the Midship House, and also called
"walkway." It affords safe passage over the pipelines and other deck obstructions -
5. Start up the scrubber tower cooling water pump and water onto the scrubber ____
min before starting the blowers -
6. crude oil of ships consists different types of - hydrocarbons
7. in ig system in the flue gas line ____ should be as far above the economiser or
pipeline - uptake
8. deficient oxygen content inside a confined space can be detected with - combination
personal gas pocket detector
9. The minimum safety during EGB soot blow must be carried out with - at 8 hrs
10. Which topic is not required to be discussed at the pre transfer conference -
estimated time of finishing cargo
11. in tankers general positioning combustible and toxic gas detectors include - sources
of leaking gas

12. In a sample of ethyl ethanoate CH3COOC2H5 the two oxygen

atoms have the same number of electrons but different number of

neutrons. Which of the following is the correct reason for it - The

two oxygen atoms are isotopes

13. The inert gas leaving the demister is saturated with - 100% RH
14. What should cargo sample lockers be constructed of - fully resistant material
15. What is the required diameter of crude oil wash lines according to the ship -
16. What is meaning of interface level - level between oil and water
17. clean ballast may be discharged - only by gravity
18. Internally lined deck seal shells should be fitted with - steam trap
19. the physical data of a liquid chemicals can be found on - MSDS
20. segregated/dedicated ballast - it is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes
and tanks
21. Inhibitors are used to stop the product from - self reacting
22. The vessels light displacement is the weight of the vessel only and the vessels loaded
displacement - true/false
23. International load line certificate A document issued by a classification society - true
24. What are these type of tankers - 80000-159999 DWT
25. Coiled ship refers to a tanker that is equipped with heating coils in the cargo tanks to
permit the heating of cargo - true
26. Dirty ship -
27. If a bonding cable is connected by the terminal when joining a manifold for cargo
operations - you should not commence cargo operations
28. care should be taken when disconnecting cargo pipelines because - the pipes may be
electrically charged
29. How often shall crew members participate in fire drills - as per regulations
30. Why co2 is not used as an inert gas -
31. Procedures and equipment for the collection of hydrocarbon vapors from vessel’s
tanks and the transfer to shoreside recovery equipment - Vapor Recovery System
32. as well as chemical cargoes what may chemical tankers also be used to
transport - nuclear waste
33. Which of these statements represents the advantage of rotary pumps as
compared to reciprocating pumps - Rotary pumps are capable of pumping
more fluid than reciprocating pumps of the same weight
34. The IG blowers introduce pressure fluctuations in inert gas demand -
35. A phrase sometimes used to describe an action or procedure that is not committed
to writing, but which has been followed for a long time, and is considered ‘standard
practice’ by practitioners in the trade - Custom of the Trade
36. general arrangement plan a drawing of ship which lists all necessary statics and
operating information such as - all of the above
37. Which of these statements is correct concerning the starting of centrifugal pumps -
they should always be started with the discharge valve closed
38. tankers will have additional fireman outfit other normal requirements - no excess
39. Chemical tankers are required to comply with the various safety aspects
detailed in Part B of - SOLAS Chapter VIII
40. All possible source of ignition to below areas has to be restricted - all of the
41. Remote controls for quick-closing shut off valves are required in how many location(s)? - 2
A type 2 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport chapter
17 products with appreciably severe environmental and safety
hazards which require significant preventive measures to
preclude an escape of such cargo - true
43. which party is responsible for arranging the reducers and
enlarger short pieces to the manifold before cargo -
44. the draft read at the middle of the ship markings the draft can and often does differ from
the mean draft - midship draft
45. the draft read at the middle of the ship markings is called - 5 year
46. An oil with an electrical conductivity greater than 50 picoSiemens/metre (pS/m) -
static non accumulator oil
47. If the flash point of an oil cargo is 580C it is said to be - non volatile
48. ______ is a mixture of hydrocarbons which under normal conditions are - crude oil
49. what type of ships are commonly known as pre marpol tankers - a ship which do not
comply with the requirements for protectively located segregated ballast tanks
50. Permanent or portable ventilation systems may be fitted to - both a and b engine room
and pump room
51. Minimum oxygen requirement for combustion - 5%
52. marpol annex 1 and iopp certificate is mandatory for - oil tanker 150 gross ton and above
53. ballast water may be loaded into the tanks previously containing NLS that have been -
properly cleaned
54. An important publication required to be approved by the flag state and carried onboard
chemical tanker - the procedure and arrangements manual
55. in case of failure or erratic reading of fixed oxygen content meter the following
operational condition may be followed -
56. One of the requirements of crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system is
fitted according to the regulation - every cargo tanks
57. PV valve is fitted at - individual cargo tank
58. Category Y: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or
deballasting operations, are deemed to present a hazard to either marine resources or human
health or cause harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify a
limitation on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment - true
59. before inert gas is introduced in a cargo tank it should be established that the oxygen content of
the gas is less than - 5% by volume
60. the main inert gas distribution fans can be run on air mode with the following choices -
61. One of the following is advantage of crude oil washing - tank cleaning work is reduced
62. mast riser fire does not normally occurs during - discharging
63. cargo pump rooms shall be provided with a fixed fire extinguishing system which of the
following system is not in accordance with the regulation - fixed powder fire extinguishing
64. a space that has been declared gas free - can only be said to be gas free at the time of the test
65. Which are the basic safety device fitted on the deck inert gas line to monitor the supply condition
of inerted tanks and pipelines of - all A, B, C
66. What is the purpose of the inert gas scrubber tower - to cool the flue gases and remove oxides of
sulphur from the combustion
67. in spaces when declared gas free further gas may be released, is it safe to carry out hot work by
the following conditions - when hydrocarbon levels become reduced
68. prior gas freeing of cargo tank the hydrocarbon content should be below -
69. coastal small harbor/lake tankers. these small ships supply terminals with a variety of products
from heating oils gasoline kerosene to more exotic fuel and chemicals. they are predominantly
product carriers and are also used extensively in bunkering service in harbor and busy ports - non
of the above
70. A type 1 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport chapter
17 products with very severe environmental and safety hazards
which require maximum preventive measures to preclude an
escape of such cargo - true
71. What is the highest permitted back-pressure for the Cargo
Pump when it is tested - 1.25 times the maximum working pressure
72. the fixed co2 system for the pump room can be used - only one
73. What does the term pH value of a chemical cargo refers to - the
acidity or alkalinity of a product
74. on tankers the crude oil washing checklist states that during
crude oil washing operations - the inert gas oxygen content must be
below 4.0% in order to start or continue washing
75. when operating with a negative suction head which pump is the
best choice for cargo transfer - reciprocating and could be hydraulic
or gear pump
76. on chemical tankers the term reactivity refers to complications
concerning - the cargo
77. Marpol annex 6 applies to - all ships irrespective of flag state or
port state control requirements
78. How can we maintain necessary NPSH - by control of liquid
79. When should employees be informed of the fire hazard to which
they are - upon the initial assignment
80. A pre-calculated vessel table based on the wedge formula and displayed
much like the vessel’s usual innage/ullage tables. These tables, however, are for
small quantities (on- board quantities, remaining on board) when the cargo or free
water does not touch all bulkheads of the vessel tank - Wedge Table
81. Filling density the ratio of the weight of the liquid in a tank to the weight of distilled
water at 60F the tank will hold - true
82. Category X: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning
or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a major hazard to either marine resources or
human health and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the discharge into the marine
environment - true
83. the simplest method used for determining if centrifugal pump is suitable for operation -
84. Reid vapor pressure - true
85. Fixed foam monitors having a locking angle position for every - 40
86. deficient oxygen content inside a confined space can be
detected with - both b and c (oxy warn and pocket)
87. when entering port for loading the cargo the tank oxygen level
should be - 8% or below
88. A ship with an IAPP (International Air Pollution Prevention)
Certificate - The IAPP and IEE Certificates both are needed when
applicable and existence of one does not eliminate the need for the
other one
89. such as petrol and diesel oil tend to be liquid under normal -
very light molecules
90. fixed foam monitors having operating time of - 20 min
91. After extinguishing a paint locker fire using the fixed CO2 system, the next action
is to have the space - remain closed with vents off until all boundaries are cool
92. What are consequences of high a high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation -
the pressure control valve and the flue gas isolating valve will automatically close
93. The longer an oil fire is permitted to burn, the - harder it is to extinguish
94. what is the expansion ratio for low expansion foam - from
about 5:1 to about 10:1
95. Cargo samples in general are analyzed in order to - control
96. oxygen deficiency will begin to cause problems to
personnel if it is below - 21% by volume
97. In oil tankers continuous analyzers are fitted - permanently,
temporarily, portable, none of the above
98. which of the valves listed should be used either in the fully
opened or the fully closed condition - gate valve
99. displacement tonnage expressed in tons it is the weight the
water displaced by the vessel - true
100. during loading fire fighting equipment should be laid out
ready for use in the vicinity of the - pump room
101. on tankers steam is an efficient form of smothering -
efficient, inefficient, not smother, any of the above
102. such as asphalt and bitumen tend to be solid under normal
atmospheric conditions - very heavy molecules
103. The static suction head of a pump is the - distance of the
suction liquid level above the centre line of the pump
104. prior to starting the hydraulically operated cargo pump for
discharge of cargo it must be ensured that - all the above A,B,C
105. What are easy chemical - all the above (calcium carbonate,
hydrogen chloride, sodium hydroxide)
106. The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with
one or two - pressure/vacuum breaker
107. in pump room and pipe tunnels flameproof electric light
fittings are generally fitted - gas may enter, but even if an explosion takes place
the fittings is so strong that the explosion will be contained within it and will not be blow out
108. What is the alternative means of supply of sea water to the deck seal unit in case of
maintenance or failure of designed deck seal pump
109. inhibited or polymerizable cargoes should not be carried adjacent to - heated
110. onboard tankers in one area sources of ignition are fully controlled - all the above
111. what should be done for emergency method of cargo discharging in the event of
hydraulic deep pump failure -
112. at what temperature of sea water the inert gas quality is good -
113. The internal space can be the lower part of a ship’s hold or the engine room
and serves as a drainage area where accumulated water can run into and be
pumped from is called - bilge
114. Of similar size to parcel tankers but with fewer cargo tanks, mostly
of coated steel rather than stainless, and less sophisticated pump and line
arrangements. Such ships carry the less difficult chemicals, and also trade
extensively with clean oil products - product / chemical tankers
115. name the three isolating devices fitted between the inert gas
bulkhead -
116. what forms by mixing foam concentrate with water - light water
117. If at sea the inert gas control panel failure alarm is activated, it
may be necessary to - Put off control panel and restart by makers
118. The breadth of the hull at the widest part, measured between the
outer surfaces of the frames - Molded Breadth
119. If there is an isolated fire on the poop deck,
where should the master take control from - The
120. the amount of lay time that was taken by the vessel for loading and
discharging on a voyage - usual lay time
121. the flammable range of different chemicals may be - the same
122. inert gas system has scrubber tower in a flue gas from boiler flue gas type
of system what is the arrangement for a separately fired inert gas generator -
the IG generator can also have separate scrubber tower
123. For fighting oil fire on main deck one of the below is best extinguishing medium -
124. onboard we reach the hc content below 8% by volume prior dilution with air - true
125. who completed the declaration of inspection before loading a tank vessel - the
designated person in charge
126. The deadweight scale is also contained on this important chart which is
usually posted outside the ship’s office or mate’s cabin - true
127. the lowest temperature at which oil will continue to flow if it is cooled is called
- pour point
128. a phrase sometime used to describe an action or procedure that is not
commited to writing but which has been followed for a long time and is considered
standard practice by practitioners in the trade - custom of the trade
;ttq-.,. lttc,~ttt,ilil
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦mom..
Government of India

DGS Exam

The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleum gases is about

5000 Kilovolts/ meter

3000 Kilovolts/ meter •

3000 Volts/ meter
5000 Volts/meter
~ '4(Cl~~iflliici
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Draeger tube system is used for :

Ammonia gasdetection

Nitrogen gas detection

Multi gas detection e

~ '1(Cl~ttlltilci
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦&I1£tUIIII
Government of India

DGS Exam

The change in resistance of hot filament in tankscope is displayed as :

% volume of oxygen
% volume of inert gas

% volume of hydrocarbon e
;ffq;J ll(Uf-'tctllil«a
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦mozn•
Government of India

DGS Exam

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening o f the skin but no other apparent damage.Using standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a

Minor burn

Superficial burn

Extremity burn

First-degree burn •
9"tq-.., lt(Cl~~lfllilc4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures _ _ performance


Safe •
.t'hiT&1 lt(Cl~~ltllilif
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What are closed operations ?

Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports •

To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks

Remote control of tank delivery valves

Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank

~· ,. - ~

. ~ Jt(IIP-itttlilfl

, Directorate General of Shipping
--~ .,~~ i,' ~- Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is an inert condition ?

When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank

When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank

A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas. •

When the oxygen is 21 % by volume in a tank

~ 14$1~ttllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is cold work ?

Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere

Work that cannot create a source of ignition •

Carrying out work ,o n reefer containers

Work that can be done only in cold temperatures

!!,.- •

.. ''""' ..,'
~ 11,,~t1tmilc1

' .,
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦m1ttn-1
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is flammable range ?

The range in which nothing will bum

The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion

The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion

The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits. Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning. e
~ ll(Clf-'ttlltilii

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

In chemical tankers with common pipe line, cargo segregation is done by :

isolating tanks after completion of loading

close all valves for tank after completion of loading

inserting blind flanges in pipes concerned. •

~ lf81f.lttlliil4'
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦rn1tu:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :

a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.

MSDS for added inhibitor.

Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage e

~ lttciF.\~tililci
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect

To the whole body

To several organs of the human body

To the skin only

on a specific organ

~.., ll(Cl~atmil4'
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦+3m;1;m•
Government of India

DGS Exam

The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :

closed ullaging

use of only approved PPEon deck

bonding and grounding e
having continuous pipe lengths.
-l'tq-.. 1111f:tttt1t1ca
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦m,w: ..
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is flash point ?

The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid. •

The temperature at which the gas is not flammable

The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas

The temperature at which an explosion is not possible

~ lt(Cl~~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦thaw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?

Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable. •

Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,

Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature

Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
~ lt(Cl~tlfllilcl

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Electrons have :

no charge

positive charge

negative charge e
~... 1t(C1~t,11t1q
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction

Self reaction

Endothermic self reaction

Both exothermic and endothermic reactions

~ lt81f:t~tlltlfi
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦t111ttm•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :

lower the LEL of cargo vapor.

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons

to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion. e
,, - Iii,, ~

._C '°'''•., "..:,; ~ lt(Cff.)~tllitcl

"' i!- 'I'
,, ,
,, .. , Directorate General of Shipping
... • o !af ,,,
- - Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS fxam

What is Cargo inhibition?

~II chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes. under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this cerl3in inhibitors are added to the cargo •

5ome chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold 'Neather in presence of oxygen. to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
~ lt81~~ttllii4'
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:..
Govemment of India

DGS Exam

Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :

dissipated in atmosphere

reduced in vapor concentration


.. ........
~ lf(ll~~tmif:q
,,.. '-'
, Directorate General of Shipping
~ .... Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of .


brush discharge

propagating brush discharge

electric discharge accompanied by a spark •

'!. -- .. "

•I "'•
;thrJit 11(11~~-"""
Directorate General of Shipping
... - ~~
..__. " - ~ Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Why are inhibitors added in the cargo1

Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. e
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
' "'"'•
~ lf81f-'~tllilii

., Directorate General of Shipping
... ... ..... , ~ Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
:::a: Government of India

DGS Exam

The main elements of peak safety performance are :

reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.

no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

~.., 14(Cl~~,lhilia
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Organisational safety value aims at :

< 2 incidents in a year

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year

Zero incident programme

allow only one incident per year.

~· ....,.. ..

! 'I' ..., ~ lt(llf-'tlflltilii

.. . -
\ i ,, Directorate General of Shipping
"" ' ... ,-
, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Inert gas systems must be capable of maintaining inert gas with an oxygen content by volume in the cargo tanks of not more than


8% •

;ffq--, lf(Cl~~tliilq
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦m1w:,-1
Government of India

DGS Exam

A shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan is required of

all vessels, regardless of size and commercial application

any barge or ship constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboard
an oil tanker of 150 gross tons and above, or other ship of 400 gross tons and above

an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

~ 1481~~1tllil4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:

P&A Manual.

IG and COW manuals.

ISM procedures. e
~ lf81f-'~lfllilcl

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The MFAG is published by the:

International Maritime Organisation

World Health Organisation •

United Nations

International Labour Organisation

~ lt(Cl~~tliil"
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors : which one will have the largest impact?

Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, ,or specialized like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc) e
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
~ '4811-'~tiiil«a
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦®m@a
Government of India

DGS Exam

The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the

MARPOL Convention

SOLAS Convention

CLC Convention

Intervention Convention e
~ " ' lt(ll~~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦m,m:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:

From inside the space

From the Bridge

From outside the space •

From the Engine Control Room

~ lf(Cl~~tllilcl

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Lung inflammation will cause:

Breathlessness and drowsiness

Breathlessness and confusion

Breathlessness and a dry cough •

Breathlessness and slurred speech
~ lf$1~~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker shall be deployed at

The aft end of each side of poop deck

The forward end of each side of main deck
The midship on each side of main deck
The aft end of each side of main deck •
~ ¥f(IIQttllilci

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as

D1 and D2
Cl and C2
Bl and B2 •
Al and A2
~ '1(UQ~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦niim:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

With reference to Marpol Annex I , the southern south afrlcan area Is

Protected area
Special control area
Special area •
Restricted area
•• Apps M Gmail '-/ Maps D YouTube G Pankaj Bhardwaj ,... ~ Gym management...

il'tq-"' ll(Cl~tttllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦¥=hiii=ti:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as

Emission control area (ECA)

Special area (SA)

Special emission cont rol area (SECA)
Po llution control area (PCA)
., ..
"""'• ·'..;
~ 11811-'~ltiiilfi
...,. Directorate General of Shipping
..., .._. "; ~ Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways

Government of India

DGS Exam

Containment and Damage Control : which step Is of highest importance for damage control?

All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment, will be on standby.
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill
Action steps minimizing the Impact to the ship and crew.

~ '1$1~~1tilifit

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :

The system clean.

Ready for re use.

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging. e

.tlclfit lt(Cl~ttlltilct
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Water extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling •

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

Flame inhibition
~ ll(Cl~~tllilii
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:


chain reaction •


;flq-., It lC ,f:tt,11 ii cl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Foam extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion •

Flame inhibition
~ lt(Clf:t~ttlilfi
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦t111tw..
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?

Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all valves in the system.

Flush the system complete with sea water. e

~ lt(Cl~~tiliF4

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :

oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.

chemical tankers. •
.t'tag;, 14$1f:tt--lkcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦motm•
Government of India

DGS Exam

During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear off other vessels.

~ li(Clf-'at11ilc4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦ton@..
Government of India

DGS Exam

The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleum gases is about

5000 Kilovolts/meter
3000 Kilovolts/meter e
3000 Volts/ meter
5000 Volts/meter
~ "'''-'~"'";q
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦®m@a
Government of India

DGS Exam

A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should _ __

lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised •

administer a liquid stimulant

lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet

attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness

~ llflQ~tflliilci
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?

1000: 1 •
5 : 1 to 15: 1
1250 litres/ min
1000 liters/ min
~ lt(Clr.t~Criiilfi
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦t111n.m4
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment •

Inform the bridge
Inform his superiors
~ lt(Cl~~tllfiif
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦rnu@a
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist

Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation

~ ltlCl~~ttltFQ
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:

Light crude oils

Sour crude oils e

Refined products
Chemical cargoes
~ lf(CIQ~tiltifct
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:

S minutes

15 minutes e
30 minutes

60 minutes
i" r'l~\J~ ;ttq.f 'ftllf-'ttllflci
KU ~.,
-, -
,. • .;:-:;; -» -
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦manna
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is pour point ?

The temperature at which oil gets frozen

The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid •

The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged

The temperature at which oil needs to be heated

,.- 1-'
~ '1$1~~1flliii4

L,. " ' ""'

:: ! ~
~ ; Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
';:a:: Government of India

OGS Exam

What is non-volatile petroleum ?

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above e

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below

..,..... 11tuf.)a,"""
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:,-1
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is lower flammable limit ?

The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support combustion •

The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion

The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion

The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks

~ lt(llf-'~tllilfl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦wam:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is cold work ?

Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere

Work that cannot create a source of ignition e

Carrying out work on reefer containers

Work that can be done only in cold temperatures

9"hlT., ll(Cl~~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :

closed ullaging

use of only approved PPE on deck

bonding and grounding •

having continuous pipe lengths.

~ '1$lf-'t1t1tilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The permit to work should not last for more than

12 hours

24 hours •

36 hours

48 hours
•• Apps M Gmail 9 Maps D YouTube G Pankaj Bhardwaj ,... ~ Gym management...

;rtq-., ll(ll~tttllil41
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦¥=UIJ:bt:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is a hot work permit ?

Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision

A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular time interval in a defined space e
Document used fpr work in a drydock

Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning

.- .,'-""'•-,~ '...,
~ ll(Clf:.tttll.tcl

-. -· ♦!311tm:•
'I, ~ \ ..,
.., i 3 ., Directorate General of Shipping
,, ~ K v
-., ~ " , Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

H2S gas is :

less toxic


toxic, corrosive and flammable •

~ ..,.r:.t,11.wc1
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦matw ..
Government of India

DGS Exam

Electrons have :

no charge

positive charge

negative charge e
~ A@l~twtlli4ft
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦m1w:a
Government of India

DGS Exam

How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?

Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable. •

Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature

Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
~ lt81~tttlfl4

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :

lower the LEL of cargo vapor.

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons

to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion. e

'!,- -,

" " ~'lfl~tttllilcl


, Directorate General of Shipping

Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
::==. Government of India

DGS Exam

What is Cargo inhibition?

All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change. during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes. under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change. to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo e
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this. certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
... ., ... .,...
I,;,. , .. ,,..._~ 1
~ ,. ~ lt(Clf-'ttlliilcl
..... ..
,,~ ;
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Why are inhibitors added in the cargo?

Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. •

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
il'hrfit '1(11f.'t~ltiiili4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The main elements of peak safety performance are :

reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.

no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

~ '1811-'~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Organisational safety value aims at :

< 2 incidents in a year

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year

Zero incident programme

allow only one incident per year.

~ lt(Cl~~fililc¥

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?

Quantity of Spill

Weather conditions e
Thermal inversion

diameter of the vapour cloud

::i Apps M Gmail 9 Maps D YouTube G Pankaj Bhardwaj ,... -I' Gym management...

;rtq-., 1181'-'tttllil'4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦¥=hii:£Ga
Government of India

DGS Exam

How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon M onoxide?

Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours

Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction

Putrificat ion occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
- -
~ li81~atliilci

,, Directorate General of Shipping
...._. ,,
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :

continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. •

improper use of proper PPE

~ lt(Cl~atllit4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦mam:-1
Government of India

DGS Exam

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture ; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture

Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occu r following unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents

il'hrp lt(Clffl~tiiilci
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Parafflnic, Paraffinic- Nephthenic and Aromatic Intermediate are the three classification of

Natural gas

Crude oll •
~ 1ttnf.'itt11.wc1

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Higher viscosity means

Proper atomization of fuel

Rich atomization of fuel

Poor atomization of fuel

~ '1811-'ttllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum?

0.20% •
0 . 1 - 6%
2 - 8%
12 - 15%
~ 'ffl'-'tttliil"

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is

Lighter than air

Heavier than air •
Same as air density
~ '4(Clf-'a1tliiicl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?

Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure

Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure

Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
~ 1ttt1Qtt11.wc1
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦®m:wa
Government of India

DGS Exam

Of the hydrocarbons found In nature, which Is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons, which can be free or dissolved ?

Crude oil
Refined oil
Natural gas •
~ lt(ll~tlflliiici
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between layers of flowing liquid is:

Viscosity of Liquid
Force of friction between liquid layers e
Velocity of the fluid
Vapor pressure of liquid
~ lltcl'-'~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be

available close to, the pump room

kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person e
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked
~ lt(Clf.)~tllilct
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦matw ..
Government of India

DGS Exam

What do you understand from the term "Bleed off COW" ?

The process of pressure testing the COW lines onboard

The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for reducing rate
The process of diverting part of cargo discharged for crude oil washing e
The process of draining oil from the COW lines after washing
~ lt(Clf:t~tllilfi
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦Maten ..
Government of India

DGS Exam

In the displacement method of purging and inerting, the inert gas:

enters from the top of the tank

enters from the bottom of the tank

mixes with the original tank atmosphere

could enter from the bottom or the top of the tank

;flq'-"' it (11f:t t lfli ii '4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦mnw..
Government of India

DGS Exam

Your vessel is taking on fuel when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping stopped. Before you resume pumping, you should

notify the terminal superintendent

place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers

repair the hose with a patch

replace the hose

~ '1$1~~ifliilci

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of

Aluminium alloy
stainless steel •
nickel alloy
9"tq-., lfdl~~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦+31H:Li:14
Government of India

DGS Exam

An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?

Crude oil

Heavy oil

Diesel oil

Gas oil •
:: ,,,
t. , .... ,.. J
" i~

...,, ,.
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦@nm•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric pressure at

60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)

15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25 .0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37 .8 Deg C (100 Deg F) •
~ lttctf-'ttiliil'4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What Is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating during its carriage?

5% of the Tank capacity

10% of the Cargo capacity
2% of the Tank capacity e
1 % of the Tank capacity
~ .. ,,f-'~lfiiiici
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The ring main pipeline system is extensively used o n:


Crude oil tankers

Medium range tankers

Product carriers e
~ 11811-'~tllilii
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦®11m:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Which of the following statements is not true with regard to chemical tanker pump room?

Pump discharge pressures can be read from outside the pump room
Pump room bilge system can be operated from outside the pump room
The ladders for normal access should not be vertical and should have platforms
Rescue equipment for hoisting injured person should be available at the deck store e
~ '1(Cl~tlfttilil
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦waw:111
Government of India

DGS Exam

You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how much of the accumulated oily waste must you be able to retain on board?



100% .
.thip lt(tl~~ttllil4'

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been stopped and fire-control personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to - - - - - - 1

proceed with fueling operation

have helicopter move to a safer location

wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water e

clean spilled fuel with rags
~ . , ¥i(llf:tttllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦mom..
Government of India

DGS Exam

A gas venting system 011 a tanker that has gas lines in each tank connected to a common gas main running the full length of the ship is called:

A gas-main system

A common-main system •

A vent-main system

An independent system
il'tq""., .. ,,~t.11 .. 4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦mattn•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement.

Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment

Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment

Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment •

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Acidic solutions are formed in cargo tanks of tankers

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with water

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with oxygen

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with hydrocarbon gas

when sulphur compounds in oil cargoes react with chemicals

Heavy fuel oils when spilled are

More harmful to sea life than lighter oils

Oeasier to clean up than lighter refined oils

Oless harmful to sea life than lighter oils.c

Onot a real threat to marine life

Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?

PVC gloves.

Rubber gloves

Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.c

A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given

Oa small dose of alcoho

Otreatment for shock.b

A large meal

A brisk rub down

What are all the three basic stages which leads to a potential static hazard and necessary for an
electrostatic ignition

Viscosity, charge seperation and temperature

Charge accumulation, velocity and density

Charge separation, charge accumulation and electrostatic discharge.c

Flammable gas, air and heat source

The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called

(a) condensation

(b) fusion

©latent heat

(d) solidification
Answer: C

What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system?

(a) to avoid running inert gas when oxygen content increased to to 86 volume

(b) for using inert gas in gas free mode

© if the tank pressure in IGS system drops to 100 mm of water gauge

Cargo oil pump will trip

d) atmosphere valve will get fully open if oxygen content increases to 8% by volume


A centrifugal pump requires priming..

(a) to initially unload the pump by having its head pressure equal to discharge pressure

(b) due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye of the impeller

© in order to overcome the potential energy of water in the discharge line

(d) primary to lubricate the shaft seal


Segregated or dedicated blast

(a) it is meant by segregation of dirty and clean blast

(b) it is meant by individual tank blast water in tanks which has been exchanged

And which are yet exchanged

©it is the standard quantity of ballast maintained by any ship in a repeated

Voyage in the same trade

(d) it is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tanks

Answer: D

ISGOTT stands for

(a) international safety guide for oil tankers and terminals

(b) international safety guide for oil tanker and terminal

© international safety guide for gas and oil tankers

(d) international safety guide for oil terminals

Answer :A

One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system

Be fitted. According to regulations supply of an inert gas system can have portable

Connection to which spaces other than cargo tank?

(a) every cargo tank

(b) every cargo tank, slope tank and cofferdam

© every cargo tank and slope tank

(d) every cargo tank, slope tank, cofferdam and ramp space

Answer :C

During cargo operations, a wind blowing may .

(a) lower the temperature of the oil cargo

(b) form eddies containing petroleum vapour

© decrease air pressure in a cargo tank

(d) increase air pressure in a cargo tank

Answer: B

Slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

(a) only on clean blast tankers

(b) yes it is

() only on segregated blast tankers

(d) no it is not

Answer : B

During gas dispersion, ifa chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase

Is needed, then the preferred choice is

(a) agitated vessel

(b) sparked vessel

© tray tower

(d) wetted wall column


It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided for

(a) drainage of the inert gas

(b) fitting blind or spectace flanges

© securing and locking in a closed position

(d) easy removal and inspection

Answer: C

Cause of uncontrolled liquid or vapour release can occur through

(a) over fillings of tanks

(b) unforeseen opening of safety relief valves,

Bursting hose or cargo piping fracture

© tank or pipe leakage

(d) all of the above

Answer: D

What is the best method for extinguishing fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas?

(a) cooling the gas below the ignition point

(b) stopping the flow of gas

©interrupting the chain reaction

(d) cutting off the supply of oxygen

Answer: B

A bigger spell of LPG will be eligible as a.. which is condensed water vapour

(a) white cloud

(b) blue cloud

© black cloud

(d) none of these

Answer: A

A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partialy open

(a) minimise

(b) maximise


(d) none


IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated

Gas depends on the . Of the gas.

(a) temperature

(b) pressure

© volume

(d) velocity

Answer A

That part of the ship which contains the cargo containment system, cargo pumps,

Compressor room containment system, excluding where fitted, cofferdams, ballast

Tanks and void spaces at the after end of forward most hold space are known as

(a) cargo containment

(b) cargo area

(d) none of the above


The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

(a) major pressure or suction levels in cargo tanks

(b) enable load or discharge of oil without opening sighting ports

© provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres

(d) provide an audible alarm in the event of pressure build up


What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

(a) the rescue and treatment of casualties and safeguarding others

(b) minimising damage to ship, property and environment

© containing and bringing the incident under control

(d) all of the above

Answer: D

Hy the carriage and usage of hand gas lighters are provided on board oil and chemical

Tankers? What is used for igniting a fire?

(a) intrinsically safe lighters are used to test the heat and flame detectors

(b) safety igniters are used for lighting out gas torches before heart work

© safety matches are available to use in the designated smoking area

(d) both a and c

Answer: C

An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room

Or any space in normal use by personnel is called

(a) accommodation

(b) gas free area

© void space

(d) none of the above

Answer: C

What are consequences of high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?

(a) the plant is shutdown

(b) the pressure control valve and the fire isolating valves will automatically close
© the alarm in ccr will sound loud and plant will auto stop

(d) the deck demand valve will automatically close, the atmosphere purge valve

Will open and furnace press pressure control valve will close

Answer: C

The static suction head of a pump is the.

(a) Distance the suction liquid level is below the centre line of the pump

Amount in inches of Mercury the total section head is below atmospheric pr

© force necessary to overcome frictional losses in the pump and piping

(d) distance of the suction liquid level above the centerline of the pump


How can you determine which grades of cargoa tank vessel is permitted to car

(a) check the loading order

(b) ask the terminal supervisor or his representative

© examine the cargo tanks and fittings

(d) refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection

Answer: D

When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and

Cargo heater runs in . with the cargo pump

(a) series

(b) parallel

() equally

(d) none


Lifeboats should have

(a) 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

(b) 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15 m buoyant line
© 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

(d) 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15 m buoyant line

Answer :A

A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inerted by introducing

Inert gas through a process known as

(a) evaporation

(b) dilution

© displacement

(d) precipitation


What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?

(a) water

(b) dry powder

© foam

(d) combination of water mist and CO2


He buildup of wet solids on the 1G blower impeller blade tips indicates..proble

(a) Baffles

(b) Deck Seal

© Demister

(d) None of the above

Answer: C

Third degree of burn is destruction of skin and possible under laying fat, muscle.

(a) True

In a scrubber, … is readily observed by water.

A S02

(b) S03

© S04

(d) SOx

) An Inert Gas System should be used toD?

A) Prevent Fires in Pumprooms.

B) To Blow through the cargo lines.

C) To keep the tank free space inerted.

D) To keep the cargo area inerted.

2) What should cargo Sample lockers be constructed of ?

A) Stainless Steel

B) Fully Resistant Material

C) Wood

D) Neoprene

3) What is the other name for paraffin?

A) Naphtalene

B) Cyclo paraffin

D) propane


4) A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to

A) make underwater repairs to barges

B) enter areas that may contain dangerous

fumes or lack oxygen

C) determine if the air in a tank is safe for men

D) resuscitate an unconscious


5) Each inert gas system gas main must have an

automatic shut down valve at the outlet of

the gas production plant.

This valve must close automatically upon

A) blower failure

B) cargo pump failure

C) deck seal low water level

D) low inert gas temperature

6) Deficient oxygen content inside a confined space

A) litmus paper

B) a combustible gas indicator

C) an oxygen breathing apparatus

D) an oxygen detector

7) The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil

tanker normally should be

A) 4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

B) 3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

c) 1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

D) 2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

8) Which of the following is a cofferdam?

A) Chain locker

B) Slop tank on an oil tanker

C) Deep tank

D) Pump room on an oil tanker

9) Calorific value is the quantity of heat.

when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely

A) Observed

C) Released

D) Consumed

B) Required

10) What is runaway polymerization

A)Exothermic self reaction

B) Endothermic self reaction

C) Both exothermic and endothermic reactions

D) Self reaction

11) Whose permission to be obtained prior deballasting

of Ballast at load / Discharge port

A) Master

B) Chief Officer

C)Chief Engineer

D) Terminal Representative

12) Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by

A) Heat removal or cooling

B) Smothering or oxygen exclusion

C) Flame inhibition

D) Starvation of Fuel

13) Which cargo operations are to be recorded in

the Cargo Record Book of an Chemical tanker?

A) All cargo Operationsinvolving NLS or

Ballast if taken in Cargo tanks

B) All cargo operations involving NLS

C) All liquid cargo & bunker operations

D) All petroleum cargoo

loading operations

14) In a centrifugal pump:

A) The fluid moves in a direction opposite to the


B) The width of the discharge pipeline

decreases outwards

C)The fluid moves in the same direction as the

D) The discharge side has a

negative pressure.

15) Ballast water exchange should be done at least

NM from the nearest land & in waters at least

meter in depth

A) 100 NM& 200 Meter

B) 100 NM & 100 Meter

C) 200 NM & 200 Meter

D)200 NM & 100 Meter

16) The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that

allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a

tank is a

A) Vacuum valve

B) Strainer

C) Suction end

D) Bell-mouth

17) You are planning to use a crude oil washing system. What

precaution must be taken with the source tank for thee

washing machines?

B) The oil in the source tank must be sampled for compatibility.

A) At least one meter must be decanted from the source tank

C) The inert gas system must lower the oxygen content in the

source tank to a maximum of 12%.

D) The source tank must have been crude

oil washed at least once in the past

150 days

18) An oil record book Part-I shall be retained

onboard for a period of

A) 1 year since the last entry has been made

B) 1 year since the first entry has been made

)3 years since the last entry has been made

D) 3 years since the first entry

has been made

19) The Average Explosive range of petroleum

vapors mixed with air is

A) 0% to 1%

B) 12% to 20%

C) 1% to 10%

D) 10% to 15%

20) Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing

an air sample into the instrument

B) where its specific gravity is measured

A) where it is mixed with nitrogen

)where it is ignited by a sparking device

D) over an electrically heated

platinum filament

21) The fresh air intake of the inert gas system

aA)opens when there is excessive vacuum on the deck

water seal

GB) prevents the flue gas from falling below an oxygen

content of 3%

C)allows the inert gas piping to be used for gas freeing

D)enables outside air to mix with and

to cool the hot flue gasses

22) While using a combustible gas indicator, if the

hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the

U.E.L, the needle of the indicator will

A) move to the maximum reading and immediately

return to zero

B) remain at zero without moving

c) move halfway up the scale

D) move to the maximum reading

and stays there

23) In case of failure or erratic reading of fixed oxygen content

meter the following operational condition may be followed

A) By pass the Oxy content meter

B) Use Span gas of 2 pct oxygen content.

)Use N2 gas for showing a desired level below 5 pct

D) Use Portable oxygen content analyzer

and discharge at slow rate

24) The chemicals used for cleanup of deck spill must not

be allowed to enter water when a ship is in port

A) Unless approved chemicals are used for clean up


B) Unless authorized by master of the ship

C)Unless authorized by the ship manager

D)Unless permission has been obtained

from harbour authorities

25) What is the flammable range?

A) Vapor concentration range between LEL and


B) Vapor concentration below LEL

C)Vapor Concentration above 1% Vol

D) Vapor concentration above UEL

26) Cargo pump rooms are fitted with:

A) One fan for ventilation

B) Portable water sprinklers for fire fighting

) Fixed fire extinguishing system

D) One fan for Exhaust

27) Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is:

A) dissipated in atmosphere

B) reduced in vapor concentration


D) None of the Above

28) What is putrifaction?

A)Most animal and veg oils undergo decomposition over time

in stored condition

B) Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in

stored condition, when heated

C) Most animal and veg oils undergo decomposition when


D) Applies to all mineral and

veg oils carried on tankers

29) Steam Heating coils are provided in some tanks

A) Provide Warm water when tank cleaningg

B) Reduce the volume of cargo in tank

C)Increase the volume of cargo in tank

D) Heat cargo which have high

30) An Oil with an electrical conductivity greater

than 50 Pico Siemens/meter pS/m so renders it

incapable of retaining a significant electrostatic

charge is called

A) A static non accumulator oil

B) A Static accumulator oil

)An electric nonconductor

D) None of the above

It is a rule that the inert gas supply to the cargo tanks must be provided for

(a) drainage of the inert gas

(b) fitting blind or spectacle flanges

(C) securing and locking in a closed position

(d) easy removal and inspection

Which of the following methods is the widely used method for trace gas analysis?

(a) galvanic methods

(b) conductometric method

(C) polarography sales

(d) thermal conductivity method

Duties of technical team or engineers team

(o) inform office about fire

(b) start fire pump and emergency generator

(C) maintain communication with bridge team

(d) both B and C

Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

(o) only on clean blast tankers

(b) yes it is

(C)only on segregated blast tankers

(d) no it is not

A bigger spell of LPG will be visible as a .which is condensed water vapour

from the atmosphere.

(a) white cloud

(b) blue cloud

(c) black cloud

(d) none of these

What is is the abbreviation of IAPH?

(a) international association of ports and harbours

(b) international association of principal and Hull

(c) international association of pump pressure head

(d) none of the above

The gas passing after scrubbed of particular matters and sulfphurous gases still

contains. which must be removed.

(a) ash

(b) water drops

(C) acid

(d) none

A centrifugal bilge pump requires priming .

(a) to initially unload the pump by having its head pressure equal to discharge pressure

(b) due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover

the suction (eye) of the impeller

(c)in order to overcome the potential energy of water in the discharge line

(d) primary to lubricate the shaft seals

In IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated

gas depends on the... of the gas.

(a) temperature

(b) pressure

(C) volumne

(d) velocity

What are the additional requirements on tankers for safety?

(a) fixed fire fighting system

(b) Deluge system

(C)sprinkler system on lifeboat

(d) emergency towing arrangement

A scrubber tower which is normally acts as a.

(a) heater

(b) cooler

(C) humidifier

(d) dehumidifier

The fire control draft on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted

on board in port and copy of this plan shall in addition be

available somewhere else. Where must this copy be available

(a) in the engine control room

(b) on the terminal

(c) at the gang wayy

(d) handed over to the surveyor

Heat released from fire 80% of heat is conducted through conduction.

(a) True

(b) False

Permit to work on a tanker berth should not be carried out until permission is obtined from

(a) master
(b) chief officer

(C) company safety officer

(d) terminal representative

What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

(a) the rescue and treatment of casualties and safeguarding others

(b) minimising damage to ship, property and environment

(C)containing and bringing the incident under control

(d) all of the above

An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room

or any space in normal use by personnel is called

(a) accommodation

(b) gas free area

(C) void space

(d) none of the above

At what point do you sound the fire alarm?

(a) after you try to extinguish it

(b) as soon as you see it

(c) after talking with officer-in -charge

(d) after you grab all tools from the site

Inert gas blowers are.

(a) paddle type low speed blowers

(b) low speed type centrifugal fans

() turbine type centrifugal blower fans

(d) reciprocating type blower units

What is cofferdam?

(a) tube fitted to an a ullage hole

(b) white or empty space separating two tanks

(C) opening in the deck used for cleaning tank

(d) are sUBSCRIBED

Bull works are generally not permitted in the cargo tanks areas because

(a) they tend to contain heavy vapours in board during cargo operations

(b) they restrict the outflow of water during heavy weather

(c) they are unnecessary extra weight structure wise

(d) they stiffen the tank deck too much and do not allow flexibility

When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and

cargo heater runs in .. with the cargo pump

(a) series

(b) parallel

(C) equally

(d) none

What is the type of gas carrier based on hazardous nature of the cargo which

has maximum carg0?

(a) Type 1G

(b) Type 2G

() Type 2PG

(d) Type 3G

How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?

(a) check the loading order

(b) ask the terminal supervisor or his representative

(C) examine the cargo tanks and fittings

(d) refer to the vessel'’ certificate of inspection

What is a dead weight scale?

(a) the maximum dead weight the vessel can achieve

(b) the ratio of dead weight and reserve buoyancy

© the maximum reserve buoyancy the vessel can have

(d) BA table it is part of the vessel plans and indicates the draught

The vessel will be down

Lifeboats should have

(a) 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

(b) 2 buoy ant rescue quoits attached not less than 15 m buoyant line

© 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30 m buoyant line

(d) 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15 m buoyant line

Who completes the declaration of inspection before Ioading a tank vessel ?

(0) the manager of the shore facility

(b) the US coast guard

© designated person in charge

(d) American bureau of Shipping

What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?

(a) water

(b) dry powder

© foam

(d) combination of water mist and CO2

What is critical pressure (bars, absolute) of methane?

(a) 44.7

(b) 48.9

© 42.6

(d) 38.1

The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called

(b) Fusion

()latent heat

(c) Solidification

What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system?

(a) to avoid running inert gas when oxygen content increased to to 8% volume

(b) for using inert gas in gas free mode

©if the tank pressure in IGS system drops to 100 mm of water gauge

Cargo oil pump will trip

(d) Atmosphere valve will get fully open if oxygen content increases to 8% by volume

A centrifugal pump requires priming..

(a) to initially unload the pump by having its head pressure equal to discharge pressure

(b) due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye of the impeller

()in order to overcome the potential energy of water in the discharge line

Segregated or dedicated blast

(a) it is meant by segregation of dirty and clean blast

(b) it is meant by individual tank blast water in tanks which has been exchanged

Voyage in the same trade

(e) It is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tanks

ISGOTT stands for

(a) international safety guide for oil tankers and terminals

(b) international safety guide for oil tanker and terminal

© international safety guide for gas and oil tankers

(d) international safety guide for oil terminals

One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system

Be fitted. According to regulations supply of an inert gas system can have portable

Connection to which spaces other than cargo tank?

(a) every cargo tank

(b) every cargo tank, slope tank and cofferdam

() every cargo tank and slope tank

(d) every cargo tank, slope tank, cofferdam and ramp space

During cargo operations, a wind blowing may.

(a) lower the temperature of the oil cargo

(b) form eddies containing petroleum vapour

© decrease air pressure in a cargo tank

(d) increase air pressure in a cargo tank

Is slope tanks included in the total cargo capacity?

(a) only on clean blast tankers

(b) yes it is

© only on segregated blast tankers

(d) no it is not

During gas dispersion, if a chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase

Is needed, then the preferred choice is

(a) agitated vessel

(b) sparked vessel

© tray tower

(d) wetted wall column

It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided for

(a) drainage of the inert gas

(b) fitting blind or spectacle flanges

© securing and locking in a closed position

(d) easy removal and inspection

11. Cause of uncontrolled liquid or vapour release can occur through

(a) over fillings of tanks

(b) unforeseen opening of safety relief valves,

Bursting hose or cargo piping fracture

© tank or pipe leakage

(d) all of the above

(a) over fillings of tanks

(b) unforeseen opening of safety relief valves,

Bursting hose or cargo piping fracture

© tank or pipe leakage

(d) all of the above

DGS Exam

28. Very light gaseous moecules such as . are extracted at the

y dtne and
t) Nor of thew


12. The IBc Codedeñines ypes of dhemcal tanke

O a) 2

Ob) 3
Od) None of the above

ere to seatch
77 O

26. Al LCC normally has cago tank heatng araneementas.

O a) Heating stearm arrangerment in the indidual tanks by Steam Cir
O by Deck heaters electrically heated for circulation through heaters
D e c k Steam heater heated by stearn circulation

Od) None of the above

2 Tankers will hve Rremi cutk othr nomrequiremet

OONo eNess is required

DGS Exam

13. Chemical tankers are required to comply with the vertous sefety aspecs c
a ) sOLAS chapter V
Ob) sOLAS Chapter Vil
Og soLAS Chapter vi
O d)SoLAS Chapter

ehere to search
aifacargo is of kow Flash pointitis said to be.
O a) Flammable
O b) Poisorious
D JNon-Flammable

Type here to search
S Ex

15.Whts the purmprgapdy depending on

a)Liquid viscasity
Ob)Total pressure head

O)Liquid terrmperalúre
Od)Suction pressure

e to search O

s es reg thn the concentraton af atnosph

1.irCargo Lanks are oot
Oa Crcde aul washed
R t Punge
aTank Cearung
As per definiti of MAHPOI Ane 1,rudeoi twe mw a tarer dhenired to cavr

O) oute ot and other irty oils

oude il alon whsoNe vefined produets
Oqtydeol only
d)Crue o bur alternatvely may arry at tirmes edirty anut clean oil prowkuts ah

2 What does code Rstands in ship shoresaychec

O Rernars
Ob) Request
O Require
Od) Re-checked

GS Exam

27. Cean ballast is normally

O a Bailast water loaded directty into à cargo tank after discharge
b) Balast water loaded int cargo tanks which hive been crude ol washed.

Balast water loded into cargo tanks whicth have been cnide ol and water washed

d) Ballast water loaded in desigrated tanks used ornly for that purpose
iS Exam

26. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tark veswed in permted to cary

O Check the loachng orcder

O b) ask the termiral supervisor or hiy reprosentatie

O gexamine the cargo tanks and fttings

O d) refer to the vesel's Certificate of inspecton

prodae a faan dutn
17 A fre
ext1yusur prohat proxdtred by firt mxng a toaan eomerrate with wates tu
s ted

Light witer
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DGS Exam

14 tn the event of a Preumatic remote control failure in the inert gas plant uP and EP cor

O a) the inert gas plant must be operational within one hour of failure and the discharge ma

Ob) the discharge must be immediately hated.

O the discharge rate must be reduced until the plant is repaired.
O d) the venting of IG can be set to maintain a predetermined pressure and the discharge ca

NUS a n

w h i h ot the rlkmwwy theurits a lhquelied gas?

a)AiNd that reecds to be stored at atnolste toro tn parvett it
frofn becirg gas-
) A gas that is mand with another uadbstane that c a s e s it 1o liepely
c)A ubstarce that at mal ternyeratue aud *esue would Dw a
d)A bqund that utres to le eated abvn norrmal arnbiert temm 1 atwe tuo oako it

DGS Exai

13 act olsre gorne

a ) Static accumulators
b) Static Non-Arcumulators
O 9 Both
O dNone of the above

&Which cargo operatios ere to be recorded in the Carpo Record ook for an Ol& chern-

O a)All cargo operatiors involving NLS or Ballast if taken in Cargo Tanks

b) All cargo operatiorns involirng NLS

O A l liquid cargo & bunker operations

d) All petroleum cargo louding operatuors

EGS Exan

15. Crude oil ofship consist different types of

a ) Irorganic and organic compounds
b ) Oxygen and carbon

ONitragen and Phosphorous

d) Hydrocarbons

10:03 AM|1.0KB/s

IMG 20201002 011345

25. Mast riser fire doesnt normaly occurs durinys

O a) Purgins
O b Discharging
O d Venting iniert s pressure during normal passage

Mobile view Edit


25 Mast rer ire doesnt normally occus during

O a Purging
Ob) Discharging
O gLoading
Od) Venting inert gas pressure during normal passage

6When shauld enplas be intormed of the fire hazards to which thay are enxponed
at w

upon theinitialassgrrnernt
b)Within two duys of the inital assugnment
o within 30 days of the initial assignment

d) Within 90 days of the initial assignment

10 Whilst discharging cango, it the oxyzen content within the inert gas main is above the SOLAS 1974 recommenidatior

your actions be?

that they cannot reduce it what

Oa Coritinuewith cargo operations

OtCalthe chief erginerarndcontinue with argooperatior
O gStop all.cargo operations
O a l l he master and continue with cargo operations

13. Black oils.are generally

O a) Staticaccumulators
O'b Static NonAccumulators

o Noneofthe above

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IO. 1M . . . . polnlaf M . . . .ls•1a1C. ........ • · • G .cllffll
u a) Fully prer.surtmd.
0 b) Fully r~ngtttawd
t) c) NQr~J nnlbient •~•ur•.
O d) Atmo.;phc,nc pressure.

' ••~ •: 'I
;ttq-.,. lttc,~ttt,ilil
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦mom..
Government of India

DGS Exam

The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleum gases is about

5000 Kilovolts/ meter

3000 Kilovolts/ meter •

3000 Volts/ meter
5000 Volts/meter
~ '4(Cl~~iflliici
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Draeger tube system is used for :

Ammonia gasdetection

Nitrogen gas detection

Multi gas detection e

.t'hiT&1 lt(Cl~~ltllilif
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What are closed operations ?

Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports •

To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks

Remote control of tank delivery valves

Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank

9"tq-.., lt(Cl~~lfllilc4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

The ISM Code requires work procedures which ensures _ _ performance


Safe •
;ffq;J ll(Uf-'tctllil«a
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦mozn•
Government of India

DGS Exam

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening o f the skin but no other apparent damage.Using standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a

Minor burn

Superficial burn

Extremity burn

First-degree burn •
~ '1(Cl~ttlltilci
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦&I1£tUIIII
Government of India

DGS Exam

The change in resistance of hot filament in tankscope is displayed as :

% volume of oxygen
% volume of inert gas

% volume of hydrocarbon e
~· ,. - ~

. ~ Jt(IIP-itttlilfl

, Directorate General of Shipping
--~ .,~~ i,' ~- Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is an inert condition ?

When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank

When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank

A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas. •

When the oxygen is 21 % by volume in a tank

~ 14$1~ttllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is cold work ?

Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere

Work that cannot create a source of ignition •

Carrying out work ,o n reefer containers

Work that can be done only in cold temperatures

!!,.- •

.. ''""' ..,'
~ 11,,~t1tmilc1

' .,
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦m1ttn-1
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is flammable range ?

The range in which nothing will bum

The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion

The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion

The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits. Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning. e
~ ll(Clf-'ttlltilii

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

In chemical tankers with common pipe line, cargo segregation is done by :

isolating tanks after completion of loading

close all valves for tank after completion of loading

inserting blind flanges in pipes concerned. •

-l'tq-.. 1111f:tttt1t1ca
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦m,w: ..
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is flash point ?

The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid. •

The temperature at which the gas is not flammable

The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas

The temperature at which an explosion is not possible

~.., ll(Cl~atmil4'
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦+3m;1;m•
Government of India

DGS Exam

The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is :

closed ullaging

use of only approved PPEon deck

bonding and grounding e
having continuous pipe lengths.
~ lttciF.\~tililci
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect

To the whole body

To several organs of the human body

To the skin only

on a specific organ

~ lf81f.lttlliil4'
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦rn1tu:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should provide :

a sample of inhibitor to chief officer.

MSDS for added inhibitor.

Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage e

~ lt(Cl~~tllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦thaw:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Fuel Oils?

Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable. •

Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,

Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature

Circulate the oil in the same tank using the cargo pump
~ lt(Cl~tlfllilcl

Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Electrons have :

no charge

positive charge

negative charge e
~... 1t(C1~t,11t1q
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction

Self reaction

Endothermic self reaction

Both exothermic and endothermic reactions

~ lt81f:t~tlltlfi
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦t111ttm•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :

lower the LEL of cargo vapor.

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons

to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion. e
,, - Iii,, ~

._C '°'''•., "..:,; ~ lt(Cff.)~tllitcl

"' i!- 'I'
,, ,
,, .. , Directorate General of Shipping
... • o !af ,,,
- - Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS fxam

What is Cargo inhibition?

~II chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation; to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

For some chemical cargoes. under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this cerl3in inhibitors are added to the cargo •

5ome chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold 'Neather in presence of oxygen. to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo

Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
~ lt81~~ttllii4'
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:..
Govemment of India

DGS Exam

Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :

dissipated in atmosphere

reduced in vapor concentration


.. ........
~ lf(ll~~tmif:q
,,.. '-'
, Directorate General of Shipping
~ .... Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of .


brush discharge

propagating brush discharge

electric discharge accompanied by a spark •

'!. -- .. "

•I "'•
;thrJit 11(11~~-"""
Directorate General of Shipping
... - ~~
..__. " - ~ Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Why are inhibitors added in the cargo1

Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks.

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. e
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks.

Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
' "'"'•
~ lf81f-'~tllilii

., Directorate General of Shipping
... ... ..... , ~ Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
:::a: Government of India

DGS Exam

The main elements of peak safety performance are :

reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.

no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

~.., 14(Cl~~,lhilia
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Organisational safety value aims at :

< 2 incidents in a year

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year

Zero incident programme

allow only one incident per year.

~ '1(Cl~tctllilfl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :

continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. •

improper use of proper PPE

~ '1(Cl~tctllilfl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :

continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. •

improper use of proper PPE

,:..- --.
" ~ '481f.l~ttllfi'4
......... , Directorate General of Shipping
',..,._ "~~-,) ~ .,' Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture

Recognition that all accident s are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions or a failu re to follow established procedures
Individ ual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents

~ ¥f(Cl~~tliil4'
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between layers of flowing liquid is:

Viscosity of Uquidl
Force of friction between liquid layers •
Velocity of the fluid
Vapor pressure of liquid
~ lf(Cl~~lflltil4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦tnam:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

The important series of hydrocarbons found in almost every petroleum mixture from any part of the world is

Aromatic e
il'hrp lftcl'-'ttmil:q
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

OGS Exam

The content of cycloparafflns in petroleum may vary

Up to 60% •
Up to 70%
Up to 35%
Up to 50%
~ -:-
(... ..... , . ..11, 1
~ ' ~ ll(Cl~ttllilcl
~, Directorate General of Shipping

~:: 'If •
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by :

type of cargo

density of cargo

temperature of cargo e
inert gas
~ lf(Cl~tttl.Wc4
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:

From the liquid to the solid phase

From the solid to the liquid phase

From to the gas phase to the solid phase

From the solid to the gas phase •

~ lt81f:t~ttltlcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The most stable napht:henic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with

Seven and Eight carbon atoms

Two and four carbon atoms
five and six carbon atoms •
Four and seven car bon atoms

., i
~ \ .,

3 "
' ~ lt$1f:t~ltiiiilfi
Directorate General of Shipping
...,. • o ~" ,,,.,,

- Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways

Government of India

DGS Exam

Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than

5 picoSiemens per metre

25 picoSiemens per metre

50 picoSiemens per metre e
100 picoSiemens per metre
~ lt$1f:t~ttltlla
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond) . They remain unchanged over long periods of geological time and they are


stable •
~ ..,,r..~•tll.Wcf
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦maw:..
Government of India

DGS Exam

Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:

only hydrogen

only carbon

carbon and hydrogen •

C .~
~ ltlCl~~lrllficl

" ;! ~
~ Directorate General of Shipping
. .-·..
... ~

Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways

Government of India

DGS Exam

Cargoes should not be loaded In to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric pressure at

60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F)

15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F)
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F) •
.thrf;f 1ttc1f.)t,11.c;q
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦to1tm:•
Government of India

DGS Exam

Which category of NLS chemical in bulk poses maximum threat?



X •

~ lttct~~-iitl«a
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Cargo tank fill alarm indicator panels:

are normally fitted on the bridge and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted in the engine control room and sometimes on deck

are normally fitted o n the bridge and sometimes in the engine control room

are normally fitted in the cargo control room and sometimes on deck •
f- ➔ C i 1 • * .. (t Paused)

:=i Apps M Gmail I) Maps D Voulube G Pankaj Bhardwaj ,... -r Gym management...

~ ll(llf.ltctllil41
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of Indla

DGS Exam

Tank coating requirements developed by IMO are applicable to

new crude oil tankers of 5000 GRT and above

new crude oil tankers of 5000 DWT and above e
new crude oil tankers of 500 GRT and above
new crude oil tankers of 500 DWT and above
~ '1(Cl~tctllilq
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways ♦®11tm:111
Government of lndla

DGS Exam

The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil tanker normally should be

1% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

2% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship •
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship

., il1tq;, 1181~llfiiiicl

,1 ,,
... ,, Directorate General of Shipping
.,.......~ ~
!'., Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Code for an independend tank is

~ lt(ll~~ttlilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

Which of the following is a cofferdam ?

Chain locker
Pump room on an oil tanker •
Deep tank
Slop tank on an oil tanker
il'hrJ;I' 1ttnf.t~tn,1c,
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways
Government of India

DGS Exam

The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to

store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are full with liquid
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment needs to be increased

prevent different I/quids from the two tanks coming In contact In case of a leak

~ 11,,f-'~lfiiiiici

,• Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
-::=: ~ Government of India
... ..

DGS Exam

Which pump must always be primed?

Centrifugal pump •

Reciprocating pump

Rotary pump
f- ➔ C i room-8598e4d322c1272c0ee19c907fabd911 • * • (t Paused)
::.i Apps M Gmail Q Maps D YouTube G, Pankaj Bhardwaj ,... .,f Gym management...

~ 11(11'-'tttllilcl
Directorate General of Shipping
Ministry of Porta, Shipping and Waterways ♦?=hiJ:IJ:a
Government of India

DGS Exam

What does "VECS" stand for?

vector control system

vapour emission control system

very economical control system

an arrangement for release of cargo vapour.
National Maritime Center
Serving Our Nation’s Mariners

U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam

Tankerman Assistant

Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases

(Sample Examination)

8/19/2020 Page 1 of 11
Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

Chose the best answer to the following Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Your tank vessel is loaded down to her marks, and you find that she has too much trim by the stern.
What action should you take to obtain an even keel and still maintain profitability?

• (A) shift bunkers forward

o (B) load more cargo forward
o (C) discharge cargo amidships
o (D) add ballast forward

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

2. How should pinching of the cargo hose between the vessel and the dock be prevented?

o (A) tying off the topping lifts and runners to winch heads
• (B) adjusting the hose supports
o (C) laying out an excess length of hose on deck
o (D) install hose preventers

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

3. Which of the following is a safety consideration when dealing with Liquefied Gas?

• (A) it's cold

o (B) it's carcogenic
o (C) it's caustic
o (D) it's corrosive

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

4. When two ballast pumps used for deballasting a single tank start cavitating, what action should you

o (A) close the valve on the suction side of the ballast pump to re-prime the pump
• (B) shut down one pump
o (C) close the valve on the discharge side of the pump to re-acquire suction
o (D) open all valves on the discharge side to permit improved flow

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

5. When you notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel, what should your first action

o (A) determine whether your vessel is the source

• (B) stop loading
o (C) notify the senior deck officer
o (D) notify the terminal superintendent

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

8/19/2020 Page 2 of 11
Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

6. According to U.S. regulations, which of the following describes the declaration of inspection?

o (A) paper issued by the Coast Guard marine inspector which allows you to conduct a transfer
o (B) application you must complete and submit to the Coast Guard to have an inspector visit your
• (C) document signed by vessel and shore facility persons in charge declaring that all transfer
requirements have been met
o (D) annual report submitted by vessel personnel to the Coast Guard declaring that all transfer
equipment has been inspected

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

7. What term is not considered a "discharge" as it applies to the U.S. pollution regulations?

• (A) sampling a harmful substance

o (B) leaking diesel fuel oil
o (C) spilling a harmful substance
o (D) pumping a harmful substance

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

8. Who completes the Declaration of Inspection before loading a tank vessel?

• (A) The designated person in charge.

o (B) The US Coast Guard.
o (C) The American Bureau of Shipping.
o (D) The manager of the shore facility.

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

9. Which of the following procedures would insure proper seating of the valve when closing?

o (A) closed against the stop and the locking pin inserted
• (B) closed, opened a half turn, and then closed again
o (C) set up as tight as possible by hand
o (D) set up tight using a valve wrench

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

10. Which of the following describes a liquefied gas?

o (A) A liquid that requires to be heated above normal ambient temperature to make it form a gas.
o (B) A liquid that needs to be stored at absolute zero to prevent it from becoming gaseous.
o (C) A gas that is mixed with another substance that causes it to liquefy.
• (D) A substance that at normal temperature and pressure would be a gas.

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

11. What do the designations A, B, C, D, and E grades of cargo define?

o (A) pour point, color, and viscosity index of petroleum products

o (B) degrees of quality of petroleum products
• (C) flash point range and Reid vapor pressure index of petroleum products
o (D) grades of crude oil

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

12. When loading a tanker, you should perform which of the following functions to ensure a safe

o (A) keep a strain on the loading hoses

o (B) load only one tank at a time
o (C) keep the seamen on watch on standby in the messroom
• (D) close valves by closing them down, re-opening one or two turns, and re-closing

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

13. What are flame screens used for?

• (A) prevent flames from entering tanks

o (B) keep flames and sparks from getting out of an engines exhaust system
o (C) contain flammable fumes
o (D) protect firefighters from flames

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

14. Which statement is TRUE concerning insulating flanges?

o (A) After the insulating flange is installed, hot-work may be performed on deck.
• (B) They should be inspected and tested periodically to ensure that the insulation is clean and in
good condition.
o (C) Switching off a cathodic protection system may be substituted for using an insulating flange.
o (D) The measured resistance value after installation should be less than 1,000 ohms.

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

15. What is span gas used for aboard liquefied natural gas carriers?

o (A) odorize the cargo

• (B) calibrate the gas leak detectors
o (C) detect leaks in cargo piping
o (D) inert the barrier spaces

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

16. What is the most common liquefied gas cargo?

o (A) butane
o (B) chemical gases
o (C) hydrocarbons
• (D) ammonia

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

17. It would be prudent to perform which of the following actions prior to the commencement of

o (A) close the lids on the vents

• (B) plug the scuppers
o (C) plug the sounding pipes
o (D) plug the vents

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

18. How is an inert gas system designed to reduce the possibility of tank explosions?

o (A) by removing all hydrocarbon gases from the cargo tanks

o (B) by eliminating sparks and fire in the vicinity of cargo tanks
• (C) by reducing the oxygen concentration below levels necessary for combustion
o (D) by blanketing cargo tanks with inert foam

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

19. In what condition is LNG transported?

• (A) At its boiling point.

o (B) At a pressure in excess of 15.4 psia.
o (C) At its critical temperature.
o (D) At its vapor stage.

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

20. For all loading operations, the terminal must supply the vessel with a means in which the vessel's
designated person in charge may stop the flow of oil to the vessel, insuring immediate shutdown in
the event of a hose rupture, tank overflow, etc. Which of the following choices will accomplish this
task as required by 33 CFR?

o (A) a signal-board on the bridge

o (B) a loudhailer from the vessel bridge
• (C) a pneumatically or mechanically operated device
o (D) a specific sequence of lights

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

21. What do the designations A, B, C, D, and E refer to in grades of cargo?

• (A) flash point range and Reid vapor pressure index of petroleum products
o (B) pour point, color, and viscosity index of petroleum products
o (C) grades of crude oil
o (D) degrees of quality of petroleum products

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

22. What does the sign used to caution persons approaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo
transfer read?

• (A) "Warning, No Smoking, No Open Lights, No Visitors"

o (B) "Dangerous Cargo Being Transferred"
o (C) "Danger, Do Not Board"
o (D) "Warning, Keep Off, Stay Clear"

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

23. When discharging a tanker, how can list be controlled?

o (A) by shore side personnel

o (B) by using the after peak tank, loading as necessary
• (C) by using wing tanks near the longitudinal center, discharging as necessary
o (D) by using a center tank near the bow, discharging as necessary

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

24. To insure proper seating when closing a valve on a tank, what position should the valve be in?

o (A) set up as tight as possible by hand

o (B) set up tight using a valve wrench
o (C) closed against the stop and the locking pin inserted
• (D) closed, opened a half turn, and then closed again

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

25. What is generally, the first action in extinguishing a liquefied gas fire caused by escaping gas?

o (A) use a chemical foam fire extinguisher

o (B) sweep flames away with water spray
o (C) call the local fire department
• (D) shut off the leak

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

26. LNG is carried at approximately what temperature?

• (A) -160 degrees C

o (B) -160 degrees F
o (C) -160 degrees K
o (D) -160 degrees R

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

27. The boiling point of Methane is -161°C. How is the substance carried?

o (A) Fully pressurized.

o (B) Fully refrigerated.
o (C) Normal ambient temperature.
• (D) Atmospheric pressure.

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

28. What is the lowest temperature at which the vapors of a flammable liquid will ignite and cause self-
sustained combustion in the presence of a spark or flame?

• (A) fire point

o (B) flash point
o (C) vaporization temperature
o (D) autoignition temperature

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

29. Which of the following describes the flash point temperature of a liquid?

o (A) at which a liquid will burn steadily

• (B) at which a liquid will give off inflammable vapors
o (C) at which a liquid will explode
o (D) that a liquid must reach before it will flow readily

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

30. Which alarm is NOT found on an inert gas system?

• (A) Low oxygen alarm

o (B) Deck seal low water alarm
o (C) Low pressure alarm
o (D) Scrubber high water level alarm

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
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31. In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is when __________.

o (A) you first start to receive fuel

• (B) final topping off is occurring
o (C) hoses are being blown down
o (D) hoses are being disconnected

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

32. U.S. regulations require an emergency means of stopping the flow of oil or LNG during transfer
operations. The emergency means may be which of the following?

o (A) self-closing automatic disconnect fitting

o (B) manually-operated quick-closing valve
o (C) automatic pressure-sensitive oil flow regulator
• (D) emergency pump control on the cargo deck

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

33. Why is a warning sign displayed at the gangway or access point of a barge during cargo transfer?

o (A) To designate smoking areas

o (B) To indicate any health risk if applicable
o (C) To indicate if the cargo is a marine pollutant
• (D) To keep visitors away from the barge

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

34. What would likely happen if you were exposed to a 100% methane atmosphere for more than 15

o (A) be severely burned

o (B) become quite ill due to the toxic nature of the gas
• (C) suffocate
o (D) break out in a cyrogenic rash

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

35. According to 46 CFR there are specific alarms that are required to be tested prior to cargo transfer.
Which of the following items does not require testing?

• (A) low liquid level alarms

o (B) quick closing loading valves
o (C) high level audible alarm
o (D) high level visual alarm

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

36. What causes the most frequent incidents of pollution during tanker operations?

o (A) routine discharge of oil during ballasting and tank crude oil washing
o (B) collisions
• (C) loading and discharging
o (D) groundings

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

37. Which of the following describes intrinsically safe equipment?

o (A) an electrical circuit normally limited to instrumentation in hazardous areas

• (B) an electrical circuit in which a spark is incapable of causing the ignition of a given explosive
o (C) electrical circuits under 12 volts
o (D) electrical circuits under 2 amperes

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

38. You have berthed in a port area with other tank vessels. What signal is displayed by a vessel to
indicate it is transferring flammable or combustible liquid cargo?

• (A) A red light visible all around the horizon

o (B) A flashing yellow light
o (C) An illuminated red and yellow caution flag
o (D) A green light visible all around the horizon

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

39. Span gas is used for what process?

o (A) To insure an inert atmosphere during the span of time when a system is being brought to a
dry air condition from a flammable atmosphere.
• (B) To calibrate a gas analyzer to ensure it indicates correct gas concentrations.
o (C) The name of a gaseous state when the temperature of the vapor is the same as that of the
o (D) To find the zero point on a gas analyzer.

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

40. Your vessel is securely moored to the berth preparing to discharge a cargo of LPG. Which of the
following items would not comply with a "Safety Checklist" and should be corrected?

• (A) the inert gas system deck water seal is drained and secured
o (B) cargo tanks atmosphere pressure is positive, with an oxygen content of 8% or below
o (C) the fixed and portable oxygen analyzers are calibrated and operational
o (D) there is sufficient pumproom ventilation

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

41. What is the proper first aid for LPG in the eye?

o (A) Rub the eye area clean.

o (B) Apply an ice pack to the eye.
• (C) Flush the eye with plenty of water.
o (D) Keep the eyelid closed.

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

42. What does the MARPOL 73/78 convention deal with?

o (A) International Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watch keeping

• (B) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
o (C) International Convention of Safety of Life at Sea
o (D) International Marine Organization Gas Carrier Code

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

43. What is the lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable
mixture with air?

• (A) flash point

o (B) threshold limit value
o (C) fire point
o (D) lower explosive limit

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

44. Which of the following is equivalent to a "barrel", which is a unit of liquid measure?

o (A) 45 U.S. gallons at 75°F

o (B) 43 U.S. gallons at 65°F
• (C) 42 U.S. gallons at 60°F
o (D) 40 U.S. gallons at 50°F

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

45. The cargo pump relief valve is usually piped to which of the following components?

o (A) crossover line

• (B) suction side of pump
o (C) cargo pump pressure gauge
o (D) atmosphere through pump vent

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

46. Cryogenic burns can result in frostbite, what is the proper immediate treatment?

o (A) Apply ice to the area and gradually warm.

o (B) Compress the affected area with cryogenic burn heat wrap.
o (C) Massage the affected area.
• (D) Warm the area quickly by placing it in water at 108°F until it has thawed.

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

47. Which of the following is the pipe used to connect two separate piping systems on a tank vessel?

o (A) junction
o (B) connection
• (C) crossover
o (D) transfer

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

48. If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during the fuel transfer
operations, which action should you take FIRST?

• (A) Shut down the operation.

o (B) Notify the person in charge of the shore facility.
o (C) Sound the general alarm.
o (D) Close the valves at the manifold.

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

49. When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed

o (A) Run out the vessel or terminal fire hose.

o (B) Call the owner, operator, or terminal supervisor.
o (C) Trip the pump relief valve.
• (D) Order the dock man to shut down.

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

50. What is NOT a precaution to be taken when topping off?

• (A) Notify the engine room of the procedure.

o (B) Give the operation your undivided attention.
o (C) Maintain communications with the dock man.
o (D) Reduce the loading rate.

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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Q457-Tankship Liquefied Gases
National Maritime Center
Serving Our Nation’s Mariners

U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam

Tankerman Assistant

Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids

(Sample Examination)

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Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

Chose the best answer to the following Multiple Choice Questions.

1. When discharging a tanker, how can list be controlled?

o (A) by shore side personnel

o (B) by using the after peak tank, loading as necessary
• (C) by using wing tanks near the longitudinal center, discharging as necessary
o (D) by using a center tank near the bow, discharging as necessary

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

2. In an inert gas system, high pressure alarms are set in the main vapor collection line to cause an
audible and visual alarm if the pressure reaches a certain level. What is the percentage of the lowest
relief valve setting at which the alarm must sound?

o (A) 70%
o (B) 80%
• (C) 90%
o (D) 95%

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

3. While loading bulk oil, you notice oil on the water near the barge. Which of the following actions
should you carry out FIRST?

o (A) Notify terminal superintendent

o (B) Search the vessel for leaks
• (C) Stop loading
o (D) Notify the Coast Guard

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

4. On tankers using manually operated tank valves, what does the deck hand wheel indicator register?

o (A) exact lift position of the tank valve disk, through 100% of its operation
o (B) oxygen content of the tank
• (C) approximate number of turns the tank valve has been opened
o (D) level of oil in the tank

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

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Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

5. On a tanker vessel, what is the required combined capacity of the inert gas generating system as
compared to the total capacity of all the cargo pumps which can be operated simultaneously?

o (A) 50%
o (B) 75%
o (C) 100%
• (D) 125%

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

6. Which of the following will prevent a flammable atmosphere from occurring in a cargo tank on a tank

o (A) a combustion stabilizer

o (B) an oxidizer
• (C) inert gas
o (D) a vortex eliminator

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

7. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry?

o (A) ask the terminal supervisor or his representative

• (B) refer to the vessel's Certificate of Inspection
o (C) examine the cargo tanks and fittings
o (D) check the loading order

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

8. What is meant by "thieving" a petroleum cargo?

o (A) Siphoning off a few barrels of petroleum for shipboard use.

o (B) Reducing the gross cargo calculations to net amounts.
• (C) Determining the amount of water (if any) in each cargo tank.
o (D) Adjusting the cargo figures to coincide with the draft.

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

9. Which of the following conditions will cause a combustible gas indicator to become inoperative or
give erroneous readings?

o (A) compartment to be tested is free of CO2

o (B) inerted content of the atmosphere is less than the lower explosive limit
o (C) atmosphere has sufficient oxygen
• (D) hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere is less than the upper explosive limit

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

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Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

10. Your tank vessel is loaded down to her marks, and you find that she has too much trim by the stern.
What action should you take to obtain an even keel and still maintain profitability?

• (A) shift bunkers forward

o (B) load more cargo forward
o (C) discharge cargo amidships
o (D) add ballast forward

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

11. When loading a tanker, you should perform which of the following functions to ensure a safe

o (A) keep a strain on the loading hoses

o (B) load only one tank at a time
o (C) keep the seamen on watch on standby in the messroom
• (D) close valves by closing them down, re-opening one or two turns, and re-closing

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

12. The term "segregated ballast" is defined in the U.S. regulations as ballast water introduced into
which of the following?

o (A) isolated tank for analysis because of its noxious properties

o (B) oily-water separator for segregation
• (C) tank that is completely separated from the cargo oil and fuel oil systems
o (D) fuel settling tank for segregation from lighter fluids

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

13. Which refers to the depth of a petroleum product in a tank?

o (A) Thievage
• (B) Innage
o (C) Outage
o (D) Ullage

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

14. What do the designations A, B, C, D, and E refer to in grades of cargo?

• (A) flash point range and Reid vapor pressure index of petroleum products
o (B) pour point, color, and viscosity index of petroleum products
o (C) grades of crude oil
o (D) degrees of quality of petroleum products

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

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U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

15. Where is the most likely location for a cargo fire to occur on a tanker?

o (A) at the vent header

o (B) at the main deck manifold
o (C) in the midships house
• (D) in the pumproom

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

16. In special cases, the Commandant of the Coast Guard may permit cargo piping to pass through
machinery spaces. This is permitted provided that the only cargo carried through such piping is(are)
which of the following?

• (A) grade E
o (B) grades D or E
o (C) LFG
o (D) grades A or B

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

17. What is the purpose of the relief valve of a cargo pump?

o (A) Allows two or more tanks to be filled at the same time

• (B) Permits the return of cargo to the suction side of the pump
o (C) Provides for the emergency shutdown of the pump
o (D) Provides for the removal of vapors

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

18. What should be the first consideration when discharging an oil cargo?

o (A) discharge from the centerline tanks first

• (B) get the bow up
o (C) discharge from amidships first
o (D) discharge from the wings first

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

19. What do the emergency shutdown requirements of U.S. regulations apply to?

o (A) condensate pumps

• (B) cargo transfer systems
o (C) induced draft fans
o (D) air compressors

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

20. Which factor must be considered when determining the order of loading of dissimilar products
through the same piping system aboard a tanker?

• (A) Contamination of the cargo

o (B) Reid vapor pressures
o (C) Flash points
o (D) Specific gravities

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

21. What is the maximum allowable oxygen content within the ship’s cargo tanks, inert gas piping and
the vapor recovery system?

o (A) 4%
o (B) 5%
• (C) 8%
o (D) 10%

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

22. U.S. regulations require which of the following upon completion of oil transfer operations?

o (A) all hoses shall be blown down with air

o (B) all soundings shall be entered in the oil record book
o (C) all persons on duty during oil transfer shall be accounted for
• (D) all valves used during transfer shall be closed

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

23. Who completes the Declaration of Inspection before loading a tank vessel?

• (A) The designated person in charge.

o (B) The US Coast Guard.
o (C) The American Bureau of Shipping.
o (D) The manager of the shore facility.

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

24. When tank cleaning with a portable machine, how is the weight of the machine is suspended?

o (A) a portable davit

o (B) solid metal bars clamped to the Butterworth opening
• (C) a natural fiber tag line, saddle and hose
o (D) a wire rope suspension line

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

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Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

25. U.S. regulations require a meeting before starting any oil transfer operation. Who must be in
attendance at this meeting?

o (A) master of the vessel and the terminal superintendent

• (B) person in charge of the oil transfer operations on the vessel and the person in charge of the
oil transfer operations at the facility
o (C) terminal supervisor, master of the vessel and the Coast Guard
o (D) master and chief engineer of the vessel and the terminal supervisor

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

26. What is Reid Vapor Pressure?

• (A) a measurement of the amount of flammable vapors given off by a liquid at a certain
o (B) exerted by liquid cargo on the sides of a tank
o (C) exerted by liquid cargo on a cargo hose body
o (D) the lowest temperature and pressure that will cause a flammable liquid to give off vapors

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

27. What term is not considered a "discharge" as it applies to the U.S. pollution regulations?

• (A) sampling a harmful substance

o (B) leaking diesel fuel oil
o (C) spilling a harmful substance
o (D) pumping a harmful substance

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

28. When the inert gas system is temporarily unable to maintain a positive pressure, or an oxygen
content less than 8%, how should cargo operations be adjusted?

o (A) operations should continue at a slower rate until these requirements are met
o (B) operations should continue only under "Emergency Procedures"
• (C) operations should be shut down immediately
o (D) operations should be monitored more frequently

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

29. During oil transfer operations, who would be responsible to guarantee that the posted transfer
procedures are being followed?

o (A) The senior able seaman

• (B) The designated person in charge
o (C) The tankerman
o (D) The oiler

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

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Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

30. Which of the following is equivalent to a "barrel", which is a unit of liquid measure?

o (A) 45 U.S. gallons at 75°F

o (B) 43 U.S. gallons at 65°F
• (C) 42 U.S. gallons at 60°F
o (D) 40 U.S. gallons at 50°F

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

31. According to U.S. regulations, tank vessels are required to have a means of emergency shutdown.
This device does which of the following?

o (A) shuts off the main propulsion plant

o (B) shuts off the firefighting foam systems
• (C) stops the flow of oil to shore facility or other vessel
o (D) secures electrical power to all motors

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

32. Which of the following terms best describes the amount of product in a tank measured from the tank
top to the level of liquid?

o (A) Outage
o (B) Thievage
• (C) Innage
o (D) Ullage

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

33. On tankers with manually operated tank valves, which of the following is the type of valve most
commonly used?

o (A) globe valve

o (B) check valve
o (C) butterfly valve
• (D) gate valve

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

34. Which of the following is the pipe used to connect two separate piping systems on a tank vessel?

o (A) junction
o (B) connection
• (C) crossover
o (D) transfer

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

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Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

35. What causes the most frequent incidents of pollution during tanker operations?

o (A) routine discharge of oil during ballasting and tank crude oil washing
o (B) collisions
• (C) loading and discharging
o (D) groundings

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

36. Oil product samples should be taken at the commencement and completion of loading
operations. As the person in charge, where should the the final samples be taken?

o (A) the shoreline low points

• (B) the vessel's cargo tanks
o (C) the shore tank discharge
o (D) the dock riser

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

37. How does an inert gas system on a tanker function to prevent explosions in cargo tanks?

o (A) De-energizes the "charged mist" effect.

• (B) Inert gas dilutes the flammable vapor and air concentrations to keep them below the lower
explosive limit.
o (C) Inert gas filters out the flammable vapors from the cargo tank spaces.
o (D) Maintains a positive pressure on the vent header to cool the flammable vapors.

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

38. The condition of asphyxia arises from which of the following?

• (A) an inadequate supply of oxygen

o (B) too much oxygen
o (C) sleep deprivation
o (D) improper caloric intake

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

39. Your vessel is taking on cargo oil when a small leak develops in the hose. You order the pumping
stopped. What action should you take before you resume pumping?

o (A) place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers
o (B) notify the terminal superintendent
o (C) repair the hose with a patch
• (D) replace the hose

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

8/19/2020 Page 9 of 12
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

40. What do the designations A, B, C, D, and E grades of cargo define?

o (A) pour point, color, and viscosity index of petroleum products

o (B) degrees of quality of petroleum products
• (C) flash point range and Reid vapor pressure index of petroleum products
o (D) grades of crude oil

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

41. What grade are most crude oils are classified as?

o (A) E
o (B) B
• (C) C or D
o (D) A or B

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

42. Who enforces the U.S. pollution regulations that apply to ships?

• (A) U.S. Coast Guard

o (B) State Pollution Board
o (C) Corps of Engineers
o (D) Port Authority

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

43. What does the sign used to caution persons approaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo
transfer read?

• (A) "Warning, No Smoking, No Open Lights, No Visitors"

o (B) "Dangerous Cargo Being Transferred"
o (C) "Danger, Do Not Board"
o (D) "Warning, Keep Off, Stay Clear"

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

44. If a cargo of kerosene were considered "too lean" to explode, then it must be which of the following?

o (A) above the "explosive range"

o (B) within the "explosive range"
• (C) below the "explosive range"
o (D) above the "lower explosive limit"

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

8/19/2020 Page 10 of 12
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

45. What is NOT a precaution to be taken when topping off?

• (A) Notify the engine room of the procedure.

o (B) Give the operation your undivided attention.
o (C) Maintain communications with the dock man.
o (D) Reduce the loading rate.

If choice A is selected set score to 1.

46. According to U.S. regulations, no person may connect or disconnect an oil transfer hose or engage
in any other critical oil transfer operation on a tank vessel unless which of the following is met?

o (A) that person holds a tankerman assistant endorsement

• (B) the designated person in charge supervises that procedure
o (C) that person holds a valid port security card
o (D) that person holds a license as master, mate, or engineer

If choice B is selected set score to 1.

47. Each pressure gage used in an oil transfer operation must be accurate to within what percent?

o (A) 1%
o (B) 3%
o (C) 5%
• (D) 10%

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

48. What should you do in order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum

o (A) increase the air flow into the tank

o (B) use the overall method of loading only
• (C) start to load slowly
o (D) start to load at maximum pressure

If choice C is selected set score to 1.

49. Each pressure gage used in an oil transfer operation must be accurate to within what percent?

o (A) 1 percent
o (B) 3 percent
o (C) 5 percent
• (D) 10 percent

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

8/19/2020 Page 11 of 12
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Tankerman Assistant
Illustrations: 0

50. On modern tankers with separate pumprooms, which of the following is used to minimize cargo
pump shaft leakage?

o (A) Slinger rings

o (B) Stuffing box glands
o (C) Shaft sleeves
• (D) Mechanical seals

If choice D is selected set score to 1.

8/19/2020 Page 12 of 12
Q456-Tankship Dangerous Liquids
uniqueid sno question choice_a choice_b choice_c choice_d ans Sem Subject COURSE SET
In case of oil spill on board , the Emergency
  Application of SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
1 ship's priority is to be given to towing Safety of life dispersant cleaning B
The cost effective method of SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
2 disposing oil sludge & waste Oil is recycling Incineration storing in the locker throw in the sea B

Self Igniting Lifebuoy

Lights / Walkie
Certified and Talkies / Torches
In hazardous spaces on tankers, we approved as Explosion Proof / that are approved as
3 use only equipment that is intrinsically safe EX rated motors Intrinsically safe All of them D
Monitoring Checking Ullage SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Pressure of of Oil and Oil / Measuring
Tank Water Interface Temperature of Oil
4 Tank radar system is used for Atmosphere in the tank in the tank All of them D
Vessel Response SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
VRP is an OPA '90 requirement and the variable random Vessel Response Plan for use in
5 full form of VRP is parameters Plan vapour reid pressure European waters B
self operated Shipboard Oil SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
pump eqpt. some oil polution ship oil pollution Pollution
6 The full form of SOPEP is Plan eqiupment pump equipment principle Emergency Plan D
DPA is and ISM requirement and stands Designated deepwell pumping deputy personal diploma in personal SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
7 for Person Ashore arrangement administrator administration A
Indian state SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Government international
orders for society general for International Safety International state
tankers and oil tankers and Guide for Oil Tankers gas and oil tanker
8 The full form of ISGOTT is trucks terminals and Terminals terminal C
Inert Gas for SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Tanks in the
Hazardous Inter-government Indian Government
9 The IG System on board a ship provid Zone system Service Integrated system A
Oxygen Content for Man entry into tanks SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
10 should be > 30% < 21% 20.80% All of them C
Toxic Gas Detector SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
with Bellows pump
Presence of toxic gases on board a ship Inflamable gas and Graduated
11 are checked with… Explosimeter oxygen analyser detector Chemical Tubes D
Inorder to Reduce HC SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
content below 2%
and avoid passing
Purging with Inert gas is done before Gas Hydrocarbons < through the Flamable hydrocarbons < 2%
12 freeing with Oxygen 2% hydrocarbons> 2% Range UEL C
All cargo operations on a Tanker should cadet record book SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
13 be recorded in the ORB part I ORB part I & II ORB part II (CRB) C
Pipelines in a Crude Oil and Black Oil Direct / Freeflow / SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
14 Carrier maybe of the Free Faal Type Ringmain type Framo system any other system B
Fixed Fire fighting systems in cargo areas system & Foam
15 of a Tanker include… monitors sprinkler system portable extiguishers CO2 system A
Emergency Cargo Oil Pump Trips are Cargo Manifold Engine & Cargo SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
16 normally located at Pump Platform area Control Rooms All of these options D
17 A Tanker's ETA is located Forward Aft Midship near Manifold B SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Increasing the SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Head will The discharge valve
Chief characteristics of centrifugal pumps reduce the flow They require can be throttled
18 are rate Priming against the flow all of these options D
only hydrogen only carbon and only carbon and a combination of SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
19 What does crude oil mainly consist of? and sulphur. hydrogen. sulphur. hydrocarbons. D
upper explosive upper expected upper exposure SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
20 What does UEL mean? limit. limit. upper exposure level. limit. A
What is the point when it is possible to SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
21 ignite the vapour above the oil called? Ignition point. Flash point. Boiling point. Pour point. B
What is recognized as the main hazard no particular SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
22 when entering a void space? lack of light lack of mobility lack of oxygen hazards C
Immediately SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
If during discharge, a breakdown occurrs stop all cargo Continue with
in the inert gas plant, resulting in no inert discharge and slower discharge Use the inert fans Just slow down and
gas being available to replace the inform all with only one cargo and blow fresh air open the tanks to
23 discharging cargo. What will you do? concerned. pump running. into the cargo tanks. the atmosphere. A
You have observed a small leak of oil at Call immediately SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
the manifold during discharging. What is Try to stop the the person in
24 your first action? Do not bother. leak. Call the terminal. charge. D
Cell Phones of all persons boarding the Switched Off before SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
25 gangway should be kept on silent kept in flight mode in normal condition coming onboard D
It has been SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Before each and every use of any Calibrated &
portable gas indicator it is very important certified A Span Check is A Battery Check and
26 to make sure that Annualy done Zero Check are done All of these options D
enclosed space SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
entry permit enclosed space
Before entering a Cargo tank for cleaning and hot work entry permit and hot work permit and enclosed space
27 what kind of permit would be required? permit cold work permit cold work permit. entry permit D
Oxygen Content is
21% by volume. HC
concentration is
less than 1% LEL
What should be the oxygen and 20% oxygen by and No Toxic or 21% oxygen by 20% oxygen by
hydrocarbon gas content of a tank before volume and 1% other volume and 1% volume and 1%
any permits are issued and tank entry is hydrocarbon of contanminants are hydrocarbon by hydrocarbon by
28 permitted? LEL present. volume. volume. B
What is the maximum oil content of cargo SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
slop discharge by ODME allowed per 60 litres pr. 20 litres pr. nautical 30 litres pr. nautical 40 litres pr. nautical
29 nautical mile? nautical mile. mile. mile mile. C
after an electric fan SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
after the bottom has been blowing
In what kind of atmosphere should tank has been steamed to a fresh air into the tank
washing be carried out onboard vessels covered with humidity of at least for a minimum time Inerted to less than
30 with inert-gas system salt water. 75% of one hour. 8% oxygen(IMO). D
very large very large very large crude SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
31 What does VLCC mean crude carrier. combination carrier vacuum strip. combination carrier. A

Process of bubble
formation and
implosion within a cavity formed in tooth cavity
32 Cavitation stands for Pitting on deck pump casing crude oil sludge formation B
33 100 % LEL Equates to 100% HC 1 % HC By Volume Lower Explosive Limit B&C D SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
fixed revolution Positive SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
34 Stripping pump normally is a co-axial pump pump Displacement Pump None of these C
transferring SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Wilden Pumps are used in mitigating oil spilled Oil to blowing saw dust As a means for
35 spills by slop tanks on the oil. None of these fighting fire. A
under thermal Unified Termial ullage temperature SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
36 The term UTI stands for interface interfacing interface all of the above C

measuring the
distance to the
cargo surface
using a
The Tank Radar Gauging system works continuous doppler frequency
37 by radar signal. shift optical wave activity Thermal Imaging A
Lowering a Portable SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
tank cleaning
allow light into machine into the
38 Butterworth port is used for the tank Sampling of oil Cargo Oil tank None of the above C
water vapour & N2,So2,No2, Soot, SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
39 Flue gas is primarily composed of So2 & No2 Nitrogen Co2, H2S & O2 all of the above C
A Fresh charge SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
of wash water & Considered the
A Primary slop Tank is used for mainly source of 1st parcel of any Taking of tank only & main slop
40 taking wasing fluid. cargo washings tank on the ship A
Tank cleaning should be done with a SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
41 minimum pressure of 5 Kg/cm2 15 Kg/cm2 21 Kg/cm2 8 Kg/cm2 D
Type of cargo valves found on tankers sluice or gate SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
42 include valves Butterfly Valves Globe valves All of these D
Vessel is issued a SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Gas free certificate There is a strong
Welding can be done on tanker decks Master gives Company gives by recognised wind blowing the
43 Only if permission permission Authority gas of deck. C
Types of tank cleaning machines found on Non-Programab SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
44 tankers are le Programable Portable All of These D
How many air exchanges are Oil Tanker SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Cargo Pumproom fans required to do as a
45 minimum. 10 per hour 45 per hour 30 per hour 20 per hour D
Extremly light as SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
46 Hydrocarbon vapour is known to be Lighter than air same density as air Heavier than air compared to air C
What would you do in case a pressure Wait and watch if oil check to see if
vacuum valve lifts unexpectedly in front of Inform CCR is coming after See if other PV other tank P/Vs are
47 you during loading? immediately sometime valves are lifting also lifting D
Spring loaded water tank & SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
48 Dry type of deck seal works on principle of Dry weights valves automation All of these C
How many types of deck seal designs are SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
49 available and seen on Oil Tankers 1 3 5 None of the above B
as the Last
safety device to
relieve over
pressure or
underpressure to allow fresh air in For Measurement
of cargo oil to maintain high the tank to maintain of pressure in the
50 A PV breaker on an Oil tanker is used tanks pressure in tanks. O2 content, IG line. A
As a return line for SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
ship's tank vapours
Pressure intake of shore to shore tanks or
51 what is the vapour manifold used for release vapours plant all of the above C
To prevent
electrical flow
across ship &
terminal flanges
used between tank during hose
What is the purpose of an Insulating insulates ships cleaning line connection or
52 flange flanges flanges shore tank flange disconnection D
disconnection of SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
connecting 2 points wire used to bind the shore hose or
53 What is bonding wire used for joining flanges electrically paper insulators loading arm, B
What is the medium used for crude oil steam & SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
54 washing water hot water crude oil compressed air C
Maximum resistance of a tank cleaning more than 8 less than 5 ohms/ not more than 6 SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
55 hose ohms/meter metre 45 ohms/meter ohms/meter D
Yellow with a Red SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
How should a vapour manifold and vapour Band and Vapour Same as other Red with Yellow
56 reducer be painted and indicated? Black and Red stencilled on it Manifolds Band B
Only after SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
permission is
In case of an oil spill, Oil Spill Immediately receicved from By spraying By pouring on the
57 Dispersant may be used for cleanup local authorities overside affected water B
May be used only SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
for Oily waste /
sludge which is
in compliance May be used when
with Annex VI ship is in Port,
may be used emmission harbours or Permitted if Master
58 Incinerator use in ECA areas as normal norms estuaries gives permission B
cargoes with SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Flash Point > Volatile Cargoes
60 Degrees with Flash Point
A hazardous Zone on an Oil Tanker Celcius are Ignition sources Bunker Fuel is above 60 degrees
59 is where loaded are available stored Celcius are loaded D
Pressure plus Pressure plus
10% and Pressure = 1400 10% and about
(- )450 mm/wg mm/wg. (+) 50 mm/wg
Tank radar system pressure sensor for vacuum Same as for P/V Vacuum = (-) 400 positive for
60 and vacuum settings should be set to side. Valve settings mm/wg vacuum side. D
VRP is a requirement for Oil tankers Environment Oil Pollution Act of
61 visiting USA under which regulation? Act 1990 The clean waters Act USCG regulations B
The Shipboard Oil Prevention List of Coastal Emergency List of shipboard oil
62 Emergency Plan contains Contacts Contacts pollution equipment. All of these D
For Oil spills in USA waters you must Qualified The USCG Captain SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
63 immediately contact the Individual {QI} The company DPA of the Port {COTP} All of these D
ISGOTT requires O2 content of SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
atmosphere in cargo tanks during COW > 5% > 11 % > 8% 21%
64 to be C
Do not Stop Loading. SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Continue Loading at
same rate and use
In case of a Mast Riser Fire during Stop All Increase Inert Gas Water Fog or Co2 to Close Mast Riser
65 loading of Oil cargo Loading Pressure extinguish the fire Valve Immediately C
To continuously Have rescue SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Ventillate the monitor the tank harness and
After Issue of Enclosed Space Entry space atmosphere for resuscitation
66 Permit it is required to continually HC, H2s, O2 equipment stand by All of these D

Utilises a
Pallister to
measure %
LEL in non
inerted Measures oxygen Measures HC in Measures Toxic
67 An Explosimeter atmosphere in inert gas inerted tanks Gas A
Purging must always SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
When HC in the be done till HC in
tanks is between tanks is reduced to
When there is 10% and 2% by below 2 % by when HC is above
68 Purging of Tanks need not be done insufficient time Volume Volume UFL C
All Discharge Cargo Slops SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
must be pumped out must All OWS operations All operations must
When using Engine room Oily water recorded in be recorded in must be recorded in be recorded in
69 seperator ORB II ORB I ORB I engine log book C
Smaller than Larger than top stronger than other SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
70 Bottom Cargo Lines of an Oil tanker are top lines lines Same as other lines lines B
Oil tanker Fires Accommodation SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
71 Low Expansion Foam is used for on deck areas Engine room fires Pumproom fires fires A
Before each and SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Emergency Cargo Oil Pump Trips must Before COW every discharging
72 be tested operations During fire drills During loading operation D
Before each SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Loading and before
Cargo Tank High Level and Overfill each discharhging
73 Alarms must be tested Once a year operation Occassionally when in doubt only B
Bulkhead Shaft SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Glands High Upper and lower
Temperature Bearing High Pump Casing High
Cargo, Ballast and Stripping pumps must audio and Temperature audio temperature audio
74 be provided with visual alarm and visual alarms and visual alarms all of these D
Flamable limit
{UEL} and its
The Flamability Range of HC lies Flamable limit Flash point and upper exposure upper exposure
75 between its {LEL} pour point level. limit. A
temperature at
which it gives off
The enough vapour to
temperature at form a flamable The boiling point of The Point at which
76 The flash Point of an Oil is which oil burns mixture in air the Oil it catches fire B
it can ignite SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Pyrophoric iron sulphide i.e. iron sulphide flammable
capable of pyrophoric oxidation in air, is it can pollute it can cause hydrocarbon gas/air
77 dangerous because the cargo corrossion mixtures. it can evolve gas C
During Cargo operations Airconditioning On Recirculation SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
78 Fresh Air Uptake must be Fully shut mode Fully Open 50 % Shut D
The automatic stopping device of the 15 When Oil when the oil content SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
PPM. OWS will automatically stop content is When Coalescer is of the effluent when Oil exceeds
79 discharge overboard 15 PPM unclean exceeds 15 ppm. 30 L/nm C
In the Ship / Shore Safet CheckList; A' = Approvals A' = Agregate A' = Applicable A' = Agreement SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
presence of the letters ‘A’, ‘P’ or ‘R’ in the 'P' = Petroleum 'P' = Permannet 'P' = Preventive act 'P' = Permission
80 column entitled ‘Code’ indicates: 'R' = Risk 'R' = Radio 'R' = Retain onboard 'R' = Re-check D
Average Frieght SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
rate very large crude
assessment tanker Capable of Largest tanker for combination
81 AFRAMAX Tanker Type means max rounding Africa African ports carrier. A
Cause the Shaft to SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
cause serration become
on impeller unbalanced and result in high pump
82 Cavitation in a centrifugal pump can blabe tips misaligned casing temperatures All of these D
100 % Lower SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Upper Explosive Explosive Limit
83 1 % HC by Volume equates to 1 % LEL 10 % LEL Limit {UEL} {LEL} D
Gas High Viscosity SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
84 A Gear Pump is normally used for Evacuation Petroleum Liquids None of these C
displacement Fire Fighting
85 A Wilden Pump is the most basic pump eductor rotary pump Pump. A
Measure Cargo Measure SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Volume, Water Soundings, Measure Ullage -
Tri-Mode Tapes on an Oil Tanker are Volume, Air pressure, loading Temperature -
86 used to Volume. rates Interface all of the above C
87 The propellant in an Eductor can be Water OIL Steam All of these D SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
The main purpose of the large nest of Seperation and SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
heating coils in a Primary slop Tank is for Decanting of carrying heated Heating of tank
88 the purpose of Oil and water cargo washings emulsifying sludge A
Matching the SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
On a tanker the Cargo stripping pump or throughput
Cargo Eductor capacity must ideally be Same capacity as capacity of a tank's
89 capable of 300 Cu. M/Hr 400 Cu. M/Hr Cargo one Pump COW machines D
sluice or gate SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Manifold valves of Cargo Lines on Oil Commonly
90 tankers can be Butterfly valves Non Retuen Valves Globe valves All of these A
When heating Cargo the Maximum Charterers temperature of Valve weather and
91 Temperature is limited by requirements Company policy seat rings and joints ambient conditions C
Connecting and SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Testing hose Connecting Hose earthing the hose
Portable Tank Cleaning machines should being used for being used to the with machine to the
92 only be lowered in a tank after continuity machine Hydrant All of These D
maintains equal Protects the Cargo SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
Is used to allow difference between tank from over
A Pressure Vacuum Valve or High IG to escape or pressure and Is to allow fresh air pressure and
93 Velocity Vent Valve enter vacuum into the cargo tank under pressure D
Oil from going Cargo Vapours from SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
into Non returning to the
hazardous Engine room and the
Zone of the Oxygen from going Non Hazardous Zone
94 The Deck Seal Prevents Ship into cargo tanks of the ship All of these C
The IG pressure in SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
the IG line after the
Blowers. Works to
Release excess
controls the pressure back to
The IG system Pressure control valve speed of IG the scrubber or to
95 regulates Fans atmosphere. The Oxygen content All of these B
As a return line for SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
ship's tank vapours
Pressure intake of shore to shore tanks or
96 what is the vapour manifold used for release vapours plant all of the above C
To prevent SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
electrical flow
across ship &
terminal flanges
used between tank during hose
What is the purpose of an Insulating insulates ships cleaning line connection or
97 flange flanges flanges shore tank flange disconnection D
A Combination SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
of pipe, Flange,
Gasket and
Long bolts
arrangement to A rigid pipe
connect two A rubberised connecting
98 What is a Dressor Coupling? pipes. A painted coupling coupling arrangement A
A special coupling SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
A coupling used to like a 'C' clamp for
A pneumatic connect two hoses use in sealing a
99 What is a Straub Coupling? device A steam pipe joint of different sizes leaking pipe D
In Emergencies SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
when vessel has a
Blackout condition,
both can be With Windlass and
The ETA and Chaffing Chain on a Tanker During Towing deployed without For Towing other Winch Power for
100 are designed to be used in Port power vessels in distress deployment B
To receive a SEM 1 OTFC_SET1_AM OTFC
vapour reducer
To receive the only which has a
right cargo hole for the stud so
manifold that no cargo
Why is there a Stud Fixed on the reducer of right reducer can be So that no reducer It is a USCG
101 receiving flange of a Vapour manifold? dimensions fitted mistakenly can be fitted requirement B


Close DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisa Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 1/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGHT Result : 1/10 (14/11/2020)
Basic knowledge of tankers DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of tankers
Tanker Terminology (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oil
Before gas freeing operations the hydrocarbon content is reduced to:
Terminology for tankers carrying chem
to 15% or less by volume
Types of tankers
to 10% or less by volume Basic Knowledge of Tankers
Arrangements of Oil tanker
to 8% or less by volume
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives
to 2% or less by volume After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Pumps and Eductors
Cargo heating System Describe various types of tankers for carrying dangerous liquids (1)
2. Inert Gas System Explain the constructional features of oil carrying tankers
What is Clingage? Explain the constructional features of chemical carrying tankers
Cargo measurement systems
Physical and chemical properties of oil and c
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk of the oil has been removed
Physical Properties Introduction
Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk of the oil has been removed
Both oil and chemical cargoes are dangerous liquids and termed as such can be treated under a common category of liquid
Pressure and Temperature
Solid deposits on the upper frames within a tank that remains after bulk of the oil has been removed variety of liquids in bulk (unpackaged). These fall under three broad classifications: Petroleum liquids, chemical liquids, and s
Important Fuel Properties when using
The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank
Physical Properties of Chemicals Petroleum Liquids: Petroleum liquids consist of naturally occurring crude oil and the various products derived (refined) from t

Chemical Properties (1)

3. Gasoline
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products Fuel oil
Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Diesel
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safe Residual fuel oil
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge into the marine environment Kerosene
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventing ‘A
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine environment Jet Fuel
Key Features and Measurement of an Effe Lubricants
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and No Asphalt (1)
4. Assessment of Safety Culture Coke
What is the purpose of tank coating?
SMS and the Safety Culture
to add strength to cargo tanks
Development of Positive Safety Culture Petroleum Cargoes: International Classification
to carry heated cargo Hazards In many safety-related rules and regulations, petroleum cargoes are broadly classified as volatile liquids and non-volatile liqui

to prevent corrosion in cargo tanks Health hazards

Volatile liquids: Petroleum liquids that have closed-cup flash points below 140℉ (60℃) are considered volatile. Over the no
Environmental hazards during transport, cargoes in this category are capable of producing gas/air mixtures within and above the flammable rang
5. Reactivity hazards transported in a tank with a controlled (inerted) atmosphere.
The pipeline system that has valves fitted on bulkheads is called: Corrosion hazards
Nonvolatile liquids: These are petroleum products that have closed-cup flash points of 140℉ (60℃) and above. Over the n
The direct line system Explosion hazards
during transport the atmosphere above these cargoes (headspace) typically contains gas concentrations below the lowe
The free flow system Flammability hazards cargoes, however, the application of heat is often necessary during the voyage. Caution must be exercised with heated ca
The ring main system Sources of ignition possible if it is heated to or near the flash point.

The free line system Electrostatic hazards

Chemical Liquids
Toxicity hazards
A liquid chemical is any substance used in, or obtained by, a chemical process. There are literally hundreds of differe
Vapour leaks and clouds (1)
6. substances are derived from many sources and have diverse characteristics. They may be categorized as organic or inorgani
Basic knowledge of hazard controls Chemical Liquids
An inert gas generator burns what oil to generate inert gas ?
Crude oil Organic Chemicals Inorganic Chemicals
Water padding
Heavy oil
Drying agents Aromatic hydrocarbons Boric acid
Diesel oil
Monitoring techniques
Gas oil
Anti-static measures Vinyl chloride Sulfuric acid
7. Cargo segregation Acetone Phosphoric acid
An inert gas system is required to be fitted:
Cargo inhibition
On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight Cargo Compatibility Acetic acid Caustic soda

On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight Atmospheric control

On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight Styrene monomer Hydrochloric acid
Gas Testing
On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Acrylonitrile Molten sulfur
8. Gas measuring instruments
Special Liquids
The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be Measurement of Hydrocarbon Concen
Liquid substances other than those classified as petroleum or chemical are described as special liquids. Table shows some e
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explosim Special Liquids
available close to the pump room
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellisto
kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person Animal/Vegetable Oils Miscellaneous Liquids
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Ga
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked
Palm oil Freshwater
9. Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Soybean oil Beer
A starting interlock in the ODME ensures
Measurement of Low Concentrations
the monitoring equipment is fully operational before commencing the discharge of the oil effluent at sea Draeger–tube system
Sunflower oil Wine
prevents malfunctioning of the system Electrochemical Sensors
that an alarm is given off when the system malfunctions Fixed Gas Detection Installations Other vegetable oils  
stops discharge of the oil effluent when the oil content exceeds 5 part per million Measurement of Oxygen Concentratio
Oxygen Analyzer Animals oils  
10. Multi-Gas Instruments
Tallow and greases  
Back flow of inert gas is prevented by: Personal Gas Monitors
An isolating valve Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Proc
The deck water seal Sampling Procedures

A valve provided in the scrubber Safety Equipment

From the above, you realise that while the tankers are either carrying oil or chemicals in liquid form, the cargoes can be quit
The deck mechanical non-return valve Breathing apparatus
such, understanding of the cargo properties will be essential for ship's crew to transport them safely.
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment As of January 2017, there were 52,183 ships in the world's merchant fleets. The tanker sector stands at 14,512 ships, making
Oil Tankers 7,244
Rescue and escape equipment LNG 1,850
Basic knowledge of Safe working practic Chemical Tanker 5,418

Entering enclosed spaces In this course we shall talk about Oil and Chemical tankers. The importance of tankers are further underscored with the follow
Repair and maintenance work
In 2015, total world petroleum and other liquids supply was about 96.7 million barrels per day (b/d).
Hot and cold work
EIA estimates that about 61% that amount (58.9 million b/d) traveled via seaborne trade.
Electrical safety Oil tankers accounted for almost 28% of the world’s shipping by deadweight tonnage in 2016 (UNCTAD)
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Trading of Oil and Chemicals by Tankers
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact Oil Tankers
Oil tanker is designed for the bulk transport of oil. Basic types of tankers include crude tanker and product tanker.
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Fire response organization Crude tanker transports unrefined crude oil from extraction locations to refineries while product tanker ships refined products
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list The oil value chain shows the movement from the oil fields to the consumer:

Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning Crude oil tankers have a vital role to play within the energy value chain. Their main role is to transport crude oil from p
Purging and gas freeing sometimes used for storing crude oil post production. Crude tankers can also be used for carrying oil products such as fuel o
are carried on 'clean' or 'product' tankers, which are smaller in size due to the smaller parcel sizes in which these products are
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information Crude oil tankers come in various sizes, the biggest standard size being a Very Large Crude Carrier – or 'VLCC'. These ta
Loading shipment, while the second largest size is the 'Suezmax' which takes around half of that amount and is the largest size ship t
smallest size of dedicated crude oil tankers is an 'Aframax' which can carry around 600,000 barrels of oil. There are smaller ta
oil products and fuel oil, not crude oil.
Tank cleaning
Gas-freeing The dynamics of the oil market
Tanker shipping provides an economical and convenient way to transport liquid bulk for international seaborne trade. But t
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
but the shipowners have to maneuver within all the market challenges to remain operational and profitable.
Organizational structure for emergency
Alarms Many maritime economists believe that the supply of tanker shipping operates under perfect competition and is characterize
of shipping service providers. There are a number of ship owners who own tankers that provide identical shipping servic
Emergency Procedures
information. In the tanker market, information on freight rate can be searched via such means as the Baltic Index (Tanker ind
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Ta to manipulate the price. Obstacles to entry to and exit from the industry exist but these challenges can be managed. Entry b
Effects of pollution on human and marine factors, and marketing condition, are not present in the tank shipping industry. On the one hand, huge capital investment is
building market or second-hand ships from the sales and purchase market) to enter the industry. On the other hand, shipp
Pollution from HNS cargoes
their assets (i.e., ships) in the second-hand vessel sale and purchase market.
Procedures to prevent pollution


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DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point
Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
Melting point

Pour point Specific Learning Objectives

Saturation point
After going through this topic, student should be able to,

Describe different types of oils to be transported (1)

Explain the physical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ship
Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Explain the chemical properties of oil and chemicals that are important  for cargo carrying on tank ships
Explain the possible generation of Electrostatic charge

Pascal's Law
Laws of Motion Introduction
g Bulk transportation of oil and chemical on tank ships is the best economical way to transport such cargoes. But while carrying a massive amount of dangerous liquids as cargo
Fick's Laws of Diffusion
in ship's tank, they exhibit a number of physical and chemical behavior, based on their individual characteristics. Most oils gassify and create a vapor pressure on top of the
Henry's Law
tank. They also get viscous with drop in temperature. The emitted cargo vapor could be toxic and poisonous. Some cargoes get contaminated if the tanks have not been
prepared correctly before filling up with new cargo. There are many issues that arise from their density, vapor pressure, toxicity, pour point and such other properties. It will be
3. important for you to study the oil and chemical properties to get the basic idea of the nature of the cargo and how perhaps to carry them on board and transport them safely
across the sea.
The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Classification of Oil cargoes:
Up to 60% ‘A
Up to 70% fe Crude Oil
Up to 35% o Raw crude oil is pumped directly into a ship’s cargo tank. It varies widely in chemical composition, sulphur, and water content. Depending on its chemical composition, the
prevailing components of crude oil are naphthenic, paraffinic, or aromatic hydrocarbons. Crude oils are carried in bare steel tanks and tanks coated with epoxy coal tar or epoxy
Up to 50%

4. White Oil
This group
Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric of liquid
pressure at cargoes consists mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon products and includes gasoline, diesel oils, kerosene, virgin stock, aviation fuels, heating oils, etc. These
cargoes are not very aggressive, and they usually are shipped in conventional epoxy coated tanks. However, some unleaded gasolines may require a modified epoxy or zinc

60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F) silicate coating system.

15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F)

Solvents and Chemicals
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F) This complex group of liquid cargoes includes alcohols, ketones, glycols, esters, ethers, aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc. These cargoes vary from mild to
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F) very aggressive. They are shipped in tanks coated with epoxy, modified epoxy, and zinc silicate. Some of these products require extreme care in the choice of coating and cargo

5. Vegetable and Animal Oils
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure? Vegetable and animal oils may vary in composition. The most important factor is their free fatty acid content, which greatly affects the suitability of coatings. Refined vegetable
oils with low acid value are usually acceptable for carriage in conventional epoxy-coated tanks. Those with a higher acid value are more aggressive and may require a more
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure resistant coating system. Crude vegetable oils, fatty acids, and by-products (fatty acid distillates and acid oils) may pose serious problems for carriage in coated tanks. Water
content and loading/unloading temperatures can make these cargoes even more aggressive.
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure Lube Oils and Additives
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure This group of cargoes (excluding halogenated, phosphated, and ester types) usually poses no problems for carriage in coated cargo tanks, but contamination of cargo may be a
problem, requiring thorough cleaning and drying of tanks before loading. These products usually can be carried in tanks coated with conventional epoxy
Specific gravity of a fuel  is the ratio of its density to density of
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Sea water

Fresh Water

Diesel oil

7. en
Paraffins are fully saturated (no double bond). They remain unchanged over long periods of geological
im time and they are

What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which needs heating during its carriage?

5% of the Tank capacity

10% of the Cargo capacity
2% of the Tank capacity

1% of the Tank capacity

c (1)
Sublimation is the phase transition of a substance:
From the liquid to the solid phase
From the solid to the liquid phase
From to the gas phase to the solid phase
From the solid to the gas phase

10. c

Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners.



Alumino silicates




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Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety management (1)
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions or a failure to follow
Explain established
the meaning procedures
of a safety culture
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it Describe various ways to measure it
Explain the need for reporting accidents, near misses and non-conformities
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
Discuss the process of development of a positive safety culture
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
Explain the relationship of safety culture and safety management system

Introduction (1)
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement What is a safety culture?
A safety culture is an organizational culture that places a high level of importance on safety beliefs, values and attitudes—and these are shared by the majority of people within
the company or workplace. It can be characterized as ‘the way we do things around here’. A positive safety culture can result in improved workplace health and safety (WHS)
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be improved.
and organizational performance.
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism

g Shipping
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time Incident (LTI)is known
rate, asisone
which of the most
commonly useddangerous andindustries
across many international occupation
to measure in the world.
personnel injuriesThe maritime industry has witnessed catastrophic accidents throughout the years
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the date or shiftsuch
whenasitHerald of Free Enterprise, Costa Concordia and Deep Water Horizon. Regulatory bodies developed the International Safety Management (ISM) code in order to avoid
reoccurrence of these accidents.

3. Following the implementation of the ISM Code, which became mandatory for all ships via the SOLAS Convention between 1998 and 2002, there has been a significant reduction
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to : in maritime casualties, serious oil spills, and – most importantly – the number of lives lost on board international cargo ships. However, a number of recent high-profile
incidents suggest that the absence of a fully implemented safety culture is still an issue which some shipping companies may need to address with additional rigor.
continuous working on deck. fe
working in the pump room ‘A Unfortunately, the maritime industry traditionally adopted a reactive approach to eliminate these errors therefore none of these measures provide the desired level of safety.
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. fe Only recently, the maritime industry has started to adopt proactive approaches by developing an appropriate safety culture.
improper use of proper PPE o
There is a vital need for all concerned to understand the relationship between unsafe acts and serious incidents that may cause loss of life or serious damage to property and
the environment. The importance of changing behavior and avoiding negative attitudes or complacency towards safety and environmental protection is also underlined.
Accident investigation reports attribute the majority of marine accidents to human errors and extensive organizational checklists and regulatory paperwork. None of these
The main elements of peak safety performance are :
efforts provide the desired safety level. Currently, the maritime industry is starting to implement proactive approaches and has tried to avoid reoccurrences by implementing an
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents appropriate safety culture. One unique way to internalize the concept of Safety culture is to define it as “how an organization behaves when no one is watching”. The safety
culture approach describes humans as a means for improving safety rather than someone to blame for failure. A positive safety culture with commitment from all levels in the
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
company can achieve the required safety levels in the maritime industry
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.

Safety culture is a concept defined at group or higher level and reflects on the shared values among all the shipboard, shore side, and organization members.
Safety culture is concerned with formal safety issues within an organization.
Organisational safety value aims at :
Safety culture emphasizes the contribution from everyone at all levels of the organization.
< 2 incidents in a year The safety culture of an organization has an impact on its employees’ behavior at work and potentially away from work.

reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year Safety culture may be reflected by the relationship between the reward system and safety performance.
Safety culture is reflected in the organization’s willingness to develop and learn from errors, incidents, and accidents.
Zero incident programme
Safety culture embraces communication and teamwork.
allow only one incident per year.

Safety Culture comprise of 5 significant levels

Pathological: Employees only react to the safety matters not to get caught by regulatory compliance.
Reactive: Employees do not follow the basic safety instructions. The importance of safety is understood only after a serious accident.
Calculative: There is an effort within the company to collect the safety associated data and arrange regular audits. Employees have more understanding about “how the
system works”, but the data are not analyzed to enhance safety.
Proactive:  This stage focus more on “what might go wrong in the future” instead of analyzing occurrence data. The interaction between employers and employees
Generative: This is the most advanced stage a company can have. The company uses human errors to improve safety rather than apportion blame.There is a really good
feedback and reporting system between all workers within the company. The company is always prepared for the unexpected.



Individual is the key  

FIRST, you need to have the know-how for the job. If you don’t know what you are doing, don’t know your limits, then you are putting yourself and others at risk. You’re the
hazard. So you need to be honest about what you know you can do safely. Keep your skills up to date. Make sure you have the know-how for the job.

SECOND, you’ve got to co-operate with the people working alongside you. Be open, share your knowledge and experience, if something doesn’t look safe, then say so. Be willing
to listen. If a colleague has something to say to you about safety, then learn from them. That is called cooperation.

THIRD, you’ve got to remember, you always have a choice. Every day you can choose, to cut corners, to take risks, or you can chose to think safe. You can think about the
hazards. Think about what you have to lose, and then you can choose to do the right thing, the safe thing. So, it is your choice.

Your know-how
Your cooperation
Your choice

That is what we mean about a personal responsibility for safety. It starts with us, but it ends with you!


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DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Hazards
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:
One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence of high levels of static electricity.
Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.

Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge. Specific Learning Objectives

Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on theAfter
deck.through this topic, student should be able to,

Describe various types of hazards that may occur while carrying dangerous liquid on tank ships
2. Describe the effect of those hazards on health, environment and personal safety

What is runaway polymerization?

Exothermic self reaction c Introduction

Tanker operation creates different types of hazards namely, health hazards, environmental hazard, reactivity hazards, flammability hazards, electrostatic hazards, toxicity
Self reaction
hazards and so on. Major number of these  are extremely dangerous for human health and the rest can damage and destroy the vessel itself and some cause long term
Endothermic self reaction environmental damage when spilled or leaked. It is important to identify the nature of such hazards so that we can think of preventative measures to combat them. We should
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions learn all the prevention and control measures in the next topic, but here, you must identify all the possible situations on board that can compromise your personal well-being and
that of the ship as well as the environment.
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate? Notes

Quantity of Spill Save Notes Font Name Font Size

Weather conditions
Thermal inversion
diameter of the vapour cloud

Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.

How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization

How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature

Electrostatic discharge causing spark can take the form of ,
brush discharge
propagating brush discharge
electric discharge accompanied by a spark 

8. en
What is putrifaction? im

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored ocondition
a heated
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition  when heated  
Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers

s (1)
What is the flammable range ?
Vapor concentration below LEL
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL

Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
one fan for ventilation
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
fixed fire extinguishing system



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DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of hazard controls
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:
5 minutes
15 minutes Basic knowledge of hazard controls
30 minutes
60 minutes Specific Learning Objectives

After going through this topic, student should be able to,

Explain what the hazards can do to compromise the ship and personal safety
Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator oils is avoided by:
Describe various ways that the hazards can be controlled like Inerting, padding, ventilation, segregation of cargo, etc.
Increasing the flow rate c Know how to use the MSDS for cargo operation.
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall g There are a number of systemic controls by way of ship  and equipment design to provide hazard safety or control of hazardous situations going out of hand. Controlling the
tank environment by adding inert gas on top of the cargo carried is one such innovation. Even padding by water on top of a highly oxidizing cargo could be a preventative
control. There are a number of processes and equipment that ensures such hazard control: among them are, tank drying, monitoring of tank environment and status, tank
3. ventilation, segregation of cargoes, and checking  and following the MSDS are among the measures that are discussed. Beyond the systemic controls, the crew competency in
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called: adhering to the standard operating procedures (SOP) will be fundamental in being able to control hazards around you at work on a tanker.

A spark Notes
A corona fe
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A brush discharge ‘A

A Propagating brush discharge fe

What is a hot work permit ?
Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision
A document issued by a responsible person permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular time interval in a defined space
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning

What is the other name for flammable gas detector?
Oxygen analyser

What is volatile petroleum ?
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C

What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits. Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.

8. en
What is cathodic protection ?
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship a
Protection of the hull of a ship
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques

9. s
The permit to work should not last for more than
12 hours
24 hours
36 hours io

48 hours

What is pour point ? c

The temperature at which oil gets frozen

The lowest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated



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DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship?
Navigation bridge.
Monkey island. Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Bridge wing
Specific Learning Objectives
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
fe (1)
‘A Describe Oil and Chemical Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
Cargo stowage plan shall be kept in :
fe Discuss Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquids in bulk
Master's safe. Describe Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
Under safe upkeep of chief officer. Describe Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
Describe Portable fire-fighting foam Operations
An accessible place on board.
Explain Fixed dry chemical system Operations
Explain Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations 
When using the breathing apparatus, the person is warned of low air volume remaining in his air bottle by the meter needle in the red zone and
a whistle sounding off Any tanker fire incident is responded with a fire emergency preparedness, in-depth planning and practice drills from the ship's crew under an organization under the Master,
where each officer and crew members are part of a team, allocated with resources, skills and knowledge to fight a fire, big or small as discussed further.
a slight difficulty in breathing
the life line being tug 3 times by the outside controller Composition of Emergency Teams
his own judgement of his bottle becoming colder upon emptying
Emergency organisation
Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.  (1)
Class C fires involve 1. Command team
2. Emergency team
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
3. Support and First Aid 
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids 4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
Energised electrical equipment 5. Crew for Rescue Boat

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc. The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operations. Hence frequent feedback, short and crisp, is necessary from each
team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records of all actions and their timings, etc. will be carried at this centre.
The Emergency team  would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in the Engine Room, the Second Engineer will be the leader of the
Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is elsewhere, the Chief Officer will be the leader of the primary team and the Second Engineer
would lead the back-up team.
Nitrogen gas
Halon Gas The Support and First team will look after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patients for evacuation. Prepare lifeboats in case of necessity to abandon

CO2 gas ship at short notice. Shit where water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in field operations, essential snacks where the operations are sustained for a long period.
Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command team.

6. Roving Team/Engine Room Team will be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R systems and controls. Isolate electricity from compartments on fire, shut

The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is: off ventilation systems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command team.

Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on specific instruction of the Command Team, lower the boat, rescue the
foam man and get hoisted back on board.

enSome employers list out various emergencies that could occur:
imExplosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Personal injury, Main Engine failure, Steering failure, Piracy, Search &
7. o Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list out duties to be performed by each of the five teams in each such emergency.
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by a
Heat removal or cooling Notes
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
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Flame inhibition

Class B fires involve
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids io

Energised electrical equipment

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.

c (1)
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Heat removal or cooling
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Flame inhibition

During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.
Steer clear off other vessels.






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inert gas 0/10
QUIZ on top (14/11/2020)
of the tank ensures safe passage. Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)


The main function of a stripping system is to
maintain the temperature of the cargo throughout the vessel
dispose of dangerous vapors within the cargo tanks
increase the loading rate of the shoreside pumps
discharge liquid left in the cargo tanks after the main pumps have discharged the bulk
‘A (1)
2. fe
When stripping a tank, excessive air in the suction line may cause __________.
an over pressurized line
back pressure
loss of suction
increase of suction Introduction:

Reid vapor pressure is __________.
exerted by liquid cargo on the sides of a tank
exerted by liquid cargo on a cargo hose body
the lowest temperature and pressure that will cause a flammable liquid to give off vapors
a measurement of the amount of flammable vapors given off by a liquid at a certain temperature

Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Precise control over cargo flow
Quick operation
No resistance to cargo flow when open
Less maintenance required

If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, what action should you take FIRST?
Close the valves at the transfer manifold
Notify the person in charge of the shore facility
Shut down the transfer operation
Sound the fire alarm

The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is known as the _________.
fire point en

flash point im
lower explosive limit
threshold limit value

Which is a mandatory section of the shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan?
Reporting requirements
Removal equipment list
Planned exercises
List of individuals required to respond

What is the maximum oxygen content below which flaming combustion will no longer occur?
1% c

As per definition of MARPOL Annex-1, a product tanker is one which can carry Ballast voyage
The ship crew must be on high alert during a ballast voyage as much as on a loaded voyage. One should not forget that hydrocarbon vapours are still present with inert gas in
Oils and chemicals
the cargo tanks after the discharge was completed. An explosion is possible if proper precautionary measures are not observed.
Oils other than crude oils c

Oil product and occasionally crude oils It is equally important during the ballast voyage as in the loaded voyage to maintain the oxygen content less than 8% in the tanks unless a tank is gas freed. If the oxygen
content is allowed to rise, it can form a flammable mixture along with hydrocarbon at the right proportions.
Mainly chemical products but at times refined oil products

Since the tanks are going to remain inerted and closed, the pressures in the tanks have to be monitored. Pressure fluctuates with variation in atmospheric temperature but the
10. Chief Officer has to ensure that it remains within limits considering the tank structural design.

As regulation 12 of Annex 1 of MARPOL, all ships of __________ gross tonnage and above shall be provided with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues
The ballast tanks will have water in them but every ballast tank is filled up completely. Ballast is carried enough to ensure a positive stability in the absence of cargo. This is
150 tonnes deadweight called normal ballast. Some ballast space is left to take in more water in case of an extreme bad weather. This is called heavy weather ballast.
150 gross tonnage
The fixed gas detection system has sampling points in the ballast tanks, one at the top and another at the bottom. Three way valves are provided to change over to the top
400 tonnes deadweight
sampling point during the ballast voyage so that water will not enter the system. The Chief Officer must ensure this before the ballast tanks are filled up.
400 gross tonnage
The ballast voyage is an opportunity for the crew to gas free the required cargo tanks for man-entry and carry out maintenance, repair works on valves and pipelines or a regular
inspection. Such operation should be carefully planned based on the length of voyage so that the cargo tanks can be inerted again and ready for loading upon arrival at load

Some of the inspection, testing and maintenance works on cargo equipment according to the planned maintenance system (PMS) cannot be carried out during the loaded

These works can be carried out during the ballast voyage and documented accordingly.

Cargo operation - Oil tanker

Carrying out cargo operations on an oil tanker involves many complexities and hence it has to be carefully planned special consideration to safety. This topic will familiarize you
with the fundamental aspects of different cargo operations on an oil tanker.

There are many hazards involved in the daily operations on an oil tanker. All prescribed safety procedures and checklists must be followed to ensure safe working atmosphere.

One has to be fully aware of the hazards of the particular ship type and also the cargo carried. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and other relevant information should be
readily available for reference. The crew should familiarize themselves with the relevant MSDS before participating in any operation involving that substance.

Oil cargo is usually pumped into the ship’s tanks using shore pumps and discharged using ship’s pumps. The cargo is carried in fully closed tanks with inert gas filling the space
above the liquid if the flash point is less than 60°C.

Preparation before loading

Utmost diligence is required in planning the operations before hand, with high regard for safety. The following are some of the important steps in repairing the vessel for loading
oil cargo.

The atmosphere in the cargo tanks must be checked for oxygen content less than 8%. Inerting should be carried out to reduce the oxygen content if it is found to be 8% or more.
This 8% is prescribed by the IMO and the vessel will not be permitted to load otherwise.

A detailed cargo plan is prepared by the Chief Officer prior arrival at the load port. The plan must be posted at the Cargo Control Room (CCR) and the crew briefed on its
contents. It should be distributed the personnel directly involved in the operation. They must sign to confirm that they have read and understood the plan.

The Chief Officer also prepares a watch schedule for the crew and the officers in-charge. Prior to commencing the loading, the Chief Officer conducts a cargo safety meeting
with the concerned crew and officers.

The ballast pumps must be tested and in all readiness when arriving at a load port.

The appropriate checklists must be completed at each step in preparation as well as loading. These checklists must be signed and retained for future verification. Some
checklists and permits will require the approval of the Master.
The Duty Officer or the Chief Officer must be present at the Manifold while connecting the cargo transfer hose or arm.

il Notes

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DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
MARPOL Convention
SOLAS Convention Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
CLC Convention
Specific Learning Objectives
Intervention Convention After going through this topic, student should be able to,
‘A Explain the Organizational structure for emergency (1)
2. fe Explain the various alarms for emergencies
The MFAG is published by the: Describe the Emergency Shut Down System ESDS
International Maritime Organisation Describe the Emergency Shut Down- Ship-Shore Link

World Health Organisation

United Nations Introduction
A knowledge of the basic emergency actions that needs to be taken in case of Standard Ship emergencies as documented as part of the vessel's ISM procedures. These
International Labour Organisation
include:-procedures for Fire, collision, grounding, cargo hose burst, accident involving personnel.

3. All tankers & terminals procedures are to be ready for immediate implementation in the event an emergency. Procedures must anticipate & cover all types of emergency which
might be encountered in particular activities of tanker or terminal.
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will have the largest impact?

The main procedures will address Fire, while other procedures would address incidents such as hose or pipeline burst, cargo overflow, pump room flooding, men overcome by
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
gas, breakouts of vessels, weather or blackouts.
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master The procedures should also cover deployment of fire-fighting equipment, resuscitator & stretchers, together with details of means of escape or exit.

Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management 

Terminal Emergency Plan

4. The plan would include: 

Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is at the terminal.
Specific initial action to be taken by those at location of the emergency to report, contain & overcome the incident. 
Procedures to be followed in mobilizing the resources of the terminal as required by the incident.
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment, dampers, controls etc. 
Alerting responsibility & procedures. 
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel. 
Each terminal should have an Emergency Team whose duties would involve planning, implementing & revising emergency procedures as well as executing them. 
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by the company management
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency which might beMain
points ofininitial
the activities
responseand trade
to an of the tanker
emergency or be
should at terminals regularly
conspicuously visited.on notices at strategic locations within the terminal.

5. Notes
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
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P&A Manual.
IG and COW manuals.
ISM procedures.

When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
From inside the space en
From the Bridge im

From outside the space o

From the Engine Control Room a

Lung inflammation will cause:
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech

Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast tanks?

High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors c

A   discharge in engine-room or pumproom

When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%

High level of oil residues in overboard discharge






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DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
What is OSD ( oil spill dispersant) used for ?
Fire fighting.
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
General cleaning in engine room.
Specific Learning Objectives
Contrl of oil spill.
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
fe (1)
2. Know the process of oil pollution at sea
‘A Understand the way pollution affects the marine and human life
Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into the sea, must be able to pass through a screen with a mesh size no larger than ____________.
fe Know the way pollution is caused by noxious chemical cargoes
25 millimeters understand the hazards that are associated with chemical spills
50 millimeters Describe the shipboard precautions to prevent pollution from ship operations
Understand MARPOL requirements and their implications for tanker operation
75 millimeters
Explain the SOPEP and SMPEP measures
100 millimeters
Know the use of a checklist on board to keep the pollution equipment in a ready-to-use condition
Explain the reporting process for spills with relevant information
3. Discuss various spill-containment procedures
Describe the Nine phases of spill response
The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage clean up operation on tanker shall be deployed at
Explain the management of spills on water

The aft end of each side of poop deck

The forward end of each side of main deck Introduction
The midship on each side of main deck Note that pollution is usually related to human activity. Phenomena, such as radiation due to natural radioactivity in the earth, volcano eruptions and the like, are not usually
considered as pollution. They exist, however, in areas where the environment is burdened. This is nature’s own way to balance and renew itself.
The aft end of each side of main deck

Pollution Prevention during Loading or Discharging Oil, Chemicals and Hazardous Cargoes: Annex I deals with the prevention of pollution by oil. It came into effect on the 2nd of
4. October, 1983. It regulates the methods and means of controlling discharge of oil into sea.

Oil Pollution Regulations require any transfer, or discharge of oil, or oily mixtures be recorded in the
Prevention of oil spills has as much to do with operational procedures as it does with  technology and equipment. Following appropriate protocols, as well as maintenance
Pollution Control Record procedures, ensures the safe operation of equipment, aiding in the goal to prevent spills from ever occurring.
Bridge log
Oil Record book Notes
Masters log
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What is Marpol Annex II?

Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships

The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transferring oil must either be carried on board or_________.
on a tug standing by en
available by contract with the shore facility im

kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer o

kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible a

You are preparing to contain an oil spill. You must first receive approval from the coastal authorities prior to __________.
employing a boom
using suction equipment
applying chemical agents
deploying skimmers

The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations means _______.
petroleum in any form
animal or vegetable based oil
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78

You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is_________.
try to find out where the oil is coming from
call the Master
have the pumpman check the discharge piping c
shut down operations

Most minor spills of oil products are caused by
equipment failure
human error
major casualties
unforeseeable circumstances






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Physical Properties
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Safety
Pressure and Temperature (1)
Important Fuel Properties when using
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
Physical Properties of Chemicals
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability Chemical Properties
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
Specific Learning Objectives
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safeAfter going through this topic, student should be able to,
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventing ‘A
Describe the gas measuring equipment used on tankers and their application on tankers
2. Key Features and Measurement of an Effe Describe the use of safety equipment and PPE on tankers
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together? Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and No Know the safe working practices and procedures for tankers
Assessment of Safety Culture Know the first-aid requirements on board tankers as per the advisory provided by the cargo MSDS
Safety spectacles.
Safety goggles. SMS and the Safety Culture Introduction
Development of Positive Safety Culture The topic of safety is perhaps the most important of all areas of knowledge in tanker operation. Thus, this topic is furth
Face shield (usually combined with helmet)
equipment, safety procedures and safe working practices. The cargo carried on tankers are dangerous liquids and each on
and environment. And, with all safety precautions, accidents still happen and ship's crew must also have to deal with any
Health hazards (1)
3. practice the safety drills and be inculcate work safety habits, wearing appropriate personal protective device. The gas monit
Environmental hazards enclosed space, such as a ship's cargo tank is safe to enter, or remains in a condition which is safe for work; thus, the mainte
Which hand gloves are best suited for handling solvents,petrol,oils and many chemicals?
Reactivity hazards equipment and other tank protection devices are kept in good working order. Remember, one small mistake or error of judgm
PVC gloves. of life and damage to the environment.
Corrosion hazards
Rubber gloves.
Explosion hazards Notes
Neoprene or Nitrile rubber gloves.
Flammability hazards Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Sources of ignition
4. Electrostatic hazards
A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should __________.
Toxicity hazards
lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised Vapour leaks and clouds
administer a liquid stimulant Basic knowledge of hazard controls
lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet Inerting
attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness Water padding
Drying agents
5. Monitoring techniques
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is : Anti-static measures

Stop bleeding before further treatment Ventilation

Apply pressure on the wound. Cargo segregation

Cargo inhibition
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.
Cargo Compatibility
Atmospheric control (1)
Gas Testing
What is the type of gas detection system fitted for spaces with air?
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Spot metering type fixed inside the individual insulation spaces Safety
Infrared type using sequential measurement Gas measuring instruments
Portable gas detection system due to mobility of this method Measurement of Hydrocarbon Concen
Catalytic combustion type Flammable Gas Monitors (Explosim
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellisto
7. Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Ga

Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed? Tankscope

Near the cargo manifold
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
At the forward end of the ship
Measurement of Low Concentrations
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
Draeger–tube system
At the aft part of the ship Electrochemical Sensors
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
8. Measurement of Oxygen Concentratio
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleum gases is about Oxygen Analyzer
Multi-Gas Instruments
5000 Kilovolts/meter
Personal Gas Monitors
3000 Kilovolts/meter
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Proc
3000 Volts/meter
Sampling Procedures
5000 Volts/meter
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus (1)
Tank evacuating equipment
While sampling gas concentration in cargo tanks, dead spots normally appear at :
Protective clothing and equipment
Midle of the tank
Top of the tank
Rescue and escape equipment
Bottom of the tank
Basic knowledge of Safe working practic
Entering enclosed spaces
10. Repair and maintenance work
Hot and cold work
What precautions must be taken in the vicinity of the engine room bilges?
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Should be clear of rubbish Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
Should be covered with muck and debris
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Should be allowed to corrode
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Ta
Effects of pollution on human and marine
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by oil
Checklist for maintenance of pollution
Measures to be taken in the event of Spil
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergenci
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies
14/11/2020 LMS



DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiaris
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Basic knowledge of tankers
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
Tanker Terminology
1. (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oi
Tank clingage depends on:
Terminology for tankers carrying ch
surface tension only Types of tankers
cohesive and adhesive forces Arrangements of Oil tanker
Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
cohesive, adhesive forces and surface tension Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives

cohesive forces, adhesive forces and the liquids melting point Pumps and Eductors
Cargo heating System After going through this topic, student should be able to,

2. Inert Gas System Describe different types of oils to be transported (1)

Cargo measurement systems Explain the physical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ship
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely. Physical and chemical properties of oil and Explain the chemical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ships
Explain the possible generation of Electrostatic charge
Physical Properties
Pressure and Temperature
Observed       Introduction
Important Fuel Properties when usi
Bulk transportation of oil and chemical on tank ships is the best economical way to transport such cargoe
Physical Properties of Chemicals
dangerous liquids as cargo in ship's tank, they exhibit a number of physical and chemical behavior, based
Released Chemical Properties gassify and create a vapor pressure on top of the tank. They also get viscous with drop in temperature. T
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products poisonous. Some cargoes get contaminated if the tanks have not been prepared correctly before filling up
arise from their density, vapor pressure, toxicity, pour point and such other properties. It will be impor
Required Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
properties to get the basic idea of the nature of the cargo and how perhaps to carry them on board and trans
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin Classification of Oil cargoes:
3. (1)
Key Features and Measurement of an E
The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between layers Reporting
of flowingAccidents,
liquid is:Near Misses and Crude Oil
Raw crude oil is pumped directly into a ship’s cargo tank. It varies widely in chemical composition, sulphur, a
Assessment of Safety Culture composition, the prevailing components of crude oil are naphthenic, paraffinic, or aromatic hydrocarbons. C
Viscosity of Liquid
SMS and the Safety Culture tanks coated with epoxy coal tar or epoxy paints.
Force of friction between liquid layers
Development of Positive Safety Culture
Velocity of the fluid White Oil
This group of liquid cargoes consists mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon products and includes gasoline, diese
Vapor pressure of liquid
Health hazards heating oils, etc. These cargoes are not very aggressive, and they usually are shipped in conventional ep
Environmental hazards gasolines may require a modified epoxy or zinc silicate coating system.
4. (1)
Reactivity hazards
Solvents and Chemicals
What is the sulfur content in natural gas of typical petroleum? Corrosion hazards This complex group of liquid cargoes includes alcohols, ketones, glycols, esters, ethers, aromatic hydroca
Explosion hazards cargoes vary from mild to very aggressive. They are shipped in tanks coated with epoxy, modified epoxy
0.20% require extreme care in the choice of coating and cargo handling.
Flammability hazards
0.1 - 6%
Sources of ignition
Vegetable and Animal Oils
2 - 8% Electrostatic hazards Vegetable and animal oils may vary in composition. The most important factor is their free fatty acid con
12 - 15% Toxicity hazards coatings. Refined vegetable oils with low acid value are usually acceptable for carriage in conventional epoxy-
Vapour leaks and clouds are more aggressive and may require a more resistant coating system. Crude vegetable oils, fatty acids, an

5. oils) may pose serious problems for carriage in coated tanks. Water content and loading/unloading tempe (1)
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons, which can be free or dissolved ?
Water padding Lube Oils and Additives
Crude oil This group of cargoes (excluding halogenated, phosphated, and ester types) usually poses no problem
Drying agents
Asphalt contamination of cargo may be a problem, requiring thorough cleaning and drying of tanks before loading. Th
Monitoring techniques
coated with conventional epoxy
Refined oil Anti-static measures
Natural gas Ventilation
Cargo segregation
6. Cargo inhibition
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What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating filling ratio of a cargo which needsCargo Compatibility
heating during its carriage?
Atmospheric control
5% of the Tank capacity Gas Testing
10% of the Cargo capacity Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
2% of the Tank capacity Safety
1% of the Tank capacity Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
7. Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo (1)

What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum? Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
2 - 8% Tankscope
1 - 15% Interferometer
0 - 2% Infra-red (IR) Instruments
3 -5% Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system
8. Electrochemical Sensors (1)

Fixed Gas Detection

Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric pressureInstallations
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F) Oxygen Analyzer
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F) Multi-Gas Instruments
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F) Personal Gas Monitors
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F) Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures
9. (1)
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus
Specific gravity of a fuel  is the ratio of its density to density of
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment
Sea water
Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Fresh Water
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
Diesel oil Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid (1)
Treatment and Prevention
Why personal protective equipment may be required when a chemical tanker carries high vapor pressure cargo?
Dangers of skin contact

Because high vapor pressure releases more vapor Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Fire response organization
Because high vapor pressure releases less vapor
General Emergency alarm
Because high vapor pressure releases hot vapor
Fire control plan and muster list
Because high vapor pressure releases cold vapor
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



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Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Hazards
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
What is Brush Discarge ?
Chemical Properties
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona Hazards
and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours, even if the mixtu
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases
Specific more Objectives
Learning energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours even if the mixture is
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high but not sufficient for a spark or arc. After going through this topic, student should be able to,
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Key Features and Measurement of an E Describe various types of hazards that may occur while carrying dangerous liquid on tank ships
2. (1)
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Describe the effect of those hazards on health, environment and personal safety
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide? Assessment of Safety Culture
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours SMS and the Safety Culture Introduction
Development of Positive Safety Culture Tanker operation creates different types of hazards namely, health hazards, environmental hazard, reactivity
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
hazards, toxicity hazards and so on. Major number of these are extremely dangerous for human health and
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction itself and some cause long term environmental damage when spilled or leaked. It is important to identify the
Health hazards of preventative measures to combat them. We should learn all the prevention and control measures in the n
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
Environmental hazards possible situations on board that can compromise your personal well-being and that of the ship as well as the

Reactivity hazards (1)

Corrosion hazards Notes
How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Explosion hazards
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Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded Flammability hazards
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded Sources of ignition
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat to the environment Electrostatic hazards

Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough not to cause polymerization Toxicity hazards
Vapour leaks and clouds

4. Basic knowledge of hazard controls (1)

What is a spark ?
Water padding
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a flammable atmosphere.
Drying agents
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a non flammable atmosphere.
Monitoring techniques
Sparks can occur during cargo movement and sloshing in an inerted tank Anti-static measures
Occasional Sparks from the main engine exhaust can cause a fire in the drydocks. Ventilation
Cargo segregation
5. Cargo inhibition (1)
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify Compatibility
one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:
Atmospheric control
The use of high capacity tank washing machines Gas Testing
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on Safety
the main Data Sheet (MSDS)

Safety may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.

Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which after dilution
Gas ignite
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and lubricating oil) may measuring instruments
if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines, overheated equipment) despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc

6. Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo (1)

What is Cargo inhibition? Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis

Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation;   to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system
7. (1)
Electrochemical Sensors
Electrons have : Fixed Gas Detection Installations
no charge Measurement of Oxygen Concentra

positive charge Oxygen Analyzer

negative charge Multi-Gas Instruments

Personal Gas Monitors

8. Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro (1)

Sampling Procedures
Why are inhibitors added  in the cargo?
Safety Equipment
Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks. 
Breathing apparatus
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. 
Tank evacuating equipment
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal before loading are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can
Protective be carried
clothing in inerted tanks. 
and equipment
Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage Resuscitators
Rescue and escape equipment
9. (1)
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide? Entering enclosed spaces

15ppm Repair and maintenance work

Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
10. (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard Cargo Operations

A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard For Oil Tankers

A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard Ship/Shore liasion

A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of hazard controls
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
Systemic poisons are those that cause an adverse health effect
Chemical Properties
To the whole body
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
To several organs of the human body
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
To the skin only
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Specific Learning Objectives
on a specific organ The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Key Features and Measurement of an E After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Explain what the hazards can do to compromise the ship and personal safety
What is non-volatile petroleum ? Assessment of Safety Culture Describe various ways that the hazards can be controlled like Inerting, padding, ventilation, segregation

SMS and the Safety Culture Know how to use the MSDS for cargo operation.
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Development of Positive Safety Culture Introduction
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above There are a number of systemic controls by way of ship and equipment design to provide hazard safety or
Health hazards
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below hand. Controlling the tank environment by adding inert gas on top of the cargo carried is one such innovatio
Environmental hazards oxidizing cargo could be a preventative control. There are a number of processes and equipment that ensures
Reactivity hazards drying, monitoring of tank environment and status, tank ventilation, segregation of cargoes, and checkin
3. (1)
Corrosion hazards measures that are discussed. Beyond the systemic controls, the crew competency in adhering to the st
TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of: fundamental in being able to control hazards around you at work on a tanker.
Explosion hazards
5 minutes Flammability hazards Notes
15 minutes Sources of ignition Save Notes Font Name Font Size

30 minutes Electrostatic hazards

Toxicity hazards
60 minutes
Vapour leaks and clouds
Basic knowledge of hazard controls (1)
What is flash point ?
Water padding
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid.
Drying agents
The temperature at which the gas is not flammable Monitoring techniques
The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas Anti-static measures

The temperature at which an explosion is not possible Ventilation

Cargo segregation

5. Cargo inhibition (1)

Cargo Compatibility
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
Atmospheric control
A spark
Gas Testing
A corona
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
A brush discharge Safety
A Propagating brush discharge Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
6. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
What is an inert condition ? Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis

When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank
Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system
7. (1)
Electrochemical Sensors
In chemical tankers with common pipe line, cargo segregation is done by :
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
isolating tanks after completion of loading Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
close all valves for tank after completion of loading Oxygen Analyzer
inserting blind flanges in pipes concerned. Multi-Gas Instruments
Personal Gas Monitors

8. Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro (1)

Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading: Sampling Procedures

Safety Equipment
Light crude oils
Breathing apparatus
Sour crude oils
Tank evacuating equipment
Refined products
Protective clothing and equipment
Chemical cargoes
Rescue and escape equipment
9. (1)
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
What is a resuscitator ? Entering enclosed spaces
Equipment to revive an unconscious person Repair and maintenance work

To supply air to a person in a tank Hot and cold work

Electrical safety
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
What is volatile petroleum ?
Fire response organization
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
General Emergency alarm
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C Fire control plan and muster list
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C Communications

Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C Fire hazards

Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Safety
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)

Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes? Physical Properties of Chemicals
Chemical Properties
Crude oil Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
Vegetable oil

Highly refined petroleum products Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s Specific Learning Objectives
Animal oil The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin After going through this topic, student should be able to,

Key Features and Measurement of an E Describe the gas measuring equipment used on tankers and their application on tankers
2. Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Describe the use of safety equipment and PPE on tankers (1)
Assessment of Safety Culture Know the safe working practices and procedures for tankers
Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Know the first-aid requirements on board tankers as per the advisory provided by the cargo MSDS
SMS and the Safety Culture
Thermal burns
Development of Positive Safety Culture Introduction
Chemical wounds The topic of safety is perhaps the most important of all areas of knowledge in tanker operation. Thus, this
Chemical burns. related to safety equipment, safety procedures and safe working practices. The cargo carried on tankers a
Health hazards
present many hazards to human health and environment. And, with all safety precautions, accidents still ha
Environmental hazards with any incidental injuries on board. The ship's crew must practice the safety drills and be inculcate work
3. (1)
Reactivity hazards protective device. The gas monitoring equipment provides the early indication, if an enclosed space, such
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.HowCorrosion
is this injury remains
classified using standard medical in a condition which is safe for work; thus, the maintenance of the gas monitoring and oxygen ana
devices are kept in good working order. Remember, one small mistake or error of judgment can cause cat
Dermal burn Explosion hazards
damage to the environment.
Third-degree burn Flammability hazards
Sources of ignition
Major burn
Electrostatic hazards Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Lethal burn
Toxicity hazards
Vapour leaks and clouds
4. (1)
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
Water padding
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
Drying agents
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
Monitoring techniques
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
Anti-static measures
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
Cargo segregation
5. (1)
Cargo inhibition
Draeger tube system is used for : Cargo Compatibility
Ammonia gasdetection Atmospheric control

Nitrogen gas detection Gas Testing

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Multi gas detection

6. Gas measuring instruments (1)

Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.Using standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Minor burn
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Superficial burn
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Extremity burn Tankscope
First-degree burn Interferometer
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
7. (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration
What happens in draeger tube during measurement? Draeger–tube system

The glass vial temperature increases Electrochemical Sensors

Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Becomes opaque due to moistre.
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Color changes
Oxygen Analyzer
Multi-Gas Instruments (1)
Personal Gas Monitors
For Oxygen analyzer, identify the key principle upon which the analyzer is working,
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro

A Wheatstone bridge circuit is formed using the two wires. It is used to measure a resistance bySampling Procedures
balancing two legs of the circuit.
The sample of atmosphere is filtered and passed through a diffuser before reaching the two Equipment
Breathing apparatus
One chamber is with a magnetic field and the other without a magnetic field.
Tank evacuating equipment
A difference in the thermal conductivity of the oxygen with respect to air is developed and this causes an imbalance in the resistance.
Protective clothing and equipment
Rescue and escape equipment (1)
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
What is the maximum interval of time between sampling and analysing for each sampling head location sequentially?
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
Not exceeding 50 minutes interval
Hot and cold work
Not exceeding 40 minutes interval
Electrical safety
Not exceeding 30 minutes interval
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Not exceeding 60 minutes interval
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Which protection is best suited for eye and face together?
Fire response organization
Safety spectacles.
General Emergency alarm
Safety goggles. Fire control plan and muster list
Face shield (usually combined with helmet) Communications
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in :
Chemical Properties
oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
chemical tankers. Specific Learning Objectives
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
2. (1)
Key Features and Measurement of an E Describe Oil and Chemical Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system? Discuss Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquid
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
Describe Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
Stop all pumps for deck foam system. Assessment of Safety Culture
Describe Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
Close all valves in the system. SMS and the Safety Culture Describe Portable fire-fighting foam Operations
Development of Positive Safety Culture Explain Fixed dry chemical system Operations
Flush the system complete with sea water.
Hazards Explain Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations

3. Health hazards (1)

Environmental hazards Introduction
Class B fires involve
Reactivity hazards Any tanker fire incident is responded with a fire emergency preparedness, in-depth planning and practice dril
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc. under the Master, where each officer and crew members are part of a team, allocated with resources, skills a
Corrosion hazards
discussed further.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Explosion hazards
Energised electrical equipment Flammability hazards Composition of Emergency Teams

Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc. Sources of ignition

Emergency organisation
Electrostatic hazards
Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.
4. Toxicity hazards (1)
Vapour leaks and clouds 1. Command team
Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
2. Emergency team
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
heat 3. Support and First Aid
Inerting 4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
chain reaction
Water padding 5. Crew for Rescue Boat
Drying agents
The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operation
oxygen Monitoring techniques is necessary from each team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records
Anti-static measures carried at this centre.
5. (1)
The Emergency team would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space: Cargo segregation
be the leader of the primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is e
dry powder Cargo inhibition of the primary team and the Second Engineer would lead the back-up team.
Cargo Compatibility
Atmospheric control The Support and First team will look after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patient
carbon dioxide necessity to abandon ship at short notice. Shit where water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in
Gas Testing
water operations are sustained for a long period. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command tea
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Safety Roving Team/Engine Room Team will be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R s
6. (1)
compartments on fire, shut off ventilation systems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else
Gas measuring instruments
Class A fires involve
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc. Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo lower the boat, rescue the man and get hoisted back on board.
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Some employers list out various emergencies that could occur:
Energised electrical equipment Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Explosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Pe
Tankscope failure, Piracy, Search & Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list o
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Interferometer teams in each such emergency.

7. Infra-red (IR) Instruments (1)

Measurement of Low Concentration Notes
After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
Draeger–tube system
The system clean. Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Electrochemical Sensors
Ready for re use.
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
The nozzles clear and prevent clogging. Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
8. (1)
Multi-Gas Instruments
Foam extinguishes a fire by Personal Gas Monitors
Heat removal or cooling Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro

Smothering or oxygen exclusion Sampling Procedures

Safety Equipment
Flame inhibition
Breathing apparatus

9. Tank evacuating equipment (1)

Protective clothing and equipment
What is the minimum requirement for CO2 gas to be released to fight a fire in the engine room?

60% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
85% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
Entering enclosed spaces
75% of CO2 to be discharged within two minutes
Repair and maintenance work
Hot and cold work
10. (1)
Electrical safety
What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
5:1 to 15:1
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
1250 litres/min
Fire response organization
1000 liters/min
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Cargo Operations
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
An oil record book Part-I shall be retained onboard for a period of
Chemical Properties
1 year since the last entry has been made

1 year since the first entry has been made

Organic Chemistry of Oil Products Cargo Operations
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
3 years since the first entry has been made Specific Learning Objectives
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
3 years since the last entry has been made After going through this topic, student should be able to,
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Key Features and Measurement of an E Describe preparations before loading and discharging of cargo
2. Describe the loading operations on a oil/chemical tank ship (1)
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
Describe the unloading operation on an oil/chemical tank ship
The fresh air intake of the inert gas system Assessment of Safety Culture
Discuss the safety precautions for cargo loading and discharging operations
prevents the flue gas from falling below an oxygen content of 3% SMS and the Safety Culture Describe the ballasting / de-ballasting operations
Development of Positive Safety Culture Describe the Crude Oil Washing operation
allows the inert gas piping to be used for gas freeing the tanks
Hazards Describe the Chemical tank ship cargo tank cleaning operation
opens when there is excessive vacuum on the deck water seal
Discuss the inerting, venting, gas-freeing operation for tanks
Health hazards
enables outside air to mix with and to cool the hot flue gasses
Environmental hazards Introduction
Reactivity hazards It is during the ballast voyage that the cargo tanks are full of inert gas and sediments at the tank bottom. Th
3. (1)
Oil Washed) and got rid of cargo remains as sediments before the next cargo may be loaded. For thorough c
Corrosion hazards
to be entered, the tanks are vented, made gas-free and oxygen rich (>21% by volume) before manual cleani
The atmosphere in a tank is too rich when it is
Explosion hazards
incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon vapor content makes the atmosphere below thehazards
Flammability LFL (Lower Flammable Level)For crude oil, it may not be necessary to clean the tanks except the COW operation, before loading the

capable of supporting combustion Sources of ignition maintained inert to avoid any possibility of combustion within the tank.

in a noncombustible state which can be relied on to occur naturally on a regular basis Electrostatic hazards
After loading, a positive inert gas pressure on top of the tank ensures safe passage.
Toxicity hazards
incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon vapor content makes the atmosphere above the UFL (Upper Flammable Limit)
Basic knowledge of hazard controls (1)
Which characteristic is an advantage of a butterfly valve as compared to a gate valve?
Water padding
Precise control over cargo flow
Drying agents
Quick operation Monitoring techniques
No resistance to cargo flow when open Anti-static measures

Less maintenance required Ventilation

Cargo segregation

5. Cargo inhibition (1)

Cargo Compatibility
An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to
Atmospheric control
aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
Gas Testing
increase the rate of discharge of cargo
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphere Introduction:
lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly impossible Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
6. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Which tanker discharge pattern would be the safest and most efficient? Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis

Empty the forward tanks and start working aft, emptying each tank in sequence Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Start discharging with most of the discharge coming from forward, but include some from midships and after tanks
Start pumping from forward, midships, and aft with the discharge distributed equally among the tanks
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Start pumping from midships and then work forward and aft simultaneously as the midships tank is emptied
Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system
7. (1)
Electrochemical Sensors
You detect oil around your tanker while discharging. The FIRST thing to do is
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
try to find out where the oil is coming from Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
call the Master Oxygen Analyzer
have the pumpman check the discharge piping Multi-Gas Instruments

shut down operations Personal Gas Monitors

Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro

8. Sampling Procedures (1)

Safety Equipment
You are planning to use a crude oil washing system. What precaution must be taken with the source tank for the washing machines?
Breathing apparatus
At least one meter must be decanted from the source tank.
Tank evacuating equipment
The oil in the source tank must be sampled for compatibility.
Protective clothing and equipment
The source tank must have been crude oil washed at least once in the past 150 days.
The inert gas system must lower the oxygen content in the source tank to a maximum of 12%. Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
9. (1)
Entering enclosed spaces
Sour crude oil ___________. Repair and maintenance work

contains high quantities of hydrogen sulfide Hot and cold work

Electrical safety
is diluted with other products for carriage
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
is lighter than other crudes
Treatment and Prevention
is less hazardous to load than other crudes
Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
10. (1)
Fire response organization
The lowest temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion of a substance independent of any outside source of ignition is called
General Emergency alarm
explosive range Fire control plan and muster list
flash point Communications

ignition temperature Fire hazards

combustion temperature Cargo handling

Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations Ballast voyage
For Oil Tankers The ship crew must be on high alert during a ballast voyage as much as on a loaded voyage. One should n
present with inert gas in the cargo tanks after the discharge was completed. An explosion is possible if prope
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations It is equally important during the ballast voyage as in the loaded voyage to maintain the oxygen content les
Loading operations freed. If the oxygen content is allowed to rise, it can form a flammable mixture along with hydrocarbon at the

Discharging operations
Since the tanks are going to remain inerted and closed, the pressures in the tanks have to be monit
Tank cleaning
atmospheric temperature but the Chief Officer has to ensure that it remains within limits considering the tank
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers The ballast tanks will have water in them but every ballast tank is filled up completely. Ballast is carried
absence of cargo. This is called normal ballast. Some ballast space is left to take in more water in case of a
Cargo information
weather ballast.
Discharging The fixed gas detection system has sampling points in the ballast tanks, one at the top and another at th
Tank cleaning change over to the top sampling point during the ballast voyage so that water will not enter the system. T
ballast tanks are filled up.
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers The ballast voyage is an opportunity for the crew to gas free the required cargo tanks for man-entry and ca
Organizational structure for emergency and pipelines or a regular inspection. Such operation should be carefully planned based on the length of vo
again and ready for loading upon arrival at load port.
Emergency Procedures
Some of the inspection, testing and maintenance works on cargo equipment according to the planned maint
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T during the loaded voyage.
Effects of pollution on human and mar
These works can be carried out during the ballast voyage and documented accordingly.
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution Cargo operation - Oil tanker
Precautions to prevent pollution by Carrying out cargo operations on an oil tanker involves many complexities and hence it has to be carefully
topic will familiarize you with the fundamental aspects of different cargo operations on an oil tanker.
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
There are many hazards involved in the daily operations on an oil tanker. All prescribed safety procedures an
Measures to be taken in the event of S working atmosphere.
Report relevant information
One has to be fully aware of the hazards of the particular ship type and also the cargo carried. The Material S
Spill-containment procedures
information should be readily available for reference. The crew should familiarize themselves with the relevan
Nine phases of spill response involving that substance.
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen Oil cargo is usually pumped into the ship’s tanks using shore pumps and discharged using ship’s pumps. T
inert gas filling the space above the liquid if the flash point is less than 60°C.
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks Preparation before loading
Other Case Studies Utmost diligence is required in planning the operations before hand, with high regard for safety. The fo
repairing the vessel for loading oil cargo. 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/8 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/8 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
Chemical Properties
From inside the space

From the Bridge

Organic Chemistry of Oil Products Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
From outside the space Specific Learning Objectives
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
From the Engine Control Room After going through this topic, student should be able to,
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Key Features and Measurement of an E Explain the Organizational structure for emergency
2. Explain the various alarms for emergencies (1)
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
Describe the Emergency Shut Down System ESDS
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of these Assessment
alarms will of
of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast tanks?
Describe the Emergency Shut Down- Ship-Shore Link
SMS and the Safety Culture
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
Development of Positive Safety Culture
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom Hazards
A knowledge of the basic emergency actions that needs to be taken in case of Standard Ship emergencies
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5% Health hazards procedures. These include:-procedures for Fire, collision, grounding, cargo hose burst, accident involving pers
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge Environmental hazards
All tankers & terminals procedures are to be ready for immediate implementation in the event an emerge
Reactivity hazards
types of emergency which might be encountered in particular activities of tanker or terminal.
3. Corrosion hazards (1)
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will have the hazards
largest impact? The main procedures will address Fire, while other procedures would address incidents such as hose or
Flammability hazards flooding, men overcome by gas, breakouts of vessels, weather or blackouts.

Sources of ignition
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
The procedures should also cover deployment of fire-fighting equipment, resuscitator & stretchers, together w
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels Electrostatic hazards

Experience and expertise of vessel master Toxicity hazards Terminal Emergency Plan

Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management Vapour leaks and clouds
The plan would include:
Basic knowledge of hazard controls

4. Inerting Specific initial action to be taken by those at location of the emergency to report, contain & overcome t (1)
Water padding Procedures to be followed in mobilizing the resources of the terminal as required by the incident.
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
Alerting responsibility & procedures.
Drying agents
P&A Manual.
Monitoring techniques Each terminal should have an Emergency Team whose duties would involve planning, implementing &
IG and COW manuals. executing them.
Anti-static measures
ISM procedures. Ventilation
Main points of initial response to an emergency should be conspicuously displayed on notices at strategic loca
Cargo segregation
5. (1)
Cargo inhibition
Lung inflammation will cause: Cargo Compatibility
Atmospheric control Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Gas Testing
Breathlessness and confusion
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Breathlessness and slurred speech
Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
6. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is at the terminal.
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment, dampers, controls etc.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by the company management
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at terminals regularly visited.
Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system
7. (1)
Electrochemical Sensors
The MFAG is published by the:
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
International Maritime Organisation Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
World Health Organisation Oxygen Analyzer

United Nations Multi-Gas Instruments

International Labour Organisation Personal Gas Monitors

Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro

8. Sampling Procedures (1)

Safety Equipment
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
Breathing apparatus
MARPOL Convention
Tank evacuating equipment
SOLAS Convention
Protective clothing and equipment
CLC Convention Resuscitators
Intervention Convention Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
Most minor spills of oil products are caused by
Chemical Properties
equipment failure Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
human error
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Specific Learning Objectives
major casualties After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
unforeseeable circumstances The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin Know the process of oil pollution at sea
Key Features and Measurement of an E Understand the way pollution affects the marine and human life
2. (1)
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Know the way pollution is caused by noxious chemical cargoes
Aquatic toxicity of chemicals are categorised as understand the hazards that are associated with chemical spills
Assessment of Safety Culture
Describe the shipboard precautions to prevent pollution from ship operations
SMS and the Safety Culture
Understand MARPOL requirements and their implications for tanker operation
D1 and D2
Development of Positive Safety Culture Explain the SOPEP and SMPEP measures
C1 and C2
Hazards Know the use of a checklist on board to keep the pollution equipment in a ready-to-use condition
B1 and B2 Health hazards Explain the reporting process for spills with relevant information
A1 and A2 Discuss various spill-containment procedures
Environmental hazards
Describe the Nine phases of spill response
Reactivity hazards
Explain the management of spills on water
3. (1)
Corrosion hazards
What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from cargo Explosion hazards
space of an oil tanker?
Flammability hazards
Note that pollution is usually related to human activity. Phenomena, such as radiation due to natural radioac
20 Litres per nautical mile Sources of ignition like, are not usually considered as pollution. They exist, however, in areas where the environment is burden
50 Litres per nautical mile Electrostatic hazards renew itself.
15 Litres per nautical mile Toxicity hazards
Pollution Prevention during Loading or Discharging Oil, Chemicals and Hazardous Cargoes: Annex I deals wit
30 Litres per nautical mile Vapour leaks and clouds
into effect on the 2nd of October, 1983. It regulates the methods and means of controlling discharge of oil int
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
4. Inerting Prevention of oil spills has as much to do with operational procedures as it does with technology and equipm (1)
as maintenance procedures, ensures the safe operation of equipment, aiding in the goal to prevent spills from
With reference to Marpol Annex I, the southern south african area is Water padding
Drying agents
Protected area Monitoring techniques Notes
Special control area Anti-static measures Save Notes Font Name Font Size

Special area Ventilation

Restricted area Cargo segregation
Cargo inhibition

5. Cargo Compatibility (1)

Atmospheric control
You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how much of the accumulated oily waste must you be able to retain on board?
Gas Testing
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Gas measuring instruments
100% Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
6. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Emission control area (ECA)
Special area (SA)
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Special emission control area (SECA)
Measurement of Low Concentration
Pollution control area (PCA) Draeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors
7. (1)
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Disposal of Contaminated Materials. Find the one that is most important for segregation Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
All non-reusable cleanup materials are to be placed in impermeable containers, properly labeled, stored and disposed of as used hazardous material (HM).
Multi-Gas Instruments
These materials include unrecoverable protective clothing, sorbents, rags, brooms and containers.
Personal Gas Monitors
If different HM is involved, ensure the materials are segregated and labeled appropriately
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
The spaces affected by the spill shall be certified safe by the MASTER before normal shipboard operations are resumed in that space.
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment
8. (1)
Breathing apparatus
It is generally NOT allowed to clean up an oil spill by using __________. Tank evacuating equipment
a boom Protective clothing and equipment

suction equipment Resuscitators

Rescue and escape equipment
chemical agents
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work (1)
Hot and cold work
Marpol Annex I came in to force on
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
6th April 1987
Treatment and Prevention
2nd October 1983
Dangers of skin contact
1st July 2010
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
1st July 1992
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm (1)
Fire control plan and muster list
What is OSD ( oil spill dispersant) used for ?
Fire fighting.
Fire hazards
General cleaning in engine room. Cargo handling
Contrl of oil spill. Transportation
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
14/11/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/5 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/5 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
Chemical Properties
continuous working on deck.

working in the pump room

Organic Chemistry of Oil Products Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety management
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
improper use of proper PPE The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin Explain the meaning of a safety culture
Key Features and Measurement of an E Describe various ways to measure it
2. Explain the need for reporting accidents, near misses and non-conformities (1)
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
Discuss the process of development of a positive safety culture
The main elements of peak safety performance are : Assessment of Safety Culture
Explain the relationship of safety culture and safety management system
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents SMS and the Safety Culture
Development of Positive Safety Culture Introduction
reducing the number of pollution incidents to less than 2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
Hazards What is a safety culture?
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.
A safety culture is an organizational culture that places a high level of importance on safety beliefs, values
Health hazards
majority of people within the company or workplace. It can be characterized as ‘the way we do things around
Environmental hazards (1)
3. improved workplace health and safety (WHS) and organizational performance.
Reactivity hazards
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
Corrosion hazards Shipping is known as one of the most dangerous and international occupation in the world. The maritime in
throughout the years such as Herald of Free Enterprise, Costa Concordia and Deep Water Horizon. Regulato
Explosion hazards
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which
Management safety
(ISM) codecan be improved.
in order to avoid reoccurrence of these accidents.
Flammability hazards
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
Sources of ignition Following the implementation of the ISM Code, which became mandatory for all ships via the SOLAS Convent
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to measure personnel injuries
Electrostatic hazards a significant reduction in maritime casualties, serious oil spills, and – most importantly – the number of l
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the date or shift when it occurred. However, a number of recent high-profile incidents suggest that the absence of a fully implemented safety
Toxicity hazards
companies may need to address with additional rigor.
Vapour leaks and clouds
4. (1)
Basic knowledge of hazard controls Unfortunately, the maritime industry traditionally adopted a reactive approach to eliminate these errors th
Organisational safety value aims at : desired level of safety. Only recently, the maritime industry has started to adopt proactive approaches by dev
< 2 incidents in a year Water padding
There is a vital need for all concerned to understand the relationship between unsafe acts and serious inc
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year Drying agents damage to property and the environment. The importance of changing behavior and avoiding negative at
Zero incident programme Monitoring techniques environmental protection is also underlined.
Anti-static measures
allow only one incident per year.
Accident investigation reports attribute the majority of marine accidents to human errors and extensi
paperwork. None of these efforts provide the desired safety level. Currently, the maritime industry is starting
Cargo segregation (1)
5. tried to avoid reoccurrences by implementing an appropriate safety culture. One unique way to internalize th
Cargo inhibition “how an organization behaves when no one is watching”. The safety culture approach describes hum
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture
Cargo Compatibility than someone to blame for failure. A positive safety culture with commitment from all levels in the company
maritime industry
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions control
or a failure to follow established procedures
Gas Testing Safety culture is a concept defined at group or higher level and reflects on the shared values among all
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) members.
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents Safety culture is concerned with formal safety issues within an organization.
Gas measuring instruments Safety culture emphasizes the contribution from everyone at all levels of the organization.
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc The safety culture of an organization has an impact on its employees’ behavior at work and potentially
Safety culture may be reflected by the relationship between the reward system and safety performance
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Safety culture is reflected in the organization’s willingness to develop and learn from errors, incidents, a
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Safety culture embraces communication and teamwork.
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Safety Culture comprise of 5 significant levels
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Pathological: Employees only react to the safety matters not to get caught by regulatory compliance.
Reactive: Employees do not follow the basic safety instructions. The importance of safety is understoo
Measurement of Low Concentration
Calculative: There is an effort within the company to collect the safety associated data and arra
Draeger–tube system
understanding about “how the system works”, but the data are not analyzed to enhance safety.
Electrochemical Sensors Proactive: This stage focus more on “what might go wrong in the future” instead of analyzing occurre
Fixed Gas Detection Installations and employees increases.

Measurement of Oxygen Concentra Generative: This is the most advanced stage a company can have. The company uses human erro
blame.There is a really good feedback and reporting system between all workers within the compan
Oxygen Analyzer
Multi-Gas Instruments
Personal Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment
Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures Individual is the key
FIRST, you need to have the know-how for the job. If you don’t know what you are doing, don’t know yo
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
others at risk. You’re the hazard. So you need to be honest about what you know you can do safely. Keep yo
Effects of pollution on human and mar
know-how for the job.
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution SECOND, you’ve got to co-operate with the people working alongside you. Be open, share your knowledg
safe, then say so. Be willing to listen. If a colleague has something to say to you about safety, then learn from
Precautions to prevent pollution by
SOPEP and SMPEP THIRD, you’ve got to remember, you always have a choice. Every day you can choose, to cut corners, to ta
Checklist for maintenance of pollut can think about the hazards. Think about what you have to lose, and then you can choose to do the right thin

Measures to be taken in the event of S

Your know-how
Report relevant information Your cooperation
Spill-containment procedures Your choice
Nine phases of spill response
That is what we mean about a personal responsibility for safety. It starts with us, but it ends with you!
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion Notes
Collapsing of crew in Tanks Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiaris Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Close HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Basic knowledge of tankers
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of tankers
Tanker Terminology (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oi
Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes
Terminology for tankers carrying ch
andof tankers
can be collected into the same slop tank discharged to shore
Basic Knowledge of Tankers
should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumpedof Oil
separately to shore
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives
can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later
Pumps and Eductors After going through this topic, student should be able to,
should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore
Cargo heating System Describe various types of tankers for carrying dangerous liquids
Inert Gas System Explain the constructional features of oil carrying tankers (1)
2. Explain the constructional features of chemical carrying tankers
Cargo measurement systems
Category Z noxious liquid substances from tank cleaning are deemed to present a hazard; find the correct statement,
Physical and chemical properties of oil and
Justify the prohibition of discharge into the marine environment
Physical Properties Introduction
Justify a limitation on the quantity of the discharge intoand
the Temperature
marine environment Both oil and chemical cargoes are dangerous liquids and termed as such can be treated under a co
tankers. Tankers transport a wide variety of liquids in bulk (unpackaged). These fall under three broad classif
Justify less stringent restrictions of discharge into the marine
Important Fuel environment
Properties when usi
and special liquids.
Physical Properties of Chemicals
3. Petroleum Liquids: Petroleum liquids consist of naturally occurring crude oil and the various products derive (1)
Chemical Properties
Which pump must always be primed? Organic Chemistry of Oil Products

Centrifugal pump Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Gasoline

Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s Fuel oil

Reciprocating pump
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Rotary pump Residual fuel oil
Key Features and Measurement of an E Kerosene
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Jet Fuel (1)
Assessment of Safety Culture Lubricants
A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have Asphalt
SMS and the Safety Culture
Severe environmental and safety hazards Development of Positive Safety Culture Coke

Appreciably severe environmental and safety

Petroleum Cargoes: International Classification
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
Health hazards
In many safety-related rules and regulations, petroleum cargoes are broadly classified as volatile liquids and
Environmental hazards
5. Reactivity hazards Volatile liquids: Petroleum liquids that have closed-cup flash points below 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) are considered (1)
Corrosion hazards temperatures encountered during transport, cargoes in this category are capable of producing gas/air mixtu
Framo deepwell pumps are driven by :
For this reason, volatile cargoes are frequently transported in a tank with a controlled (inerted) atmosphere.
Explosion hazards
steam turbines
Flammability hazards Nonvolatile liquids: These are petroleum products that have closed-cup flash points of 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) and
electric motor
Sources of ignition temperatures encountered during transport the atmosphere above these cargoes (headspace) typically c
hydraulic motor flammable limit. Cargoes associates with these cargoes, however, the application of heat is often necessary d
Electrostatic hazards
direct drive with diesel engine with heated cargo, as the creation of a flammable atmosphere is possible if it is heated to or near the flash po
Toxicity hazards
Vapour leaks and clouds Chemical Liquids
6. (1)
Basic knowledge of hazard controls A liquid chemical is any substance used in, or obtained by, a chemical process. There are literally hundred
Tanks of tankers do not exceed: Inerting vessels. These substances are derived from many sources and have diverse characteristics. They may be ca
Table shows a sampling of each.
0.1 of ship’s length Water padding
Chemical Liquids
Drying agents
0.15 of ship’s length
Monitoring techniques Organic Chemicals Inorganic Chemicals
0.2 of ship’s length
Anti-static measures
0.25 of ship’s length Aromatic hydrocarbons Boric acid
Cargo segregation
7. Vinyl chloride Sulfuric acid (1)
Cargo inhibition
What is Cold Work?
Cargo Compatibility
Acetone Phosphoric acid
Atmospheric control
Work that involves working at lower temperatures
Gas Testing
Acetic acid Caustic soda
Work that involves using hand tools only
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Work that cannot create a source of ignition
Safety Styrene monomer Hydrochloric acid
Work that is carried out at lower than ambient temperatures
Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con Acrylonitrile Molten sulfur
8. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
A stripping pump is fitted in the pump room so that
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Special Liquids
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Liquid substances other than those classified as petroleum or chemical are described as special liquids. Table
the last remaining traces of liquid can be pumped out from the tanks, pipelines and pumps Special Liquids
cargo from the tanks can be discharged if the main pumps should fail
Interferometer Animal/Vegetable Oils Miscellaneous Liquids
the liquids collected in the bilge can be pumped out
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
slops can be discharged overboard at a slow rate
Measurement of Low Concentration Palm oil Freshwater

Draeger–tube system
9. (1)
Electrochemical Sensors Soybean oil Beer
What is the purpose of scrubber in IG plant ? Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Sunflower oil Wine
only to cool the flue gas Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
only to clean the flue gas Oxygen Analyzer
Other vegetable oils
To cool and also to clean the flue gas Multi-Gas Instruments
Personal Gas Monitors
for easy flow of flue gas Animals oils
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures (1)
10. Tallow and greases
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus Molasses
is an optical characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
Tank evacuating equipment
is a motion characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
Protective clothing and equipment From the above, you realise that while the tankers are either carrying oil or chemicals in liquid form, the car
is a refractive characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity of a liquid
Resuscitators characteristics and as such, understanding of the cargo properties will be essential for ship's crew to transpor

is a characteristic that indicates the degree of clarity

a liquid
escape equipment
As of January 2017, there were 52,183 ships in the world's merchant fleets. The tanker sector stands at 14
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract quarter of the world fleet.
Entering enclosed spaces
Oil Tankers 7,244
Repair and maintenance work
LNG 1,850
Hot and cold work Chemical Tanker 5,418
Electrical safety
In this course we shall talk about Oil and Chemical tankers. The importance of tankers are further underscore
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
In 2015, total world petroleum and other liquids supply was about 96.7 million barrels per day (b/d). 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiaris Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Close HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Basic knowledge of tankers
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of tankers
Tanker Terminology (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oi
Back flow of inert gas is prevented by:
Terminology for tankers carrying ch
An isolating valve
Types of tankers
The deck water seal
Basic Knowledge of Tankers
Arrangements of Oil tanker
A valve provided in the scrubber Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives
The deck mechanical non-return valve Pumps and Eductors After going through this topic, student should be able to,

Cargo heating System Describe various types of tankers for carrying dangerous liquids
2. Inert Gas System Explain the constructional features of oil carrying tankers (1)
Cargo measurement systems Explain the constructional features of chemical carrying tankers
What is Clingage?
Physical and chemical properties of oil and
Solid deposits on the walls of a tank after the bulk
Physical of the oil has been removed
Properties Introduction
Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal Bothbulk
oil ofand
the chemical cargoes are dangerous liquids and termed as such can be treated under a co
Pressure and surfaces of tanks after the
Temperature oil has been removed
tankers. Tankers transport a wide variety of liquids in bulk (unpackaged). These fall under three broad classif
Solid deposits on the upper frames within Important
a tank that Fuel Properties
remains when
after bulkusi
of the oil has been removed
and special liquids.
Physical Properties of Chemicals
The clearance of the oil carrying pipe from the tanktop at the bottom of the oil tank
Chemical Properties Petroleum Liquids: Petroleum liquids consist of naturally occurring crude oil and the various products derive
following: (1)
3. Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
A type 1 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes thatSymbols
have of Petroleum Gasoline

Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s Fuel oil

Severe environmental and safety hazards
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards Residual fuel oil
Key Features and Measurement of an E Kerosene
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Jet Fuel
Assessment of Safety Culture Lubricants
4. (1)
SMS and the Safety Culture Asphalt
Tank washings generated from tanks having different incompatible cargoes Coke
Development of Positive Safety Culture
can be collected into the same slop tank and discharged to shore Petroleum Cargoes: International Classification
Health hazards
In many safety-related rules and regulations, petroleum cargoes are broadly classified as volatile liquids and
should be collected in separate slop tanks and pumped out separately to shore
Environmental hazards
can be collected in the pump room bilge and pumped out later
Reactivity hazards Volatile liquids: Petroleum liquids that have closed-cup flash points below 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) are considered
should be retained in the cargo tank until discharge to shore temperatures encountered during transport, cargoes in this category are capable of producing gas/air mixtu
Corrosion hazards
For this reason, volatile cargoes are frequently transported in a tank with a controlled (inerted) atmosphere.
Explosion hazards
5. (1)
Flammability hazards Nonvolatile liquids: These are petroleum products that have closed-cup flash points of 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) and
What is LEAST likely to be used to strip a cargo tank?
Sources of ignition temperatures encountered during transport the atmosphere above these cargoes (headspace) typically c
Centrifugal pump Electrostatic hazards flammable limit. Cargoes associates with these cargoes, however, the application of heat is often necessary d
with heated cargo, as the creation of a flammable atmosphere is possible if it is heated to or near the flash po
Eductor Toxicity hazards
Vapour leaks and clouds Chemical Liquids
Rotary pump
Basic knowledge of hazard controls A liquid chemical is any substance used in, or obtained by, a chemical process. There are literally hundred
Reciprocating pump
Inerting vessels. These substances are derived from many sources and have diverse characteristics. They may be ca
Table shows a sampling of each.
Water padding (1)
6. Chemical Liquids
Drying agents
A type 2 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have Organic Chemicals Inorganic Chemicals
Monitoring techniques
Severe environmental and safety hazards Anti-static measures

Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards Aromatic hydrocarbons Boric acid
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety segregation
Vinyl chloride Sulfuric acid
Cargo inhibition

7. Cargo Compatibility (1)

Acetone Phosphoric acid
The total capacity of all slop tanks on an oil Atmospheric control
tanker normally should be
Gas Testing
Acetic acid Caustic soda
1% of the total oil carrying capacity of Material
ship Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
2% of the total oil carrying capacitySafety
of ship Styrene monomer Hydrochloric acid
3% of the total oil carrying capacity of Gas
shipmeasuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
4% of the total oil carrying capacity of ship Acrylonitrile Molten sulfur

Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo

8. Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Special Liquids (1)

Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Liquid substances other than those classified as petroleum or chemical are described as special liquids. Table
The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the ___________.
Special Liquids
booster pump coming on the line and discharging 
Interferometer Animal/Vegetable Oils Miscellaneous Liquids
booster pump failing to start
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
ship's pump speeding up
Measurement of Low Concentration Palm oil Freshwater
booster pump being lined up in the wrong directionDraeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors Soybean oil Beer

9. (1)
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Sunflower oil Wine
A type 3 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that haveof Oxygen Concentra
Severe environmental and safety hazards Oxygen Analyzer
Other vegetable oils
Multi-Gas Instruments
Apperciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Personal Gas Monitors
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards Animals oils
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures (1)
10. Tallow and greases
Safety Equipment
Chemical tankers carry :
Breathing apparatus Molasses
Crude petroleum
Tank evacuating equipment
Products like kerosene
Protective clothing and equipment From the above, you realise that while the tankers are either carrying oil or chemicals in liquid form, the car
Noxious liquid substaces Resuscitators characteristics and as such, understanding of the cargo properties will be essential for ship's crew to transpor

Clean products Rescue and escape equipment

As of January 2017, there were 52,183 ships in the world's merchant fleets. The tanker sector stands at 14
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract quarter of the world fleet.
Entering enclosed spaces
Oil Tankers 7,244
Repair and maintenance work
LNG 1,850
Hot and cold work Chemical Tanker 5,418
Electrical safety
In this course we shall talk about Oil and Chemical tankers. The importance of tankers are further underscore
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
In 2015, total world petroleum and other liquids supply was about 96.7 million barrels per day (b/d). 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (13/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

Comminuted or ground garbage which will be discharged into theofsea,
Hydrocarbon Con
must be able to pass through a screen with a mesh size no larger than ____________.
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
25 millimeters Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
50 millimeters
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Specific Learning Objectives
75 millimeters After going through this topic, student should be able to,
100 millimeters
Interferometer Know the process of oil pollution at sea
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Understand the way pollution affects the marine and human life
2. (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration Know the way pollution is caused by noxious chemical cargoes
All marpol annex II cargoes' tank wash water discharge is prohibited in understand the hazards that are associated with chemical spills
Draeger–tube system
Describe the shipboard precautions to prevent pollution from ship operations
Electrochemical Sensors Understand MARPOL requirements and their implications for tanker operation
Baltic sea
Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain the SOPEP and SMPEP measures
North sea
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra Know the use of a checklist on board to keep the pollution equipment in a ready-to-use condition
Mediterranean sea Explain the reporting process for spills with relevant information
Oxygen Analyzer
Antarctic area Discuss various spill-containment procedures
Multi-Gas Instruments
Describe the Nine phases of spill response
Personal Gas Monitors Explain the management of spills on water
3. (1)
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
You are preparing to contain an oil spill. You must first receive
Samplingapproval from the coastal authorities prior to __________.
employing a boom Safety Equipment Note that pollution is usually related to human activity. Phenomena, such as radiation due to natural radioac
using suction equipment Breathing apparatus like, are not usually considered as pollution. They exist, however, in areas where the environment is burden
renew itself.
applying chemical agents Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment Pollution Prevention during Loading or Discharging Oil, Chemicals and Hazardous Cargoes: Annex I deals wit
deploying skimmers
Resuscitators into effect on the 2nd of October, 1983. It regulates the methods and means of controlling discharge of oil int
Rescue and escape equipment (1)
4. Prevention of oil spills has as much to do with operational procedures as it does with technology and equipm
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills? as maintenance procedures, ensures the safe operation of equipment, aiding in the goal to prevent spills from
Entering enclosed spaces
They usually disappear quickly.
Repair and maintenance work
They usually stay in a small area. Notes
Hot and cold work
They may cause serious pollution as the effect Electrical
tends to safety
be cumulative. Save Notes Font Name Font Size

A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in Basic knowledge of First-Aid

the area.
Treatment and Prevention
5. Dangers of skin contact (1)

Containment and Damage Control: whichFire Safety

step is ofand Fire Fighting
highest operations
importance for damage control?
Fire response organization
All personnel entering a contaminated space
Generalshall enter with
Emergency another individual
For each pair entering a space, a trained
planappropriate equipment, will be on standby.
and muster list
Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill

Action steps minimizing the impact to the hazards
and crew.
Cargo handling
6. Transportation (1)

Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind Compatibility

flanges. Beforewith chemical
removal cargoes
of this flange it is necessary to :
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Slacken one bolt at a time.
Portable fire-fighting foam
Keep OSD for clean up.
Fixed dry chemical powder
Release pressure in the pipe.
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
7. (1)
For Oil Tankers
A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been stopped and fire-control personnel have been notified and are standing by, the next step is to __________.
Ship/Shore liasion
proceed with fueling operation Inerting operations
have helicopter move to a safer location Loading operations

wash spilled fuel away with a flood of water Discharging operations

Tank cleaning
clean spilled fuel with rags
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers (1)
Cargo information
A substance other than oil which if introduced in to marine environment is likely to create hazard to human health, to harm living resources and marine life etc. is called as

Noxious substances Discharging

Tank cleaning
Toxic substances
Hazardous and dangerous substances
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Hazardous and noxious substances
Organizational structure for emergency
Alarms (1)
Emergency Procedures
Complying with the pollution regulations of a ship at all times is the responsibility of
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical

Every ship owner only Effects of pollution on human and mar

Every individual onboard ships Pollution from HNS cargoes

Ship owner and ship manager Procedures to prevent pollution

Precautions to prevent pollution by
Master of the ship only
Checklist for maintenance of pollut (1)
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Heavy fuel oils when spilled are __________.
Report relevant information
more harmful to sea life than lighter oils
Spill-containment procedures
easier to clean up than lighter refined oils
Nine phases of spill response
less harmful to sea life than lighter oils Management of spills on water
not a real threat to marine life Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Close DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiaris Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (13/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Basic knowledge of tankers DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of tankers
1. Tanker Terminology (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oi
The purpose of slop tanks on an oil tanker is to
Terminology for tankers carrying ch
minimize pollution by retaining all slopsTypes of tankers
generated by operation of the vessel
Basic Knowledge of Tankers
increase the cargo carrying capacity whenever of Oil tanker
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives
collect pump room and engine room bilges
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Pumps and Eductors
make crude oil washing possible
Cargo heating System Describe various types of tankers for carrying dangerous liquids
Inert Gas System Explain the constructional features of oil carrying tankers (1)
2. Explain the constructional features of chemical carrying tankers
Cargo measurement systems
Which of the following is not true about eductors?
Physical and chemical properties of oil and
Physical Properties Introduction
The discharge from eductor leads to pump room bilge
Both oil and chemical cargoes are dangerous liquids and termed as such can be treated under a co
Pressure and
It has no moving parts and is virtually maintenance Temperature
free tankers. Tankers transport a wide variety of liquids in bulk (unpackaged). These fall under three broad classif
It is very efficient in striping crude oil of high vapourFuel Properties when usi
pressure and special liquids.
Physical Properties of Chemicals
The drive liquid has to be same as the stripped cargo
Chemical Properties Petroleum Liquids: Petroleum liquids consist of naturally occurring crude oil and the various products derive
3. Organic Chemistry of Oil Products (1)
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Gasoline
Cargo tanks entrances on tankers are:
Fuel oil
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Weathertight Diesel
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Residual fuel oil
Key Features and Measurement of an E Kerosene
Could be weathertight or watertight Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Jet Fuel
Neither watertight or weathertight Assessment of Safety Culture Lubricants
SMS and the Safety Culture
Coke (1)
4. Development of Positive Safety Culture

A restricted tank gauging system Hazards

Petroleum Cargoes: International Classification
Health hazards
Allows limited amounts of vapour to escape In many safety-related rules and regulations, petroleum cargoes are broadly classified as volatile liquids and
Environmental hazards
Does not allow vapour to escape
Reactivity hazards Volatile liquids: Petroleum liquids that have closed-cup flash points below 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) are considered
Uses a float gauge temperatures encountered during transport, cargoes in this category are capable of producing gas/air mixtu
Corrosion hazards
Does not use an ullage tape For this reason, volatile cargoes are frequently transported in a tank with a controlled (inerted) atmosphere.
Explosion hazards
Flammability hazards Nonvolatile liquids: These are petroleum products that have closed-cup flash points of 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) and
5. (1)
Sources of ignition temperatures encountered during transport the atmosphere above these cargoes (headspace) typically c
Two valve separation on chemical tankers isElectrostatic
used hazards flammable limit. Cargoes associates with these cargoes, however, the application of heat is often necessary d
with heated cargo, as the creation of a flammable atmosphere is possible if it is heated to or near the flash po
Toxicity hazards
to lock liquid or vapour between the valves
Vapour leaks and clouds Chemical Liquids
so that second valve can be opened if one does not A liquid chemical is any substance used in, or obtained by, a chemical process. There are literally hundred
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
so that second valve can be closed if leak is detected vessels. These substances are derived from many sources and have diverse characteristics. They may be ca
Table shows a sampling of each.
to prevent contamination problems dueWaterto leaks
Chemical Liquids
Drying agents
6. Organic Chemicals Inorganic Chemicals (1)
Monitoring techniques
When coating a patch as part of maintenance, the filmmeasures
Anti-static thickness should be
Aromatic hydrocarbons Boric acid
200 to 300 microns
Cargo segregation
Vinyl chloride Sulfuric acid
300 to 400 microns Cargo inhibition
not less than 400 microns Cargo Compatibility
Acetone Phosphoric acid
not more than 200 microns Atmospheric control
Gas Testing Acetic acid Caustic soda
7. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) (1)

Safetyon a chemical tanker?

Which type of cargo tank does '2G' represent Styrene monomer Hydrochloric acid
Gas measuring instruments
Integral gravity type Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con Acrylonitrile Molten sulfur
Integral pressure type Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Independent pressure type Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Special Liquids
Independent gravity type Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Liquid substances other than those classified as petroleum or chemical are described as special liquids. Table
Special Liquids
8. (1)
Interferometer Animal/Vegetable Oils Miscellaneous Liquids
Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are Infra-red
normally(IR) Instruments
made of
Measurement of Low Concentration Palm oil Freshwater
Aluminium alloy
Draeger–tube system
Fiber Soybean oil Beer
Electrochemical Sensors
stainless steel Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Sunflower oil Wine
nickel alloy Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
Other vegetable oils
9. (1)
Multi-Gas Instruments
Personal Gas Monitors
The ring main pipeline system is extensively used on: Animals oils
VLCCs Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures Tallow and greases
Crude oil tankers
Safety Equipment
Medium range tankers
Breathing apparatus Molasses
Product carriers
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment From the above, you realise that while the tankers are either carrying oil or chemicals in liquid form, the car
10. (1)
Resuscitators characteristics and as such, understanding of the cargo properties will be essential for ship's crew to transpor
Pump room bilge high level alarm should activate in :
Rescue and escape equipment
As of January 2017, there were 52,183 ships in the world's merchant fleets. The tanker sector stands at 14
CCR Basic knowledge of Safe working pract quarter of the world fleet.
ECR Entering enclosed spaces
Oil Tankers 7,244
ECR , CCR and navigation bridge Repair and maintenance work LNG 1,850
Hot and cold work Chemical Tanker 5,418
Chief officer's cabin
Electrical safety
In this course we shall talk about Oil and Chemical tankers. The importance of tankers are further underscore
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
In 2015, total world petroleum and other liquids supply was about 96.7 million barrels per day (b/d). 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Close DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiaris Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (13/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Basic knowledge of tankers DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
1. Tanker Terminology (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oi
Calorific value is the quantity of heat ……………… when a unit quantity of fuel is burnt completely. Terminology for tankers carrying ch
Types of tankers
Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
Arrangements of Oil tanker
Observed       Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives

Pumps and Eductors

After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Released Cargo heating System
Inert Gas System Describe different types of oils to be transported
Explain the physical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ship
Cargo measurement systems
Required Explain the chemical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ships
Physical and chemical properties of oil and
Explain the possible generation of Electrostatic charge
Physical Properties
2. (1)
Pressure and Temperature
Percentage of hydrocarbons present in the raw fuel will NOT affect Important Fuel Properties when usi Bulk transportation of oil and chemical on tank ships is the best economical way to transport such cargoe
Physical Properties of Chemicals dangerous liquids as cargo in ship's tank, they exhibit a number of physical and chemical behavior, based
Chemical Properties gassify and create a vapor pressure on top of the tank. They also get viscous with drop in temperature. T
The coloration of the fuel
poisonous. Some cargoes get contaminated if the tanks have not been prepared correctly before filling up
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
arise from their density, vapor pressure, toxicity, pour point and such other properties. It will be impor
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum properties to get the basic idea of the nature of the cargo and how perhaps to carry them on board and trans
Viscosity of the fuel
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Classification of Oil cargoes:
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Water content
Key Features and Measurement of an E Crude Oil
The hydrocarbons give the combustible nature.of the petroleum Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Raw crude oil is pumped directly into a ship’s cargo tank. It varies widely in chemical composition, sulphur, a
Assessment of Safety Culture composition, the prevailing components of crude oil are naphthenic, paraffinic, or aromatic hydrocarbons. C
tanks coated with epoxy coal tar or epoxy paints.
3. SMS and the Safety Culture (1)
Development of Positive Safety Culture White Oil
Higher viscosity means Hazards This group of liquid cargoes consists mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon products and includes gasoline, diese

Health hazards heating oils, etc. These cargoes are not very aggressive, and they usually are shipped in conventional ep
gasolines may require a modified epoxy or zinc silicate coating system.
Environmental hazards
Proper atomization of fuel             Reactivity hazards Solvents and Chemicals
Corrosion hazards This complex group of liquid cargoes includes alcohols, ketones, glycols, esters, ethers, aromatic hydroca
Explosion hazards cargoes vary from mild to very aggressive. They are shipped in tanks coated with epoxy, modified epoxy
Rich atomization of fuel                          
require extreme care in the choice of coating and cargo handling.
Flammability hazards
Sources of ignition Vegetable and Animal Oils
Poor atomization of fuel
Electrostatic hazards Vegetable and animal oils may vary in composition. The most important factor is their free fatty acid con
Toxicity hazards coatings. Refined vegetable oils with low acid value are usually acceptable for carriage in conventional epoxy-

4. are more aggressive and may require a more resistant coating system. Crude vegetable oils, fatty acids, an (1)
Vapour leaks and clouds
oils) may pose serious problems for carriage in coated tanks. Water content and loading/unloading tempe
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single bond. Each
Basic carbon of
knowledge atom is connected
hazard controls to eachaggressive.
other carbon atom by a single covalent bond. This hydrocarbon is

Branched hydrocarbon Lube Oils and Additives
Water padding
Unsaturated hydrocarbon This group of cargoes (excluding halogenated, phosphated, and ester types) usually poses no problem
Drying agents
contamination of cargo may be a problem, requiring thorough cleaning and drying of tanks before loading. Th
Saturated hydrocarbon Monitoring techniques coated with conventional epoxy
Linear hydrocarbon Anti-static measures
5. (1)
Cargo segregation
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Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by : Cargo inhibition

type of cargo Cargo Compatibility

Atmospheric control
density of cargo
Gas Testing
temperature of cargo
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
inert gas
Gas measuring instruments
6. (1)
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and
cylinder liners. Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Ash Interferometer
Infra-red (IR) Instruments

Vanadium Measurement of Low Concentration

Draeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors
Alumino silicates
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
Multi-Gas Instruments
7. Personal Gas Monitors (1)

Gas Sample Lines

Cargoes should not be loaded in to a tank that is not specially for that duty if it exceeds normal atmospheric and Sampling
pressure at Pro
Sampling Procedures
60.0 Deg C (140 Deg F) Safety Equipment
15.6 Deg C (60 Deg F) Breathing apparatus
25.0 Deg C (77 Deg F) Tank evacuating equipment
37.8 Deg C (100 Deg F) Protective clothing and equipment
8. Rescue and escape equipment (1)

In the chemical composition of typical petroleum Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
The natural gas consist of 80 - 85% Carbon Repair and maintenance work
The crude oil consist of 82 - 87% Carbon, Hot and cold work
The asphalt consist of 12 - 15% Hydrohen Electrical safety
The Natural gas consist of 0.1 - 5% Oxygena Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
9. Dangers of skin contact (1)

The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Fire response organization
Up to 60% General Emergency alarm
Up to 70% Fire control plan and muster list
Up to 35% Communications
Up to 50% Fire hazards
Cargo handling
10. Transportation (1)

The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between layers Compatibility with is:
of flowing liquid chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Viscosity of Liquid Portable fire-fighting foam
Force of friction between liquid layers Fixed dry chemical powder
Velocity of the fluid Spill containment
Vapor pressure of liquid Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Types of tankers
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Arrangements of Oil tanker
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker
1. (1)
Pumps and Eductors
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
Cargo heating System
Inert Gas System

safety canmeasurement
be Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety management
For an effective safety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which
The SMSand chemical
required byproperties of oil and
the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Physical Properties
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across
many industries measure personnel injuries Explain the meaning of a safety culture
to Temperature
Pressure and
Describe various ways to measure it
A Lost Important
Time Incident is an incident
Fuel Properties whenwhich
usi results in absence from work beyond the date or shift when it occurred.
Explain the need for reporting accidents, near misses and non-conformities
Physical Properties of Chemicals Discuss the process of development of a positive safety culture
2. (1)
Chemical Properties Explain the relationship of safety culture and safety management system

Organisational safetyChemistry
value aimsofatOil
: Products Introduction
< 2 incidents in aSymbols
year of Petroleum
What is a safety culture?
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidentsAinsafety cultureyear
the previous is an organizational culture that places a high level of importance on safety beliefs, values
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin majority of people within the company or workplace. It can be characterized as ‘the way we do things around
Zero incident programme
improved workplace health and safety (WHS) and organizational performance.
Key Features and Measurement of an E
allow only one incident per year.
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
Shipping is known as one of the most dangerous and international occupation in the world. The maritime in
Assessment of Safety Culture throughout the years such as Herald of Free Enterprise, Costa Concordia and Deep Water Horizon. Regulato
3. (1)
SMS and the Safety Culture Management (ISM) code in order to avoid reoccurrence of these accidents.
cargo vapors of
enter human body due to :
Safety Culture
Following the implementation of the ISM Code, which became mandatory for all ships via the SOLAS Convent
Hazards working on deck.
a significant reduction in maritime casualties, serious oil spills, and – most importantly – the number of l
working in hazards
the pump room However, a number of recent high-profile incidents suggest that the absence of a fully implemented safety
Environmental hazards companies may need to address with additional rigor.
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
Reactivity hazards
improper use of proper PPE Unfortunately, the maritime industry traditionally adopted a reactive approach to eliminate these errors th
Corrosion hazards desired level of safety. Only recently, the maritime industry has started to adopt proactive approaches by dev
Explosion hazards (1)
4. There is a vital need for all concerned to understand the relationship between unsafe acts and serious inc
Flammability hazards
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective damage
Safety Culture; identify
to property andone
thestatement that identifies
environment. an effective
The importance safety culture
of changing behavior and avoiding negative at
Sources of ignition
environmental protection is also underlined.
Electrostatic hazards
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Toxicity hazards Accident investigation reports attribute the majority of marine accidents to human errors and extensi
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it
Vapour leaks and clouds paperwork. None of these efforts provide the desired safety level. Currently, the maritime industry is starting
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the
tried to value
avoid of the safety
reoccurrences byculture results in
implementing anaappropriate
more effective Safety
safety Management
culture. System
One unique way to internalize th
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
“how an organization behaves when no one is watching”. The safety
A safety management system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents culture approach describes hum
Inerting than someone to blame for failure. A positive safety culture with commitment from all levels in the company
Water padding maritime industry
5. (1)
Drying agents
The main elements of peak safety performance are Safety
: culture is a concept defined at group or higher level and reflects on the shared values among all
Monitoring techniques
reducing the number
Anti-static of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
reducing Safety
the number of pollution incidents to less than culture
2 % of is concerned
the previous with formal
year pollution safety issues within an organization.
Safety culture emphasizes the contribution from everyone at all levels of the organization.
Cargo segregation
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment.
The safety culture of an organization has an impact on its employees’ behavior at work and potentially
Cargo inhibition Safety culture may be reflected by the relationship between the reward system and safety performance
Cargo Compatibility Safety culture is reflected in the organization’s willingness to develop and learn from errors, incidents, a
Atmospheric control Safety culture embraces communication and teamwork.

Gas Testing
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Safety Culture comprise of 5 significant levels
Pathological: Employees only react to the safety matters not to get caught by regulatory compliance.
Gas measuring instruments Reactive: Employees do not follow the basic safety instructions. The importance of safety is understoo
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con Calculative: There is an effort within the company to collect the safety associated data and arra

Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo understanding about “how the system works”, but the data are not analyzed to enhance safety.
Proactive: This stage focus more on “what might go wrong in the future” instead of analyzing occurre
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
and employees increases.
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Generative: This is the most advanced stage a company can have. The company uses human erro
Tankscope blame.There is a really good feedback and reporting system between all workers within the compan
Interferometer unexpected.

Infra-red (IR) Instruments

Measurement of Low Concentration 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Important Fuel Properties when usi Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Close HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Hazards
Chemical Properties (1)
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
Electrons have :
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
no charge
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
positive charge Hazards
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
negative charge Key Features and Measurement of an E Specific Learning Objectives
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and After going through this topic, student should be able to,

2. (1)
Assessment of Safety Culture
Describe various types of hazards that may occur while carrying dangerous liquid on tank ships
What is runaway polymerization? SMS and the Safety Culture Describe the effect of those hazards on health, environment and personal safety
Exothermic self reaction Development of Positive Safety Culture
Self reaction Introduction
Health hazards Tanker operation creates different types of hazards namely, health hazards, environmental hazard, reactivity
Endothermic self reaction
Environmental hazards hazards, toxicity hazards and so on. Major number of these are extremely dangerous for human health and
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions itself and some cause long term environmental damage when spilled or leaked. It is important to identify the
Reactivity hazards
of preventative measures to combat them. We should learn all the prevention and control measures in the n
Corrosion hazards possible situations on board that can compromise your personal well-being and that of the ship as well as the
3. (1)
Explosion hazards
Why are inhibitors added  in the cargo? Flammability hazards
Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loadingofare
Sources Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks. 
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal beforeElectrostatic
loading arehazards
Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. 

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal beforeToxicity

are Non Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks. 
Vapour leaks and clouds
Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature is never a concern for cargo carriage
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Inerting (1)
Water padding
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
Drying agents
dissipated in atmosphere
Monitoring techniques
reduced in vapor concentration Anti-static measures
ignited Ventilation
Cargo segregation
5. Cargo inhibition (1)
Cargo Fuel
How to reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Hazard in Residual Compatibility
Atmospheric control
Ventilation to lower the concentration of vapour in the ullage space and in specific areas where vapours may accumulate should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Gas Testing
Transfer the oil to some other tank using fuel transfer pump,
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Keep heating the oil to maintain a higher temperature
Circulate the oil in the same tank using theGas
cargo pump instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
6. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
What is a spark ? Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between Heated
two conductors Filament
where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a flammable atmosphere.
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a non flammable atmosphere.
Sparks can occur during cargo movement and sloshing in an inerted tank
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Occasional Sparks from the main engine exhaust can cause a fire in the drydocks.
Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system (1)
Electrochemical Sensors
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to
Oxygen chemical reaction
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious andMulti-Gas
toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction
Personal Gas Monitors
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro

8. Sampling Procedures (1)

Cargo pump rooms are fitted with : Safety Equipment

Breathing apparatus
one fan for ventilation
Tank evacuating equipment
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
Protective clothing and equipment
fixed fire extinguishing system
Rescue and escape equipment
9. (1)
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
What is the flammable range ?
Entering enclosed spaces
Vapor concentration below LEL Repair and maintenance work
Vapor concentration above UEL Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL
Basic knowledge of First-Aid

10. Treatment and Prevention (1)

Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tankerofcan
wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
The use of high capacity tank washing machines
Fire response organization
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning Emergency
or collision alarm an explosion and rupture on the main deck.
Fire control
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening duringplan and
last muster
stage list
of loading which after dilution may be ignited by accommodation ignition sources or the like.
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and lubricating oil) may ignite if the liquid comes into contact with a surface heated above the auto-ignition temperature ( e.g.,steamlines,
overheated equipment) despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Development of Positive Safety Culture

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DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Health hazards (1)
Environmental hazards
What is hot work ?
Reactivity hazards
Hot work is carried out in high ambient temperatures
Corrosion hazards
Work involving sources of ignition or temperatures
Explosionsufficiently Basic knowledge of hazard controls
hazards high to cause the ignition of a flammable gas mixture.
The temperature is very high where the work is done hazards
Specific Learning Objectives
Work carried out using hot material Sources of ignition
Electrostatic hazards
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. Toxicity hazards (1)
Explain what the hazards can do to compromise the ship and personal safety
Vapour leaks and clouds
What is cold work ? Describe various ways that the hazards can be controlled like Inerting, padding, ventilation, segregation
Basic knowledge of hazard controls Know how to use the MSDS for cargo operation.
Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere
Work that cannot create a source of ignition Introduction
Water padding
Carrying out work on reefer containers Drying agents There are a number of systemic controls by way of ship and equipment design to provide hazard safety or
Monitoring techniques
Work that can be done only in cold temperatures hand. Controlling the tank environment by adding inert gas on top of the cargo carried is one such innovatio
oxidizing cargo could be a preventative control. There are a number of processes and equipment that ensures
Anti-static measures
drying, monitoring of tank environment and status, tank ventilation, segregation of cargoes, and checkin
3. Ventilation (1)
measures that are discussed. Beyond the systemic controls, the crew competency in adhering to the st
In chemical tankers with common pipe line, cargo Cargo segregation
segregation is done by : fundamental in being able to control hazards around you at work on a tanker.
Cargo inhibition
isolating tanks after completion of loading Notes
Cargo Compatibility
close all valves for tank after completion of loading Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Atmospheric control
inserting blind flanges in pipes concerned.
Gas Testing
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
4. (1)
What is flash point ? Gas measuring instruments
The lowest temperature at which a liquid givesMeasurement
off sufficient gas to form a flammable
of Hydrocarbon Con gas mixture near the surface of the liquid.

Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo

The temperature at which the gas is not flammable
The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas Gas Monitors - Pellis
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
The temperature at which an explosion is not possible
Interferometer (1)
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
What are closed operations ?
Measurement of Low Concentration
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without opening ullage ports
Draeger–tube system
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Electrochemical Sensors
Remote control of tank delivery valves Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
6. Multi-Gas Instruments

Personal Gasoils
Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static accumulator Monitors
is avoided by:
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Increasing the flow rate
Sampling Procedures
Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment
Safety Equipment
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Breathing apparatus
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment
7. (1)
What is lower flammable limit ? Rescue and escape equipment
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in Basic
air below which there
knowledge is insufficient
of Safe working practhydrocarbon to support combustion

The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support enclosed spaces
Repair and
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support maintenance work
Hot and cold work
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid (1)
Treatment and Prevention
Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Dangers of skin contact
Light crude oils
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Sour crude oils
Fire response organization
Refined products General Emergency alarm
Chemical cargoes Fire control plan and muster list
9. Fire hazards (1)

What is meant by "intrinsically safe" ? Cargo handling

Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
An electrical circuit is intrinsically safe if any spark produced normally or accidentally is incapable of igniting a gas mixture
Fixed fire-fighting foam
There is no danger if sparks are produced in an unsafe atmosphere
Portable fire-fighting foam
Equipment can be used in hazardous atmosphere Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
10. (1)
Cargo Operations
What is Upper flammable limit ? For Oil Tankers
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanksShip/Shore liasion

The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air Inerting operations

above which there is insufficient oxygen to support combustion
Loading operations
The limit where there is insuffient inert gas to support combustion
Discharging operations
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Loading 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Water padding
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Drying agents
Monitoring techniques DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Safety
1. (1)
Anti-static measures
What does ISM stand for in the ISM Code? Ventilation
Cargo segregation
International Security Mandate

Internal Safety Management

Cargo inhibition
Cargo Compatibility
International Safety Management Atmospheric control Specific Learning Objectives
Internal Security Management Gas Testing After going through this topic, student should be able to,

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Describe the gas measuring equipment used on tankers and their application on tankers
2. Safety Describe the use of safety equipment and PPE on tankers (1)
Know the safe working practices and procedures for tankers
Gas ameasuring
A static electrical charge can be built up within liquid as instruments
it is being pumped and the charge will increase as pumping:
Know the first-aid requirements on board tankers as per the advisory provided by the cargo MSDS
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
velocity reduces Introduction
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
The topic of safety is perhaps the most important of all areas of knowledge in tanker operation. Thus, this
velocity rises Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
related to safety equipment, safety procedures and safe working practices. The cargo carried on tankers a
pressure decreases Non-Catalytic Heated Filament present many hazards to human health and environment. And, with all safety precautions, accidents still ha
flow reduces Tankscope with any incidental injuries on board. The ship's crew must practice the safety drills and be inculcate work
protective device. The gas monitoring equipment provides the early indication, if an enclosed space, such
remains in a condition which is safe for work; thus, the maintenance of the gas monitoring and oxygen ana
3. Infra-red (IR) Instruments (1)
devices are kept in good working order. Remember, one small mistake or error of judgment can cause cat
Which fabric is best suited for clothing used in wideMeasurement of Low Concentration
range of chemicals? damage to the environment.
Draeger–tube system
Cotton with out coating. Notes
Electrochemical Sensors
nylon Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
PVC coated fabric.
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
4. (1)
Multi-Gas Instruments
What are all the three basic stages which leads to a potential static hazard and necessary for an electrostatic ignition?
Personal Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Viscosity, charge seperation and temperature
Sampling Procedures
Charge accumulation, velocity and density
Safety Equipment
Charge separation, charge accumulation and electrostatic discharge
Breathing apparatus
Flammable gas, air and heat source
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment
5. (1)
Where is the electrostatic discharge plate installed?
Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Near the cargo manifold
Entering enclosed spaces
At the forward end of the ship
Repair and maintenance work
At the accommodation entrance on upper deck
Hot and cold work
At the aft part of the ship
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
6. (1)
Treatment and Prevention
What is the maximum time duration for which EEBDDangers
is designed for contact
of skin ?

5 Mins Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations

6 Mins Fire response organization

10 Mins General Emergency alarm

Fire control plan and muster list

7. Communications (1)
Fire hazards
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Cargo handling
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew Transportation
Part of th Company's policies & procedures with chemical cargoes
for first aid
Part of the ISM code which requires work fire-fighting
procedures to foam
ensure safe/good performance
Part of the STCW which provides for safe fire-fighting
management foam
Fixed dry chemical powder

8. Spill containment (1)

Cargo Operations
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
For Oil Tankers
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts
Ship/Shore liasion
Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Inerting operations
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's
Loading face to see if he registers pain
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length ofoperations
Discharging his spine to check reaction
Tank cleaning
9. Purging and gas freeing

For Chemical Tankers

What happens in draeger tube during measurement?

The glass vial temperature increases Cargo information

Becomes opaque due to moistre.
Color changes
Tank cleaning
10. (1)
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms? structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures

Painting Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical

Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Smoking Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

What does "CRS" stand for? Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con

Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Certified radio station.

Control room section.

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Coast radio station. Specific Learning Objectives
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe Oil and Chemical Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is: Discuss Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquid
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
water Draeger–tube system Describe Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
foam Electrochemical Sensors Describe Portable fire-fighting foam Operations

soda-acid Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain Fixed dry chemical system Operations
Explain Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra

3. Oxygen Analyzer (1)

Multi-Gas Instruments Introduction
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Any tanker fire incident is responded with a fire emergency preparedness, in-depth planning and practice dril
Personal Gas Monitors
Heat removal or cooling under the Master, where each officer and crew members are part of a team, allocated with resources, skills a
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro discussed further.
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Sampling Procedures
Flame inhibition Composition of Emergency Teams
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus
4. Emergency organisation (1)
Tank evacuating equipment Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.
Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
Protective clothing and equipment
1. Command team
heat Resuscitators
2. Emergency team
chain reaction Rescue and escape equipment 3. Support and First Aid
fuel Basic knowledge of Safe working pract 4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
5. Crew for Rescue Boat
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operation
Hot and cold work is necessary from each team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records (1)
5. carried at this centre.
Electrical safety
Class B fires involve
Basic knowledge of First-Aid The Emergency team would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Treatment and Prevention be the leader of the primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is e
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids of the primary team and the Second Engineer would lead the back-up team.
Dangers of skin contact
Energised electrical equipment Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
The Support and First team will look after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patient
Combustible materials such as magnesium,Fire
sodium, etc. organization
response necessity to abandon ship at short notice. Shit where water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in
General Emergency alarm operations are sustained for a long period. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command tea

6. Fire control plan and muster list

Roving Team/Engine Room Team will be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R s
Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship? Communications compartments on fire, shut off ventilation systems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else
Fire hazards
Navigation bridge.
Cargo handling Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on
Monkey island. lower the boat, rescue the man and get hoisted back on board.
Bridge wing
Compatibility with chemical cargoes Some employers list out various emergencies that could occur:
Fixed fire-fighting foam Explosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Pe
7. (1)
Portable fire-fighting foam failure, Piracy, Search & Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list o
During fire fighting with deck foam system: what is the maximum number of monitors thatteams
can bein each
used forsuch emergency.
effective fire fighting?
Fixed dry chemical powder
3 Spill containment
1 Cargo Operations Notes

2 For Oil Tankers Save Notes Font Name Font Size

4 Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations

8. Loading operations (1)

Discharging operations
Which gas acts as a catalyst in the mechanical foam extinguisher?
Tank cleaning

Nitrogen gas Purging and gas freeing

Halon Gas For Chemical Tankers

CO2 gas Cargo information

Discharging (1)
Tank cleaning
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only __________.
if applied promptly
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
if applied in connection with foam
Organizational structure for emergency
to prevent rekindling Alarms
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity Procedures
fog have failed
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
10. Effects of pollution on human and mar (1)

Class A fires involve Pollution from HNS cargoes

Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing,toetc.
prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids
Energised electrical equipment
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Cargo Operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

While taking on fuel oil, the transfer hose leaks causing a sheen onofthe
Hydrocarbon Con
water. You should
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
apply dispersants to the sheen

repair the leak with duct tape

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Cargo Operations
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
reduce the rate of transfer Specific Learning Objectives
shut down operations After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe preparations before loading and discharging of cargo
2. Describe the loading operations on a oil/chemical tank ship (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the unloading operation on an oil/chemical tank ship
When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take
Draeger–tube if a cargo valve jammed open?
system Discuss the safety precautions for cargo loading and discharging operations
Trip the pump relief valve. Electrochemical Sensors Describe the ballasting / de-ballasting operations

Order the dock man to shut down. Fixed Gas Detection Installations Describe the Crude Oil Washing operation
Describe the Chemical tank ship cargo tank cleaning operation
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Call the owner, operator, or terminal supervisor.
Discuss the inerting, venting, gas-freeing operation for tanks
Oxygen Analyzer
Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose.
Multi-Gas Instruments Introduction
It is during the ballast voyage that the cargo tanks are full of inert gas and sediments at the tank bottom. Th
Personal Gas Monitors (1)
3. Oil Washed) and got rid of cargo remains as sediments before the next cargo may be loaded. For thorough c
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro to be entered, the tanks are vented, made gas-free and oxygen rich (>21% by volume) before manual cleani
Hydrocarbon gas normally encounted in petroleum tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere containing oxygen less than
Sampling Procedures
2% For crude oil, it may not be necessary to clean the tanks except the COW operation, before loading the
Safety Equipment
5% maintained inert to avoid any possibility of combustion within the tank.
Breathing apparatus
8% Tank evacuating equipment After loading, a positive inert gas pressure on top of the tank ensures safe passage.
11% Protective clothing and equipment
4. Rescue and escape equipment (1)

The volatility of a flammable liquid is indicated by its knowledge of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
ignition temperature
Repair and maintenance work
flash point
Hot and cold work
flammable range
Electrical safety
conversion index
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
5. (1)
Dangers of skin contact
Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated fromand
Fire Safety boiler
Fireflue gas, atoperations
Fighting the scrubber outlet is

50% Fire response organization

60% General Emergency alarm

70% Fire control plan and muster list Introduction:

Fire hazards
Cargo handling (1)
The vapor pressure of a substance __________
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
decreases as temperature increases
Fixed fire-fighting foam
increases with the temperature Portable fire-fighting foam
is not affected by temperature Fixed dry chemical powder
may increase or decrease as the temperature containment
Cargo Operations

7. For Oil Tankers (1)

Spanning a gas detecting equipment would mean: Ship/Shore liasion

Inerting operations
Testing the equipment in air
Loading operations
Testing the equipment in an inert atmosphere
Discharging operations
Testing the equipment with special gas mixtures
Tank cleaning
Testing the equipment with cargo vapour Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
8. (1)
Cargo information
What is the purpose of pressure-vacuum relief valves?
Regulation of discharge pressure from cargo pumps
Tank cleaning
Maintaining constant velocity in cargo lines
Regulation of suction head on cargo pumps
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
To maintain a tank or void at atmospheric pressure
Organizational structure for emergency
9. (1)
Emergency Procedures
You have water washed your cargo tanks using the fixed machines. What should you do before using portable machines to clean areas screened from the wash of the fixed machine by structural members?
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Ventilate the tank to eliminate any electrostatically
Effects ofcharged mist.
pollution on human and mar
Attach the water supply hose to the portable machine
HNScleaning head is positioned inside the tank.
Insure that the tanks are not stripped until Procedures to prevent
the final wash pollution
is started.
Ground the fixed machines to eliminate any electrostatic to prevent pollution
on the byhead.

10. Checklist for maintenance of pollut (1)

Measures to be taken in the event of S
You are planning to use a crude oil washing system. What precaution must be taken with the source tank for the washing machines?
Report relevant information
At least one meter must be decanted from the source tank.
Spill-containment procedures
The oil in the source tank must be sampled for compatibility.
Nine phases of spill response
The source tank must have been crude oil washed at least once
Management in the
of spills onpast 150 days.
The inert gas system must lower the oxygen contenton
Case Studies in the source
oil and NLStank
shipto a maximum of 12%.
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/8 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/8 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in: of Hydrocarbon Con
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
P&A Manual.

IG and COW manuals.

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
ISM procedures. Specific Learning Objectives
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Explain the Organizational structure for emergency
Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is atExplain
the terminal.
the various alarms for emergencies
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the Emergency Shut Down System ESDS
Draeger–tube system Describe
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing clearly, for the
eachEmergency Shut Down-
deck, the location and Ship-Shore Link
particulars of all fire-fighting equipment, dampers, controls etc.
Electrochemical Sensors
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside the accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held Introduction
by the company management
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra A knowledge of the basic emergency actions that needs to be taken in case of Standard Ship emergencies
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at terminals regularly visited.
Oxygen Analyzer procedures. These include:-procedures for Fire, collision, grounding, cargo hose burst, accident involving pers

Multi-Gas Instruments
3. All tankers & terminals procedures are to be ready for immediate implementation in the event an emerge (1)
Personal Gas Monitors
types of emergency which might be encountered in particular activities of tanker or terminal.
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast tanks?
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures The main procedures will address Fire, while other procedures would address incidents such as hose or
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
flooding, men overcome by gas, breakouts of vessels, weather or blackouts.
Safety Equipment
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
Breathing apparatus The procedures should also cover deployment of fire-fighting equipment, resuscitator & stretchers, together w
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
Tank evacuating equipment
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge Terminal Emergency Plan
Protective clothing and equipment
The plan would include: (1)
4. Rescue and escape equipment
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: Specific initial action to be taken by those at location of the emergency to report, contain & overcome t
Basic knowledge of Safe workingwhich
pract one will have the largest impact?
Procedures to be followed in mobilizing the resources of the terminal as required by the incident.
Entering enclosed spaces
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized like Alerting responsibility
a combination & procedures.
carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Repair and maintenance work
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels Each terminal should have an Emergency Team whose duties would involve planning, implementing &
Hot and cold work
executing them.
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Electrical safety
Experience and expertise of ship boardBasic
personnel and shore
knowledge management
of First-Aid Main points of initial response to an emergency should be conspicuously displayed on notices at strategic loca

Treatment and Prevention

5. (1)
Dangers of skin contact Notes
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge
Fire Safety must
and Fire co-ordinate
Fighting the rescue:
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
From inside the space Fire response organization

From the Bridge General Emergency alarm

Fire control plan and muster list
From outside the space
From the Engine Control Room
Fire hazards
Cargo handling (1)
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
MARPOL Convention
Fixed fire-fighting foam
SOLAS Convention Portable fire-fighting foam
CLC Convention Fixed dry chemical powder

Intervention Convention Spill containment

Cargo Operations

7. For Oil Tankers (1)

Ship/Shore liasion
The MFAG is published by the:
Inerting operations
International Maritime Organisation
Loading operations
World Health Organisation
Discharging operations
United Nations Tank cleaning
International Labour Organisation Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
8. (1)
Cargo information
Lung inflammation will cause: Loading

Breathlessness and drowsiness Discharging

Tank cleaning
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Breathlessness and slurred speech
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiaris Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Close HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Basic knowledge of tankers
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
Tanker Terminology (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oi
Hydrocarbons are found in nature in many different forms, mainly as
Terminology for tankers carrying ch
Types of tankers
Gasoline, Diesel oil, Fuel oil etc.
Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
Liquid Petroleum, Natural Gas, Asphalt etc. Arrangements of Oil tanker
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives
Kerosine, Jet fuel, Lubricant etc
Pumps and Eductors
Naphtha, Aviation gasoline, Heating oil etc. After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Cargo heating System
Inert Gas System Describe different types of oils to be transported (1)
2. Explain the physical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ship
Cargo measurement systems
The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with Explain the chemical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ships
Physical and chemical properties of oil and
Explain the possible generation of Electrostatic charge
Seven and Eight carbon atoms Physical Properties

Two and four carbon atoms Pressure and Temperature

Important Fuel Properties when usi
five and six carbon atoms Bulk transportation of oil and chemical on tank ships is the best economical way to transport such cargoe
Physical Properties of Chemicals dangerous liquids as cargo in ship's tank, they exhibit a number of physical and chemical behavior, based
Four and seven carbon atoms
Chemical Properties gassify and create a vapor pressure on top of the tank. They also get viscous with drop in temperature. T
poisonous. Some cargoes get contaminated if the tanks have not been prepared correctly before filling up
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products (1)
3. arise from their density, vapor pressure, toxicity, pour point and such other properties. It will be impor
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum properties to get the basic idea of the nature of the cargo and how perhaps to carry them on board and trans
Of the hydrocarbons found in nature, which is the lighter fraction of hydrocarbons, which can be free or dissolved ?
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Classification of Oil cargoes:
Crude oil The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin

Asphalt Key Features and Measurement of an E

Crude Oil
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Raw crude oil is pumped directly into a ship’s cargo tank. It varies widely in chemical composition, sulphur, a
Refined oil
Assessment of Safety Culture composition, the prevailing components of crude oil are naphthenic, paraffinic, or aromatic hydrocarbons. C
Natural gas
tanks coated with epoxy coal tar or epoxy paints.
SMS and the Safety Culture
Development of Positive Safety Culture (1)
4. White Oil
Hazards This group of liquid cargoes consists mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon products and includes gasoline, diese
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for :
Health hazards heating oils, etc. These cargoes are not very aggressive, and they usually are shipped in conventional ep
reducing density gasolines may require a modified epoxy or zinc silicate coating system.
Environmental hazards
increase viscosity Reactivity hazards Solvents and Chemicals
preventing sludge formation Corrosion hazards This complex group of liquid cargoes includes alcohols, ketones, glycols, esters, ethers, aromatic hydroca
Explosion hazards cargoes vary from mild to very aggressive. They are shipped in tanks coated with epoxy, modified epoxy

5. Flammability hazards
require extreme care in the choice of coating and cargo handling. (1)

In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single bond. Each of ignition
carbon atom is connected to eachVegetable
other carbon atom
and by a Oils
Animal single covalent bond. This hydrocarbon is
Electrostatic hazards Vegetable and animal oils may vary in composition. The most important factor is their free fatty acid con
Branched hydrocarbon Toxicity hazards coatings. Refined vegetable oils with low acid value are usually acceptable for carriage in conventional epoxy-
are more aggressive and may require a more resistant coating system. Crude vegetable oils, fatty acids, an
Unsaturated hydrocarbon Vapour leaks and clouds
oils) may pose serious problems for carriage in coated tanks. Water content and loading/unloading tempe
Saturated hydrocarbon Basic knowledge of hazard controls aggressive.
Linear hydrocarbon Inerting
Water padding Lube Oils and Additives
This group of cargoes (excluding halogenated, phosphated, and ester types) usually poses no problem
6. Drying agents (1)
contamination of cargo may be a problem, requiring thorough cleaning and drying of tanks before loading. Th
Monitoring techniques coated with conventional epoxy
Presence of ……………….. in fuel oil leads to abrasive wear in fuel pumps and Anti-static measures
cylinder liners.
Cargo segregation
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Cargo inhibition
Cargo Compatibility
Atmospheric control
Gas Testing
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Alumino silicates Safety
Gas measuring instruments

water Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc

Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
7. (1)
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary
Up to 60%
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Up to 70%
Measurement of Low Concentration
Up to 35%
Draeger–tube system
Up to 50%
Electrochemical Sensors
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
8. (1)
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Vapor density of most of the chemical cargoes is
Oxygen Analyzer
Multi-Gas Instruments
Lighter than air
Personal Gas Monitors
Heavier than air
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Same as air density
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment (1)
Breathing apparatus
Paraffins are pure hydrocarbons containing:
Tank evacuating equipment
only hydrogen
Protective clothing and equipment
only carbon Resuscitators
carbon and hydrogen Rescue and escape equipment

bromine Basic knowledge of Safe working pract

Entering enclosed spaces

10. Repair and maintenance work (1)

How many series or types of hydrocarbons are present in petroleum in important quantities? Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
three Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Seven Treatment and Prevention

Five Dangers of skin contact

Four Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations

Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
P d ll i 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

Spill Reporting Information-All spills shall be reported of Hydrocarbon
as required, amongstCon
others, with the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for timely spill response?
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Time of spill discovery.
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Location of spill. Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Specific Learning Objectives
Identification of spilled material. Tankscope After going through this topic, student should be able to,

Behavior of material (i.e. reactions observed).Interferometer Know the process of oil pollution at sea
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Understand the way pollution affects the marine and human life

2. Measurement of Low Concentration Know the way pollution is caused by noxious chemical cargoes (1)
understand the hazards that are associated with chemical spills
The portable air operated salvage pumps used for Draeger–tube
spillage cleansystem
up operation on tanker shall be deployed at
Describe the shipboard precautions to prevent pollution from ship operations
Electrochemical Sensors Understand MARPOL requirements and their implications for tanker operation
The aft end of each side of poop deck Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain the SOPEP and SMPEP measures
The forward end of each side of main deckMeasurement of Oxygen Concentra Know the use of a checklist on board to keep the pollution equipment in a ready-to-use condition

The midship on each side of main deck Explain the reporting process for spills with relevant information
Oxygen Analyzer
Discuss various spill-containment procedures
The aft end of each side of main deck Multi-Gas Instruments
Describe the Nine phases of spill response
Personal Gas Monitors Explain the management of spills on water
3. Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro (1)

You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how muchSampling Proceduresoily waste must you be able to retain on board?
of the accumulated Introduction
25% Safety Equipment Note that pollution is usually related to human activity. Phenomena, such as radiation due to natural radioac
Breathing apparatus like, are not usually considered as pollution. They exist, however, in areas where the environment is burden
50% renew itself.
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment Pollution Prevention during Loading or Discharging Oil, Chemicals and Hazardous Cargoes: Annex I deals wit
Resuscitators into effect on the 2nd of October, 1983. It regulates the methods and means of controlling discharge of oil int
Rescue and escape equipment
4. Prevention of oil spills has as much to do with operational procedures as it does with technology and equipm (1)
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
as maintenance procedures, ensures the safe operation of equipment, aiding in the goal to prevent spills from
What is OSD ( oil spill dispersant) used for ? Entering enclosed spaces
Fire fighting. Repair and maintenance work
General cleaning in engine room. Hot and cold work
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Contrl of oil spill. Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid

5. Treatment and Prevention (1)

Dangers of skin contact
When you have completed bunkering operations, the hoses should be _________.
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
blown down with inert gas
Fire response organization
drained into drip pans or tanks
General Emergency alarm
stowed with their ends open for venting
Fire control plan and muster list
steam cleaned and flushed with hot water Communications

Fire hazards
6. (1)
Cargo handling
What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil content in oily water from cargo space of an oil tanker?

Compatibility with chemical cargoes

20 Litres per nautical mile
Fixed fire-fighting foam
50 Litres per nautical mile Portable fire-fighting foam
15 Litres per nautical mile Fixed dry chemical powder
30 Litres per nautical mile Spill containment
Cargo Operations
7. (1)
For Oil Tankers
SMPEP is applicable to : Ship/Shore liasion

All ships. Inerting operations

Loading operations
All tanker vessels.
Discharging operations
Ships carrying noxious liquid substance in bulk.
Tank cleaning
All passenger vessels.
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
8. (1)
Cargo information
All marpol annex II cargoes' tank wash water discharge is prohibited in
Baltic sea
Tank cleaning
North sea
Mediterranean sea
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Antarctic area
Organizational structure for emergency
9. (1)
Emergency Procedures
Which statement is TRUE of a gasoline spill? Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical

It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oilEffects

spill. of pollution on human and mar

It is not covered by the pollution laws. Pollution from HNS cargoes

It does little harm to marine life. Procedures to prevent pollution

Precautions to prevent pollution by
It will sink more rapidly than crude oil.
Checklist for maintenance of pollut (1)
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Marpol Annex I came in to force on
Report relevant information

6th April 1987 Spill-containment procedures

2nd October 1983 Nine phases of spill response

Management of spills on water
1st July 2010
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
1st July 1992
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiaris Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Close HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Basic knowledge of tankers
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
Tanker Terminology (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying oi
The product of coefficient of viscosity, surface area and the velocity difference between layers of flowing liquid is:
Terminology for tankers carrying ch
Types of tankers
Viscosity of Liquid
Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
Force of friction between liquid layers Arrangements of Oil tanker
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker Specific Learning Objectives
Velocity of the fluid
Pumps and Eductors
Vapor pressure of liquid After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Cargo heating System
Inert Gas System Describe different types of oils to be transported (1)
2. Explain the physical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ship
Cargo measurement systems
The content of cycloparaffins in petroleum may vary Explain the chemical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ships
Physical and chemical properties of oil and
Explain the possible generation of Electrostatic charge
Up to 60% Physical Properties

Up to 70% Pressure and Temperature

Important Fuel Properties when usi
Up to 35% Bulk transportation of oil and chemical on tank ships is the best economical way to transport such cargoe
Physical Properties of Chemicals dangerous liquids as cargo in ship's tank, they exhibit a number of physical and chemical behavior, based
Up to 50%
Chemical Properties gassify and create a vapor pressure on top of the tank. They also get viscous with drop in temperature. T
poisonous. Some cargoes get contaminated if the tanks have not been prepared correctly before filling up
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products (1)
3. arise from their density, vapor pressure, toxicity, pour point and such other properties. It will be impor
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum properties to get the basic idea of the nature of the cargo and how perhaps to carry them on board and trans
Specific gravity is used by the American Petroleum Institute (API) to classify various
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Classification of Oil cargoes:
Viscosities of oil The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin

Vapor densities of oil Key Features and Measurement of an E

Crude Oil
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Raw crude oil is pumped directly into a ship’s cargo tank. It varies widely in chemical composition, sulphur, a
Weights of oil
Assessment of Safety Culture composition, the prevailing components of crude oil are naphthenic, paraffinic, or aromatic hydrocarbons. C
Volumes of oil
tanks coated with epoxy coal tar or epoxy paints.
SMS and the Safety Culture
Development of Positive Safety Culture (1)
4. White Oil
Hazards This group of liquid cargoes consists mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon products and includes gasoline, diese
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient temperature of the ship's trading area will need to be
Health hazards heating oils, etc. These cargoes are not very aggressive, and they usually are shipped in conventional ep
gasolines may require a modified epoxy or zinc silicate coating system.
Cooled Environmental hazards
Reactivity hazards Solvents and Chemicals
Corrosion hazards This complex group of liquid cargoes includes alcohols, ketones, glycols, esters, ethers, aromatic hydroca
Explosion hazards cargoes vary from mild to very aggressive. They are shipped in tanks coated with epoxy, modified epoxy
Pressurised require extreme care in the choice of coating and cargo handling.
Flammability hazards
Sources of ignition (1)
5. Vegetable and Animal Oils
Electrostatic hazards Vegetable and animal oils may vary in composition. The most important factor is their free fatty acid con
Static accumulator oils have an electrical conductance of less than coatings. Refined vegetable oils with low acid value are usually acceptable for carriage in conventional epoxy-
Toxicity hazards
5 picoSiemens per metre are more aggressive and may require a more resistant coating system. Crude vegetable oils, fatty acids, an
Vapour leaks and clouds
oils) may pose serious problems for carriage in coated tanks. Water content and loading/unloading tempe
25 picoSiemens per metre Basic knowledge of hazard controls aggressive.
50 picoSiemens per metre Inerting
Water padding Lube Oils and Additives
100 picoSiemens per metre
This group of cargoes (excluding halogenated, phosphated, and ester types) usually poses no problem
Drying agents
contamination of cargo may be a problem, requiring thorough cleaning and drying of tanks before loading. Th
6. Monitoring techniques coated with conventional epoxy (1)
Anti-static measures
What is the other name used for liquids' freezing or solidification point?
Boiling point Cargo segregation
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Melting point Cargo inhibition
Cargo Compatibility
Pour point
Atmospheric control
Saturation point
Gas Testing
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) (1)
What is the other name for paraffin?
Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
cyclo paraffin
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
alkane Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
propane Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
8. Interferometer (1)

Vapor pressure in cargo tank is affected by : Infra-red (IR) Instruments

Measurement of Low Concentration
type of cargo
Draeger–tube system
density of cargo
Electrochemical Sensors
temperature of cargo
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
inert gas
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
9. (1)
Multi-Gas Instruments
Which law states that at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a solution is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas?
Personal Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro

Pascal's Law Sampling Procedures

Laws of Motion Safety Equipment

Fick's Laws of Diffusion Breathing apparatus

Tank evacuating equipment
Henry's Law
Protective clothing and equipment
Resuscitators (1)
Rescue and escape equipment
What is the Nitrogen content in asphalt of typical petroleum?
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract

2 - 8% Entering enclosed spaces

1 - 15% Repair and maintenance work

Hot and cold work
0 - 2%
Electrical safety
3 -5%
Basic knowledge of First-Aid 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Arrangements of Oil tanker Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/5 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/5 (14/11/2020)
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety
1. Pumps and Eductors (1)
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective heating
Safety Systemidentify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture
Inert Gas System
Cargo measurement
Recognition that all accidents are preventable systems
and only usually
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety management
occur following unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Individual seafarers assume responsibility andsafety
chemical properties
rather of oil and
than relying on others to provide it
Physical Properties After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is always and
setting Temperature
targets for continuous improvement,
goal of zero
of a accidents
safety culture
Important Fuel Properties when usi Describe various ways to measure it

2. Physical Properties of Chemicals Explain the need for reporting accidents, near misses and non-conformities (1)
Discuss the process of development of a positive safety culture
Chemical Properties
Organisational safety value aims at : Explain the relationship of safety culture and safety management system
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
< 2 incidents in a year
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Introduction
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s What is a safety culture?
Zero incident programme A safety culture is an organizational culture that places a high level of importance on safety beliefs, values
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
majority of people within the company or workplace. It can be characterized as ‘the way we do things around
allow only one incident per year. Key Features and Measurement of an E improved workplace health and safety (WHS) and organizational performance.
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
3. Shipping is known as one of the most dangerous and international occupation in the world. The maritime in (1)
Assessment of Safety Culture
throughout the years such as Herald of Free Enterprise, Costa Concordia and Deep Water Horizon. Regulato
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due
: the Safety Culture
Management (ISM) code in order to avoid reoccurrence of these accidents.
continuous working on deck. Development of Positive Safety Culture
Hazards Following the implementation of the ISM Code, which became mandatory for all ships via the SOLAS Convent
working in the pump room
a significant reduction in maritime casualties, serious oil spills, and – most importantly – the number of l
Health hazards
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing. However, a number of recent high-profile incidents suggest that the absence of a fully implemented safety
Environmental hazards
improper use of proper PPE companies may need to address with additional rigor.
Reactivity hazards
Corrosion hazards Unfortunately, the maritime industry traditionally adopted a reactive approach to eliminate these errors th
4. (1)
desired level of safety. Only recently, the maritime industry has started to adopt proactive approaches by dev
Explosion hazards
The main elements of peak safety performance are :
Flammability hazards
There is a vital need for all concerned to understand the relationship between unsafe acts and serious inc
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5 % of
Sources of the previous year accidents
ignition damage to property and the environment. The importance of changing behavior and avoiding negative at
reducing the number of pollution incidentsElectrostatic
to less than hazards environmental
2 % of the previous year pollution incidents. protection is also underlined.
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and hazards
no harm to environment.
Accident investigation reports attribute the majority of marine accidents to human errors and extensi
Vapour leaks and clouds
paperwork. None of these efforts provide the desired safety level. Currently, the maritime industry is starting
5. Basic knowledge of hazard controls tried to avoid reoccurrences by implementing an appropriate safety culture. One unique way to internalize th (1)
Inerting “how an organization behaves when no one is watching”. The safety culture approach describes hum
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior ; find the key statement
than someone to blame for failure. A positive safety culture with commitment from all levels in the company
Water padding
maritime industry
For an effective safety culture it is essential have the means to monitor the company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which safety can be improved.
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such techniques
a mechanism Safety culture is a concept defined at group or higher level and reflects on the shared values among all
Anti-static measures members.
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to measure personnel injuries
Ventilation Safety
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence from work beyond the date or culture is concerned
shift when with formal safety issues within an organization.
it occurred.
Cargo segregation Safety culture emphasizes the contribution from everyone at all levels of the organization.
Cargo inhibition The safety culture of an organization has an impact on its employees’ behavior at work and potentially
Safety culture may be reflected by the relationship between the reward system and safety performance
Cargo Compatibility
Safety culture is reflected in the organization’s willingness to develop and learn from errors, incidents, a
Atmospheric control
Safety culture embraces communication and teamwork.
Gas Testing
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Safety Culture comprise of 5 significant levels
Gas measuring instruments Pathological: Employees only react to the safety matters not to get caught by regulatory compliance.
Reactive: Employees do not follow the basic safety instructions. The importance of safety is understoo
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
Calculative: There is an effort within the company to collect the safety associated data and arra
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
understanding about “how the system works”, but the data are not analyzed to enhance safety.
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Proactive: This stage focus more on “what might go wrong in the future” instead of analyzing occurre
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament and employees increases.

Tankscope Generative: This is the most advanced stage a company can have. The company uses human erro
blame.There is a really good feedback and reporting system between all workers within the compan
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
Multi-Gas Instruments
Personal Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment
Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Physical and chemical properties of oil and
Close Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Physical Properties
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Hazards
1. (1)
Important Fuel Properties when usi
What is a spark ? Physical Properties of Chemicals
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy Properties field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a flammable atmosphere.
in the electrostatic

Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy inOrganic Chemistryfield
the electrostatic of Oil converted intoHazards
is Products heat that is available to ignite a non flammable atmosphere.
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
Sparks can occur during cargo movement and sloshing in an inerted tank Specific Learning Objectives
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Occasional Sparks from the main engine exhaust can cause a fire in the drydocks. After going through this topic, student should be able to,
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
Describe various types of hazards that may occur while carrying dangerous liquid on tank ships
Key Features and Measurement of an E (1)
2. Describe the effect of those hazards on health, environment and personal safety
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
What is the eight-hour safe exposure limit for Carbon Monoxide?
Assessment of Safety Culture
15ppm Introduction
SMS and the Safety Culture
Tanker operation creates different types of hazards namely, health hazards, environmental hazard, reactivity
25ppm Development of Positive Safety Culture
hazards, toxicity hazards and so on. Major number of these are extremely dangerous for human health and
125ppm Hazards itself and some cause long term environmental damage when spilled or leaked. It is important to identify the
Health hazards of preventative measures to combat them. We should learn all the prevention and control measures in the n
possible situations on board that can compromise your personal well-being and that of the ship as well as the
Environmental hazards

3. Reactivity hazards (1)

Corrosion hazards Notes
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to :
Explosion hazards Save Notes Font Name Font Size
lower the LEL of cargo vapor.
Flammability hazards
to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro carbons
Sources of ignition
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion. Electrostatic hazards
Toxicity hazards
4. (1)
Vapour leaks and clouds
Identify the hazards of NLS cargoes from the diamond Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Water padding
Drying agents
Monitoring techniques
Anti-static measures
Cargo segregation
Cargo inhibition
Cargo Compatibility
Atmospheric control
Gas Testing
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
A: Fire Hazard; B: Health Hazard; C: Reactivity Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
Gas measuring instruments
A: Health Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Specific Hazard; D- Reactivity Hazard
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Conc
A: Reactivity Hazard; B: Fire Hazard; C: Health Hazard; D- Specific Hazard
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
5. (1)
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
What is putrifaction?
Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition Interferometer
Putrifaction: Most mineral oils undergo decomposition over time in stored condition, when heated Infra-red (IR) Instruments

Putrifaction: Most animal and vegetable oils undergo decomposition  when heated   Measurement of Low Concentration

Putrifaction: Applies to all mineral and vegetable oils carried on tankers Draeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors

6. Fixed Gas Detection Installations (1)

Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is :
Oxygen Analyzer
dissipated in atmosphere
Multi-Gas Instruments
reduced in vapor concentration
Personal Gas Monitors
ignited Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures
7. (1)
Safety Equipment
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with : Breathing apparatus
one fan for ventilation Tank evacuating equipment

portable water sprinklers for fire fighting Protective clothing and equipment
fixed fire extinguishing system
Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract (1)
Entering enclosed spaces
How is Putrefaction process connected to Carbon Monoxide?
Repair and maintenance work
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours
Hot and cold work
Putrefaction process depletes the oxygen in the tank due to chemical reaction Electrical safety
Putrefaction process generates obnoxious and toxic vapours and these depletes the oxygen in theBasic
tank knowledge
due to chemical reaction
of First-Aid
Putrification occurs due to decrease of tank temperature Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
9. Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations

What is Cargo inhibition? Fire response organization

All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, during transportation;   to avoid this, General Emergency
certain inhibitors arealarm
added to the cargo
Fire control plan and muster list
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence of oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Fire hazards
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Cargo handling
10. (1)
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Electrons have : Fixed fire-fighting foam
no charge Portable fire-fighting foam

positive charge Fixed dry chemical powder

Spill containment
negative charge
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical T
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Physical Properties Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Pressure and Temperature DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of hazard controls
1. Important Fuel Properties when usi (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
What is pressure surge ?
Chemical Properties
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Specific Learning Objectives
A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in a pipeline brought about by an
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin abrupt change in flow rate

Key Features and Measurement of an E After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Explain what the hazards can do to compromise the ship and personal safety
What is an inert condition ? Assessment of Safety Culture Describe various ways that the hazards can be controlled like Inerting, padding, ventilation, segregation
SMS and the Safety Culture Know how to use the MSDS for cargo operation.
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank
Development of Positive Safety Culture Introduction
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced
There are atonumber
8% or less by volumecontrols
of systemic by the addition
by wayofof
shipgas.and equipment design to provide hazard safety or
Health hazards
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank hand. Controlling the tank environment by adding inert gas on top of the cargo carried is one such innovatio
Environmental hazards oxidizing cargo could be a preventative control. There are a number of processes and equipment that ensures
Reactivity hazards drying, monitoring of tank environment and status, tank ventilation, segregation of cargoes, and checkin
3. (1)
Corrosion hazards measures that are discussed. Beyond the systemic controls, the crew competency in adhering to the st
What is a resuscitator ? fundamental in being able to control hazards around you at work on a tanker.
Explosion hazards
Equipment to revive an unconscious personFlammability hazards Notes
To supply air to a person in a tank Sources of ignition Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcomehazards
by gas or lack of oxygen
Toxicity hazards
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
Vapour leaks and clouds
Basic knowledge of hazard controls (1)
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
Water padding
10 minutes
Drying agents
15 minutes Monitoring techniques
30 minutes Anti-static measures

One hour Ventilation

Cargo segregation

5. Cargo inhibition (1)

Cargo Compatibility
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
Atmospheric control
A spark
Gas Testing
A corona
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
A brush discharge Safety
A Propagating brush discharge Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
6. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
What is lower flammable limit ? Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which thereHeated Filament
is insufficient hydrocarbon to support combustion
The limit where there is insuffient oxygen to support combustion
The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks
Measurement of Low Concentration
Draeger–tube system
7. (1)
Electrochemical Sensors
What is Auto-ignition ?
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
The ignition of a combustible material withoutMeasurement
initiation by aof
spark or flame,
Oxygen when the material has been raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Oxygen Analyzer
Ignition of materials when they come in contact Instruments
with each other

Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given ofPersonal Gas Monitors

by cargoes
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro

8. Sampling Procedures (1)

Safety Equipment
Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:
Breathing apparatus
Light crude oils
Tank evacuating equipment
Sour crude oils
Protective clothing and equipment
Refined products
Chemical cargoes Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
9. (1)
Entering enclosed spaces
What is volatile petroleum ? Repair and maintenance work
HotCand cold work
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees
Electrical safety
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Treatment and Prevention
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C
Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
10. (1)
Fire response organization
What is the most important purpose of P/V valve ?
General Emergency alarm
used for gas free operations. Fire control plan and muster list
prevents entry of sea water in to the cargo Communications
To release excess pressure in cargo tank and hazards
also avoid vacuum beyond design parameter.
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Explosion hazards
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Flammability hazards
Sources of ignition DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of hazard controls
1. (1)
Electrostatic hazards
What is purging ? Toxicity hazards
The introduction of inert gas into a tank already in leaks and condition
the inert clouds to further reduce the existing oxygen content or hydrocarbon gas content to a level below which combustion cannot take place if air is introduced
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Introducing of oxygen into a tank to a high level Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Using blowers to push oxygen into a tank
Water padding Specific Learning Objectives
Using natural ventilation to gas free a tank
Drying agents
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Monitoring techniques
2. (1)
Anti-static measures Explain what the hazards can do to compromise the ship and personal safety
The most common measure taken on tankers toVentilation
avoid static discharge is : Describe various ways that the hazards can be controlled like Inerting, padding, ventilation, segregation
Know how to use the MSDS for cargo operation.
closed ullaging Cargo segregation
use of only approved PPE on deck Cargo inhibition Introduction

bonding and grounding Cargo Compatibility

There are a number of systemic controls by way of ship and equipment design to provide hazard safety or
Atmospheric control
having continuous pipe lengths. hand. Controlling the tank environment by adding inert gas on top of the cargo carried is one such innovatio
Gas Testing oxidizing cargo could be a preventative control. There are a number of processes and equipment that ensures
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) drying, monitoring of tank environment and status, tank ventilation, segregation of cargoes, and checkin
3. (1)
measures that are discussed. Beyond the systemic controls, the crew competency in adhering to the st
What is an inert condition ? fundamental in being able to control hazards around you at work on a tanker.
Gas measuring instruments
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tank Notes
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo Save Notes Font Name Font Size

A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere

Flammable of a tank
Gas Monitors has been reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
- Pellis
When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank Non-Catalytic Heated Filament

4. Interferometer (1)

What is Auto-ignition ? Infra-red (IR) Instruments

Measurement of Low Concentration
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the material has been raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Draeger–tube system
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere
Electrochemical Sensors
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
5. (1)
Multi-Gas Instruments
What is Upper flammable limit ? Personal Gas Monitors
The limit for man entry of personnel into tanksGas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above Procedures
which there is insufficient oxygen to support combustion

The limit where there is insuffient inert gasSafety Equipment

to support combustion
Breathing apparatus
The limit where there is too much inert gas to support combustion
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment (1)
What is bonding ?
Rescue and escape equipment
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical
Entering continuity
enclosed spaces
Making a ship to shore cable connection Repair and maintenance work
Hot and cold work
Connecting together flexible couplings on deck
Electrical safety

7. Basic knowledge of First-Aid (1)

What is flammable range ? Treatment and Prevention

Dangers of skin contact
The range in which nothing will burn
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
Fire response organization
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
General Emergency alarm
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between the lower and upper flammable limits. Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
Fire control plan and muster list
8. (1)
Fire hazards
What is a hot work permit ? Cargo handling
Document used for carrying out repairs under Transportation
super vision

A document issued by a responsible personCompatibility with chemical

permitting specific cargoes
hot work to be done during a particular time interval in a defined space
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Document used fpr work in a drydock
Portable fire-fighting foam
Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
9. (1)
Cargo Operations
What is volatile petroleum ?
For Oil Tankers
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C
Ship/Shore liasion
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C operations
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C operations
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C operations
Tank cleaning

10. Purging and gas freeing (1)

For Chemical Tankers
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called:
Cargo information
A spark
A corona
A brush discharge Tank cleaning
A Propagating brush discharge Gas-freeing
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Alarms 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Explosion hazards
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Flammability hazards
Sources of ignition DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Safety
1. (1)
Electrostatic hazards
The first step in treatment of a chemical wound is
: hazards

Stop bleeding before further treatment Vapour leaks and clouds

Apply pressure on the wound.

Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Allow bleeding for a few seconds before further treatment.
Water padding Specific Learning Objectives
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Drying agents (1)
Monitoring techniques Describe the gas measuring equipment used on tankers and their application on tankers
Draeger tube system is used for : Describe the use of safety equipment and PPE on tankers
Anti-static measures
Ammonia gasdetection Know the safe working practices and procedures for tankers
Know the first-aid requirements on board tankers as per the advisory provided by the cargo MSDS
Nitrogen gas detection Cargo segregation
Cargo inhibition Introduction
Multi gas detection
The topic of safety is perhaps the most important of all areas of knowledge in tanker operation. Thus, this
Cargo Compatibility
related to safety equipment, safety procedures and safe working practices. The cargo carried on tankers a
3. Atmospheric control present many hazards to human health and environment. And, with all safety precautions, accidents still ha
Gas Testing
Which type of cargoes are often known as static accumulator cargoes? with any incidental injuries on board. The ship's crew must practice the safety drills and be inculcate work
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) protective device. The gas monitoring equipment provides the early indication, if an enclosed space, such
remains in a condition which is safe for work; thus, the maintenance of the gas monitoring and oxygen ana
Crude oil Safety
devices are kept in good working order. Remember, one small mistake or error of judgment can cause cat
Vegetable oil Gas measuring instruments damage to the environment.
Highly refined petroleum products Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
Animal oil Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis

4. Non-Catalytic Heated Filament (1)

What happens in draeger tube during measurement? Tankscope

The glass vial temperature increases
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Becomes opaque due to moistre.
Measurement of Low Concentration
Color changes
Draeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors
5. (1)
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You shouldof__________.
Measurement Oxygen Concentra
lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders

administer a liquid stimulant Multi-Gas Instruments

lay the crew member down with the head lower Gas
than the Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness
Sampling Procedures

6. Safety Equipment (1)

Breathing apparatus
What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
Tank evacuating equipment
Part of SOLAS for safety of crew Protective clothing and equipment

Part of th Company's policies & proceduresResuscitators

for first aid
Rescue and escape
Part of the ISM code which requires work procedures equipment
to ensure safe/good performance
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Part of the STCW which provides for safe management systems
Entering enclosed spaces

7. Repair and maintenance work (1)

Hot and cold work
Acid burns,bromine burns and sodium burns fall under the category of :
Electrical safety
Thermal burns
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Chemical wounds
Treatment and Prevention
Chemical burns. Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
8. (1)
Fire response organization
Experience indicates that hazardous potentials in respect
General of static
Emergency alarmelectricity do not occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Fire control plan and muster list
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s
Fire hazards
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s Cargo handling
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s Transportation
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
9. (1)
Fixed fire-fighting foam
What is the first step in preparing a casualty whoPortable fire-fighting
is breathing foamheartbeat but unconscious?
with proper

Insert guidel airway Fixed dry chemical powder

Spill containment
Establish airway is clear
Cargo Operations
Place casuality in recovery position.
For Oil Tankers
Ship/Shore liasion (1)
Inerting operations
How many portable multi – gas detectors should be carried onboard?
Loading operations
Discharging operations
At least one with methane gas and one of propane gas detection capability
Tank cleaning
At least one with methane and one of carbon monoxides gas detection capability
Purging and gas freeing
At least one with methane gas and one of ammonia gas detection capability
For Chemical Tankers
At least two sets with methane gas detection capability
Cargo information
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Alarms 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extendMeasurement of Hydrocarbon Con

it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo

chain reaction
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
fuel Specific Learning Objectives
oxygen After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe Oil and Chemical Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
2. Discuss Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquid (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective on burning oil only system
Draeger–tube __________.
Describe Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
if applied promptly Electrochemical Sensors Describe Portable fire-fighting foam Operations

if applied in connection with foam Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain Fixed dry chemical system Operations
Explain Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations
to prevent rekindling Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
Multi-Gas Instruments Introduction
Any tanker fire incident is responded with a fire emergency preparedness, in-depth planning and practice dril
Personal Gas Monitors (1)
3. under the Master, where each officer and crew members are part of a team, allocated with resources, skills a
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro discussed further.
Foam extinguishes a fire by
Sampling Procedures
Heat removal or cooling Composition of Emergency Teams
Safety Equipment
Smothering or oxygen exclusion
Breathing apparatus Emergency organisation
Flame inhibition Tank evacuating equipment Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.
Protective clothing and equipment
1. Command team (1)
4. Resuscitators
2. Emergency team
What does "NLS" mean? Rescue and escape equipment 3. Support and First Aid
Normal liquid substance Basic knowledge of Safe working pract 4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
5. Crew for Rescue Boat
Entering enclosed spaces
Not listed items in store.
Repair and maintenance work The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operation
Noxious liquid substance
Hot and cold work is necessary from each team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records
carried at this centre.
Electrical safety (1)
Basic knowledge of First-Aid The Emergency team would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in
Water extinguishes a fire by
Treatment and Prevention be the leader of the primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is e
Heat removal or cooling of the primary team and the Second Engineer would lead the back-up team.
Dangers of skin contact
Smothering or oxygen exclusion Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
The Support and First team will look after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patient
Flame inhibition Fire response organization necessity to abandon ship at short notice. Shit where water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in
General Emergency alarm operations are sustained for a long period. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command tea

6. Fire control plan and muster list

Roving Team/Engine Room Team will be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R s
Class B fires involve Communications compartments on fire, shut off ventilation systems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else
Fire hazards
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Cargo handling Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids lower the boat, rescue the man and get hoisted back on board.
Energised electrical equipment
Compatibility with chemical cargoes Some employers list out various emergencies that could occur:
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc.
Fixed fire-fighting foam Explosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Pe
Portable fire-fighting foam failure, Piracy, Search & Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list o
7. teams in each such emergency. (1)
Fixed dry chemical powder
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ?Spill containment

20 : 1 Cargo Operations Notes

40 : 1 For Oil Tankers Save Notes Font Name Font Size

5:1 Ship/Shore liasion

Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations (1)
Tank cleaning
During transit of avessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should :
Purging and gas freeing
Stop and allow other ships to proceed.
For Chemical Tankers
Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible. Cargo information
Steer clear off other vessels. Loading
9. Tank cleaning (1)
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
10. (1)
Effects of pollution on human and mar
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Stop all pumps for deck foam system. Procedures to prevent pollution
Close all valves in the system. Precautions to prevent pollution by
Flush the system complete with sea water. SOPEP and SMPEP
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Cargo Operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

Typically nitrogen contained in inert gas generated from boiler flueofgas,
Hydrocarbon Con outlet is
at the scrubber
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Cargo Operations
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
70% Specific Learning Objectives
83% After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe preparations before loading and discharging of cargo
2. Describe the loading operations on a oil/chemical tank ship (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the unloading operation on an oil/chemical tank ship
The explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with airDraeger–tube
is system Discuss the safety precautions for cargo loading and discharging operations
0% to 1% Electrochemical Sensors Describe the ballasting / de-ballasting operations

1% to 10% Fixed Gas Detection Installations Describe the Crude Oil Washing operation
Describe the Chemical tank ship cargo tank cleaning operation
10% to 15% Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Discuss the inerting, venting, gas-freeing operation for tanks
Oxygen Analyzer
12% to 20%
Multi-Gas Instruments Introduction
It is during the ballast voyage that the cargo tanks are full of inert gas and sediments at the tank bottom. Th
Personal Gas Monitors (1)
3. Oil Washed) and got rid of cargo remains as sediments before the next cargo may be loaded. For thorough c
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro to be entered, the tanks are vented, made gas-free and oxygen rich (>21% by volume) before manual cleani
The purpose of inert gas systems aboard tank vessels is to
Sampling Procedures
allow sufficient oxygen in the tank to sustain life For crude oil, it may not be necessary to clean the tanks except the COW operation, before loading the
Safety Equipment
prevent outside air from entering the tank maintained inert to avoid any possibility of combustion within the tank.
Breathing apparatus
provide increase in cargo discharge pressure Tank evacuating equipment After loading, a positive inert gas pressure on top of the tank ensures safe passage.
Protective clothing and equipment
comply with double hull pollution prevention regulations
4. Rescue and escape equipment (1)

Basic knowledge of Safe working pract

What is the most important purpose of loadicator?
Entering enclosed spaces
Makes easier and faster discharge.
Repair and maintenance work
Easier to check cargo ROB.
Hot and cold work
To plan the ship's stresses within permissible limits.
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
5. (1)
Treatment and Prevention
An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is
Dangers of skin contact
sufficient oxygen in a compartment to support lifeand Fire Fighting operations
Fire Safety
combustible gases present Fire response organization
hydrogen gas present General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list Introduction:

6. Communications (1)
Fire hazards
The flash point of a liquid means the temperature
Cargo handling
at which a liquid will give off flammable vapors
at which a liquid will burn steadily
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
at which a liquid will explode
Fixed fire-fighting foam
that a liquid must reach before it will flow readily
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
7. (1)
Spill containment
Cargo Operations
Which factor must be considered when determining the order of loading of dissimilar products through the same piping system aboard a tanker?

Contamination of the cargo For Oil Tankers

Flash points Ship/Shore liasion

Inerting operations
Reid vapor pressures
Loading operations
Specific gravities
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
8. (1)
Purging and gas freeing
After allowing for pressure losses, the pressure-volume capacity of an inert gas blower must be able to maintain a pressure, in any cargo tank, at a minimum of
For Chemical Tankers
50 millimeters of water pressure Cargo information
100 millimeters of water pressure Loading

150 millimeters of water pressure Discharging

Tank cleaning
200 millimeters of water pressure

9. Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers (1)

Organizational structure for emergency
As per requirements of Marpol, Annex 1, all ships delivered on or after 1st Aug. 2010 with an aggregate oil fuel capacity 600 m3 and above, the oil fuel can be carried in
Any of the tanks without any restriction
Emergency Procedures
Deep tanks and Double bottom tanks
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Deep tanks in protective locations Effects of pollution on human and mar
Double bottom tanks not extending upto the ship's sidefrom HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
10. (1)
Precautions to prevent pollution by
The reciprocating pump creates a suction effect when thereand

decrease in pressure Checklist for maintenance of pollut

Measures to be taken in the event of S
increase in pressure
Report relevant information
no change in pressure
Spill-containment procedures
decrease or an increase in pressure
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Arrangements of Chemical Tanker
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Pumps and Eductors
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety
Cargo heating System
1. (1)
Inert Gas System
Cargo safety value aims
measurement at :
< and chemical
2 incidents in a year properties of oil and
reduce Properties
Knowledge and
to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety management
Pressure and Temperature
Zero incident programme After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Important Fuel Properties when usi
allow only one incident per year.
Physical Properties of Chemicals Explain the meaning of a safety culture
Describe various ways to measure it
Chemical Properties (1)
2. Explain the need for reporting accidents, near misses and non-conformities
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products Discuss the process of development of a positive safety culture
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to :
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Explain the relationship of safety culture and safety management system
continuous working on deck.
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
working in the pump room
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
What is a safety culture?
inhalation, skin contact
Key Features and also by swallowing.
and Measurement of an E A safety culture is an organizational culture that places a high level of importance on safety beliefs, values
improper Accidents,
use of Near Misses and
proper PPE majority of people within the company or workplace. It can be characterized as ‘the way we do things around
Assessment of Safety Culture improved workplace health and safety (WHS) and organizational performance.

3. SMS and the Safety Culture (1)

Shipping is known as one of the most dangerous and international occupation in the world. The maritime in
Measuring of Positive Safety
Current Performance Culture ;throughout
and Behavior find the keythe years such as Herald of Free Enterprise, Costa Concordia and Deep Water Horizon. Regulato
Hazards Management (ISM) code in order to avoid reoccurrence of these accidents.
For Health
an effective
hazardssafety culture it is essential to have the means to monitor the company’s current performance in order to identify ways in which
safety can be improved. Following the implementation of the ISM Code, which became mandatory for all ships via the SOLAS Convent
Environmental hazards
a significant reduction in maritime casualties, serious oil spills, and – most importantly – the number of l
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides such a mechanism
Reactivity hazards However, a number of recent high-profile incidents suggest that the absence of a fully implemented safety
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring the effectiveness
companies may need to of safetywith
address is the Lost Time
additional Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across
Corrosion hazards
many industries to measure personnel injuries
Explosion hazards
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which results in absence
Unfortunately, thefrom work industry
maritime beyond the date or shift
traditionally when a
adopted it reactive
occurred.approach to eliminate these errors th
Flammability hazards
desired level of safety. Only recently, the maritime industry has started to adopt proactive approaches by dev
Sources of ignition (1)
4. There is a vital need for all concerned to understand the relationship between unsafe acts and serious inc
Electrostatic hazards
The main elements of peak safety performance are damage
: to property and the environment. The importance of changing behavior and avoiding negative at
Toxicity hazards
environmental protection is also underlined.
Vapourthe number
leaks of accidents to less than 5 % of the previous year accidents
and clouds
reducing the number
Basic knowledge of pollution
of hazard incidents to Accident
controls less than 2investigation
% of the previous year pollution
reports attributeincidents.
the majority of marine accidents to human errors and extensi
no operational incidents , no personal injuries paperwork.
and no harmNone of these efforts provide the desired safety level. Currently, the maritime industry is starting
to environment.
tried to avoid reoccurrences by implementing an appropriate safety culture. One unique way to internalize th
Water padding
“how an organization behaves when no one is watching”. The safety culture approach describes hum
5. Drying agents (1)
than someone to blame for failure. A positive safety culture with commitment from all levels in the company
Key Features techniques
and Measurement of an Effective maritime industry
Safety Culture; identify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture
Anti-static measures
Safety culture is a concept defined at group or higher level and reflects on the shared values among all
Ventilationthat all accidents are preventable and only usually occur following unsafe actions or a failure to follow established procedures
Cargo segregation
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety rather than relying on others to provide it
Cargo mutual
inhibition Safety culture is concerned with formal safety issues within an organization.
Through respect, increasing confidence in the value of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
Safety culture emphasizes the contribution from everyone at all levels of the organization.
A safety Compatibility system that is always setting targets for continuous improvement, with a goal of zero accidents
The safety culture of an organization has an impact on its employees’ behavior at work and potentially
Atmospheric control
Safety culture may be reflected by the relationship between the reward system and safety performance
Gas Testing Safety culture is reflected in the organization’s willingness to develop and learn from errors, incidents, a
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Safety culture embraces communication and teamwork.
Gas measuring instruments Safety Culture comprise of 5 significant levels
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
Pathological: Employees only react to the safety matters not to get caught by regulatory compliance.
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo Reactive: Employees do not follow the basic safety instructions. The importance of safety is understoo
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Calculative: There is an effort within the company to collect the safety associated data and arra
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament understanding about “how the system works”, but the data are not analyzed to enhance safety.
Proactive: This stage focus more on “what might go wrong in the future” instead of analyzing occurre
and employees increases.
Generative: This is the most advanced stage a company can have. The company uses human erro
Infra-red (IR) Instruments blame.There is a really good feedback and reporting system between all workers within the compan

Measurement of Low Concentration unexpected.

Draeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/8 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/8 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced of of
by a number Hydrocarbon Con one will have the largest impact?
factors: which
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( Flammable
a vessel could be old, or
Gas Monitors Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
specialized like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
- Pellis
Known accident and incidents in shipping andNon-Catalytic
other company vessels
Heated Filament
Specific Learning Objectives
Experience and expertise of vessel master Tankscope
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Explain the Organizational structure for emergency
Explain the various alarms for emergencies (1)
2. Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the Emergency Shut Down System ESDS
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge system the rescue:
must co-ordinate Describe the Emergency Shut Down- Ship-Shore Link
Electrochemical Sensors
From inside the space
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
From the Bridge Introduction
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra A knowledge of the basic emergency actions that needs to be taken in case of Standard Ship emergencies
From outside the space
Oxygen Analyzer procedures. These include:-procedures for Fire, collision, grounding, cargo hose burst, accident involving pers
From the Engine Control Room
Multi-Gas Instruments
All tankers & terminals procedures are to be ready for immediate implementation in the event an emerge
Personal Gas Monitors
types of emergency which might be encountered in particular activities of tanker or terminal. (1)
3. Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident
Sampling at sea is the
Procedures The main procedures will address Fire, while other procedures would address incidents such as hose or
flooding, men overcome by gas, breakouts of vessels, weather or blackouts.
MARPOL Convention Safety Equipment
SOLAS Convention Breathing apparatus The procedures should also cover deployment of fire-fighting equipment, resuscitator & stretchers, together w
CLC Convention Tank evacuating equipment
Terminal Emergency Plan
Protective clothing and equipment
Intervention Convention
The plan would include:
Rescue and escape equipment (1)
4. Specific initial action to be taken by those at location of the emergency to report, contain & overcome t
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of these alarmstowill
Procedures be be of major
followed importance
in mobilizing onresources
the a double-hull tankship
of the with
terminal empty ballast
as required tanks?
by the incident.
Entering enclosed spaces
Alerting responsibility & procedures.
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors and maintenance work
Each terminal should have an Emergency Team whose duties would involve planning, implementing &
Hot and cold work
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom executing them.
Electrical safety
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
Basic knowledge of First-Aid Main points of initial response to an emergency should be conspicuously displayed on notices at strategic loca
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact Notes
5. (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
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The MFAG is published by the:
Fire response organization
International Maritime Organisation General Emergency alarm
World Health Organisation Fire control plan and muster list

United Nations Communications

Fire hazards
International Labour Organisation
Cargo handling

6. Transportation (1)
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:
Fixed fire-fighting foam
P&A Manual.
Portable fire-fighting foam
IG and COW manuals.
Fixed dry chemical powder
ISM procedures. Spill containment
Cargo Operations
7. (1)
For Oil Tankers
Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement
Ship/Shorethat is vital when the tanker is at the terminal.
Inerting operations
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment, dampers, controls etc.
Loading operations
Fire control plans should also be displayed,Discharging
or be readily available, outside the accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by the company management
Tank cleaning
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover
Purging thefreeing
and gas types of emergency which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at terminals regularly visited.

For Chemical Tankers

8. (1)
Cargo information
Lung inflammation will cause: Loading

Breathlessness and drowsiness Discharging

Tank cleaning
Breathlessness and confusion
Breathlessness and a dry cough
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Breathlessness and slurred speech
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

When you have completed bunkering operations, the ofbe
hoses should Hydrocarbon
_________. Con
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
blown down with inert gas Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
drained into drip pans or tanks
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Specific Learning Objectives
stowed with their ends open for venting After going through this topic, student should be able to,
steam cleaned and flushed with hot water
Interferometer Know the process of oil pollution at sea
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Understand the way pollution affects the marine and human life
2. (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration Know the way pollution is caused by noxious chemical cargoes
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from shipsunderstand the hazards that are associated with chemical spills
Draeger–tube system
Describe the shipboard precautions to prevent pollution from ship operations
Electrochemical Sensors Understand MARPOL requirements and their implications for tanker operation
3 Annexes
Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain the SOPEP and SMPEP measures
6 Annexes
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra Know the use of a checklist on board to keep the pollution equipment in a ready-to-use condition
5 Annexes Explain the reporting process for spills with relevant information
Oxygen Analyzer
8 Annexes Discuss various spill-containment procedures
Multi-Gas Instruments
Describe the Nine phases of spill response
Personal Gas Monitors Explain the management of spills on water
3. (1)
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment Note that pollution is usually related to human activity. Phenomena, such as radiation due to natural radioac
Emission control area (ECA)
Breathing apparatus like, are not usually considered as pollution. They exist, however, in areas where the environment is burden
Special area (SA) renew itself.
Tank evacuating equipment
Special emission control area (SECA)
Protective clothing and equipment Pollution Prevention during Loading or Discharging Oil, Chemicals and Hazardous Cargoes: Annex I deals wit
Pollution control area (PCA)
Resuscitators into effect on the 2nd of October, 1983. It regulates the methods and means of controlling discharge of oil int
Rescue and escape equipment
4. Prevention of oil spills has as much to do with operational procedures as it does with technology and equipm (1)
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
as maintenance procedures, ensures the safe operation of equipment, aiding in the goal to prevent spills from
You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how much of the
Entering accumulated
enclosed spacesoily waste must you be able to retain on board?
25% Repair and maintenance work
50% Hot and cold work
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75% Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Pipes at cargo manifold connections have blind flanges. Before removal of this flange it is necessary to :
Fire response organization
Slacken one bolt at a time.
General Emergency alarm
Keep OSD for clean up.
Fire control plan and muster list
Release pressure in the pipe. Communications
Fire hazards
6. (1)
Cargo handling
The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution PreventionTransportation
Regulations means _______.

petroleum in any form Compatibility with chemical cargoes

Fixed fire-fighting foam
animal or vegetable based oil
Portable fire-fighting foam
noxious liquid substances designated under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment
7. (1)
Cargo Operations
You are preparing to contain an oil spill. You must first receive approval from the coastal authorities prior to __________.
For Oil Tankers
employing a boom
Ship/Shore liasion
using suction equipment Inerting operations
applying chemical agents Loading operations

deploying skimmers Discharging operations

Tank cleaning

8. Purging and gas freeing (1)

For Chemical Tankers
Heavy fuel oils when spilled are __________.
Cargo information
more harmful to sea life than lighter oils
easier to clean up than lighter refined oils
less harmful to sea life than lighter oils Tank cleaning
not a real threat to marine life Gas-freeing
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
9. (1)
Organizational structure for emergency
What is Marpol Annex II? Alarms
Emergency Procedures
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by of
Effects oil.
pollution on human and mar
Regulations for the control of pollution by Pollution
noxious liquid substances
from HNS cargoes in bulk
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from
Procedures toships
prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
10. (1)
What is the maximum allowed instantaneous discharge of oil
Checklist for content inofoily
maintenance water from cargo space of an oil tanker?
Measures to be taken in the event of S
20 Litres per nautical mile
Report relevant information
50 Litres per nautical mile
Spill-containment procedures
15 Litres per nautical mile Nine phases of spill response
30 Litres per nautical mile Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Basic knowledge of tankers Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Tanker Terminology DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of tankers
1. Terminology for tankers carrying oi (1)
Terminology for tankers carrying ch
A type 2 chemical tanker is intended to tansport cargoes that have
Types of tankers
Severe environmental and safety hazards
Arrangements of Oil tanker
Appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards
Basic Knowledge of Tankers
Arrangements of Chemical Tanker
Sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards
Pumps and Eductors Specific Learning Objectives
Cargo heating System After going through this topic, student should be able to,

2. (1)
Inert Gas System Describe various types of tankers for carrying dangerous liquids
Cargo measurement
The purpose of a cofferdam between two compartments is to systems Explain the constructional features of oil carrying tankers

Physical and chemical properties of oil and Explain the constructional features of chemical carrying tankers
store tools and equipment that are necessary for the adjacent compartments
Physical Properties
give access to the bulkhead for inspection and repairs when the tanks are fullIntroduction
with liquid
Pressure and Temperature
keep a reserve space if capacity of either compartment Both oil and chemical cargoes are dangerous liquids and termed as such can be treated under a co
Important Fuel needs to be
Properties increased
when usi
tankers. Tankers transport a wide variety of liquids in bulk (unpackaged). These fall under three broad classif
prevent different liquids from the two tanks coming
Physical in contact
Properties in case of a leak
of Chemicals and special liquids.
Chemical Properties
3. Petroleum Liquids: Petroleum liquids consist of naturally occurring crude oil and the various products derive (1)
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
Which of the following is not true about eductors?
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s Gasoline
The discharge from eductor leads to pump room bilge Fuel oil
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
It has no moving parts and is virtually maintenance free Diesel
Key Features and Measurement of an E
Residual fuel oil
It is very efficient in striping crude oil of high vapour
Reporting pressure
Accidents, Near Misses and Kerosene
The drive liquid has to be same as the Assessment
stripped cargo
of Safety Culture Jet Fuel
SMS and the Safety Culture Lubricants
4. Asphalt (1)
Development of Positive Safety Culture
A thermoelectric detector: Hazards

Uses a heat sensor Health hazards

Petroleum Cargoes: International Classification
Environmental hazards
converts heat to electrical energy In many safety-related rules and regulations, petroleum cargoes are broadly classified as volatile liquids and
Reactivity hazards
detects a rise in tempetrature
Corrosion hazards Volatile liquids: Petroleum liquids that have closed-cup flash points below 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) are considered
uses a fixed temperature stop temperatures encountered during transport, cargoes in this category are capable of producing gas/air mixtu
Explosion hazards
For this reason, volatile cargoes are frequently transported in a tank with a controlled (inerted) atmosphere.
Flammability hazards
5. (1)
Sources of ignition Nonvolatile liquids: These are petroleum products that have closed-cup flash points of 140 ℉ (60 ℃ ) and
A deepwell pump is a type of ___________. Electrostatic hazards temperatures encountered during transport the atmosphere above these cargoes (headspace) typically c
screw pump Toxicity hazards flammable limit. Cargoes associates with these cargoes, however, the application of heat is often necessary d
with heated cargo, as the creation of a flammable atmosphere is possible if it is heated to or near the flash po
centrifugal pump Vapour leaks and clouds

eductor Basic knowledge of hazard controls Chemical Liquids

Inerting A liquid chemical is any substance used in, or obtained by, a chemical process. There are literally hundred
gear pump
vessels. These substances are derived from many sources and have diverse characteristics. They may be ca
Water padding
Table shows a sampling of each.
Drying agents (1)
6. Chemical Liquids
Monitoring techniques
The stretcher for emergency rescue from pump room should be Organic Chemicals Inorganic Chemicals
Anti-static measures
available close to the pump room
Aromatic hydrocarbons Boric acid
Cargo segregation
kept permanently rigged for hoisting an injured person
Cargo inhibition
kept in ship's hospital and clearly marked Vinyl chloride Sulfuric acid
Cargo Compatibility
Atmospheric control (1)
7. Acetone Phosphoric acid
Gas Testing
The lowest temperature at which the liquid remains a fluid is called the:
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Acetic acid Caustic soda
The flow point Safety
The pour point Gas measuring instruments Styrene monomer Hydrochloric acid
The melting point Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con

The Liquefaction point Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo Acrylonitrile Molten sulfur

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis

8. Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Special Liquids (1)

Tankscope Liquid substances other than those classified as petroleum or chemical are described as special liquids. Table
An inert gas system is required to be fitted:
Special Liquids
On all tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Animal/Vegetable Oils Miscellaneous Liquids
On product tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
Measurement of Low Concentration
On crude oil tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight Palm oil Freshwater
Draeger–tube system
On chemical tankers of above 20,000 tonnes deadweight
Electrochemical Sensors
Soybean oil Beer
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
9. (1)
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Sunflower oil Wine
In chemical tankers the coding system used by the IBC Oxygen
Code forAnalyzer
an integral tank is

1 Multi-Gas Instruments
Other vegetable oils
2 Personal Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro Animals oils
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment Tallow and greases

Breathing apparatus (1)

10. Molasses
Tank evacuating equipment
Submersible pumps found in chemical tankers are normally made of
Protective clothing and equipment
Resuscitators From the above, you realise that while the tankers are either carrying oil or chemicals in liquid form, the car
Aluminium alloy
Rescue and escape equipment characteristics and as such, understanding of the cargo properties will be essential for ship's crew to transpor
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
stainless steel As of January 2017, there were 52,183 ships in the world's merchant fleets. The tanker sector stands at 14
Entering enclosed spaces quarter of the world fleet.
nickel alloy
Repair and maintenance work
Oil Tankers 7,244
Hot and cold work
LNG 1,850
Electrical safety Chemical Tanker 5,418
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
In this course we shall talk about Oil and Chemical tankers. The importance of tankers are further underscore
Treatment and Prevention
In 2015, total world petroleum and other liquids supply was about 96.7 million barrels per day (b/d). 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Basic knowledge of tankers Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Tanker Terminology DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
1. Terminology for tankers carrying oi (1)
Paraffins from C1 to C40 usually appear in crude for tankers
oil and represent in carrying
crude oilchup to
Types of tankers
30% by volume Arrangements of Oil tanker
Physical and chemical properties of oil and chemicals
20% by volume Arrangements of Chemical Tanker
Pumps and Eductors Specific Learning Objectives
50% by volume

40% by volume Cargo heating System

After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Inert Gas System
Cargo measurement systems Describe different types of oils to be transported (1)
2. Explain the physical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ship
Physical and chemical properties of oil and
A liquid is considered to be flammable when the flash point is less than Explain the chemical properties of oil and chemicals that are important for cargo carrying on tank ships
Physical Properties
50° F Explain the possible generation of Electrostatic charge
Pressure and Temperature
60° F
Important Fuel Properties when usi
70° F Physical Properties of Chemicals Bulk transportation of oil and chemical on tank ships is the best economical way to transport such cargoe
80° F Chemical Properties dangerous liquids as cargo in ship's tank, they exhibit a number of physical and chemical behavior, based
gassify and create a vapor pressure on top of the tank. They also get viscous with drop in temperature. T
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
poisonous. Some cargoes get contaminated if the tanks have not been prepared correctly before filling up (1)
3. Chemical Symbols of Petroleum
arise from their density, vapor pressure, toxicity, pour point and such other properties. It will be impor
Paraffin derivatives are added to fuel oil for : Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s properties to get the basic idea of the nature of the cargo and how perhaps to carry them on board and trans

reducing density The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin

Classification of Oil cargoes:
Key Features and Measurement of an E
increase viscosity
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Crude Oil
preventing sludge formation
Assessment of Safety Culture Raw crude oil is pumped directly into a ship’s cargo tank. It varies widely in chemical composition, sulphur, a
SMS and the Safety Culture composition, the prevailing components of crude oil are naphthenic, paraffinic, or aromatic hydrocarbons. C
4. (1)
tanks coated with epoxy coal tar or epoxy paints.
Development of Positive Safety Culture
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from
Hazards White Oil
Health hazards This group of liquid cargoes consists mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon products and includes gasoline, diese
Liquid to the gas phase & Vice versa
heating oils, etc. These cargoes are not very aggressive, and they usually are shipped in conventional ep
Environmental hazards
Solid to the Liquid phase & Vice versa gasolines may require a modified epoxy or zinc silicate coating system.
Reactivity hazards
Gas to the super heated gas phase & Vice versa
Corrosion hazards Solvents and Chemicals
Solid to the gas phase & Vice versa
Explosion hazards This complex group of liquid cargoes includes alcohols, ketones, glycols, esters, ethers, aromatic hydroca
cargoes vary from mild to very aggressive. They are shipped in tanks coated with epoxy, modified epoxy
Flammability hazards
5. require extreme care in the choice of coating and cargo handling. (1)
Sources of ignition
In paraffin's atomic structure, the valence of all the carbon atoms is satisfied by single bond. Each carbon atom is connected to each other carbon atom by a single covalent bond. This hydrocarbon is
Electrostatic hazards Vegetable and Animal Oils
Toxicity hazards Vegetable and animal oils may vary in composition. The most important factor is their free fatty acid con
Branched hydrocarbon
coatings. Refined vegetable oils with low acid value are usually acceptable for carriage in conventional epoxy-
Vapour leaks and clouds
Unsaturated hydrocarbon are more aggressive and may require a more resistant coating system. Crude vegetable oils, fatty acids, an
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
oils) may pose serious problems for carriage in coated tanks. Water content and loading/unloading tempe
Saturated hydrocarbon
Inerting aggressive.
Linear hydrocarbon
Water padding
Lube Oils and Additives
Drying agents
6. This group of cargoes (excluding halogenated, phosphated, and ester types) usually poses no problem (1)
Monitoring techniques contamination of cargo may be a problem, requiring thorough cleaning and drying of tanks before loading. Th
The most stable naphthenic hydrocarbons are the naphthene rings with
Anti-static measures coated with conventional epoxy
Seven and Eight carbon atoms
Cargo segregation
Two and four carbon atoms
Cargo inhibition
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five and six carbon atoms
Cargo Compatibility
Four and seven carbon atoms Atmospheric control
Gas Testing
7. (1)
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
What is the other name used for liquids' Safety
freezing or solidification point?

Gas measuring instruments

Boiling point
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
Melting point
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Pour point
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
Saturation point Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
8. (1)
What is the effect of intermolecular forces on vapor pressure?
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Measurement of Low Concentration
Relatively strong force will increase vapor pressure
Draeger–tube system
Relatively strong force will decrease vapor pressure
Electrochemical Sensors
Relatively weak force will decrease vapor pressure
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Relatively weak force does not have any effect on vapor pressure
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
9. (1)
Multi-Gas Instruments
Cargoes with a freezing point higher than the ambient
Personal temperature
Gas Monitors of the ship's trading area will need to be
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment
10. (1)
What is the safety margin of tank volume, when calculating
Rescue fillingequipment
and escape ratio of a cargo which needs heating during its carriage?

Basic knowledge of Safe working pract

5% of the Tank capacity
Entering enclosed spaces
10% of the Cargo capacity
Repair and maintenance work
2% of the Tank capacity
Hot and cold work
1% of the Tank capacity
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Arrangements of Chemical Tanker
Close Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/5 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/5 (14/11/2020)
Pumps and Eductors
Cargo heating System DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety culture and safety
1. (1)
Inert Gas System
The main elements of peak safety performance are
: measurement systems
reducing the number of accidents to less than 5and
% ofchemical properties
the previous of oil and
year accidents

reducing the number of pollution incidentsPhysical Properties

to less than
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker safety
2 % of the previous year pollution incidents.
culture and safety management
Pressure and Temperature
no operational incidents , no personal injuries and no harm to environment. After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Important Fuel Properties when usi
Physical Properties of Chemicals Explain the meaning of a safety culture
2. (1)
Describe various ways to measure it
Chemical Properties
Organisational safety value aims at : Explain the need for reporting accidents, near misses and non-conformities
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
Discuss the process of development of a positive safety culture
< 2 incidents in a year
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Explain the relationship of safety culture and safety management system
reduce incidents to less than 10 % of incidents in the previous year
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Zero incident programme The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin
What is a safety culture?
allow only one incident per year. Key Features and Measurement of an E
A safety culture is an organizational culture that places a high level of importance on safety beliefs, values
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and majority of people within the company or workplace. It can be characterized as ‘the way we do things around
3. Assessment of Safety Culture improved workplace health and safety (WHS) and organizational performance. (1)
Measuring Current Performance and Behavior and the
; find the Safety Culture
key statement
Shipping is known as one of the most dangerous and international occupation in the world. The maritime in
Development of Positive Safety Culture
throughout the years such as Herald of Free Enterprise, Costa Concordia and Deep Water Horizon. Regulato
For an effective safety culture it is essential
Hazards to have the means to monitor theManagement
company’s current performance
(ISM) code in order in
to order
avoid to identify ways
reoccurrence of in which
these safety can be improved.
The SMS required by the ISM Code provides
Healthsuch a mechanism
Following the implementation of the ISM Code, which became mandatory for all ships via the SOLAS Convent
A readily comprehensible means of monitoring hazards
the effectiveness of safety is the Lost Time Incident (LTI) rate, which is commonly used across many industries to measure personnel injuries
a significant reduction in maritime casualties, serious oil spills, and – most importantly – the number of l
A Lost Time Incident is an incident which resultshazards
in absence from work beyondHowever,
the dateaornumber
shift when it occurred.
of recent high-profile incidents suggest that the absence of a fully implemented safety
Corrosion hazards companies may need to address with additional rigor.

4. Explosion hazards (1)

Unfortunately, the maritime industry traditionally adopted a reactive approach to eliminate these errors th
Key Features and Measurement of an Effective hazardsidentify one statement that identifies an effective safety culture
Safety Culture; desired level of safety. Only recently, the maritime industry has started to adopt proactive approaches by dev
Sources of ignition
Recognition that all accidents are preventable and hazards
only usually occur followingThere
is actions
a vital need
or a failure
for allto
follow established
to understand
the relationship between unsafe acts and serious inc
Toxicity damage to property and the environment. The importance of changing behavior and avoiding negative at
hazardsrather than relying on others
Individual seafarers assume responsibility for safety to provide it
environmental protection is also underlined.
Vapour leaks
Through mutual respect, increasing confidence andvalue
in the clouds
of the safety culture results in a more effective Safety Management System
A safety management system that is knowledge
always settingoftargets
controls Accident investigation
continuous improvement, with a goal reports attribute the majority of marine accidents to human errors and extensi
of zero accidents
Inerting paperwork. None of these efforts provide the desired safety level. Currently, the maritime industry is starting
tried to avoid reoccurrences by implementing an appropriate safety culture. One unique way to internalize th (1)
5. Water padding
“how an organization behaves when no one is watching”. The safety culture approach describes hum
Drying agents
Chemical cargo vapors can enter human body due to : than someone to blame for failure. A positive safety culture with commitment from all levels in the company
Monitoring techniques maritime industry
continuous working on deck.
Anti-static measures
working in the pump room Safety culture is a concept defined at group or higher level and reflects on the shared values among all
inhalation, skin contact and also by swallowing.
Cargo segregation
improper use of proper PPE Cargo inhibition Safety culture is concerned with formal safety issues within an organization.

Cargo Compatibility Safety culture emphasizes the contribution from everyone at all levels of the organization.
The safety culture of an organization has an impact on its employees’ behavior at work and potentially
Atmospheric control
Safety culture may be reflected by the relationship between the reward system and safety performance
Gas Testing
Safety culture is reflected in the organization’s willingness to develop and learn from errors, incidents, a
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Safety culture embraces communication and teamwork.
Gas measuring instruments Safety Culture comprise of 5 significant levels
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
Pathological: Employees only react to the safety matters not to get caught by regulatory compliance.
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Reactive: Employees do not follow the basic safety instructions. The importance of safety is understoo
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Calculative: There is an effort within the company to collect the safety associated data and arra
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament understanding about “how the system works”, but the data are not analyzed to enhance safety.

Tankscope Proactive: This stage focus more on “what might go wrong in the future” instead of analyzing occurre
and employees increases.
Generative: This is the most advanced stage a company can have. The company uses human erro
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
blame.There is a really good feedback and reporting system between all workers within the compan
Measurement of Low Concentration unexpected.
Draeger–tube system
Electrochemical Sensors
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
Multi-Gas Instruments
Personal Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures
Safety Equipment
Breathing apparatus
Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment
Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
Hot and cold work
Electrical safety
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
Communications 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Pressure and Temperature Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020)
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Important Fuel Properties when usi
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Hazards
Physical Properties of Chemicals (1)
Chemical Properties
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
One instance is the use of high capacity tank Symbols
washing of Petroleum
machines and consequence of high levels of static electricity.
Spillage due to cargo handling with Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
ignition possibilities.
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin Specific Learning Objectives
Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge.
Key Features and Measurement of an E After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
Describe various types of hazards that may occur while carrying dangerous liquid on tank ships
Assessment of Safety Culture (1)
2. Describe the effect of those hazards on health, environment and personal safety
SMS and the Safety Culture
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:
Development of Positive Safety Culture
The use of high capacity tank washing machines Tanker operation creates different types of hazards namely, health hazards, environmental hazard, reactivity
Health hazards hazards, toxicity hazards and so on. Major number of these are extremely dangerous for human health and
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.
itself and some cause long term environmental damage when spilled or leaked. It is important to identify the
Environmental hazards
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which of after dilution may
preventative be ignited
measures by accommodation
to combat ignition
them. We should learnsources
all theor the like. and control measures in the n
Reactivity hazards possible
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and lubricating oil)situations on ifboard
may ignite that can
the liquid compromise
comes your
into contact personal
with well-being
a surface and that
heated above theofauto-ignition
the ship as well as the ( e.g.,steamlines,
overheated equipment) despite the absence hazards flame or sparks.
of external
Explosion hazards
3. Flammability hazards (1)
Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Sources of ignition
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
Electrostatic hazards
one fan for ventilation
Toxicity hazards
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting
Vapour leaks and clouds
fixed fire extinguishing system
Basic knowledge of hazard controls
4. (1)
Water padding
What is the flammable range ? Drying agents
Vapor concentration below LEL Monitoring techniques

Vapor concentration above UEL Anti-static measures

Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL
Cargo segregation
Cargo inhibition (1)
Cargo Compatibility
How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Atmospheric control
Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded
Gas Testing
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to Safety
the serious threat to the environment
Gas measuring
Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough instruments
not to cause polymerization
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con

6. Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo (1)

What is a spark ? Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis

Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a flammable atmosphere.
Spark is an almost instantaneous discharge between two conductors where almost all of the energy in the electrostatic field is converted into heat that is available to ignite a non flammable atmosphere.
Sparks can occur during cargo movement and sloshing in an inerted tank
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Occasional Sparks from the main engine exhaust can cause aof
Measurement fire in the
Low drydocks.
Draeger–tube system
7. (1)
Electrochemical Sensors
What is Cargo inhibition? Fixed Gas Detection Installations
All chemical cargo physical and chemical properties change, of Oxygen
during Concentra  to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
For some chemical cargoes, under heat and in presence oxygen, their physical and Chemical properties change, to avoid this certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Multi-Gas Instruments
Some chemical cargoes some physical and chemical properties change due to cold weather in presence of oxygen, to avoid this, certain inhibitors are added to the cargo
Personal Gas Monitors
Adding Inhibitors to a refined vegetable oil adds its market value as the inhibitor maintains its color
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures (1)
Safety Equipment
What factor mainly affects Vapour cloud dilution rate?
Breathing apparatus
Quantity of Spill
Tank evacuating equipment
Weather conditions Protective clothing and equipment
Thermal inversion Resuscitators

diameter of the vapour cloud Rescue and escape equipment

Basic knowledge of Safe working pract

9. Entering enclosed spaces (1)

What is runaway polymerization? Repair and maintenance work

Hot and cold work
Exothermic self reaction
Electrical safety
Self reaction
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Endothermic self reaction
Treatment and Prevention
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions
Dangers of skin contact
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
10. (1)
Fire response organization
What is Brush Discarge ? General Emergency alarm
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from
Firea control
highly charged
plan andnon-conductive
muster list object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours.

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge fromCommunications

a highly charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours,
even if the mixtu Fire hazards
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge from a highly
Cargo charged
handlingnon-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours even
if the mixture is
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Close Reactivity hazards Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Corrosion hazards DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of hazard controls
1. Explosion hazards (1)
Flammability hazards
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
Sources of ignition
10 minutes
Electrostatic hazards
15 minutes Toxicity hazards Basic knowledge of hazard controls
30 minutes Vapour leaks and clouds
Specific Learning Objectives
One hour Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Inerting After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. Water padding (1)
Explain what the hazards can do to compromise the ship and personal safety
What is cathodic protection ? Drying agents Describe various ways that the hazards can be controlled like Inerting, padding, ventilation, segregation
Monitoring techniques Know how to use the MSDS for cargo operation.
Cathodes placed on the hull of a ship
Anti-static measures
Anodes placed in the stern of a ship Introduction
Protection of the hull of a ship There are a number of systemic controls by way of ship and equipment design to provide hazard safety or
Cargo segregation
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical hand. Controlling the tank environment by adding inert gas on top of the cargo carried is one such innovatio
oxidizing cargo could be a preventative control. There are a number of processes and equipment that ensures
Cargo Compatibility
drying, monitoring of tank environment and status, tank ventilation, segregation of cargoes, and checkin
3. (1)
Atmospheric control measures that are discussed. Beyond the systemic controls, the crew competency in adhering to the st
Buildup of electrostatic charge when loading static Testing oils is avoided by: fundamental in being able to control hazards around you at work on a tanker.

Increasing the flow rate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Not using natural fibre ropes in ullaging equipment Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Gas measuring instruments
Taking tank soundings within a metal sounding pipe
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
Fitting, fixed equipment away from the tank wall
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
4. (1)
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
What is an inert condition ?
When the oxygen has been eliminated from a tankInterferometer

When the oxygen is 10% by volume in a tank Infra-red (IR) Instruments

A condition in which the oxygen content throughout of Low Concentration
the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8% or less by volume by the addition of inert gas.

When the oxygen is 21% by volume in a tank Draeger–tube system

Electrochemical Sensors

5. Fixed Gas Detection Installations (1)

Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
What is pressure surge ?
Oxygen Analyzer
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
Multi-Gas Instruments
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifold
Personal Gas Monitors
When the discharge pressure at the pump dropsGastoSample
zero Lines and Sampling Pro

A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquid in aSampling

pipeline Procedures
brought about by an abrupt change in flow rate

Safety Equipment
6. (1)
Breathing apparatus
What are closed operations ? Tank evacuating equipment
Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out clothing and equipment
without opening ullage ports
To prevent escape of hazardous vapour from tanks
Rescue and escape equipment
Remote control of tank delivery valves
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Remote control of inert gas entry into a tank
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
7. (1)
Hot and cold work
What is bonding ?
Electrical safety
Connecting together of cargo pipe line flanges
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical
Treatment andcontinuity

Making a ship to shore cable connection Dangers of skin contact

Connecting together flexible couplings Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
on deck
Fire response organization

8. General Emergency alarm (1)

Fire control plan and muster list
What is flammable range ?
The range in which nothing will burn
Fire hazards
The range in which the oxygen content is too low to cause explosion
Cargo handling
The range in which the oxygen content is too high to cause explosion
The range of hydrocarbon gas concentrations in air between
Compatibility with the lower cargoes
chemical and upper flammable limits. Mixtures within this range are capable of being ignited and of burning.
Fixed fire-fighting foam
9. Portable fire-fighting foam

What is non-volatile petroleum ? Fixed dry chemical powder

Spill containment
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above
Cargo Operations
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below
For Oil Tankers
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above
Ship/Shore liasion
Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below
Inerting operations
Loading operations
10. (1)
Discharging operations
In the burning process hydrocarbon gases react withTank
oxygen in the air:
To produce carbon and water Purging and gas freeing

To produce hydrogen and water For Chemical Tankers

To produce carbon dioxide and water Cargo information

To produce carbon monoxide and water
Tank cleaning
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



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Drying agents DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Safety
1. Monitoring techniques (1)
Anti-static measures
Draeger tube system is used for :
Ammonia gasdetection
Cargo segregation
Nitrogen gas detection
Cargo inhibition
Multi gas detection Cargo Compatibility
Specific Learning Objectives
Atmospheric control After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Gas Testing
Describe the gas measuring equipment used on tankers and their application on tankers
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is aMaterial
reddening of the
Safety skin
Data but (MSDS)
Sheet no other apparent damage.Using
Describe thestandard
use of MEDICAL terminology,
safety equipment andthis
PPEis on
a tankers

Minor burn Safety Know the safe working practices and procedures for tankers

Gas measuring instruments Know the first-aid requirements on board tankers as per the advisory provided by the cargo MSDS
Superficial burn
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con Introduction
Extremity burn
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo The topic of safety is perhaps the most important of all areas of knowledge in tanker operation. Thus, this
First-degree burn related to safety equipment, safety procedures and safe working practices. The cargo carried on tankers a
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
present many hazards to human health and environment. And, with all safety precautions, accidents still ha
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
3. with any incidental injuries on board. The ship's crew must practice the safety drills and be inculcate work (1)
Tankscope protective device. The gas monitoring equipment provides the early indication, if an enclosed space, such
The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleumremainsgases is about which is safe for work; thus, the maintenance of the gas monitoring and oxygen ana
in a condition
devices are kept in good working order. Remember, one small mistake or error of judgment can cause cat
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
5000 Kilovolts/meter damage to the environment.
Measurement of Low Concentration
3000 Kilovolts/meter
Draeger–tube system
3000 Volts/meter
Electrochemical Sensors Save Notes Font Name Font Size
5000 Volts/meter
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra (1)
Oxygen Analyzer
What are all the three basic stages which leads to a potential static hazard and necessary for an electrostatic ignition?
Multi-Gas Instruments
Personal Gas Monitors
Viscosity, charge seperation and temperature
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Charge accumulation, velocity and density
Sampling Procedures
Charge separation, charge accumulation and electrostatic discharge
Safety Equipment
Flammable gas, air and heat source
Breathing apparatus
Tank evacuating equipment (1)
Protective clothing and equipment
Safety harness should be worn while working aloft at any height more than:
1 meter
Rescue and escape equipment
5 meters% Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
2 meters Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work
6. Hot and cold work (1)

Experience indicates that hazardous potentials Electrical

in respect safety
of static electricity do not occur if the velocity of liquid, while loading is:
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Below 7 m/s or 23 ft/s Treatment and Prevention
Above 7 m/s or 23 ft/s Dangers of skin contact
Above 10 m/s or 33 ft/s Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Below 3 m/s or 10 ft/s Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
7. Fire control plan and muster list

What should be prohibited in the vicinity of battery rooms?
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes

Washing Fixed fire-fighting foam

Portable fire-fighting foam
Fixed dry chemical powder
Spill containment (1)
Cargo Operations
What type of rope is used to support Neil-Robertson stretcher?
For Oil Tankers
Wire rope
Ship/Shore liasion
PVC rope Inerting operations
Manila rope Loading operations
Discharging operations
9. Tank cleaning (1)

Purging and gas freeing

What is the first task to complete before commencing hot work?
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
To inform the Chief engineer
Tank cleaning
Work can be started without the need to carry out any other task
To complete a hot work permit
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency (1)
What happens in draeger tube during measurement?
Emergency Procedures
The glass vial temperature increases
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Becomes opaque due to moistre. Effects of pollution on human and mar
Color changes Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Ch kli t f i t f ll t 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Gas est g
Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

What does "CRS" stand for? Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con

Certified radio station. Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo

Control room section.

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Coast radio station. Specific Learning Objectives
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe Oil and Chemical Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
Class A fires involve Discuss Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquid
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
Solid cellulosic materials such as wood, paper, clothing, etc.
Draeger–tube system Describe Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
Vapour/air mixture over the surface of flammable Electrochemical
liquids Sensors Describe Portable fire-fighting foam Operations

Energised electrical equipment Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain Fixed dry chemical system Operations
Explain Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations
Combustible materials such as magnesium, sodium, etc. of Oxygen Concentra
Oxygen Analyzer
Introduction (1)
3. Multi-Gas Instruments
Any tanker fire incident is responded with a fire emergency preparedness, in-depth planning and practice dril
Personal Gas Monitors
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by under the Master, where each officer and crew members are part of a team, allocated with resources, skills a
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro discussed further.
Heat removal or cooling
Sampling Procedures
Smothering or oxygen exclusion Composition of Emergency Teams
Safety Equipment
Flame inhibition
Breathing apparatus Emergency organisation
Tank evacuating equipment Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.
4. (1)
Protective clothing and equipment
1. Command team
Which of the following type extinguishers should not be used in accommodation space:
Resuscitators 2. Emergency team
dry powder Rescue and escape equipment 3. Support and First Aid
Foam Basic knowledge of Safe working pract 4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
5. Crew for Rescue Boat
carbon dioxide Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operation
Hot and cold work is necessary from each team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records
carried at this centre.
Electrical safety (1)
Basic knowledge of First-Aid The Emergency team would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in
Water extinguishes a fire by
Treatment and Prevention be the leader of the primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is e
Heat removal or cooling of the primary team and the Second Engineer would lead the back-up team.
Dangers of skin contact
Smothering or oxygen exclusion Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations The Support and First team will look after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patient
Flame inhibition Fire response organization necessity to abandon ship at short notice. Shit where water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in
General Emergency alarm operations are sustained for a long period. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command tea

6. (1)
Fire control plan and muster list
Roving Team/Engine Room Team will be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R s
Which principle is used in foam eductor ? Communications compartments on fire, shut off ventilation systems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else
Principle of floatation. Fire hazards
Cargo handling Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on
Charles law. lower the boat, rescue the man and get hoisted back on board.
venturi effect
Compatibility with chemical cargoes Some employers list out various emergencies that could occur:
Fixed fire-fighting foam Explosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Pe
7. (1)
failure, Piracy, Search & Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list o
Portable fire-fighting foam
Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon: teams in each such emergency.
Fixed dry chemical powder
heat Spill containment
chain reaction Notes
Cargo Operations

fuel For Oil Tankers Save Notes Font Name Font Size

oxygen Ship/Shore liasion

Inerting operations

8. Loading operations (1)

Discharging operations
After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep :
Tank cleaning
The system clean.
Purging and gas freeing
Ready for re use.
For Chemical Tankers
The nozzles clear and prevent clogging. Cargo information
9. (1)
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ? Tank cleaning

20 : 1 Gas-freeing

40 : 1 Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers

Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
10. (1)
Effects of pollution on human and mar
What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
5:1 to 15:1
1250 litres/min
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
1000 liters/min
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Gas est g
Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (14/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (14/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Cargo Operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

The atmosphere in a tank is too rich when it is Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con

incapable of supporting combustion because the Flammable

hydrocarbon Gas Monitors
vapor (Explo
content makes the atmosphere below the LFL (Lower Flammable Level)
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Cargo Operations
capable of supporting combustion
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
in a noncombustible state which can be relied on to occur naturally on a regular basisSpecific Learning Objectives
incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon vapor content makes the After going through
atmosphere abovethis topic,
the UFL student
(Upper should Limit)
Flammable be able to,
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe preparations before loading and discharging of cargo
2. Describe the loading operations on a oil/chemical tank ship (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the unloading operation on an oil/chemical tank ship
Back flow towards machinery spaces of cargo vapours in an Inert gas system
Draeger–tube system is prevented by
Discuss the safety precautions for cargo loading and discharging operations
Pressure vacuum breaker Electrochemical Sensors Describe the ballasting / de-ballasting operations

High velocity vents Fixed Gas Detection Installations Describe the Crude Oil Washing operation
Describe the Chemical tank ship cargo tank cleaning operation
Deck water seal Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Discuss the inerting, venting, gas-freeing operation for tanks
Oxygen Analyzer
Pressure vacuum valves
Multi-Gas Instruments Introduction
It is during the ballast voyage that the cargo tanks are full of inert gas and sediments at the tank bottom. Th
Personal Gas Monitors (1)
3. Oil Washed) and got rid of cargo remains as sediments before the next cargo may be loaded. For thorough c
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro to be entered, the tanks are vented, made gas-free and oxygen rich (>21% by volume) before manual cleani
When loading several cargo types one must not handle more than:
Sampling Procedures
Two grades at one time For crude oil, it may not be necessary to clean the tanks except the COW operation, before loading the
Safety Equipment
Three grades at one time maintained inert to avoid any possibility of combustion within the tank.
Breathing apparatus
Four grades at one time Tank evacuating equipment After loading, a positive inert gas pressure on top of the tank ensures safe passage.
Five grades at one time Protective clothing and equipment
4. Rescue and escape equipment (1)

Basic knowledge
What is the generally accepted method of determining of Safe
whether the workingwithin
atmosphere pract a cargo tank is explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?

Use the open flame test on a small sample thatEntering

has beenenclosed spaces
taken from the tank
Repair and maintenance work
Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis
Hot and cold work
Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer
Electrical safety
Use an explosimeter
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
5. (1)
Dangers of skin contact
After each reading of an oxygen indicator, the instrument
Fire should
Safety and be purged
Fire Fighting with
CO2 Fire response organization
fresh air General Emergency alarm

the tested compartment's air Fire control plan and muster list Introduction:

Fire hazards
Cargo handling (1)
As per the definition of MARPOL, Annex-1, a combination carrier means a ship designed to carry
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Crude oil and refined oil products at the same time in different tanks
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Refined oil products and chemical productsPortable
at the same time in different
fire-fighting foam tanks

A combination of different products at the Fixed

same dry
time, sometimes
chemical also known as a parcel tanker

Either oil or solid cargoes in bulk Spill containment

Cargo Operations

7. For Oil Tankers (1)

You are crude oil washing on a tanker with an inert gas system. liasion
What percentage of oxygen must the inert gas system produce and deliver to the tanks?
Inerting operations
Loading operations
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
11% Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
8. (1)
Cargo information
One of the requirements of a vessel’s intact stabilityLoading
criteria is that:
The GZ should be at least 0.15 metres at an angle of 25 degrees or more
Tank cleaning
The GZ should be at least 0.15 metres at an angle of 30 degrees or more
The GZ should be at least 0.20 metres at an angle of 25 degrees or more
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
The GZ should be at least 0.20 metres at an angle of 30 degrees or more
Organizational structure for emergency
9. (1)
Emergency Procedures
The atmosphere in a tank is too lean if it is
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon
Effects content
of pollution on humanisand
marthe LFL (LowerFlammable Limit)
capable of supporting combustion because thePollution
hydrocarbon content
from HNS is above the UFL (UpperFlammable Limit)
capable of supporting a fire once started Procedures to prevent pollution

not safe for ballasting Precautions to prevent pollution by


10. Checklist for maintenance of pollut (1)

Measures to be taken in the event of S
Oil cargo Samples should be retained for a period
Report relevant information
of at least one month after the ship has discharged
Spill-containment procedures
of three months after the ship has discharged
Nine phases of spill response
of at least one month after the ship has completed the next cargo loading
Management of spills on water
of at least three months after the ship has completed
Case the
Studies on oilnext
and cargo loading
NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Physical Properties
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Pressure and Temperature
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Hazards
Important Fuel Properties when usi
1. (1)
Physical Properties of Chemicals
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with bad weather condition:
Chemical Properties
Organic Chemistry of Oil Products
One instance is the use of high capacity tank washing machines and consequence of high levels of static electricity.
Chemical Symbols of Petroleum Hazards
Spillage due to cargo handling with ignition possibilities.
Knowledge and Understanding of tanker s
Vapours from lifting or leaking cargo tank relief valves ignited by lightning discharge. Specific Learning Objectives
The Role of Safety Culture in Preventin After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.
Key Features and Measurement of an E
Describe various types of hazards that may occur while carrying dangerous liquid on tank ships
Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and
2. Describe the effect of those hazards on health, environment and personal safety (1)
Assessment of Safety Culture
Fire & explosion in unprotected cargo tanks of oil tanker can have wide variety of causes-identify one that is associated with accident due to electrostatic charge:
SMS and the Safety Culture
Development of Positive Safety Culture Tanker operation creates different types of hazards namely, health hazards, environmental hazard, reactivity
The use of high capacity tank washing machines
Hazards hazards, toxicity hazards and so on. Major number of these are extremely dangerous for human health and
Empty tank gases ignited during cleaning or collision resulting an explosion and rupture on the main deck.
Health hazards itself and some cause long term environmental damage when spilled or leaked. It is important to identify the
Very rich vapour expelled from tank opening during last stage of loading which of after dilution may
preventative be ignited
measures by accommodation
to combat ignition
them. We should learnsources
all theor the like. and control measures in the n
Environmental hazards
Auto-ignition – the vapour from flammable liquids (including oil fuel and lubricating possibleoil)situations on ifboard
may ignite that can
the liquid compromise
comes your
into contact personal
with well-being
a surface and that
heated above theofauto-ignition
the ship as well as the ( e.g.,steamlines,
Reactivity hazards
overheated equipment) despite the absence of external flame or sparks.
Corrosion hazards
3. Explosion hazards (1)
Flammability hazards Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Why are inhibitors added  in the cargo?
Sources of ignition
Inhibitors are added by the ship staff before loading are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should be carried in inerted tanks. 
Electrostatic hazards
Inhibitors are added by the Terminal beforeToxicity
are Toxic. Inhibited cargoes often needs oxygen hence should not be carried in inerted tanks. 

Inhibitors are added by the Terminal beforeVapour

loading are Non
leaks Toxic. Inhibited cargoes do not need oxygen and can be carried in inerted tanks. 
and clouds
Once the cargo is inhibited, its temperature of hazard
never a concern controls
for cargo carriage
4. Water padding (1)

What is the flammable range ? Drying agents

Monitoring techniques
Vapor concentration below LEL
Anti-static measures
Vapor concentration above UEL
Vapor concentration range between LEL and UEL
Cargo segregation
Cargo inhibition
5. (1)
Cargo Compatibility
What is Brush Discarge ? Atmospheric control
Brush Discharge is a diffused discharge from Testingcharged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours.
a highly

Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge fromMaterial

a highlySafety Data
charged Sheet (MSDS) object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is not possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours,
even if the mixtu Safety
Brush Discharge is a diffuse discharge fromGas measuring
a highly instruments
charged non-conductive object to a single blunt conductor that is more rapid than corona and releases more energy. It is possible for a brush discharge to ignite gases and vapours even
if the mixture is
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
A broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high but not sufficient for a spark or arc.
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
6. (1)
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Inert gas is introduced to cargo tank to : Tankscope
lower the LEL of cargo vapor. Interferometer

to make the cargo vapors a lean mixture of hydro Infra-red

carbons (IR) Instruments
Measurement of Low Concentration
to exclude oxygen and thus prevent fire or explosion.
Draeger–tube system

7. Electrochemical Sensors (1)

Fixed Gas Detection Installations
How to safeguard a cargo carriage that is susceptible to polymerization?
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Suitable Inhibitors are added after cargo is loaded
Oxygen Analyzer
Inhibitors are added before the cargo is loaded
Multi-Gas Instruments
Ships do not carry such cargoes due to the serious threat
Personal GastoMonitors
the environment

Maintain cargo tank temperatures high enough notSample

Gas to cause polymerization
Lines and Sampling Pro
Sampling Procedures
8. (1)
Safety Equipment
Major danger occurs from a vapor cloud if it is : Breathing apparatus

dissipated in atmosphere Tank evacuating equipment

Protective clothing and equipment
reduced in vapor concentration
Rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract (1)
Entering enclosed spaces
Cargo pump rooms are fitted with :
Repair and maintenance work
one fan for ventilation
Hot and cold work
portable water sprinklers for fire fighting Electrical safety
fixed fire extinguishing system Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
10. Dangers of skin contact (1)

What is runaway polymerization? Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations

Exothermic self reaction Fire response organization

General Emergency alarm
Self reaction
Fire control plan and muster list
Endothermic self reaction
Both exothermic and endothermic reactions
Fire hazards
Cargo handling
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Portable fire-fighting foam 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Gas est g
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Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

The MFAG is published by the: Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con

International Maritime Organisation Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo

World Health Organisation

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
United Nations Specific Learning Objectives
International Labour Organisation After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Explain the Organizational structure for emergency
2. Explain the various alarms for emergencies (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the Emergency Shut Down System ESDS
Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker is at the terminal.
Draeger–tube system Describe the Emergency Shut Down- Ship-Shore Link
Electrochemical Sensors
Fire control plans must be permanently displayed in prominent positions showing clearly, for each deck, the location and particulars of all fire-fighting equipment, dampers, controls etc.
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
Fire control plans should also be displayed, or be readily available, outside theIntroduction
accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra A knowledge of the basic emergency actions that needs to be taken in case of Standard Ship emergencies
The ship's emergency contingency plan should align with a broader plan held by the company management
Oxygen Analyzer procedures. These include:-procedures for Fire, collision, grounding, cargo hose burst, accident involving pers
The procedures developed should anticipate and cover the types of emergency which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at terminals regularly visited.
Multi-Gas Instruments
All tankers & terminals procedures are to be ready for immediate implementation in the event an emerge
Personal Gas Monitors types of emergency which might be encountered in particular activities of tanker or terminal.
3. (1)
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Lung inflammation will cause: Sampling Procedures The main procedures will address Fire, while other procedures would address incidents such as hose or
flooding, men overcome by gas, breakouts of vessels, weather or blackouts.
Breathlessness and drowsiness Safety Equipment
Breathlessness and confusion Breathing apparatus The procedures should also cover deployment of fire-fighting equipment, resuscitator & stretchers, together w
Breathlessness and a dry cough Tank evacuating equipment
Terminal Emergency Plan
Protective clothing and equipment
Breathlessness and slurred speech
The plan would include:
Rescue and escape equipment (1)
4. Specific initial action to be taken by those at location of the emergency to report, contain & overcome t
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of these alarmstowill
Procedures be be of major
followed importance
in mobilizing onresources
the a double-hull tankship
of the with
terminal empty ballast
as required tanks?
by the incident.
Entering enclosed spaces
Alerting responsibility & procedures.
High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors and maintenance work
Each terminal should have an Emergency Team whose duties would involve planning, implementing &
Hot and cold work
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom executing them.
Electrical safety
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering tanks exceeds 5%
Basic knowledge of First-Aid Main points of initial response to an emergency should be conspicuously displayed on notices at strategic loca
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact Notes
5. (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations Save Notes Font Name Font Size
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
Fire response organization
MARPOL Convention General Emergency alarm
SOLAS Convention Fire control plan and muster list
CLC Convention Communications

Intervention Convention Fire hazards

Cargo handling

6. Transportation (1)
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:
Fixed fire-fighting foam
From inside the space
Portable fire-fighting foam
From the Bridge
Fixed dry chemical powder
From outside the space Spill containment
From the Engine Control Room Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
7. (1)
Ship/Shore liasion
Inerting operations
Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in:

P&A Manual. Loading operations

Discharging operations
IG and COW manuals.
Tank cleaning
ISM procedures.
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
8. (1)
Cargo information
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will have the largest impact?
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo ( a vessel could be old, or specialized like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Tank cleaning
Known accident and incidents in shipping and other company vessels
Experience and expertise of vessel master
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel and shore management
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/14/2020 LMS



Gas est g
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Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a bargeof Hydrocarbon
transferring Con either be carried on board or_________.
oil must
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
on a tug standing by Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
available by contract with the shore facility
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Specific Learning Objectives
kept at the shoreside hose connection during transfer After going through this topic, student should be able to,
kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible
Interferometer Know the process of oil pollution at sea
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Understand the way pollution affects the marine and human life
2. (1)
Know the way pollution is caused by noxious chemical cargoes
Measurement of Low Concentration
What kind of polution forms an unwanted debris on the oceanic surface leading to large scale threatsthe
forhazards that plants
the oceanic are associated with chemical spills
and creatures?
Draeger–tube system
Describe the shipboard precautions to prevent pollution from ship operations
Electrochemical Sensors Understand MARPOL requirements and their implications for tanker operation
Chemical Pollution
Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain the SOPEP and SMPEP measures
Oil Pollution
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra Know the use of a checklist on board to keep the pollution equipment in a ready-to-use condition
Grey Water Pollution Explain the reporting process for spills with relevant information
Oxygen Analyzer
Solid Waste Pollution Discuss various spill-containment procedures
Multi-Gas Instruments
Describe the Nine phases of spill response
Personal Gas Monitors Explain the management of spills on water
3. (1)
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
You are operating a non-ocean going vessel, how muchSampling
of the accumulated
Proceduresoily waste must you be able to retain on board?
25% Safety Equipment Note that pollution is usually related to human activity. Phenomena, such as radiation due to natural radioac
50% like, are not usually considered as pollution. They exist, however, in areas where the environment is burden
Breathing apparatus
renew itself.
75% Tank evacuating equipment
Protective clothing and equipment Pollution Prevention during Loading or Discharging Oil, Chemicals and Hazardous Cargoes: Annex I deals wit
Resuscitators into effect on the 2nd of October, 1983. It regulates the methods and means of controlling discharge of oil int

Rescue and escape equipment (1)

4. Prevention of oil spills has as much to do with operational procedures as it does with technology and equipm
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
What is Marpol Annex II? as maintenance procedures, ensures the safe operation of equipment, aiding in the goal to prevent spills from
Entering enclosed spaces

Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution Repair and maintenance

by Harmful Substanceswork
Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
Hot and
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil. cold work
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Electrical safety
Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
The number of annexes Marpol convention has for the prevention of pollution from ships
Fire response organization
3 Annexes General Emergency alarm

6 Annexes Fire control plan and muster list

5 Annexes Communications
Fire hazards
8 Annexes
Cargo handling
Transportation (1)
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Which statement is TRUE of a gasoline spill?
Fixed fire-fighting foam
It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill.
Portable fire-fighting foam
It is not covered by the pollution laws. Fixed dry chemical powder
It does little harm to marine life. Spill containment
It will sink more rapidly than crude oil. Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
7. Ship/Shore liasion (1)

Inerting as
Spill Reporting Information-All spills shall be reported operations
required, amongst others, with the following information: which one of these will be of primary importance for timely spill response?
Loading operations
Time of spill discovery. Discharging operations
Location of spill. Tank cleaning
Identification of spilled material. Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Behavior of material (i.e. reactions observed).
Cargo information

8. Loading (1)

Heavy fuel oils when spilled are __________. Discharging

Tank cleaning
more harmful to sea life than lighter oils
easier to clean up than lighter refined oils
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
less harmful to sea life than lighter oils
Organizational structure for emergency
not a real threat to marine life Alarms
Emergency Procedures
9. (1)
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
When you have completed bunkering operations, the hoses
Effects should on
of pollution be human
and mar
blown down with inert gas Pollution from HNS cargoes

drained into drip pans or tanks Procedures to prevent pollution

stowed with their ends open for venting Precautions to prevent pollution by
steam cleaned and flushed with hot water
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S (1)
Report relevant information
The tankers are supplied with an approved outfit of clean up material for spillage in compliance with the regulations of
Spill-containment procedures

Solas and IMDG code Nine phases of spill response

Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Marpol and OPA 90
Fire and Explosion
BIMCO and ISM Code
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Health hazards
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Environmental hazards
DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Reactivity hazards
1. (1)
Corrosion hazards
What is Auto-ignition ? Explosion hazards
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation hazards
Flammability by a spark or flame, when the material has been raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
Sources of ignition
Automatic ignition of material in a hot atmosphere Basic knowledge of hazard controls
Electrostatic hazards
Ignition of materials when they come in contact with each other
Toxicity hazards Specific Learning Objectives
Ignition caused by mixture of vapours given of by cargoes
Vapour leaks and clouds
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Basic knowledge of hazard controls (1)
2. Explain what the hazards can do to compromise the ship and personal safety
The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is : Describe various ways that the hazards can be controlled like Inerting, padding, ventilation, segregation
Water padding
Know how to use the MSDS for cargo operation.
closed ullaging
Drying agents
use of only approved PPE on deck Introduction
Monitoring techniques
bonding and grounding Anti-static measures
There are a number of systemic controls by way of ship and equipment design to provide hazard safety or
having continuous pipe lengths. Ventilation hand. Controlling the tank environment by adding inert gas on top of the cargo carried is one such innovatio
Cargo segregation oxidizing cargo could be a preventative control. There are a number of processes and equipment that ensures
drying, monitoring of tank environment and status, tank ventilation, segregation of cargoes, and checkin
3. Cargo inhibition (1)
measures that are discussed. Beyond the systemic controls, the crew competency in adhering to the st
Cargo Compatibility
A diffuse discharge from a single sharp conductor is called: fundamental in being able to control hazards around you at work on a tanker.
Atmospheric control
A spark Notes
Gas Testing
A corona Save Notes
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Font Name Font Size

A brush discharge Safety

A Propagating brush discharge Gas measuring instruments
Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con
4. (1)
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
When inhibited chemical cargo is loaded, the shipper should Gas: Monitors - Pellis

a sample of inhibitor to chief officer. Non-Catalytic Heated Filament

MSDS for added inhibitor.
Inhibitor certificate valid for the voyage
Infra-red (IR) Instruments
Measurement of Low Concentration (1)
Draeger–tube system
What is pressure surge ?
Electrochemical Sensors
When the pressure of oil increases suddenly at the manifold
Fixed Gas Detection Installations
When the pressure of oil decreases suddenly at the manifoldof Oxygen Concentra
When the discharge pressure at the pump drops to zero Analyzer

A sudden increase in the pressure of the liquidMulti-Gas Instruments

in a pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in flow rate
Personal Gas Monitors

6. Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro (1)

Sampling Procedures
Tanker pump room ventilation must be switched on at least how many minutes before entry ?
Safety Equipment
10 minutes
Breathing apparatus
15 minutes
Tank evacuating equipment
30 minutes
Protective clothing and equipment
One hour Resuscitators
Rescue and escape equipment
7. (1)
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
What is pour point ? Entering enclosed spaces
The temperature at which oil gets frozen Repair and maintenance work

The lowest temperature at which a petroleum Hot andremain

oil will cold work
Electrical safety
The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
The temperature at which oil needs to be heated
Treatment and Prevention
Dangers of skin contact
8. (1)
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
What is flash point ?
Fire response organization
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid.
General Emergency alarm
The temperature at which the gas is not flammable
Fire control plan and muster list
The temperature at which the liquid stops emitting gas
The temperature at which an explosion is not hazards
Cargo handling

9. Transportation (1)
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
What is a resuscitator ?
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Equipment to revive an unconscious person
Portable fire-fighting foam
To supply air to a person in a tank
Fixed dry chemical powder
Equipment to restore the breathing of a person overcome by gas or lack of oxygen
Spill containment
It is a rescue equipment for use in emergency
Cargo Operations
For Oil Tankers
10. (1)
Ship/Shore liasion
What is volatile petroleum ? Inerting operations
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 60 Degrees C operations
Discharging operations
Petroleum having a flashpoint above 100 Degrees C
Tank cleaning
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 100 Degrees C
Purging and gas freeing
Petroleum having a flashpoint below 60 Degrees C
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
Tank cleaning 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



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Drying agents DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Safety
1. Monitoring techniques (1)
Anti-static measures
How should steam pipes be protected in machinery spaces?
Cargo segregation
Cargo inhibition
They should be painted in different colours
Cargo Compatibility Specific Learning Objectives
Atmospheric control After going through this topic, student should be able to,
They should have placards to warn personnel
Gas Testing
They should be lagged Describe the gas measuring equipment used on tankers and their application on tankers
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Describe the use of safety equipment and PPE on tankers
Safety Know the safe working practices and procedures for tankers
2. (1)
Know the first-aid requirements on board tankers as per the advisory provided by the cargo MSDS
Gas measuring instruments
Measurement Introduction
What bare minimum should be done before working on electrical of Hydrocarbon Con
The topic of safety is perhaps the most important of all areas of knowledge in tanker operation. Thus, this
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
related to safety equipment, safety procedures and safe working practices. The cargo carried on tankers a
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis
present many hazards to human health and environment. And, with all safety precautions, accidents still ha
Switch off the mains and start working Non-Catalytic Heated Filament with any incidental injuries on board. The ship's crew must practice the safety drills and be inculcate work
Tankscope protective device. The gas monitoring equipment provides the early indication, if an enclosed space, such
Open the equipment and commence work. remains in a condition which is safe for work; thus, the maintenance of the gas monitoring and oxygen ana
devices are kept in good working order. Remember, one small mistake or error of judgment can cause cat
Complete electrical isolation checklist Infra-red (IR) Instruments damage to the environment.
Measurement of Low Concentration
3. Notes (1)
Draeger–tube system
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A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to theSensors
skin with charring present.How is this injury classified using standard medical terminology?

Dermal burn Fixed Gas Detection Installations

Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Third-degree burn
Oxygen Analyzer
Major burn
Multi-Gas Instruments
Lethal burn
Personal Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
4. (1)
Sampling Procedures
The change in resistance of hot filament in tankscope is displayed as :
Safety Equipment
% volume of oxygen
Breathing apparatus
% volume of inert gas Tank evacuating equipment
% volume of hydrocarbon Protective clothing and equipment

5. Rescue and escape equipment (1)

Basica knowledge
A static electrical charge can be built up within liquid as itof
is Safe working
being pumpedpract
and the charge will increase as pumping:
Entering enclosed spaces
velocity reduces Repair and maintenance work
velocity rises Hot and cold work

pressure decreases Electrical safety

flow reduces Basic knowledge of First-Aid

Treatment and Prevention

6. Dangers of skin contact (1)

Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Coverall is protective clothing which is popularly known as :
Fire response organization
General Emergency alarm
Fire control plan and muster list
boilersuit Communications
Fire hazards
7. (1)
Cargo handling
What is the typical measuring range for an oxygen analyzer?
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
10 ppm volume oxygen in air
Fixed fire-fighting foam
0 ~ 5% volume oxygen in air
Portable fire-fighting foam
0 ~ 25% volume oxygen in air Fixed dry chemical powder
0 ~ 100% volume oxygen in air Spill containment
Cargo Operations
8. (1)
For Oil Tankers
What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an
Ship/Shore unconscious patient?
Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding operations
to the buttocks, press the spine to find where it hurts

Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of theLoading operations
feet with a sharp object to check for reaction
Discharging operations
Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
Tank cleaning
Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
9. (1)
Cargo information
Oxygen in the atmosphere of the tank is used up when iron is converted into oxides during the corrosion process. What is required prior to entry.
Copious quantity of fresh air
Tank cleaning
Pressurized oxygen pumped
Space to be ventilated for 24 hours
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Space to have a minimum oxygen level for sustaining life
Organizational structure for emergency
10. (1)
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention
What is the first task to complete before commencing hot work? for Oil and Chemical
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes

To inform the Chief engineer Procedures to prevent pollution

Precautions to prevent pollution by
Work can be started without the need to carry out any other task
To complete a hot work permit 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



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Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

What does "CRS" stand for? Measurement of Hydrocarbon Con

Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Certified radio station.

Control room section.

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Coast radio station. Specific Learning Objectives
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe Oil and Chemical Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
Foam extinguishes a fire by Discuss Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquid
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
Heat removal or cooling Draeger–tube system Describe Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
Smothering or oxygen exclusion Electrochemical Sensors Describe Portable fire-fighting foam Operations

Flame inhibition Fixed Gas Detection Installations Explain Fixed dry chemical system Operations
Explain Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations
Measurement of Oxygen Concentra

3. Oxygen Analyzer (1)

A hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher is effective onMulti-Gas Instruments
burning oil only __________.
Any tanker fire incident is responded with a fire emergency preparedness, in-depth planning and practice dril
Personal Gas Monitors
if applied promptly under the Master, where each officer and crew members are part of a team, allocated with resources, skills a
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro discussed further.
if applied in connection with foam
Sampling Procedures
to prevent rekindling Composition of Emergency Teams
Safety Equipment
if attempts to extinguish the fire with low velocity fog have failed
Breathing apparatus Emergency organisation
Tank evacuating equipment Five core teams to deal with emergencies are given here. Variations may exist with different employers.
4. (1)
Protective clothing and equipment
1. Command team
Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extendResuscitators
it to the Fire Tetrahedon:
2. Emergency team
heat Rescue and escape equipment 3. Support and First Aid
chain reaction Basic knowledge of Safe working pract 4. Roving Team/Engine Room Ream
5. Crew for Rescue Boat
Entering enclosed spaces
Repair and maintenance work The command team will be on the bridge (called command centre) and take overall charge of all operation
Hot and cold work is necessary from each team to the Command Centre. Navigation, communication, maintenance of records
carried at this centre.
Electrical safety (1)
Basic knowledge of First-Aid The Emergency team would be divided into two, depending on the emergency. Where the emergency is in
Dry chemical extinguishes a fire by
Treatment and Prevention be the leader of the primary team and the Chief Officer would lead the back-up team. If the emergency is e
Heat removal or cooling of the primary team and the Second Engineer would lead the back-up team.
Dangers of skin contact
Smothering or oxygen exclusion Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
The Support and First team will look after administration of first aid if and when required. Prepare patient
Flame inhibition Fire response organization necessity to abandon ship at short notice. Shit where water-tight doors. Provide drinking water to those in
General Emergency alarm operations are sustained for a long period. Provide assistance anywhere else as directed by the command tea

6. Fire control plan and muster list

Roving Team/Engine Room Team will be under the Charge of the Chief Engineer. They attend to E/R s
Where is "EPIRB" fitted on the ship? Communications compartments on fire, shut off ventilation systems to compartments on fire. Provide assistance anywhere else
Fire hazards
Navigation bridge.
Cargo handling Crew for rescue boat: This team is mainly for man overboard. They will prepare the rescue boat and, on
Monkey island. lower the boat, rescue the man and get hoisted back on board.
Bridge wing
Compatibility with chemical cargoes Some employers list out various emergencies that could occur:
Fixed fire-fighting foam Explosion/fire, Man Overboard, Oil spill/Pollution, hull failure/flooding, Collision, Grounding/stranding, Pe
7. (1)
Portable fire-fighting foam failure, Piracy, Search & Rescue, Chemical/noxious cargo spill, Vapour emissions, Tank rescue, etc. and list o
What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system? teams in each such emergency.
Fixed dry chemical powder
Stop all pumps for deck foam system. Spill containment
Close all valves in the system. Cargo Operations Notes

Flush the system complete with sea water. For Oil Tankers Save Notes Font Name Font Size

Ship/Shore liasion

8. Inerting operations (1)

Loading operations
The most suitable extinguishing agent for Class A fires is:
Discharging operations
Tank cleaning
Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
Cargo information
9. (1)
What is expansion ratio of low expansion foam ? Discharging
20 : 1 Tank cleaning

40 : 1 Gas-freeing
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures (1)
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire by
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Heat removal or cooling
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Smothering or oxygen exclusion Procedures to prevent pollution
Flame inhibition Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/10 (13/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/10 (13/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Cargo Operations
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

When using the oxygen indicator, which reaction from the needle of Hydrocarbon
should Con
you expect as a sample is drawn into the instrument?
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
Rise to the correct reading and then, slowly fall to zero as the oxygen in the sample is consumed
Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Cargo Operations
Move back and forth and finally stabilize at the correct reading after about 10 seconds
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
Rise to the correct reading immediately and then rise slowly to a false reading as the Specific
operating Learning
temperature increases
Slowly rise to the correct reading and then remain stationary After going through this topic, student should be able to,
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Describe preparations before loading and discharging of cargo
2. Describe the loading operations on a oil/chemical tank ship (1)
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the unloading operation on an oil/chemical tank ship
ORB has to be regularly updated without delay and each completed page
Draeger–tube has to be
system Discuss the safety precautions for cargo loading and discharging operations
Signed by officer in charge and chief engineer Electrochemical Sensors Describe the ballasting / de-ballasting operations

Signed by officer in charge and Master Fixed Gas Detection Installations Describe the Crude Oil Washing operation
Describe the Chemical tank ship cargo tank cleaning operation
Signed by chief engineer and master Measurement of Oxygen Concentra
Discuss the inerting, venting, gas-freeing operation for tanks
Oxygen Analyzer
Signed by chief officer and chief engineer
Multi-Gas Instruments Introduction
It is during the ballast voyage that the cargo tanks are full of inert gas and sediments at the tank bottom. Th
Personal Gas Monitors (1)
3. Oil Washed) and got rid of cargo remains as sediments before the next cargo may be loaded. For thorough c
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro to be entered, the tanks are vented, made gas-free and oxygen rich (>21% by volume) before manual cleani
The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank is a ___________.
Sampling Procedures
suction end For crude oil, it may not be necessary to clean the tanks except the COW operation, before loading the
Safety Equipment
strainer maintained inert to avoid any possibility of combustion within the tank.
Breathing apparatus
bell-mouth Tank evacuating equipment After loading, a positive inert gas pressure on top of the tank ensures safe passage.
vacuum valve Protective clothing and equipment
4. Rescue and escape equipment (1)

Basic knowledge
The purpose of inert gas systems aboard tank vessels is to of Safe working pract
Entering enclosed spaces
allow sufficient oxygen in the tank to sustain life
Repair and maintenance work
prevent outside air from entering the tank
Hot and cold work
provide increase in cargo discharge pressure
Electrical safety
comply with double hull pollution prevention regulations
Basic knowledge of First-Aid
Treatment and Prevention
5. (1)
Dangers of skin contact
When stripping a tank, excessive air in the suction line may
Fire Safety and cause __________.
Fire Fighting operations
an over pressurized line Fire response organization
back pressure General Emergency alarm

loss of suction Fire control plan and muster list Introduction:

increase of suction
Fire hazards
Cargo handling (1)
What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere within a cargo tank is explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?
Compatibility with chemical cargoes
Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank
Fixed fire-fighting foam
Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis
Portable fire-fighting foam
Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer Fixed dry chemical powder

Use an explosimeter Spill containment

Cargo Operations

7. For Oil Tankers (1)

How does an inert gas system on a tanker function to liasion
prevent explosions in cargo tanks?
Inerting operations
De-energizes the "charged mist" effect.
Loading operations
Maintains a positive pressure on the vent header to cool the flammable vapors.
Discharging operations
Inert gas filters out the flammable vapors from the cargo tank spaces.
Tank cleaning
Inert gas dilutes the flammable vapor and air concentrations tofreeing
Purging and gas keep them below the lower explosive limit.

For Chemical Tankers

8. (1)
Cargo information
Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which willLoading

oil from flowing out of the tank vent Discharging

Tank cleaning
air from entering the tank vent
vapors from leaving the tank vent
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
flames on deck from entering the tank vent
Organizational structure for emergency
9. (1)
Emergency Procedures
A combustible gas indicator meter is calibrated to read the percentage of
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
vapor to oxygen Effects of pollution on human and mar
the flammable limit concentration Pollution from HNS cargoes
the autoignition concentration Procedures to prevent pollution

the lower explosive limit concentration Precautions to prevent pollution by


10. Checklist for maintenance of pollut (1)

Measures to be taken in the event of S
A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to
Report relevant information
make underwater repairs to barges
Spill-containment procedures
determine if the air in a tank is safe for men
Nine phases of spill response
enter areas that may contain dangerous fumesManagement
or lack oxygen
of spills on water
resuscitate an unconscious person Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1
11/13/2020 LMS



Close Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Hide TOC < Prev Next > QUIZ 0/8 (13/11/2020) HIGHLIGH Result : 0/8 (13/11/2020)
Safety DGS-OCTF: Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarisation > Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
1. Gas measuring instruments (1)

Procedures for ship's standard emergencies are documented in: of Hydrocarbon Con
Flammable Gas Monitors (Explo
P&A Manual.

IG and COW manuals.

Flammable Gas Monitors - Pellis Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
Non-Catalytic Heated Filament
ISM procedures. Specific Learning Objectives
After going through this topic, student should be able to,
2. (1)
Infra-red (IR) Instruments Explain the Organizational structure for emergency
The MFAG is published by the: Explain the various alarms for emergencies
Measurement of Low Concentration
Describe the Emergency Shut Down System ESDS
International Maritime Organisation Draeger–tube system Describe the Emergency Shut Down- Ship-Shore Link
World Health Organisation Electrochemical Sensors

United Nations Fixed Gas Detection Installations

International Labour Organisation Measurement of Oxygen Concentra A knowledge of the basic emergency actions that needs to be taken in case of Standard Ship emergencies
Oxygen Analyzer procedures. These include:-procedures for Fire, collision, grounding, cargo hose burst, accident involving pers

3. Multi-Gas Instruments (1)

All tankers & terminals procedures are to be ready for immediate implementation in the event an emerge
Personal Gas Monitors
Fire control plans etc., for emergency; find a statement that is vital when the tanker
is atofthe
terminal.which might be encountered in particular activities of tanker or terminal.
Gas Sample Lines and Sampling Pro
Fire control plans must be permanently displayedSampling Procedures
in prominent The clearly,
positions showing main procedures will the
for each deck, address Fire,
location while
and other procedures
particulars would equipment,
of all fire-fighting address incidents such
dampers, as hose
controls etc.or
flooding, men overcome by gas, breakouts of vessels, weather or blackouts.
Fire control plans should also be displayed, be readily available, outside the accommodation block for the assistance of shore-based fire-fighting personnel.
The ship's emergency contingency plan should alignapparatus
with a broader plan held The
by the companyshould
procedures management
also cover deployment of fire-fighting equipment, resuscitator & stretchers, together w
The procedures developed should anticipate evacuating
and cover theequipment
types of emergency which might be encountered in the activities and trade of the tanker or at terminals regularly visited.
Terminal Emergency Plan
Protective clothing and equipment

4. Resuscitators (1)
The plan would include:
Rescue and escape equipment
The emergency plan for a ship will be influenced by a number of factors: which one will have the largest impact?
Specific initial action to be taken by those at location of the emergency to report, contain & overcome t
Basic knowledge of Safe working pract
Procedures to be followed in mobilizing the resources of the terminal as required by the incident.
Risk assessment of the ship type and cargo Entering enclosed
( a vessel couldspaces
be old, or specialized like a combination carrier; the type of cargo that may cause hazard etc)
Alerting responsibility & procedures.
Known accident and incidents in shipping and and company
other maintenance work
Each terminal should have an Emergency Team whose duties would involve planning, implementing &
Experience and expertise of vessel masterHot and cold work
executing them.
Experience and expertise of ship board personnel safety
shore management
Basic knowledge of First-Aid Main points of initial response to an emergency should be conspicuously displayed on notices at strategic loca

5. Treatment and Prevention (1)

Dangers of skin contact Notes
The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the
Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
MARPOL Convention Save Notes Font Name Font Size
Fire response organization
SOLAS Convention
General Emergency alarm
CLC Convention
Fire control plan and muster list
Intervention Convention Communications
Fire hazards
6. (1)
Cargo handling
Emergency alarm signals are provided on tankers in case of the following; which one of these alarms will be of major importance on a double-hull tankship with empty ballast tanks?

Compatibility with chemical cargoes

High concentration of toxic or flammable vapors
Fixed fire-fighting foam
A discharge in engine-room or pumproom
Portable fire-fighting foam
When level of oxygen in inert gas entering dry chemical
Spill containment
High level of oil residues in overboard discharge
Cargo Operations

7. For Oil Tankers (1)

Ship/Shore liasion
Lung inflammation will cause:
Inerting operations
Breathlessness and drowsiness
Loading operations
Breathlessness and confusion
Discharging operations
Breathlessness and a dry cough Tank cleaning
Breathlessness and slurred speech Purging and gas freeing
For Chemical Tankers
8. (1)
Cargo information
When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must co-ordinate the rescue:

From inside the space Discharging

Tank cleaning
From the Bridge
From outside the space
Emergencies for Oil and Chemical Tankers
From the Engine Control Room
Organizational structure for emergency
Emergency Procedures
Pollution Prevention for Oil and Chemical
Effects of pollution on human and mar
Pollution from HNS cargoes
Procedures to prevent pollution
Precautions to prevent pollution by
Checklist for maintenance of pollut
Measures to be taken in the event of S
Report relevant information
Spill-containment procedures
Nine phases of spill response
Management of spills on water
Case Studies on oil and NLS ship emergen
Fire and Explosion
Collapsing of crew in Tanks
Other Case Studies 1/1



By admin - 5:31 pm  1880  1


    


The IBC code defines ____ types of chemical tankers.

1. 2
2. 3       *

3. 4 
4. None of the above

All VLCC normally has cargo tank heating arrangements as

1. Heating steam arrangement in the individuals tanks by steam circulation             *

2. Deck heaters electrically heated for circulation through heaters
3. Deck steam heater heated by steam circulation
4. None of the above

Tankers will have additional fireman outfits other than the normal requirement

1. 1
2. 2        *
3. 4
4. No excess is required

Chemical tankers are required to comply with the various safety aspects of

1. SOLAS chapter VI
2. SOLAS Chapter VII                *
3. SOLAS Chapter VIII
4. SOLAS Chapter V

If a cargo is of low Flash point it is said to be

1. Flammable    *
2. Poisonous
3. Toxic
4. Non-Flammable

What is the pump capacity depending on

1. Liquid velocity
2. Total pressure head            *
3. Liquid temperature
4. Suction pressure

 
As per definition of MARPOL Annex I, a crude oil means a tanker designed to carry _____

1. Crude oil and other dirty oil

2. Crude oil along with some refined products
3. Crude oil only              *
4. Crude oil bur alternately may carry at times dirty and clean oil products also.

What does code R stands in ship-shore safety checklist

1. Remarks
2. Request
3. Require
4. Rechecked          *

Clean ballast is normally

1. Ballast water loaded directly into a cargo tank after discharge

2. Ballast water loaded into cargo tanks which have been crude oil washed
3. Ballast water loaded into cargo tanks which have been crude oil and water washed               *
4. Ballast water loaded in designated tanks used only for that purpose

How can you determine which grades of cargo a tanker vessel is permitted to carry?

1. Check the loading order

2. Ask the terminal supervisor or his representative
3. Examine the cargo tanks and fittings
4. Refer to the vessels certificate of inspection.              *

A fire extinguishing product produced by first mixing a foam concentrate with water to produce a foam
solution is termed as

1. Light water           *
2. Halon 1301
3. Chemical form
4. DCP

High IG temperature trip is about 
1. 55oC
2. 65oC
3. 75oC                 *
4. 85oC

In the event of a pneumatic remote control failure in the inert gas plant I/P and E/P control

1. The inert gas plant must be operational within one hour of failure and the discharge may continue
2. The discharge may be immediately halted   *
3. The discharge rate may be reduced until the plant is repaired
4. The venting of IG can be set to maintain a predetermined pressure and the discharge

Which of the following describes a liquefied gas?

1. A liquid that needs to be store at absolute zero to prevent from becoming gases
2. A gas that is mixed with another substance that causes it to liquefy
3. A substance that at normal temperature and pressure would be a gas        *
4. A liquid that requires to be heated above normal ambient temperature to make it gases

Black oils are generally

1. Static accumulators
2. Static Non-Accumulators      *
3. Both
4. None of the above

Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the cargo record book for an oil and chemical tanker?

1. All cargo operations involving NLS or ballast if taken in cargo tanks

2. All cargo operations involving NLS       *
3. All liquid cargo and bunker operations
4. All petroleum cargo loading operations

Crude oil of ship consists different types of

1. Inorganic and Organic compounds

2. Oxygen and carbon 
3. Nitrogen and phosphorus
4. Hydrocarbons             *

Mast riser fire doesn’t normally occur during

1. Purging
2. Discharging               *
3. Loading
4. Venting inert gas pressure during normal pressure

When should employees be informed of the fire hazards to which they are exposed at work?

1. Upon the initial assignment        *

2. Within two days of the initial assignment
3. Within 30 days of the initial assignment
4. Within 90 days of the initial assignment

While discharging cargo, if the oxygen content within the inert gas main is above the SOLAS 1974
recommendations that they cannot reduce it, what would your actions be?

1. Continue with cargo operations

2. Call the chief engineer and continue with cargo operations
3. Stop all cargo operations    *
4. Call the master and continue with cargo operations

Dry certificate is a document issued at the discharge port by a representative of the consignee in charge


True       *

Inert gas system- A mechanical method of introducing inert gas into a vessel’s tanks on a tanker

True       *


 
Responsibility for the provision of SOPEP locker at an oil tanker rests with the

1. Chief engineer
2. Tanker cargo trading company
3. Pumpman of the vessel
4. Chief officer         *

When loading by gravity the last valve to be opened should be

1. For the cargo tank to be loaded into

2. The shore tank value
3. The Ship’s manifold value
4. The ship’s drop line value                     *

IG blowers are to be fitted with inlet and outlet valves in gas line with ______ seal

1. Copper
2. Aluminium             *
3. Leather
4. Rubber

The material remaining in vessel tanks, void spaces, and/or pipelines prior to loading. On board quantity
includes water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water emulsions, sludge, and sediment

1. Remaining un Pumpable (RUP)

2. Slop quantity (SMQ)
3. Sludge quantity (SLQ)
4. Onboard quantity (OBQ)            *

After extinguishing a paint locker fire using the fixed CO2 system, the next step should be

1. Opened and burned material removed

2. Left closed with vents off until all boundaries are cool      *
3. Checked for the proper oxygen level
4. Opened and doused with water to prevent re-flash

_________ is considered as best material for IG blower impeller 
1. Chromium
2. Steel                *
3. Titanium
4. Aluminium

When starting a positive displacement pump, the discharge valve must be ______

1. Cracked open
2. Half open
3. Fully open      *
4. Fully  close

The bursting pressure of new cargo hoses is required to be

1. 5 times working pressure                 *

2. 3 times working pressure
3. 4 times working pressure
4. 2 times working pressure







    

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By admin - 7:54 am

The heat given to or given up by the substance in changing state is called

a. Conduction

b. Fusion

c. Latent heat      *

d. Solidification

What is the use of IGS interlock switch in inert gas system?

a. To avoid running inert gas when oxygen content increased to 8% volume    *

b. For using inert gas in gas free mode

c. If the tank pressure in IGS system drops to 100 mm of water gauge cargo oil pump will trip

d. Atmosphere valve will get fully open if oxygen content increase to 8% by volume

A centrifugal pump requires priming…………

a. To initially unload the pump by having its head pressure equal to discharge pressure

b. Due to the inability of this type of pump to lift water to cover the suction eye of the impeller        *

c. In order to overcome the potential energy of water in the discharge line

d. Primary to lubricate the shaft seal

Segregated or dedicated blast

a. It is meant by segregation of dirty and clean blast

b. It is meant by individual tank blast water in tanks which has been exchanged and which are yet

c. It is the standard quantity of ballast maintained by any ship in a repeated voyage in the same trade

d. It is the ballast kept in tanks segregated from cargo pipes and tanks     *

ISGOTT stands for

International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals     *

International safety guide for oil tankers and terminal

International safety guide for gas and oil tankers

International safety guide for oil terminals

One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system be fitted.
According to regulations supply of an inert gas system can have portable connection to which spaces
other than cargo tank?

1. Every cargo tank

2. Every cargo tank, Slop tank and cofferdam

3. Every  cargo tank and slop tank   *

4. Every cargo tank, slop tank, cofferdam and ramp spaces

During cargo operations, wind blowing may ___________

1. Lower the temperature of oil cargo

2. Form eddies containing petroleum vapour  *

3. Decrease air pressure in cargo tank

4. Increase air pressure in cargo tank

Is slop tanks included in total cargo capacity?

1. Only on cleaning blast tankers

2. Yes it is *

3. Only segregated blast tankers

4. No it is not

During gas dispersion, if  chemical reaction between gas and liquid phase is needed, then the
preferred choice is
a. Agitated vessel  *

b. Sparked vessel

c. Tray tower

d. Wetted wall column

It is a rule that the inert gas supply was to the cargo tanks must be provided for

1. Drainage of the inert gas

2. Fitting blind or spectacle flange

3. Securing and locking in a closed position *

4. Easy removal and inspection.

Cause of uncontrolled liquid or vapour release can occur through

a. Overfilling of tanks

b. Unforeseen opening of safety release valves, bursting hose or cargo piping fracture

c. Tank or pipe leakage

d. All of the above *

What is the best method for extinguishing fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas?

a. Cooling the gas below the ignition point

b. Stopping the flow of gas        *

c. Interrupting the chain reaction

d. Cutting of the supply of oxygen

A bigger spell of LPG will be eligible as a______ which is condensed water vapour from the atmosphere

a. White cloud      *

b. Blue cloud

c. Black cloud

d. None of these

A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partially open valve in order to

a. Minimise     *

b. Maximise

c. Increase

d. none
in IG, the mass of the water vapour contained in a given volume of saturated gas depends on the ____
of the gas

a. temperature                           *

b. pressure

c. volume

d. velocity

that part of the ship which contains the cargo containment system, cargo pumps, compressor room
containment system, excluding where fitted, cofferdams, ballast tanks and void spaces at the after
end of forward most hold space are known as

a. cargo containment

b. cargo area   *

c. motor room

d. none of the above

The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to

a. Major pressure or suction levels in cargo tanks

b. Enable load or discharge of oil without opening sighting ports

c. Provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres          *

d. Provide an audible alarm in the event of pressure build up

What should an emergency plan should be directed to?

a. The rescue and treatment of casualties and safeguarding others

b. Minimising damage to ship, property and environment

c. Containing and bringing the incident under control

d. All of the above            *

Why the carriage and usage of hand gas lighters are provided on board oil and chemical tankers?
What is used for igniting a fire?

a. Intrinsically safe lighters are used to test the heat and flame detectors

b. Safety igniters are used for lighting out gas torches before heat work

c. Safety matches are available to use in the designated smoking area            *

d. Both A and C

An enclosed space in the cargo area external to a cargo containment system room or any space in
normal use by personnel is called
a. Accommodation

b. Gas free area

c. Void space          *

d. None of the above

What are consequences of high oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation?

a. The plant s shutdown

b. The pressure control valve and the fire isolating valves will automatically close

c. The alarm in CCR will sound loud and plant will auto stop       *

d. The deck demand valve will automatically close, the atmosphere purge valve will open and furnace
press pressure control valve will close

The static suction head of a pump is the____

a. Distance the suction liquid level is below the centre line of the pump    *

b. Amount in inches of mercury the total section head is below atmospheric pressure

c. Force necessary to overcame frictional losses in the pump and piping

d. Distance of the suction liquid level above the centreline of the pump

How can you determine which grades of cargo tank vessel is permitted to carry?

a. Check the loading order

b. Ask the terminal supervisor or his representative

c. Examine the cargo tanks and fittings

d. Refer to the vessel’s certificate of inspection            *

When cargo discharge into pressurized storage cargo booster pump and cargo heater runs in ___ with
the cargo pump

a. Series                  *

b. Parallel

c. Equally

d. None

Life boat should have

a. 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30m buoyant line                 *

b. 2 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15m buoyant line

c. 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 30m buoyant line

d. 1 buoyant rescue quoits attached not less than 15m buoyant line

A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inert by introducing inert gas through a process known

a. Evaporation

b. Dilution

c. Displacement              *

d. Precipitation

What kind of extinguishing remedy should you choose to put out electrical fire?

a. Water

b. Dry powder          *

c. Foam

d. Combination of water mist and CO2

The build up of wet solids on the IG blower impeller blade tips indicates____ problems

a. Baffles

b. Deck seal

c. Demister     *

d. None of the above

Third degree of burn is destruction of skin and possible under laying fat, muscle

a. True         *

b. False

In a scrubber, ______ is readily observed by water

a. SO2                      *

b. SO3

c. SO4

d. SOx

Sr. No.
Question Choice_a Choice_b Choice_c Choice_d Ans Marks Remarks

Which type of ship does not require protective tank location Type 4 ship C
1 Type 1 ship Type 2 ship Type 3 ship
Category of NLS if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning would present a
Category Z Category X Category W Category Y B
major hazard is

Which one of these materials are not used in cargo tank construction Lined steel Stainless Steel Mild Steel Dead Steel D

Which of these are not used as tank coating Epoxy coating Polyester coting Marine Line Leaded Primer D

NLS are prohibited for discharge in Baltic Sea Red Sea Antartic area All of these C

Wall wash test is carried out by HC test Chloride test Permnaganate-time test All of these D

OEL stands for Occupational Exposure limit Occupational Exclusive limit Occupy Exception limit Occupational Explosive limit A

Spilled acid residue can be neutralised with Sodium Carbonate (Soda ash) Calcium carbonate Caustic Soda None of the above A

Documents to be refered prior loading are MSDS & IBC code ch-17 Certification of Fitness P & A manual All of the above D
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produced solution over 60% but not over 7% by mass Dedicated ship and no other
Type 3 tanks Top side tanks All of the above A
shall be carried cargo will be carried

A chemical tanker can carry chemicals listed in IBC code ch-17 Ship's Certificate of Fitness SOLAS chapter VII All of the above B
After permission from After permission from the Flag
A ship can carry chemicals which are not listed in IBC code IMO Without any permission B
Classification Society state administration
Protective clothing, boots,
PPE on a Chemical Tanker shall has minimum of SCBA Chemical suite All of these D
gloves & googles
W.r.t. washing, maximum throughput for a Portable tank cleaning and nozzle
100 m3/hr & 30 m3/hr 60 m3/hr & 30 m3/hr 60 m3/hr & 17.5 m3/hr 100 m3/hr & 17.5 m3/hr C

MSDS should include Fire fighting measures First Aid measures Transportation information All of the above D

In case of a fire on a chemical tanker most common medium used is Water Spray CO2 AFFF Alcohol resistant foam D
Regulation for the control of
Control of pollution by harmful Regulation for prevention of Regulation for prevention of
Identify correct Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 pollution by noxious liquid D
substances in bulk pollution by sewage from ship pollution by garbage from ships
substances in bulk
Avoid all possible skin contact
When handling toxic or poisonous cargoes wear proper PPE Refer MSDS All of above D
with the cargo
Maximum limit of toxic agent to which an individual can be exposed for a very
brief(emergency) period of time is
Filling of cargo tank & associated pipping system with nitrogen after loading to
Inerting Paddling Drying Pickling B
reduce oxygen content, i.e space above cargo is known as

IBC code is applicable to ships built before Ist july 1986 after Ist july 1986 After Ist december 1990 before Ist december 1990 B

What is the explosive range of chemicals carried in Type I cargo greater than 40 % greater than 50 % greater than 60 % less than 40 % B
what should be the maximum residue left on board for NLS liquids according to
50 litres 100 litres 75 litres 150 litres C
latest regulations

P & A Manual is approved by Flag State Administration Classification Society IMO UN A

For which category of chemicals is pre washing done prior to discharging residue
Category W Category Y Category X Category Z C
to shore facility

Which one is not the roblem caused by overheating of cargo while discharging Pump gets overheated Gasket or gland is destroyed unloading takes longer time Vapour amy form C
Which of these in not caused by Vegetable or Animal oil carried in chemical It reduces the Oxygen by Decomposes to release toxic Carbon monoxide may be Releases vapors which are highly
Tanker oxidation gases produced when overhteated combustible
Increase generation of Static
Recirculated wash water should not be reused because it may Washing will not be proper It may affect the Tank coating None of the above A

Why Nitrogen is considered dangerous It is inert Odorless & colourless Marginally lighter than air All of the above D
Which category of NLS if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning would
Category W Category X Category Y Category Z D
present a minor hazard
that are in prtotective location
Acids shall be carried only in compartments On type 1 or type 2 ships and not adjacent to ships hull with corrossion resistant tanks all of these D
31 sides
Openings shall be 15 m form any May be reduced to 3m above
Openings shall be 6 m above
Where High velocity vent are fitted air intake of accomodation & deck with an exit velocity of All of the above D
serive spaces atleast 30 m/s
May not pass through other We disconnect from other cargo
On a chemical tanker individual loading lines may Pass through ballast tanks Pass through other cargo tanks D
cargo tanks tanks

On a chemical tanker , Inert gas may be provided by Stored Nitrogen IGG with dry type deck seal Nitrogen from shore All of these D

individual tank pressure or

IBC code chapter 17 indicates tank types for individual products which are Independent tank type Gravity tank Type all of these D
gravity type shown as 1G or 1P
means tank having designed
Tank in which cargo is filled by
Gravity tanks pressure not more than 0.07 greater than 0.07 Mpag Tank at atmospheric pressure A
36 Mpag
Tank in which high pressure Tank which is pressurised before
Pressure tanks means greater than 0.07 Mpag Less than 0.07 Mpag A
cargo is carried loading
shall be compatible with cargo &
Liquid & vapor hoses shall be of Mild Steel coated of synthetic material D
suitable for cargo temperature
5 times the maximum pressure
Cargo hoses shall be tested to 125 Psi to MWAP 10 bar the hose is subjected during D
cargo transfer

tank cleaning on chemical carriers is mostly done in inerted atmosphere in overrich atmosphere in lean atmosphere in undefined atmosphere D
gives special requiremnets where
IBC chapter 15 gives definitions gives venting requirements specific reference is made in gives operational requiremnets C
column 'o' of ch-17
in a designated space with
Cells divided to avoid shifting of
Stowage of chemical sample shall be material resistant to chemicals Adequately ventilated All of these D
such cargoes shall not be carried
where cargoes are heat sensitive or where there is possibility of polymerisation
Heating coils shall be blanked off in deck tanks which are not Shall not be carried in deck tanks All of these D
or required to avoid elevated temperatures

Anniversary date of Certificate means issued date date of expiry the annual date the birth date B
Any liquid chemical designated as
presenting a safety hazard based
Dangerous chemicals means Any chemical liquid Liquid od specific density All chemicals D
on safety criteria for assigning
productsto IBC ch-17
any substance indicated in Any substance accessed in
Any substance with acute
NLs means pollution category column of IBC MARPOL annexe-II under All of these D
aquatic toxicity
ch-17 &18 categories of X, Y & Z
Substances, solutions or mixtures
Chemical wastes carried for
chemical wastes carried for containing or contaminated with
Liquid chemical wastes are defined as All of thes dumping incineration or other A
disposal other than at sea one or more constituents subject
methods of disposal.
to requirements of IBC code

Which are the Hazards of chemical cargoes Toxic & corrosive Flammable Self reactive All of these D
The maximum throughput for water washing of cargo tanks with portable
< 110 CuM / hr > 110 CuM / Hr not necessary < 60 Cu.m / hr D
machines is

Maximum capacity of a cargo tank on Type 1 ships is 1250 Cu.m 3500 Cu.m 3000 Cu.m no limit A

TWA means Travel with agreement Time weighted average Time weighetd allowance None of these B
Average overa Normal work day
what is the citerea for the average period used in TWA 10 hrs 1 hour 24 hours C
of 8 hours

Tank cleaning methods include Direct injection Recirculation Spraying All of these D
during inerting, purging
Tank atmosphere evaliuation is to carried out before prior entry of personnel continuously during man entry All of these D
operations, gas freeing ops
for cleaning lines & seperating
The "PIG" is used to increase load rates for safety of hazardous cargoes No such thing A

30% detergent & emulgator, 20% detergent & emulgator, 40% detergent & emulgator, 10% detergent & emulgator,
A solvent cleaner for tank cleaning composes of B
70% solvent 80% solvent 60% solvent 90% solvent
MTBE, Benzene, Acids, Acetone,
Following are carried on chemical tankers crude oil Fuel oil product Kerosene Oil A
Chemical Distribution Institute
Full form of CDI is common direct injection completely diffused instrument Chemical distribution information C
registered in netherlands
certificate of financial
COF stands for Certificate of flamables Certificate of fitness Chemical operartions firm C
Procedures and arrangments
Chemicals permitted to be carried on board chemical tankers are found in NLS certificate of fitness IBC code Chapter 17 All of these D
An additive that reduces or
An Inhibitor is retards cargo deterioration or A substance that prevents fire A solution for cleaning An inerting gas A

Asphyxia may be caused by Inhalation of Toxic gases Oxygen deprivation Smoke inhalation All of these D
Short term Exposure limit over a short term exposure limit over
STEL means Short term explosion level shore tank extreme limit A
period of 15 mins one work day
Chemicals that can be carried on Chemicals to which the IBC code
IBC Chapter 18 refers to Banned substances Sepeicfications of chemicals B
chemical tankers conditions does not apply

Removing Oxides and Iron contamination from stainless steel is Oxidation Reduction Pickling Padding C

Padding is a term for Removal of Nitrogen Stripping of residues Adding Nitrogen blanket cladding steel structures C
Cooling is achieved by heat
At Dew point during condensation Heat is absorbed and released Heat is released none B

The rate at which a burning liquid reduces depends on Burning rate of Gas above it Boiling rate Flash point rate of level decrease A
A product with Flash point of 70 degrees C when handled within 10 degrees of
Non Volatile as Fl pt. >60C Volatile Flamable Non Flamable B
the Flash point is considered to be

When disconnecting chemical hoses from manifolds one must wear Chemical protection suit CABA set Personal toxic monitor all of these D
Where chemicals do not fall under any hazardous pollution category they are
Category X Category Y (OS) Category Z C
listed in MARPOL Annex II as

Gas free certificate, Dry docking,

Purposes for which tank cleaning is done are Change of cargo grades tank inspections All of these D
man entry, Hotwork

Petrochemicals, Vegetable Oils &

fats, Acids and Inorganic
Chemicals carried in tankers may be divided into 4 groups Organic compaounds hydrocarbons Bitumen A
chemicals, Alcohols and

A clean certificate for a tank prior loading is issued by captain Surveyor Port Authorities Chief engineer B
At least 12 miles from land and Through below water discharge
Marpol Annex II residues may be dischrged to sea when vessel is making at least 7 knots all of these D
in 25 metres of water arrangement
Marine First Aid guide giving first
marine guide for chemical manual for arrangements and Marine flamables guide for
MFAG is a guide that gives aid measures for shipboard A
carriers garbage explosives
76 accidents

kept in fire protected kept in cellular shelves to protect kept in containers that will not
All chemical samples stored on board must be All of these B
compartment from spillage react with stored chemical

Residues shall not be discharged Tank shall be Pre Washed till wash water must be discharged
Where Marpol Annex II pollution Category X is discharged and tank washed All of these D
to sea residue is <0.1% to shore facility only
Storage of Moderately
Tanks with Cubic capacity of 3000 Cu. Metres are used for Highly hazardous Chemicals Hydrocarbons Non Flamables A
Hazardous Chemicals

Tanks with maximum capacity of 3000 cubic metres are Type 1 tanks Pressure Tanks Type 2 Tanks Slop tanks C

Integral tanks are Built in with the ship's structure Floating type Independantly placed double bottom tanks A
A Chemical tanker can discharge category Y, Z and OS washing to sea anywhere
mediterranean sea Antartica Baltic sea None of these B
Water padding of 760 mm
When carrying Phosphorous vessel must provide Inert Gas Nitrogen Oxygen balnket A
above the cargo

By segregating non compatible

How will you protect against effects of non compatibility between chemical By use of completely segregated
chemicals as per the By not loading in adjacent tanks All of these D
during transport and storage pipeline systems
compatibilty matrix

Soda Ash {Sodium Carbonate} is used to neutralise Acid Residues Petrol fumes Carbon residues Sodium traces A

STEL for Benzene vapours is < 5 ppm < 1 ppm < 15 ppm NIL A

Maximum working pressure of Chemical cargo hoses should not exceed 5 psi 1 Mpa 10 Mpa 7.5 Bar B
On Bitumen Carriers to heat For cargoes that require to be By heating in special Thermal oil
Thermal oil is used All of these D
Bitumen cargoes heated in excess of 100 degs C Boilers
Constituents of the tank
Tank information to be obtained during tank atmosphere evaluation Flamability & Reactivity Toxicity or Oxygen Defficiency All of these D

Types of pumping equipment used on chemical tankers Centrifugal pumps Positive displacement pumps Deep well pumps All of these D

Tank spill valves must be kept open at all times closed at all times regulated none of these B
not performed on chemical
Cold water wash is performed at Ambient temperatures 40 - 50 degs C below freezing A

Wash water that has been

Wash water that has been
Hot water wash shall be taken to mean Wash water of 35 degs C heated but maintained below 50 Untreated Wash water A
heated to above 60 degs C
degs C

Chemical tanker washing of tanks is mostly done in Inert atmospheres in overrich atmosphere In Undefined atmospheres In nitrogen filled atmosphere C
For cargoes that have low or no
Type 3 Tanker cargo tanks are have high hazard used for HCs only those that can carry fuel oils A
When using Breathing devices as protection against Toxic gases the equipment Cannister / Filter type of Gas
CABA sets ELSA sets Resuscitator B
prohibited for use is masks
Activate Emergency stop devices
In all cases of spillage Raise Alarm Evacuate the area All of these D
for pumps
SOLAS requirement for number of air exchanges for a chemical tanker pump
25 per hour 30 per hour 20 per hour 45 per hour B
when there is any leakage in the when carrying highly volatile
45 air excahnges are required for chemical tanker pump rooms when Carrying highly Toxic cargoes Not required A
pump room cargo

To survive any damage along the Except between Engine room

In cases of breaching of hull and damage Type 1 & Type 2 ships are required To have sufficient stability All of these D
length of the hull Bulkheads

When required to dry tank bottom use Nitrogen padding Use mops Use Formaldihyde solution use Tank clean A
Chemicals the vessel may load Pumping and line system
Load, Discharge, Venting, Tank
P & A Manual contains and tanks they may be loaded drawings, tank wash machine All of these D
cleaning procedures
into locations

The Venting rate required is 1.25 times the rate of loading less than loading rate 3500 Cu.m per hour not required as VRS is used A
vapour Return Line system must be monitored for temperature Pressure Drop for loading rate Oxygen content All of these D

Yellow painted presentation By the stud for accepting By the word VAPOUR stencilled
Vapour Return System is identified by All of these D
manifold with RED band. reducers on the manifold


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