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Version: 1.

1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

EDFA Network Management Interface

Operation Manual

(ver 1.1)
Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Table of Contents

REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 4

OPERATION MANUAL ........................................................................................................................................ 4

1. CLI COMMAND REFERENCE .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 VIEW SYSTEM INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.1 help ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2 history ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.3 show version .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.4 show ipaddr ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.5 show user ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.6 show snmp ............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.7show devicename ................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.8 show alarm ............................................................................................................................................ 8
1.1.9 uptime .................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 CONFIGURING SYSTEM INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.1 clr ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.2 set dhcp .................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.2.3 set ipaddr ............................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.4 ping ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.5 reboot ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.6 user add ............................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.7 user del ................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.8 chpwd ................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.9 login ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2.10 logout ................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.2.11 set snmp ............................................................................................................................................ 11
1.2.12 set devicename ................................................................................................................................. 12
1.3 VIEW DEVICE PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................................. 13
1.3.1 show edfa all ....................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.2 show edfa sn ....................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.3 show edfa temperature ...................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.4 show edfa optical ................................................................................................................................ 13
1.3.5 show edfa pump ................................................................................................................................. 14
1.3.6 show edfa opmode ............................................................................................................................. 14
1.3.7 show olp all .......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3.8 show olp sn .......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3.9 show olp optical .................................................................................................................................. 16
1.3.10 show olp opmode ............................................................................................................................. 16
1.4 CONFIGURING DEVICE PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................ 16
1.4.1 set edfa opmode ................................................................................................................................. 16
1.4.2 set edfa pinth ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

1.4.3 set edfa poutth .................................................................................................................................... 17

1.4.4 set edfa apcpower .............................................................................................................................. 17
1.4.5 set olp opmode ................................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.6 set olp [r1th|r2th] ............................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.7 set olp [r1swth|r2swth] ..................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.8 set olp poutth ...................................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.9 set olp autoreturntime ....................................................................................................................... 19
2. WEB SERVICE ................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.1 Device MONITOR ..................................................................................................................................... 20
2.2 Device Status ............................................................................................................................................. 21
2.3 Device Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 22
2.4 Network Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 23
2.5 User Management ..................................................................................................................................... 24
2.6 SNMP Management ................................................................................................................................... 24
2.7 Modify Password ....................................................................................................................................... 24
3. SNMP REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 SNMP Mib definition (Support SnmpV2 base on UDP Connection) ......................................................... 25
3.2 SNMP Trap Definition ............................................................................................................................... 29

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Revision History

Revision Date Notes

(1) Use new hardware and rewrite main program modules

1.0 2012-11-19 (2) Support SNMP V2C based on UDP
(3) Rewrite code of WEB Monitor.

1.1 2013-04-08 (1)Add some OIDS to SNMP.

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

The EDFA series supports CLI, SNMPv2C as well as Web Browser protocol. The available 10/100
Ethernet Interface enables online configuration of the products and offers customers good

Operation Manual
1. CLI COMMAND Reference

To access the CLI, you will require:

 Telnet software for an IP connection (for Windows, Telnet or HyperTerminal)

 Connection via an Ethernet or RS 232

RS232 is set at the baud rate of 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.

Ethernet Port Configuration: 23

 System password to login, if required.

Login user roles include:

Guest: only read base information.

General User: read and configure system information, modify user password.

Super User: In addition to the general user rights, as well as create / delete user privileges.

The user-level prompt consists of the device host name followed by the angle bracket (>).

When a command generates a report (including help messages) that is too long to fit onto your
screen, use these keystrokes to move through the pages of the report.

Keyboard shortcuts are not case-sensitive.

Press… To…
? Provides help tailored to the current command you are entering. For example, if
you are part way through typing a command, it will show you the valid syntax to
complete it.
Up/down Moves back and forth through previously issued commands.
Tab To speed up entry of commands, you need only enter enough of the

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

command so that the CLI can uniquely recognize it, or press TAB and the CLI
will automatically complete the current keyword for you. For example: The
PROFILE command can be shortened to PROF. Pressing TAB expands it to
1.1 View System Information

1.1.1 help

Description: List all of command requested.

Permission: Guest/General User/Super User

Example: help

Answer: Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering a question mark '?'. If
nothing matches, the help list will be empty.

Two styles of help are provided:

1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument <e.g. 'show ?'> and
describes each possible argument.

2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered and you want to know what
arguments match the input <e.g. 'show v?'>

1.1.2 history

Description: Display ten commands that user used recently.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: history

1. ?
2. clr

1.1.3 show version

Description: View the optical switch system version information.

Permission: Guest/General User/Super User

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Example: show version

Answer: Product Type :EDFA-TV

Serial Number : 735897

Hardware Version : 01.01

Firmware Version : 01.02

Manufacturing Date : 2012-06-04

Calibration Date : 2012-06-04

1.1.4 show ipaddr

Description: Display system IP address .

Permission: Guest/General User/Super User

Example: show ipaddr

Answer: IP Address :

Net Mask :

Gateway :

DNS1 :

DNS2 :

MAC Addr. : 00-1d-2b-f8-20-11

1.1.5 show user

Description: List all CLI and WEB User.

Permission: General User/Super User

Format: User Name : usename

Example: show user

Answer: User Name : admin123

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

User Name : user1

User Name : user2

User Name : user3

1.1.6 show snmp

Description: Display some information about snmp

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: show snmp

Example: show snmp

Answer: SNMP Version : V2C

SNMP agent status : Enabled

SNMP agent RO community : public

SNMP agent RW community : admin

SNMP trap status : Enabled

SNMP trap host 01 :

SNMP trap host 02 :

SNMP trap host 03 :

1.1.7show devicename

Description: show the name of device

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show devicename

Answer: device name: edfa123

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

1.1.8 show alarm

Description: Show current alarm

Alarm type: Pin/Pout/Temp/Supply A/Supply B / Equipment /Fan 1/ Fan 2/Fan 3

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show alarm

Input power alarm

1.1.9 uptime

Description: Display the time since the host has started.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: uptime

Answer: 0 Day 0 Hour 13 Minute 8 Second.

1.2 Configuring System Information

1.2.1 clr

Description: Clear the message displayed on the terminal screen.

Permission: Guest/General User/Super User

1.2.2 set dhcp

Description: Configure dhcp enable or disable.

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: set dhcp [enable|disable]

Example: set dhcp enable

Answer: Start DHCP client ...

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

1.2.3 set ipaddr

Description: Configure the system IP address and subnet mask.

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: ipaddr A.B.C.D netmask A.B.C.D

Example: set ipaddr

Answer: IP Address[]:


Gateway address[]:

DNS 1[]:

DNS 2[]:

Are you sure to save the network settings?(y|n)'[n]:y

Network configuration is set successfully

1.2.4 ping

Description: Query whether a destination host exists.

Permission: Guest/General User/Super User

Command: ping A.B.C.D

Example: ping

Answer: is alive!

1.2.5 reboot

Description: Restart system.

Permission: General User/Super User

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Example: reboot

Answer: This system will reboot soon...

1.2.6 user add

Description: Add user to CLI and WEB.

Permission: Super User

Command: user add user_name

Example: user add user3

Answer: Please input the password of user user3:******

Please input the password again******

User user3 is added successfully.

Note: The max count user is four.

1.2.7 user del

Description: Delete user in CLI and WEB.

Permission: Super User

Command: user del user_name

Example: user del user3

Answer: User user3 is deleted successfully.

1.2.8 chpwd

Description: Modify the password of the current CLI and web user.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example : chpwd

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Answer: ->Please input old admin password:*****

->Please enter the new password(5 -15characters):*****

->Please confirm your new password:*****

Admin password is changed successfully!

1.2.9 login

Description: User login to access the corresponding function.

Permission: Guest

Command: Username


Example: login

Answer: Username: admin

Password: *****

(Default: username: admin password: admin)

1.2.10 logout

Description: User logout of the system

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: logout

1.2.11 set snmp

Descirption: Set some information about snmp.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: set snmp

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Answer: Enable SNMP agent?(y|n)[y]:y

SNMP RO Community[public]:public

SNMP RW Community[admin]:private

Enable SNMP trap?(y|n)[y]:y

SNMP Host-0 IP[]:

SNMP Host-1 IP[]:

SNMP Host-2 IP[]:

Are you sure to save the SNMP settings?(y|n)'[n]:y

SNMP configuration is set successfully!Restart to active. Reboot system now?(y|n


User cancelled reboot. Will active after next reboot.


When you change SNMP agent status, you must reboot the module to take it effect.

1.2.12 set devicename

Descirption: Set the name of device.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: set devicename


Please input new device name[0-13 characters]:edfa

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Set device name Successfully!!

1.3 View Device Parameters

1.3.1 show edfa all

Description: Display all edfa parameters.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show edfa all

Answer: Serial Number : 798645

Temperature : 25.3 C


1.3.2 show edfa sn

Description: Display the edfa serial number.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show edfa sn

Answer: Serial Number : 734445

1.3.3 show edfa temperature

Description: Display the temperature of EDFA module.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show edfa temperature

Answer: Temperature: 25.3 C

1.3.4 show edfa optical

Description: Display the EDFA optical parameters.

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: show edfa optical

Example: show edfa optical


Input power : -9.1 dBm

Input power Th. : -35.0 dBm

Output power : 17.0 dBm

Output power Th. : -10.0 dBm

APC power setting : 17.0 dBm

1.3.5 show edfa pump

Description: Display parameters about pump.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show edfa pump

Answer: Pump01 current : 405.6 mA

Pump01 temperature : 25.3 C

Pump01 cooler current : 1037.6 mA

Pump02 current : 398.4 mA

Pump02 temperature : 25.3 C

Pump02 cooler current : 1312.7 mA

1.3.6 show edfa opmode

Description: Display the work mode of EDFA module.

Permission: General User/Super User

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Example: show edfa opmode

Answer: Operation Mode: APC

1.3.7 show olp all

Description: View all olp parameters.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show olp all

Answer: Serial Number : 353535

Working Mode : Auto Reversion

Working Line : 2

R1 Power : -32.5 dBm

R1 Power Th. : -70.0 dBm

R1 Switch Th. : -30.0 dBm

R2 Power : 11.9 dBm

R2 Power Th. : -70.0 dBm

R2 Switch Th. : -70.0 dBm

Output Power : 5.3 dBm

Output Th. : -50.0 dBm

AutoReturnTime: 5 seconds

1.3.8 show olp sn

Description: View the olp serial number.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show olp sn

Answer: Serial Number : 353535

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

1.3.9 show olp optical

Description: View the OLP optical parameters.

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: show olp optical

Example: show olp optical


R1 Power : -32.5 dBm

R1 Power Th. : -70.0 dBm

R1 Switch Th. : -30.0 dBm

R2 Power : 11.9 dBm

R2 Power Th. : -70.0 dBm

R2 Switch Th. : -70.0 dBm

Output Power : 5.3 dBm

Output Th. : -50.0 dBm

1.3.10 show olp opmode

Description: Display the work mode of OLP module

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: show olp opmode

Answer: Working Mode : Auto Reversion

1.4 Configuring Device Parameters

1.4.1 set edfa opmode

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Description: Configure the mode of operating ACC or APC.

Permission: General User/Super User

Command : set edfa opmode [APC|ACC]

Example: set edfa opmode ACC

Answer: Working mode setting successfully.

1.4.2 set edfa pinth

Description: Configure alarm threshold for edfa pin.

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: set edfa pinth value

Example: set edfa pinth -4

Answer: Input power threshold setting successfully.

1.4.3 set edfa poutth

Description: Configure pout alarm threshold under ACC Mode.

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: set edfa poutth value

Example: set edfa poutth 15

Answer: Output power threshold setting successfully.

1.4.4 set edfa apcpower

Description: Configure Output Power under APC Mode.

Permission: General User/Super User

Example: set edfa apcpower 21

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Answer: APC power setting successfully.

1.4.5 set olp opmode

Description: Set the mode of operating

(1: noautoreturn, 2: AutoReturn, 3: manual)

Permission: General User/Super User

Command : set olp opmode [1|2|3]

Example: set olp opmode 1

Answer: Working mode setting successfully.

1.4.6 set olp [r1th|r2th]

Description: Set R1 or R2 alarm threshold(unit: dBm).

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: set olp [r1th|r2th] value

Example: set olp r1th -35

Answer: R1 power threshold setting successfully.

1.4.7 set olp [r1swth|r2swth]

Description: Set R1 or R2 switch alarm threshold(unit: dBm).

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: set olp [r1swth|r2swth] value

Example: set olp r1swth -31

Answer: R1 switch threshold setting successfully.

1.4.8 set olp poutth

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Description: Set output power alarm threshold(unit:dBm).

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: set olp poutth value

Example: set olp poutth -10

Answer: Output threshold setting successfully.

1.4.9 set olp autoreturntime

Description: Set return time under autoreturn Mode.(unit: s)

Permission: General User/Super User

Command: set olp autoreturntime value

Example: set olp autoreturntime 2

Answer: Auto return time setting successfully.

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

2. Web Service
Function:Web Server provides Http operating interface,which allows customers to read the basic
parameters and warning information with Internet Explorer.
Web Browser default login name: admin Password: admin
Best Viewed using:
 Microsoft Internet Elplorer 7.0/8.0/9.0 or Firefox 14
 At least 1024*768 resolution

Figure 2.1
2.1 Device MONITOR

Input device IP address (example: in the address column of the Windows IE Browser.
The following window is displayed (Figure 2.2):
Click ‘Device Monitor’. All the device parameters have been showed in the figure 2.2
Click ‘Polling’ button to read the current parameter of device,

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Figure 2.2

2.2 Device Status

Click ‘Device Status’ to read the current parameter of the device such as IP address, MAC etc(see figure

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Figure 2.3

2.3 Device Configuration

Click ‘Device Configuration’. All the EDFA parameters have been showed in the figure 2.4

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Figure 2.4

2.4 Network Configuration

Click ‘Network Configuration’ to go to Server setting window, in which parameters like ip, subnet
address, Gateway address, etc can be set. Click ‘Submit, new parameters are sent to the server. (See
figure 2.5)

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Figure 2.5

2.5 User Management

Click ‘User Management’ to add user or delete user. (See figure 2.6)

Figure 2.6
2.6 SNMP Management
Click ‘SNMP Management’ to configure snmp parameters. (See figure 2.7)

Figure 2.7
2.7 Modify Password
Click ‘Modify Password’ to change current user’s password. (See figure 2.8)

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

Figure 2.8

3. SNMP Reference
3.1 SNMP Mib definition (Support SnmpV2 base on UDP Connection)
Default community (for read only: public, for read & write: admin)
OID Content Value
No. R/W Authority

System Information
1 Product Type ID R String

2 Hw Version R String

3 Sw Version R String
4 Manufacturing date R String

5 Calibration date R String

6 Reserved R String

7 Reserved R String

8 Power Supply Staus R Integer

9 Reserved R Integer

10 IP Address RW String

11 Netmask RW String
12 Gateway RW String

13 Reserved R String

14 Add a Trap IP RW String

15 Get Trap IP R String

16 Delete a Trap IP RW String

17 Reboot(A) RW Integer

18 Name of device RW String

19 Reserved R String

20 Reserved R String

21 Trap Enable RW Integer

22 Fan Working Status R Integer

23 Reserved R Integer
24 Reserved R Integer

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

EDFA Module Data Table

21 EDFA Module Table R

22 EDFA Module Information Item R

23 Inde1 of table R Integer

24 Inde1 of device R String

25 EDFA SN. R String
26 EDFA Case Temperature(℃) R Integer
27 EDFA Working Mode RW String
28 EDFA Input Power(dBm) R String
29 EDFA Input Power threshold(dBm) RW String
30 EDFA Output Power(dBm) R String
31 EDFA Output Power threshold(dBm) RW String EDFA Output Power threshold Setting
32 RW String
33 EDFA AGC Gain(dB) (B) RW String
34 Alarm Bit(C) R String
35 Resverd R String
36 Pump1 Current (mA) R String
37 Pump1 Power(mA) R String
38 Pump1 Temperature(℃) R String
39 Pump1 Itec(mA) R String
40 Pump2 Current (mA) R String
41 Pump2 Power(mA) R String
42 Pump2 Temperature(℃) R String
43 Pump2 Itec(mA) R String
44 Pump3 Current (mA) R String
45 Pump3 Power(mA) R String
46 Pump3 Temperature(℃) R String
47 Pump3 Itec(mA) R String
48 Pump4 Current (mA) R String
49 Pump4 Temperature(℃) R String
50 Pump5 Current (mA) R String
51 Pump5 Temperature(℃) R String
52 Reserved R String
53 Reserved R String
54 Reserved R String
55 Reserved R String
OLP Module Data Table
56 OLP Module Table Reserved Reserved
57 OLP Module Information Item Reserved Reserved

58 Inde1 of table Reserved Reserved

59 oswmoduleId Read Only String

60 OLP R1 Power(dBm) Read Only String

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

61 OLP R2 Power(dBm) Read Only String

62 OLP Output Power(dBm) Read Only String

OLP R1 Power Threshold(dBm)

63 Read & Write String
(Input Range:-70~20dBm)

OLP R2 Power Threshold(dBm)

64 Read & Write String
(Input Range:-70~20dBm)

OLP Output Power Threshold(dBm)

65 Read & Write String
(Input Range:-70~20dBm)
OLP R1 Switch Threshold(dBm)
66 Read & Write String
(Input Range:-70~20dBm)

OLP R2 Switch Threshold(dBm)

67 Read & Write String
(Input Range:-70~20dBm)

68 OLP Working Mode Read & Write Integer32

OLP Working Line
69 Read Only Integer32
(1: primary 2: spare)
70 OLP Auto Return Time(s) Read & Write Integer32
71 rfStatus Read Only Integer32
72 R1RfPower Read Only String
73 R1RfPower Read Only String

74 R1RfPowerThreshold Read & Write String

75 R1RfPowerThreshold Read & Write String
76 R1RfSwitchThreshold Read & Write String

77 R2RfSwitchThreshold Read & Write String

78 Resverd9 Read Only String

79 Resverd10 Read Only String

OID Defined for Trap

80 Event type of alarm (D) accessible-for-notify Integer

81 Cause of alarm (D) accessible-for-notify Integer

82 Source of alarm accessible-for-notify String

83 Perceived severity for an alarm (D) accessible-for-notify Integer

84 Value of Alarm accessible-for-notify String

Note :
A. 1: enable 0: disable

B. Gain value for Gain mode (dB)

C. Alarm Bytes = ALM1 *256 + ALM2


Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Description Power Comm Pump TEMP Stage2 Stage2 Stage1 Stage1

OutPut Pin OutPut Pin


Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Description PoutAlarm R2 Alarm R1 Alarm Fan

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

The alarm byte is given by modules and just for reference. Users will receive the alarm types and causes when

occurring by actively informing messages.

D. Event Type & Cause of alarm & Perceived severity

Event Type:
1 : communicationsAlarm
2 : environmentalAlarm
3 : equipmentAlarm

Perceived severity
0 : indeterminate
1 : critical
2 : major
3 : minor
4 : warning
5 : cleared

Cause of alarm
Cause of alarm Event Type Perceived severity

1: Stage 1 Pin Low alarm 3 1

2: Stage 1 Pin High alarm 3 1

3: Stage 1 Pout 3 1

4: Stage 2 Pin Lower alarm 3 1

5: Stage 2 Pin High alarm 3 1

6: Stage 2 Pout alarm 3 1

7: Temp Low (case temperature alarm) 2 3

8: Temp High (case temperature alarm) 2 3

9: Temp Pump Off (pump off alarm) 3 1

10:Pump alarm 3 1

11:Inner_com alarm 1 2

12:Power alarm 3 1

13:Fan alarm 3 1

14:OLP R1Power alarm 3 1

15: OLP R2Power alarm 3 1

16: OLP Output Power alarm 3 1

e. The command “EDFA Output Power threshold” is valid only in condition of APC mode, and the value should
be in the range between the value of “EDFA APC Power” and “EDFA APC Power -3dB”. Or, the value in setting is
For AGC mode, the “EDFA Output Power threshold” is automatically set by the formula, which equals “the
lowest input power+Gain-3dB”.

f. The products have been designed compatibility for one pump and two pumps modules. In this case, the edfa
module is in one pump design, so the data and command about “pump2” are always invalid and can be

g. In “APC mode”, the command “EDFA AGC Gain” is not supported. Meanwhile, in “AGC mode”, the
command “EDFA APC Power” is not supported.

Version: 1.1 Last updated: 2013-04-08

3.2 SNMP Trap Definition

Oid1 Oid2 Oid3 Oid4 Oid5

(Event Type) (cause of alarm) (Source of alarm) (severity for an alarm) (Current value of alarm)

. . . 26.4

Alarm Traps are sent according to following rules:

Normal->Alarm: Just send Alarm trap one time

Alarm->Normal: Just send Alarm cleared trap one time

Normal: Don't send Alarm trap


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